#fight club is thinner than i thought it would be. btw.
death2you · 6 months
bought fight club from a bookstore in portland
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spaceorphan18 · 8 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The New Rachel
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4x01: The New Rachel
It’s a new year, and a new Kurt.  Actually - it’s more like a new show entirely as Glee heads mashes up Glee: The College Years with Glee: The Next Generation.  It’s a rocky start here at the beginning of season 4, where the show loses its identity a little, and struggles with what it wants to be.  I’m not sure it ever quite figures it out, but we do get an entertaining second half of the series anyway. 
I don’t know what BTS stuff happened to prompt it, and I’m not here to speculate, but this is the year that Kurt takes a back seat a lot.  So -- among the facts, I’m placing my own interpretation of things, but the blanks are often so wide here, that just about any interpretation is possible. 
So, settle in kids, because this is about to get bumpy. 
Back from Break
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Kurt’s first mention in Rachel’s inner-monologue, where she wishes he had come to New York with her.  And I kind of roll my eyes at the story here.  Because, essentially, Kurt didn’t get into NYADA so that Rachel could be alone in New York for --- all of one episode.  So what was the point? Other than to give Kurt one episode of misery in Lima before heading out there himself? I’m not going to apply reason to any of this. 
Meanwhile, Rachel’s calling him every three hours because she really doesn’t handle being alone very well.  And we get our first glimpses of Kurt.  And here’s the interesting thing.  The outfit - it’s a very Kurt-ish outfit.  But Kurt, well, he’s changed.  I don’t necessarily think he’s taller, but his face is thinner, and more mature, and for the first time - it’s Chris Colfer does not look like he should be playing a teenager.  It’s definitely a (welcomed) jarring physical change.  Also, natural highlights, my ass, Chris. 
Also worth mentioning - the fact that Kurt refers to a penis as a “twinkle tube”. You know he’s named Blaine’s.  I mean, c’mon. 
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So, Kurt’s back at McKinley - and there is a little bit of, ah, c’mon Kurt, move on with your life lingering around.  He goes back to visit Sue, who has just had her baby.  Did anyone remember she was pregnant? Oops. 
And then we are introduced to Kitty -- and the first thing the show does is introduce her as the New Quinn, and she insults Kurt.  And the writers really thought this was the best way to get us to like the new characters? Really? 
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So - we learn that Kurt has signed up for classes at Lima’s community college.  Sue still calls him a sad sack, but I mean, what does he expect if he’s going to go back and visit her? This is also interesting when you think about it - this scene is here to revisit both Kurt and Sue, but doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense within the character dynamics - other than adding another mark on my Sue and Kurt have a strange connection list.  
Anyway - Kurt might be handling everything Sue’s throwing at him pretty well, but there is some truth to what she says.  That he really shouldn’t be hanging around the past since it is holding him back.  And Kurt knows this. 
Lima Bean
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So, we find that Kurt is working at the Lima Bean.  Remember way back when - when Kurt was filling out an application? Makes me wonder just how long he’s been working there, though probably not long if his manager is yelling at him to refill things, as if he’s just learning.  He is really adorable in his uniform though. 
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Here’s my thing about Kurt being still in Lima.  I think there are relevant stories about staying in the place you grew up.  I think you can go home again - as evident by Finn’s story, and how I think Lima fit him best (and in a way that doesn’t fit Will very well).  But Kurt, Kurt isn’t really living right now.  He’s hanging on to the past, is way more excited about glee club auditions than the two people in glee club, is being bullied by a girl still in high school, and getting yelled at to fill the biscotti.  Kurt’s just kind of existing, and not pushing himself to be his best, in that Kurt-ish way he usually does.  
It’s interesting - the only other time we see Kurt start a season being content with the sad state of his life is season one.  Season four is about hitting the reset button on the show in a lot of ways, and Kurt, who has had a really great couple of years, is starting from the bottom again. 
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So, yeah, let’s talk about Blaine for a second.  At the beginning of his scene Blaine and Brittany are chatting - about Santana, and how Brittany’s not having the greatest time.  In a lot of ways Klaine and Brittana are going through the same thing, and it’s not easy for either couple. 
