#tiny hidden rotom
rubenesque-as-fuck · 2 years
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All right, I think this dice tower gift is complete! ~10-12 hours of painting time. Also hid a little Rotom (their favorite pokemon) on the tower 😊
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hannibalzero · 7 months
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Pokémon team!
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1. Roserade
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Obi-wans first Pokémon. Given to him as a Budew by Qui-gon-Jinn as a youngling.
Hidden within the bouquet on each hand are thorned whips loaded with virulent poison. Roserade moves gracefully as it corners its prey and mercilessly lashes them with its whips.
A Pokémon from a more civilized time.
2. Polteageist (shiny)
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Obi-wan enjoys tea, he ordered an antique tea set from Naboo only to be surprise by this charming little guy. Starting as a scared Sinistea, this Pokémon is now brave and can make friends with anyone!
Trainers Polteageist trusts will be allowed to experience its distinctive flavor and aroma firsthand by sampling just a tiny bit of its tea.
3. Escavalier
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As a knight of the republic, allowing this regal pokemon on Obi-Wan’s team was needed. A sweetheart to all but deadly to enemies. They are great sparing partner. After the loss of Qui-gon-jinn, Obi-Wan met this pokemon as a karrablast, waiting at the steps of the Naboo royal palace.
They fly around at high speeds, striking with their posioned lances. Even in trouble, they face their opponents bravely.
4. Lucario
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This pokemon joined Obi-wan when he became Anakin’s master. As a Riolu she trained alongside Anakin helping the young boy grasp the force. She loves belly rubs and tends to lay across Obi-wan’s lap to beg for treats.
A most gallant-looking pokemon. It emits energy waves and controls them with precision. Using them to sense faraway beings.
5. Milotic
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A gift from Satine when Obi-wan was a Padawan. His soarkling diamond of corse. Milotic helps with Obi-wans negotiations and teaching Anakin!
It lives in the bottom of clear lakes, in times of war. It shows itself which soothes people’s hearts and minds.
6. Rotom!
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A gift from Anakin after he was knighted. Said that obi-wan needed some company now that he didn’t have a padawan. A naughty little pokemon that likes to live in Obi-Wan’s communicator! He like to sing to Obi-Wan.
Obiwan loves this little demon.
One boy’s invention led to the development of many different machines that takes advantage of Rotoms unique properties.
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local-littleguy · 4 months
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didn’t finish the Pokemon clean drawings yet but I was to proud of this to not post so!!!! here’s my violet-pokesona! a little goober of a kid who was basically raised by Miraidon in the woods. They live in a huge hidden cave forest lake area. they don’t understand human society <3<3<3 i did have to change up the timeline bc I made the concept before finishing violets plot so! spoilers and explanation under cut!
other trivia:
Arden’s Tera orb is a repaired version with a Tera shard stufffed haphazardly inside. It’s unstable but more powerful
They stole their rotom phone (what is a property ownership)
they will eat practically anything (including Pokemon berries which are not normally considered edible)
they got warped because they were raised by Pokemon and have limited abilities. For example, if desperate enough they can use TMs for a one-time use of that move, though this more often than. Not injures them as the human body isn’t adapted to using moves and can’t stand the power
they do visit the outskirt towns but none of the big ones, but will go to Pokemon centers. They have a steady supply of league points from Pokemon meteoals that they use instead of money since they hide from ost trainers, though they do sell stuff to the pokemart
their team is family to them and they defend them (especially Miraidon and Andromeda) with a ferocity few trainers have
they can read, they’ll find books and stuff people left behind (or just Borrow them forever)
wants to collect as many relics of human culture as possible, so they end up seeking out gyms solely for the badges, not the accomplishment, they just need to collect Things ok
the dlc is included in the storyline since I just got it !!!
I change Miraidons booster energy item in game btw it took me too long to realize it didn’t work on him :( he’s got a lucky egg now
miraidon ran away from area zero and the original Turo much earlier, and Arven never met it before it escaped, as this version of turo kept it secret
It stumbled upon the tiny toddler Arden who’d been sperated from their parents with only a fiesty Eevee for company. It took both in and serves as an impromptu father figure for Arden and their team
years later, arven is exploring while trying to figure out if he should go to area zero or not (this occurs before mabosstifs injury, more on that later) and stumbles upon a kid his age making flower crowns with a group of Pokemon. They quickly go on the defensive and Miraidon pins him down (think httyd 1 toothless gets out of the net scene)
Arden surprises him by eagerly interrogating him. They speak an unusual mishmash of English/common? and as many Pokemon words/sounds as they can make. As such they understand Pokemon much better than any trainer but can’t maintain a full conversation, though they can practically do so just out of knowing their team very well (they don’t consider them a team, to them they’re family)
they steal the Violet book and run off. Arven chases them and ends up losing them. The two end up colliding again, sparking an unlikely friendship and beginning an adventure where the who seek out the truth behind Area Zero, turo’s disappearance,and the terastal phenomenon
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pinkhairandpokemon · 11 months
Lotus stared into the image of her family reflected in the pool of time, her brother pacing around a few feet away as he tried to think of a different way out. Relying on Celebi seemed to be a bust- and night would set on the forest again soon enough. He would’ve really liked to get home before then.
After a few more long seconds of staring, Lotus stepped away from the pool with a heavy sigh. She looked down at the red Rotom-phone in her hand, turning it over to see the eyes glitching to life on the back.
She’d put the pieces together pretty quickly. This wasn’t her baba’s phone. Well, it was- just a version of it from the past. She’d had her suspicions ever since her brother retrieved it from that ditch a few days prior, what with the date on it being wrong, the photos being over a decade old, and the Rotom inside acting weirdly. But, after discovering Celebi, her belief that the forest had warped the device through time had been pretty cemented.
She stared into the eyes of the dazed Electric-type. She’d wondered why it hadn’t been all that responsive, her baba’s phone Rotom was normally very chatty. Maybe getting sent through time had messed with it’s mind somehow.
“You’re not…” she hesitated for a moment, bringing the phone closer to her face. “You’re not from this… part of time, are you.”
“U-U-User… Blake…?” The Rotom muttered in a static-y voice, eyes flickering like broken car lights. “When- when did you… Wheeeen did you grow your hair- hair- hair back out? And wa-wash out it’s- color- color- color?”
“I’m not ba-” Lotus sighed before correcting herself. It sounded so much like her baba’s Rotom, it was weird to think this one had no idea who she was. “…I’m not Blake.”
“Oh-!” The Rotom’s pupils flicked from side to side. “My- my- my- my apologiezzzzz…! I-I seem to be experiencing- experiencing some malfUnCtIoNs!” Lotus had to stifle a giggle at the funny way its robotic voice warped as it spoke. “Can youuuuuuu please return me to my owner so they- they- they can repair me?”
“We’ll get you back to your right owner, don’t worry,” she said, giving the Rotom phone’s case a comforting pat. “And then we’ll find out where our baba’s phone went.”
“If Celebi will learn to cooperate, that is…” she grumbled, gaze falling to her feet, like she felt as though the chances of that were slim.
Unbeknownst to her or her brother, the little mythical Pokémon had been watching, hidden in the canopy the whole time. It had seen the way the girl had peered longingly into the time pool- watching the replayed memories of her family with a heavy sadness. Seeing that… had caused a change in the little Dragon-type’s heart.
