#fields avenue angeles city
realtyhubph-blog · 4 months
578 SQM Commercial Angeles near Holy Angel
Own a piece of prime Angeles City. This spacious 580sqm property is within walking distance to Holy Angel University, malls, schools & more. Perfect for development or investment! Inquire now!
LOCATION 📍 Brgy San Jose, Angeles City Pampanga Philippines FEATURES TYPE: Lot with Old Improvement📐 Lot: 578 sq.m Floor: 175 sq.m✅ Old House with small commercial space in front✅ Title Status: On-hand, has pending extrajudicial settlement POINTS OF INTEREST Holy Angel University • Tollhouse Main • Holy Rosary Parish • SM Telabastagan • NEPO Mall Complex • Rockwell NEPO • Veloce Tower Mall…
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fatehbaz · 2 years
85% of natural asphalt is found in the Western hemisphere; the most famous asphalt field is probably the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, but the largest reserves are in Alberta, which hold an estimated 2.2 trillion barrels. In addition to the natural reserves, asphalt has, for the last 100 years, primarily been produced by refining crude oil residue. Asphalt’s most common use is as the binder in blacktop; aggregate makes up the remaining 95% of the dark mix we see on roads and highways. [...]
The largest antique source of asphalt was the Dead Sea, where chunks of seafloor asphalt periodically broke off and rose to the surface. In ancient Egypt, this asphalt was used to waterproof boats [...], as well as roads, canals, and roofs, and it was prized enough that Alexander the Great’s general Antigonus started -- and lost -- a war with the Nabataean Arabs over the Dead Sea’s asphalt. [...]
Asphalt was rare in road construction until it hit the big time in 1867 with the asphalting of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Soon Washington was an “asphalt city,” and the quiet, smooth streets inspired other cities to follow suit. Paving became ever more important with the popular rise of bicycles and then cars. At the turn of the century, refined asphalt was developed and largely supplanted natural asphalt due to its higher quality and volume. This was also the time when concrete emerged as a road paving material, and a competition between concrete and asphalt emerged [...].
O’Reilly closely associates war and asphalt. In World War II, asphalt served many purposes. From the Aleutian Islands in Alaska to Tinian in the Northern Marianas, Navy construction battalions used asphalt to construct airfields and roads on short notice. Over 17,000 tons of asphalt were brought ashore during the Normandy landings. [...] During the Vietnam War, building asphalt runways was fundamental to the American policy of aerial bombardment. Asphalt has continued to be the material of choice for ad-hoc roads and runways built during the American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Text by: Alexander Luckmann. “Asphalt and Sand: A Material History of Extraction and Consumption.” Cleveland Review of Books. 13 May 2022.
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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stay in my arms (if you dare)
Author: FollowingButterflies | Artist: comfycowboy Posting on Thursday March 2
Grammy award-winning singer/actor Dean Winchester is on top of the world. His latest role has him tipped for an Oscar nomination and his life is damn good, thank you very much. That all comes crashing down after a series of death threats forces his manager, Bobby Singer, to hire a bodyguard. Bobby knows just the man for the job. Castiel Krushnic, former CIA field agent and the only person Bobby would trust to protect Dean. Tensions are high and personalities clash from the first meeting, with Dean unwilling to change his lifestyle and Cas just wanting to do the job in peace. A series of events turns the pair into reluctant friends while both try to ignore their growing attraction for each other. 
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Dean wasn't sure what he had been expecting when he met his new bodyguard, probably some bald, suited hulking guy even taller than Sam with the body shape of a nacho chip and the personality of a mossy boulder. Whatever it was that Dean had been anticipating, Krushnic wasn't it. He was shorter than Dean, even if only by an inch or so. He was also more slender than Dean had been expecting, with a slim runner's body but still muscular. Instead of a suit, he wore what looked like a buttery soft leather jacket with the sleeves haphazardly pushed up to the elbows. Dean couldn't help but notice the strong-looking muscles in Krushnic's forearms, both of which were covered in tattoos. Tattoos that Dean was just itching to get a closer look at. Despite his face being half hidden behind aviator sunglasses, Dean had a hunch that Krushnic was one good-looking motherfucker. That hunch was confirmed when Krushinic lowered his sunglasses, finally looking Dean square in the eyes. Brilliant blue eyes, a jawline so sharp it should have been a crime and, holy fuck, lips that made Dean’s brain go into a tailspin of pretty pornographic images. Forget being someone’s bodyguard, this Krushnic guy should have been on the front cover of the artsy music magazines that Claire had piled up in her bedroom. Well shit. This was going to be interesting. Okay, sure. Dean had spent the best part of a decade surrounded by attractive people. He lived in fucking Los Angeles, after all. If he threw a rock down Melrose Avenue, it would probably hit at least three aspiring actors and two models. The whole damn city was filled with attractive people and he’d worked with a fair few of them. Still, he was momentarily struck silent when he met his new bodyguard.  He couldn’t have just had a bald, nacho-looking guy? "Dean, this is Castiel Krushnic,” Bobby said, shooting a rare smile at the walking wet dream currently standing in Dean’s house. Seeing Bobby smile was more of a rarity than seeing him without his trademark baseball cap and it threw Dean for a loop. Seriously, how the fuck did /Bobby/ know this guy? “Krushnic, this is Dean Winchester." "Nice to meet you," Krushnic said in an accent that was a blend of both Russian and American. Jesus fuck, his voice sounded like he gargled with bourbon each morning and smoked a pack a day. It was the kind of voice you'd hear narrating those steamy fantasy romance novels that Charlie claimed she read for the plot and the plot alone. Again, well shit.
