#finally playing hk on my new gaming pc
hollowknightinsanity · 6 months
hollow knight is so goddamn difficult to play on keyboard + mouse
maybe its just me bc im used to using a controller but. oh my god. this literally hurts my poor wrists
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greencharisard · 4 years
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I promise I'm still working on that pokemon project, but it's a pokemon-trainer set of 6 of a 'mon that's very detailed so it's taking a lot of time, and I ended up artblocked.
The first pick was the first thing I did after almost a week of not drawing, what happened is roughly this:
- Was still working on-and-off on the pokemon pic set, and a new TLK one.
- Re-downloaded Steam for some reason I can't remember.
- Found out Spore is in there with all three packs  and on sale (base game+creepy & cute+ galactic adventures)
- caved and bought it cuz it's been years and I wanted the third pack and a convinient way to access it that wasn't a 10+ y/o disc/code I've used a million times on 5 or 6 PCs.
- Played it for 3 days or so, including a day were I completely messed up my PC by tampering with the core folders (went back to normal now THANK GOD) and played switch games for that day.
- Spent another half day after fixing my PC making an EA account to have a proper acc on Spore itself (had to go forum digging, it's a mess). Then played Spore more.
- In all of this watched one HK meme video and stated getting a bajillion of them in my YT recommendeds.
- Played a bunch of switch games for a day trying to stay away from Spore and start drawing (failed).
- Decided to start playing HK again at piss off o'clock in the evening. Still couldn't get past Hornet in Greenpath.
- Next morning finally beat boss 2 and open up a MASSIVE CHUNK OF THE GAME.
- spend the next 2 or so days playing that, including most of today.
So yeah, I fried my brain, in an attempt at grudging trough the art block I tried making an OC, then also tried making self-inserts because Hollow Knight has been my lifesource for the past few week or so, while Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have been one of my latest obsessions for months, so it only felt fitting to morph my crittersona to fit in those universes.
- First I wanted to draw him as an imp, technically I already drew him as a demon/sinner, so a creature native to hell seemed like the next best AU choice. I didn't think much about what he would do, I just focused on the design part itself, and even then as you can see I had quite a few ideas I tried out on the side. One of the main reasons that made me think he'd fit as an imp is that in an earlier design he had that I never posted the tip of his tail was arrow shaped instead of being just a tuft like now (I should draw that impish form again sometime, he was basically like now but not a noodle). For the clothes I kinda used stuff I own irl as inspo, while thinking "what would fit the HH/HB style?" so I used a sleeveless hoodie, a black shirt (I have a lot of those, I just made one with a generic skull pattern here), and the only pair of jeans I own that I can actually stand to wear... escept by the time I remembered I wanted to draw those I had already drawn cargo pants on him out of habit, so I just colored them like jeans instead... I would probably love pants like these lmao. Oh and chains linked to the belt loops, I actually have those too, they're made form crafstore legit normal chains, not ones made to be actually worn like this. Listen I got them in high school I was an edgy basard and I didn't know where to get stuff like that so I just asked dad to get some like this instead ok. I have a pair of normal steel and a pair of black ones, here he's wearing the latter.
- The other idea was to turn him into a HK bug, more specifically, a mosskin tribe member from greenpath, cuz it's my favorite stage of the game with how pretty it is (listen the artwork of that game is goreous ok). He would probably be a bit of a loner/outcast, always hiding with his leaf/bush cape; the lighter fuzz is part of his body. I imagine he'd be a side character you have to go out of your way to meet and interact with, and depending on how you do so his outcome in the story may vary: one option is that he just stays like normal if you befriend him, the second is he succumbs to the infaction and he ends up being a secret boss an you have to kill him, a third however is maybe he does get infected, but if you do some sort of side quest before defeating him you can cure/save him still(?) Idk. His boss/infected form is partially inspired by aspids (because they're some of the most annoying enemies and I think that fits him/me well enough :') ), he probably attacks from a distance with a combo of spitting at you directly from the ceiling and throwing bubbles of infection around the stage by swinging his tail; maybe even releasing bursts of orange gas like some other enemies when you hit him (in later pahses). And yes, the name is a pun; I noticed the characters in this game either have descriptive names/adjectives, or normal names so I went with a combo of the two.
art and characters by me, do not copy, trace, repost, reuse ecc without my permission please.
