toy-dragon · 1 year
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Posting this here for my own reference instead of having to scroll through my camera.
Image description: a white hand holding a package of dumpling wrappers that has a recipe printed on it. End description.
Ground pork 11 ounces
Minced cabbages 2 ounces
Carrot 1 ounce
Chinese mushroom 1 ounce
Scallion 1 ounce
Egg 1 each
Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
Water 2 teaspoons
Ginger 1 teaspoon
Cooking wine 1 teaspoon
Seasame oil 1 teaspoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
1. Mix well all ingredients together.
2. Put a tablespoon of filling in the center of a dumpling wrapper.
3. Fold over to make a semicircle and seal the edge with water. Press together firmly to make sure fillong keeps inside wrapping.
4. Put dumplings in boiling water over high heat, stirring occaisionally until dumplings float to the top.
5. Add a cup of cold water and bring back to a boil until the dumplings float on top again. Repeat this 3 times or until they are cooked thoroughly.
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from kitchen utensils and common snake names
Andadder Apeebisk Apeel Apermsnake Apper Asideratth Asnake Assnake Astcutter Astersnake Asuntater Balder Bamboa Bamisknife Bashake Birdoutch Biscopher Bishviper Bisknife Bissorin Blacher Black Blacup Blamba Blamell Blandper Blangnel Blassorf Bleafviper Bledadle Blessnake Blice Blinell Blingser Bloser Blosesnake Bloutter Blunake Blunboon Blunder Blunnees Bluntnoill Boack Boacke Boarter Boish Boodsnake Boomsnake Boopfor Bownife Bradder Bradknife Brater Bresnake Browboach Brownel Brubber Bruitviper Bulacon Bultsnake Buriscron Bursnadder Busher Busss Butter Buttler...
Caker Callsnake Caper Carrowcon Carterrowl Casheed Cashsnake Castera Cater Caterce Catter Catthoover Catula Cheadder Cheeboars Cheesnake Chings Chingtill Chiper Chnossnake Chola Cholfske Choll Chonsnake Choon Chork Chwhiper Clecon Clemolack Coacksnake Cobrever Cobrotter Cobrown Cobrownife Cobster Cobstoser Coldsnake Colle Comambag Comer Conder Coner Congs Congsnake Congsp Copfora Copsnake Corchor Coreeneyel Corfboa Corksnake Corneyel Corsnake Cradder Crater Cratter Creensnake Creesnake Crondper Crowinder Crowl Curle Derboa Dercer Desedsnake Dester Diamba Diper Doutter Dwarfboot Dwaton Dwatork Dwatsnake Dwatter Eggpier Eggpiever Eggpitcher Eggpitcoll Eggpoop Eggra Eggracler Eggray Eggreater Eggrer Eggresnake Eggsepper Eggsnake Eggtiger Eydiamba Fadder Fieviper Filer Fillongs Filobra Fisher Fishiper Fisssor Flounake Flyin Flyinder Foodsnake Foonsnake Foover Foray Foresnake Forfboa Forsnake Foxsnacke Funboa Funda Funter Gardsnake Gartder Garth Glotater Glove Glown Goper Gradder Gralle Gratsnake Gratter Greamboon Greastra Greel Gresssnake Grever Grewer Grictor Gring Griver Heedsnake Hognosnake Holicke Honbambag Honda Honedadder Honmoutton Honsnake Hopheever Hopher Hopsnake Hormounder Hornsnaker Horsnake Keatholer Kewinake Kindadder Kindboa Kindper Kingcon Kingtrice Lacke Ladlerboa Lameggs Lastra Leator Lemon Lerver Londewer Lottoknife Lyrew Mamboa Mamer Mamsnake Mandper Matosnaker Matsnake Meafviper Meashis Measnacher Meatomslin Meatsnake Meatter Metknife Metkning Metter Mettler Metviper Mezzacke Moccake Monsnake Moodsnake Moongcors Morater Morcer Mounake Moutter Nifter Niger Nutcra Nutcup Nuttentath Nutter Palsnake Parsnake Parter Partsnake Pashviper Pasider Pasnake Pasnaker Paspoula Pastryba Patgreebis Paton Patonsnake Patsnake Patter Pattoreel Pedsnaker Pensnake Perainake Persnake Perve Peseda Pesna Peter Picer Pider Piebirdoll Pieboa Piesnake Pinbasiner Pinbeatter Piper Pizzacke Poacke Poacker Poomanake Pooner Poong Poongsnake Pooper Poopher Poover Pot-hoper Pothake Potter Potters Poull Poultsnake Puffall Pythadder Pythork Queelotter Quefsk Quefske Rachopher Racooviper Raddersna Randbowl Rapercer Rapper Rastra Rater Ricke Rotatter Rowboack Rownwater Ruitknife Ruitviper Rushsla Salder Salmviper Salsnake Sanake Sanakeebra Sanda Sandbotter Sander Sandercer