#the devil in ohio
themaybird · 2 years
I was just thinking. We all know Mae gets large doses of victim blaming and gaslighting, but Suzanne gets a healthy dose of it too.
She's treated like a failing mother by her family, the narrative, and (some) viewers for... having interests outside the house? Because heaven forbid a married mother dedicates less than 110% of her time and energy to her husband and kids.
Not to mention, her work is objectively good (helping abused kids). Meanwhile, her husband basically gets a free pass for jeopardizing his family's financial future with a highly risky passion project.
And for a time until the finale, their manipulation succeeds and even Suzanne starts to believe she has to neglect Mae in order to be a good mother.
Idk man i think about this show a lot
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soooo I binged the Devil in Ohio and now I’m just mad
- make the origin story of an evil cult two persecuted fleeing from genocide Irish Jews? Check.
- that same group of Irish immigrants also somehow retained Gaeilge as their language despite not a single Irish American immigrant doing so? For added pagan feeling spooks? Check.
- the pronounciation of Diabhail. It’s just. Divil. Divilment, being a divil. That’s how you say it. Check I guess.
- the innocent wife of Seamus (Americans I’m begging you pick a different Irish name there are more than that one and ones that I actually hear when I walk around! You’ll hear Paddy more than Seamus I swear to you). being called MARY. Seamus means JOSEPH. This was a not so subtle hint that Mary and “Seamus” represent Catholicism. Meaning they only worshipped Yahweh so that you knew that Caleb, the Jewish named one, was Jewish. (I’m abandoning the check system leave me alone)
- they wanted Irish catholics as the persecuted innocents w/o having them have a made up blood association w/ the evil Jewish cult leader. The irish Jews didn’t wipe out Irish catholics in a manufactured famine!!! It was British Protestants!!!
- the poor abused cult escapee being reframed as a villain because she, lemme check real quick… risked her own life returning to a cult with the barest of hopes that someone care enough to come save her????
- Jules’ friend being mad he isn’t the centre of Jules’ attention
- Jules’ being mad that the girl who clearly adores her is… traumatised and being given affection by her peers for it
- the lesbian sister saying “she’s working mom” when all she did was, let’s remember, own up to releasing a photo of herself to help Jules
- the dad being a prick
- the PARENTS abandoning their TWELVE YEAR OLD and her nearly dying and them both agreeing it was Mae’s fault?????
- the hint that this is a supernatural show. And then being like SIKE
Am I supposed to turn on a teenage victim??? Am I meant to take the side of petty irritating people??? Like what??
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captainlavellan · 2 years
So… in terms of Suzanne neglecting her family, I think that her husband and kids have a right to feel upset by this. On the flip side though, the dad fucked around and ignored all of them too. He was trying to solve a financial crisis that he only ONCE mentioned to his wife. Like… babe. Some communication please??
So, while I think they have a right to be upset and feel neglected/upset they were put into a very dangerous situation… they DO KNOW Mae would have been burnt alive if Suzanne hadn’t gone to get her? That a 16 year old girl would have been actually lit on fire and died? Idk man. The show makes it seem like had Suzanne just left her to stay with the cult the family would have been happy and whole or whatever. But… how on earth can you live with yourself after that??
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tom-at-the-farm · 2 years
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Living for this reddit mycology post because like, yeah. My thoughts exactly. I, too, get weirdly defensive of fungus in media which is why I think I couldn't really get into Mexican Gothic
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zebublack · 2 years
Started “The Devil in Ohio” expecting uniform crap but found myself hooked by the exploitative Satanic Hillbilly vibes and binged the whole thing. Some thoughts in no particular order. ---The basic premise actualizes much of the “Satanic Panic” myth and feels about 30 years past its shelf date. The attempt to contextualize the cult historically doesn’t pay off, and comes across as a hamfisted attempt at folk horror. ---Whoever played Mae did a great job. Her acting as was definitely the centerpiece of the show. ---Watching most of the characters end up treating Mae like dirt, despite clearly being a victim with socialization problems, with no reconciliation at the end, felt both infuriating and contrived.  ---Who exactly was this show made for? Does it want to be a horror film? A serious cult survivor drama? A police procedural? A chronicle of a failing marriage? A high-school coming-of-age story? It tries to be all of these and succeeds at none of them. ---The “twist” at the end didn’t really feel like a twist, and doesn’t even have to be sinister if you think about Mae’s mentality as a cult survivor and why she might feel compelled to return to her abusers after facing hostility from her foster family. I would have really expected a more nuanced or delicate delivery from a story that devotes so much of its attention to psychiatry and cult survivor recovery. Only recommend if you too, enjoy being infuriated.
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equine-altar · 1 year
Just finished The Devil In Ohio and it gives me so many feelings. It's mostly the visual and auditory aesthetic. It's ritualistic and divine and a presentation of man-handled divinity. It's borderline feral, but in truth, it uses feral elements and puts them in the hands of human children and women in dresses and people who listen to music and sing and eat cooked meals. Very much the root form of "tech."
But it's more than that. The show itself marries the ritualistic element with grounded contemporary reality. There's medical imagery and cops and coercion. The main character is christened for a ritual while bound and the idea of consent is forced on her. It's obligatory. It's not consent. It's her life. It's not her body. She's programmed and conditioned into this situation that leaves a permanent reminder on her body. And when she's free, she's manipulative and isolating. She's weird because she can't help it. She's delusional because she can't understand our reality. She just can't. She knows more than everyone else. She understands everything. She knows nothing. She's me. She's not me.
