#feng lmk
miffysrambles · 7 months
assign your lmk oc’s with an lps !!!
here mine ^w^
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doodlezpoststuff · 10 months
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To @burrotello 💅✨
Cloud boi with Sky gremlin
Here it is and I hope you like the results of this! Sorry it took so long to be finished. I enjoyed drawing Xinyú's design with my oc Li Yīn!:D
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This is the reference I used btw- just found it randomly on pinterest:>
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marcmorrigan · 1 year
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working on a lineup of the xianle quartet 2 pin down my hcs for them... watch this space ✌🏻😘
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askblueandviolet · 26 days
Heyoo can Macaque sing? Can Mayor also sing too? (If yes, what songs would they sing to each other?) :3
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Lil snippet of an upcoming fic🥰🥰🥰:
“Holy shit!” she says. Hands grappling with MK’s shoulders as she twirls to run backwards, shaking her best friend with wild laughs. “HA- oh my gods!” Tears prick her eyes and she damn near bows over with laughter. MK fights to keep her up and not falling, while she leans on him — given how she’s running backwards, it’s not easy. He tries not to trip himself; a task made a slight bit more manageable as he is running properly.
“What?” MK asks, exasperated — a minor tick of the lips sells out his contentment. A squeak exits him when a crack catches the back of Mei’s sneaker and lurches the two enough to give them a taste test of cardiac arrest. Feet stumbling, Mei fixes her stride and sends the light-heartedly glaring MK a sheepish smile.
“MK,” she says. Not-so gentle in the way she yanks out her phone, flipping through her gallery with fast, experienced fingers before pulling up an image to present her bestie. “It’s a roulingzhi!” Giggles petering out long enough for her to explain. MK blinks, blinks again, loads the information bestowed upon him, and proceeds to break out into raucous laughter. In the back the two celestial primates stare in ever-present bewilderment. They're regretting the choice to not catch up on modern lingo — or Macaque chose not to, Wukong’s been too busy procrastinating.
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malikselfindulgence · 7 months
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HII I TRIED 2 DRAW LI [@marblesrambles 's lmk s/i!!] AS A SONIC CHARACTER !! Top two obsessions mashed together I heart Li very much
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xynnoix · 2 years
Sooo, there’s this MetGala prompt happening on twitter so I decided to let my beloved Feng join on the party ehe
I had so much fun designing the fit even though it caused me a lot of tears :,)
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madammonkie · 5 months
Your art's so cute! Is Fengfeng your OC?
Thank you! And yes FengFeng is my oc, he's a half Chinese half British Caucasian boy, though he's raised in a Chinese household so he's more connected to his Chinese heritage than his British side
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He is mostly a Monkie Kid oc , but recently I've been adding him more to Other universes
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silviaflowers · 9 months
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Made myself a new wallpaper!!! these two featured on it!
they r so cute
wallpaper under the cut!
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dorothygale123 · 6 months
Okay, we're gonna go a little deep today and talk about some fundamental concepts to the Daoist belief system.
How many of you have heard of the 8 trigrams? A few of you, I'd assume. At the very least, those familiar with JttW will remember Laotzu's Brazier of 8 trigrams that famously failed to disintigrate Sun Wukong.
Now, how many actually know what the 8 trigrams are? Quite a bit less, probably. That's what we're learning about today.
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This is a traditional representation of the 8 trigrams as created by the god Fu Xi, and the arrangement we're mainly going to focus on. There are other ways to place things, but we won't be looking into those too much thus time.
If you look at the center of the image you'll see a Yin and Yang symbol, or more accurately a Taijitu. Here is a good article going over some specifics, but for now we'll just go with the basics. The white parts are Yang, masculine and active energies. The black parts are Yin, feminine and passive energies. Together they make up the Absolute (Taiji) and are the foundation of the universe. They act on all things, which are represented by the trigrams.
The trigrams are the stacks of 3 lines, either broken or unbroken. Broken lines denote Yin, while unbroken lines denote Yang. Therefore ☰ (sky/heaven) is the most masculine while ☷ (earth) is the most feminine. The other trigrams are ☱ (lake/marsh) and it's opposite ☴ (wind/wood), ☲ (fire/sun) and it's opposite ☵ (water/moon), ☳ (thunder/metal) and it's opposite ☶ (mountain). They are positioned across from their opposite on Fu Xi's Primordial Heaven Bagua (8 trigrams).
When you stack 2 trigrams on top of each other, you get a hexagram, of which there are 64 because trigrams can be stacked on top of themselves. For example ䷀ is two ☰ (sky/heaven) on top of each other, making the hexagram for force.
Things are a bit more complicated when comparing the 8 trigrams to the 5 elements (water, fire, earth, wood, metal), as there is NO way to make those numbers play nice and even so things get a little wonky. Fire and water corrospond to themselves, of course, while earth gets earth AND mountain. Wood gets wind while metal gets sky and thunder.
Honestly it kinda seems like they tried really hard to smush together two concepts that were created independently and were never really intended to interact but both individually became so important to the culture that they kind of HAD to.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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princessofxianle · 1 year
Feng Xin/Reader in the works...
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Raise of hands 🙋‍♀️ who wants me to post this?
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miffysrambles · 3 months
Point assign D&D ability scores to your OC (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA; out of 27).
For Li and Feng !!
@lallxrona <33
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doodlezpoststuff · 3 months
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I apologize for not posting for a very long time and that's because I lost my motivation to continue this lmk Collab with my friend @koffeeaddiction I'm tired asf but I still love this fandom.
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prince-liest · 10 months
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huzzah! a fic!
fengqing PWP
sex pollen fuck-or-die fic
trans!mq, first times with pretty bad sex ed on mu qing's part
nonetheless a tender post-canon friends-to-lovers
[ fic link ]
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torakikyoart · 2 years
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[Doodles] Fang with Monkiesona and Feng I only own Fang The other monkiesona belong to @criticaaaaaaaal , @celestialtranspuppy and @marythacake. And Feng the Monk belongs to @relmint.
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Children, what are you bickering about..?
Feng Weizhe: We wanna see our new sibling!
Xia Weizhe: Yeah!
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