growingingreenwood · 2 years
Its taken me like 3 years but I think I've finally found the perfect song to daydream about Ferdan to
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
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Marie-Sophie Ferdane a.k.a. Gunn.
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saphiiiic · 2 years
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So true Jodie ☺️
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giorgiobertozzi · 1 month
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follow-ur-heart · 2 years
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Bracket Match 51
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Marda Ro | Identity: bisexual | Media: The High Republic Phase II
Marda Ro was a member of the stigmatized Evereni species. She was raised in the Path of the Open Hand with her cousin Yana Ro, and had no real memory of her parents or life before the cult. She grew up to be a true believer. Good with children, her job was to supervise the Littles- the younglings of the Path. She was soft spoken and very kind. She had previously kissed a girl who lived in Ferdan, until the girl’s father intervened, dragging her away spouting anti-Evereni and anti-Path rhetoric. When the Jedi Kevmo Zink came to Dalna with his master to investigate the Path for stealing Force artifacts, she fell in love with the young Jedi. After he was killed by the Leveler, she rationalized it by blaming the Jedi and becoming even more entrenched in the cult. After Kevmo’s death, she began to see his ghost- representing her doubts. It is unknown if such a thing was entirely her own mind or an actual manifestation of the Cosmic Force.
It was her idea to bring the Path to Jedha, where they could spread their beliefs among the various Force religions of the planet. For that she was dubbed the Path’s Guide. The chaos that ensued only made her feel more adrift. Wanting to make up for the failure of Jedha, she joined a group of Path members to travel to Planet X to retrieve Nameless eggs. The mission included Bokana Koss, who she had begun a relationship with. Most of the Path members died, including Koss, which Marda rationalized as resulting from him abusing the Force due to the Force sensitivity the planet granted him. The trauma of that event turned her into a violent zealot for the Path. She returned to the Path, and whipped them up into a frenzy, finalizing the Mother’s militarization efforts by declaring that the Path was now the Path of the Closed Fist. In the ensuing chaos, she discovered that the Mother wasn’t a true believer and was just following her own agenda. She overpowered her and took the Rod of Power for herself. However, with all the Jedi around to feed on, she was unable to fully control the Nameless. To end the carnage, she flooded the tunnels of the Path compound, killing all the Nameless except for the Leveler.
After the battle, she was now set on her path. She still believed in the ideology of the Path, and her new certainty caused Kevmo to disappear. She killed the Mother, who was a prisoner of the Jedi. Abandoning her cousin, she took the Rod of Seasons, the Leveler, and the Gaze Electric and set off to found what would become the Nihil (as well as possibly the Elders of the Path, the specifics are still unknown).
Sabé | Identity: bisexual | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Sabé, born Tsabin, was a member of a family of musicians who set their daughter on the same path. However, she was only skilled enough to ever have a supporting role and instead volunteered to be one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens. She became Padmé’s most trusted operative, pretending to be the Queen during the Invasion of Naboo. After Padmé’s term as queen ended, she remained her operative and worked with Tonra, a member of Naboo’s security force, to attempt to free slaves on Tatooine. They eventually made contact with the White Suns, a Tatioone slave liberation movement. When the Clone Wars began, Sabé once again acted as Padmé’s decoy when Padmé was away from Coruscant conducting an investigation. There she learned Anakin and Padmé were married. However, to make sure Padmé didn’t have her closest confidant, Palpatine blasted Sabé’s brain with the Dark Side until she didn’t want to work closely with Padmé anymore. Sabé spent the rest of the war helping the White Suns.
After Padmé died, Sabé founded an organization known as the Amidalans- a rebel cell consisting of Naboo (including some of the other handmaidens), who sought to avenge Padmé. They attempted to assassinate Vader (who they deemed responsible) on multiple occasions. Sabé focused on deception, preventing to work with Vader to find Padmé’s killer and infiltrating Crimson Dawn.  until she figured out that Vader was Anakin. Remembering how Padmé’s last words (which had been recorded) was “There’s still good in [Anakin]”, she decided to actually become Vader’s operative. Her given reason was that the Empire and Vader did bring order to the galaxy, but it is just as likely she is following her queen’s last order to attempt to bring the man she loved back to the light. She remained by Vader’s side even when her fellow handmaidens came to “rescue” her. Her last appearance in the comics was Vader abandoning her on a beach until she could decide to fully commit to the Dark Side (emotionally speaking). Sabé had crushes on a handful of people and even a romantic relationship with Tonra, but her most important was her romantic love for Padmé. These feelings were requited, with Queen’s Hope creating a love triangle where Sabé represented ideology and duty and Anakin was selfish love. As we know, Padmé chose Anakin, but a deciding factor was Sabé’s self esteem being temporarily shattered by Palpatine. Her wider moral view seems to have degraded after spending over two decades focusing on avenging Padmé instead of joining the wider Rebellion. However, even working for the Empire, she hasn’t gone completely evil yet- doing things like pretending to kill a bunch of refugees to gain their loyalty instead of actually killing them.
