#fiber flux
cfstuff · 1 year
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Tidal Moon Square by Fiber Flux!
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whatiscrackalackin · 5 months
Vanilla crazy cake
# Sweet potato tea cake. Take me to a picnic cake. Springtime chocolate cake roll tropical snack cake. Tunnel of fudge cake. Sour cream p# umpkin bundt cake. Spicy jalapeño chocolate cake. Upside down apple coffee cake. Upside down rhubarb cake. Upside down benthic flux sampli# g device cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla. Crazy. Cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake. Vanilla craz# y cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake vanilla. Crazy cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla crazy cake. Vanilla. Crazy. Cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake. Vanill# crazy. Cake vanilla. Crazy cake. Vanilla crazy. Cake vanilla. Crazy cake. Nutcracker sweet ginger walnut thermal reactor loaf. Old-fashion# d fiber-optic relative humidity sensor cake. Old South prune cake. One bowl chocolate cake with easy laser-induced fluorescence frosting.# ersimmon pudding cake. Pineapple upside-down cake one. Pineapple upside-down cake two. Pineapple upside-down cake three. Arm and hand posi# ioner. Full-width plastic body positioners. Multi-block plastic body positioners. Extremities positioner. Aluminum body bridges. Plastic l# wer body positioner. Pineapple upside-down cake four. Adjustable aluminum head positioner. Disposable polystyrene head block. Slaughter# electric needle injector. Cordless electric needle injector. Injector needle driver. Injector needle gun. Cranial caps. Mouth formers. Rhu# arb and rhubarb and rhubarb#and rhubarb#and rhubarb. And it contains proven preservatives deep penetration agents and gas and odor contro# l chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue as well as areas of the body that arterial embalming may have missed. And rhuba#b
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the-irken-luxray · 2 months
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More doodles of the meta voice/fail text. Torn between keeping coming up with an actually unique design for them and keeping them as a generic stick figure ghost but no mouth. Except I've been struggling with coming up with an actual design for them.
I like the latter option because it's almost... symbolic? Iconic, but also generic; emotive and witty yet unable to be seen or heard by anyone... But that's a ramble for another day.
IDs under the cut
ID: A variety of doodles of a fan-made personification of The Henry Stickmin Collection's fail text, drawn in light blue (except in one case, where they are drawn in black for easier visibility). The persona is a mouthless but otherwise generic stick figure that is free floating, as though they are a ghost or phantom. All images have a watermark for the-irken-luxray.
ID 1:
The fail screen for the wormhole rifle option from Stealing the Diamond, which reads:
"I'm surprised you weren't able to get down there with that amazing portal technology. It's pretty strange how those portal guns work. I mean it combines the top scientific processes of our time. The portal gun contains a flux quantum generator which propels energy blasts with energy volumes of 4.23 GW with an average speed of 25 m/s. this speed is most effective because it allows the energy to be conserved while still maintaining a speed that is appropriate. The external plastic coating on the portal gun is constructed of a high polymer fireproof carbon fiber. This prevents the intense energy of the portal gun from burning the hands of the user. The intense energy causes intense heat. Oh by the way if you want an achievement click here. I've heard that scientists still do not know what happens if two portals are placed on top of one another. The last time that was attempted... Well I'm sure you heard about it on the news."
Five doodles of the fail text persona surround the screenshot, meant to be the fail text at various points in time. The top left holds a hand to its chin; the top right holds up a finger with their eyes closed, as though explaining the complex topic presented in the screenshot; the mid-left lays on their stomach while kicking their legs, as though excitedly rambling the info presented in the screenshot; the mid-bottom points to the word "here" in the screenshot; and the bottom right has their eyes closed while waving a hand dismissively in the other direction.
To the right of the screenshot and five doodles is a motion-blurred sketch of Henry Stickmin (drawn in black, to distinguish him as being physically present). A speech bubble pointing to Henry contains the Bugs Bunny "For the love of god please help me" meme.
ID 2:
A fail screen for one of the timeout options in Infiltrating the Airship, showing a closed metal door. The fail text reads: "Ok, ok! No more quick time events!" and, in smaller text, "How's your head by the way?"
Two doodles of the personified fail text overlay the drawing (drawn in black instead of blue for better visibility). The first is wiping away a tear and holding their other hand to their stomach as though they were laughing hard, and the second one shows mild concern for Henry (who is unseen).
ID 3:
A screenshot from Infiltrating the Airship with Henry glaring at the camera while holding the teleporter. A doodle of the fail text persona holds out a thumbs up. Text with an arrow pointing to the doodle reads "knows there's like an 80% chance of some shit going wrong".
