#fem mikuni
yarrayora · 11 months
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OP is a subclass
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#eyes bulging out at the yellow hood #IS THIS ABOUT MIKUNI
guess who fem!jesus is about
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TRICK QUESTION!!! everyone's a jesus allegory except the guy who almost brought about the apocalypse
👣amongusmongus follow
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katzkinder · 2 years
Idk why but I headcanon lily as aro ace
Ooh, neat! You're about... The third person I know of who also has that headcanon!
Personally, I headcanon that he identifies as pan, but like... He chooses that as his label because he likes the flag colors better lmao. That's it.
I always meant to type up my headcanons for this but never got around to it, so I think now is as good a time as any?
Misono: sex positive ace. Both because I think it suits him and because I like the contrast with my headcanon of Lily, where Lily has sex related trauma that makes him have difficult feelings about being attracted to others. Misono is almost clinical? When talking about that kind of thing. It can be off putting but he genuinely just thinks the scope of human sexuality is a fascinating thing to research
Mahiru: Bisexual, like his uncle, but not particularly aware of it in that he doesn't identify as anything. He's very "yeah that person is hot" and moves on with his day. The type who goes "huh! I guess I am" if you point out he's queer
Speaking of Queer, Mikuni: uses this exclusively. He thinks it's delightful. Like yes, this is perfect, he IS a very strange and odd little man! And that's all you're getting out of him (genuinely, this is all he gives me aside from maybe some flavor of aro. Jackass)
Lawless: Disaster bi with a distinct preference for intimidating women and older men. Licht is actually out of left field for him. Not typically the type he goes for!
Speaking of Licht: Angel. No I do not know what this means anymore than you do. Figure it out.
Kuro: double demi. His attraction hinges on having close emotional bonds with somebody first and it drives him crazy 😭Like he'll just be chilling and everything will be fine and the next thing he knows he's having an epiphany that ohhh god. oh fuck. oh god oh fuck he cannot DEAL. Terrible at flirting unless he's passing it off as a joke btw
Sakuya: *smash bros announcer voice* GAY
Freya: bi lesbian but calls herself lesbian, because that's what she's always called herself and she's not changing. Completely blindsided by the whole lesbian separatist discourse. Frankly disgusted with it. The big bad butch aligned fem in the corner who stands there and intimidates anyone hassling baby queers. She's got that peasantry farmer's wife bod, which means biceps that can crack your skull if you annoy her.
Iduna: doesn't label. She likes what she likes, so there! (does anyone remember this show lol)
Jeje: He's dressed like a priest, so I think it's safe to assume he's a self hating queer. This is only half a joke.
Ildio: You know that chart that's like functional bi, distinguished bi, disaster bi? He's a secret fourth thing: Himbo bi.
Nicco: Wombo Combo of Functional and Distinguished bi.
I'd add pride pair but my read on them is Lacking due to them not really having much in terms of development...
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
First Impressions // Chapter 7
Fandom: Servamp Ship: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru
Summary: After Licht meets the wealthy bachelor, Hyde, she was certain that she could never be friends with him. Their paths continue to cross and she slowly comes to know him. Licht wonders if she judged him too quickly. (LawLicht, Pride and Prejudice AU, Fem Licht)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // Ch.3 // Ch.4 // Ch.5 // Ch.6 // (Ch.7) //
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“Which one would be better for my new song?” Licht asked her sisters and she played two different chords for them to compare. While they were shopping, she saw an upright piano on display and she decided to quickly practise. She inevitably lost track of time while she played the piano and, when she looked up, most of her sisters were gone. Misono sat on a stool next to the piano and she clapped.
“I’m not an expert on music like you and Mikuni but I really like the second cord progression.” Misono stood from the stool so she could sit on the piano bench with Licht. “Mahiru tried to pull you away from the piano so we can finish buying everything we need. I told her I can stay behind to watch over you and forcibly pull you away from the piano when the time comes. I don’t know how she expected me to do that considering my body is so much weaker.”
“You’re intelligent so Mahiru must’ve trusted you to find an unconventional way. What time is it? If it’s four o’clock, we should start heading to the carriage before our sisters worry. I don’t know who would fret more: Mahiru or Mikuni.” Licht joked but then she noticed the conflicted expression Misono had. She didn’t know what could’ve caused the expression. “Did you want to go shopping?”
“No!” Between Misono’s hasty answer and how her voice wavered, Licht knew that she was lying. They were rarely able to go into the city for shopping. Licht felt guilty that she made Misono waste the trip watching over her. She didn’t find clothes or appearance important but she cared for anything important to her sisters.
“You must be more honest with your feelings, Misono. You’re an angel. If you want to buy a pretty dress to dance with Tetsu, I shall help you find something fit for an angel.” Licht jumped to her feet and she took Misono’s wrist. She didn’t wait for her sister’s response and she tugged her out of the music shop. “We only have an hour until we need to return home. Let’s browse through the shops.
“I will be fine with a dress I already have. I have no plans of catching the eye of a noble or marriage so I don’t need anything fancy.” Misono insisted. Since she helped Mikuni run their family business, she knew how precarious their financial situation was. She couldn’t help but mutter: “Though, Tetsu says I look nice in violet.”
“We don’t need to buy a fancy dress since angels glow no matter what they wear. But we can buy a few purple ribbons to adorn the white dress Mikuni bought for you last year.” Licht said and Misono had to wonder if her sister was able to read her mind to know her worry. She followed her to the fabric store across the street.
They browsed through the different ribbons on display and discussed the upcoming ball at Hanafield. Licht found herself looking forward to the event much more than she could admit. She picked up a gold veil and thought how it would match Hyde’s hair. As soon as she had the thought, she pushed it away and dropped the cloth back into the pile.
Licht forced herself to focus on something aside from his devilish smile. “The ball shall be a good change of pace after everything. Mikuni can relax for the night and enjoy music. The night would only be better if you can dance with Tetsu because you chose to wear purple for him. He isn’t in the Servamp’s employment so he won’t be there at the party. I would’ve dedicated a song to your dance.”
“Why must you and Mikuni tease me about Tetsu when I see him as a friend? At least Mahiru is respectful enough to not do so but I can see that she wants to.” Misono pouted. The blush she wore betrayed her and revealed that she had feelings for the tall man.
“You should be more honest with what you want, reach out and take it. Tetsu will be a fool to reject an angel like you so you only need to confess to him. Of course, I shall kick him the moment he hurts you or breaks your heart.” She vowed. Misono had to roll her eyes at her sister’s declaration. She understood that Licht had a good heart but her personality could be overwhelming at times.
“He is our employee so it would be improper for me to confess to him. I don’t want him to feel obligated to continue working for us because he wants to court me.” Misono let out a heavy sigh. “It would be better for our family to marry someone who can help our situation. Though, it’s impossible for me to catch someone’s eye like that.”
“No, Misono, you must marry someone you love. Neither I nor Mahiru will allow you to sacrifice your heart like that. In fact, I dare to say that Mikuni would murder any man who would force you into a loveless marriage. You’re beautiful, Misono, and you must have more confidence in yourself. Let’s pick out a ribbon for your hair.”
Licht picked up a ribbon but she was confused when it didn’t budge from the display shelf. Her brows narrowed when she saw that a man was holding onto the other end of the ribbon. At first, she assumed that he only wanted the ribbon but then she recognized him. The man was the soldier who picked up Sakura’s napkin.
Hyde’s warning about Sasuke echoed in her mind and she dropped the ribbon. She subtly moved closer to Misono and shielded her from the man’s eyes. While she didn’t trust Hyde, the way he reacted couldn’t be due to a simple disagreement between them. “Misono, we should go browse through the ribbons on display over there. The colour white also suits you.”
“Wait, I want to talk to you.” He moved in front of them and stood in their path. Licht scowled at him in a silent warning to let them pass. Sasuke didn’t appear to understand because he went on to say, “I saw you speak with Lawless after we met earlier. I was worried he would give you and your family the wrong impression of me. He has come to hate me.”
“If you mean Hyde of the Servamps, we aren’t close friends for his opinion to colour my first impression of you much. It was your own behaviour where you were unable to ride a horse properly in the crowd that made me wary of you.” Licht’s voice was low and cold.
“And I wish to apologize for that as well. I would’ve apologized during our first meeting but Lawless interrupted me and then you left before we could speak.” He said. Then he held up the purple ribbon as a peace offering. “I will purchase this ribbon for your sister. It truly suits her. Though, she looks beautiful already.”
“Can I have a ribbon too?” Sakura’s appearance took Licht by surprise. She took the ribbon from his hand and she held it against her hair. “Do I look beautiful? My name is Sakura and I am their sister.”
“Why, yes. Your sisters are all beautiful and they deserve pretty ribbons. I will buy all of them one in exchange for a moment of your time to talk. I really want to correct any misunderstanding you may have about me.” He said and he took down another purple ribbon for Misono.
“We can talk but my sisters will be the one to choose their own ribbon. They know what suits them best.” Licht told him. She subtly gestured for Misono to browse the shop with Sakura while she spoke with Sasuke. She was still uncertain whether she should trust Hyde and his opinion on Sasuke, she felt protective of her sister. She decided to be wary of him for now.
Licht asked: “How did you know, Hyde?”
“Lawless of Greed?” Sasuke’s voice became bitter. “I’ve known him all my life. My father managed the estate for his family but we were raised as brothers. You can see from our earlier encounter that he does not see me as a brother anymore. Perhaps, it was only I who believed us to be family from the beginning. I didn’t even know that he moved to Hanafield. How long has he lived here?”
“A few weeks. We’re neighbours but we have only met on a few occasions.” Licht wasn’t able to give him a detailed impression she had of Hyde. Her thoughts during their first meeting were so different from now and she didn’t know which was true. He was a demon with a surprisingly warm heart. “I don’t know him well but he is the talk of the town.”
“I can only imagine what they would say once they know the truth of that man.” Sasuke clicked his tongue. “His father was a wonderful man and it’s a shame his son became such a jealous person. I saw the previous Count of Servamp as a father and the feeling was mutual. He allowed me to stay in his home and provided for me. My dream was to become part of the church and the Count wrote in his will that I will be given an allowance to go to school. Lawless was the one who didn’t approve.”
“I can call Hyde many things - from careless to loud - but he isn’t completely heartless. He cares for his family. I have seen it. He would support your goal as he would with Doubt Doubt’s choice to live in our small village.” Licht found herself defending Hyde. The conviction in her words surprised herself.
“Lawless loves his family but that is the only virtue he holds. He never considered me as a part of his family due to my lower status and lack of wealth. He is both prideful and envious.” Sasuke told her and his hands tightened into fists. From the way his hands shook, she could see that he was barely restraining his anger. “The only reason I have not pulled his name through the mud for disrespecting his father’s will is because I truly love the Count and his family.”
