#fgo ieyasu
megashadowdragon · 1 year
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Ooku-tember Special: Feudal State Friendship!
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www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/qfgbr9/ookutember_special_feudal_state_friendship/
reddit comments
“The glimpse of the child could not sway him, For he had struck down his son.
The vision of the maiden could not woo him, For he had chosen the land over his lover.
But brotherhood was the bond he had never betrayed.
And so it was that virtue which was turned against him.”
Thanks once again to Sha-Y for another spectacularly spooky comic!
This one’s based on the Ooku event of previous years, showcasing the downfall of Tokugawa Ieyasu as he attempts to protect his country from the fallen god of love (I was disappointed that we didn’t get a flashback with his inrou!).
If he appeared in FGO, I think it’d be interesting to stress that in a traditional story, he’d be considered a villain (kill son, kill waifu) but while he has a rather ambivalent view towards familial (“King of Knights, why did you not simply execute the homunculus the moment she gave you lip?”) and marital bonds (“You should have gotten rid of her as she slept, Captain of the Argonauts.”) should they prove obstructive, he places great stock in friendships as it was his camaraderie with the other Unifiers and key figures such as Hanzo, Honda, and especially Mototada which saw him through the violent insanity of not only the Warring States period but his own turbulent childhood.
Older Ieyasu is based on his statue in the Tōshō Shrine of Nikkō, Japan.
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guujikaroko · 3 months
I think all the Edo-adjacent/Guda Guda Servants have the same person as the writer for their Valentine's Day scenes (Keikenchi is the name, I think) and it's... Very noticeable. Veeeeery noticeable, in the way that all the male ones have this unmistakable otome game vibe.
Izou? Pathetically crying while drunk out of his ass and then stealthily telling Guda to not leave him.
Hijikata? Princess carry, Guda wearing his coat, tsundereness.
Hajime? Worrying about his Master and then offering an escape. Escape together with him, that is.
Takasugi? Bossing Guda around so they can stay close to him, lap pillow, declaration of possessiveness out of godamn nowhere.
Shinpachi? Cute movie date, they let Guda rizz the old man version too.
Like... I'm definitely forgetting someone here, but Keikenchi is the patron saint of fanservice at this point.
(...Now that I think about it, though... the Edo period is like, very prominent in otome games already, isn't it? FGO is just following the trope at this point.)
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devowostation · 10 months
GG8 Theories!
With Gudaguda 8 coming within the week, I thought I'd post some of my theories as to who may be summonable! I'll only be using characters we KNOW exist in Fate currently because there ain't no way I'm predicting bitches that aren't even mentioned yet.
SABER, TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI (Monkey has been mentioned pretty consistently throughout the Gudaguda Events; Hell, last Gudaguda had his misdeeds as Regent as one of the main driving forces of the story even *happening.* He's the Second of the Three Unifiers, and already has a kit in lore. All that remains is actually adding him.)
AVENGER, YODO-DONO (The Adult Form of Chacha! She's also been hyped up since Chacha's introduction, and had a near-appearance in GG7. We have an idea of her personality thinks to Chacha's Materials, and know that she's dangerous enough to drive Chacha to actively try to AVOID becoming her.)
PRETENDER, IEYASU TOKUGAWA (The Third of the Three Unifiers; He has no CANON class, but since his ability in Koha-Ace was hotswapping between all 7 Main Classes, Pretender seems like the most realistic option. He's not AS likely as the first two, but it's a pretty safe assumption that all 3 Unifiers are gonna get in the game eventually.)
ARCHER/CASTER, MITSUHIDE AKECHI (He's been in NPC Jail since year 1; I may not be his biggest fan, but like...how are they gonna keep dragging it out?)
ASSASSIN, TAKECHI ZUIZAN (He, like Izo, made a HUGE splash in the fanbase. I admittedly don't know him as well as I know the Sengoku characters...The less NPCs, the better, no?)
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lowres-masamune · 2 years
hear me out guys. slbp lords as fate servants fellow fgo players where y'all at -eye emoji- I came up with this like 4 months ago and suddenly remembered it while brushing my teeth this morning so here we go this is the crossover event that no one asked for but we all deserve it.
