#felinette november purrito
mistydacat · 4 years
Felinette November Day 1 || Purrito
Aaah, I’m sorry for posting this late >~<
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Felinette November 2020 Masterlist
mistydacat Masterlists
This isn't mentioned but I'll give a quick backstory for this to make sense.
Marinette moved to an art school, but steal sees her old friends. At her new school, she befriends Allan, Claude, Allegra, and Felix. Marinette is still Ladybug, Adrien is still Chat Noir.
Established Relationship between Felix and Marinette.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Marinette counted the stuffies that lay on the ground.
Twenty-six stuffed animals that she had handmade.
For Manon.
The young girl had come over about a week ago. They had played with the Ladybug and Cat Noir stuffies, as per usual. This time, though, Marinette thought it was getting boring for Manon to play with the same stuffies every time, so she decided it was time to make a few new stuffies.
And so, here she was, a week later. She may have gone just a tad overboard.
Okay, maybe just a little more than a tad overboard. Manon wouldn't play with all of them. Maybe five, max.
She could give Manon a few to take home and keep some in her room for when she comes over, but that would still leave a lot.
Oh! I should give some to my friends as a gift! Marinette thought, getting excited. She was meeting up with Adrien, Nino, and Alya that weekend, and she would see Claude, Allegra, Allan and Felix when she went to school.
She observed the stuffies. Which ones should she give? She had a ladybug doll (the insect, not her superhero persona), perfect for Alya. She had a dog and a cat wearing headphones. Allan would love the dog, and Nino would take the cat. An owl for Allegra. A monkey for Claude. She had a smiling sun, which she would give to Adrien.
That left twenty options for Felix. 
Marinette's eyes landed on the most recent one she'd made.
A black cat peeking out of a burrito.
Felix had always complained about his bad luck, even after getting rid of his cursed ring. The black cat was perfect.
Or... purrfect.
...Perhaps she had been spending too much time with Cat Noir. His puns were starting to rub off on her.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
The next day, Marinette went to school with the stuffies in her bag. The first few classes went by pretty smoothly, as usual. No akumas, either.
By the time lunch rolled around, Marinette was hyped to give her friends their gifts, but, to her surprise, Felix wasn't there.
Marinette unlocked her phone and, finding three missed messages, opened up their group chat. 
Grumpy: I have a pretty bad cold.
Grumpy: I don't think I can make it to school today.
Grumpy: Also, why the hell is this still my nickname.
Marinette pouted. "He's sick." She informed the group.
Allan frowned. "That sucks. Do you think we could drop by after school and visit him?"
"Let's ask." Marinette responded.
Nettie: Can we come over later and keep you company for a while?
There was no response for a few minutes before the three dots finally appeared at the bottom left, signifying that he was typing.
Grumpy: I'd prefer it if you didn't. I don't want to get you all sick.
Nettie: Okay! But we're seeing you the second you feel better <333
Grumpy: Thank you.
"Felix said no. He doesn't want to make us sick." Marinette explained. "Oh, and I have things for you guys!" Marinette opened her bag and started taking out the stuffies.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
(Definitely not skipping a bunch of stuff because just getting up to this point has taken me a ridiculously long amount of time, and I very much do not want to spend a million years on that scene. No way!)
A few days later, while Marinette was working on a sewing commission, she received a notification from her phone. She checked, realizing it was a private message from Felix.
Felix ❤: Hey, I am feeling a lot better. Would you like to meet up somewhere today?
Marinette: Of course! Where do you wanna go?
Felix ❤: How about that cafe near the park?
Marinette: Okay! See you in an hour?
Felix ❤: Okay.
Today was a warm day, so Marinette put on a pink t-shirt and some jeans. She almost left without the stuffy she had made for Felix but managed to remember it right before she left the bakery. This was the perfect opportunity to give it to him.
"Do you think he'll like it?" Marinette asked Tikki.
"You made it! Of course, he'll like it!” Her kwami assured her.
