#fic: Siblingquest 202X
kiaxet · 7 months
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New project? New project.
Turtle fans, meet Cissy. She's about to meet her brothers for the first time, and it's going to upend their lives every bit as much as it does hers. After all, Found Family sometimes includes Finding The Family You Never Knew You Had.
Thank you @heckitall for the fantastic art!
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
Skipping the first one because I just did it in another ask.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
oh man, this fandom has so many amazing authors and fanfics, it'd be hard to pick just one. Here's a few shoutouts:
some fics I'm currently following:
Adagio in Green by WhatTheVoid
call me here (I will appear) by rbt_lvr
let it out (talk to me) by feralcleric
Siblingquest 202X by Kiaxet
firefight by remrose
by touch, by sight by story_monger
some fics I keep rereading:
Recoil by unorthodoxx
decompress by Tenka
Trinkets by SmilesRawesome
Panic Buttons by arachnid_writes
all the things that I could live without by taizi
KOSMARA by MagpieCrown
who're you hiding by sunflowerstarfruit
Happiness is a Warm Shell by Fastern (bad things happen bingo collection)
i guess we've really been out of touch (but can it really be so serious) by MagicalSpaceDragon
and there are other great authors like greenglowsgold, like_theletter, and pickledcarrotsandradish that you should check out!
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
I DO!! I have two kitties who I love and would protect with my life
Their names are Don(nie) and Lina. They’re named after Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont from Singing in the Rain
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Here are pics:
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 1 year
Fanart of Other People's Stuff Masterpost
Collection of things made for other people's TMNT fanworks. Includes both finished art, and practice/sketches.
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good
Brothers breaking the curse
Drive out of the desert
Invisible Animatic (+ WIP GIF, + partial GIFs)
Risetober Day 4: Amulet
Risetober Day 13/21: Witch + Ghost
100 Feet and a World Away
Ficlet sketches
Sidelined AU
Leo's command center + physical therapy
Emotional Support Water Bottles
Leo is in a room
Fic collage
Misc. Ficlets
Love you too, Leo
The Aftermath
Leo's breakdown
Like Father Like Son
Risetober Day 8: Green
Risetober Day 12: Video Game
1 Year DTIYS
2 Arms Left
Poptart and Sprout Plushies
Watercolor Pen Practice
Hide and Seek
Thank you, Mama
Hide and Seek Animatic
Until I Found You
Rise August Day 11: Mud Dogs
Snapper Lou AU
Secret santa animation
Feral babies ask
Hiding from Prime
Protective Donnie
Chocolate Covered Bananas
The Shadows May Go
Because I Love You
Tiz Sep AU
Whale Shark Hugs (Artfight 2024)
Pier (Artfight 2024)
Live Life
Live Life 1-Year DTIYS
Siblingquest 202X
Rise August Day 12: Big Mama's Assistant
Misc. / Multiple
Rise AU Lantern (Swanatello, 2AL, CAS, Replica)
Art Marker Practice (2AL, True Colors, Until I Found You)
More Art Marker Practice (Kid Leo, Wanderer)
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kiaxet · 7 months
Leo feels the air leave the room as his eyes travel to the Assistant’s uncovered face to see-
They’re a turtle. Dark green skin, yellow markings - whorls of color that stretch from temple to jaw and disappear into the cowl around their neck, and a glare that could strip paint-
But part of that glare is the same brown eyes they all have. Dad’s eyes.
One of their siblings is alive.
Missing siblings! Found family! Terrible first impressions! I have so many plans for this fic, but first we have to meet our protagonist, and boy is it a rocky experience.
Thanks again to @dandylovesturtles for being my beta on this! I appreciate you <3
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kiaxet · 7 months
Am I in the AU comp? No. Is that about to stop me? Also no.
...not when there's a Discord server of people encouraging my shenanigans, at least.