ID 4:
A fail screen for the G.A.B.E.N. option from Infiltrating the Airship, which reads:
"error: stack overflow
"Could not find file C:\Program Files\HL3\G.A.B.E.N..dll
"Dump cache;"
Next to the screenshot is the fail text persona, but with smaller, circular eyes that are filled with television static. The stick figure is glitched in multiple places and has a chromatic aberration/"3D glasses" effect.
ID 5:
The fail screen for the Dark Energy Bomb option in Infiltrating the Airship, which has no fail text. Two doodles of the mouthless stick figure are to the left. The first holds up a hand with a bent finger, looking distraught. The second lowers its hand while looking away, looking sympathetic as well as distraught.
Text below reads "(was going to make a joke but a 10yo's dad just fucking died)"
ID 6:
Three miscellaneous doodles of the fail text persona. The left has its hand below its chin in a thinking expression. The middle has its eyes closed and is shrugging. The right is looking downward and pointing at something beneath them.
End ID.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Stained glass tutorial bc the birds are good for it.
The tldr with more resources and a few video tutorial links is here (link)
this is our target and this is our pattern:
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if you're wondering why I'm just handing out the pattern to a piece i plan on selling, the answer is because all stained glass pieces are their own pattern. By posting the image of the piece i already gave you the pattern to it.
What you need:
1 sheet of printer paper,
glue stick or a washable marker that works on glass,
grozier pliers,
curved jaw pliers,
glass cutter,
flux and something to apply it with,
60/40 acid free solder,
copper tape,
eye protection,
soldering iron with stand and rheostat,
water proof sand paper or waterproof nail file,
black patina or black acrylic paint,
some kind of heat proof surface to work on. I use asphalt coated compressed fiber board because it was cheap and easy to get at the hardware store
a well ventilated area to work in. or a table set up outside, which is the most well ventilated area you probably can access without a key card to a chemistry lab.
finally: 1+ panes of translucent/cathedral glass.
if something is not pictured in the below image it's because getting it meant fighting my cord management or standing up to go get it. The white waffle grid thing is not necessary. It just makes clean up easier so I'm using it and also i was too lazy to move it. a box of nails is pictured, they are also helpful but also not necessary. especially if you are not using something you can easily push them into as a work surface
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I'm just using my normal glasses for eye protection, you don't need anything super fancy but you do need something to stop any flying shards.
Anyways. Soldering and finishing is in a reblog of this. i needed more pictures than you can put in a single Tumblr post
Step 1 Pattern Prep
print your pattern out. once if you are just going to use a marker to copy it onto your glass, twice if you are going to glue it down to use that way.
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you may notice my pattern is backwards. That's because i printed it out wrong and can't be fucked to go fix it. Anyways.
Number your pieces in the same order on both copies if you are using the glue method, for such a simple pattern it's not uber necessary but it's a good habit to get into. Larger and more complicated pieces rapidly become broken glass jigsaw puzzles if you don't.
Step 2 putting the pattern on the glass
the way you make the glass the right shape is by using a glass cutter, that bronzy thing with all the tape around the barrel to make it easier for me to grip. the way it works is it holds a very thin metal disk that you press into the glass to introduce a fault line the glass will hopefully want to break along. I said hopefully for a reason.
All cuts have to go from one edge of the glass to the other because that's what the crack will do when you break it. Keep that in mind while you lay down your pieces. I've used a marker to show how i plan to cut this pane but unless you're doing a tricky cut order you don't really have to do that
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I'm using what i have on hand so how you lay your pieces out will probably be different if you've bought whole panes to work with. This is a much more wasteful way of doing it than i normally would, but the goal with this one was to produce a piece that doesn't require a glass grinder as those are an expensive thing to get when you're just starting out.
Also plan to cut on the Less textured side of the glass, the texture can get in the way. if you would like the texture to be on the front of your finished piece simply glue your pieces upside down onto the smoother side. also know that less textures glass is easier to use
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I didn't have any more of that darker grey blue so I'm using a light bluish lavender piece instead. it looks brown because of the the yellow underneath it
step 3 cut the glass
take a piece of preferably translucent glass and practice this step a few times before doing it on your project.
Press the wheel at the end of the stylus firmly against the glass at one edge, the keep pressure as you push or pull your line. you will know if you're using enough force because clear glass makes a very specific noise when it's being scored. I can't describe it but you'll know it when you hear it. you'll also be able to see the score line from some angles, it should look like a very fine crack in the glass. I've also heard it described as "like a white hair has been set on top of the glass". do not stop, lift your cutter, or go backwards over the scorline you have already made. The crack is a Lot more likely to go off course and destroy your piece if you do.
do only one line at a time before using the grozier pliers to break the glass.
there should be a line on the silicone protector things on the edge of you pliers, hold them so that that mark lines up with your score line and apply pressure , start light and slowly increase until it begins to crack. If the crack immediately runs the whole length of the pane then your done, if it doesn't, rotate the pane and do the same thing on the other edge of the glass until it starts cracking from there too. if it Still doesn't meet in the middle help it along by tapping along the uncracked part of the score line with the tip of your pliers handle until the crack finishes the job. If it's a very long straight one you can also use the edge of a table to encourage the crack to form in the right place.
if the crack decides to go off your scorline just finish breaking that score line and then peel off your pattern piece and reposition it to try again. if you used something like an Elmer's glue stick you can reactivate the glue with a Small amount of water dabbed over the pattern piece with your finger.
