#fic: the rise of sira
the rise of sira | sci-fi!rhett x oc
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Summary: Sira, a planet in the Far Reaches of the known galaxy. With a plethora of natural resources, the planet has been fought over and ruled by warlords, pirate kings, galactic empires, star princes, and the Order of the Nine. Over the last millennia, the people of the planet have grown restless. Tired of their oppression and the occupation of their lands. A rebellion has risen up, fighting against the Order for over 200 years. But has the long and good fight been all for naught? (wc: 3962)
Requested: YES by @dancinginsepia
Warnings: made-up sci-fi lore, flashbacks, grumpy rhett abbott w/ a bionic arm, violence, angst, whump, gore, injury, cliffhanger
✎……listen, i don't know what this is as much as you don't know what this is. it came out of nowhere, but the prompt just really inspired me and i cranked this out in like four hours. so here we are. please please PLEASE come into my askbox or my dms to talk about this one cause i am plagued by Thoughts and dare i say Thots of them. i hope you all like this as much as i do <3
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Rhett ripped off his helmet and shook out his hair, drops of sweat falling onto his shoulders as he surveyed the battlefield.
The fight was over, that much was certain. Golden grains of wheat and whey flattened to the ground — off in the distance, some of the crop still stood. Mangled bodies of mechs and alien guts covered the earth like a blanket. Whoever was left of their forces gathered  the wounded, beginning to shepherd them back to base. It had been a long fight, but a rewarding one. The Order’s battalion had been defeated at long last. It nearly brought a smile to Rhett’s scarred face. But he couldn’t celebrate. Not yet. Not when their fighters were still out on the field and the Order could very well command an airstrike at any minute. Bombing whoever was left into a million pieces before they could even regroup. Before news of their victory could even travel back to their people. 
He had seen it happen before. Joy and a moment’s peace ripped away so suddenly. Good people — friends — lost. 
But there was really only one person he cared about now. 
Rhett stepped into the medical hut with a huff, pulling back the heavy curtain and letting it fall behind him. He didn’t think he needed to be there, but his commander insisted. His arm wasn’t working right again. Twitching and spasming. Don’t want that happening out in the field, his commander had said, Should be some specialist in medical.
It was dimly lit inside the hut. Lamps turned down low and some incense burning to cover the smell of death and decay. It wasn’t really working. In the main room, there were ten beds lined up in a tight row along one wall. Injuries or illnessses nearly healed, ready to head out the door. A few medics milled amongst the beds, changing out cups of water and bringing food or fresh bandages. Further back, he could hear wailing and coughing and medics talking quietly but hurriedly with one another. Rhett gripped at his left arm, all metal and screws. The last time he was in a place like this was when he lost the real one. The flesh and blood. Replaced with something that still didn’t feel like his own — just so he could keep going. Like the good soldier he was. 
He could still feel the pain. All consuming, a fire and a flood. He could still see the hanging bits of flesh, the dripping, pouring, blood. The question about where his friend was on the tip of his tongue before he passed out from it all. He felt the metal fingers of his left hand twitch of their own volition.
“Captain Abbott,” a medic said as they approached, a ramshackle data tablet in their hand. “Do you need help?”
Rhett let go of himself and straightened his shoulders as he grumbled out, “Arm’s actin’ up.”
“Oh — of course, um — I-I’ll go get Tessa. She’s our new bionics specialist, just arrived last night,” the medic replied quickly. 
“Y’always talk when y’re nervous?” he asked quietly as he narrowed his eyes at them. 
The medic gulped then looked sharply down, cheeks darkening. “Just wait here.”
Rhett grunted as they turned on their heels and walked away. A soldier from one of the beds stiffled a laugh. Another whistled awkwardly. He knew his reputation around base. And he liked it that way. It kept people at a distance, arm’s length, close enough for him to trust with his life but far enough away that he didn’t mourn when they got blown to pieces.
He pushed a hand through his long hair and leaned back against the wall. How long was this going to take?
A minute later, one of the curtains at the far back of the hut was pulled open and a small woman stepped out. She was still shrugging on her coveralls overtop a skin tight undershirt, she didn’t bother zipping it up the rest of her chest as she picked up a spare data tablet from a table she passed and kept on walking. She looked frazzled. Light brown hair pulled back but messy, dark circles under her eyes. Her pink mouth downturned in a thoughtful frown as she messed with the tablet and walked. 
In another life, Rhett would have thought she was pretty. 
