#fem oc x miguel o hara
lost-eternity · 1 year
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Alright. I have been seeing a lot of “x Miguel O’Hara” spiderverse content recently so I decided to add my measly contribution to the pile. 
Although, I have to wonder if anyone will be interested because this is “x OC” and not “x Y/N” so I guess we will find out lmaooooo. 
This takes place about a year-ish prior to the events of ATSV (honestly the timeline is extremely unclear). So without further ado, this is the story of how my spidersona joined the spider society. lmk if you want part two...
(she looks so wonderfully judgmental, I love her)
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TW: gore mostly. Cyberpunk 2077 vibes (is that a TW? idk). Canon compliant (I think). Is bad Spanish a TW? Look, I’m trying my best. 
Miguel is investigating an anomalous occurrence on Earth 1342 but encounters some unexpected interference in the form of a spider-person who seems to be working for the bad guy. Witty banter and hijinks ensue. Not sure if this qualifies as enemies to lovers because the flirting is pretty mild. But sure.
A Hero For Hire : Part One of (?)
It was supposed to be an open and shut case.
Get in, secure the anomaly, get out.
Unfortunately, fate is a cruel mistress and things seldom work out according to plan. 
Earth - 1342. 
Year - 2089.
Miguel was scouting the expansive, sterile building from a balcony a few terraces away. The astringent odors of antiseptics bathed his tongue, detectable from the large Alchemax laboratory even at this distance. 
Despite this dimension's proximity in year and technological prowess to his own, the two could not be any more unlike each other. 
While Miguel's home world was a pristine, shining beacon of scientific innovation and social progression, this world bore unmistakable signs of untempered capitalism and corporate corruption. Neon-lit arteries pulsed with vibrant lucidity, casting an iridescent glow upon the restless streets below. The sleepless silhouettes of humanity hurried amidst a symphony of flickering lights and perpetually wailing sirens. The cityscape stretched before him like a mesmerizing tapestry of steel, glass, and unfettered product placement. Futuristic advertisements flickered and morphed upon gigantic holographic billboards, selling the empty promise of personal fulfillment via unregulated consumerism.
Unlike the brisk, clean atmosphere of his home dimension, the air here felt heavy and dirty in his lungs. The pungent odor of gasoline and pollution plagued each inhale, causing a discomforting rattling within his chest. 
Beneath its flashy, neon veneer, the city of Novus York masked a much darker underbelly. Corporate giants loomed like monolithic gods, their towers piercing the skyline. Here, power and greed walk hand in hand, and morality often yields to the whims of the corporations. 
It was one of the more dangerous universes currently on his radar. And as such, Miguel had insisted on this retrieval being a solo mission, unwilling to risk the safety of the others. Even so, this universe hadn't quite figured out the fundamentals of multiversal travel. Alchemax was experimenting on the anomalies they find by chance following the super collider accident in universe 1610. Miguel couldn't allow this line of experimentation to continue lest he risk another accident. It shouldn't have happened in the first place and therefore cannot be allowed to persist.
The retrieval of the captive anomaly and the subsequent destruction of any data collected should have been easy enough. 
Should have.
It wasn't. 
It never is.
Miguel heard the mechanical whirring of robotic limbs before he saw their approach. With sudden ferocity, a tremendous force struck his chest, propelling him through a nearby window. The shattering of glass created a whirlwind of sharp-edged fragments that tore into his suit, leaving a trail of crimson in their wake. His back found resistance against the brick wall within the building behind him, slamming into the weathered stones with a powerful thud. His shoulder clipped against the fire alarm, smashing through the box and triggering the loud droning ring. Misters overhead deployed, sending a spray of water showering down into the hall. Pain surged through him as the shards of glass burrowed into his clothing, each inflicting relentless stings that jolted up his spine.
Desperation fueled his reflexes and he managed to seize one of the menacing mechanical spider limbs that loomed above him. Blood leaked through his hand as the bladed weapon punctured his suit, causing a static fizzle of colored particles to glitch along his fingertips. 
