#fgo edward teach
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Edward Teach
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Left - FGO
Right - 1724 depiction by Benjamin Cole in A General History of the Pyrates.
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kikaruuni · 2 months
Fate Grand Order material VII [Digital]part 12 FINAL
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chaldeamage-neo · 1 year
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Blackbeard Summer 6
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nero-draco · 1 year
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kyousukebei · 1 year
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Serva★Fes: Servant Summer Festival 2023! CE's
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dailyfatefigures · 3 months
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Edward Teach - Bust - Luluhawa by Yatsumeunagi
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idliketochill · 1 year
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If I ever had a nickel for every time Blackbeard gets caught by a white haired twink…
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katsutacle · 2 years
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grailed servant moment
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otaku-tactician · 7 months
Fate/ Grand Drawing Challenge 2024
Caenis/ Caeneus and Teach in more gear from the drawing meme
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Outfit Inspiration
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From this post
This one was a brave experiment. Seeing as Teach and Caenus were together in the summer event i thought it'd be fun to draw them together.
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ibuki-lotus · 1 year
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It's cannon that pirate belive in " fuck it we ball" so guess I'm a pirate know
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devolympian · 2 months
(WIP) Pirates out drinking.
Featuring my fanservant, Calico Jack
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kikaruuni · 3 months
Fate Grand Order material I [Digital] part 5
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chaldeamage-neo · 1 year
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I'm having too much fun
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nero-draco · 1 year
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He sure tries any possible nickname for himself.
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grailfinders · 1 year
Grailfinders #25: Edward Teach
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today on Grailfinders, we’re building Blackbeard, a.k.a. Edward Teach! maybe he can… teach us a few things about throwing our weight around, eh?
no don’t go I swear that was the one teach pun I’m making today.
teach is a Fighter to become so flexible he’s practically a different character in each event he’s in, but he’s also a Pirate because… duh, a Rogue to pick up some nasty-er tricks, and an Alchemist to mix in some of his own explosives instead of relying on Drake this build.
check out his breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
next up: Boudicca Boudicca, 619!
Ancestry & Background
eddy is of course Human, giving him a boost in any two abilities, like Constitution and Charisma. that being said, teach’s early years are shrouded in mystery, so there’s nothing saying he’s not a Half-Orc, right? yeah, I’m sure it’s fine. that gives you low-light vision to help see below deck, and you can pick some more ancestry feats, like Orc Ferocity. with this, you can use your reaction once a day to stay at one HP when you’d get knocked out, though you still get wounded. boom, that’s your guts right off the bat.
at level five, you become a Wavetouched Paragon, letting you swim freely, always a great option to have for mutinies.
at level nine, you become a Hardy Traveler, increasing your bulk limits and increasing your travel speed.  teach is weirdly ripped for an otaku.
at level 13 your Incredible Ferocity increases your orc ferocity to once an hour instead of once a day. eddy is kind of frustrating, in that his guts stacks don’t disappear over time, making him just a bit more annoying to deal with.
if you’re good at timing you can even use one guts and then immediately put another back on, creating the legendary double guts. in pathfinder, you can do this thanks to your level 17 ability Rampaging Ferocity. now when you use your orc ferocity you can attack a nearby creature. if you knock them out, you get another use of orc ferocity for free. it’s a little annoying to pull off, but that’s true in FGO too.
as for blackbeard’s blackground, he is, of course, a Sailor. with this background, you get a boost in Strength and Constitution, and are trained in Athletics for your sea legs as well as Sailing Lore, and you are an Underwater Marauder. that means you aren’t flat-footed in water, and your melee weapons aren’t hindered either!
Class Levels
1. as previously mentioned, teach is a Fighter, and while you’re not really a skill monkey, you still get plenty to start off. you’re trained in will saves, your class dc, advanced weapons, all armors, acrobatics, intimidation, and deception immediately, as well as thievery, medicine, nature, and survival as your intelligence improves. you’re also an expert in perception, fortitude and reflex saves, and unarmed attacks, as well as simple and martial weapons.
okay, now the fun part! your key ability is strength, and you get another ability boost in strength, dexterity, constitution, and charisma. you can make attacks of opportunity when an opponent moves, makes a ranged attack, or tries to manipulate something.
speaking of ranged attacks, you can make a point-blank shot as your first action in a turn. this either removes the volley trait from your weapon, or gives you a damage boost when hitting nearby enemies. as a side note, we’re not really bothering with pistols this build. you certainly can, but crossbows are less of a pain in terms of needed training, plus they work much better in water.
one last thing, you can use shield block as a reaction, if you ever use a shield. I guess stealing one might be in character this time?
