imiya · 5 years
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me when i walk in the room
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Do any villains have crushes on you guys?
Saddle Rager: Duh. We’re hot.
Masked Matterhorn: Could you not? I can’t say for sure that crush is the right word, but yes, there are villains that certainly seem to take a shine to certain members of the team.
Saddle Rager: Matterhorn is charmingly terrible at being hit on and some villains thrive on that.
Matterhorn: Not just villains.
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Saddle Rager: Hush, my love. He’s also very much a gentleman, and a scholar, so the jilted and cynical can hope there’s still a good stallion out there for them, and it could be him.
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Matterhorn: It will not be me. Moving on. Mistress Marevelous gets all kinds of unwanted attention from horrible kings for some reason.
Saddle Rager: I think they either recognize a queen when they see one, or secretly want to be strangled in their sleep because they’re being crushed by the pressure of the crown.
Matterhorn: I doubt it. She was also doggedly provoked by the Cat’s Eye burglar for maybe two or three months when it was just Fillisecond and Marevelous. We know she was doing it to get Marevelous’s attention because, according to Marevelous, she shamelessly flirted throughout the chases. She also stopped once the team expanded and she was about as likely to get Radiance or Zapp  as Marevelous or Fillisecond, and she stopped actually stealing anything. She’d break in with something already bagged up, move something that was a similar shape and size out of sight and wait for Marevelous to show up before she’d attempt to leave the building. She’s shown up a couple of times since, but we’ve never actually caught her.
Saddle Rager: Oh, and she kind of does it to all of us, but Mane-iac is like weirdly obsessed with Marevelous in particular in a way that reads almost like a bitter ex or something, and none of us are totally sure why.
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Zapp has a gift with henchponies, and we like to send him out to seduce some villains-
Matterhorn: We certainly do not like to.
Saddle Rager: Don’t be jealous- who seem inclined to flirt back and therefore are easier to distract with Zapp’s wiles. By making his one job flirting, we also keep him from getting distracted. It’s a perfect system.
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Matterhorn: A perfectly flawed system. It never actually works. Who’s left, you?
Saddle Rager: Yeah. I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head. Maybe Long Face, but I think his idea of a crush is less a crush-crush and more idealizing someone as a potential cure for depression. 
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He did that to Radiance too when she was nice to him.
And of course, Radiance gets the brunt of all the weird villain crushes because she’s just…
Matterhorn: Good at manipulating the emotionally damaged?
Saddle Rager: I was thinking more, “really hard not to fall in love with.” Part of why we let her get captured so much is that after a while it became pretty clear that it was safe to leave her alone with the bad guys. If the main villain doesn’t end up at least a little sweet on her, it’s because they didn’t actually interact with her; but when that happens, it’s because their accomplices or henchponies did, and they usually won’t let the main villain hurt her. She just kind of baseline cares about them, and she’s pretty and sweet and clever and thoughtful and, honestly, pretty close to a perfect companion. Like unless you’re immune to lovely ponies being lovely like Matterhorn here, you probably love her. But, notable example: One time Razzle and Dazzle decided to try hypnotizing her into being their lovely assistant.
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It worked, she fully thought she was their assistant and forgot they were the bad guys, she wasn’t manipulating them or trying to get them to like her because she thought they were already her friends, but their plan fell apart anyway because they both ended up getting a crush on her and fighting over her so much that they lost focus on the actual scheme, we just had to come to the show and nab them. They’re inseparable. She ruined them by accident, making Masked Matterhorn wrong. She can manipulate them if she feels she has to, or if she knows they won’t like her and needs to figure out a way to stay safe, but usually she just talks to them. She-
Matterhorn: Stop talking, you’re fawning, and giving too much away.
Saddle Rager: Marevelous isn’t here, it’s my job to talk up her marefriend on her behalf.
Matterhorn: Since when?
Saddle Rager: Since Marevelous said so. Radiance is perfect and deserves all the cults that worship her, and also the infatuation and adulation of all who witness her glory. I think that about covers it.
Matterhorn: Thank you. Get to Fillisecond.
Saddle Rager: Oh, everyone loves Fillisecond. Not so much a crush thing though.
Matterhorn: Agreed, they’re more fond of her. Kind of like a little sister.
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Saddle Rager: An annoying little sister who wrecks all your plans, but she’s cute, so you can’t stay mad at her. If Radiance is hard not to fall in love with, Fillisecond is hard not to adopt. Actually scratch that, I know of ponies who have crushes on her, they just aren’t villains, and they skew younger than most of our villains do. I guess Fillisecond attracts fellow good ponies. Also, since they DO skew older than Fillisecond, no crushes on Hum Drum either.