 [continue reading on Ao3 on Thursday March 2]
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tramontane-fire · 1 year
I have got to stop reading liberal publications because lately the slant they all take is The South (Especially Texas) is a horrible evil cesspit of fascism, and then you've got the Comments Section which I know you should never read chiming in about how yeah there are good people in Texas much the same way there were good people in Germany in 1933, or that you should just move to, and I quote, New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. You know, those famously affordable cities.
So I move every few months for work, but I always come back to Texas because it's the closest thing I have to home. I love it here. I've lived in a couple different parts of the state and not only is it affordable (most places), you can find acceptance where you least expect it.
I was thinking today I would trashtalk these so called blue states and cities the way their highfalutin intellectuals and journalists see fit to trashtalk my home. Here goes:
Chicago, the Windy City, where the smell of hotdogs from street vendors outside Wrigley Field is accompanied by the dulcet tones of a guy with an Eastern European accent talking into a portable mic about how marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman, and homosexuality is a sin. Behind him, posters tacked to telephone poles proclaim, Chicago doesn't have a gun problem, it has a black problem! in bold, racist lettering.
New York City, hub of arts, music, culture, fine food and wine, where a studio apartment in a bad part of town is a mere $2000/month, utilities not included. It's fine; just get a roommate! A man handing out leaflets on the corner bodyblocks a teenager from crossing the street, saying he will not let her cross until she smiles. Beneath the ever-present scaffolding, young people wearing shirts that say Bible Crusade hand out religious literature.
The Bay Area, where a gentle breeze blows off the water and missing the Grand Avenue exit and getting on the Bay Bridge by accident is only a $7 mistake. That's okay; if you don't want to drive, you can take AC transit in the East Bay, where bus drivers snap and yell at you if you try to ask them a question. Honey, this ain't the south. Scan the QR code and shut up. Oh, and your rent is $2000/month with utilities and you have to share a bathroom. People without $2000 to spare live in tents and broken-down RVs in a bad part of town. Let's go brandon! yells a sticker on a light pole.
True stories all. I have seen your exalted liberal cities and they are shit. You trashtalk the south from your cushy, overpriced apartment in a coastal city and yet you've clearly never been there.
This has been a rant.
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crispyblonde · 1 year
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Info is likely to expand, follows Jess being resurrected in late season 4 by Heaven
**Split into seasonal timeframes because this is longer than I anticipated.**
Jess found herself alive in a field in Falls Park in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She didn't have much time to think about her surroundings before a man appeared before her. A man that claimed to be an angel named Zachariah. He claimed that Sam needed her, that Heaven wanted to make good on what the demons jerking him around had done to her... that he was sorry nobody had stepped in to protect her. While her faith in God and any force of good had been severely shaken with her death and what she had seen in Heaven, a piece of her was still hopeful and believed him. With Bobby's property warded from Heaven's eyes, he says he can't help her find Sam exactly, but they had been following the Winchester's movements and they know Bobby Singer lived somewhere in this town and he would be able to help her find him.
If he were being honest, Heaven hadn't bothered too much with finding Bobby's place. Intervening with the Winchesters hadn't really deemed necessary so far apart from them trying to protect Anna Milton. However, they were not going to place all of their faith in Hell to break all of the seals to bring on the apocalypse and they had decided that Jess would be a great token of leverage over Sam. At the very least in the upcoming war between Michael and Lucifer that the Winchesters were still in the dark about. As quickly as the angel had appeared, he was gone, with what Jess would later recognize was a foreboding word that he would keep in touch. It didn't take long at Phillips Avenue Diner for Jess to find out that Bobby owned a salvage yard on the outskirts of the city. She bummed a ride off of one of the guys in the diner. She was a bit jarred by the tests she was subject to, especially when she told him who she was. Holy water and salt were something the demon within Brady had lorded over Jessica when she stabbed him in the chest, goading her that she was far off base to save her own life.