It, too, once had a family long ago- its own swarm of its past, future, and alternate timeline selves- it once had a place and a sense of belonging amongst them, until the tragic day it was forcibly separated from them. When an injury from a storm caused irreversible damage to its powers of manipulating time’s flow, and it lost control of those abilities, making it unwillingly warp and corrupt time wherever it roamed. Even if it could find its swarm, it’d never be welcomed back in this state…
It had found a sense of family with the ancient Pokémon it’d summoned to its domain over the years, though, and had hoped its new mortal friends would become a part of it- it’d been many years since humans had entered the little god’s forest with benevolent intentions, after all. Most either feared it or wanted to capture it.
But… these kids had a home already waiting for them. Who am I to keep them from returning to their family, the Celebi realized. It’s a pain I know all too well, so why would subject them to it?
“Bwii…” The tiny god let out a remorseful chirp as it fluttered down from the canopy. Royce and Lotus turned in unison, eyes widening when they saw Celebi appear to them once more.
“Celebi!” Royce exclaimed, rushing over to Lotus’ side when it flitted down to greet her. “Um… are you feeling better? You’re not still upset with us, are you?”
“Bwibwi bwiiii,” the Pokémon chittered, nodding to Royce before turning back to Lotus with a look that said “I’m sorry”.
It extended its tiny, clawed paw out to the girl, giving her a reassuring chirp. Lotus’ gaze fell from its eyes to its hand, frowning contemplatively as she slowly raised her own.
Hesitantly, her finger brushed against Celebi’s palm- and she let out a small gasp when she felt something wash over her. A strange, indescribable connection to the little god before her formed, like a tether connecting their hearts. Her eyes flashed a bright yellow, and when she met Celebi’s, something inside her felt like she was staring into her reflection.
“Bwibwibwi!!!” Celebi cheered, doing a twirl of excitement.
“Celebi…!” Lotus marveled, a smile of awe lighting up her face. “I can understand you!”
“What?!” Royce exclaimed, staring at his younger sister with his mouth agape. “Seriously?!”
“Y-yeah!” She chuckled in reply, as if she could hardly believe it herself. “It says it’ll help us get back home…!”
“Bwiii!” Celebi spun back up into the air, making a gesture for the siblings to follow before darting off towards the trees.
“Come on, this way!” Lotus said as she grabbed her brother’s wrist, pulling him along without another word as she tailed after the mythical.
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horizonboundtrainer · 4 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have | Accepting at my own peril you sadists
Fuck you bro
I hate you
1. May will raid your fridge at 3 AM. Keep snacks around or she will literally empty your fridge. She's just as likely to go to town on raw carrots as your lunch.
2. May hasn't had a functioning circadian rhythm in years. She could be working out, studying Sarte or breaking into places at any hour of the day. When she gets tired, she just finds a well hidden place to pass out for 2-5 hours at a time ( averaging at about 4 to six hours a day ). This could be literally anywhere—she's not picky about sleeping in strange positions or tied to a tiny ledge a hundred feet off the ground.
3. Most of the team has been taught to read and write. ( Well, when applicable. The giant Gyarados isn't picking up a pen anytime soon ) Some of them are quite terrible at it but in this day and age, there's technological solutions for that.
4. May sometimes downloads one of Metagross's custom Porygon2s onto her laptop when Metagross isn't available. Shirou specializes in hacking, data analysis and future projection; Murasaki in encryption breaking, deception and translation; and Midori acts as an antivirus, a cybersecurity program and PC Box terminal that sometimes "fails" to record a Pokemon caught. Aka-22 is the sole battling Porygon, using its Eviolite to act as a wall and Trick Room sweeper. Yes, she absolutely uses them to get around League mandates.
5. May doesn't trust League issued Porygons or Rotoms at all. She's been spied on by League officials on both Maxie and Interpol's payrolls in the past so she's very much properly paranoid. She also finds the Rotom Dexes obnoxious. No, she doesn't need advice on Potion use—she's been in the trainer buisness longer than most of the Rotoms have been alive!
6. She doesn't trust Alola's ride Pokemon either. Illegal HM usage is just one more crime in the list of the ones she already commits on a regular basis.
7. She's a lazy affectionate drunk unless somebody riling her up for some mischief.
8. She's actually a decent cook. It's a side effect of spending years trying to make questionable ingredients ( MREs, instant ramen, lichen, etc. ) actually taste good with whatever the hell she has on hand. If you give her a recipe, meterials to work with and ban her from making whatever "improvements" that come to mind though? May could probably whip up something rivaling that of an award winning chef... assuming that you don't give a damn about presentation. ( Her "improvements" aren't always terrible either. Heck they even turn out amazing sometimes but she's very much a mad scientist )
9. May gives everyone nicknames ranging from just "kid" or "Zinn" to "Spikes" to "Seedot-head". It's one of her more unusual means of showing affection.
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alolanrain · 5 years
How’d We Get Here? (WIP)
Raihan didn’t know how he and Ash got into this position, running through the backstreets and alleyways of Wyndon and away from Rose Tower. They're supposed to be at a high end Gala and all the other world Champions are there. Raihan should be there to support Leon as a rival and friend and also as Galar’s strongest gym, Ash should be back up there since he's a two titled Champion himself and need to represent the Orange and Alola league. But instead his extremely tiny hand is trying to grasp Raihan’s own and tug him down another alley while his blue cased Rotom is spouting out directions to the nearest restaurant that has something other than just curry on the menu.
Arceus who is Raihan kidding? He totally knows why their out here in the cold of the night and not back inside that ridiculus fucking building. Gripping to each other under their breath before Ash ennevitable gets pulled away by Champion Lance or an Elite Four to go talk to a group of old wrinkle men who wants Ash to come to Galar so they can get him under their fucking old ass thumbs which is plainly hidden when they offer their sponsorships.
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poketeer · 4 years
Domestic Devilry and Household Horror: Dealing with Home Hauntings
[Interior shot of a poshly dressed yet disheveled MT Hadid in an armchair. A fireplace is aglow in the background as they sip tea from a delicate-looking teacup. Over the course of the entire episode, the fire slowly dies down until nearly burning out at the very end. They appear startled that the camera is rolling and attempt to recover as smoothly as possible, quickly putting the cup down and smoothing their wrinkled clothes quickly before clearing their throat and smiling to the camera.]
Good evening. I am Dr. M. T. Hadid, and I’m here to bring you on a journey through the mysterious world of Pokémon.
[The pattern on the teacup smiles, revealing itself to be a Sinistea. Its dark handle detaches at the base, showing its tiny hand. It waves to the camera then reattaches. MT notices none of this.]
This evening, I will be taking you on a journey through strange domestic occurrences experienced by myself and many others that can only be attributed to one thing: ghost Pokémon.
[A few notes of cheesy music play, akin to something from an early B horror movie. Sinistea silently giggles.]
Have you ever heard noises in your house of someone else moving around, even though you were sure you were alone? Do you find that things go missing, but you were sure you knew where you last had them, only to find them hidden in preposterous locations? Do you experience periods of confusion, disorientation or fainting? If so, you might just live in one of the spookiest places possible: a house haunted by ghost Pokémon.
Hauntings are much more common than most people think, and to this day there are skeptics that believe these Pokémon shy away from human dwellings in favor of more wild places, but their antics tell a different story: one of domestic devilry and household horror.
[MT looks surprisedly proud of themself for this apparently spontaneous alliteration. Sinistea rolls its eyes.]
As recently as last week, an elderly neighbor came to me with concerns that a family of Duskull might have taken up residence in her house. Naturally, I was concerned for her, so I paid her a visit with my ghost Pokémon detection kit. I did a thorough search of her house and, sure enough, the signs of haunting were rampant, and they didn't point to only Duskull—I suspected the presence of Gastly, Haunter, Rotom, and Shuppet in this woman’s house.