Once you have most of the glass broken off use your curved jaw pliers to very carefully nip away at any extra bumps. like half a millimeter at a time, don't just bite into a big chunk, itll shatter the piece. The flat side of the jaws is used to leverage the piece against to break it that way. it's helpful to pick an orientation for your pliers and just commit to always holding them like that. with the flat jaw either up or down. It'll help you build the muscle memory and learn to use them faster.
enjoy your pile of broken glass and dream about the grinder that wouldve made this easier.
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Step 4 grinding deburing.
use your water proof file or sand paper to to knock any little bits of broken glass off. it is Vitally important that you do this with the file Wet. glass dust likes to float on any little draft and it's Super not good for your eyes lungs throat or nose.
You can also take the time now to refine the shapes and sand off any little nubbins that are in the way.
once you're done use a little dish soap to remove the pattern and any grease or glue left on the piece. if you need to re number the pieces.
Step 5 Foil
foil comes in a handful of sizes, and in silver, black, and copper backed. The sizes determine how thick your leading will be, thinner foil, thinner lines. With art glass or very textured glass you may need to go up a few sizes to make it fit. The color on the back will be visible through clear glass so you might want to pick one that vibes with your colors. I'm using what i had, so i don't actually know the thickness. It is copper backed tho.
take your piece and your roll of foil and place the edge of the piece in the center of the tape so that there's an equal amount of hangover on either side. then carefully roll your piece to wrap the edges in tape. being sure to keep it centered the entire way around. when you get back to where you started let the tape overlap itself by at least a quarter of a centimeter or like 1/8th of an inch. then cut the foil.
use your fingers to smooth the foil down over either side of the glass. and then the handle of your scissors or any hard plastic object to firmly press out any creases in the foil. The smoother you can get it the better. because that will make the solder sit flatter.
use the second/primary copy of your pattern for reference and lay out your pieces on top of it. If you're using nails and and a softer work surface you can press them into it around the edges of your pattern to keep the pieces from shifting. for a piece as simple as this it's not necessary but it still might help.
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Soldering is next up but I'm posting from mobile and have an image limit to keep in mind. so that will be posted as a reblog in a bit.
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leoandraphssoulmate · 13 days
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Dead End
A FLUX Alternate AU Short (Or is it?)
The hard edge of the bricks, that lined the outer edge of the roof, cut into the fur on the backs of my thighs as I stared down at the busy New York street below. It had been more than six months and I hadn’t heard a word from him.
Not one single breath.
And I'd give ANYTHING to hear Leo and Raph fight! Crazy as that may seem.
I'd give anything to hear them scream. To hear them cuss one another out.
At least they'd be here.
My mind seems to be chasing more than a few ghosts these days. Because just a moment ago I could have sworn I heard him and his brothers shouting somewhere behind me. 
I laid my ears back, closing my eyes as a tear escaped, rolling down to disappear in the fur on my cheek. Where did we go wrong? Where did I go wrong? This reality? It’s not the same without him. This world has lost its magic. 
I don’t know how to get home. Not without my powers. Not without Donnie. Not. Without. Them. 
I’m trapped. Stuck in my fox form. Forced to hide from this world as he and his brothers do.
But I’m on the other side of the glass.
I don’t know who to turn to.
I don’t know where to go for help. 
There’s no Shredder here.
No April.
No Casey.
I’ve looked.
It’s all different.
This reality is entirely void of anything related to them. Everything is much more bitter here. No one seems to be kind. 
A cold breeze blows through my hair making me shiver. I pull Leo’s jacket tight around me, pressing my lips together. I remembered when he put it around my shoulders, his warmth making me smile. OH god! I miss him so much! And Raph…. 
I stretch out my legs, looking down at my fur clad feet. Winter was fast approaching. I had yet to secure a proper hideout and I worried that I might not be able to in time.
Sure, I was hiding out in the sewers where….
Exactly where their lair was supposed to be! But it was completely bare when I got there! Utterly void of their existence! 
“I don’t know what to do.” I whispered to myself. Cause who else would I be talking to? 
“How about ya stand up and give me a hug for starters?” 
My stomach tightened, my eyes widening.  No way. I slowly turned my head, my eyes landing on the mountain of muscle that was literally one of my soulmates. His arms were outstretched, his green eyes sparkling.
“Did ya really think that we’d stop lookin for ya?” He smirked. 