Marinette arrived at the cafe on time for once. Maybe it was because she was excited. Despite her rare punctuality, Felix still came before her.
Felix was sitting at a two-person table next to the window. The blond was dressed in his usual attire: a dress shirt with a vest and dress pants.
 "Felix!"  Marinette greeted him once she reached the table, pulling him into a hug once he got up. 
Felix smiled warmly, accepting her embrace.
Marinette gave Felix a quick kiss before sitting down, causing Felix to blush. He still wasn't quite used to physical affection. He sat down as well.
"You seem to be in a good mood." He commented. Watching Marinette's cheery expression warmed his heart.
"I have something for you." She told him, reaching into her purse to take out the stuffy.
Marinette placed it on the table, watching as Felix examined the small object.
"Is that... a cat inside of a... burrito?" He asked incredulously.
"A Purrito." Marinette corrected, giggling a little.
"A what?"
Marinette burst into a fit of laughter. "Purrito." She said again.
Felix pinched the bridge of his nose. "Nettie. This is ridiculous." He said, using the nickname her newer group of friends had assigned her.
"You called me Nettie! You like it!" She accused.
"I do not!" He retorted though the look on his face suggested otherwise.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
About two weeks later, Marinette video called Felix after school. He had answered the call from his desk in his room. In the background, Marinette could see his bed and nightstand. And, more importantly, what was on the nightstand.
"Is that my Purrito?" She asked him.
Felix turned around, his eyes catching the little black cat on his nightstand. His face turned red.
"Uh." He said dumbly, searching his brain for an excuse.
"I knew it! You liked it! You sleep with it next to your bed? Felix, that's adorable."
Felix's cheeks burned a deeper shade of red.
"Admit it, Felix. Please?"
"Alright. Fine. I liked the Purrito thing and was too embarrassed to admit it."
Needless to say, that confession brought a lot of Purrito-themed gifts with it. Larger stuffies, shirts, sweaters, sweatpants. Felix was beginning to think that he would need a second closet solely for all the Purrito clothes he had received. (which he only ever wore to sleep or to sleepovers with Marinette)
Marinette teased him about it relentlessly, which he didn't mind at first, until Claude, Allan, and Allegra joined in on it too.
It wasn't long until his name on the group chat was changed to 'PurritoLover107'. 
Felix almost choked when Marinette called him "My Little Purrito."
Eventually, the Purrito jokes died down, along with Marinette's horrendous nickname.
But he still went to sleep in the clothes she has given him, and the little Purrito still sat on his nightstand, watching over him.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
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emzurl · 4 years
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Felinette Month
✨ Day 1 - Purrito
So surprise, surprise, I’m taking part in Felinette Month this year! Each day has a prompt, courtesy of @felinettenovember, so I will be uploading a new image each day for all of November :D
I already have almost half of the month posted over on Patreon, and at the end I’ll release a Patreon exclusive wallpaper pack with some of my favorite ones!
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musicfren · 4 years
Without Incident
@nottesilhouette is wonderful and also wrote at least 2 very good things in this document. Happy @felinettenovember y’all!
“Felix, you have to eat something!”
Felix hissed and writhed in his blanket with such violence that he nearly toppled his stool over. Marinette rushed over to steady his chair, but he was already on the floor, squirming in the blanket that encased him from head to toe.
“Dun… wanna… FOOD!”
With a sigh born of carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, Marinette stooped down to pick up the Felix burrito. The Felix burrito was not pleased with this turn of events.
“No! No no no food!”
Marinette plopped him back in his chair with a thump that was admittedly a little harder than necessary, and returned to fussing about the kitchen.
“Felix, I got this cereal just for you! It’s your favorite! Enough sugar to keep an entire litter of cats doing cartwheels for a week!”
Felix stared glumly down at the bowl before him. There were still puddles of milk from the last time his thrashing had upturned the bowl.
“Do I gotta? Really really gotta?”