At the time, the Winchesters were on their way back to Bobby's after finding out that they had a half brother named Adam Milligan. Her reunion with Sam wasn't quite what she expected. Something seemed off and she wasn't sure what, so she plastered a signature smile on her face and held onto him as she shed some tears. Time had passed, even since she had last seen him in Heaven -- and vowed to not see him again until he was there for good -- so naturally, there would be a learning curve for the two of them to fit back together, right? Still a bit perturbed by how thoroughly she had been vetted, she kept the details of the brief meeting with the angel to herself. Instead talking about her time in Heaven knowing Ash, who had given her some information about the men before her in their talks. When Dean has the dream about meeting Castiel at a certain location, Jessica is left behind at Bobby's, because despite the peaceful context of Dean's dream his warning about the potential of others listening even in Dean's mind was rather ominous. They agreed that it was for the best to not let Sam's freshly resurrected college girlfriend out where there was a higher risk for something to happen to her. So, Jessica remained at Bobby's. She helped him clean up a bit and made a few nice homecooked meals for them both. She glazed through a few books about monsters, expressing an immediate interest in learning how to protect herself. However, it wasn't long before Bobby got the call from Dean, detailing his discovery of Sam's addiction to demon blood, facilitated by Ruby.
Disturbed by this information, she and Sam had a fight through the panic room door. He was having some weird, sexual, blood-drinking relationship with a demon to make himself stronger? A bit of her anger was selfish and a bit more was fueled by jealousy. She was upset that he would even think to trust, let alone have a relationship with a demon, when one had taken her away from him. A distressed Jessica told him that he wasn't remotely close to the person that she had known at Stanford and she was not interested in sticking around while he begged for blood and probably begged to see Ruby. She had always had a habit of saying biting things she didn't fully mean in the heat of the moment. All but demanding a pair of keys for one of the okay cars at the salvage yard, she left with a bit of money in her pocket from Bobby.
For two weeks, Jess was holed up in a motel room in Red Cloud, Nebraska. What was she supposed to do? Starting a normal life didn't feel like an option because she couldn't imagine living simply while her family was still grieving her loss, because there was no way she was telling them and bringing them into the dark underbelly of reality. It was at this point that Dean asked Castiel to find Jessica to ward her, like he had just done for the Winchesters to protect her from the rise of Lucifer. A terrified Jessica was backed into the corner of her motel room, tearfully begging the angel for her life. After Castiel placed his hand on her, a jolt of pain burned red hot through her ribs. He explained that he was an angel sent by Dean to protect her from other angels, now that Lucifer was roaming around. Castiel also gave her a cellphone that had the numbers of the Winchester brothers, Bobby, and a hunter named Ellen programmed into it. An unread text message to the phone from Dean detailed that she could reach out to any of these people for help if she needed it. She sent him a thank you text message, but stated she needed more time to herself.
After a couple more days, Jess ultimately decided that she was going to learn how to hunt. Knowing about the supernatural and how awful her death had been, she had decided there wasn't an option for her other than to try and save others from fates similar to hers. She went to the local library and started researching strange deaths. It was easy to start with one involving animal attacks where the bodies seemed to be drained of blood. In the know of the supernatural now, it seemed like an obvious red flag for vampires and from what she could find about them, decapitation seemed to be the most reliable kill method. She traveled a few states over to Galena, Illinois. Long story short, despite her stealing a blade from a sporting goods store, she was in over her head with no formal training in combat. However, with a stroke of luck, she was saved by a hunter named Charlotte Perrin. The wealthy and well-known hunter took Jessica in under her wing, giving her training in fighting, a few needed weapons, and a small journal detailing information of what to look for in headlines for certain monsters and what their weaknesses were. Charlotte also made sure she got in touch with the Winchesters to let them know that the young woman was in good hands after Jessica drunkenly confessed most of her story to her -- leaving Sam's demon blood addiction out of it. Jessica remained with Charlotte and/or her small network of hunters that she had gathered since Charlotte's own story in to the supernatural began. Throughout this time period, Jessica tried to deal with nightmares about her death, fire, Sam, and visits from Zachariah in her dreams that were only met with hostility from her part. Distrust for Heaven had rubbed off on her and if one thing was certain, she would not allow herself to be used as a pawn again. From time to time, Jessica would send Dean check in texts, but she had yet to see either of the Winchesters in person since she had run off. One of those texts was met with a response that friends of the Winchesters had died in an attempt to kill Lucifer.
It has been about six months since Jess had talked to Sam. The more that time passed and the sting of jealousy started to wear off, the more that she felt guilty for how she had behaved. Sam deserved more unconditional love than she had given him -- but this only fueled her feelings that she didn't deserve forgiveness for that. Therefore, the concept of any communication with Sam built itself up in her head to become something huge that she was terrified to face. The elder Winchester still hadn't told Sam that he had given Jessica the phone and that they were in sporadic contact, partially at Jess's request. Dean wanted to respect her healing time, but the guilt of keeping her a secret from his brother was weighing on him, especially when he reconnected with his brother after three months. The information of the boys grieving their friends Ellen and Jo Harvelle, however, was enough for her to say goodbye to Charlotte, but not without an insistence of a parting gift of ten grand and Jess's promise to tell the Winchesters she sent them their best.
