#file uploader broke and i was panicking </3
em0puppy · 5 months
That's the request. I am but a simple man, with simple wishes. (Ermmm...preferably doing cute shit, but shhh)
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they started fighting again :(
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2. The Stars Are Only the Beginning
Everything was beautiful! She saw things that she hadn’t seen before, things that she believed to be long gone, like fruit trees and people with pets. On the bus ride to the Academy, she counted 57 people with pets! They had little animals in their bag, or bigger ones, on a leash. The air smelled cleaner and there were fountains lining the school grounds. She was reminded of an old book where a boy goes to magic school for the first time. This. Was. Like. Magic. 
The world that Nana had known wasn’t dead. She was just not able to be a part of it anymore… And now, Shani would be! She would be able to live out her Nana’s dreams. That’s what she thought. The childlike wonder burning bright inside of her for the first time in real life.
One of the first things that happened upon leaving the bus was decontamination. The students went into a chamber that served as a huge shower, placing their bags on a conveyor belt to be scanned, searched, and disinfected. After the showers, they were given uniforms to put on and handed the rest of their uniforms. They were taken to treatment, where they were tested for diseases, lice, etc. 
“You’ll have to get rid of your hair,” the lady told Shani.
“Oh no! Do I have lice?” She panicked. She had heard about lice before, but never had it, as far as she knew.
“It’s too much,” the woman said.
“I can handle it,” Shani promised her. She had never cut her hair before, ever. The woman informed her that she had to get on that right away because photos for IDs were next and her hair was against protocol.  Shani tried to recall being informed of what protocol for hair was. She didn’t remember seeing that in any manual, but she had not yet accessed the Student Handbook, as it was an online handbook, and she wasn’t inside of the school yet to have access to online resources. She looked around. Other kids had either straight hair or tamed their curls into flat styles that only betrayed their texture in certain areas and with certain eyes. 
She watched a boy with pretty well done locs cry silently as his head was shaven. There was no way! Most of Nanefua’s stories happened during the lengthy process of maintaining Shani’s hair, to the point where Shani tended to style her hair as she read a book, reminiscing of that feeling. 
For the moment, she got her bags back and rushed as quickly as she could to put her hair into two french braids. It was puffy at the edges, but the lady shrugged her shoulders and simply reminded her that if she looked like she wasn’t at her best, they would respect her less every time they looked at her files. Panicked she looked at the clippers, considering it - though years later she would never admit so. One of the other girls tapped her on the shoulder and handed her something. Shani read the container: edge control. The girl mouthed to her, with only a muffled sound coming out of her lips, “This will help in a pinch, but you really should get someone to put it into a protective style for the semester.” 
Shani spent the next few minutes smoothing her edges and touching them up with the toothbrush she packed for her hair, then gave it back to the girl, signing “Thank you,” to her. 
The girl seemed surprised, but signed back “You’re welcome.”
They parted ways as Shani headed for the ID section. Her photo was taken and uploaded. Her stats were programmed into a brass plated electronic cuff, which was then placed around her arm and secured. She looked down at it and several lights were flickering, a few whirring sounds were made and finally it tightened around her arm and announced, “System activated.” 
The woman explained to her the meanings of the lights and sounds, “Whenever everything is paid up, all of the lights are gold. Whenever you need to pay, the segment that needs payment will light up green until it's paid. If you get behind a payment, it will light up red, and your academic experience may be interrupted.” She wore a stern face as she said, “And failure to pay, even upon removal from the program could result in sentencing.” The woman’s smile returned and she tacked on, “Between you and me, sometimes, you can pay through extra credit work and extracurricular interests that lead to revenue.” She winked. Shani nodded. “Perfect attendance also helps, and is one of the biggest determining factors in being in the Gold League.”
“What’s the Gold League?” Shani asked, already determined that whatever it was, she was going to do it. But, the woman had other students to prep and she was sure that it was in the Handbook.
Meanwhile, the deaf girl wasn’t getting an arm cuff. Instead she held her wrist forward and they scanned a chip inside of her forearm. “Welcome back, Miss Charming. How was your trip?” The person asked, but Miss Charming wasn't looking at her and didn’t immediately answer. However, a holographic interpreter appeared from her bracelet and signed the words. 
