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The five senses sentence starter meme (still accepting)
@fierceyetfragile​ said: ❝ have we seen one another before? ❞ (Nahvee)
Swiftly paying for his whiskey, Samuel turns in his seat to regard the woman who has approached him. 
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“Don’t think so.” He admits, raising his eyebrow as he studies her. In truth, she’s rather striking; had they already met, he would definitely recall it. Of course, that could be part of it; woman this pretty make a good livin’ out of pickin’ the pockets of fools round here - men too busy showering them with compliments to consider what their delicate, deft fingers might be doing. 
For a moment he wonders if she is one of the ladies that runs with Dutch, Samuel’s been up to that camp a few times lately, but he never stays long; he’s only ever there to take instruction from Dutch; to gain information on potential targets – men that Dutch wants out of the way that he knows carry large bounties on their heads. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement, one that allows Samuel to assert he is still on the side of the law, even if it’s often met with a stark look of disbelief from Dutch.
It’s possible of course that he’s got this all wrong, she may have nothing to do with the gang at all, in which case this could easily be a simple case of mistaken identity, maybe even good fortune. 
“…forgive me for saying Miss, but you don’t see like the type of woman I’d easily forget…maybe I remind you of someone?”
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zombified · 4 years
@fierceyetfragile asked  “do you think we’re the only ones who survived?” 
Ellis looks over at his companion. He isn’t necessarily sure how to answer that honestly. It had been days ( read like months ) since they had seen anyone that didn’t seem to almost be foaming out the mouth. He can’t help but wonder if there is some sort of truth to that statement in the long run. Maybe they are the only ones left. Hell, isn’t that an awful thought.
There is so much proof that would suggest that there is any life but his and Nahvee’s in the area for miles. It’s worrying. Unsettling. There had been signs mentioning a military base, not too far by car--- felt like thousands of miles by foot. He hopes that there’s something there, but with every worrying step he’s starting to think there isn’t. He doesn’t want to voice that, wants to be the hopeful one here. Wants to make sure they can at least have some positivity  to off set everything that seems to be falling apart around them. 
He shakes his head, adjusting his cap on his head more firmly. “You can’t go thinkin’ like that, or ‘s gonna make it true. You saw the signs, we just need to find that military base. “He says trying to stay postivie. “So, naw, I really dun think that we are the only ones. There ain’t no way, think ‘bout it. If we can do it, I’m sure a hella lot more people are footin’ it just like us. We just gotta keep our heads up Nahvee. “He smiles. 
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tragicblood-a · 4 years
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Second Batch of Busts. The lovely ladies! 
Talia for @fierceyetfragile obviously seeing Faye
Tara for @t-chambler who heard Faye say something stupid again im sure.
Alice for @thx-memorabilia who is DEFINITELY about to scold the fuck out of Faye.
and Becky for @desxderium who I just wanted to draw mad because I’ve always drawn her happy before. Changing it up. 
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urbxnlegxnd · 4 years
@fierceyetfragile - plotted 
The man’s adventuring had taken him to a Japanese Island known as the Dojima Island. The man had gained information and knowledge that this island held either historical or ancient discovery in the form of villages, cites, tombs and temples. 
But also, he’d also heard that there were hostiles on this island that could either be considered major criminals or major terrorists. So he was here to hunt them down as well, eradicate any trouble they’d caused and restore the peace. Capture and detain them and send them flying off to his lockup.
For now, the man was relaxed at a camp that he had made himself. Taking a bit of a break before he continued his adventure. However, he heard nearby movement. So his guard raised and he was prepared. But when the woman came into view, he didn’t think she was an enemy. So he smiled.
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@fierceyetfragile - “oh my god, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?!” (Caring for stubborn muses meme) 
Hosea drops his head, turning away from her almost like a naughty child. He hadn’t told her he had fallen and hurt himself this bad, because he didn’t want her to worry. Being older meant that everyone worries so much when he gets hurt. He misses being young, people wouldn’t so much as bat an eyelid. 
‘I’m fine.’ He tries to convince her, nursing his swollen knee so that it’s out of sight. 