“That doesn’t sound like Hyde though.” She said and her brows drew together in confusion.
“You may believe me or not as long as you know to be wary of Lawless’s dislike of me. It stems from nothing but resentment.” Sasuke warned her. “I will talk to the clerk to purchase those ribbons for your sisters. Please think of my words.”
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“Licht, can you do me a favour?” Mahiru asked Licht. She came into the room covered in flour and it was clear that she had been cooking frantically. Since they didn’t have a dedicated household staff, the sisters helped with the work. “Mikuni has been busy and I thought I should make her favourite stollen. However, we’re out of candied fruits. Can you go pick some berries for me? Tomorrow, I will make melon treats and then Misono’s favourite.”
“Alright. I’m almost finished with the table arrangement and I was about to take the horses out for exercise. I can pick berries while I’m out.” Licht agreed. She took out a napkin from her pocket and handed it to Mahiru. The family was busy preparing for Haruto’s arrival in a few days and Mahiru knew that it was stressful. She thought making their favourite food would help.
After Licht finished placing candles in the candelabra, she walked to the stables. She loved playing the piano and the only thing that could compare was the freedom she felt when she rode. Pegasus totted forward when it saw her because the horse knew that her arrival meant she would take it outside. She opened the lock and it obediently stood still for her to place a saddle on it.
She didn’t immediately climb onto Pegasus after she secured the saddle on its back. Licht released a few horses from their stables and they followed her outside the stable. The horses were well trained and she trusted that they wouldn’t wander away from the herd. She mounted Pegasus and led them to the countryside where she could pick berries.
While she would prefer to enjoy the outing, she knew that she had to return as soon as she could. She needed to help Mahiru and the others with the preparation. Licht was far from talented with traditional tasks like cooking and event planning and she enjoyed them even less. However, she would do her best to support her sisters with their work.
Licht reached the lake and she dismounted from Pegasus. She tied their reins to the bushes and then she picked berries as the horses drank from the lake. She filled her bag with berries but there was barely enough to make a fruit cake. Licht glanced around the area for another bush with berries. Her gaze would occasionally stray to Hanafield and think of Hyde. She could hear voices in the distance and she wondered if the family was busy preparing for a party the same as hers.
The sound of angry voices startled the horses and she jumped to calm Pegasus before it could run away. She stroked its muzzle but her attention wasn’t on the horse. Across the river, Hyde and Hugh stormed out of the flower garden. Neither of them appeared to notice her as they argued with each other. She was surprised to see them fighting because they were close when she stayed in their manor.
“Don’t you dare lecture me about reputation and public image, Hugh. If you were there and saw that asshole, you would’ve done the exact same thing as me! I should’ve done much worse. It’s clear that he hadn’t changed because he was trying to trick Licht and her sisters.” Hyde yelled yet Hugh wasn’t swayed by his words. “I’m not going to apologize.”
“I already knew someone as stubborn as you won’t apologize. My only hope was to convince you to not start further fights, Hyde. You have a lot more to lose so you must be a bigger person.” Hugh spoke in a stern voice and it was clear that he was the older brother despite his short height.
“That man…” Hyde’s words trailed off when he turned around and he saw Licht across the river. Their gaze met and he bit his tongue against the angry words he had for Sasuke. His anger quickly faded to embarrassment and he questioned why he was always making a terrible impression on Licht. He turned away from Hugh and said to him over his shoulder: “I will continue this argument when we get home.”
“Hyde!” He called after him but he continued forward. Hugh watched him leave with a sigh and he turned away to return to Hanafield.
Hyde crossed the river with the fallen tree and he walked to where Licht was picking berries. He sat in the dirt and Pegasus nudged him a few times. Most nobles she met would be repelled but Hyde only chuckled and patted Pegasus’s neck. “Hello, Pegasus. It’s nice to meet you again but I came to greet an angel. What brought you to the edge of Hanafield, Angel Cakes?”
“I’m picking berries for my sister.” She opened her bag to show him.
“I know a place with cherries and strawberries. It’s down the river. I’ll pick berries with you as well.” Hyde offered. He stood and he held out his hand to help her to his feet. Licht hesitated to take his hand after her conversation with Sasuke and hearing him argue with his brother. She assumed he was kind after he treated Mahiru and Misono well but she could be wrong.
Hyde sensed her hesitation and he dropped his hand. “I understand if you don’t want to go with a man. The bushes are a few miles south of the river.”
“We can collect berries together.” Licht stopped him from leaving. She rose to her feet and took Pegasus’s reins. “I also came here so the horses can graze and exercise. They can get restless and they will bite your hand after any sudden movements.”
“Is that a threat or a warning?” Hyde laughed. “Though, Pegasus has warmed up to me a lot since our first meeting. I hope you feel the same.”
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joydoesathing · 3 years
Can you draw please Fem! Mikuni with a booba window?
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👀👀👀👀 here ya go anon!
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radioactivesweet · 4 years
Bungou Stray Dogs
Dazai's (s/o) reminds him of Oda
What if Oda managed to achieve his dream
Fedor Dostoyevsky enemies to lovers trope (soon)
Black Butler
Sebastian's (s/o) sees his true form
Sebastian's female human (s/o) wants to cuddle
Snake fluff headcanons
Fem!Reader tries to help Grell flirting with Sebastian
Finnian's reaction to his fem!(s/o) carrying him bridal style
Ciel and modern older sister figure reader headcanons
Ciel and older sister comfort headcanons
Alois relationship headcanons
Sebastian and Claude with a (s/o) who wants a serious relationship but doesn’t know they are demons
Sebastian's idea of quality time with his (s/o)
Alois relationship angst/comfort headcanons
Grell Sutcliff as a mother figure to a teenage reader
Ciel and older sister reader visit the 21st century
Grell Sutcliff with a (s/o) who struggles with gender expression
Sebastian being summoned by a Gen Z teenager
Sebastian with s/o who is a mix between a child and an adult
Death Note
L meets Near, Mello and Matt for the first time
Mello crushing on his childhood best friend (soon)
Miyamura and Yanagi jealous headcanons
Hunter x Hunter
Illumi fluff relationship headcanons
Identity V
Norton Campbell domestic fluff headcanons
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori with a s/o who is taller than him (soon)
Mirai Nikki
Akise Aru relationship headcanons (soon)
Record of Ragnarok
Adam with an energetic and affectionate s/o
Adam with a s/o who is taller than him
Seraph of the End
Guren & Shinoa "Would you like to go for a walk?"
Guren and (Y/n) spend the night together having fun after a mission
Date headcanons for Kuro, Lawless, Licht, Mikuni, Tsurugi and Niccolò
Snow Lily comfort headcanons (soon)
The Arcana
Asra and Julian with a (s/o) who overworks themselves
The Case Study of Vanitas
Roland teaching is s/o how to fight/stargazing with Jean Jacques (soon)
Tokyo Ghoul
Gang leader! Enji Koma x reader headcanons
Tatara with a kind and nice fem!(s/o)
Tatara and Ayato with a human (s/o)
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anubisbride · 7 years
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The Gang Serie: SerVamp The Mother: Anubis_Bride fem. Kuro: Nadine Dei Chan Tsurugi: Madeleine Kir Tsubaki: Lennart Heber Mikuni: TheExplosionOfArt Lawless: Nessi Groß Jeje: Psycho Puppet's Cosplay Guildenstern: Daro Cosplay Kuro: @Alisch Manga Ray St. Crazy Rabbit: Eppi Cosplay Photo by Ninsimaus Cos World
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anacchi24 · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BMae4Hgnyk)
@petrichor-note I listened to this song and seeing the lyrics, it kinda reminds me of Mikuni x Fem!Tsurugi. What do you think? xD
P.S. Yes, the singer is Kakihara “Kakki” Tetsuya, Mikuni’s seiyuu. His voice is so alluring, isn’t it~? x3
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Lightning and Thunder || Vigilante AU
Fandom: Servamp Ship: Jekuni (Fem Mikuni)
Summary: Mikuni is the leader of the vigilantes. She decides to turn herself into C3 for the chance to speak with JeJe who is locked in their prison. (Jekuni, Fem Mikuni, Vigilante AU)
The Sun and The Moon || The Sky and The Sea || The Wallflower and The Mountain || (Lightning and Thunder)
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“You’re an awful roommate, JeJe. I know you’re the silent type but you should be able to maintain a conversation. Won’t you answer me at least?” Mikuni asked the man in the jail cell across from hers. She sat on the steel bed and swung her legs. Her behaviour was so casual that others would think that she was merely sitting at a bus bench if they saw her.
Mikuni and JeJe were imprisoned in C3’s headquarters.
JeJe had been trapped in the underground prison for years with only his thoughts for company. The cell was designed to contain powerful mythical creatures who C3 called monsters. He was the only one placed in the lower level. Then, the guards brought Mikuni to the prison and locked her in the cell across from his. She didn’t appear dangerous but he knew that it was impossible to judge a person from a glance.
While she was a mystery to him, she seemed to know a lot about him. Mikuni had called him by his name even before he introduced himself. She continued to surprise him with her knowledge. “You grew up in France. Is that the reason you like pumpkin soup? It gives you a taste of home. That phase is a cliché but I understand the sentiment. Do you think they’ll cook us pumpkin soup if we order it?”
Once again, he didn’t respond to her. JeJe’s family had been targeted for their powers and he couldn’t help but feel a little wary of Mikuni. He doubted she simply wanted to know about his childhood in France. He didn’t know what she could want from him since they were both trapped by C3. It was nearly impossible for them to escape.
Mikuni wore a beautiful smile but he could see cunning and intelligence dancing in her brown eyes. She purposely poked him for a reaction. “It’s a shame you hide your face with those paper bags. Your red eyes are beautiful. If you’re insecure about a scar or something, you don’t need to be that way with me. I won’t be scared if you show me your scars.”
“My eyes aren’t red.” He said and he pulled his paper bag lower over his face. “You must’ve mistaken me for someone else.”
“So, you can talk. You wouldn’t talk to me for days and I was beginning to think that you lost your voice. I like your voice.” Mikuni grinned at him and he realized that he fell into her trap. She pushed herself off the bed and walked to the bars between them. She didn’t touch the bars because she knew they would’ve electrocuted her. She tilted her head at JeJe and repeated his name: “JeJe, third eldest of the Servamps and Punisher of the Doubtful. You never answered my pumpkin soup question.”
JeJe tried to deny who he was again but she merely rebutted him. “If you want to prove me wrong, you can break open your cell door, walk to me and show me your eyes. Red eyes are rare compared to other colours like brown or green. If you’re not from the Servamp family, it’s likely your eyes aren’t red. Prove me wrong, JeJe.”
