#financier x latte
notsoscarybitch · 2 years
WIVES !!!! 💗💗💗💗
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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kumidark · 1 year
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im obsessed with making these fjfnngng
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
HellHound's Secret Part 2
Let's go! (Big thanks to @cherryartemis0)
*Three weeks later in the Pure Lily siblings' home, Pastry was just waking up and the first thing she saw was Pond Dino holding a crow in their mouth.*
Pastry: *quickly sits up* Nonononono! Pond Dino! Don't eat that! Spit it out! *Pond Dino lets go of the crow. It shivers and tries to dry itself.* Oh, you poor thing. I'm sorry you went through that. My little one is still learning a few things. You look like one of Black Raisin's crows. Do you have a message for me?
*The crow cawed and flapped its wings*
Pond Dino: Ooby! *reaches for the crow*
*The crow squawks and flies toward the door. Pastry tilted her head a bit before picking up Pond Dino and following the crow. She follows it all the way to the living room where her friends, Black Raisin, Caramel Arrow, Raspberry, Blackberry, Financier, Latte, Shining Glitter, and Parfait are waiting for her.*
Pastry: *confused* How did you guys get in here?
Raspberry: Red Velvet let us in before he left for his meeting.
Pastry: I see. And what is your reason for visiting?
Latte: We just want to check up on you.
Pastry: What for?
Financier: Recently, you have been helping with the band B.A.D. 4 as their bodyguard.
Pastry: Yes. They do offer some good pay, even when I don't want it.
Blackberry: And you do spend a lot of time with the members-
Raspberry: -Especially with HellHound-
Black Raisin:-and we just want to make sure nothing is going on.
Shining Glitter: We just want to make sure that HellHound isn't trying to pull anything with you.
Pastry: Excuse me?
Parfait: They think HellHound is trying to take you away from Red Velvet.
Caramel Arrow: *mutters* Oh boy...
Pastry: *tilts her head in confusion* (Why would they...That's right. They think HellHound and Red Velvet are two different Cookies. I need Red Velvet for this.) Girls...
Financier: Some of us may not like Red Velvet-
Raspberry:-Only you don't like him, dear-
Financier: -But we know that you two do care for each other. And we don't want either one of you to get hurt.
Pastry: Girls...
Blackberry: We just want to know if HellHound is trying anything. And if we have to defend Red Velvet from HellHound, then we will.
Pastry: Girls...
*Before anyone could say anything else, the door opened up. A few seconds later, Red Velvet walked in.*
Red Velvet: Hey dear. *kisses Pastry's forehead* Hey dino bitter. *takes Pond Dino into his arms* Hello Cookies who don't live here.
Latte: Red Velvet, you're back early.
Red Velvet: Yeah...I broke Tea Knight...
Black Raisin: What did you do?
Red Velvet: I told him something and his reaction was just...him rebooting. Anyway, what were you ladies talking about?
Shining Glitter: Nothing much-
Raspberry: Talking about how HellHound is trying to take Pastry from you.
Red Velvet: *pauses before looking at the group* I'm sorry...huh?
Raspberry: HellHound is-
Red Velvet: I heard you the first time. Why do you guys think that?
Financier: This all started with Parfait having pictures of her, Pastry, and the members in her photo. Starting with a photo with ZZ Skull and HellHound.
Red Velvet: *turns to Parfait* The one with the bad angle? *she begrudgingly nods* Huh. That picture wasn't too bad. Still should have let me take it.
Shining Glitter: You were there? How? You were on missions whenever she had a job with them.
*Red Velvet looks over at Pastry, who just gave him a tired look, then at Parfait, who shakes her head. He sighs.*
Red Velvet: I already broke Tea Knight's brain...let's break some more. *he looks at Pastry's friends and takes a deep breath* I'm not worried about HellHound stealing Pastry.
Latte: What!? The fact that you were there, saw these photos, and were okay with this worries us! You didn't see him flirting with her during these photos?! How he holds her!? What backwards logic-!
Red Velvet: Why would I steal my girlfriend from myself?
Latte: ...Huh?
Financier: What are you talking about?
Red Velvet: Just let it simmer.
*Latte, Financier, Blackberry, Shining Glitter, Raspberry, and Black Raisin thought about it. As the thought bounced, their expressions morphed from confusion to shock.*
Shining Glitter: You're...you're...
Red Velvet: HellHound? Yes. *eyerolls* You guys are quite the detectives.
*The girls then started to freak out, both good and bad. Red Velvet, Parfait, and Pastry notices Caramel Arrow being fairly calm.*
Parfait: Caramel? Why aren't you freaking out? You didn't know about this.
Caramel Arrow: I already knew. Prince Dark Choco told us suitors about Prince Red Velvet's secret.
Red Velvet: *eye twitch* That mother-
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (93/?)
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604to647 · 11 months
Safest with You - Ch. 1 (The Coffeeshop)
1.4K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: A handsome stranger helps you out with an unfortunate situation at the coffeeshop before work.
Warnings: None? I guess some jerk yells at a cute old lady 😢 so a wee bit of protective Din as well. (No smut, just a meet cute! Gonna be a slow burn, folks!)
A/N: Finally, I'm doing it! This is the start of the Modern AU I'm trying to build; Din is a retired mob enforcer for the Fett family, but they still call him in periodically when they need his strategic know how and/or extra muscle. He never says no - they're his family 🥹 For this meet cute, he's on a job downtown; I say they're in the financial district because I imagine Reader working in a corporate office with a finance related job she loves (she has a methodical mind!), but it’s not really important so you can imagine any office job 😊. There's no implied age gap, so I consider her as either well established or rising in her career. In other words, she's an independent woman and don't need no man 😂
Also I always use this super cute heart divider by @saradika (thank you!)
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Series Masterlist
It’s crazy busy in this coffee shop.  Not unexpected of course; the local chain has some of the best coffee in the city, and this particular location is its only one in the downtown financial district.  Everyone, including yourself, was here to get their caffeine fix before heading into the office for the day.
Well, not everyone, you smile to yourself.  The little old lady in front of you doesn’t seem to be in any rush at all; you overhear her ordering her cappuccino in a ‘for here’ mug and a slice of coffee cake “as a treat”, and you’re glad someone, at least, will be having a nice leisurely morning.  When she’s finished at the till, you order and pay for your latte, then make your way to the waiting area where several other patrons are awaiting their orders.
“Ice Quad Espresso in a Venti cup, extra ice and six shots!”
Whoa. That’s a drink, you chuckle to yourself.  Someone must be preparing for a whole ass day.  You look up to see who might collect that caffeine bomb, and can’t help but admire the tall, broad-shouldered stranger who’s flashing the barista a devastatingly handsome smile and a nod of thanks.  Maybe it’s your own lack of caffeine, but you might be gawking a little at the way his wavy dark hair is peppered with grey (a few stray curls seem to stick out in the cutest way possible) and start to think it would be soft to run your hands through.  The fluffy hair matches nicely with his salt and pepper facial hair, neat but not perfectly trimmed, which for some reason you think suits him – he doesn’t look like he has to try very hard to look so adorable.  You’re snapped out of your daze when three more orders are called out in rapid succession, including your own and the little old lady’s.  Both of you, as well as a thin man in an ill-fitting grey suit approach the coffee bar to collect your drinks.  You were the closest, so you reach the counter first, collect your latte and step back to allow room for the others.  The thin man, however, apparently can’t wait and rushes forward to try and push past the old lady, just as she is turning around to look for a seat.  You watch in horror as they crash directly into each other and the old lady’s porcelain mug spills the entirety of its contents on the man before falling to the ground and shattering.  Shocked by the sudden impact, the thin man then flails out his arms, knocking both the old lady and her plate off balance, the latter slipping from her grasp and breaks on the ground as well.  Rushing forward, you help steady the old lady with one hand on her back and letting her grip your other arm.  Thankfully, you’re able to hold her steady and not drop your own drink.  “Are you okay?”, you ask.  Shaking a bit, the old lady nods, “Yes, dear.”
“You fucking bitch!”
Shocked, you look up and see the thin man glaring at the old lady while using his free hand to uselessly try and brush away the coffee that is dripping down the front of his suit jacket.  From the corner of your eye, you see the profile of the handsome Quad Ice man as he takes one step forward to intervene, but you beat him to the punch. “Excuse you?  You don’t fucking talk to her like that!”, you say with a bite to your tone.  How dare this effing guy?
“Look at this fucking mess!  She ruined my suit!”
“I’m sor-”, you hear the old lady start to say, so you place a reassuring hand on her arm, hopefully conveying that she doesn’t have to apologize to this neanderthal.  Stepping between the two of them, you look directly at the jerk and extend an accusing finger in his direction, “It was an accident! Which wouldn’t have happened if you had just waited your turn.”
“I’m in a hurry!  Some of us have very important meetings to get to.  And now the meeting is completely ruined because of this fucking mess!”
This guy.  You roll your eyes.  “If the people you work with don’t respect you because of a little bit of coffee on your clothes then you have much bigger problems.” And with that, you’re done with him, turning and crouching down to help the old lady who has unnecessarily started to try and clean the mess. 
Your back is turned, so you don’t know if the thin man tried to approach or if he had started to say something, but you hear a deep, rich voice from above say with quiet authority, “You owe both these women an apology.”  Looking up, you see the the imposing figure of the Quad Ice stranger standing over you and the old lady, almost protectively, shielding you both from the thin man’s view.  The hand not holding his crazy drink order is clenched in a tight fist; his hands are huge and you can see a scars of varying sizes and age littered over his knuckles. You know without a doubt that this man knows how to fight.  There’s a energy radiating from the man towering above you; you don’t know how to explain it, but it doesn’t feel dangerous?  Instead, it feels warm and you instinctively know you’re safer having him there. 
