#fender custom shop instagram
earlycuntsets · 5 months
Frank Iero and Mikey Way's new guitars for the My Chemical Romance return show. (2019)
at 1:02 frank had to test the guitar on his knees why is he so cute? theres a chair right there but he had to practice his rock moves ™
mikey: "we left the venue and we forgot to lock the trailer and this dude (frank) went on the highway to try to get my bass back. He risked life and limb. yeah. everything fell out."
currently picturing frank hanging out of a moving van and nearly grabbing the neck of the bass as it ejected onto the interstate
x x
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thekingofgear · 2 days
Colin with his Sadowsky NYC Precision-style Bass
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On September 16, Sadowsky Guitars shared this new photo of Colin with his custom bass guitar on the company's instagram page. Although the post's description didn't contain much info, they have shared quite a bit in the past.
Back in July 2018, Colin stopped by Sadowsky's shop in New York City in between Radiohead shows at Madison Square Garden (the band played the venue four times that week). His visit was to discuss a custom build with shop manager Lisa Ellis Mitra-Hahn. Roger Sadowsky has made custom guitars in NYC under the Sadowsky name since the late-1970s, but in the intervening decades the company has expanded to a team of custom builders, plus relatively-lower-priced models produced in Germany under the MetroLine moniker.
Colin stopped by again to pick up that custom build nearly a year later, on the morning of June 10, 2019. This time, Sadowsky provided a lot more info on the build, including a bunch of close-up photos of the instrument. Visually, the bass instantly draws a resemblance to the worn 1963 sunburst Fender Precision that Colin used heavily during the A Moon Shaped Pool era (not to be confused with the 70s sunburst P-bass that he mainly played during the OK Computer era). According to Sadowsky, the custom bass was meant as a stand-in for that vintage instrument, and Colin said much the same:
"This bass was inspired by the P Bass that Donald Duck Dunn used that had a jazz-sized neck. I wanted a comfortable, lightweight, touring instrument with the soul of a P Bass but the comfort and feel of a Sadowsky instrument." — Colin Greenwood
Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the bass was Colin's special request, mentioned at the end of the Facebook post: "he is colorblind and has trouble seeing white side dots under blue stage lights." Lisa Ellis Mitra-Hahn's solution was to install orange side dot markers, rather than the traditional white dots.
Much is made of Jonny's red-green colorblindness, and the ways Colin would tease him. One incident stands out in particular: “Jonny is colorblind, and when we were young, I gave him a red crayon to use for the grass he was coloring. It was a blood bath” (RollingStone). However, Colin hasn't mentioned his own colorblindness before. Perhaps Colin's is milder, or the rarer blue-yellow colorblindness.
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A photo of Colin discussing his newly acquired Sadowsky with Lisa Ellis Mitra-Hahn, who built it, at the Sadowsky showroom in Long Island City, Queens in June, 2019.
In a comment on Facebook, the company further explained that the bass is "active but has an active/passive push pull switch in the tone knob." The controls for the active pickups are presumably the stacked knobs near the end of the pickguard (in the spot where you'd find the output jack on a traditional 50s/60s P-bass). As a result the Sadowsky bass has its output jack on the side, like an early-50s Tele-style P-bass. The Sadowsky active preamp offers a +18 dB boost at 40 Hz on the bass control (bottom half) and a +18dB boost at 4 kHz on the treble control (top half).
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A close-up of the orange side dot markers!
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Some nice photos of the instrument itself in 2019.
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callmeblake · 1 year
From Frankieromustdie instagram on August 23rd, 2023: Thank you Anna & @earthquakerdev and @mschulz83 @fender & @fendercustomshop so much for these amazing new pieces of gear. Y’all are the absolute best 🖤🙏🖤
Fender Custom shop Telecaster through the Earthquaker devices Ledges pedal into my Fender Princeton Tonemaster combo.
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2015mai24 · 2 years
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Axis’ Gear|ミヤ(MUCC) 配信ライヴ用にシステムを再構築!
