myo-cass · 1 year
Ok so, I've basically just wrote an entire Megica Exes fanfic in my shower, and I wanted to write down just the basics in case I go back to this someday. (By the way, this is for @mari-bon since they asked for my explanation so kindly)
Meg and Chica were like best friends during middlechool, and as they grew older they started crushing on each other, and eventually they started dating
Meg's dream was always to have a Band and when she shared that with Chica she totally supported the idea and even offered to be the first member to join, however, at the time (maybe around 8th grade) Chica didn't know how to play any instrument
Meg decided she would teach her How to play bass, since that's the only instrument she knew how to play (If anyone's wondering, she learned it all by herself. She found an old bass on the trash and restored it with Spring's help)
Both of them put out fliers around the school motivating people to join their band. Then one day during luch, two people approached them, a red haired girl with blue eyes and a boy with blue hair streaks and greeb eyes, they were Toddy and Bon, who were eachother's childhood best friends
They wanted to join the band, and soon enough they were in. A few months later Meg told the rest of the band that she befriended a shy blond girl she meu during luch, named Joy, and she wanted to join the band as well
From the begining, Meg made it clear that she wanted for the band's first show to include Chica, but after sometime, that was not possible. Chica still hadn't learned enough to be able to keep up with them
And since she didn't want to make them lose big opportunities, she said that she wouldn't mind doing the backstage things for them
She always had a kind of inferiority complex so the moment she saw all of them play toghether, she throught that they wouldn't need her on the band. And after their first show, Los Toys got a lot of job opportunities at local pizzarias and kid's birthday parties, that meant they were a lot busier, making Meg spend less time with her girlfriend
It's not like Meg didn't want to hang out with Chica, it's just that she got really carried away with the money she was receiving, after all, she was finally able to help her brother financialy
And after some time, the girls started to drift away. But only when Meg realised that, It was too late
After months of them not seeing each other, Chica called off their relationship, wich Meg was not surprised about, but insted mad
"If Chica's unhappy, why didn't she talk to me? Why would she be afraid to talk to me?" That's the only thing she could think, and she couldn't imagine why she wanted to break up
Meg was finally being helpfull to her brother, so why wasn't Chica proud of her?
But it's not like Chica explained what was in her head, how she thought she was useless and annoying to all her girlfriend's new friends
The break up was a mess, Chica wouldn't explain why she wanted to break up and that only made Meg mad
At the end of the day, Meg left confused and angry at her now ex-girlfriend and Chica was not much better than her. She wasn't sure if she had done the right thing, It boa It was too late
Meg didn't know how to handle all of her emotions, so she went streight to Joy's house, looking for emotional support
They talked for hours and since Joy had only heard Meg's side of the story, she thought Chica was being ridoculous. So being the the dumb teenagers that they are, Meg started to ocassionally pick on Chica during school
And I think that's it! That's how Megica became bitter ex-girlfriends in my AU
Sorry if this was too long, but I really enjoy writing for any fandom that I'm in
(Also If anyone want's more headcanons, then hit me up)
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nocturna1sea · 1 year
Ann Chica
Uh idk I’m deleting everything that I don’t need in my files and I came across this…
Ok so the story behind this was that my teacher gifted me a squishmallow it was a chicken named Annie I believe and around that time I was doing some fnafhs drawings (who knows if I’ll post them) but because of that I decided to do this animation and since I would share my teacher my drawings I technically did this one for her despite the fact that she doesn’t know the characters but yea
And context abt this teacher I’m going to keep mentioning is that I was on some type of tutoring program and I got this teacher (she was my previous reading teacher so I already knew her) and well we would meet up (on a video call) after school on Fridays because it was online school and pretty much we would talk to each other abt what we did during the week how it went and somehow I got the habit of drawing and showing her my drawings so I have two notebooks that I drew in them and the drawings were mainly for her (although once again she didn’t knew the characters) and since it was a tutoring program she would ask me if I needed help in anything but I never did so all we would talk was about our week and yea pretty much what you need to know
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unusual-actor · 3 years
Nunca supere mi etapa fnafhs y apenas me estoy enterando
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myo-cass · 1 year
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I need to know other people's opinion on this headcanon
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