Brittany misses Santana because she’s never there, and you get the feeling that even though Kurt is right there next to him, Blaine misses Kurt, too.  I can only assume that the summer was kind of rough -- and that Kurt was in a deep funk for a lot of it not having gotten into NYADA.  Blaine was already doom and gloom about their relationship before, but Kurt staying in Lima isn’t any better.  He’s only a shell of himself, trying to pass the time any way he can.  
Also worth noting - Brittany calls Kurt out on his patheticness, as Blaine tries to sugarcoat it.  I kind of like that Brittany is never afraid to tell it like it is.  
Anyway, Kurt and Blaine have been off kilter for a while, and there are tidbits in season three that show this, but here, they are really out of sync.  And it’s going to be a long, long time before they’re back on the same page.  It’s going to be really hard, but man, there will be a lot of great stuff to sink my teeth into.  
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It’s funny that Kurt is so into auditions here.  Also, it’s going to give him practice for when he comes back in two years and is running the club with Rachel.  Interestingly, he’s sitting next to a way less than enthused Blaine.  
Btw, why are all the glee club members there watching? That seems weird to me. 
Anyway - this whole scene is for the introduction of Jake Puckerman, who is channeling his brother pretty hard here.  Kurt declares that it’s rude when Jake purposely knocks over the music stand.  But c’mon. Will was pretty rude interrupting him in the first place. 
Also, Kurt’s still there for Marley’s audition - but we don’t really see him. 
The New Rachel
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You guys remember when a BTS still came out for this moment, and we all concluded that the higher Kurt’s hair got, the more gelled Blaine’s got? Yeah... 
Also, nice to see that Kurt’s still got an insane way of organizing music.  Who lays it all out on the floor? Also - he’s dividing it up this time between genres, Broadway, Standards, Top 40, which at least makes more sense than by emotion. 
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A big chunk of this episode is devoted to deciding who the ‘New Rachel’ is.  And here’s where Will’s teaching style has done some damage - because these very talented kids are all fighting against each other in order to be the ‘star’ and replace Rachel Berry.  I will say, one nice thing about the New New Directions is that they do kind of get rid of the whole New Rachel rhetoric pretty quickly and become a much more ensemble based group -- AS IT SHOULD BE.  But, part of that is the difference between Finn leading the group and Will.  
Kurt, meanwhile, is totally misremembering his time at McKinley, and claims that the glee club was about acceptance.  And to him, it probably was, because it was the first time he felt like he belong, like he was a part of something.  But that’s not necessarily true to others in the group.  And, Tina does have a good point - Rachel, Mercedes, Santana, and Kurt fought all the time over who was the biggest diva.  
Interestingly, there’s no reaction shot from Kurt when Blaine receives New Rachel status.  I actually don’t think that was intentional.  But it is interesting... 
It’s Time
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Okay, so here we go.  The conversation starts out about Blaine being the lead soloist.  And what Kurt says to him is kind of strange.  First, that Rachel made everyone feel included.  No she did not, what even Kurt? If there’s one thing that I don’t like about this season it’s Kurt drinking /all/ the Rachel kool-aide.  Also, I’m not sure why the comment to Blaine about wanting to make sure everyone was included.  If there’s one person who is going to do just that - it’s Blaine.  But, I mean, it’s dialogue to fit the episode more than the character, so there’s that. 
But then there’s Blaine to Kurt -- that he essentially says, you’re stuck, you need to move on.  And he’s right.  Kurt knows that he’s right.  And I know Blaine gets a lot of flack for pushing Kurt to New York then being upset that Kurt left but A) Kurt wouldn’t have done anything he wasn’t ready to do deep down and B) Kurt, once he moves to New York, is not a model boyfriend, and that’s a whole issue I’ll be chatting about in later episodes. 
But yeah, it’s killing Blaine to do this, because he is incredibly scared about their relationship going forward, and you know, Kurt is, too.  He’s finally here to have the conversation he didn’t want to have in Goodbye.  But Blaine just reiterates Kurt’s earlier words - that they’ll be okay (even though, now, they both seem unsure). But the important thing is that Kurt staying in Lima - would not be any better to their relationship, and I think they both know that, too. 