She came to a halt only a few steps in front of him, eyebrow quirking triumphantly when the data tablet finally showed her what she was looking for. Through the translucent screen, he could see it was his file. Then she looked up at him. It nearly shocked him how brilliant blue her eyes were, like so many oceans on Sira he had flown over on his way to recon missions and battles. Infinite and calm — but holding some danger he could never understand. 
But there was something else in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place. A softness that he hadn’t seen since he was a boy. 
“Captain Abbott?” she questioned as she looked him directly in the face, unafraid.
He grunted. She grinned. It made the dark circles under her eyes seem less prominent.
“Come with me then,” she said, turning, and he pushed away from the wall to follow. “Still settin’ up my workstation — but she’s enough to check y’r arm out.” 
Rhett didn’t reply, and she didn’t say anything more. They ducked back under the curtained doorway she appeared out of. It led to what appeared to be a small break area. A table with playing cards and a set of shelves with mugs and a coffee maker, dried portion packs stacked up in rows. No one was in there now. She led them across the room to the door in the far back, with the swipe of her keycard the metal door slid open and she stepped inside. Rhett followed in after her.
There was natural light in this room. The high set window open, letting in the autumn breeze. A cot was shoved into one corner, blankets haphazardly tossed aside and pillows askew. Boxes were strewn about all over the floor. A large desk took up an entire wall, there were already mechanical parts, tools,  and blueprints laid out on it. 
“Learnin’ somethin’ about me, Captain?” she asked with a coy smile as she sat down on a rolling stool in front of the desk, setting down the tablet as she went. 
Rhett felt his cheeks heat up in the slightest at being caught. “You’re right. Still settin’ up y’r stuff.”
She cocked her head, messy bun flopping to one side as she narrowed her eyes at him and patted the stool across from her. “You from Obrana? Wabang?”
“Wabang…How’d you know?” he replied slowly as he lowered himself into the stool.
“S’the way you talk.” She gestured at her own mouth, picked up the tablet again and scooted herself closer. “I’m from there too.” 
Rhett felt his heart clench, his chest tighten. He didn’t think there was anyone left. Last time he heard, Wabang was raised to the ground. Nothing but ash and rubble and charred bones. Part of him itched to know more. But the other part of him just wanted to get this over with. Take a step or even several steps back. Most people on base didn’t even know what part of Sira he was from. People had asked, but he refused to answer, and they learned not to. 
Why had it been so easy for him to hand over that information to a complete stranger now?
“So, says here, that you got the arm three years ago. Shoulder socket down. Replacement after a battlefield explosion, that correct?” She looked up at him from the tablet. 
He nodded. Tried not to linger on the images of metal hiding in dirt and his friend’s surprised, accepting face. The hand pushed to his chest to get him further back. 
“Okay. What seems to be the problem?”
Rhett raised his left arm, looked towards it with disdain. “Hand won’t stop twitchin’.”
As if on cue, his digits flexed. She cocked her head curiously. 
“Did you have a twitch in that hand before?” she asked.
“No. Why?”
She shrugged. “The parts may be different, but the brain remembers n’can send electrical signals to the hand.”
“I’ve always had steady hands.”
“M’sure you have, Captain.”
There she went, pulling information from him so easily with a smile like they shared some secret. Rhett clenched his jaw and looked away from her.
She reached for his arm, but pulled back at the last second. “Mind if I take a look?” 
“Go for it,” he answered, staring down at his right hand, cinched in a fist. 
Getting up from her stool, she took another step closer to him, nearly between his spread legs. Rhett straightened his spine to create some distance between them. But it was no use, she didn’t seem to mind at all, as she gripped his left arm with both hands. One of them ghosted up the metal plating and cables along the outside, the built in sensors screaming at him at such a delicate and new touch. When she reached his shoulder, around at his back, she pressed the release and his arm popped out of the artificial socket it was housed in. The arm now firmly in her grasp, she stepped back from him and set it down gently on her workbench.
Rhett hated taking his arm off. It left him feeling like a piece was missing. Like he was incomplete. Unbalanced. He didn’t dare look over at his left side, eyes trained on her as she worked.
As she grabbed her goggles from one of the hooks on the wall and slid them over her eyes. A small tool already perched delicately in her small hand. She looked in her element. Confident and assured. Her movements were swift and precise as she used the electrified tool to test the delicate sensors, artificial muscles, tendons, and nerves. Starting at the elbow and working her way down. 