Cissy has no idea where she is. It looks to be a gymnasium of some sort, large enough to house hundreds of people, with a banner reading "WELCOME AU COMPETITION" hanging from the rafters - a clue, or an answer, if she had the context to decipher it.
Which she doesn't. Great.
She bumps into one vaguely familiar turtle, and then another, and it takes a third for her to realize they're all her brothers. Sure, there are some she doesn't recognize - the adult in the cloak and violet mask with a parade of very young turtles trailing after him, for one - but for the most part they come in sets of four, have similar scale colors and distinctive markings, and answer to the same names. There's a Leonardo who seems to be an adult with a mechanical prosthetic, leading a younger Leonardo fully missing his arm; there's a Leonardo in a wheelchair; the yellow-eyed Donatello moving on all fours and snarling doesn't trigger her danger sense, but the Leonardo and Donatello wearing bows that look like they've been styled by Big Mama and leaning nonchalantly against the wall definitely do; and there's more than one set of them with tails.
None of them are hers - none of them recognize her.
There are no other versions of her - not that she's been able to see, at least.
Maybe there's not another version of her to recognize.
Maybe she's alone here.
But why would she be alone-
Why is she here at all-
She turns abruptly and weaves through the crowd, making her way to the edge of the room and the bleachers that line it, climbing them until she makes it to the mostly unoccupied top row. High ground. Good vantage point. She can gather information here. Maybe there's something she missed- maybe everything will make sense once she finds it- if she can- if there's anything to find-
She pulls the hood of her stolen-then-borrowed hoodie up over her head. She wasn't prepared to come here- she doesn't have her weapons, or any gear, or her mask-
(Maybe it's better that she doesn't have it. Maybe these versions of her siblings would recognize Big Mama's Assistant instead of Cissy. Maybe it's better they don't know her.)
She pulls herself out of that spiral just in time to witness a fight breaking out in the crowd. Maybe it's a good thing that she got out of there when she did.
Her mouth pulls into a smile that borders on a grimace as the twins with bows zoom halfway across the room to hurl themselves into the brawl. Definitely better that she's up here now. She settles in, keeping an eye on the combatants. Maybe someone will provide answers. Maybe someone will find a way out. Either way, for now, all she can do is keep an eye out and wait.
(And stay the hell away from that particular version of Leonardo and Donatello. She's faced down her brothers in combat before; she knows what they're capable of; and those two just look nasty. She would prefer to keep all of her limbs intact, thank you.)
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kiaxet · 2 months
Next chapter of Siblingquest is up! In which deals are made, the advantages of certain articles of clothing are discussed, and Donnie gets put in air jail (he deserved it).
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kiaxet · 7 months
Gimme BTS for both Siblingquest and Lethal Measures, scene of your choice!
Lethal Measures first, because that one's been around for a bit and we have fun here:
If the government wants to get to Donnie or his brothers, all it would take would be one particularly morally bankrupt decision maker to make the call to go after April- And they’d never know, until she failed to check in. Or they’d force her to open her phone and keep checking in in her stead - it’s not like those messages are particularly long or detailed - and they’d never know at all- He pushes away from the screen, letting the chair roll as his mind scrambles. They’d never know- April’s in danger- they’re all in danger- he should’ve known- he’s the tech guy, the genius of the family, the only one with any cybersecurity savvy- he should’ve known- this is his fault- they’re all in danger and it’s his fault- they- he- he- He pulls his legs up against his chest and wraps his arms around them, burying his head in his knees and gasping for breath as his heart pounds in his ears and his brain spins out of control, caught in a cycle of guilt and the looming unknown, and he- He loses time. Slowly, his breathing evens out. His heart quiets down. The world gradually slides back into focus. This is his fault, and he will fix it. Later. After the Krang issue is taken care of. Under observation for the time being means that they aren’t planning on making a move, and he can set up another monitor program to notify him if that ever changes, as well as any other changes they make to the dossiers. Forewarned is forearmed, and he’ll be armed enough to make sure they regret ever thinking about coming after his family- But they aren’t yet. Priorities. He’s okay - he’s fine - he just needs to focus.
