#fethry is baby
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Fethry Duck agere moodboard!
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thevaudevilledemon · 1 year
I just had a though, what is Fethry tried playing BioShock?
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cartoon-brainrot · 6 months
I was drawing the Techno King and his (headcanon) younger sister and I thought this would be a nice way to introduce one of my first Trolls OCs!
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The royal family! Trollex, Bliss and Laika Marina!
Laika is Trollex and Bliss’s baby brother!
(I got the name idea while watching Box Trolls…a movie made by Laika studios <3)
He’s green to stick with the RGB theme (Donald-Gladstone-Fethry/Lyney-Lynette-Freminet/Huey-Dewey-Louie) because I’m a sucker for RGB siblings!
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These are the color combinations I tried before sticking to the final one! I really liked the teal eyes and warm accents, and also tried both the double striped armies and triple striped arms before settling on the triple option!
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So here’s the final option and some sketches!
Hope you like him :)
I’ll post some more stuff real soon!
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yeyeducks · 9 months
fethry quiz!
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Introducing: Jay!! My ducktales oc!! (If it wasn't blatantly obvious lmao)
Do you want to know more about them? No? Too bad!
Jay, aka January was the first ever clone F.O.W.L. created. However, due to a lab accident, Jay ended up not only with scrooge's DNA, but also Bradford's. Deeming the clone a "failure", Heron drops the created baby off at an orphanage.
(Bradford becomes enraged when he later learns of this - a child with his and scrooge mcduck's dna?? Just out there??? Has Heron no concept how problematic that could shake out to be???)
Jay spends the first 9 years of their life kinda bouncing from foster home to foster home (kinda developing a bit of a thing abt people seeing them eat. Because of how their beak is a bit weirdly aligned, they can't eat quite the same as most others, and people stare.). But eventually they scrape together enough resources for like, one of those online-dna testing kits that spit out who you're related to.
Turns out their parents are Scrooge McDuck!!! (And some random vulture guy? Weird)
Thus, Jay sets out to become an adventurer like their dad, to meet him one day on their adventures!
Except, first adventure they immediately get trapped in a parallel, kind of very hellish dimension. They get out after three years, but they're pretty traumatized - and pretty much pu off of adventuring forever.
(Though they do find and keep a magic amulet in [hell dimension] that they use to cast spells. Mostly teleportation spells, really.)
Deciding they don't really want to meet a guy who's whole schtick is adventuring, they instead begin their search for dad#2, that vulture guy.
They find out he works for scrooge mcdad (of course he does) but don't judge him too harshly yet. From what they can find online (public libraries for the win!) the guy doesn't really... Do anything. Let alone go on adventures.
So Jay decides to find out where he lives and well, just kinda shows up at his door.
Much surprise is had, it's not quite the family reunion Jay was hoping for but they haven't been kicked out so they count it as a win.
Staying with their dad is pretty great, actually. He even hires a private tutor for homeschooling, since Jay missed 3 years of school and has a lot of catching up to do.
(they definitely hoard food in their room somewhere, just in case. They also have a bug-out bag ready at any given time. Just in case.)
Turns out, Dadford doesn't only also hate adventuring with a passion - he has a whole secret organization to take over the world and stop all adventuring! Forever!
(Jay found a secret stash of files on the computer they use for video games.)
Thus, at the ripe age of 13 they become the youngest FOWL agent ever!
And because they are kind of a big security risk now that they know, they get moved out to live in the outpost at the library of Alexandria instead, together with a bunch of the villains Dadford recruited.
(including Phantom Blot who Jay has an ongoing rivalry with just because they use magic sometimes lol)
(they and the villains play mario kart/party together on sundays)
Eventually, (three years later) season 1 happens and seeing the mcduck family successfully overcome the rift that della's absence left, dadford decides to put one of his better pawns into play.
Through some posturing, magic pyrotechnics and a fake mystical artefact, Jay gets planted into the mcduck family as scrooge's "magic child/clone".
(this happens during the episode "The Depths of Cousin Fethry", while huey and dewey are out meeting their cousin, scrooge, louie and webby go to find an invaluable treasure and return with Jay. Cue scrooge introducing Jay as his kid and Huey and Dewey going "wtf did we miss")
They go along on an adventure or two, mainly because saying "I hate adventuring and I don't want to do it because I was traumatized and hate it" doesn't make sense for someone who was just created from an ancient magic artefact. But after a couple adventures they can finally just put their foot down and stay home. It's chill.
They draw sometimes, do a few commissions.
Scrooge wants to bond with them so they teach him how to play video games and they watch some shows together.
Eventually, the last adventure rolls around.
At the point where Webby pretends to be June and kidnaps... Herself (yknow what part i mean. Probably) Jay comes with the clones, obviously shocking Webby.
But they make it to the library without any particular incident - except Huey getting discovered, obviously.
Jay stays behind to "escort June and Webby". They've very much realized the switcheroo that Webby pulled and use their (thus far mostly benign) magic to switcheroo back.
They nod to June, explaining that they didn't say anything earlier so that Director Dad doesn't get on her case too bad about "failing".
After that, Jay kinda just goes off to hang out a bit. Drink some pep. Chill.
On the way to Webby's cell, she wakes up and takes out June. (Because of course she does. She's Webby.)