“I can’t leave my cell and show you my eyes.” He doubted he could evade her questions any further and he thought it was better to play her game. JeJe didn’t know what her goal was but he couldn’t lose anything from speaking with her. He was also a little curious about who she was. “You know my name but I don’t know yours.”
“I would love to tell you my name when people aren’t listening to us. C3 was able to capture you by discovering your identity and family. I can’t let that happen.” Mikuni nodded towards the security camera in the corner of the room. “Eavesdropping will be the least of their crimes. They didn’t have the decency to give us a larger room.”
She stepped back from the prison bars and sat on the concrete ground. Griffon wings burst from her back and she flapped them a few times. Several items fell to the ground but her large wings blocked them from the camera. JeJe couldn’t see anything she would be able to use to escape. “I knew it would be boring in C3 so I bought things to pass the time. Do you want a book? I have several.”
“You shouldn’t act so relaxed and casual in our situation. C3 has us captured on the lowest floor. They don’t care for mythical creatures like us.” He warned her. In response, she slid a book across the hall and it stopped at his feet. “I’ve heard the guards gossiping about you and how you’re the leader of the vigilantes. They’ll interrogate you for information soon.”
“Are you worried about me? That’s sweet, JeJe.” Mikuni’s smile never faltered as she combed her fingers through her feathers. “I turned myself in willingly. C3 may be arrogant but they’re not stupid. They know the only reason they can hold me here is because I’m cooperating. For the moment at least. I won’t give them information about the vigilantes I work with.”
“They’re probably searching for a way to force you to tell them about the vigilantes.” He was shocked to hear that she let herself be captured by C3. JeJe didn’t know why she would do so or what she had planned. “You shouldn’t underestimate C3. They’re ruthless.”
“C3 and I have that in common.” She shrugged in response. He couldn’t read her hard, brown eyes as she continued to say: “Gossip travels even to the lowest level of the prison. I overheard the guards say that this could be their only chance to interrogate me because I’ll take the opportunity to escape. They’re searching for the best way to force me to give them information. Until then, I can talk with you.”
“I don’t think I’m that interesting so you’ll be bored while you’re here.” JeJe picked up the book she slid to him. He flipped open the hardcover and his eyes fell onto the name printed neatly on the page, Mikuni. He didn’t know if it was truly her name and she didn’t seem like the type to carelessly give him information with C3 watching them.
“We don’t know how long we’ll be trapped here together. It’ll be awkward if I address you by ‘you’ all the time. Can I call you by a nickname?” He asked. His eyes fell onto the single loose braid she wore over her shoulder. “Rapunzel?”
“As long as you save me from this tower, JeJe.” She changed the pitch of her voice and laughed at her own exaggerated performance. He found himself smiling at her joke beneath his paper bag. They both knew that she could easily escape by herself.
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Mikuni had brought a glass chessboard into the prison and they would play together often. He knew how to play chess and he would occasionally play with his brother but he was indifferent to the game. She seemed to enjoy it because she would ask him to play every day. He hadn’t been able to defeat her a single time yet he enjoyed playing with her.
“Knight to B3.” With the bars between them, he would tell her where to move the pawns. “Wait, I meant my other knight. That knight can’t even move to that space. You know that.”
“Look at that, your king is wide open now!” Mikuni stuck out her tongue at him. She teased him for a moment and then placed the knight back into its previous location. She looked over the board and hummed lightly. “You’re playing more aggressive than usual but you can’t commit to that strategy. A strategy where no one will be hurt… It doesn’t exist.”
“I know.” His voice was a small whisper but the silence carried it to her cell. In response, Mikuni moved her bishop to a free space and it was an obvious bait for his queen. Her strategy was often unpredictable and ruthless but he became better at predicting her next move. JeJe knew the type of person she was as the leader of the vigilante and a chess player. He was curious about who she was as a person.
“What’s your next move?” Mikuni’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Instead of answering her question, he asked one of his own. “Why did you start the vigilante group?”
“I can give you the selfless hero answer that I want to protect mythical creatures from C3. There’s also the tragic backstory explanation of how C3 hurt my family and I want revenge. My favourite explanation to give people is that I’m a double agent for C3.” Mikuni’s practised smile didn’t give him a hint on what the truth could be. “I find it’s best for people to make assumptions of my motivations.”
“C3 has already discovered who you are and why you became a vigilante.” A third voice came between them. Mikuni circled her large wings around herself and the chessboard to hide it. The C3 member walked in front of her cell with a cart of food. Mikuni cursed how careless she was. She would watch the time to know when C3 would deliver their meals but she became absorbed in the game with JeJe.
She tucked the chessboard into her feathers and stood to take the tray of food from the man. Mikuni pressed a smile onto her face. She learned that it was best if people thought she was childish and eccentric. Her expression didn’t father when the man rattled the tray of food against the metal bars. Sparks of electricity fell onto the ground at her feet. The bars were designed to electrocute anyone who touched it and she knew his actions were to intimidate her.
“We found your identity, Mikuni Alicein. You changed your appearance and tried to delete your family history. C3 will also find the other vigilantes who work for you.” He taunted her. She didn’t outwardly react to his words but JeJe knew she must’ve been scared for her friends. “Your mother is a part of C3. You started your little vigilante group to get your mother’s attention.”
Without a word, Mikuni wrapped her hand around the metal bar. Electricity travelled through her body but she didn’t react to the pain. She redirected the lightning from her body and into the system controlling the bar. The lights above them burned brighter as her power began to overwhelm the system. The man took out his gun to stop her and she merely grinned at him.
“I came to find someone. They know I’m here but they’re not going to speak with me. There’s no reason for me to stay.” She lied. The lightbulbs exploded, raining sparks over them, and then the prison was pitched into darkness. The emergency lights quickly came on again but Mikuni was already gone.
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JeJe stared at the empty cell in front of him. The only thing Mikuni had left behind was the chess set and the game they hadn’t finished. The hall was illuminated by a dull red glow from the emergency lights. He tilted his head back and listened to the sound of frantic footsteps through the roof. C3 was searching the building for Mikuni but it was difficult after she destroyed the power generator. “They’re going to lockdown the building as soon as the power is back on. You should run away while you still can.”
“I can say the same thing to you, JeJe.” Mikuni said. They sat with their backs to each other and he felt her heat against his body. They weren’t facing each other but JeJe could picture the confident smile she often wore. “They won’t look for me here. With the power out, C3 can’t spy on us with the cameras anymore. The backup generator is only linked to essential things like the lights and locks.”
“You lied to that man so he would tell the directors that you’re here for your mother.” He had only spent a short amount of time with her but he learned when she would lie to others. “Why did you turn yourself into C3? Why are you still here?”
“I like your hair. It was the first thing I noticed about you the night I was brought down here. Can I brush it?” She felt him shift behind her and she guessed that he had nodded. Mikuni turned around and combed her fingers through his dark hair. “You called me Rapunzel but my hair isn’t as long as my baby sister’s. I would brush her hair every night and talk. Those were simple times.”
Mikuni’s words trailed off as the memories returned to her. She leaned forward and she rested her forehead against his strong back. “I would brush her hair and she would brush my feathers. Mother hated my wings but my sister admired them. I wish I told Misono why we had to keep our wings a secret from mother. She was a director in C3 and Father never told her about his heritage.”
He didn’t know what she went through but he could hear the pain in her voice. “I know how painful it is to not be accepted by your family.”
“The Servamps haven’t abandoned you. Your brother, Snow Lily, begged me to save you. I would never take the risk to break into C3 to save one man but I was moved by Lily’s words. He really cares about you.” She said and let his hand slip from her fingers. Mikuni stood and walked around JeJe until they were facing. “The reason I started my vigilante group was to protect my baby sister. Now, I run it so families won’t be separated because of C3. Let’s go back to your family. So, Rapunzel JeJe, will you break out of this prison with me?”
“You’ve already decided that for us, haven’t you?” JeJe said and placed his hand in the one Mikuni held out to him.
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Summary: Mikuni catches a cold. (Jekuni, Fem Mikuni)
“The snake does a hop, skip and a twirl.” Mikuni chanted the silly nursery rhyme as she braided her daughter’s hair. Her hands stopped and her blond hair slipped from her fingers. She tried to separate the strands of hair again but Mikuni began to feel dizzy. “Miki, stop moving so I can fix your hair. I have to go help Poppa open the shop soon.”
“But I’m not moving, Mum.” She said and she looked back to her mother with a confused expression. Mikuni started to respond to her daughter but suddenly her vision became blurry. The world tilted around her and she slumped to the ground. Miki cried when Mikuni fell to the ground with a loud thud. “Mum! Poppa, something happened to Mum!”
She was young and she didn’t know what to do. She shook her mother gently and yelled for her father. JeJe ran into the room and his heart stopped the moment he saw Mikuni on the ground. As he knelt next to her, he could see that she was breathing. He was still worried because her face was flushed. Carefully, he slipped his hands beneath Mikuni and lifted her into his arms.
She opened her eyes when he placed his hand on her forehead. Her skin was unusually hot so it was likely a simple cold. Despite the bag he wore, she could see the concern in his eyes. Small arms hugged her and she turned to Miki. Her daughter appeared scared as well and she wanted to comfort her. Her arms felt heavy though. “What happened?”
“You’re burning. It must be a cold. Miki, you shouldn’t be too close to Mum or else you’ll get sick as well. Can you go play with Abel while I take Mum to our room?” JeJe kept his voice calm because he didn’t want to worry Miki. He waited for to leave and then he returned his focus to Mikuni. He brushed her bangs from her damp forehead.
JeJe adjusted his arms around Mikuni before he stood. He carried her into their bedroom and lowered her onto the bed. JeJe started to stand but he couldn’t with Mikuni’s arms around his neck. Her hold was weak but he didn’t move. “If you drop me, I’m going to divorce you.”
“You’re already on the bed, Mikuni. I’m not dropping you. You need to let me go so I can get medicine for you.” He told her with a sigh. He knew she was sick so he wasn’t irritated by her childish behaviour. They had known each other for a long time so he was accustomed to her quirks anyways. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were feeling sick?”
“I’m fine.” She felt dizzy and she tried to orientate herself. Her strength left her and her arms slipped from around his neck. Mikuni fell back against the pillows and it irritated her that she couldn’t sit up. He pulled the blanket over her and she didn’t have the strength to argue with him. She rolled across the bed to return to work. “We need to open the shop.”
“I’ll call Misono or Mahiru and ask them to watch the shop for us. I’m sure they won’t mind if I tell them you’re sick.” JeJe reasoned but she continued to roll away from him. She almost fell off the edge of the bed but he caught her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and gently eased her back. Even though she was sick, he could see her stubbornness in her bright eyes.