2. at level two, a fighter can make a Rebounding Toss. with this, you can spend two actions to throw something at somebody, which then bounces and hits someone else if the first hits. it counts as two attacks, but it won’t mess with your attack penalty until after the maneuver. if I’ve learned anything from Donkey Kong, those barrels you toss around can definitely hit two people in one go.
you also pick up Group Coercion, helping you intimidate your entire crew in one go so they’ll do what you say. sure, right now it only works on two people, but you can only have two other people in a party anyway, so it’s fine, probably. it’ll help you scare entire ships later though.
speaking of ships, you’re a Pirate now! That gives you expertise in Sailing Lore, or “sailore”, as I like to call it, and you can ignore difficult terrain caused by a ship’s movement. You can also make a Boarding Assault by spending two actions to either stride twice or swing on a rope up to the same amount of distance. If this movement causes you to enter or leave a boat, you can also make an attack that deals extra damage!
3. At level three your Bravery gives you expertise against Will saves, and your successes are always critical. What’s more, your frightened conditions always start at one less than normal.
You have appeared in several events now where you just happened to know exactly what the theme would be, so I assume you are a Prescient Planner. With this, you can spend a minute to rummage in your backpack and retroactively purchase a piece of adventuring gear. Sadly it cannot be a treasure, so you’ll have to carry your figures around the hard way.
You also gain expertise in Intimidation this level. With this, you can coerce up to four people at a time by showing them your doujin collection. That isn’t quite “intimidating”, but it certainly is demoralizing.
4. Don’t worry, this build won’t be entirely about throwing boxes at people. You can now take a Parting Shot if you have a loaded crossbow on hand, allowing you to step and shoot your target at the same time, making them flat-footed against your attack.
You are also a Rope Runner, so we can speed through your piracy and pick up more archetypes. It also gives you a climbing speed to use on ships’ riggings, and it’s easier to climb and balance on ropes in general. You’re also not flat-footed against attacks while climbing or balancing on ropes, which is very useful while fighting pirates.
Finally, you can turn your crewmates into Broadside Buckos. Now you can name five crewmates each day- if an enemy is next to you and two other buckos, they are flat-footed against your attacks. Pirates are often starting enemies in most RPGs, so ganging up on your foes is simply good business.
5. Use this Ability Boost to improve your Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence and Charisma. Yes, we do need intelligence for this build. Blackbeard seems to figure out singularities faster than Ritsuka does at times.
He also has Fighter Weapon Mastery, improving your skill with a class of weaponry by one step- expert to master for unarmed, simple, and martial weapons, and trained to expert with advanced weapons. We haven’t included this increase in the character sheet, as depending on your game setting, you may find picking bows, bombs, or firearms to be more useful. You also gain the critical specialization effect of that weapon group. Bombs have a larger radius of damage, bows can immobilize creatures by pinning them to the ground, and firearms can stun enemies that fail a fortitude saving throw.
You are also an expert at Thievery now. While I’m sure you’ve put together a fine crew, sometimes you simply need to do the pirating yourself.
6. At level six you can enter a Ricochet Stance as an action. Now, any thrown weapons you throw at an enemy can bounce back to your hand if you’re close enough to the target. Blackbeard’s animations are clearly more reminiscent of someone just throwing whatever they can find, but it’s a lot easier to find things that come back to you.
You can also make Cutting Flattery, allowing you to coerce creatures without reducing their attitude towards you. When you think about it, being complimented by Blackbeard is something of an insult in itself, isn’t it?
Finally, you gain the Rogue Dedication, granting you Dubious Knowledge- whenever you would fail to recall knowledge, you instead learn two facts- one true, one false. You also become trained in two skills, such as Stealth and Performance, and you can make a Surprise Attack at the start of combat. If you rolled deception or stealth for initiative, creatures acting after you are flat-footed. It’s not quite a sneak attack yet, but it is quite helpful.