Sandeser Sandper Sandueezer Scaper Scatsnake Scisk Scresnake Scrownife Seandper Sedler Sedsnake Sepasurice Sesnake Sessork Siderch Sinedsnake Sinsnake Sknife Sknifter Slonbot Slosnake Smomatgra Smork Smoursnake Spatheel Spicke Spier Spinake Spoopper Spootsnake Sporeel Sportambag Sportena Spot-hon Spotath Spothadder Spounters Spviper Stedviper Stork Strybacke Sunake Suntara Surinsnake Surivenake Tartarter Tatercer Tigsnake Tingpinba Toknife Tokniger Tondadderd Torcer Torksnake Tortsnake Track Tradder Tratoser Tratter Treamba Treater Treatter Treeda Treel Treeler Tresnake Tresticke Tricke Trubber Trybra Trybracks Trybraings Trypier Trypine Trypiner Trypiper Trywhiper Twiger Twinelbach Twings Vipeel Vipefske Waratter Warler Warsife Wartder Water Waterd Wateyel Watomated Watsnake Watter Whicer Whindboa Whined Whipeel Whiper Wolacon Wolder Woodsnake Woot-hop Worksnake Wortsnake Zebird Zeboa Zebroll
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quettasecond · 2 years
i wanna opem the movie again tonsee if it wont do that anymore but i dont wanna risk fillong the folder anymore. so im gonna wait for the inages to upload then delete them then try and watch the movie again
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petimiti67 · 4 years
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#PenelopeGate. Premier acte de #FillonGate : cinq ans de prison dont deux ans de #prison ferme ... à suivre https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDOU0ZiTEy/?igshid=odm8lq94idpi
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brodepute · 7 years
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Juste, rends l'argent avant.
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colourless · 4 years
it's 3am but i created a new twt acc so if you wanna follow me here it is: @monroevlles
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metrophotopeno-blog · 7 years
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Reward : 800 000€
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gwenndael · 7 years
Sarkozy, pour son avocat, c'était Paul Bismuth. Fillon, pour sa famille, c'est Paul Emploi!
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jbgravereaux · 7 years
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DESSIN de JEAN MIAUX : http://actuendessins.fr/?p=3155                                                                                                                                                                  Le Fillongate / Pénélopegate c’est trop pour Fillon ?
Soupçonné d’emploi fictif, de détournement d’argent public du Sénat, de conflit d’intérêts avec Axa, Fillon va-t-il résister à la pression en vue de la Présidentielle 2017 ?…                                                                                                                                                                                                                           by JMDESSINATEUR on 09/02/2017 •  PERMALINKPosted in ACTUALITÉTagged ACTUALITÉ, ACTUALITÉ EN DESSINS, AXA, CARICATURES, CONFLIT D’INTÉRÊTS, DESSINS D'ACTUALITÉ, DESSINS DE PRESSE, DESSINS HUMORISTIQUES, DESSINS SATIRIQUES, DÉTOURNEMENT ARGENT PUBLIC, EMPLOI FICTIF, FILLONGATE, HUMOUR, JM, PÉNÉLOPEGATE, PRÉSIDENTIELLE 2017
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reactionspolitiques · 7 years
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Quand on t’a niqué, mais qu’au fond tu le vis bien <3
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petimiti67 · 7 years
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Message de Paris a @francoisfillon #rendslargent #presudentielle #presidentielle2017 #presidentielles2017 #presidentielles #pénélopegate #penelopegate #senatgate #axagate #fillongate #fillongates #costumegate #costumegate2017 #empruntgate
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babygirlkidd0 · 7 years
I cannot wait for the Ancestors to end this bitch ass Fillon! This is what you get for saying that colonialism was just a sharing of cultures.