“Wonderful, thank you,” the girl finally answered. 
Shani noticed, only then, that though the girl had on the same royal blue color as the rest of the students, she wasn’t wearing one of the uniforms that they had been given. As they headed for orientation, Shani wondered where she got her outfit and if it was within regulations for the uniforms. It was a blazer and a pleated skirt, with a necktie and a red ribbon on her left lapel. On the right were a slew of pins, and ribbons, and she wore a gold badge on her coat.
She awkwardly smiled and signed to Shani, “I’m in the elite program.”
“I didn’t know that they let people into the elite program with…” Shani froze, unsure of what the correct word to use here was and feared she had already said too much to backtrack.
The girl looked upset, but she managed a smile as she passionately let her know, “I can do anything that I set my mind to do! Nice to meet you.” She hurried off to two other girls who were in a similar attire as hers - the royal blue of the Academy, but not the exact uniform that Shani and the others had on. She announced, in that muffled tone, “I am approaching!” And one of the girls (a brunette with short hair) gasped and turned to hug her. The other (a blond with long hair in a braid like Rapunzel) was smiling. She had already noticed her come up. They were signing and the one that Shani had spoken to, the Black one… She couldn’t tell if all three were deaf or not, was talking for both her and the other girl. Shani watched them longer than she intended - until they were out of sight, then she realized that she had to rush to orientation!
Shani watched as the board addressed the students. Well, the board was seated on a panel and a spokeswoman addressed the students. She noticed one of the board members in particular, who was as dark skinned as she was, with hair as coiled, though her hair was tied up in an intricate style, much like Nana might have done, and adorned with gold embellishments. 
The board was dressed in two golds. Genuine, authentic gold that Shani had only ever heard of in books, and then the gold that she knew of, but hadn’t really seen much of, now that she thought about it. But, there, she saw full outfits of it. A bright tone in super expensive seeming professional wear, accented by jewelry. The school board was the most regal thing she had ever seen in real life. She read that it was “the luxurious Spanish yellow hue (that the Academy bought rights to) which could only be purchased through the Academy, and only worn by members of the board and members of the Gold League.
“I have to get into that.” She read the requirements. All A’s. Perfect attendance. Good citizenship, as determined by the board. Superior presentation, as determined by the board… She… did not know how to make notes on her new device… yet. So, she broke open her paper notebook, and scribbled in red: Goals 1. Gold League. 2. Find paper version of handbook. 3. Research the history of this Spanish yellow hue. 4. Find out that deaf girl’s name and where she gets edge control…
After orientation, a member of faculty dismissed the kids to find their dormitories and let them know the bell schedule for the following day. “Is there a map?” Shani asked a boy seated next to her. He turned up his nose and kept going. She sighed and found staff. “Hi. Is there a map?” 
“There’s GPS in your device,” she said, smiling and went on with her business, not hearing Shani say that she didn’t know how to use or find the GPS in her device.
Her chest felt… pained? Excited? Scared? Restricted. Her chest felt tight. Her breathing was difficult. She wanted to scream and insist that someone help her find the dorms. She wanted to. But, you can’t do things like that in real life. She tried not to cry, though she was very frustrated, and she reminded herself that you need to have a plan and a path before moving forward. She moved against the wall of the auditorium and sat on the floor. She scribbled: How to Use My Device at the top of the page and doodled a happy ladybug on a flower. She studied the device for hours before someone came up to her, after everything was cleared out and nobody else was supposed to be in here. 
“Girl?” They said and used a scan gun to pull up the info from her arm cuff, “What are you doing?”
She looked up and realized that he was talking to her. He had on a gray uniform, so she knew that he wasn’t faculty. They wore a Midnight Blue attire. This was a gray uniform like people she knew from home. He probably lived in the Outskirts and worked in the city. She hoped that her being here wouldn’t get him into any trouble! Mama told her that Outskirters could get into trouble on a job for just about anything. “I’m sorry! I hope I don’t get you into trouble. I didn’t know how to find my dorms and there was nobody to help me, so I was just here, teaching myself how to help me…” 
She looked embarrassed as she put the device away into her issued backpack. “I was taking notes of the instructions of how to use my device, and drawing a map on paper, in case I couldn’t get the device to work, even with my notes…”
The man was sympathetic. “Listen, Miss Moore…”
“That’s not my last name!” She panicked, “They must have put the wrong information into the system for me!!” 