Regardless, you don’t want this cute old lady’s morning ruined any further so you decide it’s better to diffuse.  Touching his clenched fist and smiling softly when you have Quad Ice’s attention, you let him know to let it go, “It’s really okay.  Do you mind grabbing me a few napkins?”  His gaze down on you is soft, yet still protective; however, he takes his cue from your expression and lets the thin man leave, before bringing you a stack of paper napkins and squatting down to help.
“You shouldn’t have to help, dear.”
You give the old lady’s arm a gentle squeeze to wave off her concern, and you and Quad Ice start carefully picking up pieces of porcelain and putting down napkins to soak up the spilled coffee.  You reach over and put your hand gently over his, “Careful, it’s sharp.”  He gives you a smile and nods. 
Finally, a staff member comes over with a mop and lets the three of you know you don’t need to clean up any more and gives thanks.
As Quad Ice goes to throw away the porcelain pieces you’ve been collecting in a napkin, the old lady exclaims, “Oh no!  My dear, I got you too!”  You look down and see that you do indeed have a giant coffee stain near the hem of your skirt.  Oops! You don’t want her to feel bad though, “Oh, it’s okay!  I've done worse.  Don’t worry, I have a very friendly dry cleaner.”  You try your best let her know you’re not bothered, but the old lady still looks devastated.
“Come now, let’s make sure you get your morning treat.”  To distract her, you gently steer the old lady back to the till and order another cappuccino and coffee cake for her.  You absolutely insist on paying, hoping to help make up for the terrible morning she’s had so far.  She tries to argue, but the kind barista lets you both know it’s on the house and then that’s that.  After you've walked the old lady to the waiting area, you look at your phone, and realize you need to leave if you’re going to make the first meeting of your day, “Here’s where I have to leave you!  I hope your day gets much better from here.”
The old lady gives you her sincerest thanks, but you’re still somewhat reluctant to leave her.  From behind you, a familiar voice says in a comforting tone, “I’ll make sure she’s okay.”  You turn around to see that Quad Ice hasn’t left and is giving you a warm smile, as if he knows how worried you still are and wants to put your mind at ease.  The little old lady is now nodding reassuringly at you as well, and with that, you give the handsome stranger’s forearm a light squeeze as a thanks and you say good bye to them both.
As you take your first sip of coffee while sitting down to your meeting, you can’t help but recall the stranger’s deep chocolate brown eyes and the warmth they exuded in that last look he gave you and you wish you at least knew his name.
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mcufan72 · 7 months
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader (AU) / 18+
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Warnings: nothing special, always contains more or less fluff, angst, sex, smut, smoking, and alcohol drinking. I won't put specific warnings so far. It's 18+. Hopefully, it's not a boring chapter.
When you arrived home, you tossed your bag on the floor of your bedroom and headed for the bathroom to get ready for bed. You were exhausted and just wanted to sleep now.
‘Do you believe in love, Sugar?’
Your thoughts revolved around Luke's question.
‘Love, love…love is for kids and dogs…’
You did believe in love until you didn't anymore. You had wasted years of loving someone who never felt the same for you. How blind you had been. But as your mother always told you, everything in life happens for a reason… you just couldn't see it yet and life could be cruel.
You got into bed and thought about the sex with Luke. He told you that he's not a tender lover. Why did he say that? He had been so tender with you, that you could hardly restrain yourself to not give in to him. You genuinely regretted having faked your orgasm. He deserved more and better. You still didn't know how he recognised it. Was he a man who truly cared about you and your feelings, about what you might like and need to have a satisfying sexual experience? You were sure, you'd like to try other things with him too. There were some things you didn't like but it seemed possible to try them with him. And you were sure he wouldn't say no. He gave you that vibe. You've never been blindfolded before but you liked it.
“I deserve to enjoy life…and sex,” you said to yourself. Maybe Luke was still willing to show you pleasure and you might offer him a further night in case he's going to book you as his escort again. You didn't know why but you trusted him right from the beginning and he didn't disappoint you. He stood true to his word. But you should be careful with trusting someone too soon. You should know better. Nonetheless, you felt ashamed. You've just been scared to fall for Luke, scared of the feelings that came up inside of you when you were together with him, feelings of shameless lust and complete devotion. But you weren't able to give it to him, a man who wasn't yours. You were just his escort…just his whore… and his alone. Nothing could change this.
While thinking of him, you felt his breath on your body again. Shivers ran down your spine when you thought about his warm, tender hands on your body, him going down on you, licking that spot where you craved him most. Jesus, what could've happened if you had allowed him to have that full game of foreplay with you and while you were questioning yourself about it, you had your fingers between your spread legs and rubbed and circled yourself gently and firmly to completion… and you moaned his name when the waves of a badly needed orgasm were washing over and through your trembling body.
When the orgasmic high ebbed away you came back to reality. You would likely never see him again but you would never forget how gentle he had been with you and with how much respect he had treated you. If there was one thing you had learned tonight, it was the realization that you would never be able to spend a night with another man but him. You weren't made for it. You could only ever give yourself to a man you liked and trusted as much as you liked and trusted him, and only ever just to this one man, not ten or twenty. Escorting men and spending some hours with them at events or just a dinner in a restaurant was okay but nothing more than that. It would change your considerations about how to boost your financial situation and you would have to think about another solution to solve your problem. You turned to your side, pulled your sleeping mask over your eyes and fell asleep.
When you woke up, the first thing you did was take a shower again, then you pressed the button on your coffee machine for a latte macchiato and emptied the items of your small travel bag onto your bed. You grabbed the biscuits you couldn't find in your bag the night before and ate one. Still munching on your biscuit, you sorted the rest of your stuff so you could clean or wash them and filled the bag with fresh lingerie and spare clothes to bring to REA later. Maybe you would need the bag again in case Luke was going to book you for a further event but you didn't believe that this would happen. When you grabbed the worn kimono to put it into the laundry basket, a blue-green scarf fell to the floor. You picked it up from the carpet and stared at it. You must've grabbed it from the hotel suite’s floor when you packed your bag after Luke had left the suite. And then you remembered the scarf wasn't wrapped around his neck when he left. The scarf felt so soft in your hands and you buried your nose into the silken fabric. Memories of how he blindfolded you with it came back into your mind. It still smelled of his cologne and him, somehow familiar and safe. You had a closer look at it and you found two swung golden letters, embroidered onto the one end of the scarf: L L
...for Luke Larsson. That was rare nowadays and maybe a bit old-fashioned but you loved it. A further proof of his class and elegance. You had to give it back to him or you had to ask Rhea to do it for you but for now, you'd put it into the drawer of your dresser. You took a last sniff, folded it neatly, and put it into the drawer. Shortly afterwards you got dressed and ready to visit your mum like every Sunday. You would spend the afternoon with her and after lunch, you'd go with her for a walk in the nursery home's Park. You'd push her in her wheelchair to her favourite places and you'd eat some cinnamon rolls you would buy on the way before you'd drive to her.
You both missed the times when you baked them every Sunday and enjoyed them fresh from the oven. Freshly baked, they tasted best. But after her stroke, which left her paralyzed on one side some years ago, it wasn't possible anymore but the bought ones were also tasty and you could keep the tradition of eating some together on Sunday afternoons. The worst thing was to keep on pretending that everything in your life was fine. You hated lying to her but the truth would kill her and so you had no other choice.
In the evening you met another gentleman at Vivian's Velvet. Or you should better say you intended to meet him. But the appointment got cancelled and so did three more appointments this week except one with a gentleman called Mr Lang. Scott was such a funny guy, you laughed a lot and he showed you some magic tricks and you had no idea how he did those amazing things. He just wanted to spend time with you even though you considered offering him to sleep with you but you couldn't. Luke was always on your mind and still the only one imaginable. Scott drank a lot so you would get additional money for the drinks he consumed. That wasn't as much as you would've gotten for pleasuring him in bed but better than nothing. When he said goodbye, he asked you for a kiss. He was really charming and all but you stayed with your rule, so you refused. You'd just kiss a man you were in love with. He took it easy and you thanked him for this funny evening. He's distracted you from your real big problems and you were grateful for it.
After Loki had waited a couple of weeks for it, he finally got the invitation to the annual gala dinner hosted by a certain Mr. Smith. Everyone important working for international and intergalactic security got invited, ambassadors, negotiators, spokespersons and other important people with their companions. He already knew that this event would happen and that he was invited but he needed the written confirmation. The event would take place this Saturday and Loki had waited eagerly for it because he needed a reason to book you again. He was insecure about how to act after your intimate encounter, he also had no events to appear and he somehow didn't dare ask you for just an evening at Vivian's Velvet or a restaurant. And in general, he should stay away from you. He already had more feelings for you than he should have and he knew you weren't interested in him as an exclusive lover or a boyfriend. You made yourself very clear about that.
He made several phone calls because some arrangements needed to be made before he could call Rhea.
“Thank you, Rhea. I have something for Miss Black. Could you please make sure she gets my gift?”
“Sure, Mr.Larsson but I don't know if Miss Black will accept your present.” Rhea gave to consider.
“Please let her know this gift is connected to our next date. Could you please do this for me?”
“Of course, Mr.Larsson. Will you bring it here yourself or…”
“No, I ordered a delivery service and it should arrive tomorrow morning at the latest.”
“Okay, Mr.Larsson. I'll give Miss Black a call so she can collect it from here. Have a nice day, Mr Larsson and thank you for booking Miss Black again.”
“You're welcome, Rhea. Miss Black is lovely and the most amazing woman. She's the finest woman I've seen in ages.” Loki said enthusiastically.