Cue the rest of the finale.
Right up until Dadford is fighting McDuck and his fam. Because now, he calls Jay forward, who kinda immobilizes the fam with their magic for a bit.
Dadford throws his employees into the death pit, but oh shock! He picks up to throw Jay in as well.
And he does. He does throw them in.
Luckily, Jay is a master at magical teleportation and nobody realizes they weren't, in fact, erased from existence.
Bla bla bla, scrooge signs the papyrus, "family is the greatest adventure of all", boom the other vilalins show up to defeat dadford once and for all.
But what's this? It's Jay, with a magical barrier, protecting her dad from being turned into a non-sentient vulture!
They teleport themself and Dadford outta there.
At this point they're assuming they got thrown in the pit as a sort of surprise/back up, to make everyone think FOWL was already defeated when they were still there and alive. Yknow, a backup plan.
They live on the street for a bit, but Jay manages to get a job, securing the two of them an aprtment.
Dadford doesn't rlly come out of his room for a while.
Jay gets it; having ur thirty year-long plan derailed like that couldn't be, yknow, pleasant.
At some point, Louie finds them at their job and basically blackmails them into helping him out during adventures. (They kinda hide in his shadow, basically/louie summons them, so when something particularly dangerous happens they can subtly magic it away.)
Dadford eventually emerges from his room and drops the bombshell we all already knew: he very much did intend to kill Jay that day.
Jay is kinda shellshocked. They sort of robotically just return to their routine; go to work.
Louie summons them to deal with an adventure again, and wouldn't u know it? Its an adventure in that hell dimension that Jay got stuck in as a kid.
This, coupled with the revelation that one of their dads tried to kill them, kinda makes them very uncareful. They get revealed to the rest of the family but manage to get everyone out of there.
They reveal that Louie's been blackmailing them and the fact dadford tried to actually kill them sorta spills out in the same, emotionally charged rant and to their surprise scrooge offers to allow them back in the mansion, despite everything.
Jay hesitantly accepts, but mentions that they would like to keep working their current job. This is agreeable to everyone.
Jay returns to their apartment later, under the cover of "going to work" and find dadford packing his things.
They're like, what r u doing? Where would u even go?
And he's like, idk, i'll dip into my grandma's account or smth, its not like u want me here anymore, what with the attempted murder.
And Jay's like, I didn't say that.
Stunned silence.
So anyway, Jay sighs and tells dadford he's allowed to stay at the apartment and that Jay will stay at the manor again.
This is how far ive gotten. If u have any ideas/thoughts/complaints, drop 'em somewhere i can see 'em!
If anyone's even read this far lol.
If u have, have a virtual cookie, you've earned it🍪
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Mute AU part 3 (little angst)
Scrooge tried everything in science and magic to make Donald talk or even make sounds since he was a baby, but nothing worked. When Donald returned to the mansion and forgived Scrooge, his uncle took him for days to try everything the McDuck Enterprises created in the last ten years. Scrooge promised to Donald that he will can talk someday, even if it this be the last thing he does.
When Donald was a younger emo, he used to write musics, he plays the guitar and Della was his singer. They weren't that good but Scrooge and Duckworth had appreciated the shows, and that's good enough.
Fethry always preferred Donald than Gladstone, he thinks his older cousin is so cool and strong. This made Donald babysit Fethry many times when he was little.
Donald's relationship with Gladstone never went well, but they are always together when the things goes hard to one of them.
Gladstone was too young to understand when Donald's parents died, but Donald was there when Gladdy's parents died.
Della and Donald's parents died when they were just kids, Abner and Fethry's parents died when Abner was a kid and Fethry was a baby and Gladstone's parents died when he was teenager. All of them went to live with Grandma Duck, and later she passed the twins's guard to Scrooge, it turned easier to Grandma take care of them.
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justaboot · 1 year
1, 8, 16, and 27 for Della?
YES okay
1 - first impression
Okay I shit you not, I had disneys number since the beginning. LITERALLY like halfway through Great Dime Chase, I said as a joke, super casually to my sister “She’s like on mars or something.” My sister, who was showing me the show and had already seen it, was like 😳 what…makes you think that?
I said that Donald was in the navy, she was a pilot, so she flew in the Air Force, I bet she like joined the military and was involved in a super secret project and got lost in space.
And FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON, my sister was like….hmmm…interesting…WHILE SWEATING BULLETS, bc it took us a while to get through season one, and I thought it was like just a running joke. Like literally any time someone referred to her s1 I was shouting “Don’t worry she’s in SPACE!!!” “Where is fierce Della?” “Mars.” “What if my mom was a bad person” “baby nooo, she’s just stuck on Saturns rings…”
And my sister BLESS HER was busting up the whole time, and I thought it was bc she thought I was funny. My partner and sister just roasted me non stop, and so I doubled down that she was an Air Force pilot stuck/exploded in space, and started looking for stuff that confirmed my crack theory, and actually picked up EVERY hint left by the show. “See? Look at all that space imagery. I’m not crazy, I’m right, look, they keep panning up to the moon. Fuck you guys I’m right.”