Matterhorn: I should hope not.
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ask-humdrum · 6 years
Soon the rare gems will be in my hooves. Glad you don't know where my hideout is at! The armored carriage should be arriving towards the museum soon. Are you going to stop me?
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thespookydoor · 6 years
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a sneak peak at my newest project. :) more pony: https://www.deviantart.com/shadesmaclean/gallery/43853635/MLP-FiM
keywords: Pillars of Equestria Starswirl the Bearded Rockhoof Mistmane Flash Magnus Mage Meadowbrook Somnambula Stygian the Pony of Shadows Garbunkle (Spike the Dragon) Sir McBiggun (Big Macintosh) Captain Wuzz (Discord) the Squizard (Squid Wizard) Power Ponies Masked Matterhorn Zapp Mistress Marevelous Filisecond Saddle Rager Radiance Humdrum the Mysterious Mare Do Well the Mane-iac Maretropolis video games
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Every once in a while Fillisecond runs out of steam, and when she does, she’s out.
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askbananapie · 6 years
Fillisecond: Askbananapie! He was one of our first followers, told other ponies about us, drops us bananagrams, invites us to all his cool banana parties, and we’ve heard he’s super nice to lots of other ponies too!
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cckittycreative · 7 years
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This... ended up being a bit more difficult than I was expecting, but I’m still really happy with the end result.
In Episode 3 of Season 7, A Flurry of Emotions, Cheerilee offers Twilight Alien Alicorns vs The Space Pirates and it just... sounded awesome and totally like some kind of comic book series. Making an alien Alicorn was... really hard though! She kinda looks more like a fairy... Anyway...
Issue 125, The Amulet of Kr’Chk
I imagine her as bit of a space Daring Do/Han Solo kind of character. And maybe a bit of Martian Manhunter, too. She speaks telepathically and has an array of powers. Sometimes, she teams up with the Power Ponies. She and Fillisecond really get along.
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I will name all the identities I know, and then ask who you are based on. Trot Summers? Princess Aurora? Spruce Spanner? Green Gardener? Marey Allen? And i'm assuming Mistress and Hum have identities too. I happen to know Bruce and Barry in the Marvel world, so Saddle and Filli can skip.
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Hum Drum: I thought we were based on us?
Masked Matterhorn: Maybe they mean our costume designs?
Saddle Rager: I don’t know, but I think they somehow managed to describe me twice with the alliterative names of strangers.
Mistress Marevelous: Look, we don’t know any of these ponies. If you were trying to get our secret identities out of us, you should have gone with ponies a little more locally famous.
(Mod Note: We can’t speak for the MLP crew when they designed the Power Ponies for the episode, but we suspect you’re either right or close to right about most of their original counterparts. We varied pretty wildly from the likely source material, though, and intentionally under-researched so they could just be their own thing and develop without having to parody anyone in particular. We did make some intentional nods, and we’re embracing a lot of superhero tropes which leads to delightful parallels and convergent character evolution, but they’re very much their own characters.)
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ask-humdrum · 6 years
Shennigans huh? What kind of shennigans?
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thespookydoor · 6 years
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Round 2 of Gals' Night! :D (I seriously underestimated how long it would take to weld all of this together, but it's quite satisfying, looking at the final result. =P ) (features modified screencaps from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Movie and Equestria Girls, as well as assets from Street Fighter II, Captain America and the Avengers, Final Fight, Metroid, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Secret of Evermore, F-Zero, Mario Kart, Fallout, Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger) PINKIE PIE: Just press up, down, up down, left, right, left right, B, A, Start! [Konami Code] SUNSET SHIMMER: Cool! We unlocked bonus characters! SPIKE: Play your flute thingy! PINKIE: Eat the porkchop! SUNSET SHIMMER: Bomb for hidden passages! TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Cast Magic Missile! RARITY: Um, wrong game, dear... FLUTTERSHY: Use kindness! It's super effective! MANE-IAC: Power Ponies! Welcome to Die! TWILIGHT: I must say, I'm very impressed with these puzzles... RAINBOW DASH: You would be. APPLEJACK: Puzzles shmuzzels! Let's get back to the action! DASH: So, think we're ready to take on the Pony of Shadows? TWILIGHT: I'm not so sure... TWILIGHT: Whoa! Did you two just unlock... SUNSET: The Hidden Ending? CHARACTER SELECT: TIER I: The Pillars of Equestria Starswirl the Bearded | Rockhoof | Mage Meadowbrook | Stygian | Flash Magnus | Mistmane | Somnambula TIER II: Ogres and Oubliettes Garbunkle | Sir MacBiggun | Captain Wuzz | Derpy Hooves | Daring Do | Trixie Lulamoon | Cheese Sandwich TIER III: The Power Ponies The Masked Matterhorn | Mistress Marevelous | Saddle Rager | the Mysterious Mare Do Well | Zapp | Radiance | Fillisecond MORE PONY: https://www.deviantart.com/shadesmaclean/gallery/43853635/MLP-FiM
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actualpowerponies · 10 years
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Quick cute sketch in which Fillisecond has fun falling and Saddle Rager forgets she has wings
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amateursoundwizard · 11 years
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The Fillisecond walk cycle is my favorite of the series so far.