I've only thought about their servant classes, but I had a lot of fun with it so there'll be more to come soon I've just been really busy for the past few weeks :( under a read more bc it got very long
(this is purely based on SLBP's depictions of them!)
Nobunaga — Ruler
Well I can't choose Archer for obvious reasons dammit. I know he isn't fair and etc like a Ruler normally is, but I thought it would be interesting because in SLBP he is shown to be a good lord who cares about the people below him and wants to change things for the better so that works I guess? And also imagine his ascension in FGO where he could go from either his act 1 self to his unification self or the other way round depending on how you want to depict him. interesting.
Mitsuhide — Caster or Saber
Mostly because I didn't really see him fitting into the other classes? but I feel like in a HGW he could still fight pretty well but he'd be more of a strategist type of servant.
Yukimura — Berserker
I was gonna go with Lancer at first because he has a big spear of his skill with a spear. But the story does mention that all his talk of dying in battle with honour etc is very excessive, and even makes other characters question his sanity. Berserker would also be a great fit for him because he would do anything to train and get stronger, and he would unhesitatingly give up his life for his lord, Shingen who he is almost blindly loyal to.
Saizo — Assassin
Pretty obvious choice, no comment.
Masamune — Saber
I didn't know where else he fits, and he is also mentioned to be a master of mine-uchi, a supposedly very difficult katana technique. Well he is good at a bunch of things in the story, but I think he'd fit best in Saber class <3
Kojuro — Saber
I feel like he could be a Caster as well, but he's the one who taught Masa all those sword techniques so I guess it made sense to have him here.
Inuchiyo — Lancer or Berserker
Because he uses his spear a lot ofc. And he is pretty reckless but he's also really strong like most Berserkers.
Ieyasu — Archer
I'm just gonna go with archer because I see his in game sprite has a bow. I think he could fit into assassin class but idk.
Mitsunari — Caster
He would be a great caster, but probably a pain to work with at first if you're not Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi — Ruler
Because he definitely seems like one, personality-wise. I can really see him being the ruler in a HGW hehe
Shingen — Rider
An obvious choice because he's great at horse riding and he has the best cavalry in the land. He could fit into all the other normal classes except for caster and assassin but I needed some variety. Plus imagine him hanging out with all the other really cool riders like Drake hehehehe they would be good friends. also imagine him with his horse Kurokumo in his NP hnnngggg
Kenshin — Berserker
he could fit into most of the classes but I think this one kinda fits his reputation as the god of war. plus it would be interesting bc he does not look like a berserker at all. also bc he literally goes mad when he sees nice things and he will bring them home and no one can stop him (he is so relatable). he is so chaotic but we all love him. ALSO this means that he and Shingen will have a class advantage over each other HUHuHUHU so they will keep fighting each other and none really has the upper hand over the other; they will still remain rivals even as servants.
Shigezane — Saber
I don't know where else he'd fit either, and it just felt right to put him here idk.
I don't really know anything about Nobuyuki soz guys
imagine Nobunaga and Kenshin meeting their fgo counterparts
sorry this ended up being so long haha but I hope y'all enjoyed it. I haven't played enough of the Shadow routes yet to write about the ninja characters tho but the time will come. I haven't played all of the lords' routes yet so tell me if I might have misinterpreted something! feel free to add on <3
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yee-art · 3 years
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week 3 of gudaguda drawings
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raelencia · 4 years
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finished my contribution to the 6 fanarts trend
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pollyxart · 4 years
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... they’re roasting hijikata in the gudaguda group chat
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saeraas · 5 years
didn't get dragalia nobu. I have come to the conclusion that any version of nobunaga doesn't like me. 3 tenfolds, 41 summon tickets and 11k wyrmite gone. I'm dead
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naddy-and-stuff · 5 years
Tokugawa Ieyasu as a Servant in Chaldea
So I got inspired by @moody-bloosh who did a really good job of crossing FGO and Jojo's Bizarre Adventures over. I'm not sure if there are many fans of IkeSen and FGO like me but if you are one of them and are reading this then please enjoy. :3
"Tokugawa Ieyasu. Archer. Not that I have a pressing need for you, but since I'm here I guess I'll do my job."
