#figuring out how to pack it for shipping is going to suuuuuck
rubenesque-as-fuck · 2 years
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All right, I think this dice tower gift is complete! ~10-12 hours of painting time. Also hid a little Rotom (their favorite pokemon) on the tower 😊
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milomeepit · 6 years
21 Sanders Street Chapter One: The Pursuit
//Hiiiii... so. I know this is really, really, quite incredibly late (like... two weeks late!) but this is (was?) my story for the Big Bang! @ts-storytime I have been battling tooth and nail to finish this against computer problems, internet issues, and IRL things getting in the way and distracting me. BUT I HAVE FINALLY EMERGED VICTORIOUS! Aaaanywho!
//Amazing art by the wonder @divinedrabbles can be found here!
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Story Warnings: Death, violence, crime, police, strained marriage, non graphic mention of torture, cursing, mental trauma, stabbing, gang, pregnancy  Chapter Warnings: police, crime, minor violence  Rating: Young Adult Ships: Endgame Logicality and Prinxiety
After Virgil Diaz went undercover, nothing was quite the same at the station. Sure, the squad still went to coffee at the cafe down the street, Logan still fussed over his wife, Roman still risked life and limb to get an adventure. Patton still made cookies on Fridays. But nothing was the same. Not really. The thing, though, was when Virgil came back. That’s when it all changed.
Officer Roman Prince’s lungs burned. His feet ached and by the hot throb in his ankle, he was reasonably sure he had done some damage rolling his ankle hopping the fence across the alley a few blocks back. He had to catch this guy. The man was clutching a briefcase that Roman was certain was full of illicit drugs. Cocaine? Meth? He couldn't even remember. All that mattered was focusing on his breathing and closing the distance between him and the figure in front.
The man vaulted over a car hood, darting across the street. Roman cursed, his wrist screaming in protest as he pulled himself over the car, catching a glimpse of the shocked little old lady behind the steering wheel. His feet thudded against the pavement as he came down on the other side of the car. He grunted as pain spiked up his leg from his injured ankle.
He followed the man down another alleyway, internally groaning as he saw the man making a beeline for the tall wire fence at the end. That was not going to be easy.
As Roman's quarry sprinted past a doorway, a baton suddenly flicked out, catching the perp in the throat as he ran right into it. He staggered backwards, gagging, which gave his assailant the perfect opportunity to grab his arm and pin him against the wall.
“Honestly, Prince, you could have caught him back on Jordan Avenue,” Captain Logan Conroy stated, irritation clear in his voice. “The arrest is more important than the chase, you know that.”
Roman huffed, indignant, leaning against the brick wall of the building to catch his breath. “Well.. excuuuse me... Captain! I’m doing my best... with an injury... here!”
Logan rolled his eyes and turned to the perp. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?” The man grunted in agreement. Logan cuffed the felon and pushed him towards the patrol car.
Roman limped along behind Logan, grumbling. “Look, I had him, Logan.”
“Like hell you did. You were going to end up breaking your ankles before you caught him, Roman.” Logan said sternly. “You need to consider the consequences of your actions, both for the sake of the city and yourself.”
Roman rolled his eyes as he slid into the car. “Yeah, yeah, okay.” He crossed his arms, sulking.
Logan guided the man into the back of the car and then got into the driver’s seat. “... I’m telling Patton you hurt yourself.”
Roman’s head snapped around to look at him. “You wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t I? It’s unknown how severe your ankle injury is, and Patton is our registered First Aid Officer.” Logan snorted as he pulled the car out of the alley and onto the street.
“He’s going to be so upset! He’s going to make the face!” Roman whined.
“Well, maybe that will help you remember to think before you leap next time,” A smug smirk played over Logan’s face as he turned a corner, heading back to the precinct.
“... I hate you,” Roman spat.
“Falsehood.” Logan didn’t even blink.
Roman glared at his childhood friend sourly. “If you weren’t driving right now, I would dearly love to wrap my hands around your skinny little-”
“Might I remind you that you are on-duty and threatening your superior officer?”
Roman growled frustratedly, throwing his hands up. “I can’t win with you!”
“Then the answer is simple; admit defeat and lose gracefully,” Logan glanced at him with a faint smirk.
“Me? Admit defeat?” Roman scoffed. “Never. I cannot believe that you’d think so little of me.”
“True. Your tenacity is downright irritating at times.”
“You know you love it.”
“As much as you enjoy my filing system.”
“To be fair, setting grievances aside, it has made paperwork considerably easier.”