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Top 15 favorite video games: part 2.
7. Bioshock
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I remember first reading about this game in the pages of Game Informer and being fascinated by the story and the environment of what was described. I had no idea how good it was until I launched up the game and finally took that first decent into Rapture. The claustrophobic environment, visual aesthetic of a dilapidated dystopia and the enemies being remnants of once good people were all an amazing experience. The story and characters were amazing, and the idea of an underwater city built to try and be free of any ideology or morality was fascinating, and finding out exactly how the city fell apart and collapsed under its own “greatness” was a very unique experience.
6. God of War (PS2)
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This game was a birthday present when I was 15 and I loved it, I love Greek mythology and I love action games, so this was an amazing gift. The opening of the game is one of the best I’ve ever played, and the boss fights are some of my all time favorites. The music in this game is incredible, and I love the accurate representation of the Greek gods being complete fucking assholes and ruining lives because they just don’t care. Kratos is a great anti-hero (or villain, ether one is fair) and the Blades of Chaos are a really unique video game weapon. The sequels are amazing but this one holds a special place in my heart.
5.   Devil May Cry 3
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Another birthday present, this one from the year before, this game was a very interesting experience for me; I’d never seen such a difficult game, or one so anime inspired. This game oozes goofy, over the top fun and demon slaying is always fun. The combos and weapons in the game are fantastic, and the story might be a big generic; but the game never takes itself seriously enough for that to be an issue. The characters in the game are great and Dante and Virgil being brothers who are enemies is a fun dynamic. This game also has some fantastic boss fights they really make you have to master your timings and attacks.
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
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I fucking love Star Wars, I fucking love RPGs, and I fucking love good stories and characters; and this game has all of that. The story of this game is one of my favorites in anything, not just video games but all media, and the Revan twist is something that I didn’t see coming and really blew me away the first time I played this game. I’ve probably played through the story 7 or so times and I still love it, Bioware is at its best here and the character interactions and your decisions effecting everything in the game and you being able to ruin entire planets with your decisions really makes you feel like what you are doing is important to the galaxy. HK 47 calling everyone a “meatbag” is endlessly hilarious, and might be the first sassy Star Wars robot. I was at a con recently and got an autograph of Jennifer Hale (Bastila Shan) and its something very special to me in large part because of this game.
3. Mortal Kombat (2009)
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Mortal Kombat 9 was such an amazing experience when it first came out. The past 5 Mortal Kombat games had been 3D, and had really suffered in quality because of it. The stories and characters had become terrible and the franchise was dying. Then came Mortal Kombat 9, or just Mortal Kombat as its actually called. The first 2D game in the franchise since the good old days of UMK3 and Mortal Kombat Trilogy, it was a reboot of the franchise that still used everything that had come before to set up the story. Knowing the old games was a benefit to the twists and turns of the story and altered timeline, but not essential to it. This was also the re-invigoration of the tournament scene for the MK games, which was a very welcome return. The roster of this game is damn near perfect, with the dlc adding an old favorite, the only good character from Deadly Alliance, Freddy motherfucking Kreuger, a new character that was a lot of fun, and I had the PS3 version so I also had Kratos which was awesome. Everything in this game represented a return to form and a new beginning for a franchise that desperately needed it. Mortal Kombat X and 11 have both been fantastic as well, but I chose 9 because of not just it being a fantastic game, but what it did for the series.
2. Dark Souls
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I love dark fantasy and I love armor and weapons in video games, and this game has that as well as fantastic combat, and some amazing gothic horror as well. The bosses in this game are some of the best in any game and the game may be punishingly difficult, but the feeling of accomplishment when you finally get over some massive hurdle you were stuck on or finally slay a powerful boss that had been using your body as a punching bag is so incredibly satisfying. The sad state of the world in this game is also refreshing, instead of being some amazing savior sent to kill the big bad fucking up the world; your goal is ether to prolong the dying world for a little while longer, or end it and start something new. Killing gods that have been corrupted and used to be heroic adds a tragic twist to fighting bosses and makes killing them bitter sweet. I absolutely adore how you can make different characters and create builds around certain spells and weapons and I really wish more games would incorporate systems like that, even if they aren’t exactly balanced in any Dark Souls game. I also love how when you get past the opening area you can pretty much go where ever you want, the level design is almost perfect, with every location being somewhat connected to the next, often times looping in on each other.