The reality of the situation is that he’s knee is so swollen  he can hardly stand. The way he was thrown off his horse by that crook, it’s really a wonder that it’s not broken. Thankfully, the two of them had managed to return to camp with Silver Dollar, disposing of the brute that stole him.
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A sudden and sharp pain shoots up his leg, causing him to whine a little, The exposed knee looks inflamed and nasty as he finally begins to roll his trouser leg up to get a look at it. Argh he can’t lie to her much longer... ‘That’ was a lie-’ He groans, his voice laced with his suffering. ‘It’s pretty bad. Guess I was trying to be tough- like the foolish, miserable bastard I am.’
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beauty-prescribed · 4 years
a greeter starter for @fierceyetfragile​ || Nahvee
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     ❝ Hey wait ! ❞ The Southern brunette called out to the stranger, hoping to get her attention. She turned to the barista, grabbed her steaming to-go cup of coffee (  ❛ thanks hun ❜ ) and reached out towards the table the woman vacated. On the top of the table was a standard, non-descript notebook laying forgotten on the farthest edge of the table. She tucked the notebook under her arm and went outside the coffee shop, rushing to catch up to the woman. As soon as she was within reach of the stranger, Autumn gently nudged her elbow.
     ❝ Pard’n me hun but I think you might have forgotten somethin’ of yours. ❞ Removing the notebook from the crook of her arm, she held it out, a smile crossing her features.  ❝ I saw you at that table in the lil’ shop there an’ left your notebook. I know it ain’t something one easily forgets but don’t say it don’t happen. ❞
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killers-kitten · 4 years
If you befriend Mary you now have a ride or die friend that might call you out on stupid shit but is also very likely to just join in. Also some protection from Fred outside of trails.
Currently, other than Fred, @fierceyetfragile (Talia), and @dreadful-shroud (Danny) are her besties. She uhh. She doesn’t have that many friends yet.
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contractterminvted · 4 years
Handwriting meme // accepting
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arcanigenum · 4 years
MORGAN’S BLOG IS DONE: https://duinecalma.tumblr.com/
He has two verses, a TWD verse and the original one that he was created for. Feel free to write with me in both of them n__n
tragicblood depvtywalsh bcdass fierceyetfragile 
u all gave me attention so im just here to tell you his blog is set up 
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👕 🛏
James’s Bedroom
👕- Are they organized with their clothes, or can they be found on the floor?
James is pretty organized with his clothes.  Dirty clothes sometimes find the floor if he changes right before going to sleep, but otherwise he puts them in the hamper.  Clean clothes get hung up in the closet however he feels like putting them in. 
🛏- What does their comforter look like?
Thick, soft, and most like a fairly plain design, dark in color.  He usually only sleeps under it if it’s fairly cold.  
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flcksin · 4 years
continued from ask / @fierceyetfragile​
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he has had a bad day. working in the rain didn't help. he was cold and it caused all of his body to stiffen up. he felt as if he was covered in ice. and it didn’t matter to hoyt. he knew arthur would go outside in any condition of weather just to be paid. even if the apocalypse was happening outside, a person would still be able to spot arthur - stood on the sidewalk in full clownery and trying to gather laughs or attention with a makeshift advertising board that he’d swirl around within his hands.
but he’s soaked when he returns home in his shirt and a jacket that is far too small for him. a juvenile brown coloured jacket where the sleeves are more up his arm than around his wrists. he drags his feet through his apartment door, removing his jacket carefully so that he wouldn’t hurt his already aching, and bruised body. a little wince coming from him as he hangs his jacket up onto the coat rack. but something is different. if only because as he walks into the apartment, further, he sees nahvee - holding his revolver. the gun that randall gave him for self-defence. ‘ you’re my buddy. you can pay me back some other time’ and he’d winked at the ignorant, innocent arthur - as if to suggest something else other than money. but arthur hadn’t thought anything of it. too enchanted by the fact he had a friend. and by the gun that made him feel powerful.