Among numerous other things, her possessions had been strewn about the house, several of her dishes had recently been broken, and there was a near-constant high-pitched whine that followed her about the house. Fortunately, she also kept a companion Pokémon that I felt would be well-suited to helping her with her problem, so I gave the Pokémon some ghost-hunting training and put my dear neighbor at ease. I have here a photo of her and her Pokémon at the end of our visit, her nerves soothed that the problem would be resolving soon.
[MT holds up a photograph. Close-up of the image, which shows an ancient woman with a severely wrinkled face, squinted eyes, incredibly thick glasses, two large hearing aids and a heavy cane in one hand. Her other hand holds on to the hand of an energetic-looking Impidimp, which was clearly not able to hold still for the picture. The old woman’s smile looks nervous and somewhat forced. MT’s finger appears from the side of the photo, indicating the somewhat blurry space in front of the refrigerator above Impidimp’s head.]
Here, above her Pokémon’s head, you should be able to see the faint outline of the Rotom I suspect was responsible for the whining sound that persisted for the duration of my visit. It’s a little-known fact that Rotom, young Rotom especially, may occasionally squeal in excitement when possessing certain appliances.
[The photo moves out of the shot unceremoniously. Cut back to the original, full-room shot. Sinistea is once again rolling its eyes.]
If you’ll join me, I have a small collection of similar images of previous hauntings, either that I myself took, or that were given to me by friends and acquaintances over the years.
[MT picks up Sinistea, stands, and walks to their left, the camera following them. During the pan, we get an instantaneous look at MT’s doctorate hanging slightly askew on the wall. It’s only partially legible at this distance, but it’s from a highly regarded university and does seem to be relevant to Pokémon biology. They stop in front of a wall that is covered in photographs, nearly floor to ceiling. They are haphazardly arranged and, in many places, placed partially one over the other. MT sips tea from Sinistea and makes a face that indicates they are surprised by its intense bitterness. Sinistea giggles silently.]
Go ahead, take a closer look.
[MT gestures with their free hand toward the wall collage. Cut to a close-up of a cluster of blurry, washed-out, and grainy photographs. Few details are discernible, but those that are indicate that these images were taken in and around people’s homes. The camera slowly pans around the collage as MT talks, showing more of the same.]
You’ll notice some common themes in these pictures. Ghost Pokémon generally don’t like being photographed—or even looked at for more than an instant, usually—so they use their spectral nature to avoid appearing properly. The blurring and low resolution you’ll notice in many of these images are artifacts of the ghost Pokémon they contain. Some ghosts like Litwick and its evolutions, along with Rotom, have bright lights they can shine to obscure themselves and wash out any pictures taken of them. Capturing proper pictures of ghost Pokémon is an art form that it eludes most photographers.
[The camera arrives on a picture of a smiling MT next to A Sensu-Style Oricorio with several other Oricorio in all forms in the background. Cut back to a wide shot of MT standing next to the wall-sized collage.]
Now, let’s say you suspect you might have a haunting in your home. What do you do?
[MT walks back to their chair during this next bit of speech. When they arrive at the chair they will return Sinistea to its saucer.]
First off, if you’re in a new home, especially one built in the last 20 years, or you live in a house with a lot of residents, you’re likely experiencing anxiousness and mundane occurrences, not ghost Pokémon. Check in with everyone else who lives in the house, and you’ll likely find that the disturbances are well within the realm of everyday life. Once you’ve ruled that out, or if you live in a house that’s more likely to be haunted, you have a few options. Ghost-proofing is one such option, although this can often prove expensive and difficult to guarantee successful if not performed by a trained expert. A more straightforward approach would be to keep a companion Pokémon in your home, preferably a dark-type, as ghosts are weak against them.
[MT pats their lap twice.]
Here, Sammy!
[A small but spunky Alolan Rattata runs up and jumps into MT’s lap, making itself comfortable. It glares at Sinistea but stays still. MT pets Sammy then leaves their hand resting on Sammy’s back.]
If they’re available in your area, I primarily recommend either an Alolan Rattata or a Galarian Zigzagoon, as their added normal type gives them immunity to most attacks ghost Pokémon might use. Normal-types that have been bred or raised to know dark-type moves like Bite and Crunch are also a solid choice for the same reason. Sammy here has been with me for quite some time, and together, we keep our household haunt-free.
[Sinistea laughs at this. It’s still silent, but this laugh is much heartier than its earlier giggles.]
If neither ghost-proofing nor a companion Pokémon are practical options for you, there are plenty of trainers willing to send their Pokémon on Poké Jobs, as well as professional ghost-hunting trainers and Pokémon handlers who are more than willing to tackle your problem for you.
[MT pauses and ponders for a moment.]
Though, ah, not literally; ghost Pokémon are immune to Tackle, as it’s a normal move, you see.
[MT chuckles awkwardly. Sinistea nods proudly.]
Now, all of this is not to say that ghost Pokémon can’t ever be good companions for trainers. I personally am well acquainted with a number of ghost specialists, including Elite Four Agatha of Kanto, Gym Leader Fantina of Sinnoh, and Gym Leader Allister of Galar, among others. Any of them would tell you that a well-trained ghost Pokémon is a loyal and powerful companion for battles and beyond. I have no intention to disparage this type on the whole, but rather shed light on the problems they can cause if they are wild and unattended. In fact, for the more experienced Pokémon pet owners, a Sableye can be just as effective at keeping a house haunt-free as Sammy here.
[MT affectionately pets Sammy again. Sammy licks their finger, chitters happily, and then returns to its resting position. The fire has burned down to nothing but embers.]
Well, that’s about all we have time for today. I hope you found this segment informative on the nature of ghost Pokémon hauntings and what to do if you suspect that you or a loved one may be experiencing one in or around your home. If you have questions, pictures or stories about hauntings, I’d be delighted if you would share them with my viewers and me! Until next time, I’m Dr. Hadid, your guide through the mysterious world of Pokémon.
[The electric lights in the room suddenly burn out, leaving only the last embers in the fireplace visible. There’s a squeal from Sammy and an audible giggle that’s just a bit quieter.]
Dangit, why do these light bulbs burn out so fast? I’m sorry, this is really quite strange.
[Sounds of movement as a faint glow in the shape of a Rotom fades into view. It’s not a bright glow, but the shape is unmistakable to those who know it. End program.]
-- If you have a story, picture, or questions for MT and their Pokemon, feel free to write a letter to Pokemon 101 at the Poketeer! MT Hadid 4/29/20
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ruffylorpau · 5 years
I came up with a pokemon team for some of the characters of Invader Zim if they were to live in a Pokemon AU. Not everyone has a full battling team. Some characters only have one partner pokemon.
First though... Story!
A tiny headcanon to make the world of pokemon mesh a little better with Invader Zim is that the Irken Empire requires irkens to adopt one Meltan Unit. They discovered a planet inhabited by strange creatures made out of a liquid metal alloy and decided to weaponize the creatures to do their bidding. These metal creatures were then used as servants for the invaders in world domination. The Tallest of the Irken Empire commands a Melmetal, reflecting their height and power over the rest of the species.