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growingingreenwood · 2 months
Hii!! I was reading your stories and the thought came to me: did thranduil, ferdan, galion and oropher took part in the war of wrath in your stories? if they did, I would love to hear what part each of them took in it!
Hello!! Thank you for reading and for reaching out!   Tolkien never tells us if any of the surviving Sindar from Doriath take part in the War of Wrath (at least not that I could find) but in my little headcanons they absolutely 100000% took part in the War of Wrath, I just have never written anything about it tbh. (Although, Galion would not have ‘fought’ in the War of Wrath at all. He’s adamant that he is not, and will never be a soldier. But I’m sure he found a plethora of other helpful duties to keep himself occupied with.)
Thingol dies and Melian flee’s to Valinor in F.A 503, the Second Kinslaying and Fall of Menegroth happens in F.A 506, the bulk of the survivors escaped to Sirion. Which is the site of the Third Kinslaying in 538. By the time the War of Wrath is ready to start in F.A 545, Oropher and his boys had just gone through such relentless loss that: 
Revenge in any capacity probably seemed mighty attractive. 
What else did they have to lose at this point?  
If they survived thus far, they might as well die trying to actually make some sort of difference. And if by some miracle they happened to survive the War of Wrath too, well, then that was the world's problem. 
I also think that Oropher & thus Thranduil, Ferdan, and Galion would have felt compelled to join the fight among Círdan’s host out of remaining love, friendship, and loyalty to him. As Círdan was one of the awakened elves alongside Thingol (Elwe) and in my personal headcanons, Oropher. Even though Círdan developed a fairly close relationship with the Noldor, he remained loyal to Thingol until his death in F.A 503, even going so far as to warn Thingol about the dishonesty surrounding the reason why the Noldor had arrived back to Middle Earth. It’s likely that especially Oropher and Thranduil (but perhaps to a lesser extent those that followed them) would have seen supporting Círdan in the War of Wrath as one final way to serve and honor King Thingol. 
Lastly, all of those reasons aside, sitting by in leisure and letting everybody else try and do something about the evil threatening to destroy the entire world simply is not their style.
I hope this answered your question! :)
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sparrou · 1 year
I just watched Je ne suis pas un homme facile and I'm now in love with Marie-Sophie Ferdane
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agrpress-blog · 2 months
Con il patrocinio del Comites Istanbul (Comitato Italiani all’Estero) l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Istanbul e l’Associazione Culturale NeoArtGallery, giovedì 22 febbraio, con inizio alle ore 19.00, si terrà, a cura di Giorgio Bertozzi e Ferdan Yusufi, presso la Sala Teatro Casa Italia di Istambul (Asmalı Mescit, Meşrutiyet), il concerto“Suoni Migranti” del “Counterpoint DUO” di Filomena De Pasquale e Giorgio Albiani. In programma le musiche di Celso Machado (1953 - Viv.), “Paçoca”; Laurent Boutros (1964 - Viv.) “Amasia”; H. Villa Lobos (1887 – 1959) “Bachiana Brasileira N.5”; Roberto Rossi “la comedia” ispirato alla divina commedia DI Dante Alighieri (inedito); hic incipit - Koine - Makeda - dedicato Giorgio Albiani; Jacques Ibert (1890 - 1962) “Entr’acte”; Francesco Santucci (1964 - Viv.) “Habanera Y Tango”; A. Piazzolla (1921 - 1992) “Cafè 1930”, “Nightclub 1960”; io la musica, chʼai dolci accenti, so far tranquillo ogni turbato core. Et or di nobil ira et or dʼamore posso infiammare le più gelate menti. “Orfeo” di Monteverdi. Il "Counterpoint DUO” di Filomena de Pasquale e di Giorgio Albiani è una immersione Musicale tra Tradizione Classica e Popolare che continua a distinguersi nel panorama musicale internazionale attraverso questa raffinata fusione. Il risultato è un suono unico e originale, che trasporta l'ascoltatore in un viaggio emozionale e sensoriale senza pari. Le performance hanno ottenuto ampi consensi e sono state vissute e descritte come un'esperienza immersiva, coinvolgente e avvincente. La musica del Duo è un ponte che amalgama le radici della tradizione con la freschezza dell'innovazione, creando un'esperienza indimenticabile per gli appassionati di musica di ogni genere. Il duo si è esibito con successo nei più prestigiosi festival internazionali, abbracciando diverse culture musicali. Tra le tappe significative, ricordiamo la partecipazione al Dvorak Museu di Praga, ai festival in terra di Spagna, Francia, Germania e alle esibizioni in Asia Centrale presso il