#feral viva
lixxen · 4 months
Feral Viva and Feral Branch meeting will in fact be Viva jumping onto Branch instead of standing away from everyone and her growing in his face while he struggles to push her off with a ton of hissing and growling (since she's older and bigger than him, she's winning the dominance fight)
It'll take her a few seconds for her to register that they are in fact harmless trolls after Branch gives in with a whine. She will get up and look excited and go into somewhat what her canon intro is
And Clay won't do his dramatic entrance; but instead scramble because he hears hissing and growling from across the putt putt course and is freaked out because what the fuck is happening to Viva that is causing this???
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pj-was-here · 4 months
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Feral!Branch's design post-trolls 1 and onwards and Rock Zombie!Feral!Branch
Cause why not?
Also have some Viva in the Feral Branch Au
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agent-cakeshroom · 6 months
Feral Brozone au
They never lived in the tree. Their parent(s?) Escaped while JD was really little and Spruce was still an egg, so only JD has very vague memories of the rest of the pop trolls. They live out in the wild, starting out at just hard-core survivalists like canon JD. But after the passing of their parent(s) for whatever reason, critter attack or accident idk, they slowly get more and more wild. Especially Branch, who never even got to meet their parents. JD doesn't really know what he's doing, raising kids, and only has what little he picked up from his parents or the critters around them to go by. So he turns their makeshift pod into a giant nest they all sleep together in, he turns to more physical affection and they all begin speaking less. Why use unnecessary words when they understand each other just fine?
Fast forward, we're gonna pretend Viva never got separated from Poppy, and she kinda takes Branch's place in the first (possibly second) movie. She's more paranoid because she came terrifyingly close to being taken, and is traumatized. Her colors are dulled, but not gray. So qhen all the other trolls go gray in the pot, Viva is the only one with a bit of color left. So she cheers Poppy up, and then regains her full color.
After maybe the second movie, when they're exploring the other Troll Genres, they stumble across Feral Brozone. They never actually became a band, so no one knows their names but them. Poppy befriends Branch pretty quickly, and after much coercion and building trust they convince the brothers to come to Pop Village. Peppy recognized JD just enough to know who his parent(s) was, but that's it. Poppy and Viva help them adjust to society, but also start picking up some habits. Like more physical closeness, making a nest in their pod to sleep in, maybe some acapella too lmao. The boys didn't have instruments, but JD loved singing so he started vocalizing the instrumentals for his brothers to learn. I dunno.
I'm bored at work and Trolls still has a death grip on my life.
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isabel3710 · 3 months
Okay, you know what I don’t get. We get lots of Feral Branch, we get some Feral Viva, I’ve even seen Feral John Dory. But you wanna know what we don’t have?
Feral Clay! Why??!!
With Feral Viva the main idea is she became that way through living in the golf course. But you know who else lived in the golf course? That’s right, my man, Clay!
I rest my case!
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adore-mimy · 4 months
Guess who got really inspired by feral trolls Aus and made troll beast of brozone (poppy & Viva included)
Fun fact: when they change back they have either no memory of being this way or they think it’s a really vivid dream) this is highly inspired by many of the artists who made Feral aus of Trolls. I just wanted to add my little feral babies too!
little small fact, these type of beast modes only happen with main genre trolls (Funk,Pop, Rock, Country, Techno, and Classical). Beast modes for sub-gerne trolls ( sirencore, mermaidcore horrorcore music, K-pop!! Ect.) they are still their normal height but just feral.
John Dory
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Yeah! Beastified these trolls guys! (Beastify is a word I made up because I thought it was funny for me to use)
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Height chart.
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Byeee guys
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cartoon-lovers-world · 4 months
Thanks for @blorbopostingtime for this idea!
Anyway, I suck at writing angst so you can TOTALLY feel free to add or say anything about this. I accept and appreciate criticism
"Well, an apology isn't going to fix everything…" Branch muttered, taking a step back.
"We know, but-"
"But what?" the youngest stammered, anger slowly replacing his initial fear. "But what?!"
"Branch, calm down-"
"Calm down? Calm down?!" he yelled, not caring if it was Floyd he had interrupted this time. "Do you even have any idea what I've been through?!"
Clay took a deep breath, trying to speak in a gentler tone than his brothers, if that was even possible. "We know we messed up, but we're here now, and we want to make things better."
Branch scoffed. "Now? Now when what? Now when I've managed to battle my own demons? Now when I've found happiness? When I've moved on from Grandma's death? Where were you during all that?"
They froze, racking their brains for a logical justification.
But there was none.
Seeing no response, he went on. "Where were you when I was having a panic attack every single day, blaming myself for Grandma's death?! Where were you, when I was living alone in the wilderness, huh?!" He stomped his foot in frustration, his hands unknowingly clenching and unclenching in fists. "Do you even know what it feels like to be rejected by your OWN people, just because you're different, because you're sad?! Instead of them actually helping you?!"
