foolbody · 11 years
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—I'm gonna call it a day. 
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foolbody · 11 years
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foolbody · 11 years
Before he thought to look away, she collapsed to the ground, and he, despite the pounding and pain in his chest, followed after her, rushing to her aid instinctively as if he were being pulled by some supernatural force. He wanted to yell her name, but there was nothing to yell. Just a familiar collection of sounds within a single syllable word, a name perhaps, that cracked in the side of his head. He wanted to console her as he would a friend, as he did... When? When had he?
He felt that tug, again, from the center of his being this time, and when he was finally beside her he did his best to help her up, but he couldn't because his head hurt just as much as it had the first time, like he was remembering hundreds and hundreds of things at once, shadows of memories that stabbed repeatedly at his psyche and drove him nearly mad.
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"... Are you okay?"
The Promise
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Xion stood out on the edge of the shore, waves splashing up over her black shoes. She wasn’t sure how she’d gotten here. As she watched the sun lower over the ocean, blue orbs flickered over the surrounding areas hoping maybe something would remind her where she was. Her eyes froze on a boy, medium height with blond hair that glowed gold in the setting sun. Her head itched with curiousness, until the boy turned in her direction.
Her eyes nearly locking with his, her head spun. Pain spreading throughout her brain, Xion collapsed to the ground. Her fingers clutched onyx tresses, pulling and knotting the hair. A growl and a pained whimper fell from her lips. What was this? Could this boy have.. No. Surely not.
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foolbody · 11 years
Roxas let her scoot closer, though unsure how to react. The last time he was seated next to someone, they were a foots length apart, laughing and smiling and watching the light of the sun fade from the sky, ice cream in hand, laughing and smiling until they had to part. But this was different. He was with someone he met maybe an hour or two ago (He barely stopped to count. It felt a little under fifteen minutes, if anything.) and she was just as sweet and kind as anyone he might have known for years, if he were graced with the opportunity to live that long. He had the urge to wrap an arm around her - a protective gesture, but decided against it. More often than not those behaviors were viewed as something other than the societal norm, and she looked maybe four years younger than his apparent body made him seem. Instead, he settled for watching her touch the sun as it faded away, and the sight of it almost hurt him. It hurt him more when she started talking.
Not allowed... inside? But is that not what houses were for? Sleeping in? He tilted his head. He wanted to offer her shelter, some comfort at least, so she wouldn't freeze to death. "I guess your right. I don't want to see you cold and alone, though, even if its with the stars. It gets cold out." He shifted his weight to the other side of his behind, sneezing when dust from their play grazed his nostril. "I don't know where I'm going, myself. I don't really have a place to return to. Do you... need anything to keep warm by?"
Right next to the picture of him she drew a smiley face, and then sat properly on her bum, facing the sunset. Her eyes looked tired, and she scooted just a little bit closer to him as she brushed the dirt from her palms. The birds could still be heard tweeting and chirping. The little girl whistled a short but pretty tune, and it was as if the birds had sang back the same melody shortly afterwards. Finally, a smile graced her face, her lips curling up in the loveliest and quaintest of ways. It soon fell, however, when the birds ceased to sing and flew away. She shook it off and just watched as the sun sank down and down until it was beyond her view, leaning her head on his arm. Emitting quiet breaths, she reached out as if to touch the red sun as it disappeared. She lowered her arm as the stars and moon came into view, casting wraithlike shadows on the ground. The moonlight hugged her cheeks, reflected against her blind-looking eyes and gently touched her faint freckles.
"…so will I? But I am already where I am supposed to be. I live…I live in that house." She points to a worn-down house in the distance, with only the upstairs light dimly lit but still most likely unoccupied. "But I am not allowed inside. So I am where I belong. I am alright. The night is dangerous, but that is only if I let it get dangerous, which I will not. The stars are my friends, so I am not alone." And then she fell silent, watching the stars twinkle in the sky like bright little bells. After a moment, she finally smiled again, her nose scrunching up delightfully as it always did when she smiled. "I wish you a very safe trip on the way back to your house—or perhaps your home, Roxas…"
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foolbody · 11 years
endless list of characters I like: roxas (kingdom hearts)
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foolbody · 11 years
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—Ah I wish I could readmore a small portion of a post without hiding the rest of the text.
