milleniumfussball · 2 years
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Then let's take a look at the finished roster. Anyone who supports AC Milan can be really proud of these 23 players, this coach and these 10 years. The completed games and the years of club membership of the defenders go beyond any framework. This is absolutely insane. The midfield consists almost exclusively of highly decorated world class. In the attack, several bogeys, before which all of Europe trembled, stand in the ranks of the Rossoneri. No wonder, then, that the Rossoneri were the most successful club in the Champions League this decade. #milan #acmilan #ac #acmilano #sempremilan #followtherossonere #rossoneri #acm #dekadenteams #football #calcio #seriea #milleniumSL #milleniummilan #filippoinzaghi How do you think about this squad? (hier: Stadio Giuseppe Meazza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch5VIoxgn5X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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danyvigofotografo · 4 years
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📷 #danilovigofotografo #npsitalia #nikon #nikon4sport #photography #photooftheday #photographer #photojournalism #photojournalist #ussi #aips #calcio #seriea #football #soccer #benevento #beneventocalcio #filippoinzaghi (presso Stadio Luigi Ferraris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFonNp6D3QF/?igshid=gqzkg8z6mm75
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rinodagne · 4 years
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Riorganizzazione collezione personale...le 3 maglie che erano fuori posto...e che maglie!! . . . #collezioneprivata #magliecalcio #ricordispeciali #shirtcollection #alexdelpiero #filippoinzaghi #claudiomarchisio #campioni #calcio #instamoment (presso Italy/Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sEkT2qCkM/?igshid=1ujxo2q44rkq8
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sporta360gradi · 5 years
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#pic #picoftheday #instagram #instalike #instagood #instareal #filippoinzaghi Tanti auguri a Filippo Inzaghi che compie 46 anni. Cresciuto nelle giovanili del Piacenza dove riesce ad esordire in serie B. La società emiliana lo manda in prestito al Leffe (c1) ed arrivano i primi gol: a fine stagione saranno 13. Altro prestito al Verona, in B e altri gol:13. Torna a Piacenza e mette la firma sulla promozione in A degli emiliani con 15 gol. Passa al Parma ed esordisce in serie A: a fine anno i gol saranno 2 in 15 gare. Si trasferisce a Bergamo e finalmente esplode: 24 gol in 33 gare. Se ne accorge la Juve che lo porta a Torino. Con la casacca bianconera resterà quattro stagioni timbrando 58 volte il cartellino (solo campionato). Finita l'esperienza torinese passa a Milano, sponda rossonera. Sarà amore a prima vista e i gol saranno 126. Conta 623 presenze e 291 gol. Il palmares è ricco: tre scudetti, tre supercoppe, una coppa Italia, due Champions League, due Supercoppe Europee, una Coppa del Mondo per club e una Coppa Intertoto. In Nazionale conta 57 presenze e 25 gol e due medaglie d'oro: campionato Europeo under 21 e Campionato Mondiale. https://blog.libero.it/wp/fabiob/2019/08/09/filippo-inzaghi/ (presso Pistoia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B08AdIvgIsz/?igshid=1xmteq2ms5vdv
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ftndaily · 5 years
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#transfernews #FilippoInzaghi has been appointed #Benevento manager. The club announced with their post on their #Instagram account, "Filippo #Inzaghi is our new manager #WelcomePippo" 🌐 Follow @ftndaily for the latest transfer news 🔄📰 #ftn #transfermarket #transferwindow #transfertalk #transfers #footballtransfer #footballtransfers #soccertransfers #footballnews #soccernews https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAns7Fgatb/?igshid=9v0uh7pyqd4o
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mantappsindo · 5 years
Filippo Inzaghi Dipecat Bologna
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#Filippo #Bologna #Pemecatan Mantapps.com, Jakarta - Filippo Inzaghi dipecat klub Liga Italia, Bologna setelah dianggap tidak mampu mengangkat performa tim tersebut. Posisinya digantikan Sinisa Mihajlovic. Read the full article
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blindbatalex · 3 years
@tcrres9 @filippoinzaghi a christmas themed carraville fic you said? 😘
Gary is cosy and content as he can be—it’s Christmas day, he is with his family, and Phil’s and Tracey’s children are filling the house with unending cheer (and a healthy amount of screaming), reminding Gary of what the three of them used to be like when they were kids.  He closes his eyes for a moment and breathes it all in.  His mum’s cooking smells heavenly.  All is as it should be in the world.
