#Day 1: Purrito
raahinash · 1 year
Ship Meme Raahi + G'raha
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A friend sent me this and told me to try it with Raahi and G'raha, so let's give it a try.
1. Who hogs the duvet?
I think this one goes to Raahi, partly because I get the feeling that G'raha wouldn't try to get it back, and would hold on to Raahi purrito for warmth.
2. Who texts/rings to check how their day is going?
Both of them, once they have been away for a couple of days, I imagine them calling each other several times during the day, saying good morning to each other, seeing that the other has eaten and then falling asleep at night while talking about their day.
3. Who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts?
I think this one is a draw, Raahi would take G'raha on an adventure as a gift, taking him to visit places he has mentioned and he has taken note of. G'raha for his part I feel would manage to find books that are related to whatever Raahi was researching at the time to help him.
4. Who gets up first in the morning?
Relative, is it considered getting up early if you haven't gone to bed? In this case Raahi, if he has gone to sleep, G'raha no doubt, Raahi tends to become engrossed and lose track of time and then sleep for many hours at a time.
5. Who suggests new things?
Completely arbitrary, some days Raahi reads about something and suggests to G'raha to try it, others it is G'raha who is curious about something and convincing Raahi is not complicated.
6. Who cries at movies?
Both? I imagine them watching a sad movie and snuggling more and more against each other as the scenes go by and at some point they are both crying silently without looking away.
7. Who gives unprompted massages?
G'raha, I can easily see him arriving at Raahi's office seeing him engrossed in some book without noticing his presence, G'raha looks over his shoulder at the book and seeing that he is still oblivious he puts his hands on his shoulders, giving him a little scare and proceeding to give him a massage.
8. Who fusses over the other when they’re sick?
Raahi, I have no doubt, is afraid of his loved ones getting sick, so it's easy to see G'raha trying to say it's just a cold and Raahi going quite overboard, G'raha mentioning that he's thirsty? Raahi is already running to the kitchen, is he sleepy? Raahi fluffs his pillow and watches over his sleep.
9. Who gets jealous easiest?
I hardly see them being jealous, if I had to put my hand on the fire, I would say G'raha because of how in demand Raahi is among the other Scions, his family, the guild and his research.
10. Who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
I wouldn't know how to answer this one honestly.
11. Who collects something unusual?
I would say G'raha, I imagine them visiting places where Raahi (in this AU the WoL) has had some important moment and G'raha, as he tells the story, looks for some memento of the place, however rare it may be.
12. Who takes the longest to get ready?
Raahi, while not high maintenance, grooming his hair and brushing his tail are mandatory, although I feel that with G'raha some of the work would be shortened because he would help him, although Raahi would probably offer to return the favour so they would go out at about the same time.
13. Who is the most tidy and organised?
Neither, Raahi tries to keep order, key word, tries, but when he gets on with something, chaos ensues, as for G'raha? Looks at The Umbilicus Nothing to add your honour.
14. Who gets most excited about the holidays?
I think both, G'raha for celebrating them again after his stay at The First (I doubt they have the same celebrations with the same customs and on the same dates) and Raahi for seeing his brothers excited and the memories he has attached to them.
15. Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
They alternate, Raahi is taller but I think he tends to be more often the small spoon, other days G'raha wants to be held and Raahi is more than happy to provide.
16. Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?
I think in games the two have a healthy rivalry, although it ends up drifting more into silly moments, both trying to interrupt the other, either by wiggling the other's controller with a foot or tickling each other, both end up putting down the controllers and just cuddling.
17. Who starts the most arguments?
Arguments are infrequent between them, as the fact that they both have bad sleeping habits prevents them from arguing about it, although from time to time they do have an occasional argument telling the other that they should sleep more or take a break, which usually ends with a "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".
18. Who suggests that they get a pet?
Raahi has pets, so I wouldn't be surprised if he suggested adopting more.
19. What kind of tv shows they watch together?
I don't think they would have too strong a preference, but the occasional documentary commenting on each other and series of mysteries trying to solve it together as it goes by have quite a few points.
20. What other couple they hang out with?
Thancred and Urianger, I imagine the miqo'tes and elezen discussing magicks while Thancred watches and nods as he drinks "Look how happy they are".
21. Who made the first move?
Y'shtola and Alisaie, they were tired of seeing them being so dense, so they made a couple of comments (Y'shtola) and threatened (Alisaie) to G'raha to tell Raahi about his feelings.
22. Who brings flowers home?
Both, I think both would look for flowers that either have a special meaning, or that they know are each other's favourites, giving them without needing a reason, just wanting to see the other smile.