She showed up at Bobby's and she and Sam talked for a long time. She apologized for what she had said and how her own fear had spiraled and kept her away for the last few months. It had been weighing heavy on her mind. She knew Sam's heart and after being taken out of the heat of the moment, she could see that it had been in the right place, even if all of his senses should have been telling him better than to trust a demon's intentions. Being the reason that Lucifer was freed from the cage seemed like punishment enough. The pair slowly let themselves reconnect and she tried to soothe over the conflict between the two brothers about the fact that she and Dean had still communicated from time to time. After this, she remained beside them through everything, both of the boys a bit impressed with the hunter that Charlotte had already molded her into. Her propensity to hold information back from Sam bit her in the ass once again when they came face to face with the demon inside of Tyson Brady, now the Horseman's stable boy. The sight of Brady alone caused Jessica to get physically ill, let alone his goading, and the conversation of why she would have let him continue to believe Azazel had killed her wasn't easy either.
Then, about six months after she and Sam were reunited, he made the difficult decision that he needed say yes to Lucifer and put a stop to the looming apocalypse. Sam was convinced in his strength to trap the devil back in the cage. This mission, was of course, was suicide for Sam and despite Jessica's pleas he insisted that he needed to put a stop to what his actions had started. A tearful Jess left the boys and Bobby while they're still planning out the attack after a tender night with Sam. She didn't say goodbye in person, rather she left a letter detailing her love for Sam and that she could not watch his death happen. She traveled to The Crossroads, a newly opened hunter bar in Smith Center, Kansas to meet up with Charlotte. Here she quickly befriended the co-owners Teddy Bristol and Cameron Ambrose, though Cam was always quick to say that Teddy was the true owner -- he had just put some of the money up. After a visit from Dean at the bar confirmed that Sam had pulled it off and that Lucifer, Michael, and Adam were locked in the cage with him. She encouraged him to go to Lisa, that she would be okay on her own. Cameron stayed with her to drink after he had closed down the bar that night, while nothing happened between them that night, it was the start of a budding friends with benefits relationship.
Jessica and Dean continued their sporadic contact throughout his time with Lisa, the two often communicating about potential ideas to spring Sam from the cage, but after a couple of months of dead ends it really started to feel like Sam's actions were truly final. Using her money from Charlotte and tips from sporadic nights of helping Cam and Teddy cover the bar, she continued to hunt. Every so often, she was in contact with Bobby, but he kept her at an arm's length after the resurrected Sam had started poking his head around. Bobby could tell something wasn't right with him, despite testing him in all of the ways he could imagine and Jessica had been through enough. About eight months after Sam had died, Jess had slept with Sidney Carmichael for the first time. What first was meant to be a one night stand developed into something more after her nightmares woke him up and how lost and alone she felt caused her to open up to him. She and Sidney hunted together some, but Jess also took cases of her own or helped out when any of the hunters she had met needed an extra pair of hands, always determined to add more information to her monster journal.
However, when she got the news from Dean that Sam was alive, she dropped everything to meet up with them. An excited Jessica was met with another reunion that didn't feel right. For a bit, he tried to play along, like he knew he ought to, but it wasn't more than a week or two before Jessica caught him making out with some girl outside of a bar while she was helping Dean with some research. Her abandonment of him in his last moments was an easy scapegoat, along with trying to keep her emotions hidden and not telling him about Brady. Not to mention, he had heard through the hunter grapevine of her less than platonic relationships. Without a soul, he hoped that the sting would keep her away from him so he would be unbridled to do whatever he pleased. It worked, of course, after Jessica had gotten some harsh words of her own in about not even trying to find her when he found himself alive again almost immediately. Jessica had forgiven him for that -- only for her mistakes (among other things) to be thrown back in her face. She returned to The Crossroads and Cam held her while she cried on the back porch, despite her protests of wanting to be left alone.
She remained hunting, bouncing between hunting partners. At this point in time, Jessica was an established hunter of her own. Her relationship with Sidney was a bit rocky because she had dropped everything so quickly to see Sam, but they rekindled a couple of times. Sam called Jess when he gets his soul back. Jess had already met with Dean, where he explained that it was best to not talk about Sam's time when he was soulless because he didn't remember any of it... and breaking down the wall to those memories would send him into a torturous tailspin with the memories of Lucifer and Michael in the cage. When she reunited with Sam this time, it felt very reminiscent of when she had met up with him after Ellen and Jo's death. A lot of emotions and still holding some things back from him -- but at least she knew it was really the Sam she loved. After this, she remains by Sam's side permanently, a little over two and a half years from the time she was resurrected. Jess keeps close contact with her hunter friends, especially Cam, Teddy, and Charlotte.
I may add further season information here later, but this is the primary footing of her rollercoaster ride before getting into a stable place with Sam.
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dankusner · 4 months
Manhunt underway after two men get shot in domestic dispute in Oak Cliff neighborhood
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A domestic dispute escalated into a shooting in Oak Cliff early Thursday morning, with Dallas police searching for the suspect.