2. (tie) Dragon Age: Origins
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The second Bioware game on this list, it has all the roleplaying and great character writing of KotOR and more, a deep universe that they created; this game was in development for a long time to create a rich lore and new twist on fantasy tropes. The world really feels fleshed out and the characters feel like real people, with issues and hang ups and oddities that make them not just archetypes like most games have. Making decisions that effect characters and your companions can often be tough because you really care about what happens to them and how they feel, and how the world sees you. The gameplay isn’t perfect, its an odd mix of turn based and real time, but it still works pretty well. I put Dark Souls and Dragon Age in the same spot because I love them both for the same yet opposite reasons, if someone could take the roleplaying and world building of Dragon Age and combine it with the stats and combat and boss fights of Dark Souls it would create the perfect game for me.
1. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
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I absolutely loved playing this game when it first came out, and I really wish I could get it to work on my PC so I could relive the glory that is this game. Skyrim is probably the more obvious pick for most people, but Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls and first Bethesda game; and Oblivion has better rpg mechanics and a better story in my humble opinion. I love the Dark Brotherhood questline in this game more than any other questline in any game ever, its so fucking good. The game looks like shit graphically now, but back when it came out it was gorgeous, and I remember the first time I played it on an HD tv I was blown away. The rich world and the big name actors being in it was a real treat, and having Sir Patrick Stewart play the king really gave that character the gravitas and importance that was needed to establish a character quickly. Sean Bean being his son was also fantastic, and brings this list pretty much full circle because of him being in Goldeneye. The armor and weapon designs are really good for the most part, and I love collecting all the Daedric artifacts and creating havoc with them. I still get excited when I hear the music from this game, and its orchestral quality really adds to the epic feeling of the game. There’s no one stealing sweet rolls or arrows to the knee in this one ether.
There are a lot of other games that I love and that were hard to leave off this list, but its pretty long as it is; and I’m sure eventually new games will take the place of some of these.
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tryshareware · 6 years
Best Gaming Laptop 2019: Buying Guide, How To, Reviews
Ever since gaming consoles hit the market earlier on, they were the talk of the town. The demand for more powerful gaming platforms emerged and hence, PC gaming began to gain importance as the years passed. The thing about good gaming laptops is that they consist of rather powerful hardware which is capable of handling the best and most powerful games on the market. While console gaming is exciting, it still carries certain limitations. This isn’t the same case with gaming laptops. You can get the best gaming laptop which depends on the type of gamer you are. In this article, we shall be discussing the various parameters to consider which will help you buy the best gaming laptop for your gaming requirements.
Quick Tips
Never purchase a gaming laptop for the sole purpose of playing low-end games such as Candy Crush and other such games. These low-end games can be easily played using a very low-quality graphics card.
Never go for touchscreen gaming laptops. They are known to be very expensive and consumers of electricity.
When it comes to power, laptops of 17 or 18-inch screen size are the best in comparison to 13- 15 inch sized laptops which usually consist of low-end components.
Always ensure that the keyboard is comfortable to use. Using the keyboard before buying it could do the trick.
Always go for the rather new NVidia’s 10-series GPUs instead of mobile chips which are a thing of the past now. The new GPUs are more powerful and more future proof.
Low-resolution laptops must be avoided.
Always opt for SSD drive equipped laptops because they’re much faster and powerful.
Gaming laptops with the latest Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor coupled with the NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 GPU, etc. which will help you enjoy VR ready and will help you enjoy the best gaming titles on your gaming laptop.
Tips #1:Graphical requirements for a good gaming laptop
The graphical unit of a gaming laptop is one of its most integral components. It is responsible for delivering rather high-quality images during gameplay. The GPU is also responsible for processing the data and finally transmitting the video signal to the display device. This is only possible by means of a good quality GPU.