Except, well-
“Who is the 12th plate for?” he asks Tracey, looking at the table.
There are only 11 of them after all, between Phil and Tracey’s families, his mum, and him.  He would chalk it down to an honest mistake with anyone else but the obnoxious attention to detail runs in the family—his mum and sister would never make such a glaring error, not in the lead-up to Christmas dinner.
Tracey grins an evil grin which announces mischief is afoot. The doorbell rings cheerfully, as if waiting for just this moment.  “I’ll get it!” his mum announces, and Gary follows after her on auto-pilot, like an insect drawn to a terrible light.
He does not like surprises and he is going to revolt if Uncle Rob is joining them again, stinking of alcohol and spewing his Tory nonsense.
But his mum opens the door and-
Gary blinks, but sure enough- Jamie C.arragher is standing at the door, larger than life, holding in one hand a large bag filled with—are those presents?—and in the other, a wine bottle.
“James, there you are,” his mum says, smiling.  “It is so good to finally meet you in person!”
They hug and Jamie kisses her on the cheeks as if—God forbid—they are French.  “Jill,” he says, smiling an equally bright smile, before he hands her the bottle.  “I was told you know your wine, so.”
Jamie C.arragher is at their door, gifting his mum what admittedly looks like an excellent bottle of red wine, talking to her like they are the best of friends.  It’s Christmas day, they are about to have Christmas dinner and Jamie C.arragher-
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Gary asks, wondering if he fell into a mad alternate universe.
“Gary,” his mum tuts.  “That’s not nice.  I invited James.”
Oh, crazy Uncle Rob, things I would give to see you right now.
Jamie walks inside, setting the bag of presents by the door. “How could I refuse an invitation from such a lovely lady?”  He takes off his coat, still grinning.  Underneath it, he is wearing a red Christmas jumper with a large Rudolph the Reindeer on it. “Although, meeting you, it is hard to believe you have such a rude son.”
“Oh, he takes it after his father.” Gary’s mum says as she disappears into the house with Jamie’s coat and the wine bottle, waving her hand.
Jamie walks through the hallway and into the living room and Gary follows after him blindly, still dumbstruck.
“Oh, hey Jamie.” Phil raises his head from where he is sitting next to his wife Julie.
“Glad you could join us.”  Tracey offers him the warmest of smiles.  Gary wants to shake them both.  There is a Scouser in their house and no one else seems to be fazed by it in the slightest.  Is he losing his mind?  Is he hallucinating?  Has he died and is now in hell?
Before anyone can say or do anything else, he drags Jamie by the arm into the nearest empty room…which, happens to be the bathroom.  Not ideal, but it will do.  He shuts the door behind them. 
“What on earth are you doing here?”
“Really Gary, you are breaking my hea-”
His forearm flies to Jamie’s chest, his fist grabbing a handful of jumper and his elbow digging into his skin, ready to shove him against the wall.
“I mean it.”  
Jamie seems a bit taken aback at this threat of violence and truth be told, so is Gary.  He lets go but keeps his eyes fixed on Jamie, demanding an answer.
“Your mum invited me, honest,” Jamie says, but there is a terrible glint in his eyes.  “And well, I could not resist the chance to meet the rest of your family, even if frankly, I was a bit confused at the invitation myself.”
“Don’t you have a Christmas dinner of your own to go to?” Gary asks, but his brain is finally catching up to the last five minutes, and this is bad.
Jamie waves his hand dismissively.  “We have it at 2pm so I had plenty of time.  I will go back to my mum’s after this.”
Who has Christmas dinner at 2pm?  Although if anyone would, it would be the C.arraghers.  But right now this is the least of his worries.  
“My mum-”  He sighs and drags a hand over his face.  “She is a lot more sly than she looks.  She almost certainly invited you to…well, to see if she approves.”
Now, for the first time today, it’s Jamie’s turn to be confused. “Approves of what?”
“Of you.  Of…us.”
“And why would she do that?”