7. At level seven, you become a Battlefield Surveyor, making you a master of perception and giving you an additional bonus to initiative when using perception. As an average human on the battlefield of gods, it is never a bad idea to be ready to make a run for it.
Alternatively, you can use your Intimidating Prowess to try and prevent a fight from happening at all. When you demoralize or coerce creatures using your brawn, you get a +1 bonus to the check, and ignore any penalty from not sharing a language. Speaking of intimidation, we’re also increasing your proficiency in that this level.
If a fight does break out, you at least have your Weapon Specialization to comfort you, helping you deal extra damage with weapons the more proficient you are with them.
8. If you’d rather use a real weapon than a random barrel, you may want to check out the Mobile Shot Stance. While in this stance, your ranged attacks don’t trigger attacks, and you can even use your own attacks of opportunity with ranged weapons.
You’re also enough of a pirate to make a Battle Cry when you begin battle, demoralizing one foe on the battle field for free.
Finally, you gain access to a rogue feature, Strong Arm, increasing the range of your thrown weapons by ten feet. It is likely your DM won’t be particularly generous with your range when it comes to throwing large objects around, so this will force the issue in your favor.
9. At level nine, your Combat Flexibility allows you to swap between an 8th level and lower fighter class feat at the start of each adventuring day. I would suggest a feat like Disorienting Opening, or Shatter Defenses, something that capitalizes on your ability to weaken enemies through intimidation and surprise. Of course, you are free to choose as you go, so there’s nothing wrong with just picking the most advantageous option for any day.
You also become a Juggernaut, making you a master against Fortitude saving throws, while also increasing your critical success chance. Similarly, you are a master in Thievery as well.
10. At level 10, your new Ability Boosts improve your Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma.
Thanks to your additional power, as well as your… eclectic taste in pastimes, you are a Fearsome Brute, giving you a bonus to damage against frightened creatures equal to triple their frightened score. Improvised weapons come with an accuracy penalty, so making sure they all hit as hard as possible is always a good idea.
You also have Steady Balance, giving you even greater sea-legs. Now you always succeed critically when balancing, and you’re not flat-footed while balancing on any terrain. You can even use acrobatics instead of your reflex saving throw to grab ledges.
And great news, you are finally a Sneak Attacker, letting you make 1d6 damage sneak attacks which don’t go up as you level. That last part is rather disappointing, but any damage is good damage right now.
11. At level 11, your Armor Expertise will help you not die even when you’re only dressed in a pirate coat. You’ve Fighter Expertise as well.
You’re also charismatic enough to become a Hireling Manager, so you can fill up your pirate crew with some seaworthy scallywags.
Speaking of sailing, we’ll also take this opportunity to increase your Sailing Lore some more. No matter how maligned you are by the fanbase, no one can deny you’re a pirate.
12. At level 12 your Incredible Ricochet doesn’t help you hit multiple targets, but it does make followup attacks easier, allowing you to ignore concealment and cover. Again, improvised weapons are inaccurate, so you should try and make this as easy on yourself as possible.
You’re also Too Angry to Die. While this isn’t a guts-type effect on its own, it does make you a lot scarier- you can demoralize an enemy as a reaction when you come up from 0 HP.
One last thing- we’re finally getting you some bombs by making you an Alchemist! With this Archetype, you’re now trained in Crafting and Alchemical Bombs, as well as the Alchemist Class DC. You also gain Alchemical Crafting and four free 1st level formulas. Again, you are free to pick your own bombs, but to stay in character I would suggest picking bombs that do sonic or fire damage.
13. Now that we have Crafting, we have to get it up to speed quickly. At least while we’re working on it you become a Weapon Legend, increasing your proficiency with all weapon types. You’re now an expert in most advanced weapons, a master in simple and martial weapons (as well as advanced weapons in your chosen group), and a legend with simple and martial weapons in your group
14. At level 14 you become a Stance Savant, allowing you to enter a stance immediately upon rolling initiative. The whole point of being a rider is to be fast, after all.
