#ffrk ticket pulls
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Record’s End Relic Draw Banner Part 2
The Record’s End Relic Draw banner just became available in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
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Each player will get 5 Record’s End Relic Draw Tickets at the start of the event. Then you can get 1 more each day you log on to the game until the campaign ends.
These tickets can be used to pull on the Record’s End Relic Draw banner. You get 10 items per pull and each draw is guaranteed to give you at least one 6-star or higher relic.
The Record’s End Relic Draw banner came a while or so after Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I’m really glad we’re getting these free draws because I want to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before the game ends.
I just wish they’d adjusted the rates a bit or something and/or given us more tickets for more free draws. I mean, why not, right? After all, the game’s ending already.
At least this time we’re actually guaranteed to get at least one 6-star item. Because the norm is to only guarantee that we’ll get at least one 5-star unless a banner literally has no 5-stars.
The problem is that 5-stars have been horribly powercrept and outdated by now. Heck, some of the 6-stars and 7-stars aren’t all good either.
Also, this banner has like every single relic that’s available in FFRK so the pool is really bloated and the chances of getting something good and useful are slim to none.
Anyway, decided that I’ll only bother to take screenshots of the results of these pulls if I actually get something that could be classified as either good, useful, or interesting, or something.
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One ticket gave me one disco orb which turned into a red leather coat that I immediately recognized.
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This belongs to Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. It’s his red leather coat from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. This one contains his Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis.
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Have mixed feelings upon seeing this coat. On one hand, Genesis is actually currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy VII (#ad) char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Whenever Genesis gets something new in this game, I always pull for it. Which means I already have all of his currently available relics.
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So this Ultra of his is nothing more than a dupe. Unfortunately, it’s not at all useful to get dupes of Ultras because they can’t be honed unlike Awakenings.
If I was gonna get something that belongs to Genesis, I wish I could have gotten his Awakening or Sync or Dyad instead. 
Besides, I much prefer his Crisis Core outfit so, yeah, while I’m always happy to see Genesis in FFRK, I do wish that this pull had given me a different Soul Break, one that could be of use to me.
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Seeing Genesis’s Ultra just reminded me of the fact that I soon won’t be able to see him anymore because the game is ending. It’s reminding me of the fact that I’ll never get the chance to obtain the new Soul Breaks that he just got in the Japanese version of Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for Genesis to get new relics in FFRK. I was so happy when I found out that he recently just got several new relics on the Japanese version of the game.
I was really looking forward to getting those relics when they showed up on the English version of the game.
But then, a week or so after hearing the news about Genesis’s new relics, the global version of FFRK gave that end of service announcement.
Disappointing and depressing doesn’t begin to cover this. I really wish this didn’t have to happen. Sigh.
Anyway, the day after I got a dupe of Genesis’s USB, the latest Record’s End Relic Draw ticket gave me my very first copy of the Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB) of Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
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It’s new but I’m actually not pleased with the results of this draw. The only reason why I bothered to take a screenshot was because of the fact that I just got a Soul Break for Angeal right after getting one for Genesis.
Too bad AOSBs aren’t that good. They cost 3 bars to cast unless they’ve been honed to the max and they only really deal damage. They have their uses but I still prefer to get an Awakening or Sync or Dual as opposed to an AOSB or USB. 
Besides, I’m pretty sure Angeal’s AOSB is actually Lensable as are most Arcane Overstrike Soul Breaks.
Another ticket gave me 3 golds then Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of them into a 7-star. 
Was pretty pleased when I saw Dr. Mog but that quickly turned to complete and utter disappointment when the 7-star turned out to be a dupe of Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB).
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Argh! Eff this game and its crappy rates. The two 6-stars I got were new but neither were all that remarkable so didn’t even bother taking note of who owned them.
One 6-star was a Limit Break Glint (LBG) that belongs to a Final Fantasy X char. Since the weapon in question is a blitzball, pretty sure this belongs to either Tidus from Final Fantasy X or Wakka from Final Fantasy X. The second 6-star was an AOSB for a Final Fantasy II char.
Another ticket gave me one 6-star and one 7-star. The 6-star turned out to be a USB for a Final Fantasy IV char. Meh. As usual, didn’t bother checking exactly who owned this.
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The 7-star turned out to be Zeid’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF). This is new but - argh! Why couldn’t I have gotten a Sync or Dual instead?
LBO’s are pretty similar to AOSBs in that they only deal damage and they can only be used once per fight. LBOs make use of the limit break gauge instead of the Soul Break one though.
Have 0 relics for Zeid so this LBO of his is never seeing use unless I can get at least 2 of his BDL relics.
Another ticket gave me two 6-stars and one 7-star. One of the 6-stars was a dupe USB. Pretty sure this Arbiter’s Tome belongs to Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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The second 6-star was a new USB for a Final Fantasy XIII char. Since the weapon is a fist, pretty sure this belongs to Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII.
The 7-star turned out to be Bartz Klauser’s (from Final Fanatsy V) TASB for the earth element. Well, at least it’s new and at least I actually have a lot of Bartz’s relics so this might see some use.
Another ticket gave me one 7-star. Saw a familiar-looking fist-type weapon and was then promptly greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen.
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Just got a dupe of Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). I only just recently got this which was why I was able to recognize it when I saw it again on this pull.
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Ugh. Was really disappointed when I saw this dupe. The one time I actually get a Sync from these free draws, why did it have to be a dupe?
Another ticket gave me 2 disco orbs then Dr. Mog showed up and turned them both into 7-stars. I thought things were finally looking up but I was wrong. Both of the 7-stars I got were new but that doesn’t mean they weren’t both useless.
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One of the 7-stars turned out to be Raijin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) LBO. Meh. Don’t even have anything for Raijin so double meh.
The second 7-star was the first SASB of Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV. I actually have Lunafreya’s Awakening but the thing is I also have her Sync 2.
Each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time. Both of Lunafreya’s Syncs deal water damage. Her Sync 2 is way better than her Sync 1. In short, since I have her Sync 2, there’s no way I’ll ever use her Sync 1. So, yeah, eff the results of this draw.
Another ticket gave me 3 relics, 2 were new while 1 was a dupe. The dupe was a 6-star Chain Soul Break (CSB) for a Final Fantasy I char. Pretty sure this is Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) dark Chain.
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One of the new relics I got was a 5-star Legend Materia Relic for a Final Fantasy IV char. Since it’s called Cid’s Mask, pretty sure this belongs to Cid Pollendina from Final Fantasy IV.
The other new relic I got was a 7-star fist-type weapon. When I saw the 7-star orb, I thought I was about to get a dupe again or something useless like a LBO. So I was pleasantly surprised when I got Gau’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Sync.
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Already have 1 of his Awakenings so I’m happy to now get his Sync. Now that I have 2 BDL relics for Gau, I think I’ll be able to make use of him in the Final Fantasy VI Dreambreaker and Dragonking Dungeons.
Another ticket gave me a 6-star dupe of a Final Fantasy XV realm Chain Soul Break. Meh.
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Also got a 7-star that turned out to be Palom’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Chain Soul Break+ for the lightning element. This is new but, man is this useless.
This Chain can only be used once per fight. I only have 1 of Palom’s Awakenings so he’s never been part of my magical lightning elemental team. 
If I was gonna get something that belongs to Palom, I would have preferred to get his Sync or Dual instead. At least either of those will make him usable.
Another ticket gave me a new 5-star Glint Soul Break (G) for a Final Fantasy IX char. Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX is featured on the Soul Break so I guess this belongs to her.
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Glints cost 1 bar to use so you’re better off waiting until you have 2 gauges in order to cast a Sync or Awakening or Dual instead. Heck, even using an Ultra is better than using a Glint.
This ticket also gave me a new 7-star Soul Break. Too bad it’s useless. Just got Kain Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy IV) LBO. Meh.
I thought things were finally looking up when a ticket gave me 3 disco orbs and 1 rainbow orb. 
But then Dr. Mog didn’t even have the decency to show up, and I ended up with 2 dupes from this draw. Was really disappointed when I saw the 2 dupes. Eff this game and its crappy rates.
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The 5-star I got was a new Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for a Final Fantasy VI char. Meh.
The only new 6-star I got was an Ultra Soul Break for a Final Fantasy XII char. Judging from the outfit, this belongs to Penelo from Final Fantasy XII.
One of the 6-star dupes that I got was the Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) of Gogo from Final Fantasy VI. It’s really frustrating to get an Awakening only for it to turn out to be a dupe. 
It was really disheartening to be greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen twice in quick succession.
The second 6-star dupe that I got was Wakka’s (from Final Fantasy X) Limit Break Glint (LBG). Meh. Eff this game.
Another ticket gave me only 1 disco orb so was already preparing to be disappointed. Was actually surprised when Dr. Mog appeared. 
Tried not to get too hyped though, telling myself I was probably about to get yet another dupe or something equally useless like another LBO or Chain or something.
And so I was pleasantly surprised when I ended up getting something new and useful. Just got Gau’s Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), Awoken On the Rampage.
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Yay for getting another BDL relic for Gau. He’s even more useful now. Pretty pleased with the results of this draw. Wish all my pulls could be like this. 
Well, it’d be nice to get more than 1 item per draw but even if I just got 1 this time, at least I actually got something that can be of use.
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Another ticket gave me a new 5-star LMR for a Final Fantasy VI char. Meh. Also got a new 6-star Glint+ Soul Break for Angeal. Ahh, wish I could have gotten his Dual instead. Sigh. Eff this game.