Logan broke out in a wide grin. “You’re damn right it has! Efficiency in the office has nearly doubled! The system of the Library of Congress improves everything!” He thumped the steering wheel with a satisfied nod.
Roman rolled his eyes as they pulled into the garage. “Keep telling yourself that, Data.”
Logan chuckled, switching off the engine and climbing out of the car.
By the time they wrangled their perp upstairs, Roman’s ankle was screaming again. He grimaced as he limped over to his desk and fell into his chair. He spun around, eyes lingering for a moment at the abandoned desk across from his. It was covered in punk and emo band stickers and stained with flecks of black and purple nail polish.
Roman sighed as he powered on his computer and started filling out the arrest report.
“What happened, champ? You don’t look so good!” Patton appeared next to him, leaning against his desk and bracing his arms behind him.
“I’m fine, Padre, don’t you worry,” Roman assured him smoothly, flashing him a charming smile.
“Genius here decided to sprain his ankle in an unnecessary foot pursuit,” Logan said blandly as he picked up paperwork from another detective’s desk and breezed past them towards his office.
“Curse you, Logan Conroy. Curse you.” Roman muttered.
Patton’s eyes widened. “Ro-man!” He admonished. “You know better!”
Roman sighed dramatically. “I already lost my collar to Suck-rates, I don’t need a lecture from you as well, Patton.”
Patton crossed his arm, looking down at his friend sternly. “You put that foot up, I’m getting you some ice!” He shook his head, striding across the room towards the break room. He touched one of the other detective’s shoulder as he passed, grinning in greeting as he made his way to source out an ice pack from the freezer.
Roman groaned. “Loooogan! You suuuuuck!”
“I can’t hear you, I’m laminating!” Logan shouted back.
Roman threw an arm over his eyes. “Oh, what a world!” He wailed.
“I want that filed by five o’clock, Prince!”
“Oh, come on!”
21 Sanders Street Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed! :o):
@pattson @royallyanxious @thesocialbookwormishere @wisepuma23 @redisawerewolf @lacrimosathedark @demonvirgil @lucifer-in-my-head @2queer2deer @crayonthegreat @rose-gold-roman @my-happy-little-bean @thats-kat-with-a-k @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @davidthetraveler @just-a-random-word @wolfishhel @romanussy @moxieties @the-no-name-system 
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Mega Texas:  Day 1
[ Dirk, Nepeta, Sollux, Tavros, Equius, Aradia, Signless, Summoner, Tyrena and Disciple all find themselves blipping suddenly onto the hot, scorching ground. Snapping back to reality and here comes gravity. They find themselves closely scattered in a Wal-Mart parking lot. The cars are here, aren’t they always, only some of these are broken into, which is another common thing. Beside them there is a judgemental moo from cows watching as these weirdos appeared from nowhere and decided to take a nap on the asphalt. Their hair still static-y from the trip, touching one of the abandoned carts seems like a bad idea man. Real bad. ]
DIRK: -DOOF. he lands on his ass.- ... What the fuck?
DIRK: -looks around. wal-mart... fucked up cars...-
DIRK: -a weird looking horse?-
DIRK: -could he be in the fabled land of his birth?-
EQUIUS: -How dare you. He is in perfect condition. This Wal-Mart, however, is not. Equius stands with a groan.-
DIRK: -nah, that's a ridiculous conclusion to jump to...-
TYRENA: -drags herself up from the floor-
DIRK: -gets up, surveying the group and takes a head count.- Everyone okay?
TYRENA: -a little bit of a hISS as she does-
TYRENA: -STALKS AND HOBBLES a few steps, bare feet on the hot ground.- TYRENA: BLEH
SIGNLESS: -Ahh, nothing like suddenly APPEARING SOMEWHERE ELSE. First thing to register when his feet hit the ground is that its very hot, but heat he can handle, what he cant handle is trying to guess what just happened.-
SIGNLESS: Would someone.... kindly fill me in on what has just happened. -Squints as he looks around at all the cars and cows.-
EQUIUS: -He's sweating abhorrently, and the heat is making him a little...sluggish-
SOLLUX: -just laying face down on the ground.-
ARADIA: -she had a soft landing...but sollux...he needed to fall flat on his face. it was important. so she just waits for him to get up.-
NEPETA: =Scampers around anxiously, scampers over Sollux. Sits on him and kneads=
NEPETA: =With claws=
NEPETA: =Hello=
SOLLUX: guess i'm still alive. c00l.
SOLLUX: -muffled into pavement-
DIRK: ... -hoists him-
DIRK: We're missing most of the crew.
