rubbarband · 7 months
Go beyond: In america
Closed rp with @FemDeku-rp
It wasn't often that America got Heroes from other states, usually it was a temp agency thing- or they were passing through mostly. Desmond and his Mom's agency was getting a really skilled hero, someone on the level of Japan's level 1 hero! So everyone was getting everything all dolled up for the time being.
Desmond was the same age as this hero, called themselves Deku but Izuka was a tough cookie, and honestly? this was great help after losing Stars and Stripes.
Here Des was waiting for the airplane to drop off Japan's toughest.
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"Ah Izuka over here, your ride awaits." Desmond waved her down, in his casual purple shirt and black pants he smiled at her approaching. "Lemme grab your bags, did you enjoy your flight?" Des asked plainly.
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With the chime jingles as it opens up, the shifting blue eyes of the large Dragonborn man glance around this shop, checking how busy and populated it is. So far it seems fair, regardless, this is where he needs to be for an enchantment for a tool on his belt. What is it? A shortsword, a bit closer to an arming blade but not his main weapon of choice. That was slung on his back, the face of his Axe facing outwards. Clearing his throat in a growl, his eyes scan over the place to look for the owner of this place for aid, setting down the sword on the wooden counter.
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prettyboywarrior · 6 months
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"Unfortunately, most people do."
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hopslikerabbit · 6 months
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The Number 4 Pro Hero Mirko, that was what she was known by and her fanbase seemed to just to swell, especially with a graduation of a new generation of heroes having just passed. She didn't expect anyone to jump on board with being her shadow, after all she was a solo act and didn't do the whole Hero Agency thing, also she couldn't think of many heroes that would mesh well with her aggressive, reckless, and wild way of doing things.
Still she attended the little event like the rest of her colleagues were expected to do.
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thenextbestidol · 4 months
Starter for @femdeku-rp
Ruby tapped her feet nervously. She got up from her seat, and then sat down again. She was being stupid, she knew that. But what else could she do?! Not every day a new member for B-Komachi came! How she was going to be like? Tall? Small? Cute, of course.
Could she fill Kana’s shoes?
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Miyako told her to chill, so Ruby started playing with her fingers. Her adoptive mother was right, she had to calm down. There was no good in being so freaked out. She looked at the clock on the wall, at any time, the new member would enter.
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erxsxre · 6 months
Izuka/ @femdeku-rp plotted starter.
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A regular day at U.A, though the snow was coming down thick and fast, it was cold outside, even within the confines of training ground beta, his breath hung in the air, the cold stinging fingers and the tip of his nose. "I figured this would be the best place to start." He nodded at his student, referring to the expendable set up area, made up to look like a regular town. "Alright, first, show me what you got."
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oc-menagerie-archived · 6 months
Kyana was running around, jumping over short walls and climbing up and down fences, all to see some possible heroic action in the town square. However she wasn’t looking as she turned a corner and slammed into someone, causing her to fall on her butt.
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“Ugh...Oh no! Sorry about that!” she exclaimed and stood up, reaching a hand out to the one she knocked down.
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defectedrockstar · 4 days
From Rockstar To Hero
Closed @femdeku-rp
Listen. I know you don't know me, but I do know you. You've done a lot of hero work and UA is probably the only trust worth organization that doesn't have authorities being paid to keep quiet. Vandelay Technologies is a corporation that has been known for their technological advancements, helping the world with energy crisis and ecological disasters. Located on a remote island that has its own massive campus to bring in recruits. Recently they have been developing a project they have been tight lip about, Project Armstrong. The only public detail is that they are partnering up with heroes, giving them support items.
Normally this would be fine, but my informant sent me code that has traces of an AI in all of the robotics and items they make. The files about the code are attached to this email. I know this is sketchy, but I need help. I'll be expecting you at the campus.
- Peppermint
Despite the hunch, Vandelay had been under scrutiny ever since the old owner stepped down. Under the guise of a partnership, Izuka Midoriya would be given her private flight by Vandelay to have a tour of the campus. The remote island being large, a city thrived on this land with the largest building being the Vandelay building itself.
Once the plane landed, Izuka would be greeted by a humanoid robot in a black chauffeur suit. They held up a sign with her name on it, although this was a private flight. Before them was a limousine for her to enter in, with someone waiting inside. A rugged man with grey blonde hair, tanned skin, in a black business suit with red highlights.
It seemed the boss of Vandelay himself, Kale Vandelay, came to escort her himself. Albeit lazily.
"Ah, Midoriya-san. Come in, get comfortable. The chauffeur will take care of your luggage," Kale greeted, opening the door on his side for her to slide into the limousine.
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green-x-reaper · 24 days
(@femdeku-rp) "After such a hard days worth of work it's such a great chance to relax and feel the cool breeze"
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"It amazes me that this is your reaction after a hard day's work. You are a magnet of death, slaving away to save people that would not do the same for you. The human mind amazes me." Dead rested her chin on her hand while watching the other woman enjoy her free time. Heroes. She will never understand them.
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electricea · 1 month
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"Exactly what it sounds like! Ramen except in the form of gummies! Maybe with a bit of powder or liquid, but otherwise, just candy ramen!"
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@femdeku-dp "I mean I like to have fun too you know. Also shouldn't you be crying about how your never going to catch up to goku?"
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"First of all, I haven't lost to Kakarot in a 1V1 at all. If you count this tournament it's my fourth winning streak against him. Secondly, the times I've lost to Kakarot was only when he teamed up with some other people. My third Victory was during our time training under Whis' and Beerus' wings. Thirdly, even if I do at least I have the pride to fight using my own power compared to your borrowed power."
"And finally..."
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"You forgot a comma or two in your first and second sentence as well as forgetting to make the 'G' in Goku's name capitalized."
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rubbarband · 1 month
send ⚔ to walk in on my muse training
Des would be practicing his high kicks when she walked in, One kick, two kick then a jump, spin and an axe handle before landing on his feet. He'd breath heavy before relaxing and turning to the sound he heard.
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"Oh hey Izuka, you here to train too?"
Sweat glistening off his abs as he welcomed he'd with a wave.
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inseparableduo · 23 days
@femdeku-rp replied to your post “main reason why Darla wears crop tops despite...”:
"You just need to learn to sew or get a proper tailor that can make more durable clothes"
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​"Well my brother knows how but, I feel bad asking him to fix our stuff all the time as is. I could ask a tailor, but... they'd have to be special or else to many questions would be asked."
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bxd-kxrma · 3 months
@femdeku-rp Replied: "It took me a second but I like that one"
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“Thank you. I heard it from a clown. Tell me a joke.”
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ancicntforged · 3 months
@femdeku-rp replied to your post “"You fuckers are going to pick the first option,...”:
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"Yay, not a kick!"
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the-self-exiled · 3 months
Absent Patron - Closed @FemDeku-rp
There was something amiss lately. In the grand scheme of things, it was an assortment of small .. blips, in the magical fabric of the realm. Even then, it wasn't even in the parts of the realm that would have been noticed sooner by the fey. They had been so brief that Titania hadn't even been sure they had occurred in the first place.
Nevertheless she had begun keeping track just to see if there was any rhyme or reason. Perhaps it was simply the will of the realm doing something of its own design.
Currently, Crystallin was looking at the map as she waited for her meeting with the High Queen. There really was nothing substantial yet, but it was definitely beginning to look like something intentional, rather than accidental. If only to be cautious and make sure it didn't come to anything worse, they would likely investigate.
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