Bruh. The reveal at the end of s1? ANARCHY. My crack theory of MONTHS was confirmed and THE HIGH LASTED FOR WEEKS. (So did my scratchy voice from jumping up and shouting)
8) fav outfit
Love her lil pants and beanie in Doomsday Vault <3
16) childhood headcanon
Halloween one year, team cousin stays at the mansion and tries to deck out the best, scariest, haunted house walkthrough. A plot is Della and Fethry going through the garage/other bin (bc of course they can get in there) and pull out all the best, scariest artefacts to add authenticity, while the B plot is Donald and Gladstone desperately trying to distract Duckworth. Of course Della and Fethry pick all the worst stuff and unleash like an ARMY of demons and curses, and by the time the night is over, the demons are gone, they’ve wrecked the house and get it tidied JUST as Scrooge comes in and they’re all beat up and exhausted, and he’s like ahh, quiet night in, I see, beat drop, roll credits.
27 - what character should they meet?
KAY SO for those of you who were too young, House of Mouse was an old school disney show where Mickey ran a sketch/musical/comedy show, and like Minnie was his second, Daisy was his house manager, I don’t actually remember what Donald did but he was there, goofy worked in the kitchen (waiter?) and the audience was like every Disney character ever. SUPER cursed, and way funnier in your 20s.
ANYWAY in the reality Della worked as a server, I think she would have HATED Mickey. No reason, but she thought he was a SNAKE and ALWAYS up to something. DONT trust the Mouse. And he was of course always super nice to her, but she was CONVINCED it was all an act.
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uncaaj · 9 months
Fanfic: The Triple Tandem Strike! (DuckTales 17)
Originally published in the Team Science Zine. GET THE ZINE HERE!
The sliding glass doors parted, blowing the stale air of wood wax, burnt fluorescent bulbs, and haggis into the faces of Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Gyro Gearloose, and Fethry Duck. Lil Bulb couldn’t smell this strong mish-mash because they didn’t have nostrils. Yet.
Gyro crinkled his beak and exhaled sharply through his nose. “Somehow,” he said, “this smells exactly like a bowling alley Mr. McDuck purchased from Flintheart Glomgold.”
“I think that’s a more telling sign,” said Fenton, pointing straight ahead. Indeed, across the back wall of the 20 bowling lanes, sometimes blocked by attendants passing dressed in full highland wear, was a mural of rolling green Scottish hills backed by a blazing sunset.
“It’s got charm,” said Fethry as they approached the main counter. “It’s homey.”
Gyro rolled his eyes. “If you like Glomgold’s Scotland, which no one does.”
“I’m sure these people would love to lose the kilts as soon as possible,” Fenton concurred.
“Ain’t that the truth,” said the shaggy-haired attendant, adjusting his kilt. “We blame the high turnover on the itchiness alone. Anyway, what can we do ya for?”
“Hour rental and three pairs of shoes,” Gyro deadpanned.
The attendant smirked in surprise before fishing the shoes from below. “What’s his deal?” he asked.
“He just doesn’t like bowling,” said Fenton.
“My work outing preference was maliciously overruled,” Gyro grumbled.
“Well, I see it as democracy prevailing,” said Fethry.
“A nephew of McDuck would say that,” Gyro sneered.
Fenton stepped in between the two. “O-o-okay, we all deserve this break from work. We are going to relax and have fun, and nothing will go wrong, alright?”
“Sure thing!” said Fethry.
Gyro crossed his arms. “Fine.”
Across the lanes, a white ball with baby blue streaks slammed into the deck and hooked to the left into the gutter. It took the roll of shame all the way to the end and every single pin remained, solid, mocking its thrower.
“Come on!” crowed Mark Beaks, punching the air. “Throwing a ball into some lousy pins should not be this hard!”
Falcon Graves’ eye twitched as the grating squawk of his employer broke his concentration on his target. “It might be for someone who’s never done any exercise.”
Mark stomped over to his bodyguard. “Hey, a billionaire’s thing is exercising without doing dumb real exercise. Mark Beaks will not follow the normies and golf!”
Falcon sighed and closed his assassin mobile game to give his boss his full attention. “You destroyed a mini golf windmill because you went five over par.”
Mark pointed a finger in Falcon’s face. “Shut your mouth! You’re just like my dad!”
“That’s what you said last time,” Falcon mumbled, not paying attention anymore.
Mark huffed, marching to the ball rack, dark clouds storming above his head. “I’ll show those loser boomers. I can do sports. I can be a well-rounded billionaire.” He shoved a kid down by his face and carried the heaviest ball he could find back to his lane.
Or rather, as Fethry observed while holding a ball to his ear, “Fascinating. It’s like a jellyfish dragging a brain coral across the ocean floor.”
Fenton looked up from the tablet and saw the struggling gray macaw heave the great sphere on his ball machine and collapse to his knees, panting. “I’d almost feel bad for Mark if it weren’t for the thieving of my concepts, the numerous assaults on me and my friends’ lives, and what’s worse, the microaggressions.” Fenton shuddered at the memory.
Gyro tugged the laces of his bowling shoes tight and stood up. “He’s a petulant baby. If we don’t pay attention to him, hopefully he’ll give up and leave.”
“You’re right,” said Fenton, shaking his head and giving the touchscreen some final taps to officially start their game. “Your turn first, Fethry!”