It's inaccurate to say I've never seen an episode of TMNT 03 in my life - I'm sure I have; it was just 20 years ago, and all I remember is the opening theme. I sure as hell did not remember Bishop, so he wasn't a factor when this particular scene (read: Donnie realizing a government black site specializing in xenobiology knows about him and his family) - the Government Agency in question was a blank slate for me, and I figured I was already in AU territory and could just keep digging. I wound up with Site 39, who are far more observation-focused and prefer to prevent trouble than cause it, meaning Donnie's fears about the government coming after his family are currently unfounded.
It's not like Donnie knows that.
This poor kid has helped avert an apocalypse, nearly lost his family in the process, made the entirety of his family's recovery his responsibility, is absolutely traumatized and absolutely refusing to acknowledge that (let alone take steps to assuage it), and has decided that a Krang hunt is a good use of his time, because he wants to get rid of the last Real Threat to his family. Finding what he believes is a second Real Threat is a goddamn hammer blow to his psyche. So he immediately puts it on his To Fix list, along with literally everything else, because sometimes Donnie doesn't learn unless someone else hammers it into his head.
I do have fun writing panic attacks - there's something about the mechanics of breaking up sentences and the very- abrupt- nature- of the hyphen as punctuation that really works to paint the picture of a thought process spiraling out of control.
I have had exactly one person who didn't know about it beforehand pick up on the repetition of I'm fine and he's fine and what it means to the story, and I fucking love them.
Siblingquest time! I'm pulling from the little that's published, so as to avoid doing a DVD commentary on something that would currently count as spoilers.
“Anything on the scanner, Donnie?” Leo asks for what feels like the millionth time. “Negative. Even New York’s Finest are having a boring evening.” Donnie sighs and slumps as much as the lightweight battle shell will let him. “You know, Spider-Man never has these problems.” “Nah, Spider-Man has other problems,” Mikey says evenly, finishing a wrist stretch and sliding his brace back on. “Like, all the time. It’s definitely a good thing we aren’t Spider-Man.” “Yeah, and I don’t think Spider-Man could handle being us.” Leo smirks and offers Mikey a fistbump, which Mikey reciprocates and explodes, fingers waggling gleefully. “You know,” Raph says, leaning in, then pauses. “Well, one, Spider-Man ain’t got nothing on the Mad Dogs. An’ two, if nothing’s happening, we could just go home for the night. Raph can’t vouch for Donnie, but Raph hasn’t used his screen time today, and we could go play Smash-” Which is when the sound of glass shattering echoes through the street as a window smashes outwards, a barely-disguised ram yokai barreling through it, something small clutched to its chest. It stops, shaking glass out of its horns and fur, and then hoofs it up the street. There’s a beat of silence, and then- “That was not the kind of Smash Raph meant.”
Most of the writing that exists for Siblingquest right now was written in a NaNoWriMo word sprint haze and cleaned up in post, as it were. This means that a lot of the non-load-bearing prose - conversations, jokes, small interstitial scenes that aren't super plot heavy - was written as quickly as possible and pulls directly from whatever happened to be on my mind at the time.
My roommate and I also spent much of November playing Spider-Man 2 on a borrowed PS5, so it was on my mind at the time. Modern Spider-Man problems, generally speaking, tend to end with messy upheaval and at least one person Emotionally Important to the Spider-Man in question dying a painful but meaningful death. The Hamatos do not want Spider-Man problems, and Spider-Man could not handle the Krang.
("But they handled the Symbiote-" The Symbiote in Spider-Man 2 and the Krang as presented in Rise aren't anywhere near the same weight class. The Krang would body Venom. Being voiced by Tony Todd would not save him.)
(...someone give me a fucked up Krang/Symbiote amalgamate now, please.)
Also, comedy is hard and I am very proud of that last joke.
