#fen answers
spid3r-trans · 1 year
drabble request u say??? mayhaps a punkflower cuddle sesh??
If it was strange for four people to have the same love language, Miles and his friends were complete anomalies. They’re always touching in some way— secret handshakes, hugs, entwined fingers, or sitting side-by-side like he and Hobie are now. So Miles doesn’t really think much of it when Hobie swings his legs up over his own.
They’re watching some movie, or rather, a movie is playing while Miles tries to beat his high score on subway surfer and Hobie takes intermittent naps. Miles thinks Hobie is just stretching out, that he’ll settle back down into a comfortable position and drift off again like he has many times before— but Hobie isn’t so easily appeased.
Hobie stretches out again, lifting his legs and then dropping them back down on Miles’—waiting for a reaction. When he doesn’t get one he huffs, flipping himself over and reangling his long limbs until his head is in Miles’ lap, watching him tap away at his phone.
Hobie can’t see the amused smile that works its way onto Miles’ face.
After a few more moments of silence, Hobie makes a noise of discontent. He’s bored and tired and tired of being ignored, although he would never beg for attention (no matter how badly he wants it). Instead, he slips his hand up into Miles’, effectively forcing him drop his phone.
“Hey-“ Miles’ starts to protest, although he doesn’t put up much of a fight when Hobie’s fingers interlock with his and he readjusts again. Hobie joins him on the L-sectional, forcing himself between Miles and the arm of the couch, tucking himself in the gap like it was made for him. He’s much more content now that he’s a tangled mess around Miles, letting out an exaggerated sigh as he closes his eyes again.
Miles isn’t one to deny him this, equally content as he relaxes back into the cushions.
Illuminated by the blue light of the TV, the two boys fall asleep in each others arms— lulled to sleep by the soft sound of the other’s heartbeat.
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winters-tales · 27 days
Hey would you write fake pokemon bios
Ah, not for money, I'm afraid - I am too broke to risk getting sued by Nintendo. I'll happily write original works, but not fanworks.
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yukirayu · 10 months
all of the links that are hyperlinked with livejournal cannot be found, i've never heard of this website before so i'm not exactly sure why i can't view on my side
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It loaded properly on my side. Though this is the second ask I got about the same issue...
From what I observe, the LJ links won't load properly the first time. Try refreshing or loading it again or removing the last slash at the end of the link.
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mrfenman · 5 months
Mr. Fen how do I manage my finances....
Hmm... 🤔
Very simple! Deposit pets into the Fen bank!
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Really love your AUs that put the Sparda apprentices in the story more!
I could infodump on them for hours honestly. With the lack of more backstory and things, creative liberty really do go brrrrr :3
Also dmc anon, you are cool. Just letting ya know 😎
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artoffenrad · 2 years
just need to tell you that your wood cutting shane left me like that walter white falling gif
i'm glad i was able to share this feeling with others because the idea of shane woodcutting is doing things to me
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All the Mechanisms share the last name Mechanism
true and correct!
-mod fen
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melodygatesauthor · 5 months
Very important question:
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My answer is:
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"fenris hates all mages" counterpoint: he just has beef with Anders Specifically
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midgardian-witch · 4 months
*slides this over to you*
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I will accept this bloody Englishman. I will trade you this sweaty IT guy:
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spid3r-trans · 10 months
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Breaking News!!
Spider-Man found at the 7-11
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winters-tales · 7 months
Yo, Beg My Forgiveness sounds awesome. What's that about?
Thank you! It's a little bit of blasphemy from an ex-Catholic.
So, I like my vampire stories. I like how far they go back into various myths and legends and folklores, I like the different takes on them, I like it all.
Beg My Forgiveness is the idea that the first vampire is Lazarus, after the miracle of Jesus raising him from the dead didn't quiiiite work.
Because sure, God is infallible and all-powerful etc etc... but Jesus was still just a man, and humans are not infallible, no matter how much divine power they have.
Did you know that with the story of Lazarus, Jesus specifically waited until he knew Lazarus was dead, specifically waiting until the traditional period of waiting with the body (iirc it was 3 days) was over and the body was prepared, before he even started the return journey back? He deliberately waited until there would be absolutely no doubt at all that Lazarus had died, before he went to go and bring him back. This man was supposedly his friend.
What would that do to someone? To know that your friend had let you die just to... what? To prove himself, when he's already done that a thousand times over? How much pain was Lazarus in when he died?
How much pain would he be in, knowing that his death was down to one person's choice?
TL;DR: it's mostly just me finding new ways to spite my Catholic upbringing. Or work through the religious trauma.
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yukirayu · 5 months
hi! i was wondering if there’s still an active invite link for the sd discord >< i remember joining it before but i cant find it anywhere anymore
There are a lot of Discords, but the two that I mainly know that are SD-centered are this and this. Hope it helps.
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hattiestgal · 5 months
hello fellow fox! why did you choose to be a fennec fox in particular?
Ooh, this is a fun one! So, back when I was first designing my sona, Riley, I'm pretty sure the first big reason I wanted to make them a fennec is because I really liked the shape of their heads. Very pointy face and big ol' ears are a good combo! Plus, they have really pretty fur being desert dwelling animals and all! I think it all really clicked though when I realized that fennecs are the smallest of the fox family.
At the time, I just thought it was funny to joke about their height, picking them up by their scruff, or putting my tallest character next to them (incoming ancient Riley art)
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But as I kept developing them, I got really attached not only to fennec foxes in general, but that idea of being small. I like the idea of being short! Whether that just be because I really like size difference, or just the general gremlin esque nature of being itty bitty, it just felt right for me. And at that point, my love for fens was set in stone.
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fenartoftheserotonin · 5 months
ur cool have a cookie sincerely the baking anon
Awwww thank you for the cookie, baking anon!
I appreciate you :>
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artoffenrad · 1 year
Also also. Are you planning to write a fic or comic about your apocalyptic stardew story? If so, where could I read it?
I sadly haven’t written any fic in years and when I did it was in French, even if I’m comfortable with English I clearly haven’t the level to fully write something !
For comics I’d love to, but knowing me and my health I wouldn’t be able to draw a full comic. But I plan on drawing illustrations and maybe mini comics/just some scene and writing some little things, more like just a post with ideas and headcanons to go with the drawings!
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