Zim, being the shortest and least qualified for being an invader, actually adopted a strange-looking creature they had found on the planet Vort. It was with a group of the same species huddled in a cave during the invasion, imprisoned because of its strange green coloring and red eyes. Even though he discovered through the noises of the creature that it was something called an Aron, Zim decides to give it a nickname. He called it Gir and deeming it a more menacing name fitting to help him invade planets. Of course the Tallest laugh as his attempt, and of course, they attempt to banish him away to a faraway planet to rid themselves of the tiny menace.
So once Zim gets to earth, he starts to realize that there are many more types of these creatures that exist of all shapes and sizes. He sets up his home base and sets his plans in motion to take over earth with Gir at his side. Learning that the creatures that inhabit the earth are called Pokemon, he sets out to gather an army (not understanding the six pokemon in total etiquette) while battling it out with Dib Membrane himself! 
Dib and Gaz both got Eevee eggs as gifts from their dad which also doubled as an experiment to see what path his children would take in deciding the future evolution of their very first pokemon. Dib’s surprisingly hatched as a shiny and would later become an Umbreon. Gaz hatched a normal Eevee except it had two extremely rare outcomes (hidden ability/female) and evolved into an Espeon.
Side note, on one adventure Zim and Dib both discover a little harmless pokemon that fell out of a strange tear in the universe. They’re still enemies at this point and really want to keep the pokemon for themselves but they have some sort of unspoken agreement when it comes to incidents outside of their usual battles. The little thing (they both discover is called a Cosmog) really likes hanging out with both of them, warping from one household to the other to play and hang out. Dib wanted to name it Galaxy Moth, but after a bunch of arguing and a few fistfights, Dib lets Zim name the little guy Minimoose.
So here are the teams and side pokemon or partner pokemon of the cast I think could work well and have some sort of synergy with the person who owns them. 
Shiny Aron (Name: Gir) (Can Mega) / Ability: Sturdy / Gender: Male
Klink / Ability: Clear Body / Gender: N/A
Shieldon / Ability: Soundproof / Gender: Female 
Magnemite / Ability: Analytic / Gender: N/A
Durant / Ability: Truant / Gender: Male
Beldum / Ability: Light Metal / Gender: N/A
Shiny Eevee (Name: Mystery) / Ability: Run Away / Gender: Male
Riolu (Can Mega) / Ability: Steadfast / Gender: Male
Salandit / Ability: Corrosion / Gender: Female (Doesn’t want to evolve)
Baltoy / Ability: Levitate / Gender: N/A
Litwick / Ability: Flame Body / Gender: Male
Rotom / Ability: Levitate / Gender: N/A
Shared by Dib and Zim (Not owned but hang around)
Cosmog (Name: Minimoose) / Ability: Unaware / Gender: N/A
Shedinja / Ability: Wonder Guard / Gender: N/A (Experimental Pokemon)
Eevee (Name: Slasher) / Ability: Anticipation / Gender: Female
Spoink / Ability: Thick Fat / Gender: Female
Zorua / Ability: Illusion / Gender: Male
Pancham / Ability: Iron Fist / Gender: Female
Mawhile (Can Mega) / Ability: Intimidate  / Gender: Male
Mimikyu / Ability: Disguise / Gender: Female
Liepard / Ability: Limber / Gender: Female
Deoxys / Ability: Pressure / Gender: N/A
Ms. Bitters
Absol (Can Mega) / Ability: Pressure / Gender: Female
Professor Membrane
Ditto / Ability: Imposter / Gender: N/A (Also the family pokemon)
Porygon Z / Ability: Analytic / Gender: N/A (Lab Assistant)
Tallest Red and Purple
Melmetal / Ability: Iron Fist / Gender: N/A
All Irkens
Meltan / Ability: Magnet Pull / Gender: N/A
Mysterious Mystery’s Mascot
Beheeyem / Ability: Telepathy / Gender: Male
(Whoops this got bigger than I thought. Feel free to agree or disagree with me on the choices~)
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captainshyguy · 7 years
so uhhh...i finished ultra sun/moon’s main “story” and here are my Thoughts 
all im gonna say above the tline if you want a good gameplay game, both sun and moon and ultra sun and ultra moon works 
if you were looking of a game with genuine emotion/one where lillie and gladion get any further development and their characters dont feel tacked on and cheap...play sun and moon lmao
ok im gonna go good first bc unfortunately i have a lot of bad stuff to talk about and i mean i ALOT which is annoying since i spent 40 fucking pound on this game 
god the top screen graphics were really nice like it looked so much more vibrant and the water and grass looked BEAUTIFUL 
the ultra recon squad were great, especially when phyco wanted to throw down with lusamine like same binch 
more ilima content?? THANKS GAMEFREAK AAAAAAAAA literally like??? you see him at the trainers school, then in hao’oli city, then again in hau’oli, then for his trial, then after hala’s and then he’s a part of mina’s??? and he shows up for the festival and he also has 2 sidequests where you get to talk to him and stuff??? and you get some backstory? NICE 
also seeing him with more than 2 pokemon was nice thanks 
like honestly when i asked for more ilima content i didn’t think i’d get it bjdgkdsgkdfs 
mina being more prominent was nice 
mantine surfing is cute 
as someone who only played moon and not sun, im glad i got to fight kiawe this time around! 
gong up to pokemon on the street and getting to like play peekaboo with them? incredible 
elite 4 molayne was pretty damn cool
the sheer amount of cool little sidequests was really fucking cool, i still haven’t done them all/found them all probably???? i like how they’re more extnsive than in sun and moon, like the letters, the dugtrio girl, the hypno thing with ilima
also that tiny sidequest on route 15/16 where there’s a sandygast and if you talk to the kid he’s all ‘look what i made!’ and then the sandygast turns round and its like ‘SAND!!! DEE!!! GAST!!! with like a zoom in on each pause JKSDGDSKGSDG 
hau really comes into his own in this game, honestly he and guzma are the only characters from sun and moon that actually get any significant character development, and i love hau a lot bc he’s super sweet so?? getting to see him more and see his motivations, and show how close you and him are was a delight, like it almost, almost saves the game for me like hau....thank u b without you i WOULD have thrown this game out the window
o yeah speaking of YOU HAVE TO BATTLE HAU FOR THE TITLE OF ALOLA’S CHAPMION AAAAAA now i’m kinda mixed abt this bc honestly i loved fighting kukui, which y’know, doesnt happen in this game (unless he’s gonna challenge you when you redo the elite 4) and it felt like more was at stake?? like the music was better and kukui was harder so???? idk it still gave me chills fighting hau tho 
the rotomdex was sweet overall, though i do have my problems 
the music that plays when necrozma comes out of the ultra wormhole was incredible, it took my breath away 
this game took away almost every ounce of charm and emotion that sun and moon had and i’m absolutely furious, i get this game was more about the gameplay, but emotional highlights in sun and moon just didn’t happen, lillie and gladion and nebby got COMPLETELY shafted, and everything that made sun and moon so great story wise was gone
what i mean by that is the main driving force behind sun and moon was lusamine being the evil fuck that she’s supposed to be, and gladion and lillie’s absolute defiance to that, growing, tearing away from their mother and becoming their own people!! it was amazing, inspiring, especially in lillie’s case, seeing her go from quiet and timid to defying her mother to her face, shouting and making her point!!! that didn’t happen here, like yeah they run away, but bc of what they did to lusamine’s character, it felt nowhere near as impactful, and i really didn’t feel for lillie and gladion at all?? or nebby???? 