DIRK: -pats himself down... his comm device is still on him. hmm.-
NEPETA: =Doofs off Sollux as he's lift and scampers again before climbing Equius=
SOLLUX: -is hoist- l00ks like nepeta is 0kay.
SOLLUX: every0ne stand still and wait f0r me t0 st0p tasting c0ncrete s0 i can figure 0ut wh0's here.
DIRK: I'm gonna try to get ahold of everyone else. Hold up.
ARADIA: im here
SOLLUX: 0h hey AA.
EQUIUS: D --> Are you...okay, Nepeta? Aradia as well. Everyone else
NEPETA: :33 <sure this is grrrrrrrrreat blargh but im fine just furreaked out :'((
ARADIA: hi sollux
ARADIA: hi equius
ARADIA: theres nothing to be freaked out about :D
NEPETA: :33 < this is dumb >:'((
EQUIUS: D --> Stop being weirder than usual, Aradia. I concur with Nepeta
ARADIA: youre weirder than usual
ARADIA: oh wait
ARADIA: thats all the time
EQUIUS: D --> Now is not the time to wa% pitchy. Something severe has happened
ARADIA: its moderate
DIRK: -gets this random urge to kick hal's ass-
DIRK: -blurts out, holding up his comm- Hey. We're in Texas.
ARADIA: -she smiles at tyrena- ive been through every way this could possibly go
ARADIA: i know what we have to do to get to our best end result
ARADIA: but in every circumstance that i choose to tell you what to do next
ARADIA: it all ends horrifically
SOLLUX: welc0me t0 hell.
ARADIA: welcome to hell
SOLLUX: yeah.
DIRK: -looks a little distressed-
DIRK: ... Alright, everybody.
DIRK: I've gathered that the crew's been split up into groups, presumably all around the US. We're going to try to meet up in Minnesota.
DIRK: The kids are still on the ship, but Porrim is looking after them. Think she's got the bots helping her too.
DIRK: Sollux, come with me. We're gonna try to hot wire some of these cars. -drags him, but also because he wants to talk to him-
ARADIA: -smiles as they go-
SOLLUX: hhff. -is DRAG.- h0w fucking 0ld is this techn0l0gy even g0ing t0 be, this is g0nna suck.
DIRK: We weren't transported back in time, asshole. I'm sure it's fine. -he assumes-
DIRK: ... -quiet for a second after he jimmies a door open- I don't know where Jake and Roxy are.
SOLLUX: -no human technology suuuuucks. whine whine. but also quiets himself after that.- SOLLUX: ... 0kay. uhh.
SOLLUX: fuck.
DIRK: I'm trying not to freak out. Not while I still gotta give everyone direction. -leeeans into the driver's seat and starts fucking around with the car.-
NEPETA: :33 < its purrretty hard to not freak out :((
NEPETA: =crawls in the car and starts to scratch the seat immediately= :33 < where can we even go in texass?
DIRK: -SUDDENLY A CAT- ... Yeah, that's the plan, actually.
DIRK: Probably best we lay low too. As much as I'd love to sight see.
SOLLUX: jegus nepeta.
NEPETA: :33 < i can help scout...... =mnng, jumps out and starts to prowl around........= and also get dinner =STARES at cows=
DIRK: Don't you dare kill that horse.
NEPETA: =tilts head and snorts=
NEPETA: :33 < thats a silly looking horse!!
EQUIUS: D --> It's an udderbeast. A, oh fizzlewinks, what do humans call it again? Oh yes, a cow -And Nepeta better leave it alone-
DIRK: He's just a lil chunky.
ARADIA: -joins the rest of them-
NEPETA: :33 < a chunky hunk of FOOD
EQUIUS: D --> Cease
NEPETA: :33 < im trying to feed the pack :30
SOLLUX: can s0me0ne take a chunky hunk 0f shut the fuck up while i'm trying to blindly help h0twire this scuttlebuggy?
SOLLUX: in case y0u f0rg0t the tech guy was blind.
NEPETA: =leans next to Sollux=
NEPETA: :33 < (is the shut fuck tender and juicy.... like steak?) =mrps softly= i pawlieve in you!
SOLLUX: ggghhhhh.
ARADIA: im assuming youre pretty talented with your scents to know whawt youre doing by now
EQUIUS: -Plucks Nepeta up. Let him work-
SOLLUX: -mocking her- i'm assuming y0u're pretty talented with y0ur dick by n0w t0 blah blah blah my ass.
