#ffxv noctus lucis caelum
arbiterofsecrets · 5 months
do you guys think when horikoshi was drawing tamaki amajiki, he was thinking about noctis ?
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when i first watched bnha and tamaki showed up, i was trying so hard to remember who he reminded me of. face-wise anyways ! they look so alike to me, i hope i'm not the only one 𖦹 ´ ᯅ ` 𖦹
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ufovalet · 7 years
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Final Fantasy XV (2016)
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gunkers · 7 years
spirited away au where noctis is haku and prompto is chihiro
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
"Noctis, enough w/ "what if". It's we will find him. Plus, no one knows until we get there." She softly grasp his hand & lightly pulls him with her & saunter towards the door. Before she opens the door she looks at him "You sure you don't want a snack or something to drink?" Lotus
“I hope you’re right,” he mumbles under his breath, afterwards shaking his head to your question. “I’m fi-” before he could finish his sentence, though, the train comes to a screeching halt and both of you notice daemons starting to attach themselves to the windows.
“Noct! Lotus! Where are you?!” You hear Ignis calling out to you from the train cart next to the one beside your’s. Noctis quickly takes your hand and sprints with you towards him.
“We have to get to the Regalia,” Ignis tells the both of you. “It’s our only way of escape.”
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parnassiusphoebus · 8 years
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Damned Fever. Still sick and bad as Hell... Anyway enjoy a pencil Noctis and his awesome boyfriend Gladio. Much Love.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
She hears confidence from him. She opens her gray eyes a little bit & smiles. "Of course I am, Noctis." She moves her head away & looks at him with hope. Moves the bloody handkerchief away w/ disgusted look & tosses it into the trash. Ew, no way I'm putting it in my pocket. Looks at him w/ a brow raised. "You should clean your mouth and chin... You kinda remind me of a vampire." She let go of his hand & gets up to go to the bathroom to wash her tainted hands. Lotus
“Vampire?” Noctis raises an amused brow and follows you to the bathrooms. He disappears behind the door marked for men, and you assume it’s so he could wash his face off. A few minutes later, he comes out into the hall of the train and offers you a faint smile when he sees you waiting. “Is this better?” He asks you, unaware of the single drop of water at the corner of his lips.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
She looks up when he didn't respond, only to see blood running down his chin & teary eyes. She felt her eyes watery a bit & her throat tighten, but she swallows it away & held back her own tears. She gets up from her seat from across & sits down next to him. She pulls out a handkerchief from her pocket. Gently intertwine her hand with his on his lap. In soft tone voice. "Noct, you're bleeding." Lightly lays it on bottom of his chin and slowly wipes upwards to the lip. Lotus 1/2
Lotus 2/2 She makes him look at her face. In soft tone voice “We will get Prompto back.” She holds the handkerchief to his lip where it’s bleeding. Whispers “I love you.” She kisses the side of his cheek and lays her forehead on his with her eyes close and lips trembled a bit. She squeezes his hand.
Your calming tone and assurance makes the ache in his chest fade away just a little, and he follows suit by closing his own crystal blue eyes and squeezing your hands. After a few minutes of silence between the two of you, Noctis opens his eyes once more with a newfound vigor in his expression. “You’re right, Lotus. We will find Prompto, no matter what the cost…Are you in this with me?” He asks you in an unwavering voice.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
When they crashed, the potion slipped from her grasp & it's gone. Pain aches all over her body. Groans as she stands w/ Noctis. Lotus looks around to spot the potion, but no luck. She feels a bit worse from the daemon attacks & from the car crash. Tries to hide the pain, but it's obvious sign she's in pain. She mutters to herself quietly "Hopefully we'll find some more potion soon." She hears Noctis ask if everyone is alright & is relief to hear everyone is okay.
Except, not everyone one is okay, and Noctis notices this once you step out of the car wincing and limping in pain. He’s quick to support you by wrapping an arms around you so you could lean on him.
“Lotus, where’s that potion you had?” He asks, nothing but worry lacing his voice. When he sees you don’t have it, he turns to Ignis and Gladio to see if they can help, but unfortunately neither of them have a potion or elixir on them.
“Lotus…are you alright to keep going?” The prince asks you, a slight pain can be heard in his voice.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
They're driving thru the tunnel full of demons towards Gralea. Lotus looks at him with sadness & squeezes his hands in return. "Sorry for yelling at you. It's not your fault. & it takes a lot more to take me down. These injuries are nothing. Really. I'll be fine." She talks louder due to loud noises of the car & wind. She lets go one of his hand & grabs onto the car seat as they swayed as the Reglia speeds thru the tunnel avoid crashing into anything. "I only wish safety for you, Noct." 1/1
Lotus 2/2 She looks away from him and stares ahead as they’re reaching towards the end of the tunnel. They see Gralea before them as they exit the tunnel. And sees more crashes before them on the railroad. Fuck, sees the airships as well. This is gonna be a disaster. She remembers she has the last potion on her & before she uses it to heal up. She lets go of the car seat & Noctis’s hand & pulls the last potion out & looks at Noct. “Do you need the the potion Noctis? You’re not hurt are you?”
Your kind, understanding words that you always somehow manage to say during the right moments makes the prince’s anxiety somewhat settle down for a moment.
He watches as you pull the potion out of your pocket, but before he can utter the first word of his response, a missel from one of the airships suddenly cuts through the air and explodes just close enough to the Regalia to make it spin out of control.