Fethry looked back and sauntered over. “The book I read beforehand says to find a ball that speaks to you.” He held out a red ball, scuffed with years of use. “And this one says, ‘I’m a star!’”
“Are you sure it didn’t just sound like the ocean?” Gyro quipped.
“It’s your first time, right?” said Fenton, sitting on the tartan-wrapped bench. “Focus on throwing it straight. Good luck!”
“If it goes anywhere besides the lanes besides, I’ll be surprised,” Gyro whispered. Fenton elbowed him as Fethry stepped up and checked his aim. He chucked his ball with all the grace of a sea lion and it traveled straight and true on its way to bowling over every pin.
“I know that! That’s a strike!” Fethry cheered, hopping from foot to foot. “Boyoboy!”
Gyro cleared his throat and Fenton clapped. “Way to go, Fethry!”
Fethry beamed and walked back as Gyro took his ball to the lane. He eased into a wide stance and heaved it down the center with both hands. It rolled at a snail’s pace and curved to the left, clipping one pin.
Gyro sniffed. “Sports are not scientific,” he said, returning to his seat.
Fenton stepped up and threw his ball with enthusiasm. It looked good and true and resulted in a 7-10 split. Fenton placed his hands on his hips. Strike up above him, one pin just below… “And here I am, stuck in the middle with you,” he said.
Crunching and crashing bellowed immediately followed by a deafening roar. Fenton whipped his head around to see a giant Mark Beaks rip his shirt off and send plastic chairs flying with one swipe of his bulging, muscular arm. Bystanders howled in fear and ran for any cover still standing. Before he could even comprehend what was going on, a falcon in a suit bolted toward them and shouted, “Get down!”
He was tackled along with Gyro and Fethry before he could think, hitting the deck hard as a bowling ball clattered down next to them and rolled away. 
“I apologize for this,” said Falcon, “he did this the last time as well. And then sued the mini golf after his rampage. And lost.”
Gyro picked up his hat. “I’m sure if we keep our heads down and don’t let him see us, we can get out safely. Then McDuck can write this off or something.”
“But then where will Duckburg bowl?” Fethry asked.
“They’ll play a board game, like normal people!” Gyro hissed.
“No, Fethry’s right!” said Fenton, wriggling out of Falcon’s hold.
“You didn’t bring the suit, though!” said Gyro. “Stop him, whoever you are!”
Falcon let Fenton go and shrugged at Gyro. “Mark doesn’t pay me enough for that.”
Fenton emerged from behind the bench and pointed at the behemoth Beaks. “HEY, YOU!”
Mark dropped the balls in his arms and turned to Fenton, his beak curling into a devious grin. “Well, hey there, Gizmoloser!” he mocked, his timbre unaffected by his body’s growth. “Long time no beat!”
I’ll take “Gizmoloser” any day over “amigo,” Fenton thought before declaring, “You’d better stop this temper tantrum of yours, or you’ll be sorry!”
“Pffft! Big words against a big manly man like Megabeaks!” He snatched up the heaviest ball and threw it like a baseball at the pins. It was the perfect intimidating move. The pins collapsed in a great crash, and suddenly, Megabeaks’ puny brain had a brain blast. “You know what? I’m pretty good at this now.”
He looked back at Fenton, whose eyes were wide at the display of utter and absolute skill. “You wanna take this on? Let’s do it! First to a turkey gets to brag about this on social media, and I won’t take it down.”
“Alright then,” said Fenton, not sure what exactly he was getting into.
“Falcon!” Megabeaks called out. “Where’d you go?!”
Falcon popped up, holding Fethry and Gyro in each hand by their scruffs.
Fethry looked to Falcon and then to Megabeaks. “Do either of you perchance read Mass in Minutes by Arnold Schwarzenebird?”
“Know what?” said Megabeaks, “I’ll even let your nerd friends be on your team. I can beat anyone like this, no British bodyguards needed!”
Falcon dropped them, visibly offended. “Right. I’ll be over here then,” he said tersely as he walked toward the front counter.
“You know he’s gonna call the police, right?” asked Gyro.
“As if, losers!” Megabeaks scoffed. “I pay his dry cleaning bills! BWAHAHAHAHA!”
Fenton was embarrassed for him as he gathered his friends in a huddle. “I was scared the first time, but he's truly pathetic.”
“Is Falcon really gonna call the police?” Fethry asked.
“I promised him a 20% raise. We could use a bodyguard,” said Gyro. “McDuck authorized me to.”
Fenton shrugged. “Money talks.”
Gyro nodded. “So we just have to stall long enough for the police to nab him.”
“But we can beat him!” said Fethry.
“Absolutely not!” Gyro snapped. “Do not get a big head because you bowled a strike on your first throw!”
“But I know a special throw from my book! The triple tandem strike! Lookit…”
Megabeaks tapped his fingers against his arm as the science nerds seemed to be taking forever in their little huddle. “Are you telling your dumb life stories to each other? FACE ME!”
“Break!” said Fethry, and the trio lined up, ready for battle.
Megabeaks grabbed a ball and grinned devilishly. “You go first.”
“Okay, everyone,” said Fethry, “just like we planned. Ready?”