“Raph?” I said, disbelief fizzling away as I stood. “I can’t believe it!” I shouted, bolting for him. The second I made contact with him, every fiber of my being came to life, sparking up my power deep inside me. 
Faintly, in the distance I heard Donnie shouting that Raph had found me. I immediately recognized the tone of the voice that followed.
In all the fabric of space and time, I'd never forget that voice.
I peeked up over Raph’s shoulder as he lifted me up in his arms, holding me tight against him.
There he was. His blue eyes locked on mine. “Leo.” I whispered. 
After a few quick pecks on the lips, Raph set me back down, chuckling, and I sprinted around him, practically leaping into Leo’s arms as he kneeled down, arms wide. “I thought I’d lost all of you!” I cried, nuzzling my nose into his neck. 
“Never.” He slowly stood, pulling me up with him, then picking me up bridal style. “You’ll never lose us.” He smirked. “I’d slice through every universe. Implode a million suns. Before I ever stopped looking for you.” 
My heart raced as I turned my head to see Mikey and Donnie standing near what appeared to be some sort of capsule. Before I could ask what it was, Donnie cleared his throat, then smiled. “Heya, Star. We had a hell of a time finding you, but I was finally able to use the bond you have with Raph and Leo to find you.” 
I looked back at Raph, holding my hand out to him. He smirked, then gently took my hand. “And now I’m just ready to go home.” I laid my head on Leo’s shoulder, a sigh escaping my lips as my power returned to full strength. “The usual way.”
“Hell yeah! Cause that capsule is wayyy too small!” Mikey laughed as I raised my hands, creating a portal directly behind him. 
Author's Note:
I always have alternate versions of FLUX floating around in my head. This is just one of them. The love between Leo, Raph and Star gives me sheer joy. They would never stop trying to find her and she would always go to any length to find them. There's just no seperating them. EVER. I know it may seem cheesy and a over used trope, but thinking about them gives me a place to just quietly be.
@thelaundrybitch @wynndigogh
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bluerasbunny · 3 months
📒 !!
i think about electrical flux (a canon setting DCA fic! it's a canon-divergent prequel to SB!) a lot! it'll probably be written someday but here's some excerpts from it!
'The relationship between Sun and Moon, the fractured state between them, but Eclipse has it covered. They have it handled. They are both and they are neither, they can bridge the gap and close the rift. They just need time.'
'Sun is the knight, the prince, high-and-mighty, the princess in the tower and the king of the kingdom. He is a Hero and he is light itself. It's not his fault Moon can't understand that, not his problem that Moon parades around as the dark itself. A dragon can never be the knight, after all.'
'Moon, I'm just saying that if you had behaved for ONCE in your life!-'
"Don't want to hear it. Not from you."
Sun recoils. Moon responds in kind. It moves, slinks slow and Sun is silent, watching. It can feel him, his sharp gaze, judgemental and bitter and so 'special'.
Moon growls, defiant as he leaps from the rafters, echoed by the creak and groan of the carbon fiber cable latched onto his back.
He doesn't have time for this.
"What makes you so special…"
The white rabbit is waiting.'
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skfiberartz · 7 months
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After crocheting for nearly 12 years. I have finally learned to knit! First knit project using Lion Brand yarn color Apple Orchard Verger. I’m using a beginner scarf tutorial on YouTube by Fiber Flux. Can’t wait to finish!
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female-malice · 1 year
The presence of artificial turf fibers was specifically investigated in river and sea surface waters.
Artificial turf fibers accounted for up to 15% of meso- and macroplastic abundance.
Artificial turf fibers were composed of polyethylene (86.3%) and polypropylene (13.7%).
Up to 20,000 fibers day−1 and 213,200 fibers km−2 were found in river and sea surface waters.
Riverine flux of artificial turf fibers was positively related to rainfall.
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ericacrochets · 2 years
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Ginkgo Leaf Slouch Hat by Fiber Flux / Jennifer Dickerson
Free Crochet Pattern Here
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creaminmybones · 1 year
“There’s the flux of memory. I find one of the most exciting, beautiful reasons to keep living in terms of one’s work is that great collective pool, or flux, which I believe exists. I believe that everything we need to know is somewhere in that flux. I mean cures for sicknesses, the face of God… sometimes I have felt like every fiber of myself has shut down.”
(A Taste of Paradis: Patti Smith, in Conversation with Ingrid Sischy)
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2entangledworms · 1 year
"It isn't so much that we can't step in the same river twice, but, with the entire world in flux, with us in flux, it's that we can't even step in the same river once.
In the Dhammapada, the sayings of the Buddha, there's the line; 'though one may conquer a thousand times, a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself' (or herself, (obviously)).
Mastery of the self, it's a neat idea, and boy do we seem a long way off from that one. Just daily life is weird enough, bound without security, lost without adventure, wandering, quietly confused for years through the strange cityscapes of the 21st century.
