#felix i owe u my life ๐Ÿ™ its been a hot minute since i thought about them and now my brain is overflowing with ideas for them again
mukuberry ยท 1 year
if youre still doing the oc ask game, 7 and 12? :3
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I am, thank yoiiuiuu :DDDD ask game is here! 12 has been answered here!
7 - If they hadn't been put in milgram, would they have continued killing?
For Taisei, his murder was definitely a one-time thing! More specifically, he'd never allow himself to be in the same position as he was when his murder took place again. He's swore to never allow himself to be so vulnerable with another like he was with his victim.
For Kanami, potentially? She definitely doesn't like killing and will definitely try to avoid doing it, but her murder was done to protect another, so if she was put in a similar situation she'd probably kill again. Her first and only murder was an accident, but she'd definitely have murderous intent if she had to deal with the same situation a second time.
17 - Free question! In trial one, do they expect to be forgiven?
Hehe a fun one >:3 ty for the custom question :D
Taisei is a very unsure 'no'. Both real and imagined rejection from others has made him develop severe trust issues, and he currently doesn't believe that anyone would be able to understand him or want to help him. He's also extremely aware that what he did was very fucked up. That being said, he does think he was right commit his murder, and that if people were to look past their prejudice, they'd think so too. He wants to be forgiven, but he knows better than to get his hopes up.
Kanami 100% thinks she'll be forgiven! She believes everyone is inherently good, even if they hurt (or kill) others, so if she just explains to Es why her murder was okay and why voting her guilty is pointless, then they'll definitely understand and forgive her! This question was specifically for trial one, but even if she's voted guilty, she'll assume it was a misunderstanding or that something went wrong with the machine, so she'll definitely be forgiven in trial two!
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