Two men and a woman were arguing at an apartment complex near the intersection of Bonnie View Road and Illinois Avenue at around 2 a.m. Reports suggest that one of the men was the woman’s boyfriend, and he allegedly was trying to strangle her, per WFAA.
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When the woman asked a third man — purportedly a former boyfriend — to come to the apartment, the clash boiled over, and the latter allegedly shot the two men.
Officers with the Dallas Police Department arrived on scene, but the suspect had already fled.
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One of the victims was seriously injured and was transported to a nearby hospital for treatment, per reporting by Fox 4 KDFW.
One of the men had sought help at a fire station down the street and sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
The shooting occurred in Council Member Carolyn King Arnold’s District 4, which has seen growing rates of violent crime these past few months.
As of May 15, there had been 14 murders committed there this year — a 16.7% uptick year over year.
Two were categorized as family violence crimes in the City’s crime analytics dashboard.
Although assault offenses have decreased compared to 2023, a whopping total of 869 reports have already been logged.
Of these, 229 were aggravated assaults, meaning this violent crime is occurring at a rate of more than one per day in District 4.
As covered in The Dallas Express, Arnold has been active in a multijurisdictional public safety and community partnership called #Dallas365Safe.
This partnership aims to reduce youth crime by forging strong relationships between the police and the community.
“If you see something, say something. And if you know something, do something. That is the only way we can have a community that is 365 Safe,” Arnold said at a meeting in April.
People of color, and black men in particular, have been disproportionately affected by violent crime.
Of the 15 murder victims in District 4 so far this year, 12 were black males between the ages of 16 to 42, two were adult Hispanic men, and one was a black 80-year-old woman, per City data.
DPD has been short-staffed, dampening efforts to curb crime and maintain adequate police response times.
The force fields roughly 3,000 officers despite a City report recommending closer to 4,000.
DPD’s resources are also stretched thin due to only being budgeted $654 million for this fiscal year.
The Dallas City Council opted to spend considerably less on police than the leaders of other high-crime jurisdictions, including Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles.
The recent ninefold crime rate clocked in Downtown Dallas compared to neighboring Fort Worth’s city center, which is patrolled by a specialized police force and private security guards, is but one example of the effects of these shortfalls.
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Quicksand Sinking
Lines drawn on the streets round midnight cooking dreams over the rails of an empty train
Raining on the streets, star shine too bright as angels weep in the shadows lit by corner lamps
Don't brave the show, as thunder rings out, walking slow down the stars coming off the fire escape
Tonight the devil is creeping round, searching windows for the lost, searching for those yet to dream
What you needed isn't what they giving out in the shops, what they passing for knowledge in the schoolhouse
Silence is the last notice given as the walls are closing in, trapped inside without escape
Leaving chicago never again as the type writer sings the walls burn as the smoke rises
Shoes off nothing here, go with care as you tip toe through the mine field tonight
Dial up another nothing, neon lit eyes holding three am in awe as the wolves are roving
Pay your respects to no one in particular, understanding that the first thing lost is your mind
Myths and fairy tales of a childhood long since passed give way to the fear and dread for a gilded freedom
Wash your hands, even through the stains never come clean as the jazz floats through
Mindless in the streams of the rain washing off the city tonight as the spinning wheel continues
Ghost drift across the avenues, sages crumble tomorrows into the trash, as sages pen wisdom on the walls
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[ad_1] Falcone Group desires to construct a 53-story condo-hotel at Miami Worldcenter, marking the most recent deliberate addition to the 27-acre mixed-use complicated. The Boca Raton-based agency, led by Artwork Falcone, proposes a tower with 280 resort keys, 351 condos, 3,500 sq. ft of retail and an 8,000-square-foot restaurant on a 0.7-acre website at 155 Northeast tenth Avenue in Miami, in accordance with a proposal filed to town final month. The Miami City Improvement Evaluation Board is anticipated to vote on the mission on Wednesday. Designed by Nichols Architects, the tower would supply items starting from studios to three-bedrooms, six ranges of parking, a fitness center, spa and assembly areas, a Nichols information launch says. The design can be damaged into a number of sections, beginning with retail and a two-story restaurant on the ground-floor and mezzanine. The tower would even have a pool deck on the tenth and twenty fifth flooring. The mission can be branded, though the model hasn't been introduced. Miami Worldcenter is a $6 billion growth on the intersection of downtown Miami and town's Park West neighborhood. The grasp developer is Miami Worldcenter Associates, led by Falcone and Nitin Motwani of Fort Lauderdale-based Merrimac Ventures, in partnership with Los Angeles-based CIM Group. Through the years, the grasp builders have offered off websites at Miami Worldcenter to different builders, whereas constructing out different tons on their very own. Merrimac and Aria Improvement Group plan the 32-story 600 Miami Worldcenter tower with 606 absolutely furnished short-term rental condos. Final month, the builders landed a $95 million development mortgage for the mission at 600 Northeast First Avenue. New York-based Naftali Group, led by Miki Naftali, and Cara Actual Property Administration launched rental gross sales