Because- well, every time Gary has visited she has been asking him whether there is a special someone in his life and reminding how he is not getting any younger and sighing about how she doesn’t want to die without knowing his son has someone to go home to.  And she- well, she may have asked, in one of those times, whether he and ‘that C.arragher fellow’ had something going on perhaps, and-”
Jamie makes a very high-pitched, unintelligible noise of surprise, like, ‘oh ohoho oh.’
“I didn’t tell her we were dating!”  Gary retorts.  “I just- well, I may have changed the subject in a way which suggested she was not wrong…and I might have done it again a few times after that.”
It had worked too; questions about his romantic life (or lack thereof) stopped for the most part, and when she did ask them, he could look away and pretend to be embarrassed.  He just never thought-
Jamie shakes his head but he looks as if Liverpool has just pulled a surprise comeback, like a child let loose in a candy shop and already high on sugar.  
“Someone has been very naughty this year, eh?”
Gary punches him in the arm.  “Shut up.”
Jamie makes what is a whine but sounds like a moan and of course, right at that very moment, there is a knock on the door.
“Boys,” his mum calls from the other side, “I am sorry to interrupt but I am afraid we are waiting on the two of you to start dinner. There will be plenty of time at night I’m sure to-”
Things Gary would give for the ground to open up and swallow him wholesale right now.
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belphegor1982 · 3 years
Last sentence WIP game
I was tagged by @filippoinzaghi (merciiii 💜)
I finished a chapter on January 1st and I haven’t started on the next yet, but here’s how the completed chapter ends (for now):
Outside there is danger in loving and being loved, there is pressure to fit rigid ideas of what must and must not be. The world may be going mad, war may start to roll its carpet of horrors across the sea soon.
But there – in this house, this room, this bed, where tired hands rest on damp skin and the evening sun bathes everything in a lazy, golden light – there is peace.
Tagging @thisstableground, @thatsoneginger, @tinydooms and @rose-of-pollux!
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capitanogiorgio · 3 years
For the record, for anyone who’s interested:
@capitanogiorgio (main)
@filippoinzaghi (fanfictions)
@jeon-seok-ho (mdl 2021 watch challenge)
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eusm1985 · 7 years
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#Repost #TBT #9Agosto 2017 @azzurri #FilippoInzaghi 🎂44 ・・・ 🇮🇹 57 presenze in #Nazionale ⚽️ 25 gol 🏅#Mondiale 2006 🏆 #U21Euro 1994 Auguri a "Pippo" #Inzaghi che compie 44 anni! L'articolo: http://bit.ly/2baoWE4 #VivoAzzurro #Azzurri
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milleniumfussball · 2 years
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Last up is one of the greatest icons of Italian football of the '00s. World champion, knight, two-time Champions League winner, two-time Italian champion countless goals in the European Cup and Serie A. Here comes Filippo "Pippo" Inzaghi. Nobody was more excited about stumbling goals choked in, nobody was so often offside, nobody converted cooler than the gaunt striker from Piacenza. While not the most elegant of technicians, his goals were not worth their weight in gold. An instinct from another planet. Thank you, dear Pippo! Record: 2001-2012, 202 games, 73 goals #milan #acmilan #ac #acmilano #sempremilan #followtherossonere #rossoneri #acm #dekadenteams #football #calcio #seriea #milleniumSL #milleniummilan #filippoinzaghi How do you remember Pippo Inzaghi? (hier: Stadio Giuseppe Meazza) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch4RreKgt5X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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futboldunyasi · 4 years
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👉🏻@futboool_dunyasi👈🏻 səhifəsini izləməyi unutmayın👍🏻 🔴⚫'AC Milan'ın "qızıl" dövrü 👑 . . . . . #acmilan #acmilan1899 #milan #sheva #shevchenko #andriyshevchenko #ruicosta #inzaghi #filippoinzaghi #pipoinzaghi #stars #legends #footballmoments #footballworld #futboldünyası #futboldunyasi (at San Siro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFH_lEqHlWO/?igshid=1nquwwofjbit6
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danyvigofotografo · 4 years
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📷 #danilovigofotografo #npsitalia #nikon #nikon4sport #photography #photooftheday #photographer #photojournalism #photojournalist #ussi #aips #calcio #seriea #football #soccer #benevento #beneventocalcio #filippoinzaghi (presso Stadio Luigi Ferraris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFomh_JDvXm/?igshid=1u1x2i1hnbgm3
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vanbasten · 3 years
pagherei il mio peso in oro per avere l’url filippoinzaghi
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uominiedonneblog · 3 years
Angela Robusti ex corteggiatrice Uominiedonne e Filippo Inzaghi a breve genitori
Angela Robusti ex corteggiatrice Uominiedonne e Filippo Inzaghi a breve genitori #16luglio #filippoinzaghi #uominiedonne #lucaonestini #angelarobusti
E adesso veniamo a darvi quesa bellissima notizia che riguarda Angela Robusti e Filippo Inzaghi. Oggettivamente dato che siamo nel blog di Uominiedonne non so chi conosciate meglio. In teoria Filippo Inzaghi, in quanto lui è l’ex calciatore di Serie A di tante squadre titolate e invece lei è prorpio quell’Angela Robusti che circa 4 anni fa ha corteggiato il tronsita Luca Onestini senza…
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blindbatalex · 3 years
musings in a married-with-a-kid carraville au in which gary hits his head and forgets approximately two decades worth of memories.  part 1. s/o to @filippoinzaghi for letting me play in her au!