they tried to keep some things the same, but with lusamine’s character suddenly being all over the place, like the whole ‘oh she has good intentions, but she thinks she knows the best for everyone and does stuff no matter if it’s what people want or not’ but then they kept juxtaposing this, she calls lillie and gladion wretches, then she calls nebby gallant for loving lillie, she still has pokemon frozen in her fucknig hidden room, yet hau calls her a good person like???? what???? it doesnt work?? her characterisation was all over the place, and having her be good and stay at the end pissed me off SOOOOOO MUCH because like....i don’t like lusamine in sun and moon, she’s an evil fuck who was awful to her kids, but what she did made me adore lillie and gladion, and lusamine was a good character, not from a moral standpoint, but from a written standpoint, she was written so well and SOOO EVILLY and they just took that away, and it made none of lillie and gladion’s stuff make any sense??? which really pissed me off bcsun and moon was such a story driven game, it wasnt really about the protagonist, it was about lillie and nebby and their journey!
speaking of, watching lillie get forced down to a side character in this game was the worst, she doesnt go with you to exeggutor island and have tat amazing speech, she doesnt go through the ultra wormhole with you she’s just...there...and her changing into her z powered form in this game felt so forced bc like...what has she been through really, like she run away with nebby yeah, then her mum was like?? being kinda reasonable then not, and oh she went in the wormhole???? that whole aether scene felt so underwhelming, the music didn’t even change when nebby was getting hurt, unlike the other one, with lusamine’s characterisation being all over the place, it made lillie and gladion’s “arcs” in this game seem so weak and cheap 
oh yeah speaking of the aether scene what the FUCK was up with gladion like ‘oh take me with you null was made to be a beast killer!’ are you TELLING ME that after gladion says cosmog will bring disaster and they have to save it he’d REALLY try to go with, which obvious would fucking HURT NEBBY??? WEAK GAME FREAK WEAK 
can’t you tell they REALLY forgot to add anything on type null/silvally it was just...there 
gladion just randomly leaving at the end was fucking insulting, it was insulting because you can TELL they tried to add a tiny bit of emotion by paralleling lillie leaving in sun and moon but??? it doesnt work??? gladion barely has any development in this game/a big amazing arc like lillie did, you arent there to see him off, so it just genuinely feels insulting, especially since gladion actually had no reason to fucking leave lmao 
lusamine’s not obsessed with nihilego anymore?? TERRIBLE that was like her defining fucking trait??? 
also like...what was the point of nihilego coming through the wormhole at paradise, that scene has no fucking relevance/the same impact/foreshadowing or anything, it was literally just to be like ���oh yeah that’s an ultra beast’ that was IT
there wasn't that amazing set of credits with the photos of all the characters you’ve grown to adore in this??? and that picture that rotom snaps of you in sun and moon you dont even fucking see it in this, despite rotom still taking it?? fuck this 
my 5 FAVOURITE QUOTES WERE TAKEN AWAY ALL OF MY FUCKING FAVOURITES rotom calling ilima a dreamboat, that bit where lillie says ‘ Whenever I feel like there's nothing I can do, you seem to show up and...you do something. Every time, you've shown me that it's possible... to do something.’ that AMAZING bit where she goes off at her mum like ‘Children... Children are not just THINGS that belong to their parents! Pokémon are not just THINGS that a Trainer can do whatever they want to! I am alive! Cosmog is alive! We are not things for you to collect!, that bit right at the end where she's narrating the credits  ‘ Everyone's smiles shine so brightly. Those smiles led us to so many other people. And those meetings will lead us to a bright future. I'm so glad I got to meet everyone. I'm so glad I got to meet you.’  and the last one is Plumeria’s incredible line which really made me like her when she was like ‘no one can make up for what they've done if they're gone’ ever SINGLE ONE OF THESE WAS GONE basically they took lillie’s best lines, and they took plumeria and rotoms best lines
despite everything, we didn’t... actually learn where necrozma, solgaleo and lunala actually...come from/their origins like??? we’ve learnt there’s multiple lunala and solgaleo, seemingly only one necrozma, but like?? are they ultra beasts or not?? why dont beast balls work then lmao??? 
i’m sorry i love lillie but....i’d 100% rather have this amazing strong incredible lillie in sun and moon leave and make my heart wrench and make me cry bc it was so emotional and beautiful, than have this usum lillie stay around, this one who hasnt been through everything, who hasn’t had this amazing beautiful arc, who just randomly gave me nebby, with the whole catching nebby scene completely tacked on with none of the emotional impact that the sun and moon catching nebby scene had, who was reduced to such a side character that i cant possibly feel the same emotion for her
i just...i know pokemon games have always been about gameplay, and sun and moon was an exception but,....sun and moon was the first mainstream pokemon game i’ve ever played, and it blew me away, it was breathtaking, incredible, it was the best fucknig game i’ve ever played, it has the best fucking story i’ve ever had the honor of playing, it was complex, deeply emotional, and still so so wholesome, despite all the awful stuff that happens, it was beautiful, heartwarming, heartbreaking, i loved it and it will forever have a place in my heart, so playing this...and watching the characters i love being forced aside, with everything i love about them being gone was the most disappointing thing i’ve ever had to witness and it’s made me furious to the point where i barely even want to play through the post game rainbow rocket shit (if hau comes along then i will, if it’s just lillie and guzma, then....i dont know) because what’s the fucking point honestly 
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tumblunni · 7 years
Okay, i figured since, well, that one goddamn wifi event is That One Goddamn Wifi Event, I may as well make a short post about it so people who weren’t able to see it can understand how it fuckin Blew My Mind when I was a teenager and plunged me into the fandom hell for the most obscure unloved jerkass grandpa who may or may not even be the guy this vague tantalizing mystery plot point is even about, and AAAA
So yeah here we go, transcript of the event text (thanks, Bulbapedia!) and some general summary of the context of who da fuk dis Charon is, and hopefully maybe at least one more person shall now understand this tiny fandom for a tiny gremp!
~The Context Of Charon~
(skip all this if you just wanna get to the wifi event transcipt)
If you haven’t played DPPT and don’t plan to: The villain team of Sinnoh is Team Galactic, a bunch of silly guys in space costumes with a rad jazz theme tune and a surprising level of competance in a terrifying plan to erase the universe and replace all emotion with infinate silence. Also, interesting moral ambiguity cos most of them are either oblivious or outright good, just being manipulated by the team’s super scary badass leader Cyrus who’s led them to believe they’re going to ‘fix’ the world to end all sadness for everyone. This weird complexity behind goofy nonsense hair people is what got me hooked on them as my faves!
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So who is Charon in particular? Diamond and Pearl got a third version called Platinum that fixed a bunch of glitches and unfinished graphics and expanded upon the rushed endgame, etc. It also (for some reason) added one single extra member to Team Galactic, as seen here on the second furthest from the right. Charon is a grumpy grandpa and he literally does nothing in the plot. Its really confusing why he was actually added, he only gets more than two lines of dialogue if you pursue a secret sidequest waaaaay in the postgame, and he still gets like.. SIX lines of dialogue and not even a boss fight. Poor dude barely exists in this game! So what’s weird is that this wifi event kinda contains more dialogue for him than he ever got in the main game, and it at least gives him a purpose for being here- to introduce the new transformations for Rotom that were added in this wifi event. But it just seems pretty badly handled cos he never even appears in the event and there’s a lot of fan debate that it isnt even meant to be him, blablabla. And he still doesn’t do anything UNLESS you get this wifi event, which is really unfair and probably contributes a lot to his unpopularity, okay sorry I’m starting to ramble...
Basically, all you need to know is that Charon is a grumpy grandpa who does literally nothing in the plot.