“So…” She glanced over at him from beneath her goggles, blue eyes nearly ten times larger under the magnifying lens. “How’d you end up here from Wabang? Don’meet many of us these days…”
His story was on the tip of his tongue. Ready to burst out of him after years and years of keeping it locked in a vault somewhere deep in the shadows of his chest. But he bit it back with a grimace. “That’s none of y’r business.” 
She laughed, quiet and fleeting, but it sounded beautiful. A reprieve. 
“Fair. I don’mind tellin’ you how I got here though. If y’r just gonna sit there while I do this.”
“Great.” Rhett popped his jaw to one side and tried not to roll his eyes. 
“Oh, don’t sound so excited, Captain. Someone’s gonna think y’r a real chatterbox,” she replied with a smirk. 
He scoffed, feeling a laugh bubbling away somewhere in his chest. “I could just leave.”
“Course you can. But you won’t.” 
“How d’you know that?”
She shrugged, moved on to the next piece of his arm. “‘Cause…Y’don’t want people t’see ya weak…No offense.” 
Rhett glanced over at his left side. Where he felt there should be something but there was currently nothing. His teeth grinded together as he stared down at her booted feet propped up on the footrest of her stool. Knowing that his silence was answer enough for her. She was right. One of her booted feet tapped against the metal for a second, and then — 
“M’sorry,” she sighed, lifting her goggles and turning to face him. He looked up into her face, and there was that softness again. “I shouldn’t have said that. I just…If you don’t want me to talk, I won’t. It’s been a long time since I’ve met someone from home, s’all.”
After a moment of looking at him, she went back to her work. The consistent small electric buzz and the distant sounds of the clinic the only things filling the silence.
It had been three years since Rhett met someone else from Wabang. Everyone he knew was either killed in the war or when the Order burned the place to the ground. Everyone who was left was scattered to the far corners of Sira. And he knew there couldn’t be many of them. The village was small to begin with. Just a group of farms and not much else. He barely remembered his time there anymore. Part of him wondered if that was by some purposeful design on his part. Or the only gift his years of war had given him. 
He looked at the side of her face. He knew the other medic said her name, but he couldn’t remember what it was now. Thinking it held no real importance to him. She was hunched over the workbench, tongue poking out between her teeth as she worked. The goggles masked most of her profile, but he could still see the easy slope of her nose. The delicate curve of her chin. The light scar on the edge of her jaw. 
How did she get that? How did she…End up here? On this rebel base of all places? They were hidden all over Sira, in every corner and region of the planet. Yet she ended up at the same one as him. Someone else from the same village that had been gone for over a year. 
Rhett found he was opening his mouth before he could stop himself: “Talk.”
“What?” she looked over at him with those magnified eyes, brow clearly furrowed beneath the goggles. 
“T-Tell y’r story, I mean…” he trailed off quietly, adjusting in his seat. 
She grinned like she had some joke at the ready but chose to keep it to herself. For that Rhett was thankful. He knew his people skills were rusty, but Maker. 
“I grew up on a Falcora ranch. Family raised ‘em for ridin’ and workin’ all over, not just in Wabang. My family…My dad…Tried to do everything by the Order’s rules so we could keep our land and keep our lives, but — he just couldn’t take it anymore. They-They ordered our ranch to supply Falcoras for their battalions, to use against the rebellion. Either we complied or they’d take ‘em by force. 
“My dad refused, so one day one of the Order’s drop ships came. I’ll never forget it. Big metal box with that symbol on the side in red. Soldiers came out and my mom — my mom grabbed me and my sisters n’hid us under the dining room floor. Didn’t even know that hole was there ‘till I was in it.” She glanced over at him and smiled sadly. “Heard the banging. The blaster fire. The screaming. Felt like we were down there for hours. Just…Listening. When it was finally quiet we came out of hiding. All the Falcoras were gone. Barns burned. Mom and Dad…”
She trailed off, took a shaking breath and swallowed hard.
“I — I remember hearin’ about that,” Rhett spoke quietly and low, she turned to look at him sharply. “Abernathy…Right?”
“Yeah, that was us.” She turned back to her work, lips pressed into a thin line. “I was only ten…My oldest sister decided we should go to the Sapphire Sisterhood. At least until we were of age.” 
He stiffened. “Those Order supportering religious zealots?”
“I never said she was smart. And I was too young to understand any of it. So I went along. The Sisters were cruel and I left as soon as I could. Barely sixteen. Went to Neo City and joined the Academy. Learned all about bionics and medicine and…About the Order and the Rebellion. I got recruited three years ago, at the end of my studies. Been bouncing around bases ever since.” 
