#filthy lucre
glapplebloom · 1 year
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((You know heroes, jump into action despite the danger))
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r-rook-studio · 2 years
2022 Thank You Sale
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While 2022's been frustrating and exhausting on many fronts, I'm really proud of the three games I wrote this year, and I'm really grateful for all the support I've received. To say thanks, here's a 33% sale link on my most recent releases: Sherwood and My Chivalric Bromance.
You can also nab my two 2022 Quickstarts: Moonlight on Roseville Beach: A Visitor's Guide to Cruisin and Sherwood: A Quickstart of Outlaws & Justice.
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superbdonutpoetry · 2 months
Which Brings Me to the Following
WHY do Mohammedans clearly see the differences between Paul’s epistles and the synoptic gospels (albeit for all the wrong reasons), BUT mainline Christian denominationalism fails to see this. The obvious answer is because they (Muslims) read the Bible (even though it is only done to find and then use the contradictions to prove the Bible has errors), while generally speaking, denominationalists…
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drmonkeysetroscans · 2 months
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Cash money.
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travsd · 6 months
May All Your Lucre Be Filthy: On Jonny Porkpie's Filthy Lucre
As it happens today (December 17) is International Day to End Violence to Sex Workers. I mention this more to marvel at the synchronicity than to imply that Filthy Lucre, Jonny Porkpie’s burlesque on A Christmas Carol is remotely heavy-handed (apart from perhaps the odd spanking or two). The show literally DOES contain a message about the exploitation of sex workers, and has among its cast…
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extremely-moderate · 6 months
As a Founding Father, I believe in the virtue of fiscal moderation. Let us handle our "filthy lucre" with prudence and equity, paying heed to the needs of all citizens. After all, in matters of finance, balance is key!
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Unveiling the Psychopathic Nature of Capitalism: Unleashing the Power of Filthy Lucre
"Capitalism, a system built on greed and exploitation, prioritizes profit over people. It thrives on inequality, leaving countless in poverty while a select few amass absurd wealth. Its ruthless pursuit of profit disregards human suffering. #Capitalism #Inequality" Hey there, amazing readers! Are you ready to deep-dive into the fascinating world of capitalism and its intriguing relationship with filthy lucre? Well, buckle up because we are about to embark on a mind-blowing journey. As we unravel the layers of capitalism, we will uncover its intriguingly psychopathic nature. From its insatiable hunger for profit to its relentless pursuit of wealth, capitalism exhibits striking parallels to the traits of a psychopath. It's time to shed light on how this economic system operates and how it intertwines with the pursuit of filthy lucre. Get ready to be amazed as we dissect the intricate web of capitalism and explore its undeniable connection to the allure of wealth. So, grab your favorite beverage and let's delve into this captivating exploration together!
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wurds-fur-nurds · 6 months
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kick-the-clouds · 6 months
“"Excited to dive into the concept of self-policing institutions and their role in dealing with the lure of filthy lucre. The potential impact on ethical behavior and accountability makes this a fascinating topic to explore! #ethics #accountability"”
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faith-in-democracy · 6 months
Faith in democracy wavers when filthy lucre takes center stage. Money should not dictate the voice of the people. Let's strive for a system where everyone's voice matters, regardless of their financial status. #democracy #moneyinpolitics
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ok temu, u got my attention
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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((Someone saw their version of the group))
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throam-hell · 11 months
every day i feel sad that filthy lucre was never finished 😔
like it was kinda wild but i’m so invested into the plot lmao
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frstndlstlns · 11 months
Spook Country
“Raush,” said the voice in Hollis Henry’s cell.
She put the helmet on, turned it on, and looked up, to where Alberto’s giant cartoon rendition of the Mongolian Death Worm, its tail wound through the various windows of Bigend’s pyramidal aerie like an eel through the skull of a cow, waved imperially, tall and scarlet, in the night.
— William Gibson
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daydadahlias · 5 months
Room Service
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It's Em’s (@redrattlers) birthday :)
Summary: Luke’s blue eyes are so soft on him. He says quietly, “I don’t care that you steal tiny soaps.”
“I don’t care that you’re a hooker,” Michael replies simply.
or the one where Michael is a room attendant at a hotel and Luke is a hooker that frequents it.
Word Count: 27,601
Pairing: Michael Clifford/Luke Hemmings
Rating: E
Read on AO3
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travsd · 7 months
Tomorrow: A Burlesque Christmas Carol
On the off chance that you thought things were getting too treacly ’round here, here’s news of a show that really puts the “X” back in “X-mas”. Burlesque jack-of-all-trades Jonny Porkpie is reviving his own naughty spin on A Christmas Carol, adding yet another potential iteration to our exhaustive survey of all the versions. Joining Jonny on stage at the Laurie Beechman Theatre in Filthy Lucre…
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