The Establishing Of The Grump Gramp This is... kinda necessary to know why this thing hit me so hard in the emotions? This is why I don’t think it would work as well if Mystery Wifi Event Flashback Person actually ISNT Charon. All we see of Charon in his VERY FEW non-optional dialogues is that he is vain, cynical, pompous, greedy and for some reason obsessed with talking like a complete tool. And he’s SO MUCH this that he doesn’t even have any loyalty to his fellow villains, he exists to be like.. The More. Everyone else is some degree of honorable dude doing what they do cos they believe in a good cause, Charon is that one teammate that’s too evil even for the rest of them. Or, like, at least too petty? He’s an eternally incompetant comic relief dumbass who never even has enough imagination to do anything genuinely evil, he’s somehow less dangerous than his morally ambiguous teammates! He’s just sitting here like ‘fuq yeh i luv bein evil cos i can swipe the pocket change outta dis vending machine’, then somehow it falls on him and shatters his old man spine. Meanwhile his boss is being all ‘I want to make a world of smiles!’ *collapses the universe into a black hole and literally summons poke-satan* So ANYWAY the relevant point is that you can see why he’s THE SINGLE MOST UNEXPECTED person to suddenly get a sympathetic backstory!
Some transcript of his tiny non-wifi-event dialogues for comparison of how much of an absolute prick this man be:
” It seems quite obvious to me, Charon, the genius even the boss recognizes.” "Humph. Saturn and even Cyrus fall to a mere child... Perhaps another option needs to be considered. One befitting the genius of Charon!" [This is basically his only dialogue in a normal game run, aside from expositioning a few things that were said by other people in the previous version.]
Postgame optional dungeon text:
“What do they see in Cyrus? Immature, overthinking buffoon. He goes through the trouble of assembling Team Galactic for what? Ultimately, he destroys his own creation for his ludicrous vision. It's no thanks to him that I have to struggle with the pieces." “The young can live with their dreams. I prefer to remain firmly in reality. And for that, money is paramount.” “ With this Magma Stone, I will awaken the legendary Heatran! I will control the volcano's eruptions to extort money by the millions! Fear me! “ [cue him being defeated offscreen in a cutscene by someone else] "...Uh, what are you saying? I know nothing! Extorting with Heatran? Merely the blathering of this harmless old man! All said in jest! Besides, among Team Galactic's Commanders, I was the most junior..." [Seriously, you don’t even get to see what Heatran even is! its just an optional scene to go back after he’s gone and catch the thing.]
So yeah he does literally nothing and all we know is that he’s a jerk and he betrays his evil team only to fail horribly at being his own villain also that he has a Rather Specific Speaking Pattern, which will come up later in linking him to that wifi event BUT ANYWAY literally the rest of the team walks away and leaves him to his fate cos he’s such a jerk literally Jupiter says he’s ‘not fun anymore’ literally a man dressed in a boulder costume bitchslaps him with a giant frog its like the biggest fuckin smackdown and the player didn’t even need to participate, he just self-destructed mid cutscene farewell two paragraphs of dialogue granddad, we will probably never remember you ever
~ The Transcipt Of The Fabled Wifi Event ~
Extra context: this was probably the worst handled of all the horribly handled wifi events. Makes sense at least, sinnoh was like the beta test for whether such a thing could actually be possible in this series. i’m glad they’re more accessable nowadays, but what sucks is that now we don’t seem to even get as many Actual Events, instead they’re just a plain gift of a pokemon via trade without a fun cutscene :( But yeah it was only accessable for a one month period when the game first released, and the item you got in the vent didnt have enough clues about where and how you were meant to use it in order to find the secret room, unless you already knew it was connected to Charon.
The item for the event is the Secret Key, which is somehow charmingly the least secret secret of all time
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You take this to one random spot on a random wall in one of two separate Team Galactic HQs in this game, and the whole damn wall vanishes to reveal Charon’s Secret Lab/The Rotom Room
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Here, you can turn Rotom into any of its new transformations. And then, completely optional, is a hidden backstory for this one terrible granddad! The notebook on the bottom desk explains how the transformations work, gameplay-wise, and also ‘hey this secret lab belongs to me specifically, Charon’ The notebook up to the top right on top of the box which you might not have noticed, and might have assumed would just contain more boring tutorials? Hoo boy dude, 99% OF THE EVENT DIALOGUE is in that thing! And you’d think a second hand flashback entirely through longwinded narration would be terrible but man somehow it really just worked for me. RIP my soul, cause of death: this
If you don’t feel like scrolling thru this textdump, I’d reccommend Chuggaaconroy’s excellent lets play of platinum, where he read out the journal here. (16:25, talks about the various wifi event failures first.) Or if you watch this earlier episode (17:15) you can see the whole mini-dungeon where you can catch Rotom in the first place, which isn’t necessary to understand all this but its still super cool. If you do feel like scrolling, here have the appropriate music, or the appropriate music: anime orchestrated version
"It's an old notebook. There's no telling how old it is."
Our encounter was a sudden one. It was when I found my toy robot, one that I had earlier misplaced. At that instant, a Pokémon startlingly emerged from the lawn mower's motor! Clutching my robot, I stared, transfixed by the peculiar Pokémon.
The Pokémon hovered in the air, held aloft by a power unseen. As if curious and unafraid of my presence, it floated toward me. Crackling sounds accompanied it, as if from static electricity in the air. Remarkably, it seemed the Pokémon was the source of this power! In alarm, I flinched, certain that my face would be subjected to a shock. Much to my surprise, the Pokémon seemed to favor me with a smile.
Finally, I came to realize that the Pokémon only wished to be friends. I have decided to name this most wondrous Pokémon 'Rotom.' Simple though it may be, Rotom emerged to me from the motor of a lawn mower. Motor and Rotom... Surely the link is obvious?
Rotom is a Pokémon that is simply sensational. The fact that it can turn invisible is simply the beginning. What makes Rotom unique is its ability to enter and operate machinery!
Rotom and I became fast friends. We were perpetual companions. The electricity from its body forbade contact, however. We could not touch, let alone hug or hold hands, but we cared not. For we were bonded on a much deeper, incorporeal level.
A feeling of mischief got the better of me one day. Seeing Rotom hovering, I decided to startle it--normally I would not. Perhaps frightened, Rotom discharged power beyond its usual range. I fell, stunned, into the arms of unconsciousness...
When I came to, to my horror I realized that Rotom had disappeared. I searched high and low for my friend in dismay and desperation. 'Don't chastise yourself. The fault is mine. No harm done. Let us play as we always have.' Though my words poured out, my friend could not be found to hear them...
My search for Rotom carried me far from home. It was in the town's rubbish heap that I again found my old toy robot. Curiously, our eyes met, then the robot waved a hand as if in greeting. I knew then that I had found my lost friend. I ran to it and hugged Rotom tight, talking on and on.
The robot's eyes lit up happily as I held it. I'm certain that, within it, Rotom was emitting lots of electricity. Somehow, I felt I could understand Rotom's thoughts better than before. Also, I realized that we would remain friends throughout our lives...
"The notebook ends with this page..."
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And this is his one and only trading card, and the biggest canon confirmation that he was indeed intended to be the mysterious author of Eighteen Pages Of How Much I Love To Hug My Friend Don’t tell me he doesn’t become INFINATELY more interesting with this knowledge!
Fuckin hell I would give my left foot to see an expanded plot upon this man’s secret good side seriously HOLY SHIT would you ever have imagined he cared about anyone, let alone THIS MUCH? Just sorry seriously i could talk for hours about this aaa dear god...