He could feel her breath ghosting across his cheek as his assaulter pushed him harder against the wall. One of her mechanical limbs impaled straight through the stone by his left shoulder, gaining purchase among the concrete. Her lips were peeled back in an awful hiss. The mask hiding Miguel's face concealed the intensity of his emotions, but he knew that the same fierce determination reflected in his opponent's visage mirrored his own. A third mechanical limb raised above her head, poised to strike through his heart. Miguel yanked down on the limb within his grasp, jerking her toward him. He slammed his head against her face, causing her grip on him to slacken. Momentarily disoriented, she stumbled backward. In one swift motion, Miguel seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful kick that sent her hurtling through a nearby door and tumbling into the hallway beyond.
Without hesitation, Miguel leaped through the fractured doorway. He tucked into a roll as his shoulder came in contact with the linoleum below, allowing the momentum to assist him in regaining his footing. His arm blades glinted malevolently in the dim light, and with decisive precision, he brought them crashing down upon her. The collision was cataclysmic, shattering her body into hundreds of reflective shards that scattered and dispersed into the night.
What the hell?!
That was not normal.
Agonizing, fiery pain surged through Miguel's shoulder, eliciting a guttural howl that echoed in the corridor. A substance that looked suspiciously like webbing had been set ablaze and attached to his back. Desperately, he tried to dislodge the fiery webbing, his hands futilely grappling with the sticky, burning mass. Even the water raining from above did little to avail the fire. Instead, it further exacerbated the situation. The water caused molten flames to drip down the contours in his muscles, singing the unstable molecule fabric of his suit. Despite glitching, the suit adapted quickly, actively repairing itself in the process. 
“I'm afraid that water isn't going to do much for you here, darling.”  Her taunting tone hardly registered in Miguel's pain-stricken mind. “ Thermite causes class D fires."
Miguel slammed his back into the wall, peeling off the webbing and smothering the flames at the cost of scorching his suit even further. He finally had a moment of reprieve, his head snapping up to her. 
She sat leisurely on the ceiling, adhering to its water-slick surface with her fingertips. All of this confirmed his suspicions. She was a kindred spirit, a spiderman variant like himself, yet this newfound knowledge left him with more questions than answers.
 She tilted her head at him, her full lips parting into an easy grin. Elsewise, her face was entirely obscured by an enigmatic mask that perched delicately on the bridge of her nose. Neatly tucking her mechanical bladed limbs at her sides, she spoke with a casual tone, “you’re new. I haven’t seen you around before.”
Miguel's frustration boiled over, exasperated by the apparent lack of injury on her pristine suit. "How are you... I stabbed you!" 
“Yeah, that was rude.” She purred, dismissing his concern with an almost playful disregard.
“You’re the rude one. You attacked me!” Miguel’s eye markings narrowed in annoyance. 
Her tone was nonchalant as she replied. "And you're trespassing on company property, in employee housing no less. I'm just doing my job, dearest. No hard feelings." Rising to her feet, her cascading russet brown locks fell gently in front of Miguel’s face, emanating a scent of vanilla and cinnamon shampoo that mingled in the air.
“Yeah.” Miguel scoffed. “No hard feelings.” The uppercut came with little warning, but just as before, the second his hand made contact with her, she shattered into fragmented pieces and vanished. 
“Ay, coño!” Miguel cursed loudly and spun around, haunted by the sound of her laughter. He whirled around, desperately searching for his attacker. He noticed her skirting by at the edges of his vision. And then again across the ceiling. And again by the door. How many of her were there?
His eyes darted around, trying to track her multiple doppelgangers dancing along the periphery of his vision. Suddenly, flames erupted once more, and searing pain erupted through his suit as the webbing landed across his shoulders once again. 
 He didn’t have time for this. 
With an enraged scream, he tore at the webbing, lobbing it into the hallway beyond.
His movements, now frenzied, mirrored the untamed fury of a wild beast unleashed. Laser webs surged forth, seeking their true target—the spider woman herself—. There were numerous misses as many of them instead flew through her illusory dopplegangers. His claws quickly followed as he attacked with the ferality of a wild animal. Eventually, one of his webs found the true spider woman, wrapping around her ankles, she fell under the might of his retaliatory strikes. With lightning speed, he shot a web, anchoring it to a nearby wall, then propelled himself with a tremendous force, soaring across the room in a single bound. His descent was swift and unyielding, as he slammed his feet onto her form with fierce determination. She crumpled under the assault, her voice strained with pain.
He wasted no time in digging his claws into her shoulders. His talons pierced clean through her suit, causing blood to well up along her skin which stained the edges of the white fabric. The water pelting down upon them from the sprinkler system mixed with blood, pooling beneath her in trickles of dark maroon.