23. Who is the best cook?
I think they are both quite competent, but Raahi between cooking for his siblings from a young age and helping his mother, has a thousand and one recipes up his sleeve and tries to keep adding to the catalogue so I give this point to him.
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A list of headcanons of my OC's. It is done in parts when Im inspired
Bayverse headcannons of OC's:
Part 1.
Luna has this habit of falling asleep on Raphs shoulder.
It always happens when shes looking what hes doing, when its just a T.V show.
Luna always gets turned into a purrito when stressed, hes still got the touch.
Luna always tries to avoid been found out if she hurt herself, even if its just a tiny cut from washing dishes.
When Luna has a nightmare, she tends to curl up in a ball.
He forces her to uncurl and then cuddles her while rubbing her back to comfort her.
Luna always asks Raph if he can carry her on his shoulders.
Raph always worries about Luna every second of the day until she is in his sights.
Raph knows shes insecure about her height in particular.
He always tells her that he looks the part of the bodyguard/boyfriend now.
When Raph is insecure about himself Luna always helps him see the good about himself.
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shewhorises-tjyj · 4 years
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Person A got Person B Akumatized when person B was trick or treating. Saying that Person B’s costume was bad and that Person B was too old to be trick or treating. So now, Person B can turn people younger and give them bad costumes. Um.. Marinette got zapped and since Felix was near her both of them became younger? with Marinette getting a costume change since she was the original person who got zapped. @felinettenovember.
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mistydacat · 4 years
Felinette November Day 1 || Purrito
Aaah, I’m sorry for posting this late >~<
Read it on AO3
Felinette November 2020 Masterlist
mistydacat Masterlists
This isn't mentioned but I'll give a quick backstory for this to make sense.
Marinette moved to an art school, but steal sees her old friends. At her new school, she befriends Allan, Claude, Allegra, and Felix. Marinette is still Ladybug, Adrien is still Chat Noir.
Established Relationship between Felix and Marinette.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Marinette counted the stuffies that lay on the ground.
Twenty-six stuffed animals that she had handmade.
For Manon.
The young girl had come over about a week ago. They had played with the Ladybug and Cat Noir stuffies, as per usual. This time, though, Marinette thought it was getting boring for Manon to play with the same stuffies every time, so she decided it was time to make a few new stuffies.
And so, here she was, a week later. She may have gone just a tad overboard.
Okay, maybe just a little more than a tad overboard. Manon wouldn't play with all of them. Maybe five, max.
She could give Manon a few to take home and keep some in her room for when she comes over, but that would still leave a lot.
Oh! I should give some to my friends as a gift! Marinette thought, getting excited. She was meeting up with Adrien, Nino, and Alya that weekend, and she would see Claude, Allegra, Allan and Felix when she went to school.
She observed the stuffies. Which ones should she give? She had a ladybug doll (the insect, not her superhero persona), perfect for Alya. She had a dog and a cat wearing headphones. Allan would love the dog, and Nino would take the cat. An owl for Allegra. A monkey for Claude. She had a smiling sun, which she would give to Adrien.
That left twenty options for Felix. 
Marinette's eyes landed on the most recent one she'd made.
A black cat peeking out of a burrito.
Felix had always complained about his bad luck, even after getting rid of his cursed ring. The black cat was perfect.
Or... purrfect.
...Perhaps she had been spending too much time with Cat Noir. His puns were starting to rub off on her.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
The next day, Marinette went to school with the stuffies in her bag. The first few classes went by pretty smoothly, as usual. No akumas, either.
By the time lunch rolled around, Marinette was hyped to give her friends their gifts, but, to her surprise, Felix wasn't there.
Marinette unlocked her phone and, finding three missed messages, opened up their group chat. 
Grumpy: I have a pretty bad cold.
Grumpy: I don't think I can make it to school today.
Grumpy: Also, why the hell is this still my nickname.
Marinette pouted. "He's sick." She informed the group.
Allan frowned. "That sucks. Do you think we could drop by after school and visit him?"
"Let's ask." Marinette responded.
Nettie: Can we come over later and keep you company for a while?
There was no response for a few minutes before the three dots finally appeared at the bottom left, signifying that he was typing.
Grumpy: I'd prefer it if you didn't. I don't want to get you all sick.
Nettie: Okay! But we're seeing you the second you feel better <333
Grumpy: Thank you.
"Felix said no. He doesn't want to make us sick." Marinette explained. "Oh, and I have things for you guys!" Marinette opened her bag and started taking out the stuffies.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
(Definitely not skipping a bunch of stuff because just getting up to this point has taken me a ridiculously long amount of time, and I very much do not want to spend a million years on that scene. No way!)