Trying to find your self in it, in any of it, trying to find the naive happiness of childhood once again.
And, is this what life is now? You think, little bursts of euphoria a few times a year, drug induced or chance induced, then back to the uniform gray of a day you won't remember.
And, if you should ever stick your head above the parapet to ask, 'Excuse me, is this all there is?', then only to be told to shut up and just get on with it.
All the while knowing that a star died to make you, and you no longer find romance in that.
All the while being surrounded by miraculous technology, and you no longer find romance in that.
The absurd everdrama of just trying to be okay, and the game gets faster, and the game gets harder, more gadgets, more screens, more patches, and non-stick frying pans, and fiber-broadband, and ultrasonic fucking toothbrushes!
And 'Thank you for your application, but..', and 'Sorry to hear you're feeling sad, but..', and 'We did everything we could, but..'
Please God make me a stone, I promised myself I'd be more than this, I promised others I'd be more than this!
Alive and not quite living, deathly, not quite dead.
And all the while rages the inner battle, the great, quiet attempt to fix one's self, and knowing no one else can do it for you."
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hitech-pcba · 24 days
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Consumer Electronics PCB Assembly Manufacturer
The Leading Chinese Consumer PCB & Assembly Supplier
The Leading Chinese Consumer PCB & PCB Assembly Supplier
It was common for white goods devices, brown goods devices, and smart toys to have simple, rigid boards with 1-4 layers in the past of years. Today’s consumer PCB products have become more portable. They use more complicated HDI PCB boards (at least 6 layers), flexible and stiff-flex boards. These consumer PCB applications have high-tech requirements for PCB manufacturers. For consumer PCB projects, thousands of electronic engineers choose Hitech Circuits.
We can help you get your consumer electronics projects “from design to manufacturing”
We are the best Chinese consumer PCB (circuit board manufacturer) because of our 24-hour rapid response service from our tech support and sales team. Hitech Circuits can help you with any questions about consumer PCBs. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
What Is Consumer PCB ?
Simply put, consumer PCB refers to the PCB used in consumer products like smartphones, smart TV and smart watches.
The demand for consumer PCBs has been growing ever since consumer PCBs were first introduced in the 1980s. Even small school projects or college projects use consumer PCBs nowadays.
In general, PCBs are boards on which circuit diagrams are physically implemented, so they can be used by devices easily.
As with a printer, it prints a copy of the original document or image on paper if you give it something. Likewise, the machine will print your PCB design on a board made mainly out of plastic, glass fiber, or some other materials if you upload it into it.
Most wiring is done by using a copper-coated track. Baseboards for flex PCB and rigid-flex PCB will be made from different materials to allow them to be semi- or fully flexible.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Consumer PCBs
Before you buy consumer PCBs, here are some things you need to know:
The Advantages of Consumer Printed Circuit Board
● Compact Size and Saving of Wire: The copper tracks on the PCB make it possible to interconnect the components. The copper tracks replace the current carrying wires, resulting in a less bulky interconnection, permitting the components to be very small.
● Ease of Repair and Diagnostic: On consumer PCBs, it is easier to verify and replace a particular component that has failed. In properly designed boards, the components have clear polarity labels. Thus, convenience can be assured during both the installation and repair processes. During diagnostics, signal paths can easily be traced.
● No Short Circuits: Short circuiting of the whole device is impossible thanks to the material used in the manufacturing of PCBs. When one part stops working, then you are able to replace it with another identical part. This makes it easier to keep it going without worrying about all the other components being damaged.
● Time Savings: In the conservative technique of circuit connections, the components take a long time to connect. On the other hand, As compared to conventional circuit connections, printed circuit boards take comparatively less time to assemble.
● Immune to Movement: Each component on a printed circuit board is tightly held onto the board.
They are prevented from moving on the board by the solder flux essence, regardless of how the board moves.
● Tight Connections: Copper tracks make sure that connections are made automatically. It is very unlikely that any loose connections will occur during this process.
● Low Electronic Noise: In a properly laid out printed circuit board, the noise from the electronics will be reduced. If the layout is not done properly, then there is a high chance that the noise will hinder the circuit’s performance.
On PCBs, electrical components are organized in a way so that the current path lengths between them are as less as possible.
This means that electromagnetic waves and radiation are picked up. This means that there is less crosstalk between components and between traces. This is often a concern in electronic systems. Electrical noise can come in the form of heat, radiation, or flickering sounds.
● Low Cost: With a high demand for circuits boards, large-scale production of these PCB circuits boards is guaranteed at low costs, which means you will save on both costs and time.
● Reliability: All of the above translate to reliability in the circuit’s performance.
● Streamlined Production: Before PCB prototypes are ready for use, they need to go through a lengthy testing process. This because each issue must be examined individually and dealt with by hand. An automated design check alerts the designer to potential problems during the engineering process.