Mikuni became independent at a young age. Even after she mended her relationship with her family, she rarely relied on others and trusted fewer people. JeJe had seen how she would commit to a dangerous plan if she thought it was for the best. “They have experience with the shop since they used to work part time. They can bring their kids to play with Miki.”
“Oh, I haven’t finished braiding Miki’s hair!” He stopped her from moving again and she gave him a glare. She couldn’t keep the expression after he tenderly ran his fingers down her cheek. His hand was cool and refreshing against her flushed skin. He didn’t say a word but she understood his feelings. He had been a silent, comforting presence throughout her life.
When he saw her relax into the bed, he sat next to her. “Let us take care of you, Mikuni.”
The door creaked opened and the sound made them turn towards it. Their daughter walked into the room with several dolls in her arms. Miki stood at the foot of the bed and tilted her head slightly. He knew that she wanted to climb onto the bed but it would be difficult to do while holding the toys. JeJe picked her up. “I told you that Mum was sick.”
“I just want to give Mum toys to play with. She has to stay in bed but she’ll get bored all alone.” Miki insisted and shoved the doll into his face. She handed the toy to Mikuni and a smile softened her mother’s face.
“Thank you, Miki. If I wasn’t sick, I would give you a big kiss and a hug. We’ll go out when Mum is feeling better.” She promised.
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pocket-luv101 · 5 years
I miss JeKuni, especially when they have a family with Miki
JeJe was blindfolded as he waited patiently for Mikuni’s surprise. He could hear Mikuni and Miki’s light giggles and he was curious what they had planned. Their daughter had wrapped a scarf around his paper bag so he could’ve easily taken it off. Yet, he didn’t take off the bag. He could only imagine their disappointment and their over-the-top reaction if he did.
The sound of a plate being placed in front of him caught his attention. He guessed that Miki and Mikuni baked something together. They were both inexperienced with cooking and baking since JeJe was the one who made the meals. No matter what they baked or how burnt it was, he would eat it with a smile. He knew they worked hard to make the snack.
Mikuni didn’t have a good mother so she never learned how to bake from her. She did her best to raise their daughter and gave Miki experiences she didn’t have. He sensed Mikuni move behind him and she lifted his paper bags off his head. Mikuni and Miki cheered at the same time: “Surprise!”
He saw a plate with four cupcakes before him. Like he predicted, the cupcake was mediocre and the icing was sloppy. JeJe felt a little proud that he was able to guess the surprise. He pulled Miki onto his lap and kissed the top of her blond head. “Did you make this, Miki? It looks wonderful.”
“Mum helped me! Eat, Poppa.” The compliment gave her a beaming smile. Miki took one of the cupcakes and held it to his mouth. As he ate it, she fed the second cupcake to Mikuni. She took the third one, he thought she would give to it to Abel. Instead, Miki held it to Mikuni’s stomach. “This one’s for the baby! Can she come out and eat it?”
“Your baby brother can’t come out until eight more months. But I’ll give him the cupcake you baked, I promise. You should eat yours since you worked so hard on it.” Mikuni told her. In the corner of her eyes, she saw JeJe’s eyes widened. She couldn’t help but grin a little and laugh at his shock. It had been a long time since she could play a trick on him.
“Baby?” He repeated. While JeJe was distracted, Mikuni leaned forward and stole a bite of his cupcake.
“Don’t be mad that I stole a bite. I’m eating for two now.” She laughed. Their daughter sat between them and Mikuni stroked her hair tenderly. “Miki said she wants a little sister but I think we’ll have a boy this time. You better vote with me on this, JeJe.”
“Little sister!” She insisted stubbornly. Mikuni remembered being an only child at her age and how she wanted a little sister as well. Misono came into their family through their father’s affair but she still loved her. She hoped Miki would be close to her new sibling as well.
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl? Choose your answer carefully.” Mikuni spoke in a sweet voice but he knew she was trying to sway him to agree with her. As he looked at Mikuni and their daughter, his heart swelled in his chest. He was already happy with the family they made but he could easily picture them having another child.
“Maybe a pair of twins with one boy and one girl.” He thought of an answer that would make them both happy.  
Mikuni pouted and crossed her arms. “JeJe, if I have to push out two babies in a row, I will never have night cuddles with you again.”
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pocket-luv101 · 6 years
Do you also do a JeKuni family fanfic? It's also rare and I can't forget the last time you wrote one for Fem!Mikuni x Jeje 😊
I think JeKuni is an interesting ship and I wish I could write more for them. They don’t have as many scenes in the manga as other ships.
“Row, row, row your boat.” Miki, the young toddler, sang. The books she stood on swayed hazardously under her weight. She was only four years old so she didn’t realize how dangerous her plan was. The only thing on her mind was her prize: the ship in a bottle. She grabbed the edge of her father’s word desk and pulled herself up with all her might.
Earlier, she had been enjoying a tea party with her mother and Abel. She had to leave when JeJe called for her help. Her parents ran a small antique store beneath their home. Mikuni told her to wait but Miki spotted the toy boat after she left. She was fascinated by the boats and wondered how her father managed to fit them in a bottle. The only way to find out was to play with the ship in the bottle.
She knew that she would return soon but she wasn’t a patient girl. Moreover, she was determined and she managed to climb onto the chair. Miki grinned triumphantly and grabbed the ship in the bottle. “Abel, look! It’s father’s pirate treasure.”
Miki started to climb off the chair but she wasn’t able to hold onto the glass bottle as she did so. It slipped from her hands and it shattered against the ground. For a moment, she stared at the broken pieces as if she was in a daze. She began to panic when she heard her parents’ voices downstairs. She pulled off the table cloth and threw it over the broken boat.
“Miki? I heard something break!” Mikuni flew up the stairs with JeJe close behind her. She was only gone for a few minutes and she couldn’t imagine what could happen in that time. She stepped into the living room and spotted Miki sitting at the tea partly like how she left her. “Oh, thank god, you’re not hurt. That sound gave Mum a heart attack. It must’ve been the wind.”
She brushed aside her earlier fears and walked to her daughter. Pain shot through her feet and she winced. Mikuni hadn’t noticed the shards of glass on the ground that the table cloth didn’t cover. She grabbed JeJe’s arm in a vice grip and tried to keep herself from crying. She couldn’t make Miki worry or let her see her cry. “Miki, stay there and pour tea for Abel.”
“You’re playing tea party at this time?” JeJe sighed. He swept her off her feet to ease some of her pain. He scanned the ground and stepped over the glass until he reached the couch. Slowly, he lowered onto the cushions. Since Mikuni was a child, she would protect her loved ones by hiding her pain with a smile. “Miki, there’s glass on the ground so don’t move.”
“Is Mum hurt?” Miki’s lower lip began to shake. She stood on the stool and jumped onto the couch. She crawled onto her mother’s lap and hugged her tightly.
JeJe noticed how guilty and remorseful Miki appeared. He glanced around the room and noticed the room. He saw a crushed ship peak out from under the cloth and he could put together what happened. “Miki, did you break my ship in a bottle?”
“I...” Miki began to stutter.
“I’m fine, JeJe, so don’t yell at my princess.” She hugged her protectively. “Even if she did break it, we can’t yell at her for an accident. It’s just a stupid ship and you can make another one. Wait, did you step in the glass, Miki?”
She shook her head and Mikuni smiled softly at her answer. Miki didn’t reflect that smile though. She pressed Abel to her cheek to give her an apologetic kiss. JeJe patted her head and stood up. “I’m going to the kitchen to get the first aid kit.”
“Is Poppa mad?” Miki tilted her head back to look up at her mother. It was difficult to read his emotions for her. “I’m sorry.”
“Poppa isn’t mad. I think he’s just irritated at me. You see, I have this bad habit of lying and hiding the truth. Even if it’s to make my family smile, there’s a time and a place for it. Remember that, Miki.” She said. “No more lies for either of us. You also need to apologize for for breaking his things though.”
“Abel wanted to see the boat.” She argued.
“It’s better to take responsibility for what you did, Miki.” They both looked up when they heard JeJe’s voice. He knelt in front of them and carefully took her feet into his hands. The shards were small and Mikuni wasn’t bleeding a lot but he treated her like glass. “Does it hurt?”
“Only my feelings. You made me wait for far too long and I was worried you were mad at us. Show me that you’re not upset with a smile.” Mikuni used her feet to lightly kick off his paper bags. She couldn’t take off the bag over his head but he took it off for her. He had the most beautiful eyes she seen.
“I told you Poppa isn’t angry.” She laughed. “He can never stay mad at us.”
I think I have written a few Jekuni fanfics.
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years
Hello! Do you still accept request s on 101 love prompts? If not then ok sorry to bother you😅. If you still are though can you do Jeje and Mikuni with 90, 50, 37 with fem Miku Miku? Thanks in advance. Also it's okay if you don't do all of them
Mikuniand JeJe {37: “There was a power outage and now wehave to have dinner by candlelight”+ 50: “I planned out this super romantic proposal and you justruined it by beating me to whole proposing thing”} Fem Mikuni
JeJewalked into the shop and he was surprised that it was dark. Mikuni had sent himon an errand to buy the strangest assortment of things. He shuffled the bags hewas holding into one arm so he could turn on the light. Before he could reachthe light switch, he heard rushed footsteps. It was dark but he could still seeMikuni well enough as she walked down the stairs.
“Thepower’s out so don’t bother with the lights. Hurry up here with Abel’s newthings. You took forever to buy five little things that I thought our distancelimitation was going to take effect. But you’re home now and we can have ourdinner.” She laughed secretively. When she reached the bottom of thesteps, she took his arm and pulled him up the stairs to their home above theshop.
“Therewas a power outage so now we’ll have to have dinner by candlelight. At least Iwas able to get cell service and order us delivery. Our dinner arrived just alittle while ago so it’s still warm. If you were any later, I would’ve eateneverything before it could get cold.” She teased but JeJe didn’t doubtthat she would do something like that.
Mikunilighted the candles on the table and gestured for JeJe to sit across from her.He set the bags on the table. There was a sly smile on her lips and he had toquestion if she was planning something or if she was merely happy. He neverknew what to predict when it came to Mikuni but it was something hesurprisingly liked about her.
“Now,let’s see if you got everything like I told you to. A pair of antiqueearrings… White gloves… Mother’s wedding veil… Blue heels… Lastly, asilver sixpence. That’s everything!” Mikuni clapped when she wassatisfied. She took out each item and placed them on Abel. “Don’t youthink Abel makes a beautiful bride?”