“Oh, Mr. Larsson, that's very kind of you, and you're so generous. You should tell her, she deserves to know that,” Rhea told him enraptured.
“I'll do, Rhea, promised. Have a nice day and thanks again.” Loki ended the call and hopefully, you would go with him to the event and accept the present he bought for you.
You were preparing your dinner when you got a message from Rhea. You opened it on your phone and she asked you to come to the agency's office tomorrow around noon. You sent her a short confirmation and continued cooking. What could she want? Tell you that more appointments got cancelled? You had no idea why it happened frequently in the last few days but it seemed a lot of men had the flu these days. Hopefully, it hadn't to do with you as a person that the men cancelled the dates. You were sad you hadn't heard from Luke. It seemed you had been right. He had had you in the sheets and now he wasn't interested in you and your company anymore.
You missed him and his ridiculously pretty face, his stupid soft curls and the way he used to look at you, the warmth he radiated when he was around you and the attention he gave you. You growled quietly and scolded yourself for always thinking of him. He shouldn't be always on your mind. Where was the professional distance you wanted to keep? Before you went to bed you took the only piece out of the drawer you had of him. You craved his presence. A longing between your thighs made you finger yourself again, your nose buried deeply into the softness of his scarf, inhaling his scent and in the morning light when you woke up, you still held his scarf in your hand.
Around noon you arrived at your agency, nervous for what Rhea wanted to tell you.
“Glad to see you again, dear. How's it going”
“I'm doing good, how about you?”you asked Rhea.
“I'm fine, thank you, honey. Take a seat.“
“Thanks. I'm sure I'm not here because you have nothing else to do or to just have a chit-chat with me…” and you passed her your small travel bag to store it for you and sat down on the chair.
“I'd love to have some chit-chatting with you but no, I need to tell you that I just got a cancellation for your appointment tonight…” Rhea said, busily tapping on the keyboard of her laptop.
“Really? Is there anything I can do better? I'm slowly getting nervous about it, it's always my appointments,” you complained.
“Don't worry, dear, it's not your fault, you still got payment for tonight and I think it's just the flu going around and some men called me after making an appointment to tell me what type of hair colour they prefer and it just didn't match yours. That's definitely not your fault, darling. You could continue studying tonight or just take a relaxing bath. Enjoy some spare time, you work a lot.”
“Yeah, maybe you're right, I should do that.”
“That's what I wanted to hear, honey. Buuut …there's something else…” Rhea sounded enthusiastic.
“Don't make it so exciting, please”
“You made a really big deal, you have an appointment for a gala dinner with a reception with champagne, hosted by one of the most important diplomats, Mr.Smith. I once saw an interview with him. He's an attractive, charming man I can tell you,” Rhea gushed.
“Is there a little shade of pink on your cheeks, Rhea?” you mocked her jokingly.
“What?... Of course, not…ahmm yeah, right…ahm back to the topic…the reception and the gala dinner. It'll happen tomorrow evening at 7.30, Walker will pick you up at 6.30 and drive you to the location,” and she grinned from ear to ear.
“What's your big smile about and why will I meet the client directly? I'm used to meeting a client at Vivian's Velvet first?” you asked her curiously.
“There's no need for that, dear. Any idea who your date is, hm?” she asked knowingly.
“Nooo, you tell me, please,” and you got an answer you hadn't expected anymore.
“It's Mr.Larsson, dear,” she said and gave you a bright smile.
“What? I thought he would never book me again. We haven't heard anything from him for one week but wow, that's awesome. I'm glad, I think it's a privilege to go there with him.” You were genuinely glad and utterly relieved. He still wanted to spend time with you. That was more than you deserved after the last time you saw him.
“That's fantastic and of course, I'll escort him, I'm looking forward to it. Please send him my confirmation.”
“With pleasure, honey…and wait…he left something for you…,” and Rhea picked something up from the floor under her desk.
“He was here?” You asked and you remembered the scarf you had forgotten at home. But now you could give it back to him personally.
“No, he wasn't, a delivery service brought it this morning,” and she handed you a longish black box, tied with a glossy satin ribbon and a sumptuous satin-finish bow decorating the centre of the box.
“Wow…that looks gorgeous and expensive. I'm not sure if I can accept such a gift,” you stated doubtfully.
“Do you know what's in it?” you asked Rhea.
“No, I don't but whatever it is, Mr.Larsson seems to like you quite a lot. He only told me that it's related to your date with him.” Rhea wiggled her eyebrows.
“Nahh, I'm sure it's just something he wants me to wear for the gala dinner, something to his liking. Maybe he thinks I've nothing in my closet for an event like this. And if it's a dress I doubt it has the right size. Or it's some kinky stuff perhaps?” you joked and you both chuckled.
“Maybe… May I ask how the intimacy with him was? I don't want to hear any details, I just want to know if he has been nice to you,” Rhea asked concernedly.
“He was wonderful but I'm sure I made a beginner's mistake. I tried to stay detached and separate myself from it, I tried to perform, you know. But I failed and he noticed. My performance was just …awful and I thought it cost me his attention and bookings. And to be honest, Rhea I don't think I can do this with any other man,” you told her sadly.
“It's never easy, dear and you don't have to do it at all. It's completely your decision and I totally get it that you just want him. He's so beautiful and charming, someone who radiates strength and responsibility. It wouldn't be a surprise for me if he captures your heart. And about the gift…he insisted that you accept it. Whatever it is in that box, darling, please, send me a photo, okay? I need to know what's in this gorgeous-looking box,” Rhea seemed more excited than you but it made her even more likeable.
“Of course, Rhea. Will do. But I won't fall for him, okay? It would violate my rules.”
“Everything is only your decision, dear and yours alone. Just don't miss a chance to meet someone who could be more to you. It happens that an escort lady falls in love with her client and he falls in love with his escort lady. If it's mutual then there's nothing wrong or bad about it. Why not give in to that feeling? Don't be too hard on yourself,” Rhea said.
“It's not that easy for me and I might better stay alone. Okay, then…is there anything else that you want to talk about with me?” You asked her.
“No, darling that's all for today. Thanks again for coming,” Rhea answered kindly and you got up from the chair you were sitting on.
“No worries. Can't wait to unpack the box. Bye Rhea, and thank you for always listening to me.” You said kindly.
“Bye, darling and take care. Enjoy the gala dinner,” and Rhea waved at you and stored your bag next to her chair while you were already heading for the door with the box under your arm.
“Will do!” You waved back, left the office and headed back home.
Later in your apartment, you placed the box on the kitchen counter. You opened the fridge and poured some water into a glass. While staring at the elegant package you took several sips of water, briefly noticing how thirsty you had been. Why would Luke give you a gift? Should you leave the box unopened? But it would be impolite to ignore his gift. You still could give it back to him in case you didn't like the content of the box. What was his intention? He had an intention, right? Of course, he had. Smart bastard. You grinned at the thought of him. You liked him, more than you should, this untouchable, sometimes grumpy guy but he treated you with respect and decency and the way he tried to show others that you ‘belonged’ to him as long as you were his companion at an event made you feel safe and protected, and it made you feel valued.
You still had big problems to solve but when you were together with him, he eased your mind and you could breathe again. Somehow it seemed he could be your way out of your fucked up situation. You enjoyed every minute of being together with him. But you couldn't allow yourself to fall for him. Nonetheless, you've missed him and you couldn't wait for tomorrow evening to see him again. In light of that, you had a free afternoon and evening tonight, and you considered meeting your best friend Gabby later. You haven't seen her for weeks and you have a lot to tell her. You risked a little peek into the box and closed it rapidly.
"Oh.My.Goodness,” you murmured unbelievingly. You opened the box again, completely this time and you couldn't believe what you were seeing there. Against a bed of black tissue paper, a dark-green silk dress nestled in there. You ran a hand over the green silk and a smile curved your lips.
“Incredible” you whispered. You had worn several pricey and elegant dresses but none of them compared to this one. The urge to try it and wrap your body in it overtook you.
You sucked in a sharp breath when you stood in front of your mirror because the dress fitted perfectly. The deep V-neck emphasized your cleavage and transformed your breasts into something luscious, the colour gave your skin an ethereal glow. The skirt was floor length and had a tempting slit up one side and the elegantly crossed spaghetti straps turned your back into a real eye-catcher. Every silken inch of the gorgeous evening gown clung to your body as if it were tailored for you. It shimmered brightly every time you moved. It seemed he remembered every curve and every detail of your body and he saw you naked just once. But it seemed to be enough for him to find this perfect gown for you.
You never wanted to be a dressed-up doll again for a man, never again wearing something just for a man’s liking. But you saw clearly that it mattered who gave a dress like this to you. It was chosen with so much care and love. Luke's choice was perfect, he knew exactly what you would like to wear. He was perfect, honestly too perfect to be real. You took this dream of a dress off again and when you wanted to put it back into the box you saw an envelope lying in the box, a handwritten letter in it.
My lovely
When you read this letter, you have already seen the evening gown I would love to give to you. I hope fervently, that you like it and that it fits you well. I'm sure you look stunning in it and I would feel honoured if you would wear it for the gala dinner. But it's completely your decision if you want to wear it or not. I'm just glad to meet you again. You can definitely keep it, it's made just for you.
Please don't be mad at me that I haven't booked you for days but I've been busy. Maybe against your expectations, I still would love to have you as my companion at events.
I know our professional relationship is not about emotions or any private things but I hope you still want to see and escort me.
I missed you and your company and I also haven't forgotten our shared night. Thank you for allowing me to have you and for the nice words you said to me before I left. I'm still convinced that I'm not a tender lover but your words mean a lot to me.