This intuitive design process means that PCBs often move into production more quickly than PTP constructions because testers know what to look for.
The Disadvantages of Consumer PCBs:
● Hard Repairing Process: It is very difficult to repair a damaged PCB, especially if traces or vias have been damaged. It is best to replace the entire board rather than repair it.
● Specific Usability: There are specific reasons for designing consumer PCBs, they cannot be used for other purposes or functions. A PCB should be designed for the purpose it will be used for, otherwise it might cause problems if it’s later changed.
● Environmental Pollution: As a result of different chemicals used in PCB manufacturing that are not good for the environment, the process of manufacturing PCBs is not environmentally friendly. Consumer PCBs are not recyclable and are mainly made from plastic like materials that pollute.
● Limited Application Area: Due to copper tracks’ thinness, consumer PCBs are only capable of carrying a limited current, so PCBs are only suitable for areas with low current requirements.
Consumer PCB Prototyping
Multiple runs are often required to test new designs or to verify a single function before moving to a more complicated design. So engineers use PCB prototypes in the early stages of design to verify the functionality of a PCB-based system. Prototyping helps in predicting success and avoiding failure for the consumer PCB. Consumer PCB prototypes are easy to produce and have a quick turnaround time. You can also detect flaws quickly. Prototyping allows you to test individual components in your room. This allows for efficient project completion by providing an accurate representation of the standard PCB performance. This helps to reduce overall project costs by allowing the designer to fix flaws earlier. There is a better final product at the end of all this.
Consumer Electronics PCB Assembly Capabilities by Hitech Circuits
Hitech Circuits is a manufacturer and supplier of prototype circuit boards. We offer fast-turn PCB design and fabrication. We understand the importance of shortening manufacturing lead times and ensuring timely delivery. We have developed many capabilities over the years that allow us to complete complex printed circuit board tasks quickly and efficiently. 
These are our capabilities in PCB design and fabrication. They cover the entire design process. These capabilities are also what has allowed us to be a trusted manufacturer of consumer electronics PCBs.
● 1-38+ Layers.
● Leaded and Lead-free printed Circuit Boards.
● Leadless Chip Carriers, BGA to 12M pitch, single- or double-sided BGAs and passives down until 0201.
● Ultra-fine pitch FCP, QFP, and 0201 placement & repairs, QFN, CSP.
● HASL, Immersion Silver, Lead-Free Finish: OSP, HASL + Gold Fingers, HASL + ENG gold.
● Shengyi, Nanya, Rogers, , FR-4, Teflon, Nelco, and Getek.
● Surface Mount Assembly, Through-hole assembly and Single- or double-sided SMT assemblies.
● Mixed MMT.
● X-ray inspection (Altered Optical Inspection).
● An air-conditioned, static-free environment for work.
● Flexible, Rigid, and Multi-layer PCB assemblies.
● Wide selection of materials.
● Large-scale PCB assembly.
● Lead-free, quick-turning PCB assembly.
PCB Applications To the Consumer Electronics Industry
Hitechpcba’s dedicated team is passionate about making boards for the computer industry and consumer electronics. These printed circuit boards make it possible for them to perform more efficiently in their day-to-day tasks. We are a leading manufacturer of prototype circuit boards and can assemble premium quality boards for these consumer electronics products.
● Stereo players.
● Smartphones, Tablets, Computers and laptops.
● Camcorders.
● Digital Camera Systems.
● Display cards.
● Memory for Desktop PCs.
● Retail lighting with LEDs.
● All-in-one printers, Fax machines.
● Power supplies.
● Surveillance Systems.
● Computer monitors and Televisions.
● Solid State Drives.
● Computer Network Devices.
● Gaming consoles.
● Money Handling.
● Vending Machines.
● Wireless and Wired mice.
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healthcarehubhh · 2 months
Kidney Dialysis Equipment: Maintaining life through advanced technology
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Over the decades, dialysis equipment has advanced significantly from the early bulky machines to today's portable peritoneal and home hemodialysis devices. One of the first dialysis machines was developed in the 1940s by Dutch physician Willem Johan Kolff. Though primitive, it successfully filtered waste from blood outside the body. Through the 1950s, machines grew larger with improved filtration abilities. Belding Scribner's creation of vascular access buttons and tubing sets in 1960 helped transition dialysis from an experimental procedure to a treatment saving thousands of lives. Advancements in Membranes and Hemodialyzers A key breakthrough was the development of high-flux synthetic membranes able to clear more uremic toxins than early cuprophane membranes. More biocompatible materials caused fewer allergic reactions in patients. Hemodialyzers transitioned from parallel-plate designs to hollow-fiber concepts, increasing surface area for toxin removal. Today's high-flux hemodialyzers employvarious membrane materials like polyacrylonitrile and polysulfone in hollow-fiber arrangements, effectively mimicking kidney filtration. Improved dialysate flow rates and filtration coefficients allow for shorter, more frequent treatments that are better tolerated.