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So what about you? What kind of relics did you get from the Record’s End Relic Draw banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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eruku-ikimori · 7 years
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Game: lmao what’s a mirrage arte
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khux-guides · 7 years
KHUx JP - 3/1 announcements
a new draw box has opened!
it’ll be open from 3/1 0.00 JST to 3/12 23.59 JST
you can get the new eighth-tier guilt (150-230%) medal, Sephiroth [EX Kai] (reverse power)
you can also get the corresponding Special Trait Medal (#5) for Sephiroth EX Kai
spend 3000 jewels and get ten medals; you’ll also get 10 VIP coins as a bonus
you’re guaranteed one of these six EX reprints when you draw
there’s a 5-pull mercy on the special trait medal; there is no guarantee for the EX medal itself
Sephiroth and the reprints may come with their status boosted; they’ll have its attack and defense boosted by +1000
a quiz event has begun!
it’ll last from 3/1 0.00 JST to 3/7 23.59 JST
answer the questions and you can get up to 900 jewels and final fantasy boosts
a super-hard FFRK challenge has begun!
it’ll be open from 3/1 0.00 JST to 3/9 23.59 JST
there’s one quest
clear the challenges and you can get 3000 jewels
limited FFRK jewel boards are open!
you can get these red mage (M)/black mage (L) & moogle balloon boards
also comes with: lux & ability prize & attack up XL III, attack up XL III 100%, second chance 100%, mysterious stone
moogle balloons give +10 raid luck
you can also get these dragon knight (M)/dancer (L) & cactuar balloon boards
also comes with: guard up xl II, attack up XL III 100%, ability 0 & attack up XL II 100%, sword stone
cactuar balloons give +10 rare raid luck
each board costs 2500 jewels
another limited set of lux missions has begun!
you’ll find them under the third tab of the missions screen
gather lux and get these monkey star parts for your pet
a new round of the coliseum has begun!
you can get the new skill Lux & Attack Up XL III 100% in the ranking rewards
you can get this cupcake part for your pet and other prizes in the boards this month as well!
there have been changes made to the number of rounds skipped by 1-turn clearing
a jewel and skip ticket sale campaign has started!
from now until 3/4 23.59 JST you’ll get extra bonus jewels and double the skip tickets when you purchase jewels
lastly, this month’s gem challenge has started. you’ll have to use the keyblades divine rose, stroke of midnight, olympia, sleeping lion, and moogle of glory.
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sevdrag · 6 years
dreamwidth update: Mobile Game Monday, on Tuesday
yyyyep, that's right, it's time for Mobile Game Mondays, that weekly series that doesn't know what day it is and doesn't quite care!
[FFBE] In Pulls: the 5% 5* draw has been acting up; I have scored myself Dark Knight Cecil, Elfreeda, and Awakened Rain! I am stoked for A-Rain, as he is supposed to be an amazing magic tank (I do have Mystea, who is grand, but supposedly A-Rain is better?). Elfreeda seems to be a TM generator rather than incredibly useful, although I'll still level her for funsies; DK Cecil is disliked on the Reddit, but if nothing else, he'll be grand for expeditions. I'm still considering pulls for Squall/Rinoa, and I have 3 days left, but I may end up accepting status quo and saving up some tickets again. I have like, 7. In Leveling: I awakened Wilhelm to 7*, and he's so pretty. NEED to run him in something boss for fun. Maxed A-Rain out immediately; working on Elfreeda and DKC. I'm still using all LB pots I get on HT Lid's Limit Break, but from there it will probably go to either A-Rain or Hot Dad Raegen. Considering taking Orlandeau or Lightning to 7*, but I'll probably wait a bit on that. In TMs: I finally got Frye's sword TM and Vanille's accessory TM, so I sit with my DW Fryevia at 585/899 ATK/MAG at the moment and still building. So pretty. Onion Knight has not dropped his TM yet because he is a dick and I hate him. Trying to get one of the Orochi's 40% ATK TMs now, along with Crowe; probably will focus on A-Rain after that. Have to figure out who else to add once OK gets his lazy ass off the team; I may try to work on TMs for some of the folks I am planning to 7* when they arrive. In Game: Still farming the MK VIII event; need a couple more things from it, and then I'll do the story event. After that I need to spend some extra time getting through plot Ch 2 before September!
[FFRK] I've taken a break from Magicites to wrap up all the Jump Starts (that dungeon ends tomorrow? evening? i think?) that I haven't done before they go away. Looks like I have 11 left to do so I'm gonna have to devote some time tonight XD. There are a ton of motes lying there are rewards, and (unlike fucking Torments) I actually enjoy the JS setup and strategy, so they're at least entertaining me as I plug on through. Haven't pulled on anything in a while, so I pulled on the XII banner; got a literal 1/11 dupe Ashe BSB. At least it's a shiny 7* now. Butts. That's never fun. I still have to do the August Crystal Tower, too. I'll get back to the 4* Magicites soon, but I'm going to try a different one. Realized today I have a pretty good Water team that might be a better place to start (also considering a pull on the Water banner because a Water Chain to top it off would be a definite win), or even a Fire team. I've temporarily lost the interest in a lot of this game, so I'd like to get myself hyped up on the next level of challenge, so that I can get back into enjoying it.
[LN] Working on the Ch13 suit (Magician of the Wild) to proceed in the story, and catching up in Princess too. The new event suits are cute, but it's just a roulette gatcha, so I'm not sure how much I'll spend diamonds on it. I'm still low on diamonds from whatever last crap I spent them on, lol. Focusing on farming the suit and getting through story again XD
how about y'all? what's having fun on your phone?
comments Comment? https://ift.tt/2OBkgWh
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after the anniversary i’m a bit burnt out on ffrk so i’m just logging in and auto-ing the easier dungeons right now, which, whatever, the renewals are running right now and probably will next year too so i can get things then if i feel like it
i’m having great luck with pulls in ffbe on the other hand, got luneth out of the daily yesterday and then when i decided to throw two 4* tickets at the draw to go after liquid metal slime, i got the slime on the second ticket and basch(???!!) on the first, sort of making the slime unnecessary ahaha
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 8
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Just before the Summer Sun 2022 Festival event was set to begin, an in-game message appeared, saying that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
Unexpected and unpleasant surprise doesn’t begin to cover this. I talk more about that in another post.
But I really wish that this didn’t have to happen. Don’t want to say goodbye to FFRK yet. There’s still so much that I want to do in this game. Sigh.
Anyway, I’ve already used up all of the Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I had on hand since there was no longer any reason to save these. I talk more about the results of those pulls in another post.
It really sucks that the game didn’t even bother to update and refresh these banners.
And it would have been really nice if they’d adjusted the rates and/or made it so that players were guaranteed to get at least 1 6-star or 1 7-star relic from these banners. I mean, why not, right? After all, the game is ending already.
Why couldn’t they have given us more Realm/Elemental x11 tickets and/or mythril or something? There were so many things they could have done after announcing that FFRK was gonna end soon.
But we barely got anything. We just got a couple of free draws on a banner (I talk more about that in another post) and that’s basically it. We stopped getting new events and such long before the game ended. It’s really disappointing.
I’m trying to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before the end. I talk more about this in another post.
Some of the quests I’ve been able to clear include 1 Realm/Elemental x11 ticket as part of the rewards. Also got some tickets from clearing some of the missions in the Books of Trials and such.
Here are the results of my draws using those tickets:
Water Elemental Banner
This draw gave me 2 6-stars, both new. The first 6-star turned out to be the Ultra Soul Break (USB) of a Final Fantasy V char. Pretty sure this belongs to Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V.
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Didn’t bother to check since I wasn’t really pleased to see a USB on this draw. That’s because most, if not all, Ultras are now Lensable.
The other 6-star that I got turned out to be the Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) of Wakka from Final Fantasy X.
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Super pleased to see this because I already have multiple relics for Wakka. Have his Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) and pretty sure I also have his other AASB and his Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) plus a couple of his other relics as well.
Unfortunately, I can’t check my game account anymore because, at the time I’m writing this part of this post, Final Fantasy Record Keeper has long since ended.
And at the time I was pulling on this banner, there were only a few hours left before the game was gonna end. By then I was rushing to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can. Was also trying to use all the remaining tickets and mythril that I had left.
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I really wanted to try out the Final Fantasy X Dragonking Dungeon fight, especially now that I just got another BDL relic for Wakka.
Also have multiple BDL relics for Tidus from Final Fantasy X, including his Dual, both of his Syncs and both of his Awakenings.
With a pretty good FF10 realm team, was pretty sure that I’d be able to beat Bahamut, the Final Fantasy X Dragonking Dungeon quest boss.
It’s just too bad that I ran out of time so never got the chance to try out said fight. Also never got the chance to try out the new AASB that I just got for Wakka.
Barely got to use him. And the same can be said about Tidus and plenty of other chars. Ahh, I really wish that Final Fantasy Record Keeper didn’t have to end.
There’s still so much that I want to do in the game. And now I’ll never be able to because it’s all over now. All that’s left are the memories and these screenshots. Sigh.
Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner
Anyway, after the Water Elemental banner, decided to go to the Final Fantasy VII realm banner. Normally, I would never have done that because Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is my fave realm in this game.
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If a Final Fantasy 7 char is on a banner, I almost always pull. And so unsurprisingly, I already have a lot of FF7 relics.
The FFVII realm banner is really bloated too and since the game didn’t even bother to adjust the rates or refresh said banner, I already knew that the chances of me getting a dupe here was astronomically high.
Nevertheless, I decided to go for it. After all, the game’s gonna end in a few hours. It doesn’t really matter anymore whether I get a dupe or not. Of course, I’d still rather that that didn’t happen.
So naturally, that’s exactly what happened because eff the trashy and crappy rates on this game. Got a 6-star on this pull and it turned out to be nothing more than a dupe of one of Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Awakenings. IIRC, this is his AASB3.
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Cloud is a really good physical DPS, particularly for the wind element. He also has a couple of dark-type relics and he’s decent enough in that element but wind is where he really stands out.
Got to use this Awakening of his a few times but still wish I had more time to play with Cloud and al the other chars in FFRK more.
Wind Elemental Banner
I’m all out of Realm/Elemental x11 tickets now. But I still have exactly 50 mythril. Went to the Wind Elemental banner. Our first multi-draw on all of the Realm and Elemental banners will only cost 15 mythril instead of the usual 50.
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Every time the banners are refreshed, the cost of the first multi-draw will also be refreshed. So even if you already did the first pull for 15 mythril before, once the banner gets updated, you can do that again.