Oh and another minor transcript, you can get some dialogue from Rowan the first time you transform Rotom into one of its new forms. Its kinda interesting cos it gives some more Vague Potential Lore that inspires a cool headcanon that him and Charon might have known each other in the past? Cos he seems to know at least some details of that hidden journal...
"A Pokémon that slips into electric appliances, you say... Hmm... That is somewhat off from what I've heard about it. Hmm... This is what I've heard. Long ago, there was a Pokémon that merged with a toy robot. Should that Pokémon be recognized as a new species or not... Debates over the issue were about to start when they were rendered moot. The very topic of discussion--the Pokémon-infused robot--disappeared..."
Also that leads into another possible less-heartwarming interpretation of the whole thing that is actually EQUALLY interesting and ALSO makes Charon way more deep as a character! The idea that maybe this heartwarming thing is completely in the past, and nowadays he actually is 100% a horrible prick. Cos I mean, the one rotom you can find in the game is in that mysterious abandoned fancy old house, which is pretty heavily implied to be the notebook-writer’s childhood home where they met it. You can find a fragmented extra notebook page which seems to be the day before the start of the entries you can read in Charon’s lab. It says "Som...hing so pecu...r shou... make off ...ith the mot..." , which was confirmed to be "Something so peculiar should make off with the motor..."  aaaaaallll these years later in an episode of Pokemon Generations. So there’s the interpretation that maybe this rotom you can catch is the same one described in the journal, which makes you wonder why its all alone here if Charon supposedly cared about his friend so much. Perhaps he really was a decent guy once, but when he grew up to be such an evil prick he abandoned his pokemon? or maybe it saw what he became, and ran away? or maybe some other sort of mysterious thing happened to cause them to become separated? There’s so many potential interpretations of this whole thing, aaaa!! Why was such a tantalizing plot point wasted on a super hidden wifi!!!
But of course I like the version where trash gramp has one shred of redeemability in his soul and then hypothetically you could have a sidequest to reunite him with his tiny tangerine friend and convince him of the error of his ways and then EVERYONE CAN HUGS AGAIN
srsly its got the power to make me never stop thinking about this damn wifi event for all these fuckin years giv grandpa justice, dammit
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artsyramblingroses · 7 years
Ultra Moon Thoughts!!! (Part 1)
Since I did the same for Pokemon Moon, I thought I’d do the same for Ultra Moon! And I’m right on time since the game came to me a day after the main release! Spoilers and bad language ahead. And because this game has so many changes and I have so many thoughts, I’m gonna split this into two posts.
So everything seems the same so far! Well, except for my trainer, and the two incredibly pale people chasing down Lillie- wait
Honestly, I like my character outfit and room in this version. I’d really want those curtains and the Jigglypuff rug as a kid.
Holy shit, everything looks so much more alive with all the pokemon around.
 Aww, the starters defended me, I love them. I don’t care if its bad gameplay, I need to keep my Rowlet tiny. Welcome to the team, Lief Erikson! Now if only I could take you out of your ball so you could follow me.
Damn, the Spearows are attacking us this time? What did Nebby ever do to them? A lot has changed so far, the player character is more expressive, we fought a Spearow, also Tapu Koko just 1 hit KO’ed those other Spearows.
Ok, I don’t like the new people, Especially the dude. Fuck him, you’re probably jealous that you can’t join in the festival because everyone would laugh at your stupid mustache.
Now I’m worried what Lusamine is gonna be like, I really don’t wanna watch her be a bitch to her kids twice in a row.
First trial was a breeze, Leif Ericson can really handle things. I kinda wanna save for a Mimikyu again and a Vulpix, but the rest I want to be Ultra Beasts
And Oh god, they’ve noticed me for real. Phyco and Soliera. This is as awkward as getting pulled by a vendor to a random booth you don’t wanna see and being unable to decline out of politeness.
So far, a couple things have changed, but I worry about how similar the plot will be, at least, I think that Aether Paradise’s second visit will be the big plot shifting event.
Ok, real talk, the Janitor in the mall is my least favorite NPC ever and why does he have to bring in the real fear that you smell like shit out in public and you’re unable to go and shower.
I really hope I don’t meet the Janitor again. 
Ok, so I spent a lot of time away from my computer while playing, but this game has some charming ass moments in it that are well hidden, I was spoiled on two, but because I battled some woman’s dad, she and her boyfriend got a marriage license, which I’m sure they could have done without me, but well done! You two go and be married!
I’ve spent a chunk of time combing Melemele and Akala islands for sidequests and secret stuff. Time well spent.
I found A FEMALE EEVEEE FIRST TRY. And now I have a Sylveon, named Fleur. She, Leif Ericson and I will go far.
SO, with a LOT of persistence and grinding, mostly grinding, I beat Kiawe’s trial. Its mostly my fault since i have a stricter idea of the Pokemon Team I want, give or take a few mons, but with the help of the Radicate I got from getting the totem stickers, I did well. Also I fought like, two female Sandalits. I am surprised with how well my luck is at finding rare female Pokemon.
I just realized that since I got Ultra Moon, I can’t get the Alolan Vulpix. TT_TT Maybe I can trade for one in game?
Why the hell does a Pyukumuku’s innards look like a hand?! I am briefly put off from getting one... But I eventually didn’t keep the one I got because it does not have a great skill set.
So I need to seriously re-evaluate what types of mons I want on my team.
Lusamine encounter finally came. She felt a smidge more sane. but I really wanna see more of how she is compared to her anime version. She needs a little work, but she’s trying to be a better mom far more than Moon. And she does something there that hopefully this incarnation will do, protect and care for her kids. Granted the plot was shifted to make Faba the villain (which may be the case here too, judging from Rotom and the promotional posters. They do NOT want me to like him.)
Also, having Rotom occasionally pitch in with questions and conversation about the plot is nice. He feels more alive.
I ended up getting a Carbink. As I doubt I’ll play X or Y any time soon, (interest died), I decided that it was ok if I used Kalos mons on my team. 
 I like Sophocles new trial, not that the old one was bad, I kind of liked how it felt like a horror game with this monster creeping towards you in the darkness. I wonder… What will Acerola’s trial be like now?
Ok, the last part of the puzzle was not clear enough and I spent way more time on it than I should have.
I noticed in Guzma’s theme, I could hear a brief leitmotif of the Aether Paradise theme, very nice musical foreshadowing, especially if you didn’t already know the twist.
Now, Where are Phyco and Soleria?  It’s been forever since I’ve seen them.
Is there anything we can do about the Stuffel in the guest room? I’d gladly adopt it if it meant only one Ultra Beast on my team. 
Oh Jeez, knowing that Lillie’s gonna get kidnapped and not being able to stop it is horrid. 
Ok, but this goddamn Mimikyu fight gave me much more trouble than I thought. But i eventually beat it (after three tries) and got to use a Z move TWICE to take it and Banette out because Rotom is awesome and so is Leif Ericson. AND THE FIRST MON THAT I CAME ACROSS WHEN I WENT BACK IN WAS A MIMIKYU! Welcome to the team, Paletta! 
And now I have 4 Pokemon on my team! Because back when it was just Fleur and Leif Ericsson, things were significantly more difficult.
Ugh, do I really have to go to Po Town again? I’m getting really tired of not seeing new stuff. Being in Ultra Space better take up the other half of the game.