SOLLUX: -sparks fly as he touches two wires together- 0W FUCK.
ARADIA: i mean yes
ARADIA: i was waiting for that
ARADIA: for you to get shocked
ARADIA: after saying that
SOLLUX: AA can y0u st0p being super fucking creepy f0r tw0 sec0nds and try being slightly m0re s0cially acceptable? like ask if i'm 0kay 0r s0mething???
ARADIA: are you ok
ARADIA: you are
ARADIA: i can answer that
DIRK: -he's just watching this happen tbh-
SOLLUX: i'm-- g0d damn it.
SOLLUX: -throws hands up-
ARADIA: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SOLLUX: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DIRK: -and with that, he manages to get it to start running- Nice.
DIRK: This wouldn't be possible without the sacrifices you made, babe. I'm so proud of you.
TYRENA: -climbs onto the roof of the car.-
SOLLUX: y0u're WELC0ME, every0ne!
SOLLUX: what the fuck is that.
ARADIA: tyrena
SOLLUX: figures.
DIRK: Important question... Who all knows how to drive a car?
NEPEPTA: :33 < i do!
DIRK: Cool. We're gonna need a few people cuz we ain't all fittin' in one.
DIRK: -moves onto another car to get that one running.-
SOLLUX: yeah.
SOLLUX: -he's more agitated because he misses Terezi already.-
EQUIUS: D --> I can navigate one of these rudimentary vehicles well enough
SOLLUX: kn0wing y0u, y0u'll break the wheel 0r kick a h0le in the fl00rb0ard bef0re y0u get this thing past the ugly h0rse.
DIRK: -keeps an eye on those two... no strangling this time.-
EQUIUS: D --> I could just as easily put a hole in you -This heat is doing wonders for his anger-
NEPETA: =puts her foot on Equius' cheek=
DIRK: Don't make me come over there.
ARADIA: -pats equius's arm- but you wont
SOLLUX: i dunn0 aa i think we have time t0 find 0ut.
DIRK: For fuck's sake, my dude.
SOLLUX: let's just be real ab0ut 0ur handicaps here. i'm blind and he's freakishly hulking.
EQUIUS: -There's a neck vein or three bulging-
ARADIA: hes big
NEPETA: =Puts her foot on the neck veins, mrps=
NEPETA: :33 < if i cant eat the weird horse ill eat mew both fur survival!
SOLLUX: at least i'll be put t0 g00d use.
NEPETA: :33 < purr bones would make a nice broth
ARADIA: -whacks sollux's arm-
EQUIUS: D --> As what? A post dinner tooth picking tool
NEPETA: :33 < no equihiss purr the picking tool fur my teeth! >:00
EQUIUS: D --> You've already e%pended your use, Captor
NEPETA: :33 < BLARRRRRGGHH =ascends the horse and gets on his shoulders, hand over the mouth= shush
DIRK: -okay, he's coming back over.-
SOLLUX: what was that f0r???
[In the not so far distance, a shitty jpeg skateboard gently floats to the ground]
ARADIA: you hit your daily verbal self deprecation limit a long time ago
DIRK: Are we really doing this right now? Because I'm not in the fucking mood to br-- .....................
DIRK: -stares at the skateboard-
SOLLUX: excuse me?? that d0esn't exist.
SOLLUX: .... br.
ARADIA: -just smiles at the skateboard. HAHAHA it's kind of funny this time around-
DIRK: ... -picks up the skateboard-
SOLLUX: br???
SOLLUX: dirk???
DIRK: Bruh.
SOLLUX: 0h 0kay.
[It's just...So shitty. It's UNREAL, how poor the quality of this thing is. It feels like it's going to break apart in his hands. There's no way anyone actually ever rode this thing]
DIRK: ... -captchalogues this-
DIRK: Anyway, I got the other car running so let's split up.
SOLLUX: sure thing gang.
DIRK: Watch me swooce right in. -pushes sollux into the passenger's seat so he can get into the driver's seat.-
SOLLUX: hrrf. -scrunches up his little stick noodle body-
EQUIUS: -Grumbles off to the other with Nep-
NEPETA: =Pats his sweaty face, softly shushing=
DIRK: -BYE BITCH. just kidding. he likes equius but he can't abide anybody flexing threateningly at his husband. sorry bro.-
ARADIA: -she'll stay in here. for reasons. BYE EQUIUS KISS KISS LOVE YA BYE BYE-
EQUIUS: -He'll break everything-
DIRK: -leads the way further north with his gps guiding them. it's gonna be a long night.-
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