MUCCの無観客配信ライヴ<~Fight against COVID-19 #3~『惡-THE BROKEN RESUSCITATION』>が、去る2020年9月20日に開催された。最初のリモート・ライヴも含めると今回で3回目となるオンラインでのライヴだが、サウンド・エンジニアも務めるギタリストのミヤは配信での音質にも一切妥協なし。これまで2回行なったライヴで改善点を洗い出し、配信用のシステムとしてさまざまな機材を再構築したそう。今回は取材班も新型コロナ・ウイルス対策を万全に特別に現地へ潜入、ライヴ機材を撮影させてもらった。
文=編集部 写真=星野俊(機材)、Susie(ライヴ)
今回の無観客配信ライヴ<~Fight against COVID-19 #3~『惡-THE BROKEN RESUSCITATION』>では、多くのギターが登場した。気になるサウンド・システムの前に、まずはミヤの使用ギターから見ていこう。
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Yamaha Revstar RSP20CR ルックスに惹かれて購入したそうだが、サウンド面も気に入り最新アルバム『惡』のレコーディングでも活躍したヤマハのRevstar RSP20CR。現在は6弦ギターのメインとして使っているが、今回はセットリストの内容的に登場する場面はなく、メイブリー・ギターズTLタイプのバックアップとして用意されていた。改造点はなく、オリジナルの状態で使用している。
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dragonfly Border Custom 666
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dragonfly Border Custom 666
ウォルナット・カラーのBorder Custom 666のサブとして用意された、トランス・ダーク・グリーンの同型モデル。コントロールがボリュームとハイ/ロー・パス・フィルターで、ふたつのミニ・スイッチは各ピックアップのコイルタップ用。ボディの意匠は友人のペインターによるもので、背面には近年のお気に入りブランド=アースクエイカーデバイセスのステッカーが貼られている。
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Fender American Acoustasonic Telecaster
アコースティック・サウンドが必要な「月の夜」、「月の砂丘」で登場したフェンダーのAmerican Acoustasonic Telecaster。通常はポジション5の“コア・アコースティック”で使用し、「月の夜」のソロではポジション1のエレクトリック・サウンドを選択して演奏していた。ソロ中にはチョーキングする場面もあったが、弦はアコースティック用のブロンズ弦を張っている。
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Fernandes TE-85
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Hapas Guitars SLUDGE 727
近年ミヤがお気に入りのドイツ製ブランド=ハパス・ギターズ。本器は今回のライヴでメインとして活躍した1本で、2020年7月頃に入手した個体だ。TLシェイプで7弦のエクストラ・ロング・スケールは初代ハパス・ギターズと同様だが、リア一発仕様で音も硬質かつモダンな印象とのこと。今回はドロップGチューニング用として用意された。「惡-JUSTICE-」、「CRACK」、「World’s End」などで登場。
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Hapas Guitars SLUDGE 727 Custom Shop Limited
Instagramでひと目惚れ、直接連絡すると“日本ではまだ売ったことないけど、送れるよ”と言われ購入したハパス・ギターズのSLUDGE 727。実際に弾いてみるとサウンドもミヤ自身とマッチし、メイン器となった。メイプル指板で“サンバースト・モデルよりクリーンな音”とのこと。ちなみに、前出のサンバーストが3本目のハパス・ギターズ・モデルで、2本目はサンバーストの6弦仕様をオーダーしたそう。
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Mayones Regius 7
ポーランドを拠点に展開しているメイワンズのRegius 7。ミヤ曰く“ハパス・ギターズとは真逆で、すごくバランスが良い”とのことで、高音域から低音域まで分離感も良くきれいに出力されると語っていた。音も“ゴツゴツしすぎていない”ため明るめの曲で使用するそうで、今回は「My World」で登場した。ボリューム・ノブがはずされているのは、弾いている時に右手が当たってしまうため。
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dragonfly EXL-7st
ミヤがdragonflyと共同開発したEXL-7st。2016年頃まで7弦のメインとして活躍していた本器だが、今回はハパス・ギターズのバックアップとして用意され、登場はなし。ボディはフレイム・メイプル・トップのホンジュラス・マホガニー・バック、ネックがメイプルで指板がローズウッドという材構成。メイワンズRegius 7と同様、ボリューム・ノブがはずされている。
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MAYBURY Guitars Recycled RAM T-TYPE
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A1ーFREE THE TONE/JB-82S(ジャンクション・ボックス) A2ーFREE THE TONE/ARC-4(プログラマブル・スイッチャー) A3ーFREE THE TONE/EFS-3(EXスイッチ) A4ーJHS Pedals/Muffuletta(ディストーション/ファズ) A5ーJHS Pedals/Colour Box(コンソール・シミュレーター) A6ーMORLEY/Bad Horsie Liberty Wah(ワウ・ペダル) A7ーJ.Rockett Audio Designs/ARCHER(オーバードライブ) A8ーFREE THE TONE RM-1S(リング・モジュレーター) A9ーBOSS/DM-3(アナログ・ディレイ) A10ーBOSS/PS-3(ピッチシフター/ディレイ) A11ーJHS Pedals/Little Black Buffer(バッファー) A12ーEarthQuaker Devices/Disaster Transport SR(MODディレイ/リバーブ) A13ーBOSS/CE-1(コーラス) A14ーCooper FX/Generation Loss(Lo-Fiフィルター) A15ーMXR/M234 Analog Chorus(コーラス) A16ーGamechanger Audio/PLASMA COIL(ファズ) A17ーFREE THE TONE/PA-10G(プログラマブルEQ) A18ーSonic Research/ST-200(チューナー) A19ーFREE THE TONE/PHA-1(フェイズ・インバーター) A20ーFREE THE TONE/MB-5(MIDIスルー・ボックス)
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B1ーFREE THE TONE/JB-82S(ジャンクション・ボックス) B2ーBOSS/TE-2(エコー) B3ーBOSS/DM-2w(アナログ・ディレイ) B4ーDEMEDASH/T-120(MODエコー) B5ーEarthQuaker Devices/Afterneath(ディレイ/リバーブ) B6ーEarthQuaker Devices/Ghost Echo(ゴースト・エコー) B7ーGamechanger Audio/PLUS PEDAL(サステイン・ペダル) B8ーAnasounds/AGES(トレモロ) B9ーEarthQuaker Devices/Aqueduct(ビブラート) B10ーBOSS/PS-5(ピッチシフター) B11ーAnasounds/Spinner(EXペダル) B12ーJHS Pedals/Stutter Switch(ミュート・スイッチ) B13ーShin’s Music/Perfect Volume(ボリューム・ペダル)
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C1ーFREE THE TONE/ARC-53M(プログラマブル・スイッチャー) C2ーVoigt-Kampff/Big Muff Mod(ファズ) C3ーEarthQuaker Devices/Sunn O))) Life Pedal(オクターブ・ディストーション) C4ーJ.Rockett Audio Designs/ARCHER Ikon(オーバードライブ) C5ーEarthQuaker Devices/Plumes(オーバードライブ) C6ーAnasounds/UTOPIA(アナログ・ディレイ) C7ーLeqtique/ProVoost(ブースター) C8ーGFI System/Specular Tempus(ディレイ/リバーブ) C9ーapi/TranZformer GT(プリアンプ/コンプレッサー/EQ) C10ーFREE THE TONE/ARC-4(プログラマブル・スイッチャー) C11ーFREE THE TONE/EFS-3(EXスイッチ) C12ーOne Control/Minimal Series AB BOX(ABボックス) C13ーSonic Research/ST-200(チューナー) C14ーKORG/Pitchblack Custom(チューナー) C15ーBOSS/FS-5L(EXスイッチ)