Poppy hesitated, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to move towards her boyfriend, to hug him, to comfort him, but something inside her screamed at her to stop. He needed this moment to let it out, and they needed to hear it.
He glared at them with tears in his eyes, feeling a surge of resentment and betrayal. "You abandoned me! You left me alone and I was only a freaking five-year old baby! And now you come back, acting like nothing happened, like you care about me?!" he shouted.
"Branch, we're sorry, we're so sorry-" Clay said, his voice cracking.
"Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it!" Branch snapped. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you? How many days have I woke up hoping against hope that you were back?!"
They took a step back, unsure of what to do or say, if there was even something to be said. They messed up, big time.
Floyd's eyes were starting to water, and he managed to mutter, "Branch, we don't want forgiveness, we just want to talk about it-" before his brother stopped him with his sarcastic tone.
"Oh, that's so great, let's talk about why we abandoned our baby brother and never came back, even though we promised, didn't we, Floyd?" he spat. "Was I even on your mind? Because if I was, I'm sure this whole talk wouldn't be happening right now!"
"That's not true, Branch, that's not true!" Floyd protested. "We love you, we've always loved you!"
"Then why did you leave me?" Branch asked, his voice breaking. "Why did you leave me when we could've talked it out? When we could've been a family?!"
They lowered their heads, unable to answer. They had their reasons, but they knew they were not good enough. They had made a mistake, a terrible mistake. And now, it was their turn to handle its consequences.
"Branch, please, listen to us-" Floyd tried again, reaching out his hand.
However, his brother flinched and slapped his hand away, shaking his head. "Don't touch me!"
"Alright, no touching, no touching!" the red-haired troll retreated, holding his hands up. "Just listen to us, please."
"Alright." Branch took a deep breath, letting it out as a frustrated sigh as he pretended to zip his lips. He gave them a sarcastic smile, silently allowing them to stand up for themselves.
Bruce began, seeing no attempt from the others. "We messed up, okay? We know we did. But we love you, we love you so much."
"Yeah, bro, and nothing will change that," John added, his voice shaking slightly as he expected another interruption. But to his surprise, their youngest brother stayed silent.
"We just want a second chance," Floyd chimed, "And we promise, this time, we'll do better."
But Branch had stopped listening long ago. What was the point? He'll trust them, get attached, then bam, they'll leave again. Same old story. Even Floyd, the one who's never broken a promise in his life, broke one promise - his and Branch's promise, and Branch didn't know if he'll ever be able to forget this one.
Everything hurt. His head hurt, his chest tightened, and his limbs were starting to shake. He closed his eyes, trying to pull himself together, but the dull troll was greeted with the room swirling around him in a dizzying manner as soon as he opened his eyes, and his brothers' intertwined voices weren't helping, if anything, they were adding to his headache. He put a hand on his forehead, desperately trying to regain his balance, but the more anyone talked, the more the room swirled. All he wanted was some quiet.
Which was the opposite of what he got when he collapsed to his knees in a heap.
"Branch! Are you okay?"
His girlfriend, as always, he thought, was the first to be by his side, and he felt her hand gently lifting his chin, locking their gazes.
"You okay?"
He nodded, deciding it'd be better if he didn't try to get up in his current state.
"Do you want water, anything?"
He shook his head, and instantly regretted the small gesture as the dizziness that was starting to subside persisted.
"Sure?" He felt her hand squeezing his, as if trying to convey as little reassurance as she could provide at the moment.
He blinked, just now realizing that his brothers were surrounding him, each putting a hand on either his shoulders or back. He took a deep breath, finally managing to his voice, and without thinking, he choked a weak, "Leave…"
"Leave!" Branch yelled. He stood up abruptly, and quickly reached out for the nearest piece of furniture to steady himself. Great, now the room was spinning again.
"Branch, you're not okay, at least lie down-"
Branch cut off the pink troll, softer than he did with his brothers as he slurred, "Fine… fine…" His head was pounding, but he didn't care. He turned to the remaining audience with a feeble wave of his hand. "Get out…"
But their bodies wouldn't listen.
They gasped, unconsciously taking steps back but not fully comprehending their youngest brother's words.
Till they hardly dodged the shreds of his wooden table.
"Get out! Leave me alone!"
At this point, Branch was crashing anything that came his way as he paced back and forth, moans and screams escaping his lips and palms pulling at his hair, taking out dark hairs on their way back.
"Leave! Now!" he shouted, not even looking up to face his brothers. "What part of NOW don't you understand?!"
They tried to move, but they couldn't. What happened to the baby of the family?