Can’t remember the last time I did one of these first mythril pulls on any of these banners. It was definitely a long time ago. Over time, the pool for these banners has become so bloated that it just wasn’t worth it anymore to spend mythril, even if it’s just 15, to pull here.
It didn’t help that we were only guaranteed to get at least 1 5-star from these draws. You could spend 15 mythril and end up with nothing more than a dupe or a useless and outdated 5-star relic.
So I’ve taken to just saving my mythril for other banners then just using my Realm/Elemental x11 tickets here. Well, it’s not like there’s anywhere else to use these tickets on but you get what I mean.
Anyway, my first mythril pull on the Wind Elemental banner gave me a dupe of Vaan’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Awakening. IIRC, this is his AASB2.
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Also have Vaan’s AASB1, his physical wind Chain Soul Break (CSB) and a few of his other relics. Sadly, don’t have his Sync or Dual.
His Chain is good though and he deals decent enough damage with both of his Awakenings so he’s part of my physical wind elemental team as my Chain holder. His Hero Ability even lowers the wind resistance of enemies, which is always helpful.
Wish I’d been able to use Vaan more. Was hoping to get his other BDL relics too but now that’s never gonna happen. Sigh.
Ice Elemental Banner
Went to the Ice Elemental banner where my first multi-draw also only cost 15 mythril.
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Got 2 5-stars and 2 6-stars. To my surprise, Dr. Mog appeared then turned one of the 6-stars into a 7-star. Nice.
The 5-stars I got were new but meh. Wasn’t interested in either of them. Also pretty sure both are Lensable.
One 5-star was a Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for a Final Fantasy II char. Didn’t bother taking note of who it belongs to though.
The other 5-star was a Burst Soul Break (BSB) for a Final Fantasy Type-0 char. Since the item is called Seven’s Guise (Type-0), I’m gonna take a wild guess and say this belongs to Seven from Final Fantasy Type-0. LOL.
The 6-star I got turned out to be a dupe of one of the Awakenings of Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI.
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Was annoyed when I saw the Soul Break Rank Up! screen. Then Celes’s Awakening went from Rank 1 of 15 to Rank 3 of 15.
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Wish I could have gotten a new Awakening instead. IIRC, I have Celes’s other AASB. Also have one of her Syncs as well as her physical ice Chain. She’s yet another char who I wish I’d been able to use more before the game ended.
Anyway, the 7-star I got turned into this - well, it looks like a pair of red-colored daggers to me but apparently it’s a fist-type weapon.
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It was only when I got to the draw results screen that I found out that what I just got was the Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) of Kiros Seagill from Final Fantasy VIII.
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It’s new and I’m really pleased to see this but - argh! Why’d this only happen now when FFRK’s set to end in a few hours?
I’ve had Kiros’s Awakening for what feels like forever but couldn’t really use him to his full potential because I didn’t have any other BDL relic for him.
He’s a physical DPS who can deal either ice or dark damage. Got to use him a few times but that feels like forever ago, way back when I didn’t really have a lot of options.
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After getting more physical ice and dark DPS, stopped using Kiros. Because I really needed chars who have at least 2 (preferably more) BDL relics in order to tackle some endgame content.
Still wish I’d been able to use Kiros more though. If only I’d been able to get his Sync much earlier - Sigh. Why’d FFRK have to end now? Really wish we had more time.
Dark Elemental Banner
Went to the Dark Elemental banner next. Only have 20 mythril left now so this is gonna be my last ever pull on this game.
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Only got 1 gold but at least it was a 6-star. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned it into a 7-star. Yay! Ended up with this katana.
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Barely finished taking a screenshot of said weapon when I was suddenly being greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen.
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Yup, that’s right. Just got a dupe of the Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1) of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. It went from Rank 1 of 5 to Rank 3 of 5.
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Man, sometimes, this game can be really frustrating. I mean, I don’t want it to end but argh! The rates here seem so freaking bad.
Anyway, I actually have basically all of Sephiroth’s relics.
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I wish I could say that I have all of them but I can’t. Missing exactly one relic for him and that’s his Dual Awakening Soul Break 1 (DASB1). I really, really hate that I wasn’t able to get this.
And it’s definitely not for lack of trying. When Sephiroth’s Dual first showed up in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, I tried pulling for it.
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I talk more about that in this post, but the main point is that, sadly, no matter how many times I pulled on the banner said Dual was featured in, was never able to get it.
Went 10 pulls deep on that banner, spending hundreds of mythril, until I was all out and yet I couldn’t even manage to get all the relics featured there.
Was really frustrated and annoyed about that. Still am, really. Eff the crappy rates on this game. And now that FFRK is over, I’ll never be able to get Sephiroth’s Dual ever. Sigh.
It feels like it was forever ago when I first got Sephiroth’s Sync 1. I remember when it first showed up in the game. Tried pulling for it but, just like with Sephi’s Dual, also failed to get it even after spending hundreds of mythril on the banner it was featured in. I talk more about that in this post.
Thankfully, unlike with Seph’s Dual, I was eventually able to get his Sync 1. That didn’t happen until much, much later though. And I needed to make use of the Stamp Sheet Sync Select to make it happen. I talk more about that in another post.
Sephiroth is a physical DPS and a really good one at that. His elements are dark and fire. He’s part of my physical dark elemental team, my physical fire elemental team, and my Final Fantasy VII realm team.
Got to use him a lot. He’s better as a dark DPS but I mostly use him as a fire one since fire’s my fave element in this game. My physical fire team is what I try to use all the time. Since Sephi’s part of that, it also meant I got to use him a lot.
Still, it feels like I didn’t get to use him enough. I still wish that Final Fantasy Record Keeper didn’t have to end yet. There’s still so much that I want to do in this game. Wish we didn’t have to say goodbye yet.
So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 7
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Just before the Summer Sun 2022 Festival event was set to begin, an in-game message appeared, saying that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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Unexpected and unpleasant surprise doesn’t begin to cover this. I talk more about that in another post.
But I really wish that this didn’t have to happen. Don’t want to say goodbye to FFRK yet. There’s still so much that I want to do in this game. Sigh.
Anyway, I’ve already used up all of the Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I had on hand since there was no longer any reason to save these. I talk about the results of my pulls using those tickets in another post.
It really sucks that the game didn’t even bother to update and refresh these banners.
And it would have been really nice if they’d adjusted the rates and/or made it so that players were guaranteed to get at least 1 6-star or 1 7-star relic from these banners. I mean, why not, right? After all, the game is ending already.
I’m trying to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before the end. I talk more about this in another post.
Some of the quests I’ve been able to clear include 1 Realm/Elemental x11 ticket as part of the rewards. Also got some tickets from clearing some of the missions in the Books of Trials.
Here are the results of my draws using those tickets:
Final Fantasy XIII Realm Banner
This draw gave me 2 6-stars. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned 1 of them into a 7-star.
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The 6-star I got turned out to be a dupe of 1 of the Awakened Arcane Soul Breaks (AASBs) of Noel Kreiss from Final Fantasy XIII (#ad). Was really annoyed when I saw the Soul Break Rank Up! screen. Noel’s AASB went from Rank 1 of 15 to Rank 3 of 15.
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The 7-star I got was this boomerang.
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This turned out to be the Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) of Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII.
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It’s new and I actually have 2 of Hope’s AASBs so I’m really pleased to see this. Hope’s part of my magical and mind-based holy elemental team and my Final Fantasy 13 realm team so getting his Sync just made him even better as a DPS. IIRC, also have his holy Chain Soul Break (CSB).
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Was really looking forward to being able to try out Hope in battle with his Sync but unfortunately, I ran out of time. Never got to use Hope’s Sync before the game ended.
Final Fantasy XII Realm Banner
This draw gave me my first copy of the Glint+ Soul Break (G+) of Penelo from Final Fantasy XII.
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It’s new but not really pleased to see this because I’m pretty sure this is actually Lensable. Also can’t remember for sure now but I don’t think I even have a single BDL relic for Penelo or maybe I only have her AASB and 1 of her Ultra Soul Breaks (USB).
Either way, she’s definitely not one of my go-to healers. And now that the game is over, I’ll never get the chance to try out Penelo in battle.
Final Fantasy VIII Realm Banner
This draw gave me 2 6-stars. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of them into a 7-star.
Was pleased when I saw Dr. Mog but that quickly turned into disappointment when the 7-star I got turned out to be a dupe of the Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) of Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII.
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Rinoa’s LBO, Angel Wing Permafrost, went from Rank 1 of 5 to Rank 3 of 5. Meh.
The 6-star I got was new but wasn’t really pleased to see it either since it was just a Glint+ Soul Break for a Final Fantasy 8 char.
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Was so disappointed that I didn’t even bother taking note of who it belonged to. Since it’s a fist-type weapon though, this G+ most likely belongs to Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII.
Final Fantasy VI Realm Banner
This draw gave me 1 5-star and 1 6-star. The 5-star turned out to be a dupe Burst Soul Break (BSB) for a Final Fantasy VI char. Since it’s a fist-type weapon, this probably belongs to Gau from Final Fantasy VI.
At least the 6-star I got was new. It turned out to be the AASB of Shadow from Final Fantasy VI.
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Was really pleased to see this because I already have a few of Shadow’s relics. Have his Sync and his dark Chain Soul Break so getting his AASB just made him even better.
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He’s part of my physical dark elemental team and my Final Fantasy VI realm team.
Pleased that I was able to use Shadow a bit more before FFRK ended although it wasn’t as much as I wanted. He was my dark Chain holder but with his Sync and AASB, I found that he can actually deal pretty decent damage.
Water Elemental Banner
This draw gave me 1 5-star and 1 6-star. The 5-star turned out to be my first copy of a Final Fantasy X char’s Legend Materia Relic (LMR).
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LMRs have their uses but most, if not all, of them are already Lensable so meh. Wish I got something else from this pull.
The 7-star I got was the AASB of Arc from Final Fantasy III. Nice.
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It’s new and pretty sure I already have Arc’s other Awakening plus a few of his other relics as well. Don’t have his Sync or Dual though.