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D1ーShin’s Music/Perfect Volume Hybrid(ボリューム・ペダル) D2ーFREE THE TONE/JB-21(ジャンクション・ボックス) D3ーFREE THE TONE/ARC-53M(プログラマブル・スイッチャー) D4ーAnasounds/SAVAGE(オーバードライブ) D5ーEarthQuaker Devices/Disaster Transport(MODディレイ) D6ーBOSS/DM-3(アナログ・ディレイ) D7ーJHS Pedals/The VCR(ボリューム/コーラス/リバーブ) D8ーJHS Pedals/The VCR(ボリューム/コーラス/リバーブ) D9ーBOSS/TU-3s(チューナー)
クリスタル・ピアノが設置されているサブ・ステージ用のボードで、フェンダーのAmerican Acoustasonic StratocasterとフェルナンデスTE-85をつないで使われていた。接続順はまずボリューム・ペダルD1に入り、ジャンクション・ボックスD2を経由してスイッチャーD3、各ペダルをループさせたのち、D2を経由してKemperへ出力される。D3のループは、D4〜D8の順番どおり。D7&8のThe VCRは用途違いで使用しており、D7はコーラス用、D8はクリーン・ブースター&リバーブとしてかけている。このボードではディレイやコーラスがおもに使われ、歪みは基本的にKemper側で設定しているそうだ。Acoustasonic StratocasterもKemperをDI的に使用しており、今回は“このアプローチがすごく良かった”と語っていた。
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A1ーKEMPER/Profiler Rack(プロファイリング・アンプ・シミュレーター) A2ーBOSS/SE-70(マルチ・エフェクター) A3ーBOSS/SE-70(マルチ・エフェクター) A4ーDrawmer Electronics/DS201(ノイズ・ゲート) A5ーNEVE/3415X(マイク・プリアンプ) A6ーFURMAN/PL-PLUS DMC(パワー・コンディショナー) A7ーFREE THE TONE/ARC-53M(プログラマブル・スイッチャー) A8ーBOSS/OC-3(オクターバー) A9ーBOSS/PS-3(ピッチシフター/ディレイ) A10ーKEMPER/Profiler Rack(プロファイリング・アンプ・シミュレーター) A11ーBOSS/SE-70(マルチ・エフェクター) A12ーWarm Audio/WA273(ステレオ・マイク・プリアンプ) A13ーFURMAN/PL-PLUS DMC(パワー・コンディショナー)
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B1ーKEMPER/Profiler Head(プロファイリング・アンプ・シミュレーター) B2ーBOSS/SE-70(マルチ・エフェクター) B3ーWAVERIDER/WR-81(マイク・プリアンプ) B4ーNEVE/1066(マイク・プリアンプ) B5ーNEVE/1066(マイク・プリアンプ)
こちらがサブ・ステージ用のアンプ・セクションB。フェンダーのAcoustasonic Telecasterを使用する時はケンパーをDI的に使用するため、B3〜B5といったマイク・プリアンプによる“演出”が重要になってくる。
quelle: guitarmagazine.jp
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canvasdesignersinc · 10 months
As the foremost boat cover supplier in Riviera Beach, our specialization lies in providing tailor-made solutions for all your marine needs. We excel in designing, manufacturing, and distributing custom marine canvas, Interior and Exterior Upholstery, EZ2CY and Soft Boat Enclosures, Blinds, Fenderhooks, and Metal Fabrication. Our production caters to a diverse range of vessels, from compact boats to luxurious mega yachts. Our clientele includes local boating enthusiasts and internationally recognized celebrities.
Founded in 1985 with just two employees and a single sewing machine, Canvas Designers® has evolved into the largest global custom marine canvas shop. With a dedicated team of over forty professionals, our commitment remains unwavering as we consistently deliver top-notch products. This dedication has earned us the esteemed reputation as the leading international authority in the marine canvas industry, with a specific focus on Riviera Beach.
1500 Australian Ave
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
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Business Hours:
Tuesday 7:30 am–6 pm
Wednesday 7:30 am–6 pm
Thursday 7:30 am–6 pm
Friday 7:30 am–6 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
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carstylein · 1 year
The Benefits of Off-road Modification: Why You Should Upgrade Your Vehicle in Delhi NCR
Off-roading is a thrilling and exciting activity that requires specialized equipment and modifications to your vehicle. Off-road modifications can enhance your vehicle's performance, durability, and appearance, making it more suitable for challenging terrains and weather conditions. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of off-road modification and why you should upgrade your vehicle in Delhi NCR with the help of CarstyleIn.
CarstyleIn is a leading car accessories shop in Delhi NCR that offers a wide range of car modification solutions, including off-road modifications. As experts in car modification in Delhi NCR, CarstyleIn understands the unique needs of off-road enthusiasts and offers customized solutions that meet their specific needs.
One of the significant benefits of off-road modification is improved performance. Off-roading requires a vehicle that can handle challenging terrains and weather conditions, and off-road modifications can enhance your vehicle's capabilities to do just that. Off-road modifications such as suspension upgrades, larger tires, and better brakes can make your vehicle more stable, maneuverable, and capable of handling rough terrains.
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Off-road modifications also enhance the durability of your vehicle, ensuring that it can withstand the wear and tear of off-road adventures. Modifications such as underbody armor, skid plates, and rock sliders protect your vehicle from damage caused by rocks, debris, and other obstacles. These modifications not only enhance the durability of your vehicle but also increase its lifespan, reducing the need for frequent repairs and maintenance.