A few days later, while Marinette was working on a sewing commission, she received a notification from her phone. She checked, realizing it was a private message from Felix.
Felix ❤: Hey, I am feeling a lot better. Would you like to meet up somewhere today?
Marinette: Of course! Where do you wanna go?
Felix ❤: How about that cafe near the park?
Marinette: Okay! See you in an hour?
Felix ❤: Okay.
Today was a warm day, so Marinette put on a pink t-shirt and some jeans. She almost left without the stuffy she had made for Felix but managed to remember it right before she left the bakery. This was the perfect opportunity to give it to him.
"Do you think he'll like it?" Marinette asked Tikki.
"You made it! Of course, he'll like it!” Her kwami assured her.
Marinette arrived at the cafe on time for once. Maybe it was because she was excited. Despite her rare punctuality, Felix still came before her.
Felix was sitting at a two-person table next to the window. The blond was dressed in his usual attire: a dress shirt with a vest and dress pants.
 "Felix!"  Marinette greeted him once she reached the table, pulling him into a hug once he got up. 
Felix smiled warmly, accepting her embrace.
Marinette gave Felix a quick kiss before sitting down, causing Felix to blush. He still wasn't quite used to physical affection. He sat down as well.
"You seem to be in a good mood." He commented. Watching Marinette's cheery expression warmed his heart.
"I have something for you." She told him, reaching into her purse to take out the stuffy.
Marinette placed it on the table, watching as Felix examined the small object.
"Is that... a cat inside of a... burrito?" He asked incredulously.
"A Purrito." Marinette corrected, giggling a little.
"A what?"
Marinette burst into a fit of laughter. "Purrito." She said again.
Felix pinched the bridge of his nose. "Nettie. This is ridiculous." He said, using the nickname her newer group of friends had assigned her.
"You called me Nettie! You like it!" She accused.
"I do not!" He retorted though the look on his face suggested otherwise.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
About two weeks later, Marinette video called Felix after school. He had answered the call from his desk in his room. In the background, Marinette could see his bed and nightstand. And, more importantly, what was on the nightstand.
"Is that my Purrito?" She asked him.
Felix turned around, his eyes catching the little black cat on his nightstand. His face turned red.
"Uh." He said dumbly, searching his brain for an excuse.
"I knew it! You liked it! You sleep with it next to your bed? Felix, that's adorable."
Felix's cheeks burned a deeper shade of red.
"Admit it, Felix. Please?"
"Alright. Fine. I liked the Purrito thing and was too embarrassed to admit it."
Needless to say, that confession brought a lot of Purrito-themed gifts with it. Larger stuffies, shirts, sweaters, sweatpants. Felix was beginning to think that he would need a second closet solely for all the Purrito clothes he had received. (which he only ever wore to sleep or to sleepovers with Marinette)
Marinette teased him about it relentlessly, which he didn't mind at first, until Claude, Allan, and Allegra joined in on it too.
It wasn't long until his name on the group chat was changed to 'PurritoLover107'. 
Felix almost choked when Marinette called him "My Little Purrito."
Eventually, the Purrito jokes died down, along with Marinette's horrendous nickname.
But he still went to sleep in the clothes she has given him, and the little Purrito still sat on his nightstand, watching over him.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
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emzurl · 4 years
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Felinette Month
✨ Day 1 - Purrito
So surprise, surprise, I’m taking part in Felinette Month this year! Each day has a prompt, courtesy of @felinettenovember, so I will be uploading a new image each day for all of November :D
I already have almost half of the month posted over on Patreon, and at the end I’ll release a Patreon exclusive wallpaper pack with some of my favorite ones!
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phoenix-downer · 2 years
Cat Rescue Chapter 3: Kageko
Sora/Kairi. Post-canon. Romance, fluff, kitten shenanigans, and nursing said kitten back to health. ~1015 words. For @angel-with-a-pipette.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
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Sunlight poured through the windows. Spring had come again, and a day of rain yesterday meant a morning of glorious sun today. Sora and Kairi would have to enjoy the nice weather while it lasted, but first things first: Kageko’s scrapbook project. 
Kairi had won in the end with wanting to name their kitty after his Heartless form, though they’d settled on a much cuter name than “Heartless” or “Darkness.” She was Kageko, or “Shadow Child,” and Sora thought the name suited her well. She loved to play and pounce and lurk and linger, just like their own cute little shadow, and he couldn’t imagine life without her. Purrito of course was still her nickname for special occasions. 