Was planning to make use of Arc to help me with the Final Fantasy III Dragonking Dungeon quest. But I ran out of time so was never able to try out said quest before FFRK ended.
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Also never got the chance to try out Arc in battle with the Awakening that I just got for him.
Ahh, really wish Final Fantasy Record Keeper didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon. There’s still so much that I want to do in the game. And now I’ll never be able to do any of those things because it’s all over now. Sigh.
So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 6
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Just before the Summer Sun 2022 Festival event was set to begin, an in-game message appeared, saying that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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Unexpected and unpleasant surprise doesn’t begin to cover this. I talk more about that in another post.
After hearing that the game was gonna end soon, I started using all the Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I had on hand since there was no longer any reason to keep saving them. I talk more about the results of those draws in another post.
Now I managed to get a few more Realm/Elemental x11 tickets. Was really hoping that FFRK will update and refresh these banners before the game ends but it looks like that’s never gonna happen now. 
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
So decided to just use these tickets already. Besides, I do want to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before the game ends.
Anyway, chose to pull on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm banner first.
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Was really hoping to get Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Synchro Arcane Soul Break 2 (SASB2).
This will make her better as a support for physical DPS. I’m really lacking in physical supports right now so I really want Elarra’s Sync 2.
Currently, I have Elarra’s Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), 2 of her Ultra Soul Breaks, and a few of her other relics. I’m missing her Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) so wouldn’t mind getting it on this banner alongside her Sync 2.
My top want is still Elarra’s Sync 2 though since her Awakening is Lensable. Don’t want to Lens Elarra’s AASB unless I get her SASB2.
This pull gave me nothing but a dupe of Wedge’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) AASB. Argh! So frustrating. Eff this game.
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Another ticket thrown on this banner gave me 1 rainbow orb and 1 disco orb. Then Dr. Mog actually showed up and turned the 6-star into a 7-star.
Ended up with this book. Elarra uses books as a weapon too but this was a light blue or green-ish color so I was 99.9% sure that this belongs to Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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Sure enough, when I got to the draw results screen, found out that I just got Tyro’s Sync. It’s new but still. Really wish this had been Elarra’s Sync 2 instead.
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The 5-star I got from this draw was nothing more than a dupe Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for Biggs from Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Meh.
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Dark Elemental Banner
Decided to try my luck on the dark elemental banner next. Aside from needing more dark tech, also want to get more poison tech.
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There are chars with dark relics who also have poison as a secondary element. Too bad there’s no poison elemental banner, or I would have pulled there instead.
This pull gave me 1 disco orb and 1 rainbow orb. The 5-star turned out to be a dupe Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for a Final Fantasy VI char. Meh. Was so disappointed that I didn’t even bother checking exactly who owned this.
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The 6-star turned out to be the Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) of Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV (#ad). It’s new and I actually have a lot of Kain’s Soul Breaks so pretty pleased to see this.
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It’s just too bad that this doesn’t have poison as a secondary element. Instead, its elements are dark and lightning.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
After getting some more tickets, went back to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner.
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One ticket gave me yet another dupe of Tyro’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break. It’s now at Rank 7 of 15.
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Final Fantasy XIII Realm Banner
Because of the results of that crappy draw, decided to toss my next ticket on the Final Fantasy XIII realm banner instead. Big mistake. 
Ended up with a 5-star dupe of Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Legend Materia Relic. Eff this game.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
So I went back to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner. This time, I got 2 6-stars but both were nothing more than dupes.
One was a dupe of Tyro’s Ultra Soul Break while the other was a dupe of Wedge’s Ultra Soul Break. Man, sometimes, I really hate this game. Eff the crappy rates on these banners.
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Just got another ticket that I decided to toss on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner again. Big mistake. Really regret this now because all I got was a 5-star dupe of Tyro’s Legend Materia Relic. Ugh. What a waste of a ticket.
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Man, sometimes this game can be really freaking frustrating. I mean, I don’t want it to end but argh! Why are the rates here so crappy and trashy?
I really wish that FFRK had made some changes to these banners. Why couldn’t they have updated them? Why couldn’t they have made it so that players would be guaranteed to get at least 1 6-star or 7-star from pulling on one of these banners?
Why couldn’t they have given us more Realm/Elemental x11 tickets? There were so many things they could have done after announcing that FFRK was gonna end soon.
But we barely got anything. We just got a couple of free draws on a banner (I talk more about that in another post) and that’s basically it. We stopped getting new events and such long before the game ended. It’s really disappointing.
So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Record’s End Relic Draw Banner Part 3
The Record’s End Relic Draw banner just became available in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
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Each player will get 5 Record’s End Relic Draw Tickets at the start of the event. Then you can get 1 more each day you log on to the game until the campaign ends.
These tickets can be used to pull on the Record’s End Relic Draw banner. You get 10 items per pull and each draw is guaranteed to give you at least one 6-star or higher relic.
The Record’s End Relic Draw banner came a while or so after Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I’m really glad we’re getting these free draws because I want to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before the game ends.
I just wish they’d adjusted the rates a bit or something and/or given us more tickets for more free draws. I mean, why not, right? After all, the game’s ending already.
At least this time we’re actually guaranteed to get at least one 6-star item. Because the norm is to only guarantee that we’ll get at least one 5-star unless a banner literally has no 5-stars.
The problem is that 5-stars have been horribly powercrept and outdated by now. Heck, some of the 6-stars and 7-stars aren’t all good either.
Also, this banner has like every single relic that’s available in FFRK so the pool is really bloated and the chances of getting something good and useful are slim to none.
Anyway, decided that I’ll only bother to take screenshots of the results of these pulls if I actually get something that could be classified as either good, useful, interesting, or something.
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One ticket gave me 2 disco orbs and 1 rainbow orb. Then Dr. Mog showed up and turned one of the 6-stars into a 7-star.
Got this staff or rod which I didn’t recognize at first glance. At least the Soul Break Rank Up! screen didn’t appear so this should be new.
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When I got to the draw results screen, found out that I just got the Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) of Yuna from Final Fantasy X (#ad). And it is new. Nice.
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Super pleased to see this, especially since I have some of Yuna’s other Soul Breaks, including one of her Awakenings. 
Also haven’t done the Final Fantasy X Dragonking Dungeon quest yet so Yuna should be able to help me clear that fight.
The other Soul Breaks I got from this draw were both new but neither seemed all that useful to me so didn’t even bother taking note of who these relics belonged to.
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The 5-star was a Glint Soul Break (G) for a Final Fantasy IX char while the 6-star was an Ultra Soul Break (USB) for a Final Fantasy IX char. Meh.
Another ticket gave me one 5-star and two 6-stars. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of the 6-stars into a 7-star.
Got this fist-type weapon. Once again, really glad that the Soul Break Rank Up! screen didn’t show up.
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When I got to the draw results screen, found out that I just got the Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) of Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII. Yay!
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Have Zell’s Sync and Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) so getting his DASB means I now have 3 BDL relics for him. He should be able to help me with the Final Fantasy VIII Dragonking Dungeon fight.
The 5-star I got from this draw was a dupe Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for a Final Fantasy V char while the 6-star was a new USB for a Final Fantasy IV char. Meh.
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Another ticket gave me 1 disco orb and 1 rainbow orb. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned the 6-star into a 7-star.
The 7-star was this sword which turned out to be the Sync of Reks from Final Fantasy XII.
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It’s new, and I’m pleased to have gotten a Sync but man, why did it have to be this one? Have 0 relics for Reks.
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Won’t be able to use him with just his SASB since Syncs can only be used once per fight. Wish I could have gotten a different Sync or even a Dual or an Awakening for another char. Sigh. 
Anyway, the 5-star I got was a Burst Soul Break (BSB) for a Final Fantasy IV char. Meh. BSBs have been powercrept by now so this is never seeing use regardless of who it belongs to.
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And that’s it. The other Record’s End Relic Draw Tickets I got didn’t give me anything good so didn’t even bother taking screenshots of those pulls. It would just piss me off to be reminded of how crappy the results of those draws were.
Sadly, we got all of the Record’s End Relic Draw Tickets already so the campaign is basically over. The Record’s End Relic Draw banner is still up, and it will continue to be here until the game ends, but it looks like we won’t get any more tickets, which really sucks.
We still have about a month or so left before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ends but we’ve stopped getting any new events or special login campaigns and banners and such. The game feels dead already.
There are still a lot of things in FFRK that I have yet to finish but honestly, I’m kinda losing motivation to do all of these things. Initially, after hearing the end of service announcement, I resolved to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can.
I’ve been able to do a lot already but there’s still so much left to do. I still want to keep playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper, but lately, I just don’t feel like doing anything in the game anymore.
It doesn’t help that we’re not getting new events anymore and that my latest pulls have all been so crappy. Like how am I supposed to clear endgame content if I keep getting useless trash? It’s just so disheartening and frustrating.
I wish that the game would give us more free pulls or adjust the rates or something. I mean, why not, right? What’s wrong with doing this if the game is ending already anyway?
At the moment, all I’ve been doing on FFRK is going through the Realm Dungeons on auto so I can get more mythril. I’ll see about doing more endgame content like the Dragonking Dungeons soon. I’ll talk more about that in another post.
So what about you? What kind of relics did you get from the Record’s End Relic Draw banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 5
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
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For a while now, I've been trying to save my tickets, intending to use them all the next time the Realm and Elemental banners get new and better relics added. 
The pool is so bloated by now, and each pull only guarantees that you'll get at least one 5-star item (5-stars are heavily outdated and powercrept by now) so the chances of getting something good with or without the refresh is slim to none.
Still, I wanted to try waiting for the newer relics to be added anyway. Besides, it wasn't like I was even doing much in Final Fantasy Record Keeper right now. 
These days, I just log in, auto the current time limited events that need to be autoed for the rewards, do the daily quests, and then log out.
Even if I want to do some of the harder endgame content right now, I can’t because I’m missing a lot of relics that can help with those quests.
So my plan was just to wait until I can get more Soul Breaks before doing any of these hard quests.
