#feels weird to post this after all the horsegirl shit
equine-altar · 1 year
Just finished The Devil In Ohio and it gives me so many feelings. It's mostly the visual and auditory aesthetic. It's ritualistic and divine and a presentation of man-handled divinity. It's borderline feral, but in truth, it uses feral elements and puts them in the hands of human children and women in dresses and people who listen to music and sing and eat cooked meals. Very much the root form of "tech."
But it's more than that. The show itself marries the ritualistic element with grounded contemporary reality. There's medical imagery and cops and coercion. The main character is christened for a ritual while bound and the idea of consent is forced on her. It's obligatory. It's not consent. It's her life. It's not her body. She's programmed and conditioned into this situation that leaves a permanent reminder on her body. And when she's free, she's manipulative and isolating. She's weird because she can't help it. She's delusional because she can't understand our reality. She just can't. She knows more than everyone else. She understands everything. She knows nothing. She's me. She's not me.
I am all over this show.
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