“Everyone, hold on!” Ignis shouts as he tries to regain control. Noctis, with no hesitation, protectively wraps his arms around you to keep you from harm.
Despite all of Ignis’ efforts, he can’t control the car and it ends up crashing against the side of one of the train’s carts.
Once the debris and everything settles down, Noctis immediately makes sure that you as well as Ignis and Gladio are alright, and thank Six that you all are.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
They reached to Reglia and got in. Lotus sighs and places her hand on Noct's shoulder. "Noctis... Ardyn is trying to lure you away from us w/ his tricks. Ask us next time to make sure he's actually there. We'll let you know if it's a trick." She softly squeezes his shoulder "You had us worry back there."
Noctis flinches slightly from your sudden touch, but when it registers to him that it’s only you, he relaxes under your touch. After a short silence befalls the two of you and Ignis drives the car away from the daemon threat, he lets out a shaky sigh. “I’m sorry for just running off like that on you, Lotus,” he says in a soft tone as his gaze concentrates on his lap. “I just couldn’t stop myself from chasing after him…or what I thought was him. I…I’m just glad you’re safe. I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to you because I was being tricked again…and from now on, I’ll do as you suggested, okay?” Suddenly, he takes both your hands in his own and gives them a soft squeeze as he gazes into your eyes with his own stress-filled ones.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
Lotus backs into the corner. She tries to summon her weapon, but it's disabled. Shields herself from harm as few were inflicted upon her & she grunts from pain. "Lotus!" Gladio shouts as he kicks & punches the daemons away from her w/ Iggy behind him. They came in time before Noctis. They drag her along with them as they moved forward. Iggy ask in concern "Lotus! Are you alright?" The minor injuries were nothing. "I'm fine." Her voiced hinted annoyance. 1/2
Lotus 2/2 When Noctis was reunited with them as they move towards Reglia location. She almost raises her voice from anger & fright “Noctis! Why did you leave me behind?! Don’t do that again. Please?! How are we suppose to be by your side when you leave us behind?”
Your words shoot an arrow through his heart when he realizes that you are absolutely right. He just couldn’t hold back from chasing the bastard who hurt his best friend, and his anger drove him to do something as stupid as leaving you and the others behind. You were defenseless, and he didn’t think twice at leaving you behind. ‘I’m such an idiot…,’ he thinks to himself, answering you with silence.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
He's too fast for her when she tries to stop him, sees him yelling at nothing. Quickly realizes he's falling into Ardyn's illusion. "Noctis, no! It's a trap!" Her warning is drowned out by more of his yelling as he falls further away from her. No! No! She's runs after him, leavin Ignis&Gladio behind. Goin as fast as she can while yelling to get his attention & snap him out of it. At least he's not going the wrong way. Some of the daemons have broke thru the window & slowing her chase down. Lotus
A larger daemon than the rest jumps out in front of him, and with a glare, Noctis manages to push past it. He had to catch up to that bastard! However, something stops him in his tracks. He hears your voice a few feet behind him, tearing his attention away from the chase he was on. Fuck! You probably ran into that daemon! He couldn’t let you get hurt! Like a flash of thundara, Noctis turns around and sprints towards you and the daemons, and he sees you getting cornered. How was he suppose to do anything without any weapons?!
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
She studies her balance as the train stops. She hears noises outside the window & looks.Dammit. She hears Ignis. Before she could respond, she's tugged along w/ Noctis as they move onto the next train cart towards them. She listens to Ignis instruction. "Alright, let's hurry." She runs along with them towards where Regalia is waiting. (I don't mind c:)
Suddenly, Noctis comes to a stop when he swears he spots a familiar maroon head of hair walk into the cart ahead of you. “Come back here!” He shouts after him, his tone filled with bloodlust. His grip on your hand loosens as he sprits after the man…that you don’t see. “What did you do with Prompto? Where is he?!” He shouts in a shaky voice as he does ’t hesitate to run ahead. You were a strong girl…you’ll catch up to him, he thinks to himself. Plus, Ignis and Gladio aren’t too far behind you, so you’ll be fine.
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
She blushes and makes him look at her again and gives him a quick peck just to see him blush more. It's cute seeing him this way."You're welcome." Lotus
Your plan works, and the prince is left a blushing mess once more. He’s about to say something, but before he could finish his sentence, the train comes to a screeching halt and both of you notice daemons starting to attach themselves to the windows.
“Noct! Lotus! Where are you?!” You hear Ignis calling out to you from the train cart next to the one beside your’s. Noctis quickly takes your hand and sprints with you towards him.“We have to get to the Regalia,” Ignis tells the both of you. “It’s our only way of escape.“
(Hope you don’t mind me putting that back in there!)
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ffxv-convos · 7 years
"You missed a spot." She walks to him & turns his head a little to side & wipes it. She stares into his eyes & she leans towards him & kisses him on the lips. Lotus ((hope you don't mind i went back a lil bit to write this part. just this time & i'll continue the other one l8er. first time writing kisses... -///-))
Your innocent and kind gesture makes noticeabke heat rise to the prince’s cheeks. He stares at you for a few seconds beforw bringing a fist up to his mouth to cover a cough. “Thank you,” he murmurs, averting his gaze from your’s in embarrassment.
(Its fine :3)
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