Conservatorio di Tashkent in Uzbekistan e nell'affascinante Astana Opera House di Nur Sultan in Kazakistan. Filomena De Pasquale, flautista originaria della Puglia si è diplomata presso il Conservatorio di Foggia sotto la guida del Maestro Laurent Masi. Una carriera brillante l'ha vista esibirsi come solista e in formazioni da camera, partecipando a concorsi nazionali e collaborando con artisti di calibro come Lucio Dalla. La dedizione alla ricerca musicale di Filomena De Pasquale si estende anche al jazz, arricchendo così il personale repertorio e arrivando a creare produzioni discografiche di rilevanza. Giorgio Albiani, chitarrista e direttore artistico, diplomato con il massimo dei voti al Liceo Musicale Pareggiato di Modena ha proseguito gli studi presso l'Ecole Normale de Musique a Parigi. La carriera solistica lo ha portato su palcoscenici prestigiosi in tutto il mondo, collaborando con ensemble di rinomanza e orchestre sinfoniche di fama internazionale. La sua versatilità si riflette anche nella composizione di colonne sonore per il teatro e nella sua attività di docenza presso istituzioni musicali di prestigio.
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giorgiobertozzi · 6 months
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halfbakedspuds · 3 months
Excerpt from my writing today: Adrian almost dying because of a pet peeve I have with scifi.
Adrian clutched at his chest, nearly doubling over as he backed up against the counter to remain standing. His face contorted like a dried sponge as he winced from pain, and seemed to be exercising all his will to not cry out.
"Adrian!" Lyanni was up in a flash, crossing the room in a few short bounds. She put hands on his shoulders to steady his swaying and painful writhing, and was not in the least bit surprised when he tensed up from the contact, "What's happening? Are you alright?"
"Gee, I really don't know, Lyanni, my vision's fading, my limbs are growing unresponsive and I can feel my heart and breathing winding down," He forced out through gritted teeth, "No, I'm sure I'm just right and dandy,"
"In future, spare me the fucking sarcasm, human," She growled in panicked annoyance, "What went wrong?"
Adrian grunted as he righted himself and tried to walk, "My power cell must've ran out of charge. Need to get to the store room. I keep spares there,"
He took a shaky step, then another. The third started out well enough, but the moment he put weight on the leg, he went sprawling over the wooden floor.
Lyanni was beside him in an instant, lifting him up (with a considerable amount of effort. As she quickly learnt, cybernetics weighed a lot) and wrapping an arm around him to support him.
She felt him weakly try to push her away, "I'm fine! I don't need your help to walk,"
"Like it or not, you are being helped. Do not resist,"
He was silent for a moment, struggling to keep the growing difficulty of his breathing hidden from her.
After a moment, he lifted a hand up to support himself on her other shoulder, and began once more the arduous process of putting one foot in front of the other.
She started as he suddenly leant into her, resting his head against her shoulder as they walked. The human was usually so reserved about showing anything, even physical contact seemed to bother him about as much as his metal hand had bothered her in the beginning. For a moment she genuinely didn't know how to react as she felt his silky white hair and it's foreign textures brush against the skin of her upper arm, making her think of small, scurrying insects, yet it wasn't a sensation she wanted to shrink away from. Rather, she found herself wondering - much to her own bafflement- how long she could perpetuate that moment.
Luckily, Adrian spoke, and thus she wasn't abandoned to figure out what her next move would be.
"Je kejat göd nākh mej. Ä ferdans jô inn," he said under his breath. Lyanni's autotranslator couldn't even recognise what language he was speaking.
"I didn't quite catch that,"
"Good," He said, then began to laugh, "There are enough allegations against us without you having understood that. Now put some pep in it, I'd rather die fighting as an old man than leaning on someone else in my early twenties,"
This is the first scene where Adrian starts to understand that maybe relying on another person won't immediately end in heartache. Also the first point in the book where Lyanni realizes that inwardly she actually cares about this little alien shit that she's housemates with and maybe doesn't want him to die.
Translation of what Adrian said in Callistoan:
You watch over me so well. I do not deserve you.
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follow-ur-heart · 2 years
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