I'm excited to see you again for the gala dinner on Saturday, at least I'm hoping for it and I hope we'll have a wonderful time there. Take care, sweet thing!
Devotedly yours,
Your mouth stood open, your eyebrows raised. Why did this feel like a love letter? He owed you nothing, at least an explanation why he hadn't booked and met you. Of course, you would definitely wear this dress for the gala dinner. You couldn't wait to see him again and tell him how much you liked the dress he had chosen for you and how much you appreciated his gift. Now you definitely needed to see Gabby and you send her a message if she would like to meet you in Central Park later this afternoon.
“Heeyyyy, it has been ages, y/n… How's it going? Gabby greeted you, a box of donuts in her hand. Gabby has been your best friend since you moved to New York five years ago. You met her at a grocery store and since then you have been best friends. You two just matched perfectly. She was the only person who knew that you had lost your job and what you were now doing for a living.
“I'm doing good, how about you?” you asked her and you hugged each other. You took a short walk through the park and Gabby gave you an update on her life and her family. You found a vacant bench and took a seat, the box with donuts placed between you.
“Spill the beans, dear…did you meet any hot guys and escort them to fancy events?” she asked you curiously, taking a donut out of the box and biting into it.
“I met a lot of guys in the past months,” you answered and took a donut out of the box, too.
“And? Any husband material among them?” She wanted to know and took another bite of the pastry.
“You know I'm not looking for a husband, I don't need that.”
“C'mon, dear…don't tell me you didn't meet at least one hot lad,” she said, grinning at you. “Uhhh…you're blushing, baby” she teased you.
“I'm not blushing…” you stated vehemently, feeling the heat in your face. How embarrassing.
“Tell me everything about him, I want every detail.” Gabby shifted curiously back and forth on the bench.
“There's not much to tell…”
“I don't believe you…There's something in your eyes, come on, tell me about him,” Gabby insisted.
“He's tall, lean, with broad shoulders and a slender waist, endless long legs, every muscle of his body perfectly defined, his big hands know how to hold you, his beautiful blue eyes are staring into my soul like no one's eyes did before and his long black curls are an invitation to bury your nose and your fingers in it…and he always smells so good. But most importantly he's nice, eloquent and smart and he knows how to treat you like a lady, even if you're far away from being one.”
“Summarized, the guy is hot,” Gabby said, biting lustfully into her donut.
“And? Could he become your new boyfriend?” she mumbled.
“You know my rules, Gab, never fall in love with a client,” you answered, upset.
“Sure… you already failed, you have the heart-eyes, dearie” she teased you.
“That's not the only failure,” you murmured sadly.
“What do you mean?” Gabby questioned concernedly.
“I slept with him,” you continued, staring to the ground.
“What? Generally, it's not a failure but you just wanted to escort men to events or parties but you never wanted to have sex with them,” Gabby sounded genuinely concerned. “Why did you change your mind?”
“Because of my financial situation, my rent and the rent for mum's nursing home increased…and… I'm living really large.“
“Bullshit, we both know that's not true… was he nice to you, some men are… rampant when it's not their own girl they have sex with …”
“He was lovely and careful, he treated me with respect like he always does,” you answered silently.
“It wasn't easy to do it, was it?”
“With him it was, I feel kinda safe with him…otherwise, I couldn't have done it,” you explained.
“Sooo, you could enjoy it? Did you have lots of fun with him? Was he good with his…You know you deserve to have some fun, girl…bad enough you had to do it because you need more money.”
“Gabby, it's not about having fun. I don't want… not…with him…he's…he's…,” you stuttered and interrupted her harshly before she interrupted you again.
“...the sexiest guy? The hottest shit in town? The best you’ll ever get?” she questioned wonderingly.
“Don't make it just sexual. He's more than that…I'm… sure. If I just want to have sex I could have it with every man I escort,” you answered, trying to sound convinced.
“And, do you?” she wanted to know.
“Do what?”
“Having sex with the hottest or wealthiest men in town, you escort to events or to who knows what and had fun in bed with them?”
“No!” you answered harshly.
“Okay, so you don't want to have sex? Nasty, toe-curling sex?”
“No, I don't want to have… yes, I want it, but I want it just with him since…since…”You stuttered again.
“Since you got laid by him and since he did it right? The way you need it and deserve it? There's nothing wrong about it, get your cake and eat it. So why do you think it was a failure?” when Gabby talked about it, everything sounded so easy.
“I faked it,” you said sheepishly.
“Faked what?”
“My climax, I faked my climax.” You told her meekly.
“Are you serious? Why?” she asked unbelievingly.
“I wanted it to be done, it felt too good and I was afraid to give in to my emotions and enjoy the intimacy with him.”
“Why would you want it to end quickly when it felt so good? I don't get it.” Gabby smiled at you.
“I don't know, I'm just used to quickies, a man done within five minutes, not caring about what I want, not listening to me what I need…”
“But he hadn't finished within five minutes,” Gabby confirmed.
“No, he took his time with me”
“And you didn't want that?” Gabby asked unbelievingly.
“No…Yes…Damn Gab, I'm afraid to fall in love with him. And I'm sure he'd never want to be with someone like me, so my feelings for him would be futile,” you said whiney.
“You're afraid of loving him because he makes you feel good? Girl, you deserve to enjoy life and sex. Bad enough you have to make your money as an escort. Damn y/n let him fuck you into oblivion. Go and get your man! Fuck him, love him, marry him, have babies with him and leave that fucking agency.” she told you vehemently.
“If only I could, but I can't.” You retorted dejectedly.
“Of course, you can. You had a damn well-paid, serious job before. Why don't you work for another marketing agency? Do you just hesitate because of that damn bloody asshole you wasted the last five years on?”
“It wasn't like that right from the beginning…and it's not that easy...”
“Don't make me angry, dearest, I don't want to talk about that prick ever again. He's gone and he shouldn't affect your life anymore. Finish studying, look for another job quickly and grab Mr. Hotshot.” Gabby said, trying to encourage you.
“It's not that easy, studying is expensive, I have to pay my bills…”
“What are you not telling me, sweetheart? Hey, it's me, your old friend Gabby…I'm all ears, always,” she offered you.
You didn't know what to answer her but you couldn't tell her about every issue that plagued you and you just looked sadly at her.
Gabby didn't insist further on an answer, she knew sooner or later you would tell her everything about your problems and to pressure you wouldn't be successful.
“Is he the only one of your clients you have sex with?” Gabby wanted to know.
“Yes, he was the first and he'll be the only one. He's the only one imaginable for me,” you answered her genuinely.
“Does he know?”
“No, I try to stay a mystery, I don't want him to like me too much or to care too much about me,” you said calmly.
“And you're sure this is going to work?” Gabby raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
“We both keep it as a professional relationship,” you shrugged your shoulders.
“Of course, you do. Does he have extra females? Or just you and you only?” curiosity in her voice.
“I don't know. He's not obliged to tell me.”
“No sneaky stuff with other women? Girl, he wants to love you. He could have any woman but he wants you, he pays to see you. Will you see him again? Will you try to meet him again?”
“He has already booked me again, yes. For a fancy gala dinner and…he gifted me a dream of a silk evening gown,” and you showed her a photo of you, dressed in it, standing in front of your mirror.
“Gosh, girl you look amazing in that dress… and you want to tell me he just wants you as his escort? That evening gown is perfect. He did that on purpose and if you ask me, he has already left the ‘professional relationship area’. He wants to parade you around like: hey everyone, look at my stunning girl and she's mine, no one dares touch her and I'll protect her at any cost … I'd love to know what he looks like. I'm sure you're a gorgeous couple…”
“Forget it, I won't show you a photo of him. I protect my clients’ privacy. And I'm sure it's not his intention to parade me around. He just wanted to make sure that I'm properly dressed for said event.”
“If you say so,” and a knowing smile showed upon her face.
“Are you going to have sex with him again?”
“If he's open to it. I'd like to erase my mistake and maybe we can both have satisfying sex.”
“Hey, do it, enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with it,” Gabby assured you.
“But I let him pay for it. I need the money but to let him pay doesn't feel right somehow,” you complained.
“That's true but that's the deal. An escort lady gets paid. Fact is, if he is such a good-looking guy with a decent character he could have any woman, I suppose but he wants to be with you and is willing to pay for your service, whatever your services include. Give him and yourself a chance. But promise me to be always careful, you'll never know what's going on in a man’s head,” she said concernedly.
“I promise to take care of me and Walker looks after me when I'm on a date, intimate or not,” you tried to soothe her concern.
“Yeah, that's good. I'm glad he's there for you.”
“Yeah, I'm glad to have him. He makes me feel safe when I'm on a date,” you said, well aware that he was not the only one who gave you that feeling.
Loki sat on a bench in Central Park on this sunny afternoon and read a few pages of his book. He recently got confirmation from Rhea, that you will escort him to the gala dinner tomorrow. He was excited to meet you. Would you wear the dress? It would be marvellous. The park was crowded with people jogging, parents playing with their kids and students sitting on the lawn and having lively discussions. People walked by his bench, talking, and laughing and some of them just silently walked side by side. Loki minded his own business and kept reading. When two women walked along the way, one of them telling funny stories about her kids, he looked up from his book for a brief moment, when they had already passed his bench and he just saw the backs of the casually dressed ladies.
The only thing that caught his attention were the trainers of the woman who listened to the other woman, who was talking. He liked the shoes’ colour, dark green, his favourite colour. He frowned and continued reading. He was sure he had seen trainers like these before. It seems, that green trainers are the trend this year.