Since this man is known as the Shogun of Japan and ruled for some 200 years, it would make sense for him to be a five-star Servant with potential to be placed in the Saber class for his kenjutsu prowess or the Caster class for his medical capabilities.
At his core, Ieyasu is a buster-type Archer that has multiple buffs to augment his Noble Phantasm. This makes him perfect against Saber bosses as his NP is single-target.
He has the Divinity trait as he was likened to a buddha who took the form of a man to save people. However since this is from the collective beliefs of people and not because he is actually related to an actual Divine Spirit, it is at a low rank: C or D at most.
Ieyasu also has the standard Archer class skills such as Riding Skill (C), Independent Action (A), and Magic Resistance (A). The last two are high-ranking thanks to his Divinity trait.
As for his useable skills, he has Charisma (A), NP strength up (B+), and his third skill named Frugality (A) is what truly makes him shine.
Frugality is from the allegedly worn-out hakama that he insisted on wearing and it translated to a skill after being summoned. Basically, this skill allows the effects of his allies' buffs - either single-target or party-wide to last one more turn. It's basically a game breaker, I think.
"Geez, they make me sound so cheap. Not that I care or anything."
His Noble Phantasm is called Land of the Rising Sun: The Golden Unified Rule (Yes I am so uncreative... XD). It is similar to Billy the Kid's NP, which is tied to the person doing the act instead of the weapon itself. Ieyasu can literally pick up any old bow and use it to fire this single-target Noble Phantasm that is sure to hit his target, as he uses the might that unified Japan to empower his strike.
"Huh? Of course I only hit one target. It's pointless to hit more than one target if I the job is unfinished."
Initially, Ieyasu doesn't get the whole Master-Servant relationship. His Independent Action ensures that he can survive for quite some time even without a Master. And while he doesn't really get better at grasping it over time, he soon considers his Master to be a valuable ally - which, in his mind, is better than whatever was imposed on him by the Throne of Heroes.
His first art is that one without his armor and as he ascends, he gradually fits into his light armor the color of autumn leaves.
"Not bad. I didn't think you'd get me this far Master."
He's still prickly even after bonding with his Master, but at this point it's a charm that made this version of Tokugawa Ieyasu endearing. It's always a plus to see him blush after being so blatantly teased for his prickliness.
His Master will frequently see glimpses of his past, particularly being hostaged by the Imagawa. But it is noted that Ieyasu treats these memories with acceptance and detachment.
Soon it becomes apparent that Ieyasu had better memories towards the end of his life. There are glimpses of a woman whose face is obscured by the rising sun, but the warmth from the Archer's chest is unmistakably fulfilling and genuine.
As there is an existing Oda Nobunaga who is a woman, Ieyasu will be quite confused. That is multiplied by double when he encounters figures that he knew to be male but were actually female.
"This is a disturbing pattern. Are they pandering to something?"
Likewise he expresses respect for renown Japanese figures such as Yagyū Munenori, who was a fellow-practitioner of Yagyū Shinkage-ryū. Fūma Kōtarō, who reminded him of a different ninja. The Shinsen-gumi who were skilled swordsmen in their own right. And even the demons he had only heard or read about.
"Fighting with all of these similar people around makes it really feel like old times. Not that I'm particularly fond of it or anything."
On the rare occasion that he encounters Karna at Chaldea, he will be reminded of a certain other airhead and avoid the Lancer like a plague.
"No offense to him, but I'd like to stay far, far away."
Ieyasu's interlude is a replay of his memories at the hands of the Imagawa clan, depicting him chiefly as a helpless boy with no control over his predicament.
Much to his Master's surprise, he takes it in stride, without any lingering resentment or regret over what had happened. Ieyasu just went through the motions of it; he even gave off-handed remarks on certain events that seemingly had no importance, but had made him feel something intense at the time.