It had been one year since Sora had found her in that box in the alley, so now it was time to commemorate her first birthday. He grinned as he went through the stack of photos on the kitchen table. There was the one of Kairi feeding a baby Kageko, who had her little paw on Kairi’s hand as she drank from the bottle. Milk dribbled down her tiny chin and down Kairi’s arm, but thankfully the sleeves of Kairi’s purple and pink sweatshirt were rolled up, and her bangs were pinned out of the way. The ingredients and tools used to make Kageko’s food were scattered all around, and Sora remembered taking this picture fondly. 
It was amazing how much Kageko had grown since then. From being a tiny little ball of fur he could easily hold in one hand to the grownup kitty she was now. 
“Here, use this one,” he said, handing Kairi the photo. She carefully placed it in her scrapbook as Kageko purred on her lap, the kitty’s yellow eyes blinking shut. She liked to just hang out with them like this after her breakfast, which was a relief given how much havoc she could wreck if she wanted to jump on top of the table and send Kairi’s scrapbook supplies flying. Wouldn’t be the first time something like that had happened. 
He kept going through the photos until he stumbled on one of Kageko fast asleep on the couch. She was bigger and older than in the photo of Kairi feeding her, and her cute whiskers stuck out every which way and her little cat face was smooshed against the cushion. Sora smiled and handed this photo to Kairi too. Kageko was too cute when she was asleep, and the pink toe beans on her paws were adorable. 
Kairi must’ve snapped this next picture of Kageko playing with one of her toys: a jingly orange and lime green ball with a bright red feather attached. The feather was proudly grasped between her teeth and the ball gripped in her paws, and she looked up at the camera from upside down and was sprawled out on her back. Her big yellow eyes looked inquisitively at the camera—she was no longer the tiny kitten with blue eyes she’d been when they’d first found her.
“I swear this cat’s a model or something, she knows exactly how to pose,” Sora said as he handed the photo to Kairi and paused to give Kageko head scritches. “She’s way more photogenic than me, that’s for sure.” 
“You sure about that?” Kairi teased, then pulled out a photo from the stack to show him. He was napping on the couch, snoring with his mouth wide open and a slightly disgruntled expression on his face. Of course he was drooling too. Kageko was curled up on top of him with her butt in his face and her tail draped over his head. Not the first time she’d pulled this stunt and certainly wouldn’t be the last, either. Her pink collar was around her neck with the tiny crown charm that matched his necklace, an addition Kairi had added herself. And on the left side of the photo was Kairi, a huge grin on her face and her finger in front of her lips as she snuck the stealth selfie. 
“Wait, when did you take this?” he asked. Her hair was pulled into a cute low braid, and he was trying to remember when she’d last worn it like that. Uh, maybe last week sometime? Yeah, that sounded about right—
“Not telling~” she said in a singsong voice, then burst into giggles as he raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, I had to, you just had the funniest look on your face and Kageko was too cute and loves her dad very much.” She pointed at Kageko in the photo. “Look at her, she even has her mouth open and is drooling like you. Like father, like daughter.”
Sora shook his head and grinned. “Yeah, I guess she does take after me. Lazy bum of a cat,” he said and rubbed her head as she purred louder. “Little Purrito, though you’re not so little anymore, are you?” 
She meowed amiably. Some cats didn’t meow that often, but Kageko was very talkative. That hadn’t changed since her tiny kitten days.
“Sooo, this photo’s going in the scrapbook, you know that, right?” Kairi said, a smirk on her face as she snatched the photo and turned to a new page. 
“Yeah, fine, but so is that one where she’s still tiny and clinging to you.” 
Kairi carefully applied glue to the photo of Kageko asleep on top of him. “Deal, though I do think I’m getting the better end of the bargain.” 
Sora shook his head. “Nah, I think I am.” He held the photo in question and smiled softly. The adorableness of Kageko, the beautiful, candid smile on Kairi’s face as he snapped the picture… the way she was looking right at him as she cared for this once tiny, helpless kitten… he could melt into a puddle every time he looked at this photo. Especially imaging what the future might have in store for them.
Every day he was grateful he got to spend the rest of his life with her, and Kageko was such a wonderful addition to their little family.
A/N: For my dear friend @angel-with-a-pipette​ in honor of her birthday a couple days ago! A big thank you to @scoobysnack1107 for looking over the story and providing feedback also!
Also, thank you to the websites Alley Cat and Kitten Rescue for the resources on caring for a young kitten as well as how long it takes a cat to hit certain developmental milestones.