@lokisprettygirl @faesimps @gruftiela @fandxmslxt69 @buttercupcookies-blog @anukulee @chantsdemarins @fictive-sl0th @justjoanne242 @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lovingchoices14 @wheredafandomat @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger
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mcalhenwrites · 1 month
I told @latte-cosmico that I've decided from now on to start collecting screenshots when people take digs at my writing. Names blurred, but... I tend to block, bottle up, and not talk about all the shit that happens. Latt suggested, "maybe also screenshot the good stuff? That doc with negative comments might get at you at days" Which is sound advice. ...That's actually something I've done. I hope I don't put anyone on the spot (I rarely blurred out names or anything, since they're kind comments, although some of these are anon anyway), I'm going to post some screenshots I have already taken of comments on AO3 or asks from the past that have really touched me. I think I have a few things on my phone, but you'll have to settle for what's tucked away on this computer.
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And this last one is @yume-x-hanabi translating a comment left in French for me, since I only understood parts of it. I wanted a proper translation from a living person (I even offered to pay her to translate it for me but she declined lol)
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These aren't the only comments I took screenshots of, but I'll admit I haven't done much of that lately. I should probably get back into it... Thank you. If you see yourself here, you don't know how much you've worked to lift me up against the tide of negativity. It means a lot to me. I don't know if I'll survive enough to keep writing, honestly, but... I do wish that for myself. I do wish I could have more time to work on my stories and share some for free, publish some others, and survive financially. As it is, I've got to fight disabilities and chronic pain to work weekends, then spend a day or two a week just recovering physically from that. ;A; That's why I wanted to publish, why I keep pushing my Patreon. I happily share things for free, but I need money to live to the next day. It's tough and scary, and I think being in constant pain makes that even worse.
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ereardon · 2 years
Come Back [Chapter 7][Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x OC]
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Summary: Eight years ago, Bradley Bradshaw was just a college boyfriend who broke your heart. Now, he’s back in your life after a coincidental reunion, and he’s adamant about starting up a friendship. Will it be possible to be just friends with Bradley, or is he inevitably going to end up ruining everything you’ve spent the better part of a decade rebuilding?
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x OC [Nurse Maggie Brooms]
WC: 2.5K
Warnings: Cursing, angst, fighting, miscarriage
Series masterlist
You knew it was bad when Bradley said no to a second cup of coffee. 
It was a small thing, but so out of character. Bradley loved coffee. You could have sworn that sometimes the smell hung off of him like he bathed using coffee-flavored soap.
“You sure you don’t want another?” you asked, grabbing his empty to-go cup and standing. “I’m getting another latte, happy to get you something.” 
He shook his head and sighed, bending over the heap of books he had spread out across the booth you two were occupying at the coffee shop. 
When you returned, hot coffee in hand, you slid into the seat and frowned at him across the table. “What’s with you? I’ve never, in two years, seen you decline more coffee.” 
Bradley looked up, leaning on one elbow. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Well then it’s obviously something important that you’re just going to pretend doesn’t exist until it explodes in your face.” 
He twisted his mouth into a frown but didn’t argue. He knew you were right. “I don’t know if I can afford to come back next year,” he said finally. Your eyes widened like he knew they would. “Everything is just so much more expensive than I had thought, and the financial aid office called this morning. There’s nothing they can do.” 
You shook your head. “That’s bullshit. Of course there’s something they can do. They don’t need any more money. There’s a million trust fund babies walking around campus paying full tuition. They can afford to give you a scholarship.” 
“Let me worry about it, OK?” he said, reaching over and taking your hand in his. “I’ll figure it out, I promise.” 
You watched in silence as he went back to pouring over his textbooks. When he wanted to be, he was a genuinely hard worker. He cared about doing well, which was more than you could say for a lot of other people at the school. And he didn’t have a fallback the way so many others on campus did. 
Later that night, you took a deep breath and grabbed your phone, dialing the all too familiar number. 
Bradley stared at you, his mouth open. The two of you were frozen in place, like figurines in a snow globe. His hands were hot on your sweater-clad arms, his face only a foot from yours where he loomed over you. 
“What did you just say?” he whispered, breathless. 
You shrugged out of his grip and he let you. Taking a few steps back, until you were pressed up against the far wall, you raised your eyes to his. “I was pregnant when you left, Bradley.” 
He shook his head. “What? How? When?” The words came out in a sputter. He looked on the verge of a complete meltdown. 
Stepping forward, you grabbed his hand and guided him to the couch. He had the pale sheen of someone who could pass out at any moment, and you wanted to make sure if that happened he didn’t have far to fall. “Put your head between your knees and take a deep breath,” you ordered. 
Bradley was clammy and when he wouldn’t move you reached out and gently pushed his head between his legs, heard him suck in a deep breath. After ten or so seconds you loosened your grip on his sweaty neck and he straightened up. 
He nodded. You scooted back against the side of the couch, claiming some distance. 
You hadn’t expected to tell him. What was the point, after all these years? 
Was it just to hurt him?
Or did a part of you believe he deserved to know?
“What happened?” Bradley asked. Suddenly, a wave washed over him and you saw the wheels churning a million miles per hour in his head. “Wait, am I a dad?” It came out in a whisper. 
There was a tinge of hope in his words. It broke your heart to shake your head and shatter that illusion for him. “No, you’re not.”
“Mags,” he said quietly, leaning forward and taking your hands in his. You let him. “Baby what happened?”
Closing your eyes momentarily, you took a deep breath. “You never asked why I became a nurse.” 
He squinted. “What?”
“Nursing. It was never on my radar at UVA. I got a biology degree, sure, but I had no concrete plans on how I’d use it.” You cocked your head to one side. “You never asked me why I chose nursing as a profession.” 
“OK?” Bradley said softly, playing along. “Why did you become a nurse?”
“It was the day after graduation,” you said quietly. You had never told anyone this story. “I was back at my apartment, packing things up to go back to Richmond. My parents had already left. It was late, I was taping one last box when I started to feel really sick. Something was wrong. I could just tell, but I didn’t know what it was and I didn’t know that I was pregnant at the time.”
Bradley’s eyes were locked onto yours. You had gone over it in your head before, how you would tell him. If you ever had the guts to do it. But in the scenarios in your head, you had never been able to properly picture Bradley’s face. 
It was so much more devastating than you had expected it would be.
“One minute I was packing and the next minute I woke up on the floor. I must have passed out from the pain. I didn’t know what to do or who to call. My parents were gone. Everyone else had already left.”
“I was there,” Bradley interrupted softly. “I didn’t leave for a week because I had to help clean out the house.” There was so much remorse twisted into his words. 
You shook your head. “You weren’t an option, Bradley.”
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, fingers digging into the couch. 
“When I woke up, I dragged myself out to the car and drove to the hospital. And when I got there, they admitted me to the ER immediately.” 
You paused and took a few deep breaths to calm  yourself. Bradley hung on your every word, his eyes traversing your face as he waited. 
“I had an ectopic pregnancy and it ruptured.” 
Bradley’s face was pale, but blank. “What, what does that mean?” he asked quietly. 
“Ectopic is when the fetus starts developing outside of the uterus. It could be in the ovaries or the fallopian tubes or even the cervix. Mine was in my right fallopian tube.” 
“Jesus Christ, Maggie,” he whispered, shaking his head. 
“I had the surgery to repair the tube and remove the fetus. It went fine,” you added softly. “And when I came out, they put me in a recovery room for a day. That’s where I met Joan.”
“Who is Joan?”
“She was my nurse,” you said and you watched as the pieces clicked together in Bradley’s mind. “She was there for me when no one else was. With more compassion and grace and genuine care than I’d ever known in my entire life. She was more of a mother figure for that one day than my mother has been in thirty years. She’s the reason I went to nursing school. She’s the reason I am who I am today.” 
You stopped and looked up at Bradley. He was slightly less pale, but his eyes never left yours. He was so focused on you and your story you were positive that if a car drove through the front windows of the house at that very moment it would take him at least fifteen seconds to react. 
“I’m not telling you to make you feel bad for me,” you said after a moment. “It’s probably time you knew.” 
“I don’t know what to say,” Bradley murmured. “Except that I'm so sorry you had to do that alone.” 
“I wasn’t alone. I had Joan.” 
“Maggie,” he said and his voice brought back a flood of memories. Bradley’s hands gripping you tightly as you sat on his shoulders during a football game against Carolina. The velvety tone of his voice whispering in your ear in the morning as you were waking up, Bradley already slipping out of bed for class. The way you felt watching him smile at you from across the cab of the Bronco as you whipped down the road late at night, just driving until you felt like all other responsibilities had melted away. 
Bradley, for all of his flaws, had known almost every side of you. He had learned to read you like an open book exam. 
And now he knew the one secret you had promised yourself you would keep until your grave. After everything, you had given him the final puzzle piece. Bradley Bradshaw knew you better than anyone in the world. He just didn’t realize it. 
“I wish you would have told me,” he said softly. “I wish I would have known. I would have been there, Maggie, no matter what had happened with us. Fuck, I am never going to forgive myself for not being there for you.” 
It was the most genuine thing he had ever said to you. 
“Baby, why didn’t you tell me?” The anguish in his voice made you want to curl up and hide. 
“You walked out of my life, Bradley,” you said, standing up. “You made your choice and forced me to live with it. Why would I go back to the man who broke my heart to tell him I lost the baby we were never supposed to have?” 
There were tears in his eyes and he pushed them aside with his palms. “I ruined everything, didn’t I? Our whole lives. I threw everything away.” 
“It wouldn’t have worked,” you said finally. “We were so young and so naive.” “We loved each other.”
“That’s not enough, Bradley,” you said, whipping around to face him. “Even now that’s not enough. Real life means being there for the other person when you don’t want to. It means putting someone else ahead of yourself every single day because you promised you would. It means showing up when you say you will. It’s about sacrifice and honesty.”