"It's in the past. It's not a good one, but I wouldn't be here if not for it."
The almost-clinical way that he handles it is challenged by the version of Uesugi Kenshin that he had known merged with the Uesugi Kenshin recorded in Chaldea's Throne of Heroes. She is a Lancer, which is at an advantage against Archers like Ieyasu.
"Ugh. And I thought the God of War hated women."
Despite the disadvantage, Ieyasu manages to win against Uesugi. When his Master asks why it had been Uesugi who he had fought, Ieyasu turned grumpy and was nearly whinning.
"Cause he was the only one who tried to take her from me."
Such feelings upgrades his Frugality to A+ and now also works for debuffs his allies put on their enemies.
If Ieyasu is asked what his wish for the Grail would be, the man would answer thusly:
"I don't really have a wish I want fulfilled. I lived most of my life wishing and wanting until I gained enough power to make them come true." His eyes go distant to some sunset that does not exist in the confines of Chaldea's polar mountain. "Though, I'd like her to make me a new hakama. I think this one's worse for wear now."
The Frugality thing I read at tvtropes, if memory serves. Also most of the skills there are just for fun since I have limited knowledge of Fate's actual parameters.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I had fun writing it. XD
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whalehouse1 · 6 years
Yippie! Another freaking Sakura event cause everyone just loves yandere kouhai Mary Sues. At least Scheherazade will get bond points.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
GudaGuda: The Ieyasu Implication (feat. Bluebell)
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Art by the talented Bluebell, who did last year's New Year's Special comic if you recall.
Now that I think about it, perhaps the reason Ieyasu hasn't shown up in FGO or even REDLINE is that his very character arc seems to break conventional narrative. He is a man who, from even his formative years of being a political hostage, seemed destined to be fodder. There's this sense that if he had been a cast member in a story rather than a real life guy, he would've been killed during either Akechi or Mitsunari's respective coups to establish a threat level. By that same token, maybe it would've been apt if he had suffered a karmic Agamemnon-esque demise for killing his own son - or perhaps his son would escape the assassination attempt and become the protagonist in a narrative where he must oppose his father's (and his father's friends') tyranny.
But that doesn't happen. He survives both coups thanks to a bunch of grit, a bit of luck, and a lot of help from his pals (Hanzo, Mototada, etc.). He successfully executes his treasonous kid. And then that kid's mother (but not their daughter who wasn't as traitorous as either of them). And not only does he wind up becoming shogun despite being kind of typical compared to Nobunaga (wildcard madman) and Hideyoshi (rags-to-royalty tactician), but he also got a consort, and then remarried, and after his second wife tragically died soon after of natural causes, he threw up his hands and decided to go full harem route over a dozen strong and spread himself around, resulting in a grand SPECULATED low-ball estimate total of 20 kids by the time he croaked (placing him below Nobunaga's 28 and above Hideyoshi's 4, if you're curious).
But he's not all villainy and vice either. Despite being less exciting (and charismatic) than either of his predecessors, he managed to strike up a lot of genuine friendships, alliances, and associations. A lot of which are tied into his abilities as a Servant.
And as harsh as his treatment of his aforementioned scion was, he was also capable of mercy. Which, arguably, almost makes that whole filicidal capital punishment decision worse. Most crucially, he voluntarily provided sanctuary to the remnants of the Iga ninja clan after they had been shattered by Nobunaga in conjunction with their rivals, the Koga clan. And then doing the same to what was left of the Koga clan when Nobunaga turned on them, because while Nobunaga was fond of tricky gambits, he did not like being made the victim of sneak attacks and guerrilla warfare himself. Just ask those warrior monks. In fact, it’s rumored that the sniper Sugitana Zenjubo who tried to assassinate him twice was a ninja. Now, Ieyasu did not need to do this. Both clans were almost worthless in terms of military utility after this battle, and he could’ve easily curried favor with Nobunaga by using the ninjas as bargaining chips. Instead, he shielded them (this is how he met Hattori Hanzo). And years later, during Akechi’s coup, the typically feuding clans paid him back by escorting him across the country back to his territory when he was being hunted when they - still holding a grudge against Oda - could’ve just handed him over to Akechi and aided the usurper in defeating Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Nobunaga’s #2 who had been complicit in his many deeds both glorious and gruesome.