And to everyone else, as always, thank you for reading! This story is based on a fun headcanon Alja and I have had for a long time now about Sora and Kairi adopting a stray kitten (or should I say, the stray kitten adopting them lol). I hope you liked it! 
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dandelionflower · 4 years
Felinette Month Day 1
“Oh,” Marinette gasped, “oh, Felix. Look at her....”
In her arms, cradled safely in a hand knit blanket was his daughter. Felicity. She was so tiny. Tiny, with a tiny nose and tiny eyes and tiny hands.
She was sleeping at the moment, her eyes shut and mouth just slightly open, but she nestled closer to the sound of Marinette’s voice.
“She’s perfect.” He marveled, reaching out a hand to stroke the infants forehead. “I thought they said that couldn’t happen.”
Marinette hummed and turned her head into her neck, eyes fluttering shut. “If there’s an akuma attack, deal with it fast, ‘Kay?”
Felix glanced out the window and stared at the deep Parisian night.
He and Marinette had been through so much together; every step forward was accompanied with more steps back.
They were best friends in middle school, Felix with a huge crush on Marinette, but they disconnected when they went to different high schools.
Felix made new friends and forgot about Marinette, if only mildly.
They met again in college; they were both fashion majors. They quickly became friends once more and it only took a little while for Felix to remember how much he had loved her.
She asked him on a date which, after a minute of confused spluttering, he accepted. They were in a relationship all through college and hoped to start a small boutique together.
They had rented out the building and as Marinette opened the door she was awed by the rose petals scattering the floor. Felix clicked a discreet button, and a banner dropped.
Marry me?
Marinette laughed and turned to tell Felix that they walked in on someone’s proposal, but the words died in her mouth when she saw Felix down on one knee.
They stayed like that for a few minutes; Marinette standing with a hand clamped over her mouth and Felix kneeling with a ring held out to her. Neither spoke until Felix couldn’t take it anymore.
“Of course, dummy.” And she lunged into an enormous hug.
From there, there was the wedding, a simple, classy affair, and a year later, they were here, looking down at the slumbering face of their newborn daughter.
Marinette had fallen asleep, so Felix took the opportunity to lift Felicity from her arms, humming a little tune as he rocked her.
The hum turned into a purr as he too felt his eyes droop and began leaning into his wife for support.
He was happy. He could only hope she would be too.
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Felinette November Day 1:
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It’s almost midnight and so I’m not gonna finish the colors today, but tomorrow’s prompt is gonna give this some context. A vicious akuma has transformed poor lil' Felix into *le gasp* a cat boy! And since he absolutely can’t be seen like that in public he seeks shelter at Marinette's, who eventually manages to calm him down enough in order to sneak away to transform.
And so what if he’s cute when he's sleeping?! She's got a job to do!
...five more minutes maybe.
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felinettenovember · 4 years
Felinette November Prompts 2020
Sorry for the delay, y’all: Felinette Month prompts for this November 2020 are decided at last, and we’ll be releasing the list before the calendar so that creators have maximal amount of time to prepare. 
Instead of Weekly Themes like we did for Felix Month 2020, we have Weekend Pairs. You’ll notice that every weekend has a set of two prompts that are linked, which we thought would be fun and cute and easy to write for. 
If you decide not to link them, that’s valid too! No matter what you choose to do, we look forward to your contribution. 
At last, the prompts!! 
Sunday, November 1: Purrito Monday, November 2: Call Out Tuesday, November 3: Teashop Wednesday, November 4: Love Stinks Thursday, November 5: Shenanigans Friday, November 6: Detective
Saturday, November 7: Secret Admirer Sunday, November 8: Blind Date Monday, November 9: Date Night Lessons Tuesday, November 10: Mysterious Melody Wednesday, November 11: Ballroom Dances Thursday, November 12: Reunion Friday, November 13: Haunted House Hunting
Saturday, November 14: Shakespeare Sunday, November 15: Battle of Wits Monday, November 16: Pretentious Tuesday, November 17: Disguise Wednesday, November 18: Heist Thursday, November 19: Fallen Angel Friday, November 20: Beach Day
Saturday, November 21: Flower Languages Sunday, November 22: Tattoo Artist Monday, November 23: Curses and Swears Tuesday, November 24: Huntress Wednesday, November 25: Dreamers Thursday, November 26: Playground Friday, November 27: In Between
Saturday, November 28: Lost Sunday, November 29: Found Monday, November 30: Coming Home
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thegreysman · 4 years
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Felinette November Day 1:  Purrito
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miraculousmarifan · 4 years
Felinette Month - Day 1: Purrito
So this is my first time writing something that wasn’t academic or work documentation in probably at least 5 years and it’s definitely my first fan fic so please bear with the rough writing. And the potential out of character-ness of this. I wasn’t even planning to write for this but after reading a few of the ones by @fandomsilhouette, I felt too inspired not to try!