“This defies all logic but I’m ready,” Gyro said, placing his green ball on the foul line.
Fenton set his down next to Gyro’s. “Let’s go, Fethry!” The two stepped to the side, placing their trust in their most eccentric colleague.
Fethry steeled his gaze at the two balls and raised his own. “Limber…loose…feet apart.”
“GET ON WITH IT!” Megabeaks bellowed.
Fethry wasn’t fazed. “10:00…2:00, quarter to three, tour jeté, twist, pas de deux, I'm a little teapot!”
Megabeaks was stunned at the display of pure buffoonery that was Fethry waving his ball around in some freak dance, but now it was at the apex.
“Now the windup…and let 'er fly!” The ball left Fethry’s hand and whizzed toward the balls. It connected perfectly, sending each one to the lanes on either side. They hit their marks, felling each set of pins like they were made of marshmallows, while Fethry’s ball arched over the middle lane, reaching earth again in a sea of tumbling pins. Not one withstood the onslaught.
Fenton and Gyro cheered and high-fived. Fethry wiped his hand on his blazer and crossed his arms. “Perfect.”
Megabeaks stood like a gobsmacked statue before picking his jaw up off the floor. “PRACTICER!” he fumed, “You rehearsed that knowing I’d be here!”
“Mark Beaks,” said Gyro, shaking his head. "I knew you were stupid, but even you’ve impressed me.”
“It’s the triple tandem strike,” said Fethry, “invented by 15-time champion bowler George Geef, and it’s regulation- Oops!”
Fethry was hastily hoisted into the air by his front and came face-to-face with a steaming Megabeaks.
Fethry yelped as Mark’s arm began to curdle like bad oatmeal, then a chorus of popcorn-like bangs chorused around them and Fethry saw the ground getting closer. As the popping died down and the smoke cleared, Fethry felt his feet touch the floor and beheld a normal, scrawny, weakling Mark Beaks, wearing tatters for clothes. Fethry took that moment to wipe excess spittle from his bill.
Mark looked like he might cry. “I-it lasted longer last time.”
Sirens grew in volume and suddenly, the doors burst open. “POLICE! Come out with your hands up!”
Thus Mark Beaks was carted off to jail for the second time that year. When Scrooge arrived a few moments later, he assured the team that he would wring every last dollar out of the Waddle CEO possible, and use it to remodel the bowling alley into something Duckburg could be proud of.
Back at the lab, the three scientists were gathered around the coffee station, sipping their mugs in contentment. Gyro broke the silence with, “I must say, if that’s what bowling can be, I may actually take it up.”
“And I can be your teacher!” said Fethry. “The book I read will have you a pro in no time!”
“Whatever you say,” said Gyro.
“Good job, Fethry,” said Fenton. 
The three raised their glasses to a fun outing and to the beauty of hitting billionaires where it hurt: damages and legal fees.
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cursegirlrabbit · 2 years
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Fathers day drawings I forgot to post.
But you get to se em now!!
You’ve got Eider holding Fethry in a harness (which they found was the best way to get fethry to fall asleep) while holding Mary on his other arm and Abner copying his dad.
You’ve got baby gladstone being entertained by card tricks!
Quackmore carrying his sleepy son donald on his shoulders and holding his daughter Della up like shes a plane!
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
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after a million years plus an addition million years post the show ending i am finally just now scribbling out my takes and stuff on fethry's immediate family a la how they would fit into dt17 canon
the breakdown in my mind is that all 3 of eider and lulubelle's children are Strange and Ambiguously Disordered (fethry taking the most after his mother) and also to some degree have inherited eider's legendary strength (abner being basically on par with his father and fethry as the baby and the runt of the three being much more close to just having normal person strength, though still a bit surprising for how noodly he is)
more specific points abt the family under the cut bc i dont want the post to be too long @_@
definitely autistic (as 3 and also lulu are) but its like in that. i dont have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with how alienated from ppl i feel so im just gonna fish and carve wood and if anyone enters my space i will burn it down with both of us still inside it. way
that being said abner’s still plenty capable of being a compassionate guy deep down. he cares a lot about his family and takes whatever responsibility u entrust him with extremely seriously
comes off as emotionally stunted bc he doesnt really show affection in the “normal” way, including and especially physical affection and also. saying shit  out loud. he has his own love language its called * noncommittal groan of acceptance as you enter his house *
in my brain i know he should have a job but all i can think about is him fucking off in the woods so he doesnt have to talk with people. maybe one of those people who sit in towers all day to make sure forests dont burn down. i dunno
loves acting and wants to be a professional stage/screen actor so bad but is unfortunately terrible at acting. probably been in like a few commercials or something
very very dramatic, im talking full comedy sketch of a julliard actor levels of melodrama and stage fainting, whether onstage or not. this makes it hard to tell if her reactions to things are genuine or not unless u are her brothers or parents who have been dealing with this forever
since the acting career is not really taking off Yet she has maybe ripped off 1 or 2 or 20 or so people maybe more just to keep the lights on. ironically when shes conning people she can actually act convincingly (my leverage fans out there. you know)
some of you will probably ask about dugan and while i do absolutely love dugan personally in my mind marys not ready nor interested in motherhood. so. maybe some day i will reveal my own dt17 dugan origin concept idk
something of a local folk hero due to both his truly legendary strength and his equally strong inclination to lend his neighbors a hand, or really anyone else who may need a little help for that matter
as exceptionally goofy and loving as you could want any dad to be, though he can also be a bit stern when he needs to be, and a little prideful
in my mind i think it would be very cool if he had moved his family into granny elvira’s farm to give her a hand bc while shes a tough old woman everyone still needs a hand from time to time but i dont know if this contradicts any serious duck lore so forgive me
full loon baby ! none of this “looks like every other member of clan mcduck” shit !!! yes this includes the blood red eyes #epicloonwin
many make the mistake to count her as an absent minded spooky insane woman but this could not be further from the truth. she is very sharp-witted, observant, and is only spooky simply because its pretty near impossible to creep or gross her out, and even harder to full-on scare. and also because she makes long uninterrupted eye contact all the time
fethry definitely inherited a lot from her, but one of the main things they share is the tendency to cycle through all kinds of seemingly unrelated hobbies and interests; but much like fethry’s chief passion seems to be marine biology, lulu greatly enjoys botany and all it’s practical applications, as well as music
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cartoonlover16 · 2 years
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#huey dewey louie - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#we cant all be webbigail vanderquack
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love to write.