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goupixgsix · 7 years
Pénélope et les corrompus
Tout le monde semble être choqué par les petites manoeuvres de FF1 et de son innocente épouse Pénélope. C'est vrai que c'est choquant, c'est de l'argent public (et pas «notre argent de nos impôts» comme le suggérerait les madelinistes gâteux de TV Libertés), on leur confie des responsabilités, on place notre citoyenne confiance en eux, on leur délivre une carte Navigo gratos, on leur fait sauter les zones bleues, on leur laisse un contrat social blanc-seing. On serait presque déçu. Seulement, considérons tout de même que ce n'est qu'une manifestation spectaculaire de ce qui se passe en de plus infimes mais multiples proportions au bas de l'échelle : combien de mairies avec des micro-magouilles ? De cooptations douteuses dans les mondes qui y sont reliés (clubs de sport, associations culturelles, sous-traitance diverse allant de l'entretien de la moquette aux plus déments projets immobiliers)? De marchés opaques ou au contraire tellement transparents qu'ils en sont navrants d'ambition? De décisions sans collège ? Mediapart et Rue 89 sont de biens beaux corbeaux, mais ces gens-là ne bénéficient-ils pas également d'avantages certains ? Loin de nous l'idée de fouiner dans vos chastes vies messieurs les claviers. On connait tous un garagiste qui connait un avocat qui connait un tenancier de club de danse. Des gérants de parcs HLM qui glissent le dossier sur le dessus de la pile. Des banquiers qui mettent l'accent sur la relation client. Des confréries de gens qui vont au restaurant. Des employeurs qui tacitent aux autres employeurs. Des collectionneurs passionés de lettres de recommandation. Des employés EDF qui payent pas le chauffage, Des stagiaires travaillant à l'étude des nuages. Des amis férus d'architecture dont la souris fait office de défouloir digital sur le progiciel foirasse de Foncia. Des gérants de supérette qui grugent la franchise avec leur soeur, leur femme ou leur ventre rapace. Des copines de copines qui ont peut-être une place en crèche. Des types qui vendent des iPhone débloqués. Des types qui achètent les iPhone débloqués. Des types qui ont braqué un iPhone débloqué. Des galeristes des chartrons qui boivent le thé toute la journée. Des cadres du secondaire qui ont épuisé leur potentiel dans une routine de gestion de stocks et de comptabilité. Des retraitées d'usines de biscuits ou des contrats de dix heures qui tirent de la patée pour chat. Des forums de discussion où acheter des pièces détachées de contrefaçon pour bagnole. Des vendeuses individualo-universalistes Zara qui bidonnent les prix des soldes systématiquement. Des renards qui chopent les livres dans les boîtes à lire sans les lire en présumant de leurs côtes et donc d'eux-mêmes. Des bons clients qui ont des places gratuites pour aller voir des matchs à deux cent balles, des opéras, Kendji Girac à la patinoire de Mériadeck à prix étudiant pour tous les adhérents du CE, même ceux qui n’iront jamais. Toutes ces personnes croient que ce qui est légal est juste, et que ce qui est illégal est juste illégal, et que ce qui est ici injuste sera cosmiquement juste plus tard. Elles ont raison et c'est ce qui leur fera tort.
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jmdessinateur · 7 years
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Le pénélopegate profiterait à Macron… Dans les sondages l’affaire du pénélopegate profiterait à Macron Emmanuel Macron devancerait désormais François Fillon suite à l’affaire du pénélopegate. Il se qualifierait pour le deuxième tour de la présidentielle 2017 face à Marine Le Pen…
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Par Bernko
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lunatic-flores · 2 years
𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔.
𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 : (𝘠/𝘕) has inability to talk to the elders since Alma put her too much pressure since she was little, and that almost break the relationship of her and her mother.
→ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 : 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊.
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A new day, a new expressive poem that has slipped under Julieta's door. She had no idea who has been give her this beautiful words, either it's long or short. She needs to remember her husband that she is sure that she don't have a single admirer.
“Another one?” Agustin asks while searching his glasses and then glance at his wife, Julieta can only chuckled and nodded her head as she take the crumbled paper with a tiny bow on the upper left.
“they're really good at hiding themselves.” Julieta respond while reading the lovely fresh poem that's just for her and her only.
Your love was like moonlight
turning harsh things to beauty,
so that little wry souls
reflecting each other obliquely
as in cracked mirrors ... beheld in your luminous spirit
their own reflection,
transfigured as in a shining stream,
and loved you for what they are not.
You are less an image in my mind
than a luster
I see you in gleams
pale as star-light on a gray wall
evanescent as the reflection of a white swan
shimmering in broken water.
“Well, at least this one is very lovely.” Julieta laughs as her husband gave her a kiss on the cheek and then the two of them started to do their chores as usual. Julieta's day seem to be brighter and more brighter after an accident happened to her.
“what is going on here?”
“Tía! We uh— ... We might have accidently dropped some of your glass bowls .. Anduh- yeah, that's all hehe.” Camilo tried to explain - not wanting to get a heavy punishment, but his prima, his quite prima is also part of the accident.
Her eyes moved to the broken bowls and then she spot her very first bowl that she used to try her gift. Camilo and (Y/N) could see that the dissapoiment and Sadness are fillong the older woman's eyes.
For some reasons, They couldn't talk. And it's very overwhelming.
“Let's just— help me clean these things, please.” Camilo swear that he saw his prima is sweating nervously as heck. Her face is quickly turned very pale making him worried, “Uh ... Mi Prima? Are you—”
“Todo está bien.” with that, she immediately left to grab a broom and clean the mess, not letting Camilo help her either. After cleaning the mess, the two of them apologized to older woman “We are so sorry, Tía Julieta. We promise that we will not break anything ever again.”
(Y/N) nod her head furiously as she tried to avert her gaze to somewhere else. Not brave enough to let out a single word to her mother while fidgeting her fingers nervously.
“It's alright, you two can go now.” with that, (Y/N) immediately run out of the kitchen leaving Camilo behind.
At first, Julieta thought that the person is her own daughter who never spoke to anyone since she was twelve. She's not very talkative. She won't talk unless it's necessary like a conversation about the family.
But it's no use since she never saw a single paper or pencil that she had to use if she wanted to write anything in her daughter's room.
Is it Mirabel?
“Huh? What poem? I haven't write anything yet for the exciting day!”
Then, is it Isabela?
“I am so sorry mamá, but i'm really busy that i don't have a chance to write a letter even it's for you. Maybe it's Luisa, since she haven't gave you something new?”
“Mamá. I don't even have a pencil and a paper.”
Julieta sighs in defeat. The writing style is unfamiliar to her, that's what make it more difficult. Why don't she just ask the children to write and check their writing style? —
“Oh wait, i think that would work. If the person is not from this family, then it really is from someone else - i think Agustin will be the one who search them up for me.”
“Oh oh! Are we going to write a letter to each other?” Antonio asks his aunt excitedly as he grab his pencil, “Hm, yes - of course we will! Since we have a free time, why don't we spend it together?”
Julieta had to dragged brought the adults to join her too, she just wants to see their writing style too. Not only the children. “how about a poem?” Dolores question making Julieta's attention immediately moved to her.
“Of course, you can write a poem too!”
As she finished, her gaze kept wandering to one by one. But none of them showing any suspicions to her. This is very difficult. But little did she know, one of her dear daughter is now sweating. Her hands are wet. Her heart beat so fast making Dolores glance at (Y/N).