Fingers crossed that this burst of inspiration last long enough for me to finish the prompts on @felinettenovember!
This is based loosely on a fan fic I read a while back (if I remembered who wrote it, I’d completely tag them here but I don’t even remember the name now)
Chat!Felix and reveal
Around 1500 words and most certainly fluff
Marinette hummed as she put together the tray of cheese pastries and tea for her anticipated visitor. She loved the decision to make a schedule for patrol to clear up some time in her and Chat’s busy schedules. Under this, she had three days every week that she didn’t need to worry about sneaking out and one day that they could meet up from patrol to hang out and work on finding Hawkmoth. Additionally it resulted in a standing visit with her masked friend once a week, with her parents’ approval after the Weredad akuma brought it to their attention under the condition of homework still getting done, of course.
Once upstairs, Marinette worked on tidying up her room a little from her projects, as the scrap pile from her ongoing projects could be a little distracting and she preferred to have those in acceptable condition for smaller projects. Maybe she could make a nice patchwork quilt for Felix as a get-well present, since he seemed to be coming down with something. A cold or maybe the flu? He definitely seemed flushed and less alert than usual, seeming to space out while looking at her throughout the day. 
As she sat down with the pieces, arranging and rearranging to find the most appealing look that Felix may approve of, a thump sounded from the balcony and the clatter of a chair falling. Quickly pushing the fabrics out of sight, Marinette climbed up and opened the door to peer out at Chat. He was still laying on the ground with a bright red face, visibly sweaty skin, and eyes shut.
“Oh! You look terrible Chat! Did something happen on your patrol?” Marinette rushed over to help him up slowly and stopped when she noticed the shiver running through him and the quick breaths. She felt his forehead, pushing his more disheveled than usual hair out of the way. His eyes slowly opened and a weak grin crossed his face.
“Hiya Princess. You look nice today. Is your hair down?” His hand reached up and batted at the closest pigtail. Her hair was definitely still in it’s pigtails, albeit a little longer than they were when these visits first started. That’s not a good sign…
“Let’s get you inside and out of the cold. Are you sick? Why didn’t you go home right away after patrol if you’re sick? Or better yet, why not call Ladybug and ask her to cover this patrol so you could rest up?” He mumbled incoherently and leaned heavily on her as she helped him climb into her room. The moment he was near the chaise, he collapsed heavily on it.
Marinette rushed to grab blankets and a pillow to make him comfortable, chastising him about the importance of taking care of his health and assuring him that Ladybug certainly felt the same way, despite his denials of being sick. With some coaxing, she managed to get him to sit up so she could wrap the biggest blanket she owned around his shoulders. She moved to grab another blanket and pillow and he let himself fall down again, rolling off the chaise onto the floor.
“Oh Chat! Let me help you back up! I’m sure you’d be much cozier than on the floor!” I’m sure my parents are wondering what is happening at this point. Hopefully they help me take care of him when they’re done prepping for tomorrow, at least enough that he can make it home.
“Nnnngh,” and curled up tighter in the blanket, burying his face into the spot where the carpet and the top edge of the blanket met. With a resigned sigh, Marinette went to the bathroom to find a thermometer and to see what kinds of medicine they had. At least if it’s only a cold, she might be able to give him something to help him through the night. Coming back into the room, she chuckled at the sight of him curled up tightly, like a little purrito.
“Chat, you need to get up and take this so you feel better soon. I have some tea that you can take it with, if you’d like,” Marinette cooed, trying to sound as much like her mother as possible, as she walked towards the nearly forgotten tray with medicine in hand.
“I don’t want to! I want to cuddle,” Chat protested and pulled the blanket closer in, somehow curling up even more and acting more like a petulant child throwing a tantrum with each passing minute. Marinette brought the tray over, setting it near the chaise, grabbing another blanket, and knelt down by his side.
“I tell you what, if you sit up and take your medicine like a good boy, I’ll give you this extra blanket and let you pick which pillow you want to use,” she bribed, hoping that the time babysitting Manon had taught her the right skill for this kind of situation. With this offer on the table, Chat managed to sit up slowly, his eyes looking more glazed over than when he had arrived. Marinette handed him the tea, grown cold by this point, and the correct dosage of cold medicine, to prevent him from accidentally taking too much.