“I can do that,” he said, standing up and crossing the room, grabbing your hands in his. “I can be that guy for you now, Maggie. If you’ll let me. Fuck, I missed so much. I missed everything. Don’t make me lose out on another eight years with you.” 
“I don’t owe you my time, Bradley,” you whispered and the impact of your words struck him like a slap. “How the fuck do you expect me to just throw myself back into your life. Trust my future to a man who left me for a woman who’s name I'm sure he doesn’t even remember. You were not the guy I needed you to be.” 
“I know it’s a cop out to say, but I’m different. I’ve changed, Mags. I want you. I have always wanted you but I was fucking stupid. Not that I’m not stupid now because I am.” You hated that despite the tears that made you laugh. A smile quirked at the corner of his mouth. “But I’m also stupidly in love with the perfect woman standing in front of me. Just begging her to give me one more chance. One last shot. To believe in me. Even if I don’t deserve it.” 
“Bradley,” you whispered quietly. “I always believed in you.” 
He shook his head. “Back then you had no reason to.” 
You put two fingers under his chin. “Who do you think the Shell Foundation was, sweetheart?” 
There was a moment of thought before realization dawned over Bradley’s eyes. “Wait, that was you?” You nodded, biting your lip. “How?” he asked. 
“I asked my dad to liquidate my trust early,” you whispered. “You finishing school was more important than money in the bank.” 
“But, the financial aid office said it was a California-based scholarship fund for out-of-state students.” 
You shrugged. “They said what I asked them to say. They didn’t care, as long as the bill was getting paid.” 
“Maggie,” his voice came out in a whisper. “Why on Earth did you do that for me?”
“I loved you, Bradley,” you said, cupping one of his cheeks with your hand. “I saw my future in you. I would have done anything for you.”
Tears started to slip out of his eyes and you pulled him into a hug without thinking. His large, warm hands drew you in closer, tightening on your back. It was overwhelming and it was comforting and everything flew out the window when Bradley was holding you. As you held him. You weren’t sure who needed it more or where he started or where you ended.  
You weren’t sure how long you two stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms. Time with Bradley always managed to slip by in the blink of an eye. 
When you finally pulled away, Bradley clung to you. You reached up both hands and settled them on his cheeks. “Sweetheart.” 
He shook his head but you kept your fingers tight against him. “Don’t say it, Mags,” he whispered. “Please, I’m begging you.”
“Bradley, honey,” you murmured. You pressed your forehead to his, squeezing your eyes shut. And then softly, you pulled back and let your lips ghost over his. Bradley pulled you in tight, pushing against you immediately, one hand on the back of your head cradling you. After a few moments, you pulled away. It took everything you had to step out of his embrace and face him. 
“Why did you do that?” he asked gingerly. 
“I had to know it was real once. Everything we had.”
Bradley gazed down at you. 
“I have to go,” you whispered. 
“Maggie, no,” he begged, stepping forward and you held out a hand to stop him. 
“Please don’t make this harder than it is.” 
He ran his fingers through his hair, a look of desperation locked onto his features. “Maggie, life without you is the hardest thing there is. I’ve done it for the last eight years. I don’t want to have to do it for another eight or ten or twenty or however long it takes you to realize that I am holding out hope that you’ll come back to me. Because I know you will.” 
“What makes you think that?” 
Bradley reached out and brushed his fingers against your cheek and neck. “You’re my dream girl, Maggie Brooms. I go to bed and I think of you. I wake up and I think of you. And I lost you once. I will do everything in my power not to make the same mistake twice.” 
You sucked in a deep breath. Bradley caught your eyes. There was hope in his. 
What would it take to trust him again? 
Tag list: @abaker74 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @luckyladycreator2 @marantha @tayrae515 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @bradshawsbitch 
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notsoscarybitch · 2 years
I can't belive I made this an actual drawing
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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May the best WLW (women-loving-women) ship win!! ✨✨✨
(Rye Cookie x Chili Pepper Cookie) VS (Pomegranate Cookie x Dark Enchantress Cookie)
(Cotton Candy Cookie x Pink Choco Cookie) VS (Financier Cookie x Pastry Cookie)
(Raspberry Cookie x Princess Cookie) VS (Sea Fairy Cookie x Moonlight Cookie)
(Cream Puff Cookie x Walnut Cookie) VS (Gingerbright x Strawberry Cookie)
(Kumiho Cookie x Tiger Lily Cookie) VS (Starfruit Cookie x Pomegranate Cookie)
(Raspberry Cookie x Parfait Cookie) VS (Skating Queen Cookie x Ice Candy Cookie)
(Butter Pretzel Cookie x Cheesecake Cookie) VS (Marshmallow Cookie x Macaron Cookie)
(Latte Cookie x Financier Cookie) VS (Pastry Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie)
(Caramel Arrow Cookie x Black Raisin Cookie) VS (Beet Cookie x Carrot Cookie)
(Pomegranate Cookie x Kumiho Cookie) VS (Blue Lily Cookie x Lilybell Cookie)
(Blueberry Pie Cookie x Moonlight Cookie) VS (Hollyberry Cookie x Golden Cheese Cookie)
(Financier Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie) VS (Sea Fairy Cookie x Black Pearl Cookie)
(Twizzly Gummy Cookie x Croissant Cookie) VS (White Ghost Cookie x Black Garlic Cookie)
(Chocolate Bonbon Cookie x Sour Belt Cookie) VS (Coffee Candy Cookie x Baguette Cookie)
(Strawberry Cookie x Pumpkin Pie Cookie) VS (Kumiho Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie)
(Cheesecake Cookie x Cocoa Cookie) VS (Orange Cookie x Lime Cookie)
(Rye Cookie x Chili Pepper Cookie) VS (Cotton Candy Cookie x Pink Choco Cookie)
(Sea Fairy Cookie x Moonlight Cookie) VS (Gingerbright x Strawberry Cookie)
(Starfruit Cookie x Pomegranate Cookie) VS (Raspberry Cookie x Parfait Cookie)
(Butter Pretzel Cookie x Cheesecake Cookie) VS (Pastry Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie)
(Beet Cookie x Carrot Cookie) VS (Blue Lily Cookie x Lilybell Cookie)
(Hollyberry Cookie x Golden Cheese Cookie) VS (Financier Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie)
(White Ghost Cookie x Black Garlic Cookie) VS (Chocolate Bonbon Cookie x Sour Belt Cookie)
(Kumiho Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie) VS (Orange Cookie x Lime Cookie)
(Rye Cookie x Chili Pepper Cookie) VS (Sea Fairy Cookie x Moonlight Cookie)
(Starfruit Cookie x Pomegranate Cookie) VS (Butter Pretzel Cookie x Cheesecake Cookie)
(Beet Cookie x Carrot Cookie) VS (Hollyberry Cookie x Golden Cheese Cookie)
(Chocolate Bonbon Cookie x Sour Belt Cookie) VS (Orange Cookie x Lime Cookie)
(Sea Fairy Cookie x Moonlight Cookie) VS (Butter Pretzel Cookie x Cheesecake Cookie)
(Beet Cookie x Carrot Cookie) VS (Chocolate Bonbon Cookie x Sour Belt Cookie)
(Sea Fairy Cookie x Moonlight Cookie) VS (Chocolate Bonbon Cookie x Sour Belt Cookie)
There will be a MLM (men-loving-men) version after this tournament has concluded, so keep an eye out for that! Depending on the interest for these first two, there may also be straight ships and NB (nonbinary) ships showdowns as well! Also, if you’re interested in Cookie Run rarepairs (like some of the ships found above), feel free to join my discord here! 💕💕 💕
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mid-fight-lover · 1 year
My list of cookie run ships (updated):
Gingerbrave x Strawberry cookie
Gingerbright x Skater cookie
Zombie cookie x Fairy cookie
Wizard cookie x Cream puff cookie
Princess cookie x Knight cookie
Chilli pepper cookie x Muscle cookie
Gumball cookie x Cherry cookie
Ninja cookie x Skating queen cookie
Angel cookie x Devil cookie
Adventurer cookie x blackberry cookie
Pancake cookie x onion cookie
Custard cookie lll x Strawberry creepe cookie
Carrot cookie x Potato cookie
Lemon cookie x Orange cookie
Soda cookie x Lime cookie
Mango cookie x Grapefruit cookie
Whipped cream cookie x Birthday cake cookie
Cream unicorn cookie x Banana cookie
Sparkling cookie x Cheesecake cookie
Herb cookie x Cherry blossom cookie
Red peeper cookie x Yoga cookie
Wild berry cookie x Raspberry cookie
Crunchy chip cookie x Tiger Lily cookie
Dark choco cookie x Caramel arrow cookie
Clotted cream cookie x Financier cookie
Captain caviar cookie x Oyster cookie
Black pearl cookie x Abyss monarch cookie
Werewolf cookie x Kumiho cookie
Wind archer x Sea fairy cookie
Moonlight cookie x Fire spirit cookie
Tea knight cookie x Frost queen cookie
Churro cookie x hydrangea cookie
Croissant cookie x string gummy cookie
Millennial tree cookie x Lotus dragon cookie
Pitaya dragon cookie x Mala sauce cookie (divorced)
Pitaya dragon cookie x Rambutan cookie
Ananas dragon cookie x Golden cheese cookie
Longan dragon cookie x Mystic flour cookie
Lychee dragon cookie x Shadow milk cookie
Affogato cookie x Snake fruit cookie
Madeline cookie x Mont Blanc cookie
Pastel meringue cookie x Chocolate bonbon cookie
Rockstar cookie x Currant cream cookie
Kiwi cookie x Street Urchin cookie
Dino sour cookie x Cotton candy cookie
Espresso cookie x Latte cookie
Eclair cookie x Blueberry pie cookie
Yogurt cream cookie x Centipede cookie (divorced)
Lilac cookie x Scorpion cookie
Amber sugar cookie x Sugar glass cookie
Licorice cookie x Pomegranate cookie
Astronaut cookie x Stardust cookie
Chestnut cookie x Pudding cookie
Sorbet shark cookie x Squid ink cookie
Peppermint cookie x Piñata cookie
Milk cookie x Parfait cookie
Prune juice cookie x Crowberry cookie
Capsaicin cookie x Kouing amann cookie
Snow sugar cookie x Pumpkin pie cookie
Purple yam cookie x Twizly gummy cookie
Red velvet cookie x Pastry cookie
Clover cookie x Bellflower cookie
Popping candy cookie x Shinning glitter cookie
Macaron cookie x Fig cookie
Marshmallow cookie x Host cookie
.........And the list would keep going...... Sorry for not including all of them, I mean, there are way too much ships and I could just not include them all,so here's all the ships I remember, and you can suggest me ships for my next generation of course! So well, that's all
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rosietrace · 2 years
Main Ship headcanons :DD
(Meaning the ones established in their profiles, not the oc x oc ones)
Edit: I forgot to add Claudette and Ambrosia, and I would like to apologize for that-
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Eclair x Malory
Eclair braided his hair every morning
High school sweethearts. Eclair went to an all girls fairy academy while Malory went to RSA
When they graduated, Malory proposed to Eclair, who immediately said yes
They didn't have trouble financially due to their wealthy families
Before they got married Malory would call Eclair "sweetheart" or "my starlight"
When they became newlyweds he called her "My sun" or "My Apollonia"
When Eclair brought up the idea to make scepter hall, Malory was incredibly supportive and helped her in every way he could
He hid secrets from her, but she never meddled into his business and vice versa
No cheating. Nada. Absolutely NONE. These two are loyal and meant it when they said til death do us part
Were considering having kids until it was revealed to them that Eclair's incapable of having any
Having almost lost hope, Eclair wished upon a star in hopes that her wishing fairy friends would help give her the child she and her husband wanted
And in the end, what she got in return was a healthy baby girl... And the disappearance of her husband
Knowing that his health was deteriorating at the seams, Eclair was aware that he couldn't have gone far
She searched high and low within every nook and cranny, and found nothing but the possibility of her husband being dead
And now all she feels when gazing upon the dorm of winter...