...also fuck it, have a preview of coming attractions in Siblingquest:
“Oh, nah, I’m thinking Run of the Mill.” Leonardo looks up at Cissy. She probably ought to hop down and join them - she hadn’t been thinking. “You ever been?” Context says it’s a place, likely one that serves pizza, but aside from that, nothing. Cissy shakes her head. “Then we definitely need to go. C’mon, guys, Cissy’s first Run of the Mill visit!” “Don’t gotta twist my arm,” Raphael says easily. “Donnie?” “Far be it from me to turn down the offer of pizza.” A beat. “Though if Nardo puts his Hawaiian on my plate again, I’m taking his arm off.” “Donnie, he needs that-” The arm conversation continues, and Leonardo gestures at Cissy to join them as he and Michelangelo start heading out the door. Cissy finally steps off the rafters and lands on the ground, swiftly catching up to Donatello and leaning in. “It’ll come off easier at the shoulder,” she says, voice low to avoid catching Raphael’s ear, “but you’ll need to pop it out of the socket first.” She puts on speed to catch up to Michelangelo, and only hears Donatello’s incredulous, “How do you know that?” behind her after she heads out the door.
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kiaxet · 7 months
Siblingquest chapter two! Our first interstitial, in which there is Coworker Banter.
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kiaxet · 3 months
Fanfic WIP game: rules
And it strikes her that the rules are probably for her benefit. She’s the only one who hasn’t seen this movie, after all.
(Meme is here; thanks for the ask!)
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kiaxet · 2 months
For the ask game: year
The Nexus is where she belongs - where she’s been for the past few years of her life, where she knows what is expected of her and how to perform up to that standard, where she truly fits in - and she should be happy to go back where she doesn’t have to worry about accidentally stepping outside the lines.
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kiaxet · 2 months
Given them everything he possibly could, even if it was distressingly little during those first extremely difficult years, when his body didn’t move the way he remembered and he couldn’t show his face and he had four babies who were hungry all the time and growing fast and he was still figuring out what was safe for them to eat-
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kiaxet · 2 months
'thoughts' for the ask game!
She blinks, thoughts interrupted as Michelangelo offers her the serving spoon with a smile. “Help yourself.”
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kiaxet · 3 months
For the WIP game: water
“Raph, push him under the water for me,” Leonardo demands, and Cissy breathes a sigh of relief that her reaction has seemingly been already forgotten.
(Meme is here; thanks for the ask!)
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kiaxet · 2 months
There’s an oof from Donatello, and moments later a soft noise that Cissy would mistake for a cat purring if she weren’t certain it was coming from Michelangelo.
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kiaxet · 2 months
“Sudden” for the WIP game
The scuffle behind the couch stops abruptly, both twins suddenly standing to see better.
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kiaxet · 20 days
Name: Kia
~●○°●○°●○~ Likes: Found family, powers unlocked as a result of love, good parent Splinter, gen and action-adventure, Shenanigans, hurt/comfort, comedy, just things that make you smile and give you that good good catharsis. Squicks: Body horror, gore, downer endings Favorite Iteration(s): I have a passing familiarity with many, but Rise is where it's at for me right now
~●○°●○°●○~ Prompt #1 - "Start at the beginning and tell me exactly what happened." (Rise, any characters, Rashomon style.) Prompt #2 - April is having the weirdest day ever, and that is saying something. (Rise) Prompt #3 - "There is no way he's supposed to be me. Just look at him!" (Iteration crossover, any iterations) Prompt #4 - Surprising their long-lost sister with something she likes is difficult when she doesn't seem to have any preferences, about anything...that she'll admit to, at least. What's a turtle to do? (Rise, fic: Siblingquest 202X, Cissy and anyone else) Prompt #5 - In the wake of several averted apocalypses, Draxum does some cleaning up. (Rise, post-movie, Draxum and anyone else (or just Draxum if it tickles your fancy)) ~●○°●○°●○~
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