Apart from performance and durability, off-road modifications can also enhance the appearance of your vehicle. Upgrading your vehicle with custom wheels, fender flares, and other off-road accessories can make it stand out and give it a unique look that reflects your personality and style.
CarstyleIn offers a wide range of off-road modifications that can enhance the performance, durability, and appearance of your vehicle. Their team of experts can help you choose the right modifications that meet your specific needs and budget.
In conclusion, off-road modifications are a great way to enhance the performance, durability, and appearance of your vehicle. As experts in car modification in Delhi NCR, CarstyleIn offers a wide range of off-road modifications that can meet your specific needs and enhance your off-road experience. So, upgrade your vehicle with the best off-road modifications in Delhi NCR with the help of CarstyleIn, the best car accessories shop in Delhi NCR.
Also, Read:
What are The Best Car Accessories?
What Is Car Modification In Delhi?
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olivereliott · 3 years
Singles Party: Two vintage Ducati restomods from Union
I’ll admit, my knowledge of vintage Ducatis is rudimentary at best—so I always feel a little out of my depth when talking to Mike Watanabe. He and Luke Ransom run Union Motorcycle Classics out of a barn in Idaho, where they specialize in charming classics and restomods. And their knowledge runs deep.
Mike put that know-how to good use on his latest two projects: a pair of vintage Ducati singles with two very different vibes. The faired one is a 1971 450 Desmo, and the other is a 1965 250 single—but those designations are only loosely defined, because both were pieced together from parts of varying origins.
“I built both these bikes for myself,” Mike tells us. “The shop is planning an invite-only Italian Singles tour next year, and we’re hoping to get some of our old builds back in town for that event. Maybe we’ll call it the Ida-lian Giro.”
The 250’s a bike that Mike’s had for a while, and was originally pieced together from spare parts that were pulled off the shelf for another project. “The pile of parts left over from that resto was in the shop,” says Mike, “and I recognized that all the patina looked really balanced. I took that pile and assembled it into a running old survivor looking thing.”
Mike ran the 250 like that for a few years, then decided it deserved more attention. He took a wabi-sabi approach on the build—a Japanese design philosophy that finds beauty in imperfection. Anything that was already well worn was left alone, and even the new paint was aged to match.
The first job on the 250 was finding the right ‘jelly mold’ fuel tank to base the design around. “Luke found a misfit tank off an Argentinian two-stroke,” says Mike. “I added receivers for Ducati emblem fasteners, re-shaped the emblems to fit, welded a Ducati filler neck to accept an old Ducati cap, and fabbed up the front and rear mounting tabs.”
Next, Mike shaped a ‘jelly mold’ tail to complement the tank, while Interior Revolutions handled the seat upholstery. The front fender and rear splashguard were shaped using a mold that Union has used on previous 250 builds.
The front wheel uses a Montesa hub, a custom axle and spacers, and an ‘unknown survivor’ rim. The rear rim is a Borrani, and the tires are from Heidenau. The suspension is stock but the wiring is new—Luke re-did it top to bottom, and installed an electronic ignition.
Mike built clip-ons out of old Harley-Davidson spring handlebars, and added Union’s own sandcast rear-sets. The exhaust was welded up from rusty parts, the front brake stop’s been fashioned from a leftover piece of aluminum, and the center stand’s a repurposed Ducati 160 item. The reproduction tachometer is the one gleaming part on the build—but it’s hooked up to a salvaged tacho drive.
The 250 doesn’t have its original motor either. “I traded the first motor for Desmo parts,” says Mike. “The new motor is a bit of a mystery. I bought it from a friend of the shop—he believes it was built by an old desert racer from the 70s.”
“Clearly somebody hot-rodded the heck out of the thing. It has a dual plug head and, judging from the compression and starting difficulties, my guess is that it’s bored to 350 cc and has a performance cam. The bike is virtually impossible to start with a kickstarter. The compression release must be used in conjunction with bump starting.”
“Luke is going to rebuild it this winter and make it little more usable for the street. Bump and run is fun… just not all the time”
The 450 Desmo, on the other hand, is a far more polished build, and more in line with what we’re used to seeing from Union. Mike dates it as a ‘71 because of the motor—but the actual model year of the frame is unknown.
“I traded a box of junky 250 parts for the frame in 2006,” he tells us. “I had a 450 non-Desmo that I sold in the late 90s and immediately missed it. So I started the process of gathering parts for this one at that time.”
“I kind of wanted to build a no-compromise street legal race bike. It’s probably overkill for the street, but having said that, you can’t have too much braking power in modern traffic.”
Mike got the motor in a trade too, by painting a set of signs for a British bike shop in Boise some 20 years ago. Luke rebuilt the motor and a custom wiring harness with an electronic ignition, as per Union’s standard operating procedure. He also had to work some magic to get the Dell’Orto PHF carb to work well.
The parts list includes Ceriani road race forks and yokes, a Ceriani replica 4LS front brake, Morad rims and a double leading shoe rear brake. Custom bits include the upper brake arms for the front brake, the front axle, and the rear brake stay.
Mike also designed the fairing, tank and tail himself, then sent plugs to Glass From The Past to make the final fiberglass pieces.
“I designed the paint scheme first, and built the fairing to match it,” he says. “The upper part of the fairing is based on a Vic Camp Ducati part, and the tank and seat mimic Ducati factory parts, with different proportions to make it all work together.”
The paint was a team effort: Mike prepped the parts, Luke laid down the base, Mike did the stripes, and Luke clear-coated it.