Before she could asks her prima, (Y/N) shot up while breath in then out and showed her stoic face as if nothing happened to her. And then she just started writing leaving Dolores drowned in confusion.
‘What just happened to her?’
Right now, (Y/N) is debating with herself in her mind. What is she going to write? A poem like she used to write for her mother? But she's afraid of getting caught. She never apologized properly, and she wants to take baby steps.
‘I am screwed.’
(Y/N) decided to change her writing style, and surprisingly, it goes well. And it's quite different from the style she used to. Slowly, a small smile crept on her face ashe began to write a short letter.
Letting her hands dancing with the pencil on the paper, slowly but surely. It is very expressive words. After everyone is done, Julieta still can't find the mysterious person. It is decided.
The person is from the village. Not her family. But who in the world loved her platonically? Is it the orphanage children? No, she don't think so.
She sighs in defeat, making her daughters look at her worriedly. “Hey, do any of you have any idea what makes mom look confused right now?” Isabela asks her sisters quitely, making sure that the others doesn't hear them. Luisa began to think and then shake her head “Nope, but she looks fine for these past few days to me.” she reponds.
“Huh, then what about you Mirabel?” Isabela turn to her youngest sister, “I don't know, but all i know that mom has gotten one or two poems everyday in the morning for these past few weeks.” The youngest answered while glancing at her mother.
“A poem? ... So that's why she wants us to write anything so she can match the writing style, huh?” Isabela mutters and then searching for her another sister. Unfortunately, (Y/N) stood up and then left the living room first.
“Uh ... Why is she so quite and hurry?” Luisa asks that notices her sister's curiousity, “Mamá said she's not very talkative, but i l've once read her letters that is sooo expressive and it's very touching!” Mirabel yelled-whispers excitedly. “it's like — She's the silent words, y'know?”
And that clicked the three of them, “Hey, don't you think that the person who gave mom poems every morning is ... Her?” Dolores, the cousin who heard their conversation decides to joined them.
“What poem?” Isabela jumped at her sudden presence and then sighs, “Dios mio, Dolores. Don't scare me like that again!” “Oops, Lo siento.”
Mirabel explained everything to her prima and then letting her think for a moment, “Sometimes, i do hear someone is writing. But i am not sure who is it since they keep changing their place to write.” Isabela widen her eyes.
She exclaimed loudly making the other's attetion turned to her, also making Dolores closed her ears “Oh uh— ... Sorry.”
“Wait, so it's really (Y/N)?” Mirabel asks in more quite tone, “Are you sure about that? Because ... You know, she don't have any pencil and papers.” Luisa add in, “Unless she buy some.” Dolores fold her arms.
“Yes, and i'm sure it's really her.” Before she continue, (Y/N) quickly ran inside the living room again and take her bag. “Oh (Y/N)! We were just about to—”
Luisa is cut off when (Y/N) immediately left the room again, but the thing is, she accidently drop a single paper from her bag. Making Isabela quickly take it with her vines, “Oh look, she drop this.”
Dolores let out a quiet “hm!” in response. “Is that a ... Poem?” Mirabel take the paper from her hermana and then they read it together.
Call out, Call loud : “I'm not ready, and don't come find me!”
The sacks in the toolshed smell like the trash seaside.
They’ll never find you in this blackhole salty dark,
You’ve never heard them sound so silent hushed before.
Don’t breathe. Don’t move. Stay dumb. Hide in your blindness.
"It's like— she's hiding? There are some typos too.”
"What are you guys reading?” Camilo asks suddenly making them jumped and Isabela surprise him with her flowers.
“We are having girls talk, now shoo shoo.” Camilo rolled his eyes and then walk away in flamboyant, “i think we need to go to somewhere more quite.” Luisa recommended and then the four of them started to leave the living room as they excused themselves.
“Or ... Should we find (Y/N) instead?” “No, i don't think so. She'll freak out and teleport to somewhere we don't know.” Isabela read the paper once again and then they finally arrive at the quite place.
At least not too noisy for dear Dolores.
“Right, i almost forgot her gift is teleportation.” Mirabel mumbles, “but the poem says ‘I'm ready and come find me.’ i think she wants us to find her and talk to her?”