final fall of their deliberate 67-story tower at 106 Northeast Second Avenue. The mission will encompass 535 flats and 259 condos. The condos will begin on the forty third ground, and costs start within the $540,000s. Learn extra In September, the Miami City Improvement Evaluation Board greenlit Lalezarian Properties' three-tower mission with 2,040 flats at 10 and 20 Northeast Eighth Avenue and 777 North Miami Avenue, in addition to Abbhi Capital's 61-story, 558-unit residential tower and a 35-story constructing with 370,000 sq. ft of workplaces on the northeast nook of Northeast First Avenue and Northeast tenth Avenue. Accomplished parts at Miami Worldcenter embrace the 569-unit Paramount Miami Worldcenter rental tower, the 434-unit Bezel residence tower and the 444-unit Mahogany residence tower. Miami Worldcenter additionally has 300,000 sq. ft of retail house, together with the 80,000-square-foot glass-encased Jewel Field. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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lawyersdatascraping · 8 months
Strategic Connections: Unveiling the Power of Civil Litigation Law Firms Email List by LawyersDataLab.com
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Civil Litigation Law Firms Email List
In the dynamic and competitive landscape of legal services, establishing meaningful connections is the key to success for civil litigation law firms. LawyersDataLab.com introduces a game-changing solution with its Civil Litigation Law Firms Email List, providing law firms and lawyers marketing companies with a strategic advantage in reaching and engaging with professionals in the field of civil litigation. This article explores the unique benefits of this specialized email list and how it can be leveraged for law firm marketing and lawyers marketing strategies.
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niucollege1 · 9 months
Unlock Your Potential with Leading Trade School Programs in Los Angeles
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In the vibrant city of Los Angeles, where dreams are crafted and industries flourish, unlocking your potential requires more than just traditional education. As the demand for skilled professionals continues to rise across diverse sectors, trade schools have emerged as the key to unlocking doors of opportunity and unleashing the potential within individuals. In this article, we explore how leading trade school programs in Los Angeles serve as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, providing a direct avenue to success in a variety of industries.
The Diversity of Trade School Programs:
Trade schools in Los Angeles offer a diverse array of programs, catering to a wide range of interests and career aspirations. From the arts and technology to healthcare and skilled trades, these institutions provide specialized training that empowers individuals to thrive in their chosen fields.
Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC):
LATTC stands out as a powerhouse of technical education, offering an extensive range of programs such as welding, culinary arts, and construction technology. Students at LATTC are immersed in hands-on learning experiences that bridge the gap between theory and practical application, enabling them to excel in their chosen trades.
Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM):
For those with a passion for fashion and design, FIDM is a renowned institution that unlocks the creative potential of its students. With programs in fashion design, visual communications, and interior design, FIDM provides a platform for individuals to turn their artistic visions into tangible, marketable skills.
West Coast Ultrasound Institute (WCUI):
In the rapidly evolving healthcare sector, WCUI specializes in ultrasound and medical imaging education. The institute's programs empower aspiring healthcare professionals with the knowledge and hands-on skills necessary to excel in diagnostic medical sonography and related fields.
Universal Technical Institute (UTI):
As the automotive industry continues to advance, UTI plays a pivotal role in training the next generation of automotive technicians. With cutting-edge facilities and industry-relevant curriculum, UTI equips students with the technical expertise needed to thrive in the world of automotive technology.
Unlocking Opportunities Through Trade School Excellence:
Practical Skill Development:
Leading trade schools in Los Angeles prioritize practical skill development, ensuring that students graduate with the hands-on expertise required by employers. This emphasis on real-world application sets trade school graduates apart in the competitive job market.
Industry-Relevant Training:
Trade schools maintain close ties with industries, allowing them to adapt their programs to meet the ever-changing needs of employers. This commitment to relevance ensures that graduates are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge demanded by their respective fields.
Accelerated Path to Success:
Trade school programs often offer a faster route to entering the workforce compared to traditional college degrees. This acceleration enables individuals to unlock their potential sooner, embark on fulfilling careers, and start earning a living wage.
Trade School Los Angeles, where innovation and creativity thrive, leading trade school programs stand as beacons of opportunity for those seeking to unlock their true potential. Whether you are passionate about the arts, technology, healthcare, or skilled trades, these programs provide a direct pathway to success by emphasizing practical skill development, industry relevance, and an accelerated journey into the professional world. Embrace the possibilities that leading trade school programs in Los Angeles offer, and unlock the doors to a future brimming with potential and achievement.
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realtyhubph-blog · 8 months
964 Cutcut Angeles City RENT
Unlock the potential of your business in Angeles City! 🏢 964 sqm Commercial Lot for Lease in Friendship. Ideal for banks, drugstores, and restaurants. Prime location with a negotiable rate. Contact JM Listings now!
