#fen supremacy though she’s the best
psychobootyshorts · 6 months
So I’ve been rewatching The Magicians fresh off Helluva Boss.
Ya know who Stolas reminds me of?
Eliot Waugh
The way my Queliot heart is now desperately clinging for a different emotionally constipated fashionable royal gay dude who uses alcohol as a crutch and was forced to marry a woman (Fen supremacy tho) to actually get to communicate with his depressed emotionally unstable bisexual not-boyfriend with a complicated relationship with his ex girlfriend
I don’t think y’all quite understand how much I’m desperately hoping for Helluva to heal the hole that The Magicians left behind.
Seriously though if you stuck Quentin and Blitz in a room together they would info dumb about horses and magic thank you for coming to my ted talk
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fragilemxnds · 3 years
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Was that [ MELISA PAMUK ]? Oh no no, that was just [EMIRA TATE-SHAFIQ], an [OC CHARACTER] from [HARRY POTTER]. They are [TWENTY EIGHT] years old and [ARE ] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here?
at least a year
what is your character's job?
emira is a fashion designer & mostly works freelance for other companies or individuals
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom?
she is pulled from after the 1st wizarding war
has any magic affected your character?
not really
additional info:
strap in buddies... ;)
emira is the oldest of three, however you would never know it as she exudes only child energy. she has a step-brother fen, who she shares a half brother with as well.
It’s safe to say that she is closer with her half brother than she is with fen, only because they share a mother. she will most likely never openly admit this though.
emira was sorted into syltherin in her first year, and made quick friends, she tended to be a follower but only because she could see more from the back of the pack.
she was often the best friend to whichever HBIC roamed the halls that year and played the social ladder very well. she made her presence known by being fashionable - emira often set trends & could make even her boring school robes look cool.
emira is very intelligent and although often quiet, is most likely always listening. she plays her whole life like a chess match and is always at least one step ahead.
she’s very selfish and is only out for herself, she will step on or over anyone that gets in her way without a second thought
emira doesn’t hold strong opinions on hot topics (blood supremacy, politics, etc.) but instead will sway to whichever side she feels will suit her better. for example, she sided with voldemort & the death eaters because of her family & her peers but never really acted on or for anything.
after the war emira had no issue with fen selling out her step-father knowing that she would have done the exact same thing.
now that she is in washington d.c. she was able to secure herself a luxury apartment, but in order to sustain the lifestyle she has created for herself she started her own fashion line, and is a freelance designer.
while she is in dc she only goes by emira tate as the shafiq last name doesn’t hold as much weight / power here.
wanted connections
her half brother - more info can be found here or here
an assistant - emira most likely depends on this person to live & to run her business as a designer. probably isn’t the nicest to them but also pays them well and gives them free stuff. probably also broken down while drunk on a phone call to them or somethin... idk
HBIC / school friends - emira was always the 2nd in command in the mean girl / popular girl squad. she was the bff to the HBIC and was their doting & loving companion unless it served her otherwise to not be. would also love other people she went to school with & still stayed friends with.
exes, flings, hook-ups, tinder matches - could be whilst in washington, could have been during school, could end great, could end badly... open to it all
clients - she is a fashion designer, she would have clients that commission her for events or just in general ( maybe people in politics or something )
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singingwordwright · 7 years
can you talk a little about what brought you, as a published author, back to writing fanfic. also what was your inspiration for your One Easy Answer fic/universe?
Hi there.
I’ve pretty much always been a fanfic author, ever since that day when I was 12 when my current beta @roseglass asked me how I would re-unite two ex-lovers in a story and thus began our six-year journey of writing Riker/Troi fanfic long-hand and snail-mailing it back and forth to each other after she moved away.
So it’s not like I ever intended to turn my back on writing fanfic, even once I published some of my original work. These days there’s a lot of crossover between the two, and my publisher, in particular, @riptidepublishing, specifically seeks out authors of fanworks and was started by someone who is very active in fandom.
For a few years, my mind was more in a place of generating original stories than it was in fanfic mode. Now the pendulum has swung the other way, in part because I’ve lost–or at least misplaced–my ability or desire to write sex scenes, and erotic romance was sort of my wheelhouse as an author so now I really can’t produce the sort of content most readers of my original works would expect from me. When I do get back into original writing, unfortunately it’s probably going to have to involve starting from scratch in a new genre with a new pen name to make a break from those expectations.
In the meantime, though, there’s this lovely show and this lovely ship that has brought me back into fan writing and consumes incredible amounts of my creative energy. And at least I’m writing something (also the last time I was this inspired with my fan writing, it ended up sparking my inspiration for original writing, which I’m hoping will happen again.) 
Now, as for what inspired the One Easy Answer concept/universe, the short answer is that I emailed @roseglass one day and said “I want to write an arranged marriage AU that isn’t, like HUGELY AU, it’s still mostly canon, but with a twist” and she said “that’s a fine idea, go for it!.” (Actually, it may be more accurate to say I wanted to READ a mostly-canon arranged marriage AU and realized the only one I could find had long-since become an abandoned WIP so it was down to me to write it.)
And in truth, I never got that thing I wanted initially. I WANTED a situation where Alec and Magnus didn’t become familiar with each other or fall in love until after they were married. But if I wanted that and still wanted to keep it close to show-canon, I would have had to have them getting married…oh, around maybe 1x04 or 1x05?
Like, I imagine the scenario would have been that the backlash from the Clave over the unsanctioned raid on the Hotel Dumort came in the shape of the Clave being afraid that Robert and Maryse’s children were going down the road of Nephilim supremacy the way their parents had, conducting “special missions” the way the Circle had, and in order to prove that wasn’t the case, Alec had to marry a Downworlder. That’s how that story would have looked, if I’d gone that route.