“ nahvee that...why are you holding that? where...w-where did you find it? ” a pause. “ are you snooping? ” and he doesn’t mean to sound so accusatory, but arthur doesn’t particularly understand that he isn’t any good at hiding things. that he isn’t good at secrets. he moves closer to her, as if to grab the gun from her - as if he’s a child and she, a mother who is confiscating a favorite toy. “ it...that’s mine i...can you give it back? ”​
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zombified · 4 years
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@fierceyetfragile​ asked “ i  just  like  angrily  doing  things  for  my  friends ! ”  Talia
The laugh that bubbles out of Ellis’ throat is loud. He stares at the woman in front of him before he snorts. “I ain’t too sure how you plan on that workin’ out for you, but I ain’t too sure angrily is the best way. ‘S gotta be tirin’ pretendin’ to be grumpy, there girly. “He says playfully.
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tragicblood-a · 4 years
@fierceyetfragile continued from here (x)
          “Aww, mi amor! Ya know ya love it when it goes south. Well,” she paused for a moment, side-eyeing the older woman with a playful smirk, “ya at least like it when I go south.” She teased mercilessly. Nahvee had been one of the few to break through her barriers and see the good, the bad, and the ugly. And the best part? She didn’t pity Faye nor did she judge her. The woman had accepted Faye for the damaged goods she was and loved her just the way she was. It was something she’d been lacking and desperately needing. Nahvee had brought in a new breath of fresh air when she knew she could be herself, her true self and not worry about scaring her away. 
         “Ya know I would never take ya to hell. On purpose. Unless the shit was really good. And I mean REALLY good,” she added before guiding her love toward their bedroom. “No, this place is probably the closest place to hell on Earth and the people think they’re gods but they’ve got some goods worth snatchin’ up. Not to mention it’s been a while since we went on a date.”
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urbxnlegxnd · 4 years
——————————[ANSWERED ASK]——————————
@fierceyetfragile​ said:  -hugging the floor- ❝I’m trying to stop the floor from spinning.❞
The man looked down at the woman’s display while blinking a few times in response for the current time being. “Okay, someone has clearly had too much to drink for today. I believe we’re done here.” He picked her up with ease into his arms and held onto her carefully.
“I’m taking you home now, so that you can sleep this off. Try and stop me.” He said, besides there were people out there that would try to take advantage of a drunk woman. Not taking any risks. And so, he left with her in his arms and took her home in order to end the night. 
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stcrryknights · 4 years
Fighting style
Joel Miller
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily /   provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /   prefer a blade / prefer a gun  / prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon  / prefer magic or spells /  prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go /  mastered skill set / learning their skill set / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently /  barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside /  use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  / play around  /  hold back / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  /  fear pain / fear killing /  has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly
Tagged by : @fierceyetfragile
Tagging : @mistcity, @tragicblood, @xgoldenhour & anyone else interested!
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killers-kitten · 4 years
“ god only knows what’s down here … ” -Talia
((Holy crap my muse for modern AU setting stuff shot way up. Let’s get some domestic bull up in here!))
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Mary gave a small shrug as she looked around the basement that Talia and herself had just entered. There were so many possibilities and she really didn’t want to find out that the new house Fred and her bought had a pest problem or something. “I hope it’s nothing bad at least. I’ve never had a basement before. I just hope there are no cockroaches  Freaking hate those things.” She gave a small shudder at the idea of the bugs being around. She had some obvious fear towards them that was related to some childhood incident. 
She went to turn the light on but apparently the bulb was burnt out. “Great. Another thing to put on the fix list.” She then pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight function for it and shined it around. Everything looked fine to her but she really wasn’t the best judge of that. She then turned to Talia with a slight shrug. “What do you think? I’ve never been the best at judging damage to a house that wasn’t extreme.” 
She then heard a scratching sound coming from her right, causing her to jump slightly. She cursed under her breath for being so easily startled, watching horror movies before bed yesterday really wasn’t the best idea on her part. She then took a breath to calm her nerves and headed over to where the sound came from. “I swear if we have rats and the person who sold us this house didn’t tell us, I’m gonna strangle them.”
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