📍 Filam Friendship Highway Brgy Cutcut Angeles City FEATURES TYPE: Vacant Lot📐 Total Area: 964 sq.m📏 Frontage: 20 meters✅Min Lease Period: 3 years✅Ideal for banks, drugstore, restaurant/fast food 🏙️ NEARBY POINTS OF INTEREST Caltex • Holy Family Academy • Blossom Forth School, Inc. • De Paolo’s Restaurant • Cely’s Carinderia • Rockwell NEPO • Clark Friendship Gate • SM Telabastagan •…
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solarunlimitedarcadia · 10 months
In today’s world, where sustainability and renewable energy are becoming increasingly important, Solar Unlimited emerges as a game-changer in the field of solar electricity Arcadia. As Arcadia’s premier solar energy provider, Solar Unlimited is committed to transforming the way we power our homes and businesses.
Solar Unlimited 170 W. Live Oak Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007 (818) 843–1633
My Official Website: https://solarunlimited.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6730863902185180983
Our Other Links:
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propertyfied · 11 months
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Embracing Nature’s Palette: A Day at Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park
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Tucked away at the southern terminus of Reseda Boulevard, Tarzana, the Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park serves as a portal to some of Los Angeles' most pristine natural landscapes. This hidden gem, an escape from the urban sprawl, invites visitors to immerse themselves in its rugged beauty, panoramic views, and diverse recreational activities. Whether you're a hiking enthusiast, a dedicated cyclist, or simply a nature lover, this guide will help you uncover all the treasures that await at Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park.
Stepping Into Serenity: Arrival and First Impressions:
As you approach the park, the cacophony of city life gradually yields to the tranquility of untouched wilderness. The entrance, marked by an informative kiosk, offers a glimpse of the park’s extensive network of trails, setting the stage for an adventurous day. Here, you can plan your route based on your interests and fitness levels, ensuring a fulfilling experience amidst the park's natural splendor.
Trailblazing Adventures: Hiking Amongst the Hills:
One of the main attractions of Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park is its extensive, well-maintained trail system. These trails, varying in difficulty, meander through verdant woodlands, open meadows, and up challenging slopes, leading to breathtaking vantage points. Notable trails like the Temescal Ridge Trail offer panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean and surrounding valleys, making for unforgettable hiking experiences.
Cycling Escapades: Pedaling Through the Wilderness:
For cycling enthusiasts, the park presents a paradise of rugged terrains and winding paths. Mountain bikers will find the varied trails exhilarating, with options ranging from steep inclines to smoother rides. The park’s natural layout is a fantastic way to test mountain biking skills, experience an adrenaline rush, and enjoy a unique perspective of the scenic surroundings.
Photographic Journeys: Capturing the Park’s Essence:
Amateur and professional photographers alike will find the park’s diverse landscapes a visual feast. From the golden hours of dawn to the crimson hues of dusk, every moment offers an opportunity to capture the area's natural beauty. The ever-changing vistas, indigenous wildlife, and blooming flora provide countless subjects for stunning, memorable photographs.
Picnics and Relaxation: Breathing in the Outdoors:
The park is the perfect setting for a leisurely picnic with family or friends. Several spots throughout the area offer a chance to relax amidst the lush scenery. Visitors can lay a blanket in the grassy areas or use one of the picnic tables scattered around the park. It’s an ideal way to enjoy a meal, bond with loved ones, and bask in the peaceful ambiance.
Bird Watching and Nature Study: Meeting the Inhabitants:
Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park is a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. The park's diverse ecosystems are home to many bird species, making it a prime spot for observation and study. Equipped with a pair of binoculars and a field guide, visitors can spend hours identifying and learning about the local avian population. Additionally, the area's unique vegetation and geology make it a natural classroom for educational exploration.
Mindfulness and Meditation: Finding Inner Peace:
The serene environment of the park provides a sanctuary for those seeking a space for reflection, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Away from the distractions of daily life, individuals can find a quiet spot to unplug, recharge, and achieve a sense of mental clarity and spiritual calm. The soothing sounds of nature further enhance this meditative experience.
Stargazing: Nighttime Wonders:
As the day ends, the park transforms under the night sky, offering another magical experience - stargazing. Away from the city lights, the darker skies reveal the stars, planets, and celestial events more clearly. With a telescope or even the naked eye, visitors can gaze upon the cosmos, making for a romantic or educational nighttime activity.
Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park is more than a recreational area; it's a retreat that nurtures the soul. Whether you’re there for physical activity, relaxation, or connecting with nature, the park offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. It reminds visitors of the simple joys found in nature’s embrace and the activities that bring us closer to the earth. As you leave, you carry with you the memories of a day well-spent and an experience that lingers, beckoning you to return to these peaceful trails once more.