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juliamark · 4 months
The Aluminum Slug Market: Trends, Drivers, and Future Prospects
The aluminum slug market plays a pivotal role in the broader aluminum industry, supplying critical components for a diverse array of end-use applications. These small, cylindrical pieces of aluminum are essential in the manufacturing of various products, ranging from aerosol cans to automotive components. This article delves into the current trends, key drivers, challenges, and future prospects of the aluminum slug market.
Sample Report: https://www.econmarketresearch.com/request-sample/EMR0075/
Market Overview
Aluminum slugs are intermediate products in the aluminum processing chain, produced primarily through the extrusion process. They are further processed into end products by means of impact extrusion, a technique that involves forcing the slug into a mold at high pressure to create hollow shapes. This method is particularly valued for its ability to produce lightweight, durable, and corrosion-resistant items.
Key Applications
The aluminum slug market caters to several significant sectors:
Packaging Industry: One of the largest consumers of aluminum slugs is the packaging industry, especially for producing aerosol cans and beverage containers. The demand for convenient, lightweight, and recyclable packaging solutions has driven the growth in this sector.
Automotive Industry: Aluminum slugs are used to manufacture various automotive components such as shock absorber tubes, airbag inflators, and engine parts. The automotive industry's shift towards lightweight materials to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions has bolstered the demand for aluminum slugs.
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries: The demand for aluminum tubes in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries has been robust, as these sectors require packaging that ensures product safety, hygiene, and extended shelf life.
Electrical and Electronics Industry: Aluminum’s excellent conductivity and lightweight properties make slugs valuable for producing electrical components and housings for electronic devices.
Gate Full Information: https://www.econmarketresearch.com/industry-report/aluminum-slug-market/
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dailydayblog · 5 months
Necessary equipment for mountaineering and camping trips
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1- Sleeping bag is the most necessary equipment for sleeping in camping If you don't have the right sleeping bag, you will probably feel uncomfortable at night while sleeping. One of the types of sleeping bags is in the shape of a mummy and very hard, so if you are used to sleeping on your stomach or side, you will definitely not spend a very comfortable night. Sleeping bags are produced and offered to the market in different sizes and temperatures. When buying, try to find out the temperature of the sleeping bag. We suggest getting a mattress for a sleeping bag. The feature of the sleeping bag mattress is that in addition to softening the bottom, it protects you from cold and humidity to a great extent. We suggest that you read the article on the types of sleeping bags and the introduction of the best sleeping bags
2- Carrying personal items Sunscreen Sunburn ointment First aid box Medicines you take Anti-mosquito ointment and bite treatment tooth brush and tooth paste Dental floss and toothpicks Soap or a little shampoo 3- Underlayment Carrying a waterproof, soft, thick and resistant mat is considered one of the most essential accessories for picnics and nature trips to enjoy nature. Being waterproof and the thickness of the underlay is one of the most important features of this material to prevent water and moisture from entering while being comfortable. Among other characteristics of the suitable underlay, we can mention the type of fibers and its texture. Light weight and high resistance so that it is not easily torn or damaged. Also, other features of a high-quality travel mattress are easy washing, light weight, easy transportation and small volume.
4- thermos, water holder or water purification tablets Drinking water and having access to safe water is one of the things that you must be careful about. Stanley and Primus fluxes can provide you with up to 120 hours of ice, 24 hours of cold water and 24 hours of boiling water. Also, water purification tablets and glasses can help you in critical situations. Waist thermoses are another water storage equipment, also folding water holders up to 20 liters can provide you with the possibility of storing water. Backpack thermoses can also be carried on your back and store up to 40 liters of liquids for you. Access to clean water is essential for camping survival.
5- Tools for setting fire Picnic gas, charcoal, grill, fire starter, alcohol, tin pit, etc. are among the items that you should choose among them to bring one, even if you have made a sandwich for yourself and do not need an oven, but stand up. Setting fire will drive all wild animals away from you except wolves.
6- Food and snacks When we think about camping equipment, we should not forget food. It is rare to find a restaurant in the middle of the desert or forest, so it is better to buy food in the nearest city to our destination.
Depending on the number of days we are going to stay in nature, it is not bad to take canned goods. Of course, you should remember to boil the canned goods so that they do not get food poisoning while traveling. In the camp, a spirit pot is also a trophy. A multipurpose spoon, fork and knife can help cook food in nature and take up little space. We also need spices and oil to cook food.