With an abrupt hiss, the spider woman retaliated. One of her robotic limbs raised above her head and struck down on Miguel, just below his calf. There was a loud, resounding popping sound that sounded akin to a gunshot followed by a sensation of blinding hot pain. But Miguel was too far gone to be deterred, he grabbed her by the throat. 
“You’re supposed to be one of the good guys!” He snarled and slammed her into the ground.
She clawed helplessly at his wrists. “Ugh, you hero types and your binary ethics." Her voice sounded strained under the pressure of his palm digging into her trachea. Miguel was courteous enough to ease up on her windpipe to allow her to formulate a complete sentence: an action which he would quickly come to regret. 
"You must be so naive if you think that the world is truly that black and white." She coughed and tilted her head back. Her lips parted with an eerie creaking sound. Her jaw unhinged, distorting her previously delicate features. The skin alongside her cheeks split, blood oozing up from the freshly torn wounds which curled up in a vile, bloody grin. Thousands of needle-like fangs protruded from her red-stained gums and she lunged forward. 
Miguel instinctively recoiled in aversion, his hands slipping from their ironclad grip. This sudden displacement of weight allowed the woman to shift underneath him; her hips snapped upwards, unbalancing him. He pitched forward, rolling across the floor on his shoulder to swiftly regain his footing. However, as he attempted to stand firmly, his knee betrayed him, buckling under the strain. Hissing in pain, he braced himself against a wall, turning to meet the gaze of his attacker. 
It was as if nothing had happened.
She leaned lackadaisically against the wall, her demeanor composed and unblemished, not a trace of injury marring her pristine appearance. Her perfectly manicured smile exuded an eerie poise. Her coat draped gracefully around her, defying the onslaught of water that surrounded them by remaining completely dry. Her hands rested gracefully in by her lap, exuding an air of serene composure.
"What are you?" Miguel seethed. 
He couldn't tell what was real and wasn't around her. Reality itself seemed to bend and warp around her, collapsing upon itself in a writhing net of twisting delusion. However, she never registered as an anomaly. She was not the one he was after. It made no sense. Why was she protecting it? 
 "I'm no less human than you are." She countered evenly, tilting her head. "And I'm not your villain."
"You sure?" Miguel commented dryly. "Because delaying me while the company you work for unravels reality itself seems like a pretty villainous thing to do."
"Wait." The smile fell from her lips. "Come again?" 
"Is that not what you're doing here? Working for Alchemax?" Miguel's patience was running thin. He crouched low, muscles tensing as he prepared to attack. 
"Whoa. Hold on. Time out here, big fella." The woman's robotic limbs sheathed themselves into a small metallic pack located between her shoulder blades. A gesture of peace. "Why are you here again?"
Miguel hesitated, uncertainty plaguing his movements. "I am here to detain and remove an anomalous asset from this universe to preserve the integrity of the multiverse."
"You're aware of how you sound right now, right?" The woman's tone was incredibly dry and disbelieving. 
"I don't have time for this." Growing more frustrated, Miguel attempted to brush past her, but his body betrayed him. His right foot met the floor, and with searing pain, his ankle gave way, causing him to stumble and crash against the hard ground with a loud grunt.
The woman’s smile was semi-apologetic. "Yeah. Uhm. I severed your calcaneal tendon. You're not going to be walking anytime soon, dearest." The woman crouched by him, her auburn hair cascading over her shoulders, enveloping her in a soft, halo-like glow beneath the humming fluorescent lights. "Means you have plenty of time to explain to me exactly what you are trying to achieve here."
Miguel glared up at her. As much as he hated to admit it.... he needed backup. Pushing himself up against the wall, he reached for his wrist only to find the metal gizmo absent from its usual location. 
"Looking for this?" The woman chided softly, holding up the precious technology tauntingly between two fingers. "I copped it off you when you were choking me out. Thanks for that, by the way. Everyone's going to believe I'm into some very kinky shit when the bruises surface." 
Miguel lurched forward, extending a desperate hand toward the device. "Give that ba-" He could hardly even finish the sentence. Searing, white-hot agony shocked through his entire system, frying his nerves in a splattering of bright colors. His arm twitched grotesquely as the glitching ravaged his body, sending his head abuzz with prickling needles of torment.