He quickly took both without further protests and then a goofy grin broke out. “I want you to be my pillow!” His arms wrapped around Marinette and tried to curl himself up on her lap. The contact made her blush a bit and she tried to pull back.
“You’re such a flirt! What happened to being in love with Ladybug?” she joked nervously. After readjusting so he was just leaning on her shoulder, instead of across her lap, she used one hand to drape the second blanket over him. At least this way I can tell he isn’t too cold. 
“I only flirt with you and Ladybug. I can’t help that if I didn’t have this curse, you’d be my first choice,” he murmured, seeming to be drifting back to sleep already. Marinette was stunned into silence. Did this mean Chat likes her? How did things change so much just from hanging out? With how out of it he seems, is he going to remember this conversation later? Are things going to be different the next time I see him?
For a few minutes she spiraled, thinking of every possible thing that could change, speculating whether this would affect how she treated him as Ladybug (try as she might to avoid letting these nights slip into her superhero life), and how different this might have been if she didn’t have a crush on Felix. Soon he startled her out of her thoughts with a jolt, as he sat up and started thrashing wildly at the blankets and pulling at his suit.
“Ack! Too hot! Stupid suit! Plagg, claws in!”
A flash of light and silence. Marinette clamped her hands over her eyes as quickly as she could with her brain already running on delay.
“Mmmmmmm. Much better,” he mumbled, before Marinette felt his head resting on her leg, arms wrapping around her waist, and body resting on her lap. She kept her hands over her eyes and freaked out internally. How am I supposed to talk him into transforming back?
“What are you doing kid?! You can’t do that here! Nobody is supposed to know your identity! I hate to say it but you need to transform back so Ladybug doesn’t get upset with you!” Plagg fumed. Marinette felt him try to pull on Chat’s arms
“You’re so warm,” Chat purred out, ignoring Plagg’s badgering, “Why don’t we do this more often, Princess? This would be perfect during movie nights.”
I need to do something. I can’t stay like this forever!
“Chat, why don’t you transform back and just take one of the blankets off? Wouldn’t that be better?” Marinette kept her eyes clamped together, moving her hands slowly down to where she thought his shoulder was and felt for the blankets. Apparently he hadn’t pulled them back up before curling up on her so it was just his shirt. Feeling utterly surreal, she noted that the sleeve’s fabric felt like the high quality fabrics she had to save up to buy for bigger, fancier projects.
“Noooooo. This is what I want. This is too nice to give up!” he protested, twisting his body up first to bury his face into her side, then shake it dramatically. A ticklish jolt ran through her body and she opened her eyes without thinking, pushing him back to stop him.
“Felix?!” Marinette gasped. Felix just smiled and continued trying to cuddle back up to her.
Just then Marinette’s parents knocked on the door downstairs and asked if they could come in. If her brain hadn’t come to a halt, she might’ve had a joke about their impeccable timing.
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harugakou · 4 years
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Felinette November Day 1: Purrito
I’m really late to the party, and wasn’t sure if I’d participate, but I just wanted to doodle hair-down, bedhead Felix. 
Marinette will pry this grumpy cat from the comforts of his “purrito” later though (sorry Felix)
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chelleaslin · 4 years
Felinette November Day 1- Purrito
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Secret Santa (part 1)
Title: Blanket Purrito
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Suitor: Masamune Date
To: @ikementally-deficient
From: @wingardium-letmefuckyou
I wrote two stories (one for each suitor my secret santa likes) and this is the first one!
Blanket Purrito (Masamune Date x reader)
Word count: 807
Warnings: none
The snow crunched beneath your feet, about to be trampled by you and a very excited little tiger. Shogetsu was skipping next to you enthusiastically, his fuzzy little paws sinking away in the soft whiteness. The kit looked just as happy as you felt, eager to play and mess around in the white layer that had covered the castle gardens overnight. The two of you ran around, your breath visible in the cold air, until Shogetsu playfully jumped at you. You toppled over easily and willingly, play wrestling the little ball of energy. Both of you were unaware of the dark haired man watching fondly from the terrace, for once choosing to observe his two kittens instead of joining in the activity.
As much fun as you had, you had to admit that running out without proper attire might not have been the wisest idea. The icy chill was seeping into your hands and feet, your kimono getting soaked from all the rolling around in the snow. Shogetsu also became less convinced about being outside as his fur got wetter and his paws colder. He paused his shenanigans to huddle up at your feet, looking up with adorable big eyes.
“Come one, Shogetsu. Let’s go warm up inside.”