“Who’sthe groom? I don’t think you’ll let anyone near her.” JeJe saidsarcastically and sat down.
“Foronce, you’re actually right, JeJe my dear. I guess someone else will have towear all of this. But first…” She took off her hat and held it out tohim. “I did promise you a reward if you bought me everything on my list.Reach inside and take it.”
“Thisisn’t a prank, is it?” He watched her carefully but he placed his handinside the hat. JeJe only found a small box but he was still wary that it wouldbe another prank. He was expecting something to jump out of the box when heflipped it open. So, he was surprised when he discovered a ring inside. Itshined in the darkness and reflected the candlelight around them.
“Somethingold, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpencein her shoe. You got me those things today.” Mikuni moved behind andwrapped her arms around his neck. “What do you think of your reward? It’san engagement band. I know it’s usually the guy’s role to propose but I’m justso tired of waiting for you that I decided to ask the question. What do yousay, JeJe dear?”
“I…”JeJe didn’t know what to say.
“What?You don’t like it?” Mikuni pouted when he didn’t answer after a longpause. She pushed away from him with a heavy sigh and then let go of him. Shetried to swipe away the ring but JeJe quickly caught her wrist to stop her frompulling away. Her eyes narrowed, silently telling him to let go. He didn’t anddrew her closer.
“Iplanned out this super romantic proposal and you just ruined it by beating meto whole proposing thing.” He told her and saw a light blush appeared onher cheeks. “Now I don’t have to worry about all of that.”
“Wait, no! I want my romanticproposal.” She said and pocketed the engagement ring. “You don’t getthis until you get me a ring! And I’m expecting a lot of things from yourproposal. But no big screen in front of some random crowd. I don’t want a bunchof strangers to see me cry. I’ll allow a public proposal if it’s in front ofclose friends though.”
Mikuni began to list off more thingsshe wanted for her engagement. He didn’t stop her because she looked so happyand excited. She smiled up at him and then slid off his lap. “We shouldhave our candlelit dinner before the food gets cold. We have a lot to celebrateafter all.”
Mikuniand JeJe {90: “Our kid is totally the one whowanted to build a pillow fort, not me”}Fem Mikuni
JeJeclosed the shop and cleaned it by himself. After Miki was born, he foundhimself doing that alone most nights. Mikuni would push the work onto him whileshe went to play with their daughter. He didn’t mind because he loved both ofthem and let them get away with more than he should sometimes. He would tellhimself that he would be firmer about work in the future but here he was onceagain.
Ashe climbed the stairs to their apartment above shop, he could hear laughter.JeJe could only imagine the mess the two made. He walked into the living roomand found a pillow fort taking over the small room. The chairs and couch werepushed together and a blanket covered them to form the fort. He walked to thecurd entrance and knocked on the chair. “I know you two are in there. It’stime for bed.”
“Shhh,”Mikuni voice came to him before she poked her head out of the fort. With ahushed voice, she said, “Miki’s sleeping. You’re going to wake her. Shewanted to have a slumber party and sleep out here tonight.”
“Makinga pillow fort is childish, even for you, Mikuni.” He sighed and shecrossed her arms.
“Didn’tyou hear me? Our kid is totally the one whowanted to build a pillow fort, not me. What kind of mother would I be if Ididn’t give my princess everything she wanted?” She pointed out, knowingthat the argument would play on his loving nature. Mikuni crawled out of thefort and patted the spot next to him. Even without trading words, JeJe knewthat she was telling him to sit.
Once he did so, she cuddled into hisside. “But this was fun. It reminded me of the fun little games I used toplay with Misono. He really grown up since then. Sometimes, I think of how thatwill happen with Miki too and I get a little sentimental. I want to spend asmuch time with her as I can before it’s too late.”
“Is that your way of sayingthis pillow fort is staying for another week?”
“Maybe two.”
“Fine, just don’t stay up toolate. Miki has school,” He relented easily. Mikuni grinned triumphantlyand hugged him briefly before she climbed back into the pillow fort. He kneltnext to the entrance and held up the blanket so she could crawl inside easier.“Is there any room for Pappa in there?”
“It’s a little small for youand your paper bags so you’ll have to take them off.” He took his paperbags off his head but she still blocked the entrance. She tapped his nose witha sly smile. “What’s the password?”
“You really are childish.”He rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to play your guessing game.”
“You’re no fun. Fine, I’ll justtake a payment for your entrance.” Mikuni leaned forward and stole a quickkiss. Then she crawled into the fort and he took it as a sign for him tofollow. He smiled as he watched Mikuni adjust the blankets around theirdaughter so she wouldn’t be cold. She laid down next to Miki and JeJe did thesame. He kissed each of them on the forehead before laying down as well.
I usually try to combine the number prompts into one but I couldn’t fit candlelit dinner and pillow fort together.
[101 Fluffy Prompts] Closed
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
First Impressions // Chapter 3
Fandom: Servamp Ship: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru
Summary: After Licht meets the wealthy bachelor, Hyde, she was certain that she could never be friends with him. Their paths continues to cross and she slowly comes to know him. Licht wonders if she judged him too quickly. (LawLicht, Pride and Prejudice AU, Fem Licht)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // (Ch.3) //
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Mikuni didn’t bother to knock on Misono’s bedroom door before she entered. The room was dark but she had to note that smoke lingered over the candle as if the fire was recently doused. She turned away from the candle and looked to her sisters sleeping on the floor of Misono’s room. The sight reminded her of their childhood where they would make forts and tents to camp on the ground.
She could easily conclude that her sisters were pretending to sleep so they wouldn’t have to start their morning chores. The sun was only beginning to rise so Mikuni didn’t see a reason to wake them. The amber hue of sunrise was tainted with grey rain clouds. They had time before the rooster would wake the town. She knelt next to her sisters and adjusted the blanket over them. Her eyes fell onto the book next to Licht’s pillow, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
When they returned from the party, Mahiru suggested the sisters sleep in the same room and read the play Licht had brought for Misono. Mikuni knew that the suggestion was to lift Misono’s spirits after their mother’s hurtful words so Mikuni agreed. Her only condition was for them to sleep before midnight because they needed to wake early to care for the horses.
She had to finish the bookkeeping for the night so she told them to sleep first. Since they attended the ball, Mikuni stayed up later than she usually would. She was disappointed that she fell asleep in her office and missed the sleepover with her sisters. She placed the play on the desk and lit the candle again. “I know you’re merely pretending to be asleep, Ladies. While I was walking down the hall, I could hear you three reading the play. It’s not good for your eyesight to read in the dark.”
“Then we shall switch from reading the play to discuss our new neighbours? Licht told us that Hyde was the one to suggest the comedy.” Misono said and gestured for Mikuni to lay down with them. Despite how Mikuni knew it would be more responsible to start the day, she settled onto a pillow instead. “Perhaps we shall see them if we go to the theater. Mahiru will have the opportunity to speak with Kuro again.”
“Mother has voiced her approval of them due to their wealth but I dare say we must protect each other from them. We cannot trust them. Hyde called Mahiru mad when she is clearly an angel! He also bribed the mayor to sneak into the library.” Even as she spoke, Licht thought of her talk with Hyde earlier that night. She rolled onto her stomach and stared out the window to Hanafield manor in the morning light. “There is also their brother who lives in the town under a false name. Who do you think he is?”
“Kuro said his brother has his reasons to hide their family name. We shouldn’t pry. They aren’t a traditional noble family but we shouldn’t judge them. Our peers would say we’re far from conventional women and we know how hurtful it is to be called such.” Mahiru reminded them. The four sisters each had their own passion and they wanted to do more with their skills than call it a hobby. “People are far too complex to judge who they are after only one meeting.”
Mahiru thought of Kuro and pulled her blanket to her lips to hide her grin. She was certain her sisters would tease her for the budding crush. “At first glance, Kuro appears to be the perfect lord with how handsome he is. He can’t dance though. He stepped on my feet several times but his effort was so earnest and charming that I accepted another dance when he asked. I’ve never danced so much in a night.”
“All the mothers at the ball must’ve been jealous of you for catching Lord Ash’s fancy. I’m certain he spent half the night dancing with you. The rest of the night, he spent smiling at you. I would venture to say he’s smitten with you, Mahiru.” Mikuni laughed.
Heavy knocks pounded on the wall and it startled them. Licht instinctively placed her hand on Misono’s shoulder to protect her younger sister. She relaxed when Sakura’s voice travelled through the wall. “I’m trying to sleep! Quiet down!”
“Sakura does have a point. It’ll be better to continue our conversation while we do the morning chores. We won’t be bothering the ones still asleep.” Mahiru said and sat up. “We can’t waste the morning. The stable hands will come soon and I want to make something warm for them to eat. Will you help me, Misono? You can give something special to Tetsu.”
“What? Why would you mention Tetsu specifically in such a way? I don’t have any feelings for him.” Misono insisted with a bright blush.
“Oh, don’t be so upset. Mahiru is teasing you about your crush on Tetsu because you brought up her crush on Kuro earlier.” Mikuni laughed when both of her sisters tried to deny her feelings. She stood and placed the pillows back onto the bed. They cleaned the room and Licht’s eyes fell onto the play Hyde gave her. She made a note to herself to return the book to the library.
She wondered if she would see him once again since he appeared to enjoy reading. Hyde’s teasing grin from the day they met contradicted the soft smile he had at the library. He had heard their mother insult Misono and intended to ask her to dance. She didn’t know if he was motivated by pity or compassion. But the thoughtfulness in his red eyes made her heart stumble for a reason she couldn’t need. Licht cared for her sister and she was happy to see someone treat them kindly.
She didn’t know why she couldn’t stop picturing his face. Licht pulled her thoughts away from the man and she followed her sisters out the door. They went through their morning routine. Their family’s wealth was modest so they couldn’t afford a robust staff to care for the house. The sisters loved the aging building and they would help the staff maintain the home of their memories.
There was a knock on the front door and Licht glanced at the time. It was far too early for their stable hands to arrive and they would usually knock on the back door. Licht answered the door but she didn’t recognize the man on the other side. He bowed politely to her and held out a letter. “Good morning. I am the footman for the Servamps and they asked me to deliver you this invitation.”
“Thank you.” Licht was surprised by the invitation but she took the letter into her hand. She closed the door and she carried the letter to her sisters. She tore off the seal and opened it to skim the words. Mikuni was the first one to notice her reading.
“What is that?” Mikuni asked and looked over her shoulder. “The Servamps are inviting us to morning tea? I didn’t think we had made such a good impression on them to do such. The letter names all of us but my intuition tells me that this is clearly meant for Mahiru. The letter mentions that it was a pleasure to dance and she was the only one to dance with a Servamp.”
