tiredmilkshake · 1 year
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They are soft and cuddly and in love <3
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the-ritalin-rats · 2 years
okay extremely hot take guys. i don't really like femidiah cause of jedidiah's place in the ✨narrative✨
idk man i just don't really vibe with the headcanoning of a character who's canonically in a relationship with a gay man as transfem. especially when i don't think i've seen any transfems participating.(i could be wrong about that tho)
also like jedidiah is supposed to be relatively privileged in comparison to sydney and that difference gives them conflict. and hcing jedidiah as transfem would put them on more equal footing. (which from my understanding they aren't supposed to have yet) plus it puts his relationship with sydney in a weird spot cause like,, he's gay.
ik people are just having fun but it urks me a little.
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astrangelittlefool · 1 year
Oh btw sydney likes to leave little notes for adelaide solely so he can write out "MY DEAREST ADELAIDE" in big fancy letters. If you even care
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dykeyote · 2 years
people who dont hc femidiah but who are polite about it and willing to listen and understand why people do and understand they dont have to agree my beloved people who DONT do that and instead regurgitate the exact same arguments that weve already refuted thirty times without ever giving a counterargument beyond it and acting like its somehow #problematic and who weaponize the transfem characters that they barely talk about anyway against a headcanon without suggesting any Alternative headcanons to fill its place my beloathed
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catboy-joyfriend · 1 year
weird as hell that femidiah is the only jedidiah headcanon that interacts with his privilege that gets hate at this level. just saying
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doedorothy · 2 years
people hating femidiah remind me of those brony posts like "every time u call rainbow dash gay.... she cries :("
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l3monbunny · 1 year
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i love them your honor
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 years
i think adelaide finds a lot of gender euphoria in voices or characters from video games like skyrim n stuff. so like she always enjoys the quests with serana or astrid or aela bc she’s like “:)) pretty voices <33,.,”
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nocarations · 1 year
TL:DR - Femidiah shouldn't have even had discourse in the first place. But also I'm just a guy on the internet so you have every right to come to your own conclusion about what I say.
Honestly, I think the whole Femidiah discourse is silly, but was bound to happen. As the fandom grew bigger there was going to be some huge conflict over something small. Such is the way with the internet.
There is no reason to create conflict over something like a trans headcannon. If you don't like/disagree with the headcannon not one person is forcing you to interact with those who do, and vice versa.
Personally, I don't headcannon it, but I do think it's an interesting idea and I have no issue with those who do! I understand their experiences are different from mine, and as a result their perceptions are going to be too!
You can't change people's minds over the internet, you can only help them see things from your own perspective and hope that they understand where you're coming from. If they don't get what you're saying, then it will only be exhausting for you to keep on explaining it to them.
I do urge you to consider what I'm saying before arguing online and just ask yourself if it's worth your time. Remember that people will have different opinions and perspectives to you and that's ok! This goes for the whole of the internet as well, not just in CHNT fanspaces.
Thank you for reading! Take care :] /gen
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not-spiders · 1 year
I feel like Adelaide is like... the healed version of Jedidiah y'know? like Jedidiah in the current state of camp here and there, well, he's reclusive and anxious and represses all of his emotions. but like Adelaide is once she finally is able to be herself, and happy. she isn't hiding anything anymore, so like she comes off different. Speaking of that, I also kinda feel like Sydalaide is healthier than Sydidiah for the same reasons lol
yeah i definitely agree, you've worded it really well.
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tiredmilkshake · 2 years
Some people in the camp here and there fandom have to understand that it's alright not to like a head canon. 
No one is forcing you to like the femidiah head canon. We have explained ourselves multiple times now, and you all keep coming forward with the argument of “Jedidiahs point in the narrative is about privilege” what YES that is true, but you fail to realize that trans people can also hold privilege over other trans people. Sometimes the sheer upbringing of a person can cause them to hold privilege over another.
People also like to bring up Marisol anytime to give an example for canon transfem characters, but in the same breath fail to acknowledge that fennel is right there as well. (Also like kinda weird how you never post about Marisol and just use her as a tool to bring our head canon down. Do you really care about the *actual* transfem characters, or do you just dislike that we head canon Jedidiah to be transfem?)
EDIT: I just posted a short essay going into further detail on this, so check that out if you are interested
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the-ritalin-rats · 1 year
i think the main reason femidiah bugs me is because i have an alter of jedidiah who is very much cis and is vastly uncomfortable being in an afab body whenever he fronts. and i kind of want his own fandom to be a safe space for him to exist online which it very much isn’t right now for various reasons.
plus for some reason unknown to me femidiah hits my brain as weird in a way i clearly have not been able to explain in the past. i just want you guys to maybe consider your affect on systems and irls for a second.
i really don’t give a shit if you have a head canon. i really don’t. i just want you guys to be a little less loud about it, and tag it better. because right now it is quite literally unavoidable, and has driven me out of being able to engage with this fandom (which means a lot to me) on the only social media i can tolerate.
i’m not concerned about “cis representation” or whatever y’all are accusing me of i literally just want to make this fandom a comfortable space for me, and i’m sorry if i’ve been a dick about it.
(also very weird move to say that the openly trans person cares about cis rep, especially when jedidiah is literally the only character i care about in this way. if it were literally any other assumed cis character i would not give a shit)
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okay i KNOW this is unnecessary but i need to say it lol i still can't believe certain people thought that the femidiah hc was a joke,,, it's a headcanon?? how can a headcanon be a joke it's a headcanon like if you don't think it's plausible that's fine but calling it joke is kind of,,, off-putting
it's not even harmful in any way like the only part of it that could be clash with the story is that sydney's gay and might be only really attracted to like masculine men but like. please don't come for me for this, but i don't really care if seddie doesn't work out and i genuinely don't understand why people ship them or think that they will eventually make up and everything will be fine [idk if their relationship was ever even truly fine tbh]
like even if jedidiah doesn't have to do his project anymore and he can spend as much time as he wants with sydney we can't ignore the fact that he literally gaslit him and also hurt him to the point that he stopped caring about his own wellbeing like the gaslighting was a choice that he made knowing that it was gaslighting knowing sydney's history with mental health duhfuufu
both of them have the tendency to abuse power over the other person when given the chance [mommy issues] and sydney literally said it himself that that's not good for a relationship
and the fact that jedidiah literally only went to medical school b/c sydney wanted to,,,,
for this relationship to be healthy [and i'm assuming you do want them to be in a healthy relationship], they would have to change fundamental aspects of themselves
this is not "oh yeah they're opposites opposites attract" they're actually not that different the more you think about it and then the parts of them that ARE different clash so fufking hard helpp
like does nobody else see what the narrative is trying to tell us??? im literally losing my mind over this
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dykeyote · 1 year
anyway i think when jedidiahs feeling particularly dysphoric sydney likes snuggling up with her and kissing her nose and stroking her hair . they switch when they spoon a lot but jedidiah gets to be the lil one for that and sydney talks about how he loves his girlfriend so much because shes so pretty and sweet and cute . and if we’re going the adelaide route makes sure to call her by her chosen name a lot and kiss her face . love wins
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dazedglitch · 2 years
✨trans femme jeddie💖 is just, so good! i think she’s a good parting gift for Belov
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doedorothy · 2 years
sometimes i just think abt the fact that me and valentine having a convo abt transfemified jedidiah led to a huge domino effect that led to a whole branch of the chnt community being huge femidiah fans. and then i freak out
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