Shut and/or Room and/or Drink
Thank you my impressive friend <3
Shut from an untitled Rebecca bit. It was originally an introspective with her relationship with her father vs Rupert. But the part with her father has spun to a Bad Dad's Universe story so not sure where the Rupert bit will end up, but here is some:
And the worst part was he was right. At least half right. She didn’t have anyone. Not really. Not in a way with any importance. She shut everyone out for him. For Rupert, who didn't care enough, who didn't love her enough, to put her first. He never would. 
Room from all that you can take with you is that which you have given away aka Roy Kent's it's a wonderful life:
The hallway stretched out in an endless amount of doors once they exited the lift. He followed Ruth as she counted off the room numbers to herself. The lights were dimmed in the room they arrived at. Roy’s heart almost stopped beating at the site of Jamie.
Drink from thought i wanted love ('til you showed me what it was):
“Jamie, are you even fucking listening?” He was pulled from his thoughts again. Shit. “Sorry, Dad, maybe had a bit too much to drink at the end of the season party.”  If there’s one thing James Sr could understand, it was too much drink.  “Could never hold your liquor, could you, son?”
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