If Akechi is indeed Tenkai, then it speaks to Ieyasu’s capacity to forgive in his later years (though Chacha would understandably argue otherwise). And in FGO, this generosity imbues loyalty in Akechi so fierce that even with the entire Tokugawa lineage defeated in the Ooku Labyrinth Event, he sacrifices his life to in hopes of providing the means to defeat the mad God of Love to a potential rescuer.
So what you should glean from all this is that Ieyasu is a very wild and dark figure, but in a very unorthodox configuration. He’s not traditionally complex as much as he is objectively difficult to pigeonhole. Which is why his vassals like the Yagyu family, Adams, and Honda tend to assert themselves more easily in the minds of audiences since they can more easily synch with more concise archetypes. If Ieyasu shows up in a work of fiction, and he's not the antagonist, then chances are he'll be a supporting character at best.
Fate's rendition of him as a gloomy neurotic really intrigued me, because it was a uniquely sympathetic image. Writers tend to have him lean towards some combination of dull, cranky, or sly since to casual observation, he seemed to gain the title of shogun by just outlasting the two more interesting unifiers than through any real valor or cunning. In fact, some historians argue that his once audacious-seeming drum gambit after his defeat at the Battle of Mikatagahara - where he threw open the gates of his mostly empty stronghold and had drums played and torches lit to make it seem like he was trying to lead Takeda Shingen's forces to an obvious trap where a secret army would lie in wait - was an accidental side effect of him doing that to lead his scattered men to a rendezvous.
These four unofficial yet really beautiful illustration of him by Dd (Mori Nagayoshi's artist) also helped construct the image of Ieyasu that i had in my head. He might be delicate, broken even, but he's still awfully dangerous because he's the guy who made it to the end of the line, and commanded the respect and loyalty of several Sengoku Era standouts. He's made the tough choices, the huge mistakes, the crucial plays, and while they were truly awful experiences, they were well worth it even if he occasionally stares off into the distance and wonders why he can't taste food sometimes.
To wit, milquetoast sub-boss turned sinister seinen final boss a fraction of the time, and this the rest of the time.
And I think you could still reconcile this with his original draft as just a body double of Ieyasu who can use his link to more legitimate warriors. Just have him be the real one and then have him pretend to be an innocent body double whenever he can't be bothered to deal with anyone who has an axe to grind with him (Amakusa, Muramasa, Chacha, and whoever else). Or if he must be a body double, then at least give him some agency and incorporate as much of the historical Ieyasu's bonkers journey into his character. If he must be a Pretender, make him a great one.
Hopefully, it would make Ieyasu a fascinatingly uncomfortable figure in a franchise where the likes of Bluebeard and Ivan the Terrible already exist.
So I wanted to somehow encapsulate all that with this comic where Akechi is reminded that while Nobu might be his god, and Hideyoshi his enemy, Ieyasu was his BOSS until the day he died, and forgave him for the assassination attempt rather than execute him for this insult like he did with member of his own immediate family for reasons he may never know.
So I can't blame Hidetada for listening to his father often during the Ooku event as, well, see above.
That said, neither the Ooku event or this comic are entirely accurate, as while Hidetada was his favorite son and successor, they did have their disagreements, particularly with how to deal with the remnants of the Toyotomi (who Hidetada had once been a hostage to as a child, much like his father was to the Oda). Their joint inability to come up with an acceptable solution for all sides during a period of purported peace was one of the core contributing factors to the 1614 Siege of Osaka coming to pass, which would be Ieyasu's final military campaign (don't get too excited, he died a year after it was over).
Gudaguda as a storyline seems to really like the story arc of an individual naturally talented genius who made history but whose downfall was caused by their inability to emotionally connect with the 'normal' people around them, so Ieyasu as the bland, unmistakably human guy who just happened to outlast all of the flaming dumpsterfires on team 'Unifying the nation through force' seems a bit too slippery to slot into the story in the same way as Nobu or Kagetora.