“No. They just… rebranded you. There’s… Nobody of stature with your last name, as it appears on your birth records, so they granted you a more acceptable name, for room to grow.”
“They… Took my last name away?”
“It’s in the school system. It just won’t appear on any of your achievements.”
“As I was saying, we need to get you to your dorms! It’s your first day and we don’t want you to get in trouble for wandering the halls unauthorized. Pop out that map and lets see if it gets you where you need to go, Miss Moore.”
“I don’t like that name. Can you just call me by my first name?” She asked, looking at the map, “Or did they change that too?”
“Is it Shani?”
“That’s my middle name.”
“The middle name is listed as your first name, now.” She felt that tightness in her chest again. “Listen. When I was your age, I couldn’t DREAM of getting into school. You made it here and with hard work, you’ll probably make it to a seat at the table. When you get there, you can be whoever you say you are.”
“I am who I say I am, right now!”
“As long as you know it, nobody can take that away. Even if they’re calling you something else.”
Shani laughed to herself… That’s not REALLY how the conversation went. That’s how it would have went if she had been the adult. What really happened was he was very short with her. 
“Look. Your name is Shani Moore and you need to get to the dorm, so hurry up, before both of us lose this!” She shuffled, trying to keep up with his long strides and consult her map and see through tears burning in her eyes and the smears they made on her recently drawn map. When she got to the dorms, it was spacious, but seemed cramped, because all of the space was being used. There were rows of loft beds with work spaces beneath them, and a wardrobe beneath the stairs. All of the other girls were comfortably in their issued pajamas and staring at her in disbelief. 
“You missed showers,” one girl said and everybody started laughing. Why? That shit wasn’t even funny, even by her 10 year old standards. She sat at the desk and unloaded her device. She would learn this stupid thing if it took her the rest of the night! And since there was no physical book about it, it nearly did. That was her first day of school. 
But, that wasn’t the version that she gave to incoming kids. She gave the story that felt good. She gave the story that inspired hope. 
Luna Charming passed by her, SO PRETTY in her royal blue pantsuit with a half pony and a red bow. She signed to her friend, “Working for free AGAIN?” 
Shani shrugged her shoulders and signed back, “SOMEBODY’S got to help these kids!” 
Shani usually went to the auditorium for orientation, seeing if she saw lost looking kids to assist and guide to where they needed to go. Most of them, she never saw again, but she felt better than she did that first day and she hoped that they entered their academic careers feeling better than SHE had. She fell in step with Luna and the two signed to each other as they walked, then parted ways whenever they got to Shani’s dormitory. Luna’s quarters were in the “alter ability” wing. 
Luna, being deaf, although she was in the elite program, did not share chambers with other students in the program. She shared chambers with other students who lived with various conditions, but were smart enough or rich enough to gain their way into this school. Luna was both. 
She had been purchased as a dependent when she was a toddler through an agency that paid poor parents for their children and sold them to rich people. It wasn’t considered an adoption, because the process was far less formal and not at all scrutinizing. But, Luna had been purchased by a wealthy couple that was into adoption for their charity phase, but didn’t feel like the hassle of the process. She was 2. She ONLY knew the Charmings as her parents and wouldn’t have never known about the way she came to be theirs if mean rich people didn’t have kids her age. She found out when she was 5. In their guilt over her upset, the Charmings spoiled Luna, a little more than their other children (who they collected in the same manner). They were also “into” disability awareness those years. They bought Luna and two of her sisters, one who didn’t talk (Taraleigh) and the other blind (Lorilei), and to this very day, there is a baby photo of the three of them, from a set in which they were See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil…
The older Luna got, the more she hated that thing. It was massive, and hanging in the parlor of her parents’ mansion. Yet, despite being less than civil people in certain aspects of humanity, they were decent parents. 
Of course, Luna knew that she thought this perhaps because she was the favorite of the three. They were only at the academy because she was, and they weren’t in the elite program, so even though Luna was, she bunked with them, instead. A waste. That was what Luna had told Shani the headmaster said of her intelligence whenever she thought that she wasn’t paying attention enough to read his lips. “A waste of intelligence when she’s like this.”