“Y’r sisters? What about them?” 
This seemed to give her pause, a kind of sadness taking over her that Rhett could nearly see. “Rachel stayed with the Sisterhood. Shiloh…I don’t know where she is.” 
She only hummed in reply and said nothing more. She was testing down at the wrist now. Poking at all the various cables and metal mesh that acted as tendons and muscle. But when she pressed her tool into the center of the wrist, the hand twitched.
“Oh! There we go!” she exclaimed as she did it again, all the fingers clenching and unclenching as the electricity was applied. She set down her tool and inspected the area further. “Looks like you need a new transverse carpal ligament cable. Your current one is pretty much shot to shit.” 
“How?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed. “The thing’s supposed to be indestructible.” 
“Just normal wear and tear. You’ve had it for three years. Honestly surprised you haven’t needed maintenance before this.”
Getting up from her stool with a light groan, she opened up one of the many boxes scattered about and started digging through the contents. After a minute, she pulled out a bit of metal cable with a noise of success. 
“Knew I had one of these in here somewhere.” She sat back down with the new part and a few other tools. “Just gotta replace this, Captain, and you should be good to go.”
He didn’t even know he had said anything until he heard his own voice echo in his ears. It made his guts twist up in a knot, some heat prickle at his neck. He wanted to take it back. But he also wanted to hear her say it. Hear that voice of a stranger that also sounded so much like home say his name. His real name. Form those pretty pink lips around the words and hold onto it forever. The only person he’s ever allowed to call him that. 
“Rhett,” she repeated with a smile and it sounded like honey. “Suits you. I’m Tessa.” 
He spoke her name in a whisper to himself, determined to remember it this time. And he wasn’t even sure why. But he watched, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth, as her cheeks became dusted with pink. He wanted to make her do that again. And again. And again.
Tessa finished the repair on his arm and popped it back into the socket. After a few tests to make sure everything was working properly, she led him back through the clinic to the front doorway. 
“If you have any more trouble, just let me know,” she said as she stepped through the thick curtain and out into the sun with him.
“I will.”
“See ya around, Rhett.”
Surveying the field one final time, Rhett put his lips together and whistled a tune. A simple four note thing, but one that carried on the wind easily across such an open place. It was a call. One that expected and anticipated a response. Rhett waited, breath held just in case that made him hear it better, for the responding whistle to come. The echo of that same four note tune.
But it didn’t come. 
Ice flooded his veins, froze his heart and let it sink into the pit of his gut as he scanned the battlefield yet again. He couldn’t see her either. Couldn’t pick her out amongst the other soldiers and medics who were quickly trying to gather those that they could. He swallowed down the panic as best he could as he shoved his helmet back onto his head. His viewfinder taking over his vision once more. 
“Search: Sergeant Tessa Abernathy.”
The viewfinder scanned the field for a second. Green lines going out in a grid, mapping the carnage and the trackers set into each rebel’s uniform before battle. 
Maker, she wasn’t even supposed to be here.
“Location acquired,” the robotic voice spoke in his ear as a marker for her location popped up. 
In the middle of the field, no other survivors around. Rhett took in a shaky breath as he moved forward. He whistled again as he got closer. 
But still, there was no echo.
A few months after Tessa’s arrival on base and her subsequent fixing of Captain Rhett Abbott’s arm, people began to notice things.
How the new bionic engineer sat next to one of the rebellion’s most famous soldiers and highest ranking officers at every meal. 
How Captain Abbott seemed to need a repair after every mission since her arrival. 
How Tessa would sometimes be escorted to his quarters after the sun went down and curfew was in action. 
How at victory celebrations, as few and far between as they were, the two of them seemed to be glued to one another's side.
Rhett kept repeating the whistle as he walked closer to her marker. Desperately. Brokenly. By the time he broke out into a run it was nothing more than a faint noise on his lips. 
She wasn’t going to respond. 
It felt like a rope was tied around his neck. Tighening and tightening the closer to her he became. He couldn’t feel his arms or legs but knew they were carrying him to her location. 
He threw off his helmet when her marker was only a few feet in front of him. 
And he could see her. 
Wearing a medics’ poncho because they had lost too many field medics and she stupidly volunteered to go. Despite his telling her not to. Despite him telling her to just go against orders and stay behind. But she was so stubborn. Always had to be. 
A giant pain in his ass and the sunshine of his entire life. 
Her face was pale, cheeks ashen. Eyes closed. 