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Something I’ve never noticed before -- but Blaine singing to Kurt in the courtyard has always had to do with change.  
Somewhere Only We Know - Kurt comes back to McKinley, and he and Blaine area separated.  
It’s Not Unusual - Blaine comes to McKinley and they’re together again
It’s Time - Kurt goes to New York and Blaine stays and they’re separated.
Got to Get You Into My Life - They sing together, and Blaine goes to New York with Kurt, and (despite another break up inbetween) they’re together for good.  
OMG you guys - I don’t know if I should credit Glee with this much cleverness. 
Anyway - this song is about changes (and not changing), and while it’s very much about Blaine - it’s about Kurt, too.  Because, essentially it /is/ his time to grow up and change and go down the scary path towards adult hood.  
It's time to begin, isn't it? I get a little bit bigger but then I'll admit I'm just the same as I was Now don't you understand I'm never changing who I am
But thing I find interesting about this song, is the message of staying the same through that change.  Kurt’s going to go through a lot of hard things, but he remains, as ever, himself.  Which is pretty cool. 
Also, I want to note the playful nature of this performance.  The cups, the jumprope, the goofing around -- it’s very childlike.  And, while that’s very Blaine, and I may be stretching this a little, it’s also a commentary about their relationship, too.  Up until this point, they’ve had a very childlike, innocent, fairy tale romance.  Sure, there were a few cracks in season 3, but things are going to fall a part very, very soon.  And in that, the childlike nature is ending.  
So yeah, this is all bittersweet, and a goodbye to Klaine as we know it.  Which makes this scene a lot sadder in retrospect. 
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I wonder if it was intentional or not to have this moment mirror the Somewhere Only We Know moment.  But yeah, all through this song, Kurt watches Blaine, and is amused, and delighted, and sad, and wistful, and very much in love.  Kurt’s heart very much wants to go to New York - but it’d be disingenuous to disregard how much he’s going to miss Blaine, too. 
Also - this scene cuts off quickly, and that’s because there are two bits of dialogue missing.  
Kurt: I’m going to miss you so much.  You really are a star.  Blaine: And you’re mine. You always will be. 
Why would you cut that, Glee? Why??
Leaving On a Jet Plane
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There’s a thing where Blaine and Burt are somewhat alike.  Because they both know that sometimes, you have to give Kurt the push in the ass that he needs. 
Oh. That sounded better in my head. 
What I mean, though, is this.  One reason Kurt didn’t get on a plane and head to New York over the summer is because he’s scared.  Because failure is a thing that haunts Kurt, even if he doesn’t always like to admit it, even if he presents himself with the best confidence.  He is human, after all, like the rest of us.  And, god, going to New York without a plan is, really, kind of insane.  But Burt does have a point -- it is an adventure, it’s how you learn to make your way in the world.  If you don’t go out there and try, then you’ll never know if you’ll be successful or not.  
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And the longer this scene goes on, the more hesitant Kurt is to go on.  And Burt is just amazing.  Because his heart is breaking to see his kid off, but he knows it’s in Kurt’s best interests.  And he knows Kurt well enough to say just what Kurt needs to hear to get him out the door.  It really is a fantastic, sweet little scene - that is the epitome of what these two have been through the past few years, and the strong bond they’ve grown since then.  
Kurt: You really are the worlds greatest dad.  Burt: I know, it’s written on the mug you got me for father’s day. 
Burt tells Kurt he can always come home - but I think part of being a parent is letting your kids go - and go on to live their own lives.  Burt breaks down a little, and Kurt looks back, but the path is already set.  
New York
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Oh this scene...  Kurt arrives in New York, and naturally the first thing he does is find Rachel.  It’s probably the smartest thing he does, because man, guys, just as an FYI - if you’re moving out to NYC, do plan a little.  Kurt’s plan is seriously insane.  
And, you know, I’ve kinda resented this scene for a long time.  Because it has this rom-com feel to it, like you know, lovers who meet up at the end of the movie.  And after not having much romantic Klaine, it was irksome when I first watched it.  I don’t know if I necessarily feel the same way anymore.  I mean, god, time, what have you done! Lol.  It doesn’t feel as rom-com-ish, nor does Klaine feel not that romantic (geez, there’s some great Klaine stuff in this episode, you just have to look).  