"Oh. That looks painful." The woman mused, a curious tilt to her head. 
Groaning, Miguel pushed himself up once more from the floor. "You don't say." 
The spider woman cooed, flipping the device over in her fingers. "Does this doohickey stop you from doing that?"
"It's a gizmo." Miguel corrected.
Her smirk took on a cautionary edge, "it's going to get smashed if you keep talking back."
"No!" Miguel attempted to lunge for it again, but she deftly darted out of the way. 
"I'll give it back if you behave." The flirtatious lilt in her voice was unmistakable. "Tell me who you are and what you meant by the whole multiverse spiel." She tossed the cuff up in the air, catching it with ease.
Miguel glared at her, the half-moon markings on his mask narrowing into hate-filled slits. "Why would I bother with some common Alchemax goon?"
"Goon?" The woman echoed. She chuckled. "oh, no, hun. I don't work for Alchemax specifically. I'm an independent contractor. They hired me to secure the perimeter."
Miguel stared at her incredulously. A hero for hire? The concept was unbelievably laughable.
"I can feel your judgment from here." The woman acknowledged, her smile faltering. "My student loans aren't going to pay themselves off."
"But Alchemax?! Of all the shady, obviously evil corporations-"
"Look. I'm not proud of it either." She held up her hands in a gesture of surrender. "But moneys really tight right now."
Miguel rolled his eyes. "I hope the money is worth the destruction of the universe."
"Yeah okay. About that. Why is that happening again?" She continued to fiddle with the watch, easily slipping her small hand through the opening and settling it across her wrist. 
"Stop that!" Miguel snapped and launched a web at the device. The glowing thread projected straight through the woman's abdomen and affixed itself to the wall behind her. 
She paused and looked down at the laser webbing that still remained within her incorporeal form. "Oh. Well that's embarrassing." She chuckled. 
Miguel practically quivered from ill-suppresssed rage. "Where are you?!" 
The woman's illusory form flickered and then reappeared a few feet in front of him. 
"I'm around." She reached out. Miguel instinctively flinched away from her touch, however, it phased right through him without so much of a tickle. "But as near as I can tell, you have an expiration date without this little watch thingy and I can sit here all day. So. Talk."
Miguel resented everything about this situation. He sighed, shoulders slumping. "My name is Miguel O'Hara and I lead an elite taskforce dedicated to the security of the multiverse-"
"Love that for you." She cooed. "But what does that have to do with me and Alchemax?"
"Will you just.... stop talking and let me finish?" Miguel bit back.
Amidst the rhythmic cascade of water from the sprinkler system, her illusory persona drifted upwards, giggling softly. At that moment, the relentless stream of water ceased, finally allowing a small moment of reprieve from the incessant pounding of water from the sprinkler system. 
The wailing of sirens drew even closer, signaling that the time frame of sanctuary here was rapidly dwindling. 
Miguel exhaled in irritation. "When a being is pulled from one dimension into another they don't belong in, their mere existence threatens the canon."
"Canon?" The woman echoed. 
"Established events required for preserving the integrity of the timeline."
"Oh. Fate." She mused softly, still fidgeting with the gizmo. 
"A drastic oversimplification, but sure." 
"Doesn't predestination have severe negative implications on the existence of freewill?" She questioned. 
"I-" Miguel groaned, "do you want an explanation or do you want to philosophize?"
"Alright. Putting that existential crisis on the back burner." The spider woman shrugged. "How do you know that breaking canon causes universal collapse?"
"Because it happened to me." Miguel's head tilted forward slightly, the tension along his shoulder easing. 
"You did what now?" 
"That doesn't matter.” Miguel’s tone was brisk as he evaded delving into the specifics. “All that matters is that I broke too many canon events and now it's gone. An entire universe. It's all gone." 
"Holy shit." A frown tinged the edges of her lips. "That's really traumatic.... I'm sorry that happened to you."
"Astute observation." Miguel commented with a deadpan tone. 
"No, I mean it." Her usually humorous tone fell into a sympathetic murmur. Miguel found it unsettling, as if her empathy threatened cut through his defenses. She was an enemy. “And now you're going around making sure that it doesn't happen again."
"Yes. Which is why I need-" once again, the glitching racked his body, causing him to contort and contract, battered by the rolling waves of pain. "-the gizmo." 
The woman didn't seem to be considering his words. "How long have you been doing this?”