Marinette let out another sigh, heavy enough to crush a car, and sat herself on the table in front of him.
“Right now you’re grumpy. You gotta eat so you can feel better,” she explained with the bearing of a kindergarten teacher who’s explained handwashing one too many times. 
This set off another chain of writhing that very nearly upended the entire table. Marinette grabbed Felix by the blanket and pulled so she was eye to eye with him. The writhing stilled a little as he looked up at her. His mouth hung open a little as he tried to avoid her gaze.
“Please?” She said, and gave him a small hopeful smile and wide puppy-dog eyes that could shatter worlds-- or his, at least.
The only sound out of Felix’s mouth was a quiet burbling but after a few seconds he managed to wordlessly nod. Marinette gave him a small scritch on the top of his head.
“Good kitty!”
Needless to say, the milk puddles were quickly cleaned up without incident afterwards. 
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shewhorises-tjyj · 4 years
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Person A got Person B Akumatized when person B was trick or treating. Saying that Person B’s costume was bad and that Person B was too old to be trick or treating. So now, Person B can turn people younger and give them bad costumes. Um.. Marinette got zapped and since Felix was near her both of them became younger? with Marinette getting a costume change since she was the original person who got zapped. @felinettenovember.
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Felinette November Day 1:
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It’s almost midnight and so I’m not gonna finish the colors today, but tomorrow’s prompt is gonna give this some context. A vicious akuma has transformed poor lil' Felix into *le gasp* a cat boy! And since he absolutely can’t be seen like that in public he seeks shelter at Marinette's, who eventually manages to calm him down enough in order to sneak away to transform.
And so what if he’s cute when he's sleeping?! She's got a job to do!
...five more minutes maybe.
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felinettenovember · 4 years
Felinette November Prompts 2020
Sorry for the delay, y’all: Felinette Month prompts for this November 2020 are decided at last, and we’ll be releasing the list before the calendar so that creators have maximal amount of time to prepare. 
Instead of Weekly Themes like we did for Felix Month 2020, we have Weekend Pairs. You’ll notice that every weekend has a set of two prompts that are linked, which we thought would be fun and cute and easy to write for. 
If you decide not to link them, that’s valid too! No matter what you choose to do, we look forward to your contribution. 
At last, the prompts!! 
Sunday, November 1: Purrito Monday, November 2: Call Out Tuesday, November 3: Teashop Wednesday, November 4: Love Stinks Thursday, November 5: Shenanigans Friday, November 6: Detective
Saturday, November 7: Secret Admirer Sunday, November 8: Blind Date Monday, November 9: Date Night Lessons Tuesday, November 10: Mysterious Melody Wednesday, November 11: Ballroom Dances Thursday, November 12: Reunion Friday, November 13: Haunted House Hunting
Saturday, November 14: Shakespeare Sunday, November 15: Battle of Wits Monday, November 16: Pretentious Tuesday, November 17: Disguise Wednesday, November 18: Heist Thursday, November 19: Fallen Angel Friday, November 20: Beach Day
Saturday, November 21: Flower Languages Sunday, November 22: Tattoo Artist Monday, November 23: Curses and Swears Tuesday, November 24: Huntress Wednesday, November 25: Dreamers Thursday, November 26: Playground Friday, November 27: In Between
Saturday, November 28: Lost Sunday, November 29: Found Monday, November 30: Coming Home
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thegreysman · 4 years
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Felinette November Day 1:  Purrito
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harugakou · 4 years
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Felinette November Day 1: Purrito
I’m really late to the party, and wasn’t sure if I’d participate, but I just wanted to doodle hair-down, bedhead Felix. 
Marinette will pry this grumpy cat from the comforts of his “purrito” later though (sorry Felix)
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chelleaslin · 4 years
Felinette November Day 1- Purrito
Read on Ao3-
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mistydacat · 4 years
Felinette November 2020 Masterlist
Day 1 || Purrito
More coming soon
Read it on AO3
mistydacat Masterlist
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