“Alright Annie, what shall we do next?  Would you like to watch a cartoon?”
Gary’s voice was friendly and loving, as your voice always ought to be when talking to a child.  Not her fault Gary lost two decades worth of memories and could not remember ever feeling anything approaching love towards her.  But at the same time, it had been just the two of them in the house for the past couple of hours and he could really use a break.
Sadly, C.arragher Junior shook her head with the kind of enthusiasm only four-year-olds possess.
Gary continued smiling.
“No?  What would you like to do then?”
Junior only giggled in answer and bit her lip, and Gary did not need his memories to know what this meant:  The little Scouser was after a Forbidden Activity.  Great.  Just what Gary needed.  He discreetly checked his watch—C.arragher himself ought to be home by now; he was running late.
“Can we style your hair, daddy?”
She was direct if nothing else, Gary ought to give her that.  She was looking at him with wide eyes, swaying from side to side, barely contained energy buzzing under her skin.
The response was, absolutely not. Gary did not like strangers touching his hair, let alone pulling and pushing and messing with it.  Junior experienced that first-hand herself, when she found Gary napping a couple of days ago, played with his hair, and accidentally got elbowed as a result when Gary startled awake.  She wasn’t hurt thankfully, but she had cried and cried, so viscerally you’d think someone had torn her arm clean off, and neither of them could calm her down for hours.
Poor girl.  She hadn’t asked for this anymore than Gary asked for it.  Besides, he must have let some of his displeasure show on his face because her expression was now crumbling in on itself, lower lip trembling.
Where are you C.arragher? Gary thought.  And then he smiled and asked in a conspiratorial tone-
“Well, what would you use to style it?”
C.arragher Junior brightened up in an instant.  They must have done this dance before, many times.
“Ribbons and hair ties and hair clips!  But no glitter.”
Gary laughed.  He shuddered to think what exactly must have happened to instate that no glitter clause.
“Hmmm…What colour ribbons would you use?”
“Pink and blue and green! Oh, and white!”
“Well.”  Gary made a big show of trying to decide and the girl giggled again.  “If you have pink ribbons!”  He broke into a wide grin and this was all the encouragement Junior needed to celebrate like she scored the winning goal in a Champions League final.
Annie had a whole kit of girly hair things, with individual compartments for each item.  She happily climbed onto the sofa, dragging it behind her like a mechanic with a heavy toolkit.  Gary sat down on the floor in front of her and took a deep breath.  If he could deal with his gaffer on a bad day and help his team win the treble and play at Anfield, he could do this.
“Will my hair look as beautiful as yours when you are done?” he asked as tiny Scouse fingers began to torture his scalp.  
“No!” She pulled at a different tuft.  The sensation of strange fingers in his hair was so uncomfortable, it almost registered as physical pain.  “Your hair is ugly, daddy.”
“You are your father’s daughter, aren’t you?” Gary laughed.  C.arragher himself would have been very proud no doubt, had he been here like he was supposed to be by now.
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