Writing is my life. It has been my life for a long time now. I like to write fanfiction. And its Ducktales fanfiction I like to write right now.
3 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Could you write a story about Della finding out she's going to have babies?
Sure, I can. Just give me a few days to write another one-shot that I thought of and then write this one.
4 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Would you mind writing one about Huey and Boyd taking the other kids camping in the backyard?
Sure I can. I just need a little time to write it out.
4 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Donald Duck wished that these triplet boys were easier to handle. They were almost a year old, and he felt like he needed a break. He had a parent burnout. He called his grandmother to help him. He needed to rest for a couple of days. He wanted the boys to sleep through an entire night. He had not slept an entire night in so long. He can’t remember the last time he did anything for himself. He can’t remember when he took a shower, ate, or slept an entire night. He needed a break for a few days. He also wanted his grandmother to see the boys once in a while.
“Grandma,” Donald said. “Oh dear, you look like you’re about to pass out,” Elvira said. “I haven’t slept much in the last year,” he said. “Come in, I want to see my great grandsons,” she said. Donald came in with the boys in his arms. Louie started to whimper. Elvira took him into her arms to calm him down before upsetting the other two boys. “You have Louie, the one in blue is Dewey, and the one in red is Huey,” he said. The boys were being raised well by Donald.
“Hey Donaldo,” Gladstone said, coming into the house. “Shh Gladstone, the babies are asleep,” Elvira said. “Sorry,” Gladstone said. “Gladstone, this is Huey, Dewey, and Louie,” Donald said. Elvira was holding Louie, while the other two boys were sleeping in the playpen in the living room. Elvira was trying to soothe Louie to take a nap along with his brothers. He seemed to like being held a lot. She held him until he was drowsy enough to fall asleep on his own. She put him into the playpen with the other two triplets. Louie peacefully fell asleep for a nap. He knew that he would be safe while taking a nap. It was quiet at the farm because it was in the country just outside of Duckburg. Elvira took Donald to a bedroom so he could get some rest.
“Get some rest, Donald, you look like you need it,” Elvira said. “What about the boys?” Donald said. “They’ll be fine, I’ll take care of them so you can rest,” she said. “The boys need me to take care of them,” he said. “Donald, they’ll be fine, trust me. I know what I’m doing,” she said. Donald laid down and closed his eyes. He fell asleep until dinner. His mind was at ease while he was asleep. Elvira, Gladstone, and Fethry took care of the boys while Donald was asleep. The boys were well taken care of while he was asleep. Gladstone fed Louie, Fethry fed Huey, and Elvira fed an overly excited Dewey when they were all hungry. Donald said that he kept them all on one schedule during the day and night. Elvira couldn’t feed the triplets on her own because there were three of them. The boys needed to be fed at the same time. She was a great grandmother to the boys. She knew that she just met the boys, but she loved them already.
“There we go,” Elvira said as Dewey finished his lunch. “Huey won’t eat,” Fethry said. “Here, you take Dewey and I’ll feed Huey,” she said. She gave Dewey over to Fethry and took Huey into her arms to feed him his lunch. Louie ate his lunch for Gladstone with no trouble at all. Louie had to be fed his lunch because he was lazy and didn’t want to do stuff for himself.
Donald woke up after the boys had lunch. He came into the living room where the boys were playing. Louie came toddling over to him and hugged him. He reached up wanting to be picked up. “It’s about time you woke up; you must’ve been exhausted,” Elvira said. “Raising three boys by myself is exhausting,” Donald said. “You should come over once a week and let yourself get some sleep,” she said. “I think I should,” he said. “You can and you will,” she said.
That evening, Elvira bathed the boys. She bathed them all at the same time. She gave them a warm bath. After their bath, she dried them off and each of them in their color-coded onesies. She gave each of them back rubs to help each of them fall asleep for the night. She put each of them in the playpen in the living room. Donald tucked them in for the night. They were all asleep for once in their lives since they hatched. The boys were happy, healthy, and safe.