But -- I will say, this kicks off season 4 Hummelberry, which might be even more frustrating than season 3.  Kurt’s less indulgent this year, though, and that helps. 
So yeah -- Kurt’s in New York, ready to start this new portion of his life.  Poor kid, it’s not going to be easy for him.  But it’s going to be a fascinating ride... 
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podcastrightnow · 7 years
Fade the Headlines
by Churp Daly
Last Friday, Clayton Kershaw took the hill against the Rockies in Denver. I have a few thoughts on this.
First of all, from a pro wrestling standpoint, this is a dream booking. Baseball clubs don’t normally look forward to facing Kershaw, but the Rockies front office must have been pleased to see this matchup. I seriously think this should go on their promotional calendar. 
If you’re not familiar with Kershaw or Coors Field, he’s the best pitcher in baseball and it is the most extreme hitter’s park in the history of the universe. The acreage of the diamond is typical, actually pretty large. The magic of Coors Field is the altitude in Colorado, which affects the density of the air. On an average night in Denver, a fly ball travels about 30% farther than at sea level. But it doesn’t stop there. A good major league pitcher does a lot more than throw hard. They put ridiculous, professional amounts of spin on their pitches, to the point that you or I would be an underdog to catch a breaking ball with a gloved hand on the first try. In thinner air, there’s less water, fewer molecules for the ball to grab, and a curve ball just hangs there, like it was in space. 
So this guy in this stadium is about as close as you can get in baseball to God fighting the devil. 
Now, imagine there’s a UFC card where the main event actually is God fighting the devil. I would pay $59.99 for that. Some would bet on God and some would bet on Satan, but the key takeaway for us is that no one would have an opinion on the undercard. For fantasy purposes, this is a big mistake, because while God and Satan is an interesting real life fight, there’s no reason to think it will include more significant strikes, round bonuses, and whatever else the scoring events in fantasy MMA are. In fact, the two forces effectively cancel each other out to some extent, and that will be reflected in the box score. 
In practice, the spectacle of a matchup like this can draw a ton of attention from the field. Part of this is because they see an opportunity to prove how smart they are, and part of it is because they might plan on watching anyway, and sports are a lot more exciting when you’re invested financially. 
We can win in this environment by keeping a rule of thumb: the more we hear about a story in real life, the less we should buy into the narrative as gamers. Let’s think through some hypotheticals and how we would approach them from a fantasy perspective. 
Hypothetical 1: LeBron James bruised his hand yesterday. Fantasy outlets are reporting that he participated briefly in shoot around, but Tyronn Lue states that he will play a normal load of minutes.
Fantasy Take: People think LeBron James is hurt, and I might get him at low ownership. Play.
Hypothetical 2: LeBron James and Jimmy Butler have been shit talking each other all year. They play tonight and each one has been posting pictures of the other’s mom on social media.
Fantasy Take: People expect these two to play with more intensity. There’s no real reason to think that, and they might be at risk for technicals. Fade and play the other studs at low ownership.
Hypothetical 3: Jacob DeGrom is the most dominant pitcher on the slate, pitching against the Royals, who strike out more than any other team in baseball.
Fantasy Take: The Royals do not strike out that much more than any other professional baseball team. Fade and play the 2nd most dominant pitcher at a fifth of the ownership.
The general idea in all of this is that the stories that get the most attention, by definition, are exaggerated versions of reality. Human beings are wired to be attracted to stories and extremes, but reality tends to be more chaotic and vanilla. 
Btw, I think it’s pretty weird that the Rockies never got a cable deal. The Cubs and the Braves have national followings in large part because of their associations with WGN and TBS back in the day. For as long as I can remember, mass appeal in baseball has been about home runs, and here’s this park that produces them at 2.5x the normal rate, and no cable deal. What gives?
Don’t have an account? Sign up now at draftkings.com/r/ChurpDaly HMU with your questions on Twitter @realChurpDaly
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