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foolbody · 11 years
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Roxas stiffened immediately, chest throbbing as animadversion became a full on rant. There was no more advice, simply story after story after story, and he was too much in shock to determine if these unrelated tales were hypothetical or something that actually happened, that actually occured. He was a boy. He thought little of self inflicted death or domestic violence. He thought of the heart and the sky above and the ground beneath his feet, not heart wrenching tales that made him feel as if there was something beating in his chest.
He was a boy.
He couldn't even croak a sorry, feeling as if this outburst was his own doing, and instead he stood up silently, eyes at their beginning stage of watering, and ran at full speed to the guest room, closing the door behind him with an unintentionally loud slam. This was Axel, he tried to reassure himself. This was his friend. Friends got mad at eachother, right? That was normal. Perfectly normal. No. No. It wasn't. They didn't guilt one another into thoughts of death and despair, bring back memories of pain and abuse. Sora was a safe place for him, an isolated place he convinced himself he didn't want to go back to.
So he closed his eyes and let himself remember that comforting light. Perhaps it was best to relax and forget what had occurred, as he had forgotten many lives before him.
Axel continued to make dinner, putting various spices in the sauce such as oregano and parsley for taste. After wandering through the fridge a little while, Axel also took out some roasted garlic and put a good 1/4 cup in the sauce. When the water began to boil, Axel took out a whole package of spaghetti and snapped it in half. He dropped it in the pot to cook. “Ah, I understand that. And we’d have to bring out work problems back here. I’m sure that Silth wouldn’t want to hear any of that.” Axel smiled, until Roxas started making a joke out of something very serious.
"Roxas." Axel rubbed his forehead, then looked over at the other. "Look, I’m trying to help you. I’m being completely serious. Don’t make a joke out of this. I don’t want you to end up like me. I don’t want you to end up with your best friend killing themselves and having you being forced to watch. You really just don’t know what I’ve been dealing with. At least you didn’t have parents that abused you! At least you weren’t raped!" Axel turned with his back toward Roxas. At least he didn’t throw the pot of boiling water at him. He grabbed his hair and leaned against the kitchen counter.
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foolbody · 11 years
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—Ah yes the sweet smell of having to add trigger warnings to the tag directory.
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foolbody · 11 years
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—Commence lurking (for the rest of the evening)
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foolbody · 11 years
D is for Deas Vail - Summer Forgets Me
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foolbody · 11 years
Without warning Axel got up, and for a moment he was concerned until it became evident that he would be cooking something to eat. Roxas relaxed his shoulders, formerly tensed from the sudden movement, and listened to him talk. Being in a working environment with Axel sounded appealing, at first, until he realized that they'd end up fooling around and laughing once they did. Though he'd like that, they could always do that on their own time, without the risk of one of them (or both) losing their job. "Nah. Wouldn't want to be a distraction or anything. Plus you got your own job to do. I got to figure out something for me."
Then there was more about his life and possible future. He rolled his eyes, leaning back in the chair. "Yeah, yeah. Why don't you tell me to do my homework, while your at it?" The remark had no malice in it, and he had to smile by the end of it. "But I just came back last week. Some time would be nice."
When Axel announced that he was making dinner, he couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "I would never have noticed, to be honest. I thought you were gonna put that pot on your head."
Axel had quickly gotten used to be the person who’s given the dirty work in the Organization. Whether he wanted to catch an impostor or not, or kill some heartless or not, he needed to anyways. There was no way he would be able to get away from the Organization with Saix still there. He wouldn’t just leave him behind like that.
The redhead got up, realizing how late it actually was. Axel need to make something for dinner and took a big and small pot out, filling one with water. He spoke to Roxas at the same time. “You don’t have to cook. You can work up front at the register if you want. All you would have to do is greet people, ask them what they want, and ring it up.” It was much more than that, especially when the customers began to ask questions about the food. That’s why everything at Carpe Cafe had a simple menu. Axel turned the water off and put the pot over a burner. The other pot he filled with crushed red tomatoes, and put the burner on for that one as well.
"I’m really happy to have some actual company. One of my best friends, no less." 
"Family or no family, just be conscious of what you do throughout your life, never miss an opportunity, and don’t worry about anyone else." All of the things that Axel had done wrong.
"Oh and I’m making dinner. Pasta, something simple."
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foolbody · 11 years
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foolbody · 11 years
He couldn't help but glare at her shaking hands. This time the only thing in his heart was concern, his need to make her happy and relieved of whatever was hurting her so much. The fear of being left alone was understandable, if that was what it was. Roxas experienced plenty of that in his life, especially during his stay with the Organization. Maybe it was being with Sora for such a long time that influenced it, but he wanted her to smile. He'd stop time if he could. 