You also become Slippery Prey, having gotten a little too used to being tied up and keelhauled by other servants.
Finally, you become a Quick Bomber, allowing you to draw and throw bombs in a single action to further blend your fighting styles together. but maybe don’t ricochet that one back to you. pro tip.
15. At level 15 you get yet another Ability Boost in Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma. tbh I’m not wild with how many boosts you get in one shot it makes it hard to talk about why we’re getting them all.
at least talking about Evasion is easier. you’re a master with Reflex saves, and they’re critical successes more often. obviously you’re good with saves against fireballs, casters already do half damage to you.
you can also force people to beat a Terrified Retreat. if you crit succeed against someone you’re demoralizing and they’re weaker than you, they have to flee for 1 round.
you also get Greater Weapon Specialization and Improved Flexibility, as a boost in Acrobatics. nothing new, but doing existing things better is never bad.  the former makes you deal even more damage with weapons you’re good with, and the latter gives you a second feat each day, this one up to level 14.
16. at level 16 your Resounding Bravery makes you even hardier- when you critically succeed on a will save, you get a +1 bonus to saves and some extra temporary HP for 1 minute. you also finally get a thievery-based skill feat with Concealing Legerdemain, letting you use it to conceal small objects on your person when someone’s searching you.
finally, you can use Quick Alchemy as an action, turning some reagents into a short-lived alchemical item that lasts for one round. given how long bombs normally last, that time limit isn’t a big deal.
17. at level 17 your Armor Mastery does exactly what you’d think it would, and you’re also a legend in Intimidation now. With this, you can now intimidate up to 25 creatures at once with group coercion!
18. once you hit level 18, you can make Savage Criticals twice as often as you now crit on 19s with weapons you’re legendary with.
you can also Scare to Death weaker creatures, frightening them more effectively than regular intimidation, and possibly killing them outright if several dice land in your favor. It almost certainly won’t do much against the lion king, but it’ll keep your crew in line.
finally, you can make an enemy Walk the Plank by demoralizing them. if you succeed, not only do you intimidate them but you can make them move in whatever way you want. you can’t directly force them into harm… unless you critically succeed on the check. this takes two actions to do, and then they’re immune for 24 hours.
19. you can now pick up a Prescient Consumable when you retroactively buy stuff. just be careful what you consume, you don’t need Altera after you. again.
now you are a master in Thievery, and you become a Versatile Legend, increasing your skill with all weapons once more as well as your Class DC. now you can get big crits even with your random thrown objects!
20. with your final level, bump up your Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma. with this level, you gain the Ultimate Flexibility, giving you a third feat, which can be up to 18th level. you can also use your lower level feats to meet prerequisites for higher level ones, and you can retrain your feats over the course of an hour instead of each day.
you can also Quick Unlock, picking open a treasure chest in one action instead of two.finally,
you can make a Dazzling Display by putting firecrackers in your beard, making intimidation checks against everyone within 30’ of you- if you dropped an enemy the turn before, you get a bonus to the checks too.
Pros & Cons
you don’t die that often, being able to avoid death through your guts on an annoyingly short cooldown, with the additional ability to avoid being wounded so dying happens even less than you’d think with all your near-death circumstances.
you’re also great at breaking through enemy defenses, using bombs to deal damage without direct hits, ricocheting shots to avoid cover, and of course making enemies flat-footed to weaken their AC and deal extra damage to them. you’re a little greedy when it comes to most of these debuffs, but it’s still good!
you focus on using random stuff around you, so it’s hard to disarm you. pathfinder focuses on using your terrain a lot more, so use that to your advantage!
improvised weapons come with a weakness that regular weapons don’t. and all your stuff works with regular weapons anyway, so… why throw barrels? there’s literally no reason to do it since literally every other weapon you could use will do it better.
your Wisdom isn’t good, so if you’re in a fair fight you’re probably going last, which isn’t fun. wisdom’s also what you need to see enemies at all, so… good luck against the hentai defense squad.
we didn’t get your ship, which is kind of the whole point of your you. teach is a rider after all, but for some reason a bunch of wood is harder to make than another living creature. sorry about that, but… you’re a pirate. steal one.
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