“Hm, but why don't she?” Dolores asks as she tilt her head to the side.
“It's because i'm not good at taking the conversation.” someone suddenly answered making the four of them look at the person. There, stood a young girl who is shaking, and quite messy. Maybe she's not using her gift and keep running for her life.
“H-Hola.” she muttered.
“(Y/N)! So it's really you!” Mirabel quickly throw herself to her hermana and let (Y/N) catch her without second thought. (Y/N) yelped and then hold her sister carefully, “I— ... Y-yes, i'm the one who ... Write those p-poems. I couldn't apologize properly to ... Mamá.” She rub her arms nervously after letting Mirabel go.
“So that's why the letters are so expressive because the person is having an inability to talk to the elders, huh?” Isabela add in.
“That's— ... You're right, Isabela.” (Y/N) sighs in defeat as she sat with the girls and take out her paper and pencil from her bag.
“Why don't you just talk to her, ya know, heart-to-heart?” Luisa asks curiously as she pat (Y/N)'s back, trying to ease her down.
“I can't, Luisa. It's hard, very hard. But i ... I tried my b-best, you know? I Uh— ... i just couldn't say it that easy.” Mirabel began to think in anticipate and then an idea came immediately, “You know what? You need to leave some hints here and there.”
“Leave your name, letter by letter. And let mom collect it until your name is completed!” (Y/N) widen her eyes and then began to shake again, “W-what if she ... want to talk with me? I- i ... I couldn't—"
“Just take your time. Mamá will understand you, hermana.” Isabela hold her sister's hand and Dolores nod her head in agreement. “Just remember that she is not like abuela just because she's her daughter.” Dolores rub her back in circles.
Julieta is not like Alma.
Deep breath in, deep breath out. (Y/N) smiled at her hermanas and prima as she nod her head, without a second, the girls give her a big hug making her let out a pure laugh.
“Oh? I think they're leaving some hints.” Julieta read the poem again while stacking the poems and put it all together. ;
Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear
Held me close and loved me,
The values you've have taught,
the care you've have given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
Have enriched my life
in more ways than I can count.
I owe you an eternal paradise.
— Your dearest, (n).
Julieta was touched by the words. There's no possibility that this person loved her in romantic way, they adore her in sweetest platonic way.
She noticed that each poems had single letter in the end. That clicked her brain, she quickly put the letters all together and a name was completly written. “(Y/N)..?”
She remembered the accident day and since then her daughter began to feel more anxious and quite. She wipe her hands after making arepas and quickly left the kitchen in order to find her quite daughter.
“Ay, (Y/N).” she muttered worriedly.
Dolores who heard the whole muttering decide to inform her primas, “She's going to find (Y/N).” the girls stare at (Y/N), “w-what?”
“Prepare yourself, hermana.” Isabela pat her head even though she's quite taller than her. “Oh no, i don't think i can talk properly to her.” Mirabel smack her arm playfully, “Come on, don't be so pessimist! You'll be fine.”
“We'll be waiting for you when you're done.” Luisa chuckled at her sister's nervousness. It remembered her the day where she's feeling weak.
“I— uh— ... BUT—” (Y/N) was immediately cut off by her youngest sister.
“Casita.” Mirabel spoke in sudden before (Y/N) tries to escape by herself.
The floor started to move just to send (Y/N) out from the nursery, (Y/N)'s eyes shift to her mother's presence who is now searching for her. “Dios—... Dios, dios, dios—” she kept muttering and ran to find a hiding spot.
Instead of searching a safe place, she accidently bumped into her Tía Pepa who has a dark stormy cloud above her head, and later, she got strucked by one of her lighting that completely making her jolts in pain.
“i— i'm .. totally fine— ... ” her face immediately fall on the flat floor.
“JULIETA!!!” Pepa screamed in purest panic, making all the members of the family ran to her and only found (Y/N) laying on the floor.
“Oh.” Mirabel blurted out of nowhere making Isabela facepalmed at her, Luisa rub the back of her head bashfully as Dolores sighs in defeat.
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