Lurking underneath the exquisite bodywork is a plethora of custom touches. Mike tweaked the frame in places, and fabricated all the fairing mounts, the instrument and headlight brackets, the steering stops, and a new center stand. He also built the exhaust system, a custom intake manifold, and a crankcase breather tank.
Finishing touches include Magura clip-ons and levers, and a Scitsu tachometer. The rear-sets and fenders are Union parts.
Although they’re two very different builds, both Ducatis bear witness to just how well Mike and Luke have mastered their craft. Mike’s planning to ride the Desmo on their upcoming tour, but will probably loan the 250 out. Time to visit Idaho?
Union Motorcycle Classics | Facebook | Instagram
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samfenderdaily · 4 years
A list of Sam Fender's electric guitars
I couldn't have made this list without @goldautumnalhaze 's help so thank you 💜 I also used this website (not 100% reliable but definitely helpful).
I think there's at least one more that I couldn't find a picture of, so feel free to add it!
He only uses Fender guitars on stage, so let's start with some Stratocasters:
Here's Tina - pretty sure this is Sam's first Fender, he even gave it a name - an American Professional Stratocaster in Olympic White
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Now, on the left he's playing a Limited Edition Custom Shop Stratocaster, a gift to Sam from Elton John. He's had this for months... But a couple of weeks ago Dean posted this (on the right) in his Instagram story and I think it's the same guitar - the colours seem different but they're not, I'd say it's a Sonic Blue body with a mint pickguard and a Rosewood neck.
Why 'new' though? I'm a bit perplexed. Maybe it's the same guitar, maybe it isn't.
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I'm pretty sure this is a Fender Vintera 50s Stratocaster Modified MN in Daphne Blue, correct me if I'm wrong
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Here's a Classic Series '50s Stratocaster Electric Guitar MN in Surf Green, also seen in his Millennial music video
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Now to the Jazzmasters.
I'd say this is his signature guitar, the one he uses the most: an American Professional Jazzmaster MN in Sonic Gray
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Here's the famous Shearer, a Fender American Professional Jazzmaster RW in Olympic White
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This is a Fender American Original ’60s Jazzmaster RW in Ocean Turquoise
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Here he's playing a Fender Classic '60s Jaguar Lacquer RW in Fiesta Red
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He's never played a Telecaster, Mustang or Duo Sonic except for this one time, where he's seen playing a Tele. It probably isn't even his, this was a very low key jam session and I doubt he brings guitars that he doesn't even use on stage when he's on tour... But I thought I'd add this because I've never seen him play a Tele.
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I'm not 100% sure that these are the exact models so let me know if I got something wrong!
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rendra23 · 3 years
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Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster Jeff Beck .. rare niih yukk ahhh bongkoss gitar sang legenda ☑️ Call or WA Eleven Guitars now for product info, advice and the Best Price: 🏷 08174952013 🏷Vidi 🔆089639869159 🚹 Agung CP 🎏 Shop Smile and share 🎏 🎸 Harga bisa di cek catalog WA Please follow eleven_guitar on Instagram, Facebook and youtube For daily updates and new stuff. Fasilitas Credit Card bisa melalui tokopedia atau datang langsung gesek di toko. Atau click link bio. Kirim kirim ke seluruh pulau jawa via herona GRATIS seumur hidup. No DM Please 👍🏻 🏢 Silahkan datang ke Store kami Eleven Guitars Company Jl Limo Raya No 7 Limo Cinere Depok 🪙 Open 11.00 - 18.00 Everyday #elevenguitarcompany #elevenguitars #elevenguitar #elevenguitarsjuara #cinangkarockcity #rejekidariAllah #tokogitarsecond #tokogitarseken #guitarporn #indonesiatrustedseller #tokogitarjakarta #guitarporn #guitarplayer #guitarist #bassporn #guitarplayer #guitarnerd #guitarphotoghapy #tweegram #vidijuniartophotography #vidiguitartoghrapy #jeffbeck #fenderjeffbeckstratocaster #fendercustomshop #elevenguitarstocks (at Jl Raya Limo Depok) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRBprIFLchZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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glorifiedguitars · 5 years
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Fender Custom Shop Winery Telecaster NAMM 2020 Masterbuilt Kyle McMillin 
[Source: The Music Zoo. Price: £7,879/$9,300]
Glorified Guitars Links: Instagram  YouTube 
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kfirochaion · 4 years
The Police - Message in a Bottle 🍾 I'm using the Julianna Analog Chorus/Vibrato by @walrusaudioeffects 🎸 Gear: @Fender Custom Shop 1963 Michael Landau Walrus Audio Julianna Analog Chorus/Vibrato @officialibanezguitars TS808HW @ErnieBall .010 Strings @marshallamps_uk Super Bass #thepolice #police #sting #kfiro #guitarplayer #guitarist #guitar #guitars #fender #stratocaster #musician #messageinabottle #instagram #instagramer #instagramer #instagrammer #classicrock #music #pop #classic #chorus #chorus #analog #walrusaudio #julianna #effectpedal #demo #geardemo #guitardemo Thanks for watching! 🤘 (at Lost At Sea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1oERHJXY1/?igshid=1jby0sdw0pdmx
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bradtraweek · 5 years
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See, I love stuff like this. You might recall that Custom Shop backpack giveaway I held both on my Instagram and a Facebook accounts over the holiday. Long story short - the winner was @gearfever (aka Ryan G.). Actually met Ryan in person at NAMM last weekend to hand him his prize in person, and it turns out he’s a rather like-minded individual who also takes and posts pics of GEAR. He’s also the owner of this lovely 2018 American Original ‘60s Jaguar in Candy Apple Red. Cheers to a new friendship and a fellow gear hound! And thanks for sharing the pics! 📷: @gearfever #fender #fenderguitars #americanoriginal #fenderamericanoriginal #jaguar #fenderjaguar #fenderjag #candyapplered #redguitar #guitarsofinstagram #instaguitar #60sjaguar #americanoriginal60sjaguar https://www.instagram.com/p/B7wtJ7lhgYA/?igshid=1uwfd9avdwsix
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youcantbuyland · 6 years
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Repost from @briansguitars on Instagram: “Fender Custom Shop 1965 Stratocaster Lush Closet Classic Frost Gold! Limited Edition, hand picked…” - Fender Custom Shop 1965 Stratocaster Lush Closet Classic Frost Gold!