The VRAM too is an important component of a good GPU unit. In common practice, a VRAM of about 4GB to is enough to get the job done. Most of the best gaming laptops we find in the market today are equipped with NVidia GPUs. Though AMD too is good, NVidia almost always stands out in comparison.
Best GPU for Mainstream Gamers
GPU #1: NVidia GeForce GTX 1060
Laptops with this graphics card are able to handle games such as Mass Effect: Andromeda or Witcher 3 by actually not compromising on the stellar graphics this game carries. Though the settings need to be tweaked close to 4K, it’s not too much of a trouble. The best part is that you can now connect prominent VR headsets such as Rift or Vive headset to enjoy a VR gaming experience like no other.
GPU #2: NVidia GeForce GTX 1050/1050 Ti
This gaming graphics card is a notch below the usual 1060 GPU unit. However, the frame rates offered by this graphics card is certainly the best in the market which allows you to enjoy games such as Battlefield 1 using the most modest of settings. This graphics card is way more powerful and also has the capability to handle the Oculus Rift. However, it’s not suited for fo0r high performance-hungry gamers.
Best Graphics Card for High-performance gaming
GPU #1: NVidia GeForce GTX 1070
The 1070 graphics card is one of the best graphics cards in the market today. It is VR ready and is able to produce some of the most impressive frame rates but just falls short in front of the 1080 graphics card. You can enjoy gaming at crystal clear 1080 p resolution along with 4K as well.
Best graphics card for hardcore gaming.
GPU #1: NVidia GeForce GTX 1080
The 1080 graphics card is the one to certainly beat. Using this graphics card you can now enjoy high-end gaming titles such as Rise of the Tomb Raider as well as other titles such as Grand Theft Auto V. With the use of special effect settings, your resolution is the best there is. It is also able to support VR devices thereby offering a truly future-proof gaming experience. However, this graphics card is very much on the pricey end and is only found on very high-end gaming laptops.
SLI stands for Scalable Link Interface. Developed by NVidia, the SLI is a technology which allows about 4 GPUs to work together which in turn scales the graphical capabilities of your gaming laptop. Very few laptops come equipped with this technology with the notable being Acer Predator 21 X and the MSI GT83 Titan SLI.
NVidia Max-Q Design
The brand new Max-Q design specification focus more on the efficiency of the system rather than its performance levels. It downclocks NVidia GPUs which places the 1080 graphics card into a very thin Asus ROG Zephyrus. It consumes very less power which thereby helps the system to produce lesser heat as the fans are not being used up too much. This leads to a much cooler and quieter gaming laptop performance but is all the more powerful at the same time.
Tips#2 Size & Portable
There are a wide variety of laptops which vary in terms of portability. While some are solely desktop type laptops while some of them are highly portable. However, the golden rule states that larger the laptop, more powerful it is in terms of performance.
Minimal Portability
In this category of portable laptops, the screen size is between 17 to 18 inches. This is perfect for gamers who keep their laptops at home. Laptops such as the Alien ware fall under this sizing category and are one of the most powerful gaming laptops in existence. They have plenty of space for heat generating components making them very powerful. However, they are very heavy and are difficult to carry around if ever you plan to do so.
Medium Portability
Gaming laptops close to 15 inches in screen size fall under this category. They are good to carry and are powerful as well. They weigh anywhere around 4-7 pounds and last about 5t hours on a full charge of the battery.
Best Portability
Laptops with a screen size of 13 to 14 inches fall under this category. These laptops are perfect for gamers always on the move as the weight just under around 5 pounds and boast a powerful battery life which lasts about 8 hours on a full charge. Though these laptops are not powerful in terms of the GPU or the CPU, they still are decent enough for playing good gaming titles.
Tips#3 How to choose the best RAM and CPU for my gaming laptop?
The GPU is often considered as the heart which keeps the gaming laptop running but when it comes to the brain, it’s the RAM. The CPU of a gaming laptop handles everything which is not related to graphics. This includes performing the necessary calculations along with the controlling aspects of gaming characters in the game being played. The performance levels of the non-gaming applications to is influenced by the quality of the CPU being used. Hence, before you pick the best CPU or RAM for your gaming laptop, keep in mind the following tips:
Intel only
Always choose a laptop which is powered by an Intel CPU.