When the final light of day began to fade, he focused less on her hands and more on the picture. It was him, of course. It wasn't hard to tell, but her sheer obsession with him from the get go was something interesting. He didn't mind it, really. Lust for friendship was a painful thing to experience, and if friendship was what she needed, he'd gladly give it. He had fun with her and her bugs and her playing in the dirt, as odd as some of it was, but it was something new. He liked how new and fresh and raw it felt to be doing something so small with another person. "... I will have to go soon, yes. So will you, when it gets too dark. It's not safe out at night." He looked down at his lap, a sad smile making its way across his face. "I'd like that." He said. He'd take her home, too, if he had to. Someone was bound to be worrying about her, maybe a little more than he.
Ah, she had done it again. She’d gotten attached. It was too late to shut him out now. Still, she was mad at herself for even offering him a spot next to her—not that she didn’t like him, because she did, maybe even loved him for being whoever he was, for being a person.
Quietly, she created a head in the dirt, then added some ears and then hair. Then she added a mouth, a nose, some eyes, and some eyebrows. It was quite a pretty picture, and once she was finished, it was obvious that she had drawn Roxas. But now her hands wouldn’t stop shaking. The sky was then a lovely dark orange, the sun setting slowly on the horizon, only to be seen behind the trees from where they were, and Theo just knew that he would have to leave soon. She wished that he didn’t have to. She wished he would stay here with her, but surely he’d get tired over her someday, somehow. For now, she just wanted to make the best of his stay. “…you’re gonna leave soon, aren’t you? It is almost night…but if you ever want to see me again…I’ll always be right here in this spot. I have no choice but to stay here, anyway…but…for now…please watch the sunset with me. And then after that I would like you to look at the stars with me, too, if it isn’t any trouble.
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foolbody · 11 years
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15 Day KH Editing Challenge: DAY 8—Graphic with any Kingdom Hearts symbol
↳”My heart’s… a prision?”  [redux]
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foolbody · 11 years
The Promise
Roxas vaguely remembered (before his resurrection) a promise to go to the beach on their day off. It was a simple thing that neither he or Axel could pursue, and he figured he might as well visit the damned place. He bore no coat this time, only clothes of his former self, of a life that brought him both pain and joy. He leaned over remissly, caring little for the sand and how it threatened to slide into his shoes, and tread it through his fingers before standing up again. A figure breached the corner of his eye. A familiar one. He resisted the urge to turn around and examine nem, he, or her. When his curiosity won, he turned around, feeling something akin to pain spread throughout his chest. He tried to ignore it, but the more he looked, the more it grew.
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foolbody · 11 years
Nothing’s   gonna 
                      [harm] you
                                        not   while
                                                       I’m around.
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foolbody · 11 years
He looked down at the girl holding onto his sleeve as if it were her lifeline, feeling guilty for what he had said. Roxas truly did think she wanted him to go, and when she expressed that she didn't, delivering a pitiful speech while clinging to his arm, he felt worse all the more. He let her cling onto him, and when she was done talking he coughed from the back of his throat before offering a reply. "I don't need to leave. I don't really want to, either." Then came a sigh. It was true that he would have to leave at one point, and she would have to return to her home, wherever that was. They could resume contact later, if they wished, but there was no guarantee that they could. "At some point... yeah. I will. I can see you again, if you want." He smiled as she went on. "I liked playing with you, too. We should do it again, some time."
He sat down with her once she was done and back to grinning again, watching her draw with shaky fingers. He wish he could offer some words of reassurance, but his mind, once again, was drawn to a blank.
 Theo held tight to his sleeve, but let go after a few moments of pure silence. She then stood up, wobbling a little from terrible balance, and she wrapped her arms around one of his. “I…I never said I wanted you to go…I said that…you could leave if you needed to…I…I want you to stay…but if you really need to leave…then you may.” The tiny child let go of his arm and stood up straight with her bony arms at her sides. She let her head hang low, her lovely and thick hair bouncing slightly as she did so. “So…please stay. I don’t….want you to leave. But then again…you’re gonna have to leave at some point, right…? If you do leave…I would like to see you again…I like being with you. I like to draw with you, I like to play with you, I like to laugh with you, and I like to smile with you, even though I just met you not too long ago….”
She laughed nervously and let her arms slip away from his. Theo sat back down on the ground, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear before just pushing it back to its original place. After that, she remained quiet, tracing a shaky finger in the dirt.
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