“I would love to have tea with the family.” Mahiru took the letter and searched for the line Mikuni mentioned. She smiled to herself once she found it. Then, she folded the letter and placed it on the counter. “But we will be far too busy to pay them a visit. I need to work with the staff to plan for Haruto’s visit next week. Mikuni will be too occupied with the family business to do so.”
“I’m sure Misono can handle the horses while I arrange everything for our cousin.” Mikuni waved away her protest. “Misono has been working with me and the family business for a year now and she can handle it for the day. If you want to go, you can without worrying about us. Do you want to attend the morning tea as well, Licht?”
“Since we went to the party last night, I wasn’t able to practise my piano like I usually would. I planned to compensate for that time by practising an extra two hours today.” Licht could see how excited Mahiru was by the invitation and added: “I would go to protect Mahiru from that demon but his siblings will be there. She should be safe having tea with them.”
“Thank you.” Mahiru beamed a smile at her sisters and held the letter close to her chest. “We would sneak into Hanafield’s garden and play. This will be my first time inside the manor. I will ask them to invite you three another time so you can see it as well. I’m so excited. Oh, we should tell mother and have the carriage prepared before the rain starts.”
Mahiru placed the letter in her pocket as she left the kitchen to tell their mother. She quickly found her in the drawing room and she sat across from her. “Mother, I have been invited to have morning tea. May I take the carriage to visit them? They live next to us but the distance is too far to walk.”
“I have already promised Sakura that we would take the carriage to town and watch the officers enter town. There shall be a parade! She’s so excited to meet a soldier and I hope the weather doesn’t postpone the parade.” Her mother took Mahiru’s hand and patted it gently. She didn’t feel her mother’s warmth after she said: “We have thirty horses and you can ride one to visit your friend for tea. I need the carriage.”
“I understand, Mother.” Mahiru nodded to her. She told herself to look forward to having tea with the Servamps and the opportunity to speak with Kuro again.
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“Is this the file that you were looking for, Misono?” Licht asked and held out the folder to her. While she wasn’t as business minded like Mikuni, she did her best to help when Misono asked for her assistance. Mikuni said she trusted her with the family’s business but she felt a little uncertain. She was happy to have Licht’s support. “Perhaps I can bring the piano into the office to play a song to motivate you.”
“You’re a strong angel but I doubt you can carry the pianoforte up the stairs. Even if you did, you’ll leave drag marks on the ground and Mahiru will scream the moment she sees that.” They laughed as they pictured Mahiru’s reaction. She glanced out the window and she noted how heavy the rain had become. “Mahiru hasn’t returned from morning tea yet. Do you think the mud has slowed the carriage?”
As if to answer their question, Mikuni entered the room clutching a letter. Licht immediately knew that something was amiss by her pale face. “The Servamps sent us a message. Mahiru has fallen sick with a cold. She rode a horse to their manor and it started to rain during the last mile of the journey. They’re treating her cold but the doctor says it might take the night for her to recover.”
“Mahiru should know better than to ride a horse in this weather. What on earth would persuade her to do so?” Licht took the letter from her sister. She knew Mikuni would never lie about Mahiru’s condition but she was in disbelief. She wanted to immediately go to the Servamp’s manor to see her condition and to ensure that she was being treated well. In the back of her mind, she was reminded that Misono needed her help with the family business. She loved both of her sisters.
Licht turned to Misono and there was an understanding between them without speaking. “You should go, Licht. I’m worried about Mahiru as well and I’ll feel better if one of us was there with her. Mikuni and I will stay here to deal with the family affairs. We’ll go to Hanafield once we complete the work here.”
“I’ll send you a more detailed letter about Mahiru’s condition the moment I see her.” Licht promised.
She gripped the letter in her fist as she ran down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Licht only stopped to put on a coat and her bonnet. In the corner of her eyes, she saw her mother step into the foyer. She thought her mother may question why she would run into the rain. She rushed to explain as she tied the ribbons of her bonnet.
“Mahiru has fallen sick from riding in the rain and I must go to her bedside. She is being cared for by the Servamps since they planned to have tea together.” Licht slipped her feet into her boots without lacing them, worried that Mahiru’s condition could worsen if she dawdled for even a moment. “I will ride Pegasus so there’s no need to prepare the carriage.”
“The morning tea was with the Servamps? If I knew, I would’ve allowed her to take the carriage and have her bring Sakura with her. That would’ve been the perfect opportunity for her to impress the family.” Her mother sighed and Licht bit her tongue. “Sakura will be so upset with Mahiru for not telling her. She was already disappointed that we couldn’t take the carriage into town due to this rain.”
“Your daughter has fallen ill yet you speak of the feelings of Sakura’s alone? You have more than one daughter, Mother! Hell, Mahiru has been more of a mother to your daughters and she’s the third oldest of us. You would match us with husbands in exchange for dresses and Father will do the same for money to gamble.” Her worry for Mahiru caused her frustration to boil until she couldn’t contain it. Licht’s yells could be heard throughout the house. She didn’t bother to listen to her mother’s reply before she stormed out the door.
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Hyde stood on the perron staircase behind the manor and he was protected from the rain by the canopy above his head. He took a long drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke. He could see the creek past their garden and he recalled his first meeting with Licht. Their footman sent the family a letter to inform them that Mahiru became sick in the rain.
Sharp blue eyes played on his mind and he pondered if Licht would visit them to see her sister. She threw her shoe at him for insulting Mahiru and yelled at her mother for hurting Misono’s feelings. It was easy to see that she cared more for her sisters than how society saw her. Hyde couldn’t help but respect her passion and conviction.
He put out his cigarette in the ashtray sitting on the stair rail. Hyde intended to return into the warmth of the manor but something past the creek caught his attention. The person was too far for him to know who the rider was but he could see that they were riding towards the creek. He stepped into the rain and walked down the stone staircase.
The creek was only a short walk from Hanafield’s garden so he was able to reach the water with a light jog. On the other side of the creek, the horse continued to sprint towards the water but the rider made no move to slow down. Hyde tried to call out to the person to stop but his voice was drowned out by the rain striking the creek.
His eyes widened when the horse leapt over the creek and landed a few feet next to him. Hyde pulled himself out of his shock and he grabbed the horse’s reins to force it to stop. He shouted up at the rider: “Are you mad to perform such a dangerous jump in this rain?”
“Let go of me, Demon! I need to see my sister.” Hyde recognized Licht’s voice only a moment before she kicked him. Their screams scared her horse and the animal instinctively rose onto its hindlegs. She was thrown from the saddle and she braced herself from the impact with the ground. Instead, she found herself in warm arms when Hyde caught her.
“Are you okay, Angel Cakes?” Hyde asked. His heart was still racing and he didn’t know which of them was more startled. He looked down at her in his arms and the first thing he noticed was the tears staining her cheeks. He assumed that they were caused by worry for her sister and he wanted to reassure her. Before he could, Licht pushed lightly on his chest.
He placed her on the ground and Licht moved in front of the horse. With a simple hand on the horse’s muzzle, it became calm. Licht spoke to the horse in a soft voice and he was surprised by how lulling it was. “It’s okay, Pegasus. I was upset but I shouldn’t have rode so recklessly in the rain. When we return home, I will brush you and give you apples.”
“Our staff can care for your steed.” Hyde offered. He took off his jacket and held it over her head so she would be sheltered from the rain. The hem of her dress was coated in mud and her hair was dishevelled from the ride. Yet, she was still beautiful with her sharp blue eyes. “Your sister is well. The doctor said she only needs rest to recover.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Licht relaxed and stroked her horse’s mane. “Thank you for taking care of my sister and offering to help my horse. I want to see Mahiru right away.”
“I’ll walk you to the guest room where she’s sleeping.” He nodded. Hyde wanted to ask why she appeared so upset earlier but he didn’t know if it was his place to do so. He changed the subject and said, “I’ll have the staff prepare a towel and warm tea for you. We wouldn’t want you to catch a cold as well. Anyways, I owe you a dress after I ruined the one you wore to the ball.”
“You’re housing my sister while she’s sick. We can consider ourselves even.” She said and looked up at him. He held his jacket over her head and she felt surrounded by warmth.
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
First Impressions // Chapter 6
Fandom: Servamp Ship: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru, Mikuni, Misono
Summary: After Licht meets the wealthy bachelor, Hyde, she was certain that she could never be friends with him. Their paths continue to cross and she slowly comes to know him. Licht wonders if she judged him too quickly. (LawLicht, Pride and Prejudice AU, Fem Licht)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // Ch.3 // Ch.4 // Ch.5 // (Ch.6) //
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Licht walked through the library and she glanced down each aisle for Hyde. He told her that he enjoyed reading so there was a chance they would meet. As much as she wanted to claim that she didn’t want to see him, she couldn’t deny the confusing mix of anticipation and nervousness in her stomach. She pictured him reading in the dark with a candle illuminating his face. His red eyes were mischievous but his kind smile was genuine when he suggested a book for Misono.
When she realized that her thoughts had wandered to Hyde once again, she quickly tried to shake him from her mind. Her family decided to take the rare trip into town after Mahiru fully recovered from her cold. Licht decided to take the chance to return the book. A part of her hoped for something more yet she couldn’t name what that was. She was a straightforward person so it was strange that she didn’t understand her own feelings.
Voices near the back of the library caught her attention and her brows furrowed. Even though they spoke in hushed and angry whispers, she was able to easily recognize Mikuni’s voice. Licht crept closer so she could see who she was fighting with. She didn’t know what they were arguing about but she would defend her sister. She looked around the corner and she was confused to find that it was JeJe. He was her assistant and they appeared to be close.
“Mikuni, please consider my offer. You will be able to keep the house and the family business. You’ve worked harder to grow your business than any man I know and it is rightfully yours. Even someone as stubborn as you must see that this is the best solution.” JeJe said and Mikuni ignored him. Licht wondered what his plan could be for Mikuni to reject it so coldly. She turned her back to him and she reached up for another book.
He gently placed his hand over hers and he tenderly squeezed her hand. JeJe towered over her but she felt safe in his embrace. He whispered: “Please, Mikuni, think about it. You’re an intelligent woman but it will be difficult for you to find a way to keep the house before Haruto’s arrival. He will ask for one of your sisters’ hand in marriage. If you accept my offer first, none of your sisters will have to marry him. My family will ensure that they’re all well cared for as well.”
“Don’t bring my sisters into this!” Mikuni turned sharply to face him. Her brown eyes were a storm of emotions and they screamed louder than her even tone. She made an empty laugh and retorted: “You would put a snake to shame with that tongue of yours, JeJe. The next time you try to save me with such a deluded plan, I will fire you and you can return to your family. You will be happier there anyways.”