4 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Della had not been feeling well for a few days. Scrooge had called her mother to take her to the doctor to see what the matter with her was. There was nothing that could stop Della Duck. Della knew that her mother was coming by that day, but she didn’t know why. It was a surprise for both of the twins when Scrooge told them that their mother was coming by that day. They had not seen their parents in such a long time, and they needed to see them once in a while.
“Hello, Hortense,” Scrooge said, coming into the foyer. “Hi Scroogie. Where are my twin babies?” Hortense said, walking into the living room followed by Scrooge. Della was laying down on the couch with a bucket by her face. “You poor girl,” Hortense said, kneeling down next to Della. “Mom, I don’t feel good at all,” Della said. “Why do you think that I’m here? I’m here to take you to the doctor,” Hortense said. “Mom,” Donald said, coming into the living room and pushing past Scrooge. “Oh, there’s my boy,” Hortense said, hugging Donald tightly.
“Lad, your father and I are taking you out of the house for the day, while your mother is dealing with your sister,” Scrooge said after Hortense had left with Della. “You know how twins can feel each other’s pain?” Donald said. “That’s not going to work, son, you’re going with us,” Quackmore said. “You need to not be so focused on your twin sister’s safety and health all the time, lad. I’m sure that whatever is wrong with her, she’ll be fine in a few days or so,” Scrooge said. “Alright,” Donald said. “Come on lad,” Scrooge said, jabbing Donald on the back with the end of his cane. They went down to the bay, and they got on a boat. Quackmore drove the boat out onto the water where it was safe for them to start fishing. “This should take your mind off of your sister,” Quackmore said, handing Donald a fishing pole. They started to fish in the water.
Della sat on the examination table in the little examination room of the doctor’s office. Della couldn’t sit still. “Sit still, Della,” Hortense said. “I can’t sit still, mom. I’m nervous,” Della said. “You’re nervous about becoming a mother, aren’t you?” Hortense said. “I am,” Della said. The doctor came in with the results. “Congratulations, you’re pregnant, Della,” the doctor said. “Thank you, Dr. Thrasher,” Della said. “Now, let’s see how far along you are,” Dr. Thrasher said. He set up an ultrasound and Della unzipped her jacket and pulled her shirt up from her stomach. Dr. Thrasher put some ultrasound gel on her stomach and then the probe. Dr. Thrasher gasped. “You’re going to have triplets, you’re pregnant with three eggs,” Dr. Thrasher said, gasping. “What?” Della said. “See? You’re having three eggs,” Dr. Thrasher said, pointing at the ultrasound screen. Della started internally freaking out, but she kept her cool while at the doctor’s office. She waited until her and Hortense were in the car to express her concerns.
“Mom, I’m scared,” Della said. “It’s going to be alright, Della, I know how you feel,” Hortense said. “You do?” Della said. “When I was expecting you and your brother, I was nervous as well. I had your father by my side and your grandmother helped me a lot as well,” Hortense said. Hortense took Della home to get something to eat and to relax for a little while.
“Mom, do you really think I’ll be a good mother to my three kids?” Della said. “What do you mean, sweetie? I think you’ll be an amazing mother,” Hortense said. “I mean there’s three of them and I’m a single mother,” Della said. “You’ve got a family that will help you with your kids,” Hortense said. “But, what about their father?” Della said. “Ack, who cares about him? He wasn’t the one that was meant for you. He cheated on you after he had sex with you,” Hortense said. “He probably doesn’t want anything to do with me or the kids,” Della said. “You shouldn’t have to tell him if you don’t want to because you are these kids’ mother. You should do what you think is best for you and the kids,” Hortense said. “Thank you, mom, I love you,” Della said, leaning her head on Hortense’s shoulder. “You’re welcome, sweetheart, I love you too,” Hortense said, wrapping her arm around Della, giving her a hug. “I want to have these babies, but I’m so nervous about being a mother,” Della said. “I know Della,” Hortense said.
Donald soon came back with Quackmore and Scrooge. Quackmore came into the living room and saw Della cuddling with Hortense. Della seemed to be asleep. He came closer to them and gave Hortense a gentle kiss. “How is she?” he said. “She’s fine, but she’s got something to tell you all,” Hortense said. Della opened her wide eyes. Quackmore had to hold onto Donald to keep him calm and not jump on his sister. “Della, what do you have to tell everyone?” Hortense said. “I’m pregnant with triplets. We don’t know what gender they are yet,” Della said, with a few tears running down her face. She dug her face into Hortense’s shoulder as she cried.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Quackmore said. “No, it’s not, daddy,” Della said. “Why’s that?” Quackmore said, letting Donald go and sitting down with Hortense and Della. “Lucas left me after we had sex together, he probably won’t want the kids,” Della said. “Come here,” Quackmore said, with his arms open. Della leaned over to Quackmore. “You’re going to be alright, sweetheart, you’ve got a family to help you with these kids,” Quackmore said, stroking his hand through her hair. “I love you mom and dad,” Della said. “We love you too,” Hortense said. “Yes, we do,” Quackmore said. “You are going to be a great mother,” Hortense said. “Yes, you are,” Quackmore said. Della continued to cry until she fell asleep on the couch. Duckworth brought a blanket and a pillow for Della to make her more comfortable while she slept for a nap.