“I have other attributes,” Luna had said, surprising him. He even had her tested again to see if she could hear and was for whatever reason lying. When he was satisfied that her records were in order, he told her that her parents had given her leeway to put herself on record with a first name of her choice. (They had the money for it, you see, and the successful last name to boot.) “Luna,” the 6 year old said, “I’m going to be an astronaut.” She knew that face. You poor child. He must have been thinking. She ignored it and pressed forward, officially in the Academy records as Luna Charming. 
“Of course you are!” He cheered. Even not being able to hear his patronizing, she knew it was there. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she could tell something was off. It was probably his insincere smile, or the thing that she had seen him mumble before. “All of the payments for your entry into the elite program on an astronaut’s trajectory is in the system and your personal interpreter will be arriving with all of your special needs materials.” She nodded. She didn’t necessarily need an interpreter, but she knew that the state of the art materials she would bring along would be very useful. Years later, Luna was above and beyond her… well… it would be ridiculous to call them peers. 
Nobody was in her league. She had worked with the intent to be the first 14 year old deaf astronaut. She had gotten the credits to receive credentials. On. Record. She met her goal. But, she was informed that she would definitely have to finish several other certifications, and was recommended another trajectory… to TEACH others. A teacher? Sure… privatized schooling was lucrative and her field of study would be booming… but that wasn’t what she wanted and she felt that if she was only a little closer to their normal, they wouldn’t have even suggested it. 
Both of her sisters were back in a special needs school by the time she was 14. They not only didn’t cut it at the Academy, but even being rich kids, they always felt like everyone was trying to make it harder on them there. Sure they were. Luna had peeped that by the time she was 8. Their parents were willing to pay whatever it took to make sure that their children were the best. Teachers could say that Lorilei needed a new device that was patent pending to access computer systems in a way that blind children never have before! And the Charmings were going to pay for it. They had paid for numerous surgeries to help Taraleigh to be able to speak, even experimental transplants, until the moment where she forgoed the desire and settled uponed a first edition customized speech box that allegedly would give her the voice she would have had, had she had one.
“You’re different, Beth. You’re gonna reach those stars” the voice had said to her when she hugged her sisters goodbye. 
“The stars are only the beginning,” she told them. That became her mantra. 
Now, she was opening her video mail to see Shani excited to finally get her Gold League badge. Luna sent her a congratulatory gift basket with some of her needs in it - edge control, plantation credits, and a few Spanish yellow accessories to start off the freshman year. 
With her sisters gone, Luna didn’t even leave the old quarters. She didn’t feel like having to get used to new neighbors and stuff and at least she had some memories here. But, she had ALWAYS had sisters, and now she was on her own in a wholly different way than whenever she had to go to class. They weren’t there when she got back.
She looked at a notification blinking on her screen. A message from Mom. “Annabeth, are you going to need us to pay for the elite quarters? We have to know by the end of the day.”
“No Mommy,” she said and the message was sent. At least she still had Shani.
A/N: I kinda hate how I jumped around in this one and might wind up tweaking it later on. It didn’t seem to transition seamlessly for me. Anyways, as much as i have ideas, I’ll go ahead and put them out there. Thanks for reading!
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harryandhishook · 5 years
Wings are made to Fly Chapter 3
Pairing: Not fully sure yet, just gonna see how it goes (Maybe Evie? Don’t know yet)
Setting: Auradon
Warning: Swearing, Harry, Coma (Badly written), Needles
Summary: Everyone knows what type of person they are, Fairy, Goblin, Dragon or just a simple person and Harry thinks he’s just a simple guy but the more he comes into contact with Auradon and magic, the more the people around him notice something off and maybe Auradon is the only place with answers
Words: 3107
Requested: Nope, me and my Fiance were roleplaying this and I thought it would be awesome to make it into a Fanfic
Side note: It’s been a while since I’ve updated this but since I don’t have a beta reader anymore, I’ve kinda felt a bit insecure about uploading it until now :D
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First // Prev // Next
Several days had passed since the whole ordeal, rumours still circulated the school but mostly, it had been forgotten by everyone except for the pirates, the rotten four and the royal family. Unfortunately, the young Hook himself hadn’t woken, his room had pretty much become a hospital room by this point, drips around his bed, note pads and files scattered across the desk, sweet little gifts that had been left for him when he finally did open his eyes, no one knew exactly what would happen and the nurses who checked on him didn’t know when he would wake up but they all hoped.