.... Is heartache
Victoria x Malleus
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Claudette x Ambrosia
'The sun and moon' of SHI
Claudette clings to her every time she's had a bad day
It makes Clark feel single and that brings a smile to Ambrosia's face
They didn't really know how to socialize with one another when they first met, so communication is very significant in their relationship
They almost never argue because of how well they communicate with one another
And even when they do argue? They comfort each other by holding hands, but not facing each other
It's kind of their own way to say 'I'm sorry'
Whenever one of them has to work overtime, they always bring a cup of their favorite drink alongside their favorite food
Claudette's is a matcha latte with honey-filled chocolates
While Ambrosia is a black coffee and mochi
Whoever made one of them cry will have hell rain all over them
No one's gonna make Claudette or Ambrosia cry without consequences-
Their dates are usually to some classy and aesthetically pleasing kind of café or restaurant
It's almost always Ambrosia treat, since she doesn't want Claudette to overspend on her
The only reason Claudette cried while watching mean girls is because Ambrosia didn't understand any of the references she made-
Back when their relationship just started, they wouldn't hear the end of it from Clark since he teased them relentlessly
To put it simply, their relationship and communication with one another is great
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So much bickering
It is practically endless and the amount of fancy words they use may
And sexual tension
Lots of sexual tension. It feels unnatural how much tension there is the minute they're both in the same room
I can imagine that they'd send each other letters, but they're the least romantic thing ever and it's just filled with unnecessarily petty comments as a way to insult each other
Vic might be the type to actually get her hands dirty if Malleus takes her death threats seriously, but considering her history with bloodshed, she'd rather not
Oddly synchronized whenever they have to work together. They can't explain why, but they work oddly well together when it comes to things like combat, dancing, singing, etc.
I'd say the best part of this stage of their dynamic is how much they respect each other
Malleus may hate Victoria, but he still considers her his equal and is willing to challenge her in ways most wouldn't be able to
And the same thing applies to Victoria, who is also willing to challenge Malleus in ways others aren't able to do
They hate each other, but they respect one another just enough to see the other as genuine threats
When Victoria's reading, Malleus often rests his head on her lap as she reads since he finds her voice soothing
Similar to Azure x Carol(@fumikomiyasaki) except they hated each other before this
They remain unnaturally synchronized, but it feels less like a competition to outdo the other and more of a harmonious approach of expressing the passion they share for one another
Malleus wears things that were made by Victoria. I don't make the decisions here, it is CANON-
He'll regularly offer to model for her design concepts if Mercury, Camilla and Zen aren't available
Lots of gift giving on Malleus's part. Given that he's technically a dragon, I'd make the claim that he'd spoil his beloved rotten
Victoria expresses her love differently through quality time
They could just be in a room completely silent, but they'd still be able to enjoy each other's company despite it
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Frisk x Cater
Mutual pining. So much pining that it probably put Freyah to the brink of insanity at the idea that they'll take too long to confess
So being the good sister that she is, Freyah decided to help them by aggressively matchmaking them together
And while it did work out in the end, Freyah ended up creating a number of misunderstandings between the two ;-;
Cater has an entire album dedicated to Frisk and he always makes sure she looks breathtaking in every single one
Frisk is rather shy and due to the pressure she had from being an influencer in the past, Cater doesn't post much of their relationship for her sake even though he knew she was okay with it
Frisk is aware of Cater's disdain for sweets, and makes sure to take that into account when making him some snacks
She'll try and crack a few jokes, but then she'll slowly die of embarrassment when Cater starts to tease her for it
She usually stands behind Cater whenever they're together since she has a problem with socializing with others
{ Mentions of bullying }
Frisk has experienced bullying before, and Cater is quick to notice how she's very closed off when the subject is discussed in her presence
He won't confront her outright, but do his best to make her comfortable enough to tell him what happened to her
When Frisk admitted to him about her experiences, no one had seen Cater look so.... Angry
If her bullies were students in the school, Cater would offer to.... Do certain things to them on the internet
And by that I mean blackmail them about information he found after searching all over the net for any info on them
Obviously he ended up getting his suggestion politely declined, but Frisk knew that his intentions were for her sake
But other than that, communication between them is great and there aren't as many misunderstandings between them
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Grey x Leona
Leona comes from a kingdom that inhabits incredibly powerful and respectable women, so its only natural that he'd respect Grey for her perseverance
He respects her, and she him, but things are awkward and full of almost unnecessary tension because of one thing
Their arranged marriage
It was an agreement made by their parents and Leona's brother, king Farena, and one that the two didn't particularly feel comfortable with
The times where they were told to always be seen together in events was the thing that ticked Grey off
When Grey began attending NRC, Leona knew it was inevitable for her to challenge him for the role of dorm head
They didn't interact much after the aftermath, given their already awkward situation with their engagement
They'd soon settle on a hobby they both share
Leona practically sleeps regularly and Grey often gets tired after sparring, so they'd usually go to one another's room and sleep there
There's nothing suggestive about that outside of the fact that they both sleep in each other's rooms
Oftentimes they sleep separately, but Leona unintentionally rests his head on Grey's chest while they're both lying down, but she doesn't necessarily mind and just let's him
Leona comments that Grey's chest is a very convenient pillow
Sleeping ends with unintentional cuddling
They both wake up pretending they weren't so close in proximity 💀
If Grey's lucky, Leona might wake up and spar with her-
There isn't much to say outside of the fact that they just need to realize that the cuddling they do isn't platonic.