But then, just before the Summer Sun 2022 Festival event was set to begin, an in-game message appeared, saying that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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Unexpected and unpleasant surprise doesn’t begin to cover this. I talk more about that in another post. 
But anyway, this announcement means that there’s now a time limit to everything. I want to finish as much as I can before FFRK ends. I don’t know if I’ll be able to considering I’m missing lots of relics but I want to try.
Since the game was gonna end soon, and since I don’t even know if the Realm and Elemental banners will still get updated or not, I decided to just use all my saved tickets now. 
Hopefully, I can get something good that can help me tackle some of the endgame content that I have yet to do.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
Threw one of my tickets on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner hoping to get Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Synchro Arcane Soul Break 2 (SASB2).
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This will make her better as a support for physical DPS. I’m really lacking in physical supports right now so I really want Elarra’s Sync 2.
Currently, I have Elarra’s Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), 2 of her Ultra Soul Breaks, and a few of her other relics. I’m missing her Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) so wouldn’t mind getting it on this banner alongside her Sync 2.
My top want is still Elarra’s Sync 2 though since her Awakening is Lensable. Don’t want to Lens Elarra’s AASB unless I get her SASB2.
This pull gave me 2 dupes of Elarra’s Glint Soul Break. Ugh. How utterly disappointing.
At least I also got Biggs’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Awakening. It’s new and it’s for the physical earth element.
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It’s nice to get an Awakening but man, I really wish this had been Elarra’s instead. 
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This is like my first BDL relic for Biggs and my physical earth team is already pretty stacked. So I don’t see Biggs replacing anyone on my earth team unless I can get more of his BDL relics.
Final Fantasy XIII Realm Banner
The ticket I threw on the Final Fantasy XIII (#ad) realm banner gave me 2 dupes (a dupe of Serah Farron’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Glint Soul Break and a dupe of Oerba dia Vanille’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Glint+ Soul Break) and one new 5-star Legend Materia Relic (LMR).
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Pretty sure that LMR belongs to Lightning (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII). Also pretty sure it’s useless.
Missing lots of relics for FF13 chars so it’s really frustrating to get crappy pulls like this. Eff the rates on this game.
Final Fantasy IX Realm Banner
Quina Quen from Final Fantasy IX is also a great support for physical DPS so decided to use one of my Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on the Final Fantasy IX realm banner.
Ended up with 1 dupe 6-star Ultra Soul Break for Adelbert Steiner (from Final Fantasy IX) and 1 new 5-star Burst Soul Break (was so disappointed that I didn’t bother checking who this belonged to).
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Both were completely and utterly useless. Eff this game, this banner, and these crappy goddess-forsaken rates. Argh! So freaking frustrating.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
Decied to try the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner again. Got useless trash again - a dupe 6-star Overstrike Soul Break (pretty sure this belongs to Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper), a new 5-star LMR (didn’t bother checking who this belonged to), and a new 6-star Glint+ Soul Break for Dr. Mog from Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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Maybe I should have tried a different banner next, but I guess I really wanted to have Elarra’s Sync 2 so I threw another ticket on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner.
Now I wish I hadn’t done that because I just ended up wasting this ticket. This time, all I got was Tyro’s 5-star LMR. It’s new but it’s completely useless. It increases Tyro’s damage but he’s a support, not a DPS so he has no use for this. Eff this game!
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I thought things were finally looking up when the next ticket I threw on this banner actually gave me 3 disco orbs. Dr. Mog didn’t appear but was still hoping I’d be able to get something good anyway.
Unfortunately, it just wasn’t meant to be. The 6-stars from the disco orbs started revealing themselves and then I was quickly being greeted by the sight of the Soul Break Rank Up! screen.
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That’s right. Got 2 Awakenings but they were both dupes. Argh! Really hating on this game right now. Eff this cursed banner.
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Got a dupe of Dr. Mog’s AASB and Wedge’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) AASB. The 3rd 6-star I got was an LMR+ and it also turned out to be a dupe because eff this game.
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The next ticket gave me yet another dupe of Elarra’s Glint Soul Break. Argh! This is really so freaking disappointing and disheartening. So much for trying to get something that could help me clear some endgame content. 
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Another ticket gave me a dupe of Tyro’s AASB because eff this game and its crappy rates. So sick and tired of this. Why can’t I get something good and useful from this banner? Sigh.
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Ice Elemental Banner
Was getting really pissed with the Final Fantasy Record Keeper banner so this time, decided to try my luck on the ice elemental banner. After all, I could use more ice tech as well.
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One 5-star and one disco orb showed up but then Dr. Mog actually appeared and turned the 6-star into a 7-star item. Hell, yes! I thought things were definitely looking up now.
The 7-star item soon revealed itself but before I could take a closer look at it, the Soul Break Rank Up! screen showed up.
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Just got a dupe of Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). The 5-star I got was also nothing more than a dupe Burst Soul Break for a Final Fantasy IX char. Once again, didn’t bother checking who it belonged to. It didn’t matter anyway.
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Argh! I really hate this. The one time I get a Sync, why’d it have to be a dupe? Eff this game. Did I mention I really freaking hate it so much right now? Because I do. I mean, I don’t want it to end, but man, eff these crappy and cursed rates.
Dark Elemental Banner
For my last Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on hand, decided to try my luck on the dark elemental banner. Aside from needing more dark tech, also want to get more poison tech.
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There are chars with dark relics who also have poison as a secondary element. Too bad there’s no poison elemental banner, or I would have tried to use my last ticket there instead.
This pull gave me one 5-star and one 6-star. Both were new but neither were useful. The 5-star turned out to be one of Exdeath’s (from Final Fantasy V) LMRs. Don’t even have a single BDL relic for him so meh.
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The 6-star turned out to be Sice’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) AASB. This is my first BDL relic for her so also meh. It doesn’t even have poison as a secondary element. 
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Once again, eff this game and its crappy rates. So much for getting anything that can help me tackle some endgame content. What a waste of so many tickets. All I got was crap and more crap.
So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Free Relic Draws
The 7th Anniversary Festival event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
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As part of the festivities, each day you log on to the game, you get 1 ticket. You can also get tickets from other special missions and time-limited campaigns and the like.
You can use this ticket on the 7th Anniversary Festival Relic Draw banner to get a free x10 draw. You’re guaranteed to get at least one 5-star or higher relic from this pull.
IIRC, this banner includes basically all the available relics on Final Fantasy Record Keeper so the chances of getting something good are slim to none, especially considering how crappy the rates on this game are.
It also sucks that, even now, these kinds of banners are still only guaranteeing a 5-star item. 5-star Soul Breaks have long since been powercrept and outdated. 
It would have been really nice if we were guaranteed to get at least one 6-star item, especially since it’s not like all 6-stars are good anyway.
But, ah well, at least these pulls are free. Hopefully, I can get something good from these draws.
Decided that I’ll only bother to take screenshots of the results of my pulls on this banner if I actually get something good or noteworthy. Would rather not remember crappy draws that give me dupes or useless relics.
Anyway, one ticket gave me 2 6-star items. One of them turned into Delita Heiral’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) Ultra Soul Break (USB).
It’s new and I actually have Delita’s Sync and Awakening, and he’s part of some of my teams so this Ultra might see some use.
The second 6-star was Luneth’s (from Final Fantasy III) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Cloud Runner. It’s new, and it’s for the wind element
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My physical wind team is already pretty stacked though and, IIRC, this is my first BDL relic for Luneth so he isn’t seeing any use unless I luck into his Sync. 
Even then, I doubt he’d be better than my other physical wind DPS which include the likes of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII (#ad). Cloud’s really OP as a physical wind attacker, especially when given the appropriate buffs and support.
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Another ticket gave me Cid Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Chain Soul Break. This one is for the Final Fantasy VII Realm.
Was pretty pleased when I saw this since this meant I can now try running a Final Fantasy 7 team with different elements.
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For instance, Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is a physical fire elemental DPS whereas Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is a physical wind and holy elemental DPS.
It’s unfortunate, but they have no synergy together. So the only time I can try running them together is in the Final Fantasy 7 Cardia Dungeons where I can make use of the FF7 Roaming Warrior Chain Soul Break.
Other dungeons don’t have this Soul Break so I need to bring my own Chain for these quests.
Another ticket gave me 2 6-star relics, both new. One was an Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB) for a Final Fantasy VI char. Didn’t bother taking note of who owned it since it wasn’t that useful anyway. 
I still prefer to get an Awakening or a Sync. Thankfully, the second 6-star I got was an Awakening. It belongs to Arc from Final Fantasy III.
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Too bad this is like my first BDL relic for him so, like with Luneth, he isn’t gonna see use anytime soon. Meh.
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Another ticket gave me 2 golds again. One was Sazh Katzroy’s Ultra Soul Break. It’s new but meh. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him so this is useless.
The second gold was actually a 7-star item. Was so pleased when Dr. Mog showed up to transform one of the 6-stars I got into a 7-star relic.
But that quickly turned into complete and utter disappointment when the 7-star revealed itself to be this sword and then I was promptly greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen.
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Yeah, that’s right. Just ended up with a dupe of Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) Sync. Argh! So freaking pissed off. 
As if it wasn’t hard and rare enough to get a Sync. Why’d I have to get a dupe? Sigh. Eff this game and its crappy rates and trashy banners.
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Another ticket gave me 2 golds again. They were both 6-stars but then Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of them into a 7-star. Tried not to get too hyped considering the time I got a dupe of Tidus’s Sync. Was afraid that I was about to get a dupe again this time too.
The 6-star turned into Raijin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Glint+ Soul Break. It’s new but meh. Have no use for this since this is like my first relic for Raijin.
The 7-star turned into this sword. Thankfully, the Soul Break Rank Up! screen didn’t show up. Don’t recognize this weapon though.
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It was only after getting to the draw results screen that I found out that I just got Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Gestalt Drive.
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Yay for getting something new, not to mention useful. Have heard good things about Lightning’s Sync. She’s a pretty good physical lightning DPS.