I’m starting to get the feeling that I’m going to be disappointed. Or I’m just annoyed because so far, aside from Phyco and Soliera, not enough UB related stuff has happened to sate my appetite. I bought this game because Ultra Space is a cool concept in general, and I’d hate the thought of having to wait until close to the end of the main game before I get a chance to explore this fantastical place, because it would feel like I just replayed Moon with a few changes. I paid for a different game, an epic looking game.
Uh… Who is the kimono dude. Was he here before?
Why is Faba in the Red field, also woah dude, just insult me to my face why don’t you? Children may not be as knowledgable as adults are about fucking alternate dimensions, but they have good hearing. And also children are smart, you’re the worst type of person, Faba.
So far Po Town is the same as I remember, and it could be my imagination, but it feels like the lights came back after I first used the Pokecenter.
Ok, Guzma makes me sad, beneath his threats lies a lot of what he must have endured, dude is messed up, but with a father like the one he had, I can’t really blame him.
Ok, this trip was entirely worth it for the little scene that played when I sat in Guzma’s chair. Also I’m stealing a Buginum Z.
Damn it Nanu, Let me heal my team before you try to battle me. They already took quite a beating from Gladion.
Time to put the Roto Prize Money to good use… Damn, I couldn’t get Faba with the Roto Prize Money
Also why does this weird fuck have a Hypno?
Ah, Wicke, always a lovely ray of sunshine. She’s literally a saint.
$44,496 from Faba and his goon. Lovely. Can’t wait to see what I can scam off of Lusamine. >:D
Soliera, please understand, I must see my daughter be safe, that’s way more important than battling your Poison beast for the 15th time.
What…. Lusamine thanked Lillie for keeping Cosmog safe? I mean, she was still nasty but...
Uh, even if she’s pissed at her kids… I guess its good she wants to protect them from Necrozma even though she’s still disowned them? What? What is she doing?
Woah… this is, different. She’s better than her Moon counterpart, but still has a way to go to get to anime mom levels. I mean, anime mom has her parenting issues but its clear that she’s the most sane and healthy of the three.
Dang, now I feel less evilly happy using the Roto Prize Money, I’m… conflicted, I mean, she doesn’t want to outright kill her kids this time, which is a step up.
I mean, she still is emotionally abusive, but she cared enough about Lillie’s concerns to battle me, granted that was to keep her quiet and she’s still gonna try and kill Nebby which is pretty damn bad…
$67000 something in prize money, it feels…. wrong
Oh my god, Gladion doesn’t want to lose his other parent to the Wormhole. SHIT, these two. I want to find them a nice dark room that they can just lay in for a while and not have to deal with the world.
 Wait, what about the scene where Lusamine is with Guzma telling the kids to run? Will we come back here for a third time?
*Dang Phyco, that’s not the sort of question I’d expect you to ask about Lusamine.
Well, The Second Aether visit was a game changer, not in the way I expected, but hey, any change is a good one. And who knows, there’s still stuff that’s missing, so I guess I just have to keep playing to find it. I’m honestly pumped to finish the story mode now!
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tumblunni · 7 years
Tell us things about Team Galactic that you love. Tell us what it is about the commanders and leader you love!
Oh man, where do I start! Where do i end?? XDI’ll just list random stuff!
* I started off liking Team Galactic just because they’re very silly in an endearing way. I unironically love the over-the-top designs for everyone!!* But I also gained even more appreciation for them as the game progressed! They’re like... CRAZY competant! They manage to succeed A LOT at all of their goals, and even though they’re an eccentric lot their leader is a terrifying badass and their ultimate hidden goals are some of the darkest in the series. And it’s a great duality! And I love how its actually aknowledged in-universe as a plot point! People underestimated them because of their outward silliness. And Cyrus deliberately kept the full truth from all of his underlings, so even they didn’t know exactly what they were helping him do. There’s a lot of theories that this is even why he selected the people he did for the job, he picked a bunch of easy-to-manipulate dopes who would craft a harmless goofy image for his team. I don’t think that’s entirely fair though, I don’t think the commanders and grunts are STUPID, even if they can come off as space cases sometimes. I just like to think that cyrus subconciously recruited a bunch of ragtag goofballs who had similar mental illnesses to him, out of a repressed desire for companionship...* ALSO I LIKE HOW I CAN THINK WAY TOO MUCH INTO THE HEADCANONS OF THIS TEAM, OK LOL* Oh and I REALLY REALLY like how the vast majority of the grunts are 100% good guys. Everyone thinks their boss is gonna save the world, and everything is justified in the name of that. And a lot of them are such softhearted goofballs! They were one of the earliest teams to have so much absolute comedy to them, and a sense of being a big ‘ol family. They’re like the beta of what also made me love Team Skull a lot!* An important point to consider: Team Skull does not have an Official Evil HQ Nap Room. Thus they can never truly win.* ALSO CONSIDER: seriously, this big grumpy emotionally-repressed evil bossman ranting about how friendship is futile, as he draws up the plans for the official evil HQ nap room. And the tv room. And the family kitchen. And the glow in the dark star pattern wallpaper. And then hugs his crobat.* I unironically love the turquoise bowl cuts and wanted forever to dye my hair and now my hair is not exactly that colour of turquoise but its blue at least. LIFE GOALS ACHIEVED!
* I love them much!! I think i’m in the minority here, but i liked them even more than cyrus! This gen was also the first gen that had such heavy personality writing for the admins. Gen 3 introduced admins with names, but the aqua and magma ones had the same dialogue just with a few words swapped here and there. My only complaint is that the commanders didnt get as much screentime as they could have, the games hadnt hit that era yet. I hope if we get remakes their roles can be expanded as much as tbe gen 3 admins were!* Another unpopular opinion: grumpy grandpa is best. I will sit here in the tiny charon fandom forever! And cry forever at the potential plotline of him once being childhood friends with a rotom before he turned evil. That whole journal is just WARM AND FUZZY FEELINGS and then it gets so sad when you think about where he ended up after like 50 years! Gramps, go back and hug your pokemon again, ok?* I think Jupiter is unfairly underrated, cos she’s a badass and a cool team mom! And I like to headcanon her as kinda buff and athletic so i was happy she was drawn that way in the pokespe manga. I feel like she’s the heavy hitter of the team in both pokemon and actual punches! While being hella elegant and full of sass! And also I like to imagine she loves poison type pokemon and treats them like pampered poodles, cos that is a cute mental image. I always thought it was funny that such a stylish lady has a giant fart skunk as her signature pokemon! The most fashionable fart skunk in all of sinnoh~* Mars is awesome and badass and cute and awesome and I LOVE that her pokespe personality aligned perfectly with my headcanons somehow?? I like her as a perpetually cheerful kinda-unhinged mad bomber type warrior that has everyone fleeing in fear. She’s adorable and tough and EVEN SCARIER cos her toughness is done in an adorable way! Like.. basically, harley quinn??? (But without the uncomfortable abusive boyfriend plot) I think personality-wise she’s the most engaging of the main commander trio, and she fits super well as the one who gets the most battles during the main game. She always feels like the face of team galactic to me, more than Cyrus even!* And saturn is just cool and cute and his personality might be a bit less developed in the games cos he only gets one battle scene, but he’s still awesome! Its just a shame that all the adaptations gave wildly different ideas of what his personality might be, and I can never decide which one I prefer. So I like to just imagine they’re all canon, and he can be a calm and collected serious dude with a secret grumpy goofball streak. I feel like thats better cos then he’s just as eccentric as the rest of the team and he can stand out just as much, yknow? Oh, and also I liked his design the most as a kid! He was the one I wished I could look like!
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