Pick at least the 6th-Gen Core
The latest generation of Intel CPUs is all part of the 7th generation. For a decent gaming experience, we urge you to pick at least the 6th generations series. The latest generation consists of the “Kaby Lake” which was launched in early 2016. The 7th generation chips all carry model numbers which begin with 7 and 6th generation chips carry model numbers with a 6 in the starting.
Core i5 must be the minimum standard
When it comes to buying the best gaming laptop for your gaming requirements, one must start from the Intel Core i5 processor and slowly step-up up to the Dual-core Core i7.
Quad-Core is heavenly
If in case you’re looking for a core i7 gaming laptop, a quad-core chip is always better than a dual core. It is easy to identify if it is dual or quad and this can be done by simply looking at the model number’s end. Quad-core systems have an HQ or HK as a suffix
Clock Speed Matters
Higher the value of the clock speed, faster is your gaming laptop. A 3.4 GHz processor is all the faster than a 2.4 GHz processor. Intel’s new Sky Lake chips are overclocked which means that you can now adjust the speed using a program such as Intel Extreme Tuning Utility.
8 GB is more than enough
When it comes to choosing the right RAM value, make sure that you keep 8 GB as the minimum standard. 16 GB is always good but not necessary at the same time.
Tips #4 What’s the best Display for my gaming laptop?
Boasting brilliant graphics and performance levels unmatched in the market means nothing if your gaming laptop has a bad display device. It’s always best to choose the best gaming laptop which boasts a high-quality display device. To choose the best, here are a few must follow guidelines:
The minimum permissible resolution for a good gaming laptop must be around 1920 x 1080. Anything below that means that you get a cheap gaming experience altogether. However, more modern laptops come equipped with a QHD or a 4K panel which are best known for their excellent color and clarity delivery. Hence, it’s always best to not keep an upper cap for video resolutions. A good resolution means a seamless gaming experience altogether.
Touch Screens
Many new gaming laptop releases consist of touch screens which is nice if you’re planning to play games such as candy crush or fruit ninja. Our team has tested out a host of two on one laptop and have come to a conclusion that this is an unnecessary feature if it’s the gaming aspects of the laptop you’re worried about.
Matte or Glossy
Most displays come in either glossy or in a matte finish. The better of the two is always down to personal preference of the gamer. Glossy displays are all about vibrant colors but the shiny surface is a direct invitation for annoying glare. Matte displays offer no such glare problems but the colors are usually washed out and dull.
OLED screens represent the future of display technology on gaming laptops. This display panel consists of a film of organic compounds which hold the ability to illuminate when a current passes through them. OLED displays are very thin in comparison to other displays meaning that they are rich in color and at the same time, are even more efficient. Only one gaming laptop houses this display technology which goes by the name Alien ware 13 R3 OLED.
G-Sync or Free Sync
In case of the modern gaming laptops, it’s always a battle between NVidia’s G-Sync and AMD’s Free Sync. Both of these graphics technologies have the capability to prevent image tearing as well as ghosting on display monitors which support 1080p to 4K. Most displays support a refresh rate of 60 Hz which there is a fresh influx of monitors which can support 120 Hz as well.
Tips#5 Keyboards and Touchpads
While most of us pay importance to other features of a good gaming laptop, we do end up forgetting the quality of the keyboard. Most gamers play games using the keyboard a lot too often, hence, it’s important to choose a gaming laptop which ensures a comfortable use of the keyboard.
Here are a few keyboard-related pointers which could help you out:
Key Travel:
In most ideal situations, we expect a firm delivery feedback when we press the keys. A typical key travel depth of anywhere close to around 1.5 to 2mm is acceptable with 2 mm being the ideal value.
The aptest value of force required to press a keyboard key is about 60 grams. Anything below this value means that the keys are mushy and can slow down your gaming experience considerably.
A good gaming keyboard always offers impressive backlighting which can be customized. It makes the system look all the cooler. Those should also come with a software which allows the gamer to create cool macros and then load them on to the lighting system.
This feature is pretty handy to gamers who have the habit of repeatedly pressing several buttons in order to pull out a cool gaming move. Anti-ghosting means that you can push several keys all at once and all of them are registered individually.