Ironically, Fate Ieyasu's probably a bit further down the road from where Guda's mental state is heading at this point, someone who was incredibly human but still strong-willed, and earned the respect of legendary heroes and mythical warriors, but has been cracking slowly for quite a long time under the shee
r weight of responsibility that's been on their shoulders.
I feel like if any character can convince Guda to get some fucking help for their brain problems, it would be Ieyasu.
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lord-pigeon · 5 years
If I don’t forget I’mma make a post about all my gatcha’s friendcodes if anyone wants to add me and they play it
Pretty sure my list now is Feh, Fgo, Gbf, Arknights, King’s Raid, Onmyoji, Magia Record, Dragalia Lost, and Touken Ranbu
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mageofsimping · 4 years
[FGO art | art dump]
anyways sorry for having not uploaded art in a while.i’ve just been more active on my twitter
Anyways most characters are mine(excluding Chacha,who is an actual character in the game who i decided to redesign because her design made me uncomfortable and Ieyasu,who belongs to my good friend @djdraws20
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thatweirdnoiseat3am · 5 years
Interrupting your (ir)regularly scheduled FGO bullshit to talk about Dragalia Lost for a hot sec because him
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But on a serious note though - this is my first time playing thru this event since I didn’t play DL last year and like
Ya know how Ieyasu explains that the leaders of the twelve clans have their lifespan shortened due to their pact? Does no one react to this like... “hey, this is kinda fucked up”?
Maybe they didn’t want to offend their foreign guests, but this is kinda fucked up
Because as far as I understand, offering up your lifespan to the pact dragon isn’t a necessity, this is just the agreement they have, this is just their tradition, and they just seem to go with it, and see it as a beautiful sacrifice for their country (which feels very Japanese by the way)
Of course because DL is a pretty lighthearted game they’re not going to go deeper into this, but, lemme just say this again:
This is kinda fucked up
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teatitty · 4 years
Nagao Kagetora was a Lord of the Echigo Province and rivals with Takeda Shingen, the “tiger of kai,” and genuinely enjoyed meeting Takeda in battle
They fought eachother several times during the Battles of Kawanakajima. There are a lot of different stories about how Takeda died (he was 51 btw) but the most popular is that he died shortly after defeating a small combined army of Nobunaga and Ieyasu, either from an old war wound, pneumonia or an injury from a sniper
Nagao also had conflict with Oda and, much like Takeda, the exact reason behind his death is highly debated though most scholars agree it was probably medical since, during his last months, he often complained of chest pain that felt “like an iron ball” and severe stomach pains
Nagao Kagetora being a woman in FGO might feel like another genderbend situation but there is, in fact, a lot of circumstantial evidence, based on various old reports and descriptions, that lead many historians, scholars and writers to believe that Nagao was in fact a woman, but since all this evidence is circumstatial Nagao is still considered to be a man
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theotomeasexual · 4 years
10 favourite characters tag game!
1. On god. I'm a gay, so we're going Ereshkigal from FGO. I'm a sucker for a blonde tsun and she's got my heart
2. Less gay is Vincent from Ikevamp. Another blonde babe I would die for, let's be honest
3. Unfortunately. I have a type. I'm also gay for Jeanne from FGO/Apocrypha...ma'am, please spare me.
4. Yukimura from Ikesen breaks the streak by not being blonde, thank god. Would I date that man? No. But would I be best buddies and overthrow the world with him and Sasuke? Yes.
6. Okay but sheik from the legend of Zelda series? Would die for 10/10. Both ocarina of time & hyrule warriors.
7. Tohru from Fruits Basket also breaks the blonde trend, but I'd do anything for her so uh. She can break the streak.
8. Also keeping the blondes at bay is Fenrir from ikerev. I'd die for that man, just dip out of life if ya know what I mean. AnYwAy
10. Final man, also not blonde but I figured he deserved a spot on my list...Sasuke himself, what a man. We never deserved him.
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