You lifted up the kit, holding him close to your chest while you trailed back to the castle. It was then that you noticed Masamune, an amused smile gracing his handsome features.
“What do we have here? Two cold and wet kittens?”
Masamune was still grinning at the sight of you and his mischievous tiger. He quickly removed his dark blue haori, made by your talented craftsmanship of course, to wrap it around your shivering shoulders. He marveled at the way it looked even better on you than it did on him somehow. You looked positively radiant, your cheeks and nose were red from the cold but there was only happiness in your eyes when Masamune leaned in to plant a warm kiss on your lips.
“Come on lass, let’s get you two dry and warm.”
You followed Masamune inside where he went to look for a cloth to towel Shogetsu dry. The little kit was positively trembling now, his fur all wet and sticky from the snow. You should have been cold too but Masamune’s haori kept you nice and warm. While Masamune rubbed Shogetsu’s fur, you buried yourself a little deeper in the rich blue fabric around your shoulders, subtly inhaling your lover’s scent that surrounded you. It was an unique scent, totally and completely Masamune. It always made you feel safe and relaxed, reminding you of his sure and warm embrace. Truly, there was no place where you were as happy as in Masamune’s arms.
A giggle escaped you when you looked up from your musings. Masamune had snuggly wrapped Shogetsu in his towel, leaving the kit immobile and looking utterly adorable.
“Like a little burrito! Or should I say, a purrito?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at your own silly joke. Masamune looked at you, one eyebrow raised questioningly.
“You lost me there, lass. What’s a burrito?”
“Oh. I forgot you don’t know what a burrito is.”
You started explaining about the Mexican food that had turned into a synonym for being snuggly wrapped in a blanket. Masamune listened intently, always eager to learn more about you and your time. When you looked back at this moment you can’t help but wonder how you missed the sudden misschievous sparkle in his bright blue eye or the telltale grin that he was up to something.
“Stay where you are, lass. I’ll be right back.”
Masamune startled you a little by his sudden turn of actions, leaving his room hurriedly before you could even react. It puzzled you a little but you trusted Masamune, whatever he was up to. 
He returned quickly, a large bundle in his hands which turned out to be a big, fluffy blanket.
“Masa, what are you…?”
Deft hands wrapped the blanket around you, exactly like he had done with Shogetsu. Once he was pleased with his handiwork he pulled you down with him, nestling you in his lap. Big and strong arms holding you tight but tenderly against his warm, broad chest.
“There. You are my lil’ burrito now, kitten.Or should I say, purrito?”
A burst of giggles escaped you and you were quickly joined by Masamune’s loud and roaring laughter. You snuggled closer against him, nuzzling your face in his neck. Today had been a wonderful day so far. The first snow and playtime with Shogetsu had been great but nothing could compare to laughing and cuddling with the man you loved so dearly. You felt utterly happy and content, your heart bursting with sweet affection for your warlord.
“I love you, Masamune.”
“I love you too my little burrito.”
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rockcrow20 · 5 years
So went through my drafts and because i have fully embraced my delusional kaylor badge i figured i would post my fence gate theory post which i know was a theory people talked about at the time!
So if anyone is interested in my crazy Kaylor late to the party thought related to fence-gate please continue. 
I am half convinced the countdown may have been Kaylor Big Sur (or Actual) Anniversary related on top of the elle uk - timeline below (tell me if i have the dates wrong with timezones and all)-
23rd - Purrito - 8 knots/buttons
24th - 7 palms - 6 stairs
25th - 5 holes fence
26th - N/A (karlie posted 4 times this day and had 4 nnnn in rise and run story)
27th - Olivia 3 doors/3 branches on the plant in the background
Then we get elle uk photos/article on the 28th and 1st March - so the thought is we were counting down to either the friday 1st or the Saturday 2nd (as simple countdown 1 more day would have been on the friday)
Then we have karlie
28th - Offwhite walk Paris
1st - Latergrams for her offwhite walk
2nd - ????
3rd - Insta-story - back in NY just long enough to transfer flights also jogging story
4th - Im back Paris insta-story and Stella McCartney show
So karlie just happens to be MIA on the days we may have been counting down too and then she shows us she has basically been back in the US or elsewhere (location/reason is unknown) but not in Paris.
So my head-cannon is Karlie flew all the way back from Paris to celebrate a important day/event that may fall around this time with Taylor which she had been counting down too.
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mistydacat · 4 years
Felinette November 2020 Masterlist
Day 1 || Purrito
More coming soon
Read it on AO3
mistydacat Masterlist
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