The only people who knew about the wings were Max, Uma, Gil and obviously Ben, it took a lot of convincing but eventually it was decided that it would be best for the King to know sooner rather than later but they were quite reluctant for anyone else to find out … well, except for the nurses of course. The only real problem was trying to figure out what to do now, how would they tell him what happened? How would he adjust? What the hell even is happening!
Uma refused to leave Harry’s side between her new studies and actual self-care, just getting her to change and sleep was hard enough but she was eventually convinced to actually do things she needed, Ben had spent his spare time researching into Mythics and Fae, Gil tried to help but decided to just walk around the library to find books for Ben while Max continued doing his job but would keep checking in on the boy to make sure he was safe, the week had brought up not much information on pixies and Uma had made it clear to not tell anyone at this time so no one could contact Pixie Hollow for help … until now.
Ben had almost broke through the door of Harrys room to find Uma, who, once again, was sat beside the pirates bed, it had taken him a while but he had finally found information on Harry, well, it wasn’t exactly big information but it was something,
“So, you obviously know that Gil and I have been trying to figure out what is going on and even though the library is probably one of the most time wasting places for things we need, I managed to find a few books my Mom had in her library and we found a few things” he spoke without a breath as the King grabbed the chair from under the desk and placing it in front of the Pirate captain, sitting on the edge as he revealed and opened the book he had hidden inside his jacket, hundreds of little sticky notes peeking out of the pages,
“In all honesty, anything is good to hear right now, I’m sick of watching my friend like this…” she sighed, her voice monotone and quiet as she continued to watch her brunette friend sleep, waiting for the king to speak again,
“Just so you know, most of this information may not be too helpful for right now but it’s something to go off” he said as he opened the book, flicking through the pages he had bookmarked, “We might be able to find Harry’s mother through this but only if Harry wants to that is, the book says that a pixie or a fairy can only be created through two things, a babies first laugh or a pixie herself and since Harry has a Father, we can rule out him being born of a laugh” Ben explained, flicking further through the book as he skimmed the pages.
Uma had moved her gaze partially to the boy sat next to her, her head tilted to the side in partial interest as the King revealed probably not very useful things, but the pirate knew that she couldn’t be picky, anything was good,
“Can anything actually help us now or later if and when Harry wakes up?” she asked with a hint of despair in her voice. Ben could tell that she was becoming less and less hopeful that Harry would wake up, he wanted to reassure her it had only been a week but he knew she knew Harry better than anyone, he was a fighter and Uma knew that but seeing him like that was obviously taking a toll on her,
“Look, Uma, most of this stuff is about Pixies, their origins, their lives, the myths and legends around them but for this right here, for Harry’s state, we’re just going to have to wait and hope but listen to me, these things might help us, most Pixies are born with their wings but there have been a few exceptions of them that haven’t gained their wings until late or they haven’t developed right and it seems like Harry is one of them, it looks like the Isle was the reason for not giving him his wings, I don’t know what this can do to help you but Uma, he’ll be okay, he spent seventeen years in pain, this is just his body recovering, I know it’s hard, it’s hard for me to see the pirate who taunted me back on your ship for hours look so vulnerable, I want him to wake up too…” he argued, hoping to get through the her as he stood, placing the book down on the seat he was sat on before he stepped beside the teal haired girl, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, causing her to finally move her head up to gaze upon him properly, “Harry wouldn’t want to see you like this, get some sleep, I promise, he’ll be okay” he reassured, taking his large hand from her to leave, closing the door behind him.
Uma sat for a while, staring at the space Ben once was just a moment ago, the book now placed there, almost taunting her to follow the advice she had just been given. It took a while of brown eyes staring into space before Uma finally let a soft sigh escape her lips, she knew Ben was right but it was hard for her to admit it, so with a soft kiss left on Harrys forehead, she left the room to rest, she knew Harry would be fine even if she didn’t really believe it, he’d be fine.
Well, for a few hours at least.