Mikuni walked around JeJe and she intended to march out of the library alone. Then, her heart dropped when her eyes met with Licht’s. She hadn’t noticed her sister and Mikuni silently cursed herself for being so careless. Their father’s will and the possibility of losing their home loomed over them. However, Mikuni didn’t want to worry her sisters and she tried to find a solution on her own.
“JeJe, collect the books I listed and take them to my office.” Mikuni didn’t look at him as she gave him the order. She forced a confident smile on her face and she walked to Licht’s side. She hooked her arm around hers and she gently tugged her out of the bookcases. “What are you doing here, Licht? I thought you were watching the play with Mahiru and Misono.”
“The play ended an hour ago. Mahiru, Misono and Sakura went to the shops to browse for dresses. I wanted to return this book before I joined them.” Licht explained and Mikuni nodded. While she responded with a thoughtful hum, she appeared distracted. She couldn’t stop herself from asking: “What was JeJe’s plan to save the house?”
“You’re such a direct woman, my dear sister. An admirable trait but this isn’t something to be discussed in public though.” Mikuni laughed. She let go of her arm so she could hug her sister. Licht could feel her arms trembling around her slightly and her concern grew. She adored her older sister and she was the one to inspire her to be independent despite the pressure of society. Mikuni let out a heavy sigh and whispered: “JeJe asked me to marry him.”
“I didn’t know that he was courting you.” Licht wasn’t shocked by the proposal because she had watched the way they blushed and smiled around each other. Her sister was often focused on their family’s ranch and the only ones who could convince her to take a break were her sisters or JeJe. That small fact was significant and highlighted the trust Mikuni had in JeJe.
“He is not.” Mikuni’s answer was full of sadness and longing. “Only a man can inherit the house and stables. Father doesn’t have a son but he can pass the estate to one of our husbands. JeJe promised that he won’t take control of the estate if we marry and we can continue as we are. However… A proposal made of pity isn’t something I can accept. He would eventually grow to resent me if we marry for that reason.”
“I don’t think he can resent you for anything.” Licht reassured her. JeJe had worked for them for years so she trusted that he had the family’s best intention in mind. On the other hand, she understood Mikuni’s feelings and her doubts. She leaned her head on Mikuni’s shoulder and she smiled up at her. “You’re an angel, Mikuni, and you should only accept a proposal with endless love and confidence.”
“That is reassuring words from an angel.” Mikuni squeezed her sister in her arms before she let go. “When you first came home ranting about that Servamp for disrespecting Mahiru, you called them snakes. You don’t know how perceptive you are, Licht.”
Her words left Licht with numerous questions. Did she know something about Hyde and the other Servamps that they didn’t? Licht thought of the many contradictions Hyde had— from her first impression of his roguish nature to the different sides she had seen since then. She knew how protective Mikuni was and she would tell them if it was serious enough.
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“I have bought six new laces for my gown. Mahiru, you must sew these onto my skirt so my new dress will be ready for the ball. The Servamps have finally set a date.” Sakura said excitedly and she placed her hat box in the carriage. The coach was already densely packed with things that she had purchased on their trip. Mahiru smiled warily at her sister but she nodded in agreement. She was certain that her little sister spent her entire allowance that Mikuni had given them that month.
“Sakura, I know you’re excited for this ball but maybe you should buy one perfect dress rather than the first six dresses that caught your eye. You will only be wearing one, afterall.” Mahiru spoke in a gentle and motherly voice. She loved her sister but she knew that it was better to teach her not to be too indulgent. “Mikuni works hard to provide us with money and we shouldn’t be wasting money.”
“Wasting money? Mahiru, these dresses are an investment. Wearing such a fine gown, I will catch the eye of every gentleman at the ball.” Sakura argued and she turned up her nose at her sister’s chiding. “Once I marry a rich man, we will not have to worry about anything. The money we spend on these dresses will be nothing but pennies compared to my future dowry. I wish you would have as much confidence in me as mother does.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Mahiru huffed but she didn’t continue to argue. The outing was supposed to be fun so she didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere by fighting with her sister. She closed the carriage door after she helped her place the last box inside.
The street was crowded with people shopping or watching the military parade through the town. Mahiru hooked her arm around her sister’s to keep her from falling into the crowd. While Sakura pouted at her motherly nature, she followed her down the street where their family was waiting for them. Sakura said, “You have not chosen a dress for the party, Mahiru. Are you so confident that you would win the favour of the Servamps? Wouldn’t a military man be a better match for you?”
“Win their favour? Sakura, you’re talking as if you see the Servamp’s ball as a competition. I only want to go to have fun and I hope you will as well. You don’t have to let Mother pressure you into finding a man.” She said and she lightly patted her head. Honestly, Mahiru was looking forward to the ball and the possibility of dancing with Kuro. “I was planning to wear the dress Uncle Toru gave me for my birthday. Mikuni offered to help me adjust it for the ball.”
“When I get married, you will have all the dresses you want, Mahiru. You only need to introduce me to the Servamps at the ball. Oh, I will help you meet a military man right now. I have the perfect method. I will throw my napkin into the parade and a gentleman shall return it to us.” Sakura took out a napkin from her pocket. Before Mahiru could stop her, she tossed the napkin into the air.
Licht watched her sisters from a distance but she couldn’t hear their conversation. When she saw her napkin fly into the sky, she assumed that Sakura had done so by accident. She walked towards the marching man so she could retrieve it for her. The napkin fell a few feet from the sidewalk and she waited until there was a small gap in the parade.
She stepped onto the road and she knelt down to pick up the napkin. In the corner of her eyes, she saw sand rising from the dirt. She gasped sharply when she realized that a horse was approaching her quickly. Her family trained horses for a living and she knew that the person wouldn’t be able to stop the horse before it trampled her. She stumbled backwards to escape its path.
“Licht!” She could barely look over her to see who had called her name before she felt herself being pulled backwards. Everything happened so quickly that she was a little dizzy. A hand fell over her cheek and it was oddly soothing and comforting. Licht looked up and her heart fluttered the moment she saw that it was Hyde who rescued her. He held her protectively as if he were afraid that the horse would turn around and threaten her again.
“Are you okay, Licht?” Misono’s frantic cry pulled Licht out of the moment. She was standing close to Hyde and people would question the position even if he only intended to save her. Hyde must��ve had the same thought because he let her go and then he placed a respectful distance between them. Licht was confused by the slight disappointment she felt. She wasn’t able to ponder on those feelings when Misono stopped in front of her. She was breathing heavily from the short dash.
“I think I should be the one to ask if you’re okay, Misono.” Licht said and she rubbed her back to help her breath. “I’m fine so don’t fret. God knows that Mahiru and Mikuni will already do that once they come. An angel can’t be hurt so easily.”
“She’s right. Your big sister is an angel and she would’ve simply flown away from that horse.” Hyde played along with her claim and he patted Misono’s head in a brotherly gesture. “Luckily, Kuro and I were going to visit our brother when we saw you. I played the role of the hero quite well, didn’t I?”
“I could’ve saved myself, Shit Rat.” Licht glared at him. She brushed his hands away from Misono and then she smoothed down the hair he had tousled. She wanted to thank him for saving her yet her pride told her that it would only make Hyde more arrogant. “I’ll let you return to your brother. Misono and I should go back to our own family.”
“I’ll walk you back and protect you from any runaway horses.” Hyde offered. Licht had to admit that she was a little tempted to accept and she debated what she should choose.
“Pardon me, did you drop this napkin?” A tall man interrupted their conversation and he approached them with a napkin in his hand. The pink fabric had a cherry blossom sewn into the corner so it was the napkin Sakura dropped. From his uniform, she knew that he was a soldier. She assumed that he was a part of the parade and he stopped to return the tissue to them. He smiled sheepishly and said, “I must apologize for almost crashing into you earlier.”
“This belongs to my sister so you have our thanks for retrieving it.” Licht stepped forward to take the napkin he held out. She didn’t expect for Hyde to stop her by wrapping an arm around her waist. He held her protectively and she could feel his body trembling in anger. With his free hand, he gripped the sword on the soldier’s belt.
Hyde didn’t draw the sword but it was clear that he wanted to stab the man from the hatred in his red eyes. His voice was low as he spoke. “I thought I told you that I would cut you through if you showed yourself in front of me again, Sasuke. Has the military tricked you into believing that you can beat me in a duel?”
The crass words and threat made Misono gasp sharply. The moment she heard her sister’s distress, Licht pushed herself out of her Hyde’s arm so she could go to her side. Hyde continued to glare at the soldier and the air became tense. It was as if he were waiting for Sasuke to provoke him into a fight. Licht had never seen him this angry.
“Hyde, you’re going to get yourself arrested.” Kuro stepped between the two and he placed his hand on his brother’s chest. His presence de-escalated the situation and Hyde dropped his hand from his weapon. While he stopped the fight, he gave Sasuke a quick glare. “He isn’t worth the trouble. Doubt Doubt is waiting for us at the library too.”
Hyde clicked his tongue in frustration but he relented. He grabbed the pink napkin from Sasuke’s hand and then he walked to Licht. The moment he saw Licht’s confused expression, he realized that he had made another terrible impression on them. He relaxed his shoulders and he handed the napkin to Licht.
“I’m sorry for raising my voice. It wasn’t very gentlemanly of me. I wish I could stay and speak with you more but I must be leaving.” As he passed the napkin to Licht, he leaned down to whisper into her ear. “I know I made an ass of myself but you should know that he is far worse than the demon I am. Don’t allow him to woo your sisters.”
“What do you mean?” She asked. Licht reached out to stop him from leaving but he slipped from her fingers to disappear into the crowd. He left her with more questions than the first day they met.
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joydoesathing · 3 years
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Mikuni interacting with Fem!Jeje doodles
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
First Impressions // Chapter 5
Fandom: Servamp Ship: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru
Summary: After Licht meets the wealthy bachelor, Hyde, she was certain that she could never be friends with him. Their paths continue to cross and she slowly comes to know him. Licht wonders if she judged him too quickly. (LawLicht, Pride and Prejudice AU, Fem Licht)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // Ch.3 // Ch.4 // (Ch.5) //
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Mahiru had recovered from her fever and they were waiting for Mikuni to arrive with the carriage to take them home. She was sleeping and Licht took the chance to take her horse out of the stables for exercise. She held Pegasus’s reins as she walked along Hanafield’s manor. Licht couldn’t help but worry for her sister being alone in the room so Mahiru agreed to leave her window open and yell if she needed help.
She searched the wall for an open window on the east wall where Mahiru’s room should be. Long curtains blew out of an open window and lightly swayed against the wind. She assumed that the room adjoining the window must be the one Mahiru was resting in. Parting the curtains, she peered into the room. “Mahiru, I ran into the Servamp’s footman during my walk. He gave me a letter from Mikuni. She will be here within an hour or so.”