“About six months now.” Miguel answered boredly.
She paused, looking contemplative. “And these people in the wrong dimensions"
"-yes, sure. These anomalies. Do you kill them? Or do you have a way to send them back?"
"We send them back."
"And Alchemax has one. Which is why you're here."
"Almost burst a vein figuring out that one, didn't you?" Miguel commented impassively. 
The woman huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "That's a lot of smack talk coming from the man with a severed achilles.”
"Yeah. Thanks for that,” Miguel quipped sarcastically.  
"Consider it payment for choking me out."
Miguel regarded her with a deadpan stare. "Those two things don't even remotely equate.”
She barked out a laugh. "Stop making me like you." 
"No. You stop-” He didn’t allow himself to finish that sentence. “Fine. Just give me back the gizmo." He extended a hand out toward her, despite knowing that both she and the gizmo she currently possessed were illusory. The meaning behind the gesture remained the same. 
The woman hummed softly. "I will. But then what do we do next?"
"I apprehend the anomaly. You stay out of my way." Miguel dug his talons into the wall, using the extra purchase to heave himself up right. 
The illusion did not look impressed. "Limping like that? You won't get really far. I'll deal with it. It's my mess. I'll clean it up."
"You're untrained and sloppy. You will be doing no such thing." Miguel pushed forward, using contact against the wall to pull himself along. 
She chortled. "If I'm the sloppy one, then you must be really embarrassed right now." 
"Cállate!" Miguel growled. "You fight dirty."
"I fight to survive." She replied softly, her sudden seriousness in her tone drew Miguel to a brief standstill. "I got this. I'll bring back your doohickey as soon as I am able."
"It's a gizmo!" 
"Yeah. Okay." The illusion flickered and then vanished. 
Miguel let out an outraged roar, slamming his fist against the wall "La chica estúpida se va a matar a sí misma." He grumbled.
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hrhmimieucliffe · 10 months
⚠️⚠️🔞W H O R E 🔞⚠️⚠️
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I'm projecting, I just want him between my legs and I wanna pounce between his legs and-
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I want to be those tentacles so bad
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tonixe · 1 year
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warn: a short sad drabble
notes: I felt like doing something sad.
Inspo: Here with me by d4vd
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"Miguel is everything okay," you said, coming into the room, walking over to him as you, hanging your arms over his shoulder, hugging his body, your head softly digging into his neck.
"Why are you crying" you murmured as you blinked your lashes at him, "Hm?" you turned your head to him, turning yourself to him and sitting beside him.
You wiped his tears from his cheeks, cupping his face together and looking at him, "I don't like when you cry, my love," you said. Miguel quickly took your body into his chest, squeezing you softly.
"What happened" you whispered, you felt wet tears on your shirt, his arms squeezing you tight.
Miguel stares at your face for a while,
"Power off," Miguel said, your body went limp in his arm.
But you weren't real, even if he wished it. You are just a figment of his imagination, something that was there but never real. As he touches your face, but wasn't your face.
He was still hanged up on you, and he knows it.
As he holds your robotic-like face in his hands. 'Your' glaring glass eyes stared into his own. It was something so sad, that he couldn't take it back. Your shadow was still staring at him.
A moment of regret that he couldn't take back from your death. But it was far too soon. You were already gone, already 6 feet down.
All he could do is mourn after your death. He stares off at the glass display of your once-worn spider suit, still retaining its glory as you wear it.
Even if he tried going back to a different dimension where you were still alive, it was bound to happen again, once more.
Your photo still sits in the same spot on the nightstand, where your smiling photo with you and him was taken on your birthday.
The fresh wound still bleeding out and the grim scene was a picture still in his mind. As he hugged 'your' body tighter as if it was real.
Every time he stares at the photo, it brings him back to the day you died. Rain pours onto his body, as it muddles his blood, mixing into the dirt, water, and blood. Your eyes flicking as life fades through your eyes.
Tears escaped your eyes, "Miguel, I don't wanna die" You looked at him, that was the first time you saw his face painted with fear. That was the only thing you saw on that day, before fading into an endless abyss.
But I guess he was far too late to ever bring you back.
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bibiwrld · 1 year
SIMILAR!|Miguel O’Hara
★ Miguel O’Hara x Black fem anti-hero! [OC]
★ Before reading: I don’t speak Spanish, sorry for any mistakes made.