Don’t have her lightning AASB but it’s Lensable. I do have her physical holy Awakening though as well as a few of her other relics.
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Another ticket gave me 3 golds. But I might as well have just gotten 1 because 2 turned out to be dupes.
One of the dupes was a Final Fantasy V char’s 5-star Legend Materia Relic (LMR). Didn’t bother checking who owned it.
The second dupe was Famed Mimic Gogo’s (from Final Fantasy V) AASB. Meh. Wish I could have gotten something else instead, preferably a new Awakening.
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The only new item I got from this pull was Vivi Ornitier’s (from Final Fantasy IX) AASB2, Tipping Point.
It’s always nice to see something new but, unfortunately, Vivi won’t be seeing use anytime soon since this is like my first BDL relic for him.
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Another ticket only gave me 1 gold but at least it’s new. Got Beatrix’s (from Final Fantasy IX) AASB, Seiken Climcross.
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IIRC, this is my first BDL relic for her so this doesn’t really make her usable.
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Another ticket gave me 2 golds. One turned out to be a dupe of Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Awakened Arcane Soul Break, Star Pulse. Meh.
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The second 6-star was turned into a 7-star by Dr. Mog. Ended up with this spear.
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When I got to the draw results screen, found out that what I just got was Kain Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1, Blood Dragoon.
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Have Kain’s Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) and, AFAIK, his AASB is Lensable so pleased to have gotten his Sync 1 even if his Sync 2 is better.
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So what about you? What kind of relics did you get from the 7th Anniversary Festival Relic Draw banner? Do you think FFRK should have banners that will guarantee that players will get at least 1 6-star or higher rarity relic? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 4
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
Final Fantasy XII Realm Relic Draw Banner
Decided to use the latest Realm/Elemental x11 ticket that I just got on the Final Fantasy XII (#ad) realm banner.
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Got 2 disco orbs. Then, to my surprise, Dr. Mog appeared and turned both of them into 7-star items. Was so hyped when that happened.
The first 7-star turned into a sword while the second turned into some light armor.
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The sword turned out to be Basch fon Ronsenburg’s Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Captain’s Oathblade. Meh.
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Disappointed since this thing doesn’t do anything except deal damage. Plus, don’t have a single BDL relic for Basch so can’t use him even with this. Wish I could have gotten a Sync or Awakening instead.
The light armor turned out to be Vaan’s True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Apex Pyroclasm.
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It’s not a Sync or an Awakening but TASBs are pretty useful. Well, as long as you have at least 1 BDL relic for the char in question anyway.
Thankfully, I do have 1 of Vaan’s Awakenings. I have his physical wind Chain Soul Break too so he’s part of my physical wind team.
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Another ticket gave me 2 golds. One was nothing more than a dupe 5-star Legend Materia Relic (LMR) so didn’t even bother taking note of who it belonged to.
The second was actually a 7-star bow. Was so pleased when Dr. Mog appeared but that quickly turned into disappointment when I found out that the 7-star relic I got was nothing more than Fran’s LBO, Dual Mist.
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My next ticket gave me 2 new items but I was still horribly disappointed anyway because all I got was a 5-star Glint for a Final Fantasy XII char and Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca's Glint+ Soul Break.
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The next ticket only gave me 1 gold but was still very happy with this pull  anyway because I ended up getting Vaan’s other Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Dreadnought.
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Yay! Now my Vaan has 2 BDL relics or 3 if you count the TASB that I just got for him. Here’s to hoping that I can eventually get his Sync as well.
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I really hate the results of my next ticket pull. At first, I was so pleased because Dr. Mog actually showed up but he couldn’t even be bothered to give me something new.
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Instead, I ended up with a dupe of Basch’s LBO. Ugh. How utterly frustrating and infuriating. Why’d this have to happen? What a waste. Should have used this Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on another banner.
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So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 3
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
Earth Elemental Lucky Relic Draw Banner
Recently, I’ve been throwing the Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I’ve been getting at the Earth Elemental banner since my earth tech is lacking and I can’t even build a full physical or full magical earth team.
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Most of my tickets gave me nothing but trash so I didn’t even bother taking screenshots.
I remember one ticket giving me a single disco orb which turned out to be nothing more than a dupe of the Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) Ultra Soul Break (USB). 
Really freaking frustrating to get such a lousy draw. I don’t even have anything else for the Emperor so even if this had been new, this wouldn’t have made him usable.
One ticket didn’t turn out to be so bad though. This one also gave me 1 disco orb but at least I got something new. 
Not just that, this one also gave me an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB). Got Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) AASB, Lava Floor.
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This is my first relic for Rain but at least it’s an AASB. Here’s to hoping that I can get his Sync and other relics in future draws.
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Rain dabbles in 2 elements - earth and fire. From the looks of things, he’s a DPS with a bit of support since he can help imperil. If I manage to snag the rest of his kit, I can see him making it into my earth team.
I don’t see him making it into my fire team though since I already have lots of relics for Vincent Valentine (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII). 
Vincent can imperil fire too. He’s my secondary physical fire DPS. Of course, my primary DPS is Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
That’s because Genesis is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. 
Much later, another ticket actually gave me 3 new items. Not only that, Dr. Mog actually showed up and turned 2 disco orbs into 7-star relics. 
Hell, yes! It was really nice to see that. Only got to take a screenshot of the last relic though.
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But, well, as it turned out, that last item was the most important and most relevant anyway. The other 2 were, unfortunately, trash. 
Nevertheless, although it turned out like that, I’m still pretty pleased with this draw. After all, it could have been much worse than this. Could have ended up with yet another dupe. At least this pull gave me new items.
One of the 7-stars, the “useless” one, was Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF), Angel Wing Permafrost. It deals magical ice and earth damage.
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This wouldn’t be so bad (have Genesis’s LBO and it’s a great addition to the rest of his kit. This can only be used once though and it doesn’t provide buffs or anything else other than damage so you do need other tech for the char in question) if I had more tech for Rinoa. 
But, IIRC, the only things I have for her are one of her Ultra Soul Breaks and her ice Chain Soul Break (CSB).
The other item I got was nothing more than a 5-star Burst Soul Break (BSB) so didn’t even bother taking note of who it belonged to. There’s no point in bringing someone without at least 1, preferably 2, BDL relics to a difficult boss fight.
Anyway, as for the other 7-star that I got - this was Gaia Whip (IV), a whip-type relic which contains Rydia’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Eidolon Zantetsuken. Hell, yes! Super special awesome!
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Here’s to hoping I can get her AASB sooner or later because, yeah, unfortunately, this is my only relic for Rydia.
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No, wait, I think I also have one of her Glints. Still need at least one of her Awakenings though. 
Still, it was great to obtain this Sync. Rydia’s now part of my magical earth team although I still need more earth relics.
Much, much later, tossed yet another ticket I’d been able to obtain on the Earth Elemental banner. Two disco orbs showed up. Dr. Mog didn’t make an appearance but this still turned out to be a pretty good pull anyway. Well, sort of.
Acquired 2 AASBs - Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) and Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III). 
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Onion Knight’s is physical but it doesn’t give en-earth which doesn’t make it all that good for my physical earth team. Have like 2 of his USBs but unless I luck into more BDL relics for him, I don’t see myself using him.
Galuf’s AASB has en-earth. This is my first BDL relic for him but I still see him as being part of my physical earth team, especially if I manage to acquire more stuff for him. 
The only issue is that this thing shows up on the upcoming fest banner 5 where I’m also planning to do some pulls. 
Galuf’s Sync is also there, and I think one of his USBs, so one of the reasons I wanted to pull on said banner was to get more earth tech. I guess I can only hope I don’t end up getting dupes of this.
Anyway, Dr. Mog made an appearance on another ticket I threw on this banner. Got this creature that looks like a bird.
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Was trying not to get my hopes up too much since this could well be yet another LBO. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case this time.
Ended up with Enna Kros’s (from World of Final Fantasy) Synchro Arcane Soul Break, The Creator’s Rules. Yay for another magical earth relic!
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This is my first relic for Enna. Here’s to hoping I can get her AASB sooner or later as well as the rest of her stuff. She’s definitely joining Rydia on my magical earth team. 
Well, it’s not like I have a lot of options anyway which was why I’m throwing all my tickets on this banner. Ideally, I’d like to be able to get at least 2 BDL relics per char.
Anyway, this pull gave me a 6-star item as well although it wasn’t that good. Got Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) Limit Break Glint (LBG).
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I think the only other relic I have for her is one of her USBs so this one doesn’t make her usable. Heck, it doesn’t even deal damage. 
All it does is “temporarily infuse all allies with the power of earth” and it can only be used once. Decent Syncs and AASBs already do that so, yeah, this LBG is meh.
Final Fantasy VI Realm Banner
Much, much later, decided to try my luck on the Final Fantasy VI (#ad) realm banner since there are a lot of FF6 relics that I’m still missing.
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One of the ones I’m most interested in getting is Mog’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2). This is practically required in order to do some of the endgame content like the Dragonking Dungeon fights. 
It’s actually frustrating how important this relic is and how there’s no easy way to get it because it has yet to be featured again on a banner. 
Yeah, there are ways to clear fights without this relic but this will definitely make those battles easier. 
Well, assuming you have the DPS Soul Breaks to go with this supporting relic anyway. Mog’s other relics are useful too, but his AASB2 is the most important.
There are so many relics on the Final Fantasy VI Realm banner that it’s gonna take a miracle to actually get Mog’s AASB2. 
Still, what’s the harm in trying, right? Even if I don’t end up with Mog’s AASB2, maybe I can get some other relic that could be of use to me.
This pull gave me 2 items. One was a 5-star so was already disappointed when I saw it. 
At least the other was a 6-star. It didn’t stay that way for long though. To my surprise, Dr. Mog appeared and turned the 6-star into a 7-star. Nice! 
Now I can only hope I’m about to get a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). The 7-star relic soon revealed itself to be a bell. Don’t recognize it though.
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Got to the draw results screen and soon found out that the 5-star I got was Celes Chere’s Glint Soul Break. Meh. Have some of Celes’s relics, including one of her Syncs and AASBs. Those are infinitely more useful than this.
