#felixversed about
felixstudios · 9 months
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Infodump about Felix
Appearance rambles:
Even though he's covered in enby pride flags, Felix as a character isn't enby. I'm just projecting my pride onto his design since he's one of my main fursonas + he looks amazing in it
The pride flag on his backpack comes from a content pack someone named Trick made for me a long time ago. I asked for the texture to be changed and said surprise me, and that's what I got. I've kept it as his canon design since.
That also inspired me to add more enby flags to his design, which were added in with content packs {except the one on his shorts}.
The shirt and shorts are the ones they are 80% because I literally didn't know what else to wear and 20% because I actually thought it looked cool. Actually, that's... a lot of his outfit.
I got the shoes during ToonFest 2023 when all the previous codes became public. They look terrible on him and do not fit his color palette or aesthetic. I love them <3
He used to be a tall Toon, but I wanted to look closer in appearance to someone else's Toon so I changed him to a medium height Toon. He also used to be completely orange, but I gave him coral legs because I thought it was something I was obligated to do for being high laff because I saw all the high laff Toons with different colored legs. Past me, sweetie, those were elitists... but it's okay because now I love the coral legs and don't think they're an abomination!
Basically, he's very much thrown together from outside influences and I wouldn't change it for anything now because it became his "brand"
OC lore rambles:
So once upon a time a Toon named Ghostly Felix glitched so bad that his immersion in the world was completely broken and he realized he was in a video game. This was exciting at first and he hacked in max everything, cheated to be invisible so he could hilariously kill bosses with just bike horns or something, ETC.
But after a few years he got bored and basically started pondering his existence. So he created a Toon named Felix so he could be invisible and watch him complete the game so he'd have something to do. When just Felix was boring, he made Cap'n Felix, Doctor Felix, Mr. Felix, Judge Felix, Midnight Felix, Spooky Felix, Frozen Felix, Lucky Felix, Fairy Felix, Prince Felix... you get the idea.
Well, on the day Felix reached 140 laff he found Ghostly Felix by a weird glitch. At first Felix thought he was a new Felixverse addition, but realized that Ghostly Felix already had 140 laff and was acting really scared for some reason. Finally, Ghostly Felix spilled the beans about the fact it was a game and how he created the Felixverse
Felix was horrified to find out he was right, and he instantly got pretty bummed out and asked what the point of his existence is.
Eventually, this was his answer: "To have fun. You don't need to spend so long thinking about it or making it complicated- it really is that simple."
Other rambles:
His name is Felix because when I first played TTR, I tried to name him Shaun because that was my name at the time. It was instantly denied, so naive me thought "too many Toons must have that name already" and picked a random pick-a-name. I didn't expect to really get attached to my Toon or particularly care about him, which is also why he's such an obnoxious orange instead of literally any color I actually liked at the time. Well, orange is now my second favorite color because of him and I wouldn't change his appearance for the world.
He's not based off of a TTO Toon. I only remember one Toon I made in TTO, which was a red rabbit named Raboon {"rabbit" + "toon"}. I've already remade Raboon in TTR on a different Toon slot, but I didn't want to be a rabbit in TTR when I was first starting, I wanted to be a cat! So that's why I made a new Toon.
Originally when my Felixverse lore was much more resembling a kid's cartoon {yes the entire old lore that I told literally nobody was retconned lol}, he had a love interest Toon named Felixia. She was an orange cat who, like older cartoons, was basically supposed to be a copy/paste of him except feminine and cutesy. I do not have any Toons named Felixia in any of my TTR or TTCC accounts, but when I used to play Toontown Offline I did make her an unreasonably overpowered SOS Toon who would use marbles that did 200 damage.
Felix's name is actually pronounced in German, meaning that it's pronounced kinda like fae-lix rather than how most people pronounce it to me, which is fee-lix.
Speaking of his name, if it wasn't evident enough already, he was Felix before I was Felix. He basically became my identity online over time.
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ask-the-felixverse · 6 months
Submitting an Ask
-Real/current world events {both IRL and Internet events}
-Anything revolving around hate speech of any kind, even if the ask itself does not condone the behavior
-Anything I find too offensive, inappropriate, or simply don't want to answer
When submitting an ask, please specify who you're asking!
Hi, I'm Ghostly Felix and welcome to our ask blog. You can ask any member of the Felixverse a question and they'll answer for you! But if I catch any of you breaking the 4th wall to anyone that's not me... well, don't do that.
We're obviously a bunch of characters from Toontown: Corporate Clash and Toontown Rewritten, and our OP is @felixstudios. Here's a list of who we are and some info about us!
Toon OCs
Lucky Felix
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Lucky Felix is the main Toon. She's kinda sassy at times, but gets very blushy around the Cogs.
Ghostly Felix
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This is me! I'm the only one here who knows we're in a video game, and I like to get up to mischief.
I have an OC profile! Check it out here.
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I could say a lot about Felix since we go back a long way, but I think to keep it short and sweet I'll just say that he hates Cogs and wants to scrap every single one without mercy. A little too serious for a Toon, too, if you ask me.
Doctor Felix
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I don't understand why so many are quick to dismiss him as weird and creepy! He's just shy...
Cog OCs
Blaze Tru Justice
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I'm the only one here who knows she's not really helping the Toons, but I'm not supposed to know that. Pretend I didn't say anything.
It has an OC profile, which you can check out here.
Evergreen is a rehabilitated Big Cheese! He was so burnt out from climbing the corporate ladder, and one bad life event later he came around to our side.
Knowledge Fountain
I... don't know much about him? I think he's some kind of manager, but... he's very hard to find intel on. Rumor has it he's VERY hostile towards Toons.
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felixversed · 2 years
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yooo ivy in the building (i’m sorry)
welcome to my blog! i mainly write about my ults (skz), and i also have an enhypen blog (@enhastars) BUT i do stan a lot of other groups so i might write for them as well!
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age? 18!
pronouns? she/her/they
from? new york :)
currently a senior in hs!
groups i stan? check out my carrd! (most) are there
mbti? infp
skz bias? felix duh + innie
skz bias wreckers? 3racha and minho
fave skz song currently? ssick or slump
sporadic updates D: dont expect much LMAO
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The thing about Felixverse Oghren is that he exists entirely to further Brosca's character arc and nothing else.
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into-the-felixverse · 5 years
wanna join a discord server where you can talk about felix, felixverse, the aus involved, and more?  Mod Jer here, bringing the good ol kg server shit! https://discord.gg/vvx7BkN We’re really sorry about the delay in answering asks! A few of us are working on other projects, along with the fact that school started and a lot of us are busy with that. 
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eh. depends. do you wanna meet them? also felix should know a bit about this. depending if we went to the felixverse ofc
Felix: Felixverse..?
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cowardly-conduct · 2 years
Oh no. Oh god you're becoming a South Park artist NOOOO/j/Nm
I haven’t watched South Park in exactly one week I’ve been thinking too much about Felixverse but the second I open HBO max my life starts rolling downhill like a 200lb boulder and at some point it’s going to crash straight into the tweek and craig episode and I’m not ready for that
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