Limited Edition, hand picked by our staff at NAMM 2019.
Check out that finish and that Curly Maple neck!
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wellsbones · 6 years
Regrann from @kfiro - Metallica - The Unforgiven 💀 I'm using the Idolmaker guitar by @framuswarwickofficial 🤘 Such a beast! 🔥 Gear: Framus Idolmaker Custom Shop Masterbuilt @ErnieBall .010 @officialibanezguitars TS808HW @hughesandkettner Tube Factor @eventidestompboxes H9 @davidlaboga cables @marshallamps_uk Super Bass #metallica #unforgiven #instrumental#jameshetfield #kirkhammett #framus #warwick #framuswarwickofficial #acdc #idolmaker #heavymetal #kfiro#instagram #instagramer #instagrammer#guitar #fender gibson #stratocaster #guitarplayer #guitarist #musician #electricguitar #rock #metal#marshall #metalhead #acdc #gunsnroses #music #classicrock Thanks for watching ❤ (at Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
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organicblog421 · 3 years
Aria Guitars Serial Numbers
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Aria Guitars Serial Numbers For Sale
In the mid 70's, serial numbers began to be used. At least for Aria guitars, made by Matsumoku, the serial number contains the year of manufacture in the first 2 digits, thus a guitar from 1979 would have a serial number, such as 79####. The manufacturing of Aria guitars were subcontracted out to Matsumoku from 1964 to 1986. If you are a middle-aged woman looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this advertisement is for you. 1982, serial number 2080692 Aria Pro II PE60 Black n Gold. Face swap app.
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The neck block is a part that was already made in Japan, so this is not the correct serial number for the guitar. Yamaha serial numbers are recycled every ten years, 29 formats are supported here based on research available on the yamaha website. Production YMMI (Yamaha Music Manufacturing Indonesia), Indonesia In the period of 1990-1996 an eight-digit serial number was used in this factory. If you want to know the production year of your Squier guitar,you can decipher it with the serial number decoder, or find it in explanation about the dating system below. Little black lines that grow on the guitar, and under the finish, little parts will fall off. The Korean Fender Squiers were produced from 1988, but there were no serial numbers until mid-1993 The 5 digit numbers are the same as the 8 digit numbers but don’t have the 3 unit numbers on the end. All Black label Taiwan models have the headstock logo with the 3 tuning forks inside a circle with “YAMAHA… Yamaha occupies a surprisingly unusual niche in the guitar industry. The first step is to find the serial number—a combination of letters and/or numbers— and the 'Made in..' label (Japan, Taiwan, or Indonesia) on the guitar. G-50A label – note no Nippon Gakki on the label – from 1970-1972. RSS. YouTube. Simply enter your Yamaha piano serial number to find out when and where the Yamaha piano was made or look at the full listings of piano serial numbers. Your guitar's serial number is found inside the sound hole and up sharply towards the neck block (see example on the right). May 13, 2017 - The most common Yamaha serial numbers follow a system that uses 2 letters, followed by 5 numbers. 'MADE IN INDIA' on the headstock. My concern..the guitar is made in China. Facebook. Yamaha Piano Serial Numbers (how old / what age is your Yamaha piano) The majority of Japanese Yamaha pianos currently in the UK have a 7 digit (sometimes only 6) serial number which can be found to the top right area of the iron frame (you’ll need to lift the top lid of the piano to see it). Images Custom instruments and wiring diagram courtesy of Ben van Dyk Jan 2015. Korean made guitars (just like American or any other country) depend on who, what when and why they where produced. The first two digits represent the week of the year it was made. The information contained in this guide was culled from our archives of Fender price lists and catalogs, beginning with 1968. You should be Aria guitars manufactured in the 1970s typically feature a serial number … First generation 03 Series serial numbers may also be ink stamped on a white label. documented. The Squier IIs made in India seem to follow the numbering scheme in the USA. Note serial numbers recycle every 10 years. Solid top guitar. However, despite this huge stride forward in the company’s history, these guitars would continue to be available for a Japanese audience only throughout the 1950s and much of the 1960s. It was during this era of Yamaha’s acoustic guitar history that the company proceeded with founding a factory in Hamamatsu, Japan. The plant are so dirty rats can't can't live there. It covers any Yamaha piano made between 1917 and 2012 in all 6 factories. That 'Made in China' sticker is always going to … Although the tables below are as accurate as possible, serial numbers of these acoustic guitars have never been archived and are of no assistance when attempting to date these instruments. SoundCloud. If you get unexpected results please double check that any letters at the start of the piano's serial number aren't actually the end of the Yamaha model number or relate to characteristics of the piano such as scale or finish. I believe it to be mid 60’s. I would appreciate any information on possible year of manufacture. See another guide “Yamaha FG Serial Numbers, Interior Markings, and Labels” for more info. Almost all white oval labels are made in Taiwan. According to YamahaAustralia all G-50A were made in Japan. These run new around $1200 and I've seen them cheaper in some places. The signature bass of the singular Billy Sheehan, the Attitude was one of the first production instruments developed by YGD. For instance, a '12' means it was made in the twelfth week of the year. Where to find the serial number Yamaha's guitars serial numbers repeat every 10 years, so additional research may be needed to find the exact year your guitar was made. A great example of the fantastic build quality of the Yamaha Taiwan factories in the late 70’ies and early 80’ies. Guitars since 1966.eval(ez_write_tag(((300,250),'jedistar_com-box-3','ezslot_0',116,'0','0'))); Serial numbers for acoustic and classical guitars, Serial numbers for electric and bass guitars. Serial Number Chart for Acoustic and Classical Guitars In the following charts, you can determine the year of manufacture for a Yamaha acoustic or classical guitar. Items made in China are bad. The serial number is generally stamped on the front or back of the headstock,or in some cases on the neck plate. Hangzhou, China; Taoyuan, Taiwan; As a result, there are six different serial number ranges for Yamaha pianos. I have a Yamaha Nippon Gakki Co.Ltd vintage electric guitar seriel No 12320. cream in color. Twitter. First two numbers in the sequence will tell you when your guitar was produced, while the following numbers represent the serial number of the instrument itself. Some more recent Squiers, including the Vintage Modified series (the serial numbers