As for the 7-star item - well, I could hardly believe this but that bell turned out to contain Snow Ensemble, Mog’s Sync.
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Welp, who would have thought I’d actually get a Mog relic from this pull, huh? Too bad this hadn’t been his AASB2 instead.
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While it’s really nice to see Mog’s Sync, it’s also true that I can’t really use him with just this. 
If this had been his Awakening 2 instead, I could make him work but his Sync just isn’t that good when it’s the only thing I have for him. Ah, well. Maybe my next pull will give me Mog’s AASB2. Hopefully, anyway.
Another ticket gave me Shadow’s dark Chain Soul Break. Actually pleased to see this because this is one of the good dark Chains. Plus, I already have a few relics for Shadow, including his Sync.
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Final Fantasy IX Realm Banner
Decided to throw my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on the Final Fantasy IX realm banner. This gave me 3 golds. Then Dr. Mog actually appeared and turned one of the golds into a 7-star item.
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The first relic I got was a 5-star Burst Soul Break for Amarant Coral. Meh. Bursts are horribly outdated by now and pretty sure this is like my first relic for Amarant.
The second relic I got was a 6-star Awakened Arcane Soul Break for Kuja. It’s for the magical dark element. Can always use more dark relics so pleased to see this even if this is like my first BDL relic for Kuja.
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The 7-star I got was Vivi Ornitier’s Sync. It’s for the magical ice and lightning elements.
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IIRC, this is his second Sync. It’s nice to see this but I’m pretty sure this is my first BDL relic for Vivi so can’t really use him unless I can get his AASB.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm Banner
Threw a ticket on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper realm banner in the hopes of getting Elarra’s Sync 2 and/or AASB. She’s a really good support, healer, and buffer.
Unfortunately, all I got from this ticket was Wedge’s AASB. It’s new but meh. This is like my first BDL relic for him. 
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And it’s for the wind element. My wind teams are pretty stacked already so don’t really have a use for this unless I luck into more of Wedge’s relics.
Final Fantasy VI Realm Banner
Went back to the Final Fantasy VI realm banner where I was able to get Locke Cole’s Limit Break Glint (LBG). Meh. Useless.
At least this ticket also gave me a 7-star item. Got this rod or staff although don’t know who it belongs to.
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It was only when I got to the draw results screen that I found out that I just got Strago Magus’s Sync. It’s for the magical water element.
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I think this is my first relic for him but at least it’s a Sync. Here’s to hoping I can get his Awakening and other relics soon.
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My next ticket gave me 2 golds. One was nothing more than a dupe 5-star Glint Soul Break for Leo Cristophe. Meh. Completely and utterly useless.
The second gold was this 7-star pink ribbon.
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This turned out to be Terra Branford’s Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) or True Arcane Soul Break (TASB).
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Too bad I don’t have Terra’s Sync or Awakening so can’t really use this.
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My next ticket gave me Strago’s Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB). It’s new but meh. Wish this had been his AASB instead to go with the Sync that I just got for him.
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My next ticket gave me 2 golds but they were both dupes. Ugh. How utterly disappointing. 
One was a Burst Soul Break that probably belongs to Kefka Palazzo judging from its name of Dancing Mad (VI). The second was Locke’s fire Chain Soul Break.
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Another ticket gave me a dupe of Shadow’s Burst Soul Break. Ugh. What’s with all these dupes? So frustrating. Feels like I’m just wasting tickets now. Wish I could get something new and useful.
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My next ticket gave me something new but, unfortunately, it wasn’t useful at all. Ended up with Setzer Gabbiani's Glint+ Soul Break. This is like my first relic for him so meh. Useless.
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So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Realm and Elemental Relic Draw Banners Part 2
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
Decided to use the latest Realm/Elemental x11 ticket that I got on the Final Fantasy Type-0 Realm Banner.
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Big mistake. Ended up with 2 dupes and 1 new 5-star relic which was useless. Very disappointing.
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Lately, I’ve been tossing all my tickets on this banner but all I keep getting are trash or dupes. Eff this game and its crappy, trashy rates. 
Since the Final Fantasy Type-0 realm banner kept on pissing me off, decided that my next ticket should go on the Final Fantasy XV realm banner instead. 
Unfortunately, this was another big mistake. It’s even worse than the results of my last ticket draw. At first, I actually thought I made the right choice because 3 disco orbs appeared. 
It already seemed to be way better than my Type-0 pulls. But then Dr. Mog didn’t even have the decency to show up, and all the orbs turned out to be dupes. 
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Argh! So frustrating! Sometimes, I really freaking hate this game. Why does it always have to piss me off like this? 
If Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII wasn’t here, wouldn’t bother with this crappy game. Currently, he’s my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy char.
Really wish Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) could be more generous. I mean, what’s so wrong with ensuring that we can get at least 1 6-star relic from these tickets? It’s not like all the 6-stars are good anyway. Sigh.
Dark Elemental Banner
Since I always seem to keep getting crap no matter which realm banner I pull on, I decided to use my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on an elemental banner instead. 
Went with the dark elemental banner in the hopes of getting more physical and magical dark BDL relics as well as one of the good physical dark Chain Soul Breaks (CSB).
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This ticket gave me 2 6-stars. Dr. Mog didn’t show up but I got 2 new items, one of which was an Awakening so, overall, I’m very pleased with the results of this pull.
The first 6-star I got was Kefka Palazzo’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Glint+ Soul Break, Scornful Laugh. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him so this is useless but at least it’s new. 
The second 6-star I got was the real prize of this draw. It was Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Apocalypse (VIII).
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I don’t have Ultimecia’s dark Sync and my magical dark tech still needs a lot of work (as in I only have like 1 or 2 or 3 magical dark BDL relics) but this Awakening is definitely a nice and welcome addition to what I already have. 
But the real reason why I’m really happy to see this Awakening is because it will greatly improve my magical wind team. 
Because I actually have Ultimecia’s wind Sync. With her Awakening, I now have 2 BDL relics for her. She worked well enough with just her Sync and now she’ll be even better. 
It feels like I might actually have a shot at taking on the magical wind-weak version of Argent Odin now. We’ll see, I guess.
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It’s amusing that I pulled on the dark elemental banner and yet I ended up powering up my magical wind team instead. LOL. Not complaining but I do hope I can power up my dark teams next time. 
So I readily threw my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on this banner again but, alas, I still can’t get anything that can help improve my dark teams. 
This time, all I got was 1 disco orb. Dr. Mog didn’t even show up. At least I didn’t get a dupe but what I got was still pretty useless anyway. 
It was Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) dark Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Eye of Darkness.
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I have BDL relics for Cloud but it’s for the wind element. Don’t have either his dark Awakening or dark Sync so he’s not even part of my physical dark team. Getting his AOSB doesn’t change that at all.
Earth Elemental Banner
Since my luck seems to have gone downhill on the dark elemental banner, decided to toss my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on the earth elemental banner.
Got trolled by 1/11 again though. Ended up with Ingus’s (from Final Fantasy III) Glint+ Soul Break, Titanic Force. 
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Don’t have any of his BDL relics so this is useless. Sigh. Wish I could get something good from these pulls.   
Dark Elemental Banner
So I went back to the dark elemental banner with my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket. Once again, only got 1/11 though. 
Ended up with Seymour Guado’s (from Final Fantasy X) Ultra Soul Break (USB), Merciless Barrage. Meh. Don’t have any of his BDL relics so this doesn’t make him usable for endgame content. 
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Water Elemental Banner
Threw my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket at the water elemental banner. 
Got 3 new items - Edge Geraldine’s (from Final Fantasy IV) 5-star Legend Materia Relic (LMR) and 6-star Ultra Soul Break (USB) as well as Gogo’s (from Final Fantasy V) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Undersea Fantasia.
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Pleased to have gotten an Awakening from this pull, especially since I really need more water tech, both magical and physical. 
IIRC, this is my first relic for Gogo but at least it’s his AASB. Also, it’s amusing to have gotten 2 relics for the same char on this draw. 
It’s just too bad that I missed out on Edge’s BDL relics. I heard he’s really good with his Sync and AASB. Maybe if I keep pulling on this banner, I might luck into those. One can only hope. LOL. 
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Final Fantasy Type-0 Realm Banner
Went back to the Final Fantasy Type-0 realm banner when I got my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket because I’m trying to clear the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking Dungeon fight. 
Was really hoping to get either a new Sync or Awakening that could help me deal more damage. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. 
Got 2/11. Both items were new - one of Ace’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Burst Soul Breaks and one of Cater’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Ultra Soul Breaks but was still massively disappointed when these relics showed up. 
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Ahh, if only that Cater USB had been her Awakening or Sync instead. Sigh.
Water Elemental Banner
Threw my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket at the water elemental banner, hoping to get either an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) or a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB).
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But all I got was Rikku’s (from Final Fantasy X) physical water Chain Soul Break (CSB).
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It’s new but this is like my first relic for Rikku and I already have Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Chain which is nearly the same as this one. 
What I really need for my water teams are more DPS, both physical and magical. So I really wish I could have gotten a BDL relic from this pull.
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Dark Elemental Banner
Threw my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket on the Dark Elemental banner and immediately regretted it. 
Only got 1 item and it was new but it was also nothing more than an Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB). It belongs to Jihl Nabaat (from Final Fantasy XIII). Have her AASB so I really wish I could have gotten her Sync instead of this.
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Water Elemental Banner
Went back to the water elemental banner with my next Realm/Elemental x11 ticket.
Two disco orbs showed up. Was super pleased to see Dr. Mog appear as well. He turned both 6-star items into 7-stars. Nice! 
Now I could only hope I’m not about to get a dupe or something useless because yes, there are 7-stars that aren’t good, especially if they’re your only relic for the char in question.
The first 7-star relic I got was apparently a fist-type weapon.
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The second was a dagger.
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So I get to the draw results screen and - hell, yes! Could hardly believe this but I actually got 2 new Syncs. Wow, just wow! Have no words for this. Just super pleased to see these relics.