"Get out of my bunker! Now! Or I'll show you CRAZY!" He screamed, flipping his entire bookshelf and maniacally tearing at his books, a sight that left Clay in a trance-like state.
Poppy was the first one to recover, eyes darting between the shattered furniture and the blood on her boyfriend's hands.
When she said she wanted him to let it out, this was not what she meant, not at all.
Slightly panicking, the Queen took her sister's hand and quickly led her to the elevator, before doing the same with Branch's brothers. Each was holding another one's hand in an attempt to drag him along, though Poppy was already on that mission.
And in a blink, they were gone.
He was alone.
He was alone.
So why wasn't he calming down? Why was he still screaming?
The bunker, once tidy and organized, was now messy and dusty, debris crumbling down the walls and onto the ground. Why was he doing this? Branch didn't know for sure, all he knew was that his hands were itching.
He wanted to crash something.
He needed to crash something.
He wanted to let it out, but on what, when he's destroyed his own home?
The troll felt a surge of rage as he smashed his belongings. He had spent years building this bunker, treating it like home, like his safe place. But now it felt like a prison. He was alone, just like he had always been, so why did it hurt this time? They didn't really think that after leaving him for over two decades, and then come back, that he would want to join their party with open arms, did they? He didn't need them. He didn't need any of them.
He stormed in and out different rooms through his bunker, looking for something else to break.
But there was nothing. He'd crashed everything.
And that's when he collapsed to the floor, his chest heaving.
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dcrlvz · 1 year
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red shirt bam v2
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maskyartist · 5 months
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another feral clay n viva doodle :) i personally think viva's scarred cause she's the front lines in protecting the putt putts, running on a sheer instinctual need to protect her people n all
while clay usually plays lookout :D he'll sneak around n look for the danger and call viva over if it's big enough to count as properly dangerous. they communicate a lot in whistles, growls, and little yips n barks
they're always seen together do NOT separate
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sunnystrollblog · 2 months
I’ve been talking a lot about borrowers au so let’stalk about cult? Au might change the name. So branch’s brothers are definitely worse than in canon, one big reason for this is because of jd’s perfectionist personality is turned up to 100 he’s an overbearing older brother who micromanages all his brothers lives. He’s gone to extreme lengths to make sure that they all stay inline with their band images. Which puts a lot of pressure on the boys especially branch seeing as he’s the youngest and newest member.
This doesn’t help when two out of four your brothers treat you like a coworker and not a sibling. One who basically controls your entire life and what you wear, eat, sleep and even how you breathe is criticized. And the brother who you think is the one who truly loves and cares for you tells you, you were the worst thing to happen to them and if you were never born everyone would have been better off and then he leaves you… yeah that’s gonna mess anyone up.
Also viva and clay don’t get separated in this au so clay kinda goes about ignoring branch’s existence which definitely makes branch even more bitter and resentful.
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hoodie-2 · 1 month
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They were finally calming down, finally letting the problems of BroZone stay behind them. It felt like so long since they had just been a family. But the universe always had a twisted sense of humor and a knack for tearing things, and people, apart.
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No thoughts. Just hands.
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lixxen · 4 months
In the Feral Branch AU, once Viva (also feral) is living back in the village with everyone, her and Branch force BroZone and Poppy to lay in a giant pile. In which the two lick them clean like a cat
Poppy and Clay are 100% used to it and jokingly whine about it. But John Dory LOVES it and tells Bruce and Floyd (who find it cute and amusing) that if they don't he's going to get them in the middle of the night and they need to support their brother and his girlfriend's sister
It becomes such a regular thing and eventually they find out that Kismet has been also doing it with him this whole time by Branch having glitter in his mouth from when he licked Boom.
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daisymintt · 2 months
Chapter 2 is up! Things are really gonna pick up from here!
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razzle-zazzle · 4 months
what abt that au we talked abt where branch gets snatched up by that massive eye creature? 👁️👁️
Okay, that one's hard to explain because currently it's more a collection of cool concepts, ideas, and some scenes with a loose thread of semi-coherent plot connecting it all. But it's a fun collection of cool concepts, ideas, and some scenes with a loose thread of semi-coherent plot connecting it all!
Story starts with Branch pulling Poppy aside so they can talk later, as he has something important to tell her. But Queenly duties leave her running a little late to their little meetup, and when she gets there, Branch is gone. But when she and a few others do manage to track him down...
He doesn't recognize her. He's gray, but it's different from before—lighter, paler, low contrast, almost as though he's been washed out. He doesn't recognize any of them. He's armed, too, and all he sees before him are threats.
It only gets more wild from there >:]]]
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bobeaubow · 4 months
feral poppy au where she was lost instead of viva WHITH THIS SCENE "are we still sisters?"
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"I always new you'd come back"
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teasippindragon · 8 months
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pookie bear has arrived. . .😎
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