“You are leaving us already, Angel Cakes? I had looked forward to more time in your company.” Hyde leaned out of the room and rested his arms on the window sill. She realized that she had mistakenly looked into his room rather than Mahiru’s. He didn’t appear to be angry as he smiled at her. “I would like to speak with you more. Is that one of your family’s famous horses? I have been trained to ride horses but I haven’t partaken in the sport since I was a child.”
He slowly lifted his hand and Licht thought he intended to touch her hair. Her eyes narrowed and she gripped her fan in her pocket, prepared to strike him the moment he moved closer to her. Instead, Hyde placed his hand on Pegasus’s muzzle. The horse snorted angrily and stomped its hooves on the dirt. He quickly took his hand back before the horse could bite him.
“Don’t bite, Pegasus. I understand he’s a demon but Mikuni will not allow me to ride you if you misbehave.” Licht stopped the horse from snapping at Hyde again by placing her hand on its neck. He was surprised by how quickly she was able to soothe the animal. While her voice was stern, it wasn’t cruel like most horse trainers he knew. She continued to pet the horse as she told him: “Pegasus only allows angels to touch him. You must be a demon.”
“I have the reputation of a rake for the number of broken hearts I’ve left behind. I don’t know if that’s the same as a demon though. I am a normal man and I’m certain Pegasus will come to like me once he knows me more.” Hyde joked. Her glare did not change so he changed the topic and. “You know how to ride a horse and play the piano. You said you dislike the word talented but may I call you accomplished?”
“Considering how the only time you’ve seen me ride a horse, I almost ran you over, your words are empty praise to me. You’ve never heard me play the piano either. I do not know what you wish to accomplish by lying to me but I’m not a fool.” She finally turned her sharp eyes to him and Hyde thought she could see through him in that moment. “When you want something, it’s better to be direct or else you’ll be wasting your time.”
“You’re an interesting woman, Angel Cakes.” He lifted the window higher so he would be able to climb out of his room. Hyde landed on the ground next to Licht. He wanted to speak to her without a barrier between them but her horse walked between them. Despite how the horse had tried to bite him earlier, Hyde stroked its mane. “I mean no ill will to your owner, Pegasus. You don’t need to be so protective.”
“Pegasus is an angel so it’s in his nature.” Licht unhooked his reins from the bridle and then she pointed to the garden. The horse understood her silent order and trotted into the garden to graze on the grass. She looked up at Hyde and warned, “I sent Pegasus away so we could talk but he will return the moment I call for him. He is the fastest horse my family owns.”
“You take pride in your family. I can see how much you love them. I value my siblings as well.” Hyde said and he leaned back against the wall. “I’ve had eager mothers pushing their daughters on me for years. Should I be concerned about that when your mother arrives? You and your four sisters are single. I don’t have any objection if my brother courts your sister but I need to know it is for love. I want that for each of my siblings.”
“You have no need to see my sisters as a threat to your siblings nor their happiness.” Her voice became cold. A part of her understood that Hyde was being protective of his family. Licht couldn’t help but think of his worry as an insult to her sisters. How dare he think that they would want shallow marriages for money? “My mother is of the belief that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However, my sisters and I don’t wish to settle for being wives. We aspire to have our own careers.”
“Your family are an unconventional bunch, aren’t they?” Hyde meant the words as a compliment but Licht had heard the village call her sisters strange to mock their views. She flicked her wrist and the reins in her hand lashed out like a whip. The rein wrapped around his ankle and she made him fall backwards with a sharp tug. He hadn’t expected her to be so strong and he fell to the ground. He managed to catch himself on the wall. “What the hell, Angel Cakes?”
“If I weren’t restricted by my skirt, I would kick you for insulting my sisters.” A flash of anger and hurt flickered in her eyes. He realized that he had offended her when he hadn’t meant to and he quickly tried to apologize. Licht turned sharply on her heel and she marched away from him.
She walked to her horse and she pulled herself onto the saddle. Her skirt lifted slightly and he saw she was wearing riding pants beneath. Since she didn’t have the reins to guide the horse, she lightly held onto its mane and turned it towards Hyde. Pegasus trotted to Hyde and she glared down at him. “You worry that my mother would push my sisters onto you for marriage. I doubt they would take a demon like you.”
Leaving those barded words between them, she turned her horse and rode it out of the garden. The horse leapt over the fence and he could easily see the skill she held. Even when she almost ran him over the previous night, he was impressed by her. Hyde didn’t know why he would always say the wrong thing to her and make her angry. He never had trouble speaking with women before.
“I need to have one conversation with her where I don’t put my boot in my mouth.” Hyde muttered to himself. He looked forward to their next conversation where he would have the chance to change her poor impression of him. He watched her ride Pegasus and he would compare her to an angel at that moment.
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“Thank you for caring for me while I was ill. It has been a pleasure being here, cold or not.” Mahiru curtsied to the family. They stood in the drawing room and said their goodbyes to each other. She wished that she could’ve stayed a little longer and sat down to have tea like they planned. “Perhaps we can arrange another outing with both of our families.”
“Your family should be here with a carriage soon. Your face is still a little pale. Are you certain that it’s good for you to walk back?” Kuro said. Mahiru touched her cheek and worried that her exhaustion showed on her face. She wanted to hide the lingering effects of her cold. When Licht returned to her room, she lied and told her that she was feeling well enough to leave.
She had overheard her sister’s conversation with Hyde and she thought it would be best to return home before her mother arrived. As much as she respected her mother, she understood how overbearing her pursuit to match her daughters to husbands could be to others. She believed the Servamps were good people and Licht could be friends with Hyde if they were given the chance.
There was a knock on the door behind them and their footman left to greet the visitors. After a quick glance through the large window, Licht knew that their mother would be on the other side of the door. Their family’s small carriage was parked in front of the manor.
The footman entered the room and announced: “Mrs. Eve, Miss. Eve, Miss. Eve and Miss. Eve has arrived. Shall I bring them to the drawing room?”
“Dear lord, are we to host every Eve in the country?” Hinata sighed.
“Please bring the guests into the drawing room and have tea prepared for them.” Lily quickly added and he prayed that his cousin’s tone would not offend Licht or Mahiru. Kuro rarely danced with others yet he had smiled as he did so with Mahiru. He patted the sofa and gestured for them to sit. “There is no rush to leave so let’s share a cup of tea.”
Mahiru couldn’t politely refuse his offer before the door opened behind them. She was almost immediately embraced by Misono and she hugged her in return. She could feel how tense her little sister was. Since Misono was little, she had a weak body and simple colds would leave her bedridden for days. She couldn’t imagine Mahiru being sick while in an unfamiliar room. Her sister couldn’t visit her immediately because they needed to deal with their family’s business and Haruto’s visit.
“I told her a small cold wouldn’t kill you. I imagine Licht was more dramatic when she came to check on you.” Mikuni joked and patted her sister’s brown hair. She turned her head to face her and Mahiru knew that she was checking her complexion. Her eldest sister rarely showed her true thoughts or worry in front of others. Mahiru felt the sisterly affection her action held though.
“As an angel, it is my duty to protect those who cannot defend themselves. A sister with a cold falls under that protection.” Licht pouted. She recalled how kind the family and their staff had been to Mahiru while she was sick. She had to confess, “She was well cared for while she was here.”
Their mother walked past them to address the Servamps with a wide smile. “You have my gratitude for taking care of my daughter. I hope she has not been too much of an inconvenience during her stay. You must allow me to host an afternoon tea to thank you.”
“Mahiru has been a wonderful guest. We only apologize that our invitation led to her falling sick. Our butler should return with tea soon. Please, sit down.” Lily gestured to a couch and their mother readily sat down with Sakura by her side. The room soon settled into a circle with tea placed on the table in the center. Licht was seated with her sisters on the couch across from their mother.
Licht didn’t enjoy the cold formality of sharing tea but she decided to stay for Mahiru’s sake. Their mother wouldn’t allow them to return home even if she insisted that they leave. The conversation she had with Hyde echoed in her mind. Her mother would surely try to match Sakura with one of the Servamps and prove his fears correct. She could never be ashamed of her family but it hurt her pride to be wrong. She reminded herself that the opinion of a demon shouldn’t matter to her.
Licht glanced to Hyde. He was handsome and her mother would choose the charming demon to be Sakura’s husband. The thought made jealousy rise in her and she quickly stomped on the feeling before it could grow enough for her to examine it. She sipped her tea and then leaned to Mahiru. “We can escape this farce of a tea party if one of us fakes a heart attack and we’ll be forced to rush home.”
“Not even that can deter Mother from her plan.” Mahiru whispered back and her small laugh was heavy with exhaustion.
The sisters spoke among each other and Licht only partially listened to her mother. Sakura’s words caught her attention. “This room is beautiful and your ballroom must be more so. I would love to dance there. I heard the Servamps promise to hold a ball at Hanafield once you’re settled. When would that be?”
“Sakura, it’s not good to be presumptuous. The Servamps have only arrived recently and we do not know if they have settled in so quickly. They shall announce a date for a party when they’re ready.” Mikuni corrected her sister. She didn’t want to embarrass Sakura in front of the Servamp but she could easily picture the conversation becoming more awkward if she didn’t stop her.
“Don’t be so cruel to your sister for asking a question.” Their mother chastised Mikuni. She quickly turned her attention back to Kuro. “My daughter, Sakura, is a wonderful dancer. She had so many suitors asking for the pleasure of being her dance partner at your welcoming party. Sakura is also a talented singer. She can show you how talented she is at your ball.”
“We’ll need more time to finish furnishing the manor but we’ll hold a ball as soon as we can.” Lily offered. “You must know the countryside better than us. You can choose the date when we’re ready.”
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After the tea party ended, Licht dragged her feet down the steps to the carriage below. She was relieved it ended without a large scene. Licht mostly wanted to return home quickly to her piano. She needed to practise every day or else her skills would become dull. Playing the piano would also help her work through emotions that she couldn’t name yet.
Her sisters were already waiting for her in the carriage. Hyde stood next to the opened door and he held out his hand to help her step inside. He smiled at her and the sight made her heart quicken yet time seemed to slow at the same time. She placed her hand on his larger one and he squeezed her fingers lightly. “Would you prefer to ride in the carriage or Pegasus?”
“I prefer to be with my sisters.” She held onto his hand for balance as she climbed into the carriage. The warmth of his hand lingered even after he let her go. The door closed between them and she sat on the back seat. Licht opened the curtains of the rear window and she stared at Hyde as the carriage was pulled away from Hanafield. There was something about him that drew her to him.
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