Five and a half months later, Della went into labor. She went into labor two weeks early. She often went to the doctor to make sure that everything was perfect during the pregnancy and the doctor said that she was pregnant with three boys. She was going to be a mom. She had to go in for a C-section to deliver the boys’ eggs. She was loopy after the birth because of the medication she was given. She was put to sleep during the procedure because it was an emergency C-section. Della couldn’t hold her eggs when they were brought into her room.
“Della, are you feeling alright?” Scrooge asked. “I don’t know, I’m probably going to just lay down and get some rest,” Della replied. “Alright, let someone know if something’s wrong,” he said. “I will,” she said. She laid down on the couch in the living room. She couldn’t get comfortable. She knew that she was pregnant with triplets, and she was due in two weeks.
Hortense quietly came into the living room. Della looked up and saw her mother. “Mom, something’s wrong,” Della said. “What’s wrong, sweetie?” Hortense said. “I don’t know; I’m just feeling a lot of pain in my stomach,” Della said. “How long has it been going on for?” Hortense said. “Every five minutes for the last hour,” Della said. “We need to get you to the hospital,” Hortense said. “Why?” Della said. “You might be in labor,” Hortense said. “Now? I’m not due for another two weeks,” Della said, starting to panic. “Don’t panic; it’s not good for you or these babies of yours,” Hortense said. Della went with Hortense to the hospital. Della was miserable during the contractions. She wanted the labor and the pregnancy to be over already.
“Mom, it hurts so much,” Della said. “I know, sweetie, it’s all going to be over soon,” Hortense said. Dr. Thrasher came into the room. “Della, since you’re two weeks early and you’re having triplets, we’re going to need to do a C-section for you to lay them safely,” Dr. Thrasher said. “I’ll do anything to have these babies,” Della said. “Alright,” Dr. Thrasher said. Della signed all the consent papers for the C-section, and she went into the operating room.
After the laying of the triplets eggs, Donald, Quackmore, and Scrooge came to see Della. Della was awake, but she was loopy from being put to sleep during the laying of the triplets. Della started crying when her brother, father, and uncle came into the room. Hortense explained to Donald that Della’s hormones are still crazy because she had just laid the boys’ eggs not that long ago. He also couldn’t run up and roughly hug her because she had a large incision on her stomach. She needed time for it to heal before she got rough with her brother or anyone really. Della wasn’t awake for very long before falling asleep. Hortense tucked Della in a little.
A week later, Della went home with the eggs. She couldn’t wait to be home with her family. She was happy to have her baby boys. Donald and Scrooge knew that once the boys hatched, no one would get any sleep because the babies would be constantly crying and needing constant care. Duckworth came to the hospital to pick Della up when she was ready to leave.
“This is so exciting, I’m about to become a mother,” she said. “You’re going to be quite a mother, Della,” Duckworth said. “I am,” Della said. Della couldn’t jump up off the couch because of the incision in her lower abdomen. She had the eggs in front of her on the ottoman. They were nestled in a nest that Hortense had crocheted. The next was large enough for Della’s three eggs. Donald came into the room and shuffled the eggs in the nest and pulled the blankets tighter around them. “Donald, the eggs are fine,” Della argued from her spot on the couch. “You might think that they’re fine,” Donald said. “Why do you have to be just like mom? Ugh!” she said, frustrated. “Mom wasn’t that bad,” he said. “She was so restricting,” she said. “Twins, quite fighting,” Hortense said, coming into the living room where the twins were. “Mom!” the twins said. “Donald, those eggs aren’t yours so stop being overprotective of the eggs and Della, you know that I wasn’t that restricting,” Hortense said. “Sorry,” both twins chorused simultaneously.
6 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cinnamon-bunni · 4 years
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@retro-tan once again made something beautiful! I love this so much, its absolutely wonderful!
Thank you so much!💖💜💖
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adamarinayu · 2 years
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Hey here have a doodle, the first time I've drawn ducks since 2020 and it went better than I expected lol
Also my first time in a long time using clip studio... it's a doodle forgive me the lines pls-
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cartoon-brainrot · 8 months
Does your interpretation of Gladstone have any insecurities of his half-goose, half-Duck genetics?
Oh he does!
He was mocked because of his grey-yellow feathers and sharp teeth by most of his school, so Donald usually helped him with his insecurities!
Even as an adult, though his feathers are a nice, creamy white, he tries to talk carefully or never smile with teeth unless he’s trying to scare someone! The only times he talks more easily or straight up laughs or grins are when he’s with Donald or Fethry, because he only trusts them!
Donald started fighting because of Gladstone’s bullies and later on used his knowledge and experience to also defend Della when they moved away from the farm!
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They are my babies and I love them dearly
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narnour-momo-007 · 3 years
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SURPRISE @ducks-for-life !!!!!!!!!
I'm your @ducktalessecretsanta2020 :D
I tried to fit all of duck twins, duck cousins, the triplets and most importantly BABY DUCKS in one drawing and since you gave the choice to make it angst or fluff so of course I made it angsty >:DDD
But seriously, I hope you had a wonderful holiday, Chip...and please forgive me for taking so long to finish it :'(
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khionkhrayon · 4 years
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Trick or Nah?
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