—Synopsis: A new face suddenly arrives at Nueva York, working at Alchemax, catching Miguel O’Hara’s eye and helping the Spider Society with catching villains and anomalies..well sort of.
Alchemax was better, much better than what it used to be. They were actually helping the city, not stealing and hiding things from the citizens.
Miguel O’Hara, Alchemax’s best geneticist sat behind his desk, typing up data from his last experiment. He couldn’t lie, this was stressing him out. A mysterious virus was infecting Nueva York like wild fire, and he’s spent sleepless nights looking for a cure. He even had to put Jessica in charge of the Spider Society because of how dedicated he was to his work.
He groaned, sitting back in his seat, eyeing the computer screen with intensity.
A knock on his door broke the stare. “Come in.”
“And this is Miguel O’Hara.” A male geneticist opened the door, revealing himself and a woman Miguel was not familiar with.
She stood at 5’5”, but her heels made her 5’10”. Her skin was deep brown, with a golden glow, her hair was long, black and coily, with a small streak of white in the center of her head, almost like a skunk.
She was attractive, very attractive.
“He’s who you’ll be working with. He’s head of the the Genetics Department.”
The woman took small steps into the lab, looking around with a smirk on her face.
Miguel had no idea what was going on, darting his tired eyes between the unknown woman and his colleague.
He saw Miguel’s confusion. “Didn’t you hear Miguel? We’ve provided you with a partner.”
Partner? He didn’t need a partner.
“Wrenley Myers.” She stood on the other side of his desk, her skirt hiking up underneath her long lab coat.
Her skirt was way too short and that top was rather thin.
Miguel’s eyes loomed over her.
“Pharmacologist, but I’m very skilled in other sciences.” Her voice was smooth. “Maybe better than you, but I hope we can get along.”
Who did she think she was?
Miguel didn’t respond, adjusting his glasses and continued typing on his computer.
She scoffed and strutted off. Who did he think he was?
Wrenley, now situated at her desk, that Miguel had no part in helping with, watched him running an experiment.
He didn’t ask for help, not once.
She got up, strutting towards him, heels clicking in a fast rhythm. Her eyes carefully watched what he was doing, then loomed over to papers he had on the table.
They were very important papers— every single experiment he’s ever done was on those papers.
She picked them up, scanning through them with a smirk on her face.
“Can you put those down?” Miguel asked calmly, inserting a substance into the petri dish.
She ignored him, flipping through the pages and chuckling.
Miguel grew irritated. He removed his goggles and whipped his head towards her. “What’s so funny?”
She rested his papers back down and look up at him with a cocky grin. “If you needed my help, you should’ve just asked, O’Hara. Everything on that paper is pure rubbish, clever, but rubbish.”
And with that, she looked at her watch, then strutted to her desk for her handbag, then walked pass Miguel, but not without saying something smart to him.
“It seems that I’m not needed here, it’s time to go home and I’ll take my leave first. Good luck in your research, O’ Hara.” Her pink plump lips gave him a taunting smile, and her fox like eyes squinted at him, before she left the lab.
Miguel clenched his jaw.
Who the fuck did she think she was?
“Miguel, your heart rating is spiking.” Lyla, his AI, appeared by his shoulder.
“Notify Jessica that I’ll be at HQ in 20 minutes.” Miguel walked to his desk.
“Okay.” She responded. “You know, she’s pretty.”
He shut down his computer. “Who?”
“Wrenley, your new partner.”
Miguel groaned. “She’s not my partner, she’s just a cocky little shit who bullshitted her way here.”
Lyla laughed. “You sound jealous.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Whatever Miguel.” Her eyes rolled. “I counted 3 beauty spots on her face, on her chin, under her left and on her right cheek.”
Miguel looked at her oddly.
“She has a scar on the left side of her forehead, it doesn’t look self inflicted, and that white hair is a birthmar–”
“Can you stop talking about her?” He switched the lights off.
Lyla frowned, teleporting to Miguel’s side as he moved. “Why? You were looking at her a lot, I thought you liked h–”
“I do not like her, now stop.”
“You’re no fun.”
Next part: –two.
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hrhmimieucliffe · 7 months
If I did a little Miguel and Giselle comic, would anyone read it? (Trust I'm running on art fumes rn because i'm a little burnt out, but with the little motivation I have left, it would be like 1 page)
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