start here with SH), were in Introduced in 2007. The serial number registration of these countries also leaves sometimes to be desired. The company, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its presence on the American market and export to other countries beyond Japan, has consistently produced guitars that have sold in impressive numbers and attracted a notable following of celebrity players and esteemed pros. Guitar made in China are in the worst place you could make a guitar. Example: A serial number starting with W17 indicates the guitar was built in Korea, in 2017. The serial number is on a sticker on the back of the neck, close to the attachment point with the body. Your guitar was made onOctober 24th, 1987, 1997or 2007Production Number: 338 Yamaha … The letters H to Q each represent the number that the year the guitar was built in ends in. In a three-digit serial … GAX70; GRG170DX; GRG270; GSA60; SA120; GRX40; GRG121DX; AS73; All items (668) Based on the serial number, your Dean was built in 2000 (the first two numbers are the year manufactured). If your grand piano is a GH1G, GH1FP, GC1G, or GC1FP, your piano was manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia. Once located, the serial number offers clues as to when the guitar was manufactured, and the first few digits are especially important, as the numbers changed over a few decades. 2020 marks two related anniversaries for Yamaha Guitars: the 30th anniversary of Yamaha Guitar Development - our Los Angeles custom shop - and the 30th anniversary of the Attitude series. China Yamaha Guitar wholesale - Select 2020 high quality Yamaha Guitar products in best price from certified Chinese Guitar manufacturers, Custom Guitar suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China… From about 1971 Yamaha also had a special line of handbuild FG’s of outstanding quality. Instagram. The Yamaha Corporation has grown to become the world’s largest manufacturer of a full line of musical instruments. YouTube. The first letter indicates the location where the instrument was made, and subsequent digits indicate the year the instrument was made. If the serial number begins with a 'T', the piano was manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia. China Guitar wholesale - Select 2020 high quality Guitar products in best price from certified Chinese Musical Instruments manufacturers, Electric Guitar suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China… Most serial numbers on Danelectro guitars have either three or four digits. Facebook. I believe it to be mid 60’s. (Source: Nigel Barker, Sydney Feb 2015, Hi. For example, if the guitar's serial number starts 'Z0411,' then you know that the guitar was made in China, in 2004 and the month code '11' refers to November. This website possesses NO DATABASE of guitars made by manufactures, instead simple serial code patterns that are available on this site and in the wider guitar community are used. See below for location initials. This place leads to later problems,The China Flu! I would appreciate any information on possible year of manufacture. SoundCloud. L Series High end line of Yamaha acoustic guitars which features the traditional vibe and superb acoustic sound by A.R.E. This orange label says made in Japan. The letter 'H' is … Acoustic catalogs 70,72,78 and more t-shiga.com/sub7-5-1.htm, 2006 Acoustic, Electric and Bass guitar catalog | 2006 Guitar and Bass, 2012 Guitar catalog | 2012 Acoustic guitar catalog | 2012 Classical guitar catalog. Look for the two-digit codes to determine the month in which your guitar was made. The first letter represents the year that the guitar was built. The models included in this category were/are produced in China. Decode your serial number. Yamaha serial number 71024338 can you tell me when this guitar was made? This is because it doesn’t have the popularity of a Gibson or Fender nor the resale value. H = 1 I = 2 J = 3 K = 4 L = 5 M = 6 N = 7 O = 8 P = 9 Q = 0 But it gives no clue as to the decade so for each letter it could represent the following years. Twitter. Other low-budget countries followed, like China, Indonesia and India. The Yamaha Guitar Archive data says these models started in 1974 but so far I’ve found Tan label serial numbers as late as August 1975, and I haven’t found a Black label earlier than June 1975. Details. CSF series guitars combine the portability of a travel guitar with the focused tone and easy playability of a parlor guitar, while producing a surprisingly full and resonant sound. Generally a Yamaha isn’t a guitar that is often faked like a Gibson or Fender. technology. Thank you, Copyright 2007-19 P Carroll Jedistar | All Rights Reserved | GAS: Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, 2006 Acoustic, Electric and Bass guitar catalog. Instagram. If your serial number has 2 lines of numbers please enter only the bottom row to the lookup form below. These had a leather label including signature: If the guitar has a nine-digit code, the two numbers following the year code identify the month. From 1982 Fender Squiers are also produced outside the USA, in that year the production startedin Japan. RSS. If the serial number begins with a 'U', the piano was manufactured in South Haven, Michigan. Trending pages. Look at the first letter of the serial number, which indicates which year the instrument was made. Serial Number Chart for Electric, Archtop, and Bass Guitars In the following charts, you can determine the year of manufacture for a Yamaha electric, archtop, or bass guitar. Some rare white oval labels are Nippon Gakki made in Japan: There’s one big exception concerning early FG’s. https://organicblog421.tumblr.com/post/657479049456844801/black-keys-el-camino-rar. CJ 838S, 1980, serial 00827125, made in Taiwan. I have a Yamaha Nippon Gakki Co.Ltd vintage electric guitar seriel No 12320. cream in color. Every Dean guitar made in United States comes with a seven digit serial number that is printed on the back of the headstock. I was a jumbo guitar and the sweetness of solid rosewood back and sides has always appealed to me. Let's look at an example of what this might look like - MM12022. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Fender was faced with competition from cheaper Japanese guitars. From this we can tell that this is the 22nd guitar built on June 12 of either 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996 or 2006. If the serial number begins with a 'T', the piano was manufactured in Thomaston, Georgia. Very cold and very hot. First Letter Years H 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 I 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 J 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 K 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, … As a result, there are four different serial number ranges for Yamaha pianos. In 1975 most of the existing models numbers had -1 added to them, on a black rectangular label. Typically, yes. In 1887, Yamaha (then Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd.) began producing reed organs in Japan. I junked one and traded two.