The fist-type weapon turned out to be Rikku’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Tidal Wave.
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At the moment, the only thing I have for Rikku is her physical water Chain Soul Break but 1 of her Awakenings can be bought from the The Record Lab using Anima Lenses. 
Never used her before but now that I have her Sync, I can seriously consider buying her Awakening and having her be my Chain holder.
The dagger-type weapon turned out to be Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) SASB, Mandalic Stab. Already have her Awakening and her Legend Materia Relic (LMR). 
I’ve used Lion in some quests that call for a water team but I couldn’t really bring her to the really hard fights since I only have 1 BDL relic for her. 
Now that that’s no longer the case, I find myself already thinking about how to fit her on my water team as well as looking into possibly creating her Hero Ability.
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Truly, this was one of the best pulls ever. These relics, particularly Lion’s Sync, will really help me to improve my physical water team. So glad this ticket didn’t turn out to be a waste.
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So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Free Relic Draws
As part of the Summer Sun 2022 Festival event in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, players get Relic Draw Tickets that can be used on the Summer Sun Festival Relic Draw banner.
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You can get 1 ticket each day you log on to the game for the duration of the event. Tickets can also be obtained from completing special time-limited missions and the like. 
This ticket will give 10 relics per draw and you’re guaranteed to get at least 1 item of 5-star rarity or higher.
AFAIK, this banner contains like all the relics on Final Fantasy Record Keeper and since the guaranteed relic is only a 5-star, the chances of getting something crappy is very high.
I’m really glad that we get free multi-draws like this (seriously, this doesn’t come often enough. I wish there was more) but it also really sucks that we’re still stuck with a 5-star guarantee when we now have 7-star items.
I mean, really, would it kill them to give us a guaranteed 6-star? It’s not like all the 6-stars are good anyway. Some of them also suck like Overstrike Soul Breaks may be 6-star relics but they’re horribly outdated and powercrept by now so it just feels bad to get them.
Even 7-stars are not all good like it sucks to get a Limit Break Overstrike, especially if it’s for a char you have nothing else for because these are nothing when compared to Synchro Arcane Soul Breaks (7-stars) and Awakened Arcane Soul Breaks (6-stars).
Also, actually, Final Fantasy Record Keeper recently just announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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I talk more about this in another post, but, yeah, it was a shock to hear this, and I wish this didn’t have to happen.
Since the game’s ending and all, I do wish we could have gotten more of these tickets and that they’d tweaked the rates a bit or something.
There’s still a lot of stuff I have yet to do on FFRK, and I want to do as much as I can before the game ends, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to since I’m missing a lot of Soul Breaks.
Anyway, so as can be expected, a lot of my pulls here have been crappy and not at all worth talking about or even remembering so I didn’t bother taking screenshots. Decided to only take screenshots if I actually get a 7-star. For 6-stars, I’ll take a screenshot if I get an Awakening or something that could be of use.
One of my free draws gave me a 7-star sword that I didn’t recognize.
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It was only when I got to the draw results screen that I found out that I just got Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1).
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It’s new, and it’s nice to get a Sync, especially after the previous pulls gave me trash but - argh! Of all things, why’d I have to get Ashe’s Sync 1?
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See, the thing is, I already have Ashe’s Sync 2 and that’s way better than her Sync 1. Each char can only equip 1 Sync. Both of Ashe’s Syncs deal lightning damage so I can’t think of any reason why I’d ever want to use her Sync 1 over her Sync 2.
Another free pull gave me the Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) of Paine from Final Fantasy X (#ad).
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It’s new and this is my first BDL relic for Paine. Here’s to hoping I can get more of her BDL relics to make her usable.
This pull also gave me an Ultra Soul Break (USB) for a Final Fantasy XIV char and a dupe Glint Soul Break for a Final Fantasy VI char.
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Man, these free pulls really suck. It’s so disheartening to get nothing but crap from these draws. I said I wouldn’t bother taking screenshots of these kinds of pulls anymore but these are so infuriating that it’s like you have to see it to believe it. Just look at this trash.
2/10 - a dupe Burst Soul Break for a Final Fantasy IX char and a dupe Glint+ Soul Break for Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII.
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1/10 - a dupe 5-star Glint Soul Break for Arc from Final Fantasy III.
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I mean, come on, damn it, the game couldn’t even be bothered to give me something new. Instead, I just keep getting dupes. And they’re all useless. Sigh. Eff this banner and this game.
A few more crappy pulls later, Dr. Mog finally decided to grace me with his presence and give me a 7-star item. Got this ball that I knew had to belong to either Tidus from Final Fantasy X or Wakka from Final Fantasy X.
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I already have both of Tidus’s Syncs so I was dreading seeing the Soul Break Rank Up! screen. It didn’t show up though so I thought maybe I just got a Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) which sucks.
Then I got to the draw results screen and that was when I found out that I just got Wakka’s Sync. Nice.
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Like with Paine, this is my first BDL relic for him so hopefully, I can get more of his other Soul Breaks soon.
This pull also gave me Gabranth’s (Noah fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII) Glint+ Soul Break. Meh.
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Another free pull gave me this fist-type weapon. When I saw this, the first thing that came to mind was that this belonged to Prishe from Final Fantasy XI.
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But when I got to the draw results screen, was pleasantly surprised to find out that I just got the Synchro Arcane Soul Break of Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V.
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Already have 2 of Galuf’s Awakenings and he’s part of my physical earth team so pleased to have gotten his Sync. This draw also gave me a dupe of a Final Fantasy IV char’s Legend Materia Relic.
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Another free draw gave me this sword that I didn’t recognize. At least no Soul Break Rank Up! screen showed up. Hopefully, this isn’t a Limit Break Overstrike.
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When I got to the draw results screen, found out that I just got Terra Branford’s (from Final Fantasy VI) wind Sync.
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Pleased to see this. It’s just too bad that I don’t have any of Terra’s other wind relics. One of her Awakenings is Lensable but it’s for the fire element. Hope I can get her wind AASB someday.
Anyway, this free pull also gave me Quina Quen’s (from Final Fantasy IX) Ultra Soul Break. Too bad this is useless to me because I have nothing else for them (it? her? him?).
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Didn’t get a single 7-star item from my latest free draw. Also only got 1 disco orb. But at least this one gave me an Awakening.
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Got Dr. Mog’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) AASB, Tetra Catastrophe. IIRC, this is his AASB1. Have his AASB2 so it’s nice to get a second BDL relic for him.
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Got 1/11 from yet another free pull but at least Dr. Mog showed up this time. Got this spear.
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When I got to the draw results screen, found out that I just got Kimahri Ronso’s (from Final Fantasy X) Sync.
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This is my first BDL relic for Kimahri but at least one of his Awakenings is Lensable.
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So what about you? What kind of relics did you get from the Summer Sun Festival Relic Draw banner? Do you think FFRK should have banners that will guarantee that players will get at least 1 6-star or higher rarity relic? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy XV Realm Banner
Every 15 days that players log on to the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, they get 1 Realm/Elemental x 11 ticket.
These tickets can be used on Realm and Elemental banners for a 10 +1 pull that guarantees at least 1 relic that’s of 5-star or higher rarity. These tickets can also be obtained as special rewards from campaigns and limited events and the like.
For now, I’ve decided to throw any and all Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I get on the Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw banner. 
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This banner contains only relics that belong to chars from Final Fantasy XV (#ad).
Normally, I would have just gone for the Final Fantasy VII Realm Relic Draw banner but I already have lots of FFVII relics and the rates on this game are trash. 
If I’d pulled on the FF7 banner, it was very likely that I’d just end up being disappointed by getting a dupe or something useless. I figured I was better off pulling on another banner.
I talk more about this in another post but I ended up choosing to pull on the FF15 banner. Since I’ve been throwing all my tickets on this banner, already managed to get a lot of Final Fantasy XV relics. 
Still need more to complete the kits of these FFXV chars though and make them usable in end-game content like the Argent Odin and the Cardia Dungeon fights.
The latest Realm/Elemental x11 ticket I threw on the Final Fantasy XV banner gave me 2 disco orbs. Unfortunately, Dr. Mog didn’t make an appearance. 
And I didn’t get an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), which sucks. But at least the 2 items I got were new.
One was Iris Amicitia’s Ultra Soul Break (USB), Moogle Trouble. 
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Have her Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) and her Glint+ Soul Break (G+) so this one was nice to have. Without her AASB though, I don’t see myself using her, certainly not for difficult fights.
The other item I got was Ignis Scientia's Chain Soul Break (CSB), Regroup. 
This one activates a Final Fantasy XV Realm Chain, which is kinda useless since I can just borrow the FFXV Roaming Warrior Chain if I’m doing FF15-related quests that require that kind of Chain. 
If I’m gonna get a Chain, I prefer to get the elemental ones since those are way more useful.
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Another ticket I threw on this banner gave me nothing more than a dupe of Noctis Lucis Caelum’s AASB. Ugh. 
Very disappointing. Made me wish I just used this ticket on another banner instead. What a waste.
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Another ticket gave me 3 golds - Noctis’s Overstrike Soul Break (OSB), Noctis’s Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), and Iris’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB).  
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The OSB is new but meh. OSBs have been powercrept by now. The AOSB is a dupe. Bleh. 
At least Iris’s AASB was new. Already have her Sync and one of her Ultra Soul Breaks as well as her Glint+ so it’s nice to get her Awakening to go with these other relics. She’s definitely usable now.
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Another ticket gave me Noctis’s Critical Link AOSB and a dupe of his Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF), Ancillary Link-Strike. 
The AOSB is new but was still super pissed with this pull. Was so glad when I saw Dr. Mog, only to be horribly and utterly disappointed when he gave me a dupe. 
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Argh! Why’d I have to get a dupe? So freaking pissed that the one time Dr. Mog actually showed up, it was just to give me a dupe. Eff this game!
So what about you? Which banners did you use your Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on? How did your pulls go? What do you think about the rates on FFRK? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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