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euphoriapony · 11 years
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the fastest pony in maretropolis
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We’re Back and also
It’s that time of year again.
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Maretropolis has always had pretty long, unusually snowy winters compared to most of Equestria. Hearts and Hooves Day is almost as important as Hearth’s Warming in keeping the city’s morale up, so we’d like to keep up the tradition of our annual Hearts and Hooves Day event.
Masked Matterhorn and Fillisecond will be on duty, but the others will be available for the following:
Hugs, kisses, and emotional support.(Mostly Zapp, but Hum Drum, Saddle Rager and Radiance are also happy to help.)
Personalized card making services.(Hum Drum is in charge, but they’re all contributing.)
Personal questions about their friendships.
Advice for your friendships or love lives.(Do not trust Saddle Rager.)
Questions for Marevelous and Radiance about their unfading mutual adoration for each other.(Recommended. Marevelous loves talking about Radiance and how much they’re definitely seeing each other romantically. It will make her winter.)
We will be aiming to release an ask or two a week from our backlog leading up to Hearts and Hooves Day. We will be accepting normal questions AND Heart’s and Hooves day questions right up until Hearts and Hooves day.
(Mod Note: Artist Mod still hasn’t recovered the files from her old computer yet, but has enough asks prepared to end the hiatus now anyway.)
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Have you encountered villains who were a creature other than one of the pony races?
Fillisecond: Sure! Griffins, dragons, weird evil floaty lights, a goat, a big giant thrashy thing that wasn’t a villain but that we thought was one, another big giant thrashy thing with scary teeth that was evil and we thought was evil and was right, imps, rats, big weird bugs that weren’t changlings, weird fire thingies, egg-eating sky lizards, snakes! 
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I don’t think I’m even remembering them all!
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Has the city council or the mayor or whoever runs the city proposed something that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen? Like, say, letting all the villains loose in a walled-off part of the city?
Marevelous: So, a prison without guards? No. Because that would be stupid. And Mayor Blossom isn’t stupid. Mayor Blossom comes up with good villain management ideas like repurposing the old hospital campus as a supermax prison for supervillains with superpowers or that need particular one on one mental evaluation and help. Moving them to Barkham reduced recidivism rates AND break outs at the Pen, because they were able reallocate some of the money they were using on specialized security measures to rehabilitation programs. And because Barkham’s population is so much smaller, it’s easier to monitor them all AND give them individual psychiatric care, so there are way less incidents with them there then back when they went to the Pen with everyone else.
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There’s a reason Mayor Blossom runs unopposed most of the time. Crime rate aside, there’s not enough unrest to unseat her. She does a good job. Sometimes someone proposes fiascos like the dance fight light poles, but even though it was obviously ridiculous, it wasn’t dangerously ridiculous. The elections got postponed because of the unresolved Nightmare Night… mayhem? And this this isn’t an endorsement. But crime rates aside, things are good and the other candidate is kind of an unqualified rampant disaster baby who has no place holding office.
Fillisecond: She’s not even running!
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Marevelous: Or winning! I’m only in charge because no one but Zapp was even willing to be, and I’d never give him the satisfaction because I’m petty and vindictive. Like a certain other pony who is NOT RUNNING for mayor and who you definitely should not vote for, even as a write-in. You can replace half the city counsel and not much would change, but Mayor Blossom’s VERY beneficial to this city.
[The views of Mistress Marevelous are solely her own and this ask was in no way funded by Mayor Blossom’s campaign because she is not corrupt, which may be technically true of her opponent, but her opponent is also, technically, an unqualified rampant disaster baby who hates responsibility, so it’s Maretropolis’ call.]
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