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Nyx x Vil
(does not apply to the Villainess au interpretation of their relationship)
Nyx had always shown a keen interest in Vil, which set off her brothers a little because of their protective nature over her
But nonetheless, she managed to befriend Vil Schoenheit
At first they just had a couple brief conversations while they walked to class together, but now Vil finds time in his schedule to spend more time with Nyx outside of that
Though whenever Nyx shows up at Pomefiore, someone's bound to assume that they are in a romantic relationship
Victoria, Epel and Rook
But Vil always denied those claims and said that Nyx was just his friend
Adrien Agreste vibes out of Vil ngl💀
But then B O O M
He suddenly felt warm and fuzzy around Nyx
Well- He ALWAYS did he just never realized it until now-
It's kind of a she fell first he fell harder situation with these two
But it was Nyx who ended up confessing in the end
Because of Vil's reputation, Nyx was okay with keeping their relationship a secret but didn't necessarily mind being featured in a lot of his recent magicam posts
Naturally, Vil's fans wanted to know what kind of relationship they had, but Vil kept denying the claims that they were dating
Until he ended up slipping up and posted a picture of him and Nyx that revealed to everyone that they were dating
Given how vicious Vil's fans can get, Nyx definitely got a lotbit of hate from them
But then death threats came rushing in and it was inevitable for Nyx to start standing up for herself until Vil confronted his fans himself
When he did, they slowly began growing more fond of Nyx and they both allowed themselves to publicly show off their relationship
They mostly do the same things they did as friends for dates, but Vil got treated to a date in the monstro lounge thanks to Nyx not telling her brothers
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Lumina x Jamil
In Jamil and Lumina's case, they are the textbook definition of mutual pining
Moreso than Cater and Frisk, even
They both share a silent disdain for Kalim and would often rant to each other about it when they were alone
Kalim, ever oblivious to the distaste they shared, noticed the glint in their eyes whenever they interacted
Like something clicked between them
And because of that, Kalim decided to play matchmaker and gleefully make an attempt to get Jamil and Lumina together
As of now they're still in the pining stages, but only Lumina is somewhat aware that Jamil returns her affections for him
They are carrying Scarabia in the kitchen, their cooking is DIVINE
I think a couple of the students cried a bit-
When they were kids, Lumina would often wake up Jamil up in the middle of the night to stargaze, much to the chagrin of Jamil and his parents
When Lumina moved in with her aunt, Kalim and Jamil were incredibly supportive and were willing to help her pack her things
(Since she lived with Kalim after running away from home due to her father's neglect and alcoholism, he didn't even notice she was gone)
Even after she moved away, they kept in touch and remained close for many years
They dance together at night since most of Scarabia would've already been asleep
Lumina still wakes him up so they could stargaze and walk around the dorm
Occasional flirting between the two of them, specifically with Jamil giving her a playful smirk if she ever got flustered
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Azrail x Idia
Adorable together
Az often accompanies Idia's tablet around the school since he... Doesn't really attend classes in person-
Ortho loves the two of them together and is happy as long as Idia's happy, he even helps Az with his horticultural studies
Idia helps his boyfriend with his inventions for horticultural research
Let's just say that Az was a little.... Perplexed when he and Idia first met
He didn't really expect that the representative of his dorm was so.... Attractive Antisocial-
But he never judged Idia for his antisocial nature, since he decided to look at it through his perspective and quickly understood his reasons for acting the way he does
Dimitri isn't 100% keen on letting this relationship slide, given his protectiveness over Azrail. But as long as his little brother's happy, he's happy
Az doesn't have the same level of interest in anime and manga as his boyfriend, but he's supportive nonetheless and occasionally gifts him an exclusive copy of one of his favorite mangas
Don't ask him how he got them, you don't wanna know
Az was a little conflicted about Ortho at first, but he ended up growing attached to him when they started interacting more. Which relieved Idia since he was afraid they wouldn't get along-
Their dorm rooms are next to each other and Az unintentionally enters Idia's instead of his own when he's having a bad day
Idia didn't mind it though, he liked having his boyfriend's company either way
PDA is a big ol' no no for the two of them
Idia would be a little too anxious to even hold Az's hand in public, and Az doesn't find it relevant in a relationship that's built around privacy
Idia was the first person to witness Azrail cry putting on contact lenses, and he ended up wheezing himself unconscious
They order cup noodles in bulk when they're cooped up in their dorm rooms band don't want to get up and make food in the dorm's kitchen
When Az is away for something important like a family gathering, Idia secretly wears his turtlenecks since they happen to be similar in dress size
Azrail was FULLY ready to throw hands with a ghost when the ghost marriage event was in session
Man's was ready to start a cat fight with a ghost who wanted to marry his boyfriend-
Idia gave Az sound cancelling headphones that turns on the noise cancellation automatically and also allows him to detect when something's about to happen to him
Ortho also helped in making the headphones and Az typically uses them when he's writing down his notes in a loud classroom he was given permission by his professors to do that
Would watch the ghost stories dub and wheeze for the next couple of hours over the beef social media(specifically the TWST equivalent of Twitter and TikTok) has on the dub
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Marylin x Lilia
(This ship is only implied, since no one actually knows if they're together or not)
Madam Monroe has known Lilia since their war days as veterans
Marylin would often joke with Lilia to hide her fear of the possibility of death, which he was very aware of
Lilia knew Marylin wanted freedom due to her upbringing, and decided to help her by using humor to help her cope
They'd train together and Marylin would mostly win by body slamming Lilia to the ground poor Lilia tbh
After their veteran days were over, they went their separate ways. Lilia began caring for Silver while Marylin began working at scepter hall
They did continue keeping in touch, and would regularly send letters and use magic in order to communicate
Silver's stumbled upon a couple of those letters and was completely flabbergasted by how flirtatious Lilia's words were. Though Lilia would confirm nor deny that he was not so subtly flirting with Marylin
Clark's met Lilia before and they instantly clicked, the former even going as far as to say Lilia got his blessing for their potential wedding-
Silver sees Marylin as the mother-figure he lacked in his childhood, and Marylin treats Silver like a son
Lilia makes frequent visits to scepter hall when he can, just so he can see his veteran buddy
When they have the time to, they'd spar like they used to whenever Lilia visits and vice versa
The two of them haven't confirmed nor have they denied any claims of a romantic relationship between them, and they only really watch the chaos unfold
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Eclipse x Crowley
{ No information.... Yet }
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List of popular ships
A list for what are considered popular ships! As well as ships that have a lot of art from multiple people (ships with only one or two people making content for it are not included in this list). Given that this is a blog to celebrate rarepairs, these ships (should content be made for them using the prompts) will NOT be reblogged here!
The list will be updated according to what I learn about the various ships. Send me an ask if you think a ship should/should not be on the list and why!
Special thanks to @sweetsuke for providing me a list to reference!
This list does not contain any ships that have been disclosed in the pinned post.
Almond x Latte
Almond x Roguefort
Any of the Juice Bar Regulars x Each Other
Beet x Carrot
Blackberry x Adventurer
Lobster x Mocha Ray
Abyss Monarch x Electric Eel
Blue Lily x Lilybell
Poly Champions (includes one x the other)
Chili Pepper x Rye
Clotted Cream x Financier
Cotton x Sherbet
Crunchy Chip x Wildberry
Eclair x Tea Knight
Hollyberry x Pitaya Dragon
Lilac x Yogurt Cream
Madeleine x Espresso
Milk x Dark Choco
Milk x Purple Yam
Milk x Purple Yam x Dark Choco
Mint Choco x Cocoa
Princess x Knight
Poly Ancients (does not include one x the other unless listed)
Pure Vanilla x Dark Cacao
Pure Vanilla x White Lily
Red Velvet x Pastry
Starfruit x Pomegranate
String Gummy x Croissant
Affogato x Caramel Arrow
Oyster x Captain Caviar
Captain Ice x Pirate
Licorice x Pomegranate
Licorice x Parfait
Aloe x Cyborg
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kumidark · 1 year
I've seen you around in the cookie run tags and I want to know what other ships you like? Besides Kumidark and Scorprune. Youre ships are interesting.
ahhhhh tysm for such a nice ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DNFNNGNGGNFNDNNDJFNNGGN um okay i decided to just do a list since i figure that'd be easier than writing them all in one paragraph^^
(under the cut because there are a lot)
-kumidark (kumiho x dark choco)
-scorprune (scorpion x prune juice)
-sorbetcrepe (sorbet shark x strawberry crepe)
-twizzssant (twizzly gummy x croissant)
-croisstime (croissant x timekeeper)
-mintgummy (mint choco x string gummy)
-purevelvet (pure vanilla x red velvet)
-pureholly (pure vanilla x hollyberry)
-seapom (sea fairy x pomegranate)
-carapastry (caramel arrow x pastry)
-finalatte (financier x latte)
-kouignbrute (kouign amann x choco werehound brute)
-moonenchantress (moonlight x dark enchantress)
-mangosugar (mango x snow sugar)
-platonic kumivamp (kumiho x vampire)
-univamp (cream unicorn x vampire)
-sparkeleine (sparkling x madeleine)
-shininglemon (shining glitter x lemon)
-longanfort (longan dragon x roguefort)
-starlily (starfruit x tiger lily)
-crowfruit (crowberry x snakefruit)
-orangepeach (orange x peach)
-matchabon (matcha x chocolate bonbon)
-sourcotton (sour belt x cotton candy)
-pretzelime (butter pretzel x lime)
-earlberry (earl grey x blackberry)
-cocoachip (cocoa x crunchy chip)
-figblossom (fig x cherry blossom)
-unimacaron (cream unicorn x macaron)
-rambubond (rambutan x vagabond)
-starvamp (stardust x vampire)
-avomala (avocado x mala sauce)
-herbwolf (herb x werewolf)
-yamwolf (purple yam x werewolf)
-oystarte (oyster x tarte tatin)
-platonic squidonion (squid ink x onion)
here are all of the ones i can think of^^ my favorites rn are bolded :3 (btw if you were asking about my favorite ships that aren't rarepairs, feel free to send another ask! and ill list them there :>)
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the-wereraven · 2 years
for the character thing hmmmm,, oyster,, latte and maybe coffee candy?
Sexuality Headcanon: Woman's gay af Gender Headcanon: Cis A ship I have with said character: None tbh, can't really see her dating anyone even though I found some ships cute A BROTP I have with said character: Oyster and Caviar, they talk shit about most of the other Elders over tea and cake A NOTP I have with said character: Can't think of any specific ones A random headcanon: She and her envoy are blood relatives on her father's side General Opinion over said character: WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS WOMAN????
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual! Gender Headcanon: Non-binary, goes by she/they A ship I have with said character: Latte x Alabaster obv /lh (But I also really like Latte x Financier <3) A BROTP I have with said character: Hmm I'd say Espresso but I see them with kind of a "Fuck you (affectionate)" vibe, does that count? A NOTP I have with said character: Other than the obvious, not really anyone? A random headcanon: She strong, she can carry her hubby with such ease <3 General Opinion over said character: She's so pretty and FOR WHAT? TO NOT EXIST IRL???
Coffee Candy
Sexuality Headcanon: She looks like a lesbian /lh Gender Headcanon: Cis? A ship I have with said character: None tbh A BROTP I have with said character: After seeing her relation with String Gummy, her and String Gummy :D A NOTP I have with said character: Nothing I can think of? A random headcanon: She can sleep standing up, it's scary as hell General Opinion over said character: Everything I expected to be <3
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