But for some reason, that premise didn’t occur to me until later. What occurred to me at the time I decided to write this arranged marriage AU was that I needed to pull one thread from the tapestry, and watch how it unraveled.
I’ve always been a tremendous fan of the idea of parallel universes, or that a universe exists in which each possibility to becomes reality and redirects the course of events in that universe (this is probably the teenager who got her first exposure to genre TV with ST:TNG popping up, actually.)
So I wanted to construct a universe in which the split point between show!canon and my!canon was Magnus backtracking on his promise that he wouldn’t approach Alec about their relationship again.
Now, I adore 1x12, don’t get me wrong, but let’s be honest. Ghost!Ragnor (or Magnus’s imagined construct of his recently deceased friend) convincing Magnus to change his mind and try one more time was almost bordering on deus ex machina. At least, so it seemed to me.
Like, we’d never seen anything in the show indicating that Magnus–or anyone else–tended to get wise counsel from ghosts, nor had we seen anything indicating that Magnus tended to have imaginary discussions with his lost or absent friends. So this idea that he was conferring with Ragnor and it shifted his determination to let Alec go after his last attempt to talk to Alec had failed, was…highly convenient and sort of came out of nowhere. It was the last-minute miracle solution to an unresolvable dilemma.
So I decided to explore what would happen if Magnus had stuck to his guns. Maybe he never received his visit from the Ghost of Warlocks Past, or whatever. But Magnus never wavered in his determination not to pursue Alec any more. 
Now, the first question is: would that mean Alec didn’t call off his wedding? Possibly, and I’m sure there could exist yet another parallel universe in which he didn’t. Maybe I’m cheating a little, but I like to believe that even without Magnus there, staring him down, Alec would have come to his senses before he crossed the point of no return.
So yes, Alec called off his wedding.
The next event where we might have seen ramifications of Magnus not interrupting Alec’s wedding is in the scene where Alec walks in on Magnus and Camille. 
Magnus, not having had the recent refresher course from ghost!Ragnor on why Camille is Pure Evil, is probably much more vulnerable to her manipulations and less wary of her. Maybe even inclined to seek comfort from someone he once had feelings for, no matter how bad he knows she is for him. He’s perhaps not going to be as unwilling a participant in that kiss as he was the way things happened on the show.
Which is what majorly shifts things into parallel reality territory, because it puts a rather effective kibosh on Alec approaching Magnus and saying, “hey, you were right, I chose not to go through with the wedding, let’s see where this thing we have between us might go.”
Because imagine how Alec was feeling that day after his wedding. Like, yeah, he’s concerned about the Hodge running off and giving the Mortal Cup to Valentine thing, but setting that aside, he did it! He cancelled his wedding. He came out to his parents. He prioritized his own happiness. He’s got to be chomping at the bit wanting to run to Magnus, tell Magnus what he’s done, and ask for another chance. But when he finally gets the opportunity to see Magnus again, he finds Magnus in someone else’s arms.
From there, it’s a cascade effect, isn’t it? Alec, hurt and stinging, is going to want nothing to do with Magnus, so all the events of season 2a feel the ripple effect of them not only NOT building their new relationship, but actively avoiding each other whenever possible.
Sure, Magnus keeps Alec alive in 2x03, but probably only because Izzy begged him to and because he feels guilty over what happened with Camille. Alec doesn’t nearly kill himself in 2x08 because he’s not being influenced by the spell at Magnus’s party, but he and Clary have still not found any sort of conciliation after Jocelyn’s death. Without the framework of their relationship, Alec remains ignorant of Izzy’s yin fen addiction because Magnus doesn’t clue him in during the events of 2x09, which means nothing stops Raphael feeding on Izzy that night, which becomes its own very dangerous situation. So now these events between Alec and Magnus have influenced events between Raphael and Izzy because without his confrontation with Alec, Raphael doesn’t have any reason to confess his feelings for Izzy. And so on, and so forth.
I just find it a fascinating study in how one event can influence so many other, and that’s really where the inspiration came from.
I deviated a bit farther from that original “one event causes ripples that influences others” mission statement in A Separate Peace, because for one thing, some of the events of season 2b (like the body swap plot) wouldn’t have worked in the canon I had established. Also, after season 2b, I decided one thing that was really missing on the show was character agency. So I decided to take an approach where the characters drive the events instead of vice-versa.
I also decided to make it an attempt to fix things that were bothering me about the show, such as the fact that the show leans heavily on “situationally convenience incompetence” (and hyper-competence, at times) wherein a character either becomes a total blundering idiot or the most awesome person to ever do A Thing depending on how tidily it moves things along in the story. 
Alec being more competent in his due diligence to vet Sebastian doesn’t actually CHANGE anything, except that it shows just how terrifyingly devious Sebastian is. Alec being competent forces Sebastian to be MORE competent. Which is frankly awesome because that’s the way it should be. You shouldn’t have to force your heroes to be dolts in order for your villains to pull the wool over their eyes. You just need your villains to step up their game and be that much craftier than your heroes.
I decided in A Separate Peace to fix the fact that there seemed to be storylines for Aldertree and Robert Lightwood that might have been set up initially, but never went anywhere, either because the show didn’t have time to include them, or because the actors were unavailable. If you’ve read my metas there were some really obvious clues laid down in both cases and there was just…no follow through. It was frustrating and I had the ability to work all that in and frankly it was some of the best plotting I’ve ever done.
The final thing I decided to tackle with A Separate Peace was the fact that the obligatory adherence to book canon relationships is getting in the way of the fact that, on the show, the characters are demonstrating insane chemistry that those pro forma relationships will never allow to flourish.
Wow. This ended up being really long. Sorry, nonny. I hope this answered your question?
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