If you are a middle-aged woman looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this advertisement is for you. 1982, serial number 2080692 Aria Pro II PE60 Black n Gold.
First recorded serial numbers for guitars and bass by year: YEAR / GUITAR / BASS 1980 G000530 B0 G003122 B0 G009886 B0 G011654 B0 G013273 B0 G014690 B0 G017325 B0 G020241 B0 G023725 B0 G006 1990 G026344 B0 G027163 B0 G029962 B024288.
JET-B'tone - Baritone Guitar; JET-B - Bass; ARIA-101UP -Urban Player-ARIA-131UP -Urban Player-MSG-02CE; 615-GH -Nashville-615-WJ -Nashville-714-JH -Fullerton-PE-350PG; Product Categories.
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Aria Guitars Serial Numbers For Sale
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olivereliott · 3 years
Ikigai: A rowdy Triumph Thruxton RS from Tamarit
Modern classics are all about style, but the Triumph Thruxton RS boasts a healthy measure of sportiness too. Its parallel twin engine makes a respectable 103 hp and 112 Nm—plus it comes specced with fully adjustable Showa forks and Öhlins shocks, and twin Brembo brakes up front. So it’s the closest thing to a factory performance cafe racer you can get.
But cafe racers aren’t for everyone. As comfortable as the Thruxton is for its genre, some riders wish Triumph would pack the same features into a more roadster-like package. That’s what the owner of this Thruxton RS wanted—and the Spanish shop Tamarit Motorcycles obliged in spectacular fashion.
Tamarit has built its business on customizing Triumph’s modern classics, and their catalog is jam packed with bolt-on parts. But this is no paint-by-numbers build. Instead, it’s a beguiling mixture of off-the-shelf and one-off items, masterfully woven together to create a rowdy hybrid between a cafe racer, street tracker and supermotard.
They’ve dubbed it ‘Ikigai,’ after the Japanese concept of having a sense of purpose, or a reason for being.
With good suspension and brakes out the box, there was little sense in messing with the Thruxton’s rolling chassis. Tamarit simply stripped and blacked out parts like the rear shocks and yokes, to better fit the overall color scheme.
They also swapped the wheels for a stunning set of tubeless Kineo hoops, and wrapped them in Heidenau K73 supermotard tires at the client’s behest.
Up top, the team kept the Thruxton’s beautifully sculpted fuel tank, but ditched its seat. In its place is a custom solo unit, covered in a synthetic waterproof fabric.
The subframe beneath it’s been shortened and looped—but it’s more than just a cut-and-shut job. Tamarit shaved off the the passenger peg mounts, de-tabbed the frame, and repackaged all the electronics, swapping the bulky battery for two smaller units. Tearing into the modern Triumph’s electrical system is a daunting task, but the guys have worked on enough of them to know their way around.
Adding some special touches was key to the brief, so the team decided to color outside the lines when it came to replacing the Thruxton’s airbox. Using a pair of curved intakes from Race Spirits, they set up a pair of forward-facing pod filters. It’s an unusual visual touch—but it’s had no adverse affect on the bike’s performance.
The engine now breathes out via a twin stainless steel exhaust system from the Italian specialists Zard. It’s considerably lighter, and raspier, than stock.
Another crucial change happened in the cockpit: the clip-ons were swapped for a set of riser bars, taking the Thruxton one more step away from its traditional cafe racer roots. Tamarit kept the switches and clocks for the sake of practicality and reliability, and installed Highsider mirrors and Motogadget bar-end turn signals.
The client liked the Thruxton’s original headlight, so it was simply remounted on modified aftermarket brackets, and treated to a Tamarit grill.
There’s an LED taillight embedded into the rear of the frame, and a pair of Motogadget LEDs mounted on a new license plate bracket. The short fenders at each end are custom parts, and the chain guard, sump guard and radiator cover are from Tamarit’s own store.
Tamarit have a knack for flawless liveries, and Ikigai’s is no different. It’s wrapped mostly in black, with both matte and gloss finished on the fuel tank. Tasteful gold highlights punctuate the brooding paint job—including bespoke tank and engine badges that were milled by a local shop.
Compact and poised to strike, this Thruxton RS looks bonkers, and is almost certainly more fun to ride than before. It’s another smash hit for the Alicante workshop—and a brilliant reminder that form and function don’t always need to compete.
Tamarit Motorcycles | Facebook | Instagram
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