We have noticed that premier gaming laptop brands now incorporate a clicking sound when a key is pressed and this is all the more evident in a mechanical keyboard.
These keyboards are best known for their iconic click sound and well as the springy feedback. They offer one of the best typing experience on your gaming laptop. Mechanical keyboards can be found in some of the premier gaming laptops available in the market.
When we talk about the customization software, Razer’s Synapse 2.0 app is a name to consider. Not only does it turn your keyboard into a freaky light show, it also allows you to access your creations with the help of cloud control. When it comes to creating impressive light shows, the two software’s we like are the Alien ware’s FX software and the SteelSeries Engine. They help keep track of your keystrokes which come in handy when you’re monitoring the kill rate of your keyboard.
Tips#6 Storage: SSD or HDD?
Faster gaming laptops are something which everyone demands. When it comes to speed, one must only think about SSD storage solutions. The speed they offer means that you can now load games faster meaning that you can now forget about long pauses between games, all thanks to SSD technology.
Since are SSD powered laptops are all the more expensive, one must opt for at least 1 TB of HDD space with a speed of about 7,200-rpm. To enjoy the best of both technologies, a system involving both HDD and SSD drives is always best. Not only can you load your games faster but also have room to store more games.
Tips #7 Audio
What’s a good gaming laptop with immaculate gaming capabilities but a poor delivery of sound? The audio aspects of a gaming laptop are all the more important as well. Though most of us use a gaming headset most of the time, there are situations when the speakers are all the more useful. MSI-exclusive along with the Nahimic audio software is one of the best when it comes to a great audio experience when it comes to gaming. Certain other notable audio software’s which are the best are Alien ware’s Dell Audio software along with the much-fancied Dolby Home Theater v4.
Tips#8 What are the brands I must look out for?
There are a wide variety of gaming laptop manufacturers in the market. While all of them are all the more impressive, there are a few which surely standout from the rest. They are as follows:
Alien Ware
All of these brands are all the more impressive and all vary in terms of pricing as well. At the end of the day, it’s down to the personal choice of the gamer.
Tips#9 Budget: What You Get for Your Money?
In this section, we shall be discussing how well of a gaming laptop does your money fetch you. Let us discuss further:
Under USD 1,000
At this price, you can now get a gaming laptop with at least a 7th-generation Intel Core i7 CPU as well as an 8GB of RAM. 1080 displays too are part of such laptops with an average delivery of color and brightness. In some laptops, you can also find SSD drives a well. In common situations, you will get a laptop with a 1 TB HDD Drive as well as an NVidia GeForce 1050 or 1050 Ti GPU.
Between USD 1,000 and USD 2000
For this price, you can find a few laptops with Core i5 configuration. Majority of the laptops in this price range are powered by a quad-core Intel Core i7 CPU along with a 16GB of RAM and a 1080p display. These laptops will mostly come with both HDD and SSD drives as part of their memory. When it comes to the graphics aspects, you can expect at least an NVidia GTX 1060 or 1070 GPU.
Between USD 2,000 and USD 3,000
At this price range, the minimum you can expect is a gaming laptop with a quad-core Intel Core i7 processor along with a bare minimum 16 GB of RAM. SSDs too will be part of the system which ensures a gaming experience like no other. Screen resolutions can be either 1920 x 1080, 2560 x 1400 or 3840 x 2160. For this price, you can expect graphics such as single 1080 or dual 1070M.
Recommendation: The Top 10 Top List Guide
These were some of the best tips one should keep in mind before purchasing a good quality gaming laptop. All of the mentioned parameters have been listed as a result of hundreds of hours of research and will certainly help you choose the best gaming laptop.
Picking the right gaming laptop is a very daunting task as the number of options available in the market is aplenty. However, with this go-to guide, you can now easily shortlist the best gaming laptops for your gaming laptops which will ensure a gaming experience like no other.
The post Best Gaming Laptop 2019: Buying Guide, How To, Reviews appeared first on Try Shareware.
from Try Shareware https://www.tryshareware.com/best-gaming-laptop/ via https://www.tryshareware.com
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