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parkerbombshell · 1 year
Rules Free Radio Sept 5 2023
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On the next Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we've got new, old, and in between including new music by a brand new band from Devon called Playdate, Black Pumas, Alice Cooper, Annie Hart, Be Your Own Pet, Hiss Golden Messenger, Cordovas, Hannah Georgas, Ratboys, Dolph Chaney, Darlingside, The Armed, Billie Eilish, Rhiannon Giddens, Chuck Sullivan, Spelling, and a few others. Plus Bob Dylan, Dave Edmunds, Wilko Johnson, Steely Dan, Patti Smith, Springsteen, Tommy Keene, The Clash, Gen X, Paul Weller, Natalie Merchant, The Byrds, Reverend Shawn Amos, John Sebastian, Three Dog Night, and the list goes on. Playdate - Letters Annie Hart - A Crowded Cloud Generation X - Dancing With Myself Be Your Own Pet - Drive The Clash - London Calling Alice Cooper - Magic Bus Paul Weller - I Walk on Gilded Splinters Hiss Golden Messenger - Jump for Joy Galactic - Funky Bird Cordovas - Love Is All It Takes Brendan McKinney & The 99 Brown Dogs - Just Like Z's Blues Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's 115th Dream Dave Edmunds - Outlaw Blues The Wilko Johnson & Lew Lewis Band - I Wanna Be Your Lover Blue Angel - I Had a Love Hannah Georgas - Better Somehow Ratboys - I Want You (Fall 2010) Golden Mean - Oumuamua Steely Dan - Green Earrings Sonny & The Sunsets - Shadow Tommy Keene - Nothing Happened Yesterday Dolph Chaney - First Time Back Son volt - It's Gonna Be Easy Buck Meek - Where You're Coming From Black Pumas - More Than A Love Song The Soul of John Black - No Mo' Reverend Shawn Amos - Troubled Man Rhiannon Giddens - Yet to Be (feat. Jason Isbell) Billie Eilish - What Was I Made For? Spellling - Boys At School Patti Smith - We Three Jenny Hval - Classic Objects Bruce Springsteen - Streets Of Philadelphia Natalie Merchant - Carnival The Byrds - Lay Down Your Weary Tune Chuck Sullivan - Forgive Yourself Boyce Avenue - Fields of Gold Three Dog Night - Sunlight John Sebastian - Magical Connection The Armed - In Heaven Darlingside - All The Lights In The City Read the full article
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daily-riverside-ca · 1 year
Riverside, CA, Excellent Location
If you're searching for a prime destination to relocate to, Riverside, California, would be the perfect spot for you. One of the most appealing aspects of this city is its central location, which provides easy access to major hubs such as Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Big Bear Lake, all within an hour's drive. With this strategic location, residents can avoid the exorbitant costs associated with living in LA while still enjoying its attractions and conveniences. So if you plan to move to Riverside or are looking for an apartment that can offer you convenience and comfort, The Hawthorne is the best choice. 
  Apartments for Rent in Arlington South
Discover the epitome of luxury living at The Hawthorne in Riverside. This apartment for rent in Arlington South boasts sleek and modern designs for a truly upscale experience. With a range of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom floor plans available, you'll find the perfect fit to suit your lifestyle and needs. At Arlington South, The Hawthorne apartment will make you enjoy premium amenities such as state-of-the-art fitness facilities, sparkling swimming pools, and lush outdoor spaces. To schedule a tour of this stunning community, please call (844) 598-1329. They are looking forward to showing you around!
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Fox Performance Arts Theater
Nestled in the bustling downtown area of Riverside, California, stands the iconic Riverside Fox Theater, also referred to as the Fox Performing Arts Center. This stunning edifice was erected in 1929 and has since undergone a significant facelift in 2009, only to reopen its doors in 2010 as a regional performing arts facility. This historic landmark has quite the claim to fame, as it was the first theater to showcase the most successful film in box-office history when adjusted for inflation, the iconic 1939 film Gone With the Wind. The Riverside Fox Theater's rich history and cultural significance make it a must-visit destination for performing arts enthusiasts and history buffs alike.
  Victims of the Plane Crash are Identified
There are six people who were killed near French Valley Airport that happened after a small plane crashed short of the runway. It's really sad that this happened. Based on the report, the second fatal crash near the facility was in the last five days. The jet that crashed is the Cessna C550 business jet that went down around 4 a.m. on Saturday. The crash set the plane and the surrounding field on fire, which destroyed the plane, and killed all of the six people on board. Based on the report, the plane is privately owned, and the flight departed Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas at 3:15 a.m. Read more. 
Link to maps
Fox Performing Arts Center
3801 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501, United States
Head southwest on Market Street toward Mission Inn Avenue
0.3 mi
Turn left onto Tenth St
0.3 mi
Use the middle lane to take the ramp onto CA-91 W
 Pass by AutoZone Auto Parts (on the left in 3.4 mi)
4.5 mi
Use the right 2 lanes to take exit 59 for Adams St/Auto Center Dr
0.2 mi
Turn left onto Adams St
417 ft
Turn right at the 2nd cross street onto Indiana Ave
 Pass by 7-Eleven (on the right in 0.5 mi)
 Destination will be on the left
1.1 mi
The Hawthorne
9170 Indiana Ave, Riverside, CA 92503, United States
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