The sun can’t go out. It just can’t. 
Rhett dropped to his knees at her side, uncaring of the bits of mech that dug into his flesh and cut his skin. Ripping off his gloves and tossing them uncaringly aside, he took her into his arms. Propped her up in his lap. Her head lolled to one side and he adjusted it to look up at him with one big hand to her cheek. Her skin was still warm. 
“Tess? Sunshine, you hear me?” he questioned quietly, afraid if he spoke any louder it would be a scream.
His eyes roamed her form for injuries. He didn’t find any until he got to her legs. Bile rose in his throat but he couldn’t. Her entire right leg was gone, blown off at the top of her thigh. Her left leg was missing below the knee. Both nothing more than charred stumps, like the end of a stick used to stoke a fire — coated in a thick layer of ash. It must have been one of those new fire bombs that the Order had been using as of late. Not caring that their own soldiers were killed with their use. Now that he looked around, many other bodies and bits that remained were burned black. The fires long put out.
A darkness consumed him. Weighed him down. It felt as if he would never rise from this earth. That he would stay here, with Tessa, as he should be. Forever. With a shaking breath, all hope draining from him like a plug had been pulled, his other hand slipped down to search for her pulse.
He gasped sharply. He clung to her tighter. 
Her pulse was weak, but it was there.
Bending down, he pressed his lips to her forehead, hard. Like that would embue her with some power to hang on. Just a little bit longer. 
“I’ve got you, sunshine, just hold on,” he whispered as he lifted her from the ground and started towards the transport that would take them back to base.
The sun can’t go out. It just can’t.
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just tagging a few people who may be interesting, if you don't wanna be tagged in the future, just let me know! @arrthurpendragon @nerdysuperchick @bobfloydsbabe @crescentwolf @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @onebigfangirlworld @yanna-banana @blue-aconite @gigisimsonmars @laracrofted @a-reader-and-a-writer
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katieskarlette · 4 years
Okay, so, that tarnished necklace and badge Apari claims in the new novel. It rang familiar somehow. After scratching my head for a while, I realized there was a badge like that in one of your older fics ("Remembering Why"). It was even granted to Nath under the same circumstances, an official Farstrider ceremony. Your headcanon got canonized, cool stuff. Ever wondered if your work inspired it somehow?
I honestly hadn’t even thought about it that way!  It’s not that much of a stretch to infer that Nathanos had some kind of Farstrider insignia, and Shadows Rising doesn’t specify exactly how he got that particular badge, just that Sira assumes it was related to his promotion to Ranger Lord.  (Whyyyy couldn’t that scene have been from his POV instead of Sira’s?!)  So I doubt Roux was inspired by my little fanfic.  (It’s awesome that you made the connection, though!)
If Blizzard wants to take any of my fics/headcanons, I’d prefer it to be Fahrad-as-Wrathion’s-actual-father.  Or Rheastrasza-was-secretly-in-league-with-Nefarian.   ;) 
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the rise of sira | sci-fi!rhett x oc
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Summary: Tessa teaches Rhett that he could never hurt her. (wc: 919)
Requested: NO
Warnings: grumpy rhett abbott w/ a bionic arm, made up sci-fi lore, no smut but definitely sexual themes so MDNI pls
✎……this entire universe is a demon and i must exorcise it from my brain through writing
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Tessa pulled away and Rhett chased her lips with a heavy breath. She wanted to just fall back into him. Let him win the chase and keep kissing him. Keep gleaning all his warmth and all his love. But her mind had been set before she even walked into his quarters that night. 
There was something she needed to do. 
His attempts at getting her lips back where he most wanted them were admirable though. It made a grin stretch her kiss-swollen lips as one big hand encompassed her waist and dragged her closer to his bare chest. As he leaned forward ever so slightly to capture her once more. But she turned her head at the last moment, his lips and teeth catching nothing but her rose-dusted cheek.
Rhett grunted in surprise and it made her laugh breathlessly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, a gravelling whisper that made her hips drop into his lap. “Need my lips somewhere else? That it?” 
While the idea did have its appeal — and she was mighty tempted to simply nod her head and let him effortlessly lift her up and place her on her back — she had a mission. One she couldn’t so easily forget. Not when the evidence of its need laid heavily at her right side. 
Her fingers threaded into the long strands of his hair as she tilted her face, bumping her nose against his own with a smile. “Wan’you to touch me.” 
“I am touchin’ you,” he replied with a small smile. 
He squeezed her hip for emphasis. She shook her head. 