7- Bringing lighting and heating devices For nature walks, especially if you plan to stay at night, carry different types of flashlights (headlights, tent hanging lights, or forehead flashlights) with you. One of the biggest problems of nature travel is energy problems, LED lights reduce energy concerns because they consume less energy. If you don't have a headlamp, you can use a flashlight. The advantage of the forehead flashlight is that it is closed around the forehead and you can carry various things with your hands at night. Some models of flashlights can have a charge of up to 35 hours, which you can hang from a tent like a lamp. To move and spend the night in nature, having an extra battery is definitely recommended.
8- First aid box A first aid box is a box or bag containing supplies and equipment that can be used to provide first aid until the arrival of rescue forces or access to the nearest medical center. The selection of the contents of the box varies with the destination and the style of travel, but in general, the first aid box should include dressings, essential pills such as painkillers, anti-nausea and spasms, etc., such as sterile gas and bandages, etc.
9- Travel tent In most of the several-day trips to stay in nature, tourists carry tents. Suppose you get lost or injured on a day trip, or even get caught in heavy wind or rain. Having a shelter is essential for you. Also, if you intend to camp in nature even for a day, it is inevitable to have a travel tent with you.
Source : https://asghari-shop.com
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rajasthanlime · 5 months
Industrial Uses of Bulk Lime in India
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Bulk lime plays a crucial role in various industries across India, serving as a versatile material with diverse applications. Let's explore the industrial uses of Lime delivery in bulk Jodhpur and its significance in different sectors.
1. Steel Industry: 
LIME IS INVALUABLE In India's steelmaking processes, bulk lime is essential. It plays an essential role in desulfurization - when lime reacts with sulfur to form calcium sulfide that can then be extracted as slang for removal - dephosphorization by producing calcium phosphate slag - as well as fluxing impurities out of molten steel during refining; eventually resulting in high-quality steel with improved mechanical properties being created.
2. Water Treatment:
At water treatment plants, bulk lime is often employed for pH adjustment and coagulation - neutralizing acidity while precipitating heavy metals, suspended solids, and phosphates from water bodies. Lime softening also plays a key role by precipitating calcium and magnesium ions into solution and softening hard water bodies. Ultimately this increases efficiency with other forms of treatment like filtration and disinfection methods.
3. Construction:
Bulk lime has many applications in construction. It is commonly used in mortar and plaster formulations to increase workability, durability, setting time of building materials, bonding to bricks and stones more securely than their concrete counterparts while simultaneously offering exceptional water retention properties that reduce cracking while prolonging structural longevity.
4. Agriculture: In agriculture, 
bulk lime application helps neutralize acidity and improve soil structure by increasing pH levels, making essential nutrients more readily accessible to plants, while providing calcium and magnesium that contributes to plant health. Lime also enhances microbial activity while decreasing aluminum toxicity levels while mitigating soil erosion - all key factors for healthier and more productive crops.
5. Sugar Industry:
Bulk lime plays a pivotal role in sugar refining in India. It's used for pH adjustments when clarifying sugar cane juice to remove proteins and non-sugar impurities resulting in clearer juice; additionally it aids sucrose crystallization processes by controlling pH levels for efficient sugar crystal growth and refining processes.
6. Paper Industry: 
Bulk lime is widely utilized by the paper industry for pulp bleaching and pH regulation. Lime helps remove impurities such as lignin from fibers during bleaching processes while also maintaining alkalinity of pulp to maximize effectiveness of bleaching agents such as chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide - leading to brighter, whiter, stronger paper products.
7. Mining and Metallurgy:
Lime is widely utilized in mining and metallurgical operations to process ore and treat wastewater generated during metal extraction, helping separate valuable minerals from gangue by adjusting pH levels in flotation processes and neutralizing acid mine drainage, while treating wastewater generated during metal extraction to minimize environmental impact and ensure regulatory compliance.
8. Environmental Remediation: 
Lime plays an essential role in environmental remediation projects across India. It helps neutralize acidic soils and stabilize polluted sites while simultaneously increasing soil fertility and encouraging revegetation in areas affected by acid mine drainage, industrial pollution or hazardous waste disposal.
9. Chemical Industry: 
At its core, the chemical industry uses bulk lime as a vital raw material in its various chemical processes. Lime is vital for manufacturing calcium-based chemicals like calcium hydroxide, calcium chloride and calcium carbonate as well as being utilized as an alkaline catalyst in organic synthesis reactions.
10. Pharmaceuticals:
Bulk lime can be utilized in pharmaceutical production for producing medications and supplements. This may involve producing calcium carbonate tablets to combat stomach acidity or acting as an antacid; additionally it's employed as an excipient or pH adjuster in formulations used by pharmaceutical manufacturers.
India's industrial uses for bulk lime are extensive and essential across a range of sectors. From steelmaking to water treatment, agriculture and construction projects - Bulk lime supply services in India plays a pivotal role in improving processes while guaranteeing product quality - its versatility making it an invaluable asset for sustainable industrial development in India.
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