It wasn’t exactly the nicest of wake-ups Harry had ever had but at least he was alive.
The pirate groaned as he felt his body come down from floating, the real world around him reappearing into existence as his brain finally restarted, giving him the energy to wake up. The young boy opened his eyes slowly, bright white was all his vision could make out for now, his body felt numb and his chest felt heavy, something in the back of his head demanding he close his eyes again, but Harry was determined to wake up.
It took a good few minutes before the hook boy managed to get his bearings, the blinding white light in his eyes eased to the simple ceiling light as he blinked away the blur of his sleep state. For a moment, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until he realized he was struggling to breathe on his own, feeling something thick in his throat pushing his lungs to expand and breathe for him causing the young pirate to panic, setting the beeping monitor beside him to beep rapidly.
What felt like hours of struggling and panicking, which was really only a few minutes, a few nurses rushed in and got to work helping the defenceless boy, assessing him, checking vitals, checking for any signs of sudden relapsing but once they were satisfied, they quickly got to work in pulling out the breathing apparatus, talking him through how to get back into control of breathing for himself, making sure his brain can respond to everything, it was all so much to take in but after a few hours of talking, more assessments and helping the boy regain full consciousness again, they finally called for Max to get the King and his friends down.
(A/N: I know nothing about Comas and the affects apart from the small things I researched so please be aware that I probably have everything wrong :D )
Harry slowly found the energy to pull himself up into a sitting position, groaning at every ache and pain in his body, everything around him felt slow and dragged out, voices quite distorted and murmured while his brain tried it’s hardest to put every little bit of information it was receiving into one form, there was so much happening, so many things, so much to take in but when his back hit the headboard of his bed all functions stopped as his brain focused onto one thing and one thing alone.
Harry slowly turned his head to peek over his shoulder, only one things was on his mind now, every other bit of noise and movement was frozen around him as he eyes gazed upon one large, pure white, sparkly wing slightly twitching behind him causing him to let out a yell of surprise and shuffle away from it quickly, only to see it was following. The pirate turned his head every direction he could do to try and see the new appendages on his body, jumping up from the bed with incredible force as he spun in circles, trying to evaluate what the hell he was seeing. With as raspy and weak voice, he finally spoke,
“What … is this?!” he demanded, well, it wasn’t much of a demand since his voice sounded like a that of a five year old trying to be angry but can’t control his emotions properly.
Looking towards the doorway of his room, he could see the little corrugation of his friends, Max and the nurses staring at him, none of them dared to speak, all of them held the expression of concern and pity, the boy was going through so many emotions and none of them good for his current state of mind, unfortunately, none of them had to speak as Harry spotted the book Ben had once been holding earlier still sat on the chair in plain sight, giving the pirate all the answers he needed,
“I-I’m a … pixie? But … I can’t be … that’s not … possible” the boy argued breathlessly to no one in particular, everything in him screamed for answers but his legs screamed for rest as he tumbled forward, catching himself on the edge of his bed, his breathing quick and raspy making Uma rush to his side, placing her hands on his body to ease him back into Bed,
“Harry, I understand this is going to be crazy for you, I mean, you’ve literally just woke up so you’re probably in a lot of pain and shock but please, you need to remain calm for us … Can you do that?” she asked calmly as the boy leaned back against the headboard, his wings sliding against the wood, separating out and barely causing much bother for him. Harry sighed as his eye flickered from the pure clear wings to Uma’s face, nodding slowly in recognition of understanding. Uma shuffled to sit on the edge of the bed, her body twisted to face the Pirate better as she thought for a moment, getting through this would be so hard for him, not to mention he would have to go through physio therapy to make sure he can actually move the wings and not cause damage. The Captain let out a deep breath she had not realized she was holding before speaking again to her friend, “I guess, I might as well ask you what you want to know, it will be easier to get everything explained to you”
A few hours passed as they all sat around the Pirates bed, explaining everything that knew, the nurses checking him over every so often and getting him food and water. So far, everything he wanted to know had been answered and other things had been explained, including the little plan of keep it secret until Harry could decide where to go from there,