“With all of you.”
Blindly, she reached for his left arm. Felt the cool metal beneath her fingertips as she traced over the forearm. Rhett tensed beneath her, his grip on her flesh tightening. His blue eyes darted over to his bionic arm, not daring to look at it for a moment longer. 
“No,” he spoke simply, with a finality reserved for fighters under his command.
“Rhett —” she tried to argue. 
But he cut her off. “I don’wanna hurt you.” 
Tessa sighed as she looked into his face, head cocked at the firm set of his brow and the tick of his jaw. The metal cables for tendons tensed and moved beneath her hand. He wouldn’t look at her anymore. Instead choosing to focus on the strap of her sleeping gown that had slipped off her shoulder. With renewed earnest, she scooted on her knees closer to him — nearly chest to chest. Then she took his face between her hands, forcing him to look her in the eye.
Determined. Brave. Terrified. Broken. A softness that only she could see. 
Her Rhett. 
“You could never hurt me,” she whispered, stroking his stubbled cheeks with her thumbs. “Never.” 
“You don’know that.” 
“Yes I do.”
Tessa reached for his left arm again. This time he let her. This time he let her hand drift down the metal plates and cables until her fingers wrapped around his own. His breathing quickened as she lifted his hand, meeting no resistance, and placed it on her bare thigh. A shiver ran up her spine, her flesh raising as she released a sharp breath. Rhett tensed, made to pull away. 
“No,” she whispered quickly, pressing his metal hand firmly into her warm flesh to leave no room for retreat. “Just cold, s’all.”
He nodded, releasing a shaky breath. “Y-You’d tell me if…?”
“You know I would,” she replied, leaning in to press a gentle but brief kiss to his lips. “Now just…Feel me. All of me.” 
His eyes slipped shut and she leaned her forehead against his own. Still, his hand made no move to really touch her, to grip and mold and feel, as she dragged his hand slowly up her thigh. 
Suddenly, his hold became just a touch more firm, and it made her gasp softly. 
“So soft,” he muttered against her lips. 
It made her grin.
She barely even had to touch him anymore as his hand rose higher. Slipped beneath the fabric of her sleeping gown and onto her bare hip. A gasp tumbled from her parted lips, her hips rolling forward into his lap, as he palmed at her ass. Squeezed the forgiving flesh — gripping, molding, and feeling. 
It felt like he was touching her for the first time all over again.
A whimper escaped her as he gave her another squeeze, metal digging into skin, her fingers finally falling from his cheeks to rest against his broad shoulders. 
“That feel good, sunshine?” he asked, that cockiness she had grown to love seeping back into his voice. 
“Uh-huh,” she breathed back.
Rhett hummed, tilting his head to start mouthing at her neck. All tongue and teeth and slightly too rough but it was perfect. Tessa shivered again as both of his large, eclisping hands now slipped up her back. One cool and one warm.
I love you. It was on the tip of her tongue. About to burst out of her. Leap from the very depths of her soul and out into the open. With no cover or backup in sight.
Would he say it back? Did he even feel the same?
Whatever was between them had gone unspoken for so long. A silent agreement. A care and attention that neither of them had given to another soul in so long. Tessa knew something was there. Knew he had to feel something for her. 
So for now, she settled for the feeling of both of his hands.
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i no longer have a taglist, please follow @anniesocsandlibrary and turn on notifications for updates
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The Rise of Sira - Aesthetic ╰┈➤ kind of star wars, kind of not. cooler, i would say.
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Yeehaw, everybody! Decided I'm going to start doing recaps at the end of each month to track what I write! And maybe it can remind ya what ya missed from me that month too!
☆ The Rise of Sira - signals in the dark ★ The Rise of Sira - your electric touch [🔥] ☆ Here to Stay - too small flannels ★ Here to Stay - buckles not won ☆ Parenthood Killed the Rodeo Star - on a night like this [🔥] ★ Here to Stay - the man in the valley ☆ Parenthood Killed the Rodeo Star - lonely comin' down
EDIT: I forgot to put the word count total for the month like a silly goose. The total is 22,721!
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salty my beloved 💞 a wee thing from the sci-fi au, the direct continuation of signals in the dark titled "this new sun". i haven't written much of it, but there is something:
Chaos. Screaming and grunting and clashing bodies. Mechs and robots crashing to the ground with sounds of screeching metal and the last whirrings of their inner parts. Blasterfire and explosions.
send in a 🌹 and receive wip snippets babey!
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