I am all over this show.
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bigboobshaunt · 1 year
Finished The Devil In Ohio! I hate the dad so much it's unreal.
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wolfism · 1 year
I watched The Devil in Ohio on Netflix. Sadly, the experience was rather disappointing for me. I hoped it would go differently in its narrative. It has a lot going for it, the soundtrack is awesome, so are the visuals, but I found some of the choices they made poor.
I can't really confidently comment on the portrayal of the cult, but it felt half-assed and underwhelming to me. I've definitely seen better in films and series.
It actually reminded me of Ghost Wars in its flaws. The actions and reactions of the characters weren't always plausible or organic to me (like that dude from that center who pulls a weird face when Mae says her thanks? What was that about? Or Isaac for that matter, even before Mae and Jules were friends for a hot second. Like they just had an instant dislike for her when Mae hadn't to our knowledge behaved strangely to them).
I can definitely can get behind Suzanne's and Mae's characterization (Alex too, really, but he was in the end just a good cop without much else going for him), but not so much for the rest of the cast.
I can understand some of the concerns the characters have in regards to Mae, especially when we find out what the cult is capable of and that they approached Suzanne and her family for fostering Mae. It was not a good call of Suzanne to bring Mae into their home the way she did. Sure, Mae didn't let the hostility scare her, but she clearly is a very traumatized girl who probably needs a whole lot of therapy which I think Suzanne couldn't provide entirely.
It triggered her own trauma which she hadn't addressed apparently very well herself. Mae and her were imprinting on each other a lot. I also do see that Mae behaved sometimes manipulative or dangerously, I feel like the narrative wants to frame it like she is actually a bad guy, especially considering the end? But I feel like it's due to the way she grew up in that cult and her deep desire to stay with the family or at least Suzanne. And that's kind of fucked up and to be honest, while I think the way they portrayed it was poor, I understand the dad's decision that his children shouldn't be around their mom or Mae for now (he flips a little when it comes to pointing fingers, in the end saying it was his fault too because he didn't reign Suzanne in better or whatever and was definitely blaming a teenager at one point). Don't get me wrong, I hated how they handled that conflict within the family. But while the kids were douchebags (well, Jules and Helen were, Dani was initially friendly, but then grew cautious) to Mae, I can buy into teenagers having a hard time dealing with a very traumatized person and it's fine if the dad decides he would rather have his kids not around that. They surely told him off-screen what they had experienced. The fact that Mae's brother approached Jules was definitely a big fucking thing (who later on looked forward to killing Suzanne). I just think it sucks that in their eyes Mae was responsible for it all and I also don't think the kids were ever in serious danger in Mae's presence (though again, her life experience led her to do questionable things and I think it's fair to say that she did some of them selfishly, but the narrative should have discussed that better, especially considering the ending. Also did I miss the part where Suzanne made sure Mae was going to therapy??) But, it was dangerous for them in association. I hated how they framed the victim Mae here. Same in some ways with Suzanne. The fact that her family was commenting on the whole situation, along the lines of, 'hopefully mom gets her shit together.' Was Suzanne going overboard with a dangerous cult and acted recklessly at times? For sure. But it isn't like Mom just doing something silly and annoying. Like??? Should have phrased that way differently. Besides, the fucking cult is to blame here for being that way and not Mae and Suzanne (who initially didn't know the extent and just wanted to help a young person in a hard situation). I'm definitely torn on this.
I just think the execution was bad. Some of the conflicts felt far-fetched and half-cooked. I don't mind an open, bittersweet or unhappy ending at all, but this one felt weird.
And what is the final message of the series? Like many Netflix productions, funnily enough, I feel like this show didn't know exactly what it wanted to be?
I don't think I liked it.
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The Devil in Ohio
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Listening to the soundtrack for The Devil in Ohio. This shit is 🔥.
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mikelogan · 7 months
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DEVIL IN OHIO (2022) created by Daria Polatin
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themaybird · 2 years
"The Devil in Ohio" or as I like to call it "Victim Blaming: The Series"
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the-nation-of-today · 3 months
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On and up but the remedy pulls me back Wish to God that the enemy won't attack ↳ requested by @motley-cunt
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hollywocd · 9 months
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alisha newton like/reblog 🌟
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froggishgremlin · 2 years
Cryptidcore Starterpack: The Guide
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Notes: I'm gonna be leaning into Cryptozoology with this one, just a heads up :)
Enjoy part two!
I cannot stress this enough, GO OUTSIDE. How are you gonna track cryptids if you don't actively look for them?
Get a binder so you can add pages to your research journal
KEEP TRACK OF LOCAL EVENTS. Cryptid sightings, paranormal sightings, local mysteries, ect.
Find a hagstone near a body of water, it's a stone with a natural hole through it. In Celtic folklore, when you look though the hagstone(also known as a witchstone), you can see fae folk and other worldly entities. (I did not write all the info here, please do research for yourself if you'd like to)
Explore abandoned places and look for clues. Also in forests, but be safe about it.
Also- just going on a flat roof and making blanket forts with the FLUFFIEST blankets with a lantern is just- 🤌🤌
Finds some books on this, "The United States of Cryptids- J.W. Ocker", "Cryptozoology A to Z- Loren Coleman" and "Cursed Objects- J.W. Ocker" are some good ones
Maybe find some friends who are into Cryptidcore too
But remember,
Most weird shit happens in Ohio
Update: Please check out my most recent post it's very important
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