“So, let me get this completely straight, I’ve always been a pixie but my wings didn’t grow out when I was born but because I was thrown onto a land without magic, my wings didn’t have enough energy to escape my body and the longer it was held off, the more dangerous it was gettin’ for me to live … Right, well then, I only have one more question … HOW THE FUCK AM I A PIXIE?!” Harry screamed as he stared at them all, only receiving shrugs from the lot of them, making him groan, looking down to the hands that laid in his lap. Ben, who Harry had only just really noticed being there, moved closer to speak,
“If you will allow us, I will contact Pixie Hollow, talk to them and see if they can send someone here to help, as much as we have researched and theorized, we can provide you with some things but a Pixie can give you much more, they know the history, the workings of a Pixie, maybe even have archive on Pixie births, find the reason why you are what you are … but we will only do it with your permission” his voice strong and powerful like a kings but Harry could hear the worried tone of a friend behind all that status. The Pirate thought for a moment before finally meeting the gaze of the King, nodding his head to allow him to continue but quickly added one condition onto the task,
“Apart from everyone in this room and the Pixie Queen, no one is to know about this, I don’t want to be the talk of the kingdoms, I want to hide this for as long as I can, tell everyone that … I’m recovering fine but no one is permitted to see me … got it?” he finished, his voice soft but assertive, Ben could understand, he was still a teenager at heart, no amount of royal blood would change that. The King nodded quickly, placing his hand on Harry shoulder in a reassuring gesture as he smiled sweetly to his friend,
“I promise, no one will know if you don’t want them, since your coat is so long, it should be too hard to hide them but don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything” once that was said, the King was gone, leaving the others to sit in silence for a while.
One by one, each person left, eventually leaving Harry on his own, even after Uma had try to persuade him to let her stay, he managed to convince her to get some rest, leaving him to stare aimlessly out of his bedroom window, so many things went through his head, so many questions, so many possibilities, his own body felt so foreign to him and he couldn’t understand why, okay, he didn’t now have wings that he never once knew about or even thought possible but nothing else was different, he was still Harry … wasn’t he.
The young Pirate sighed as he slowly slipped his legs off the side of the bed, letting them dangle for a moment before shuffling further to the edge, letting his bare feet land on the carpeted floor, taking in the warm feeling of the soft fibres, something he had never experienced before. Carefully he stood, keeping a hand rested on the bed as he wobbled, legs fighting against him but he didn’t stop. Reaching to the side, he grabbed the metal wheelie stand of the IV, pulling it along with him to stop the tug of the needles that were placed once again in his body.
Slowly, Harry trudged towards the large bay window, facing out over the waters and to the view of the Isle, stopping to stand, staring for a while before he finally found the energy to sit on the small bench pressed against the light cream walls. It was the first time Harry really saw what the Isle looked like, it was the first time he slightly felt safe from the uproar of gangs and thieves, it did look like the definition of hell and villainy combined, perfect for all the pain their parents caused … Harry stopped himself from thinking, knowing his mind would continue, he had no room to think about the punishment of the parents, no room at all.
So Harry just sat, unmoving, unthinking, complete silence as he stared out to his old home. It took him a few hours before he finally shook himself out of this trance he had put himself in, frowning at the strange feeling of sinking in his chest, it was all too much for his heart, leaving his home, the pain he had felt through it all … maybe, just maybe, he could restart, he could do better, he could …
Harry shook himself again, those feelings were back,
‘What the hell is going on with me’ the pirate thought, turning to look into the large empty room around him, this was too much, all of this, it was too much to take in for one night.
Harry rose from his seat with a groan, gripping onto the metal stand for support, his body once again fighting against him. The teen sighed as he turned one last look at the window, spotting the little twinkle of his reflection, his new features fluttering slightly behind him, pure white and definitely not his colour. Harry chuckled as he thought about the mismatched colour of his aesthetic but brushed it off to stand completely straight, gazing over his reflection as he inhaled deeply, his wings spreading slowly out behind him until they were completely stretched, revealing the complete size of them against his body, he had never actually realized just how large pixie wings are compared to his body.
The pirate closed his eyes, concentrating as his chest slowly rose and fell, his breathing calm and his body relaxed, the soft sound of wings fluttering delicately behind him, he tried everything in his power not to groan from the pain of exerting himself but something possessed him to cautiously move his wings faster, the last thing he could truly feel around him was the soft material under his feet disappear as he rose into the air.
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