#pastry x caramel arrow
kumidark · 1 year
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all of my ships are rarepairs at this point ngl 😳
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
hello! How are you? I hope that I asked you well because you are one of my favorite writers/es that I liked in a short time because of your stories and I have been a fan of yours for weeks
And if it weren't a bother, I can ask you for a request if you know that y/n cookie almost died at the end of a battle and revived at the last moment I want to see the reactions please if you can fulfill it I would be grateful
psdt: if you don't want to do it, no problem, keep making other requests
From the Brink
It ain’t much of a bother. Many thanks for being a fan
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You nearly gave Caramel Arrow a heart attack when that licorice beast especially thrashed you around, you did it to protect Caramel from taking the blow! She’d immediately run over to you to assess your injuries, quietly panicking as she bandaged up your horrific wounds. She was terrified that she’d lose you for good, but thankfully she attended to you just in time as you came back into consciousness. She would never leave your side as you healed in the infirmary, attentive to your needs and holding you close to her, whispering her appreciation to you.
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Pomegranate should’ve expected this, you had too much a heart to allow your allies to be mortally wounded, but she still allowed it to happen anyways. You were critically injured as you helped fend off the Cake Witch, taking the brunt of the damage. She wanted to quickly reach you to assess your injuries, but was halted by her fellow CoD and whisked away before she can see your condition. She could only see the faintest movement from you before she and others vanished. Now she’s racked with terrible guilt that she couldn’t do much and fears for the worse. She can only hope that she’ll see you again in a later confrontation..you have to…
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You and Pastry Cookie had to pull back, there was just too many of them and she refused to allow you to fall into their hands. Why did you have to be so selfless that you allowed yourself to take a fatal blow from a cake monster to shield Pastry? She had to drag you away quickly, she had no time to assess you as you both needed to flee. Once she was in the clear, she quickly attended to you, praying to whoever can hear her that you’ll be okay, you won’t perish here, please don’t allow a soul like yours to leave this world…thank goodness you finally showed signs of life as you weakly opened your eyes. Pastry let out a sigh of relief as she fixes up as much as she could before carrying you back to the cathedral. She’d scold you for nearly letting yourself be crumbled…but she ultimately thanked you for protecting her. She’s eternally grateful.
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Milk Cookie shielded your body from another attack by the enemy as you laid on the ground, jam oozing out of your wounds. Milk was nearly blindsided by the attack hadn’t not been for your choice to shield him from it. He had to get you out of there quickly, the amount of jam you were losing only further increased his worry and you not moving made it worse. He could finally get you somewhere safe and tend to you, hoping he isn’t too late. He’s hugging and holding you once you come back into reality with a stir. He apologized profusely for allowing you to get hurt under his watch, he promises to do better, to protect you better. He’ll be following you around until you’ve healed up completely and even then, he still keeps an eye out just in case. He doesn’t wish to lose you…
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amekonocternia · 1 year
Random CR ship 3
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sunflower4art · 7 months
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Just some Cookie Run Kingdom Ship sketches ☺️
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bondedovermilktea · 1 year
♡ CRK Lesbian Ship Preferences ♡
(Might make a part 2 with more choices)
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
HellHound's Secret Part 2
Let's go! (Big thanks to @cherryartemis0)
*Three weeks later in the Pure Lily siblings' home, Pastry was just waking up and the first thing she saw was Pond Dino holding a crow in their mouth.*
Pastry: *quickly sits up* Nonononono! Pond Dino! Don't eat that! Spit it out! *Pond Dino lets go of the crow. It shivers and tries to dry itself.* Oh, you poor thing. I'm sorry you went through that. My little one is still learning a few things. You look like one of Black Raisin's crows. Do you have a message for me?
*The crow cawed and flapped its wings*
Pond Dino: Ooby! *reaches for the crow*
*The crow squawks and flies toward the door. Pastry tilted her head a bit before picking up Pond Dino and following the crow. She follows it all the way to the living room where her friends, Black Raisin, Caramel Arrow, Raspberry, Blackberry, Financier, Latte, Shining Glitter, and Parfait are waiting for her.*
Pastry: *confused* How did you guys get in here?
Raspberry: Red Velvet let us in before he left for his meeting.
Pastry: I see. And what is your reason for visiting?
Latte: We just want to check up on you.
Pastry: What for?
Financier: Recently, you have been helping with the band B.A.D. 4 as their bodyguard.
Pastry: Yes. They do offer some good pay, even when I don't want it.
Blackberry: And you do spend a lot of time with the members-
Raspberry: -Especially with HellHound-
Black Raisin:-and we just want to make sure nothing is going on.
Shining Glitter: We just want to make sure that HellHound isn't trying to pull anything with you.
Pastry: Excuse me?
Parfait: They think HellHound is trying to take you away from Red Velvet.
Caramel Arrow: *mutters* Oh boy...
Pastry: *tilts her head in confusion* (Why would they...That's right. They think HellHound and Red Velvet are two different Cookies. I need Red Velvet for this.) Girls...
Financier: Some of us may not like Red Velvet-
Raspberry:-Only you don't like him, dear-
Financier: -But we know that you two do care for each other. And we don't want either one of you to get hurt.
Pastry: Girls...
Blackberry: We just want to know if HellHound is trying anything. And if we have to defend Red Velvet from HellHound, then we will.
Pastry: Girls...
*Before anyone could say anything else, the door opened up. A few seconds later, Red Velvet walked in.*
Red Velvet: Hey dear. *kisses Pastry's forehead* Hey dino bitter. *takes Pond Dino into his arms* Hello Cookies who don't live here.
Latte: Red Velvet, you're back early.
Red Velvet: Yeah...I broke Tea Knight...
Black Raisin: What did you do?
Red Velvet: I told him something and his reaction was just...him rebooting. Anyway, what were you ladies talking about?
Shining Glitter: Nothing much-
Raspberry: Talking about how HellHound is trying to take Pastry from you.
Red Velvet: *pauses before looking at the group* I'm sorry...huh?
Raspberry: HellHound is-
Red Velvet: I heard you the first time. Why do you guys think that?
Financier: This all started with Parfait having pictures of her, Pastry, and the members in her photo. Starting with a photo with ZZ Skull and HellHound.
Red Velvet: *turns to Parfait* The one with the bad angle? *she begrudgingly nods* Huh. That picture wasn't too bad. Still should have let me take it.
Shining Glitter: You were there? How? You were on missions whenever she had a job with them.
*Red Velvet looks over at Pastry, who just gave him a tired look, then at Parfait, who shakes her head. He sighs.*
Red Velvet: I already broke Tea Knight's brain...let's break some more. *he looks at Pastry's friends and takes a deep breath* I'm not worried about HellHound stealing Pastry.
Latte: What!? The fact that you were there, saw these photos, and were okay with this worries us! You didn't see him flirting with her during these photos?! How he holds her!? What backwards logic-!
Red Velvet: Why would I steal my girlfriend from myself?
Latte: ...Huh?
Financier: What are you talking about?
Red Velvet: Just let it simmer.
*Latte, Financier, Blackberry, Shining Glitter, Raspberry, and Black Raisin thought about it. As the thought bounced, their expressions morphed from confusion to shock.*
Shining Glitter: You're...you're...
Red Velvet: HellHound? Yes. *eyerolls* You guys are quite the detectives.
*The girls then started to freak out, both good and bad. Red Velvet, Parfait, and Pastry notices Caramel Arrow being fairly calm.*
Parfait: Caramel? Why aren't you freaking out? You didn't know about this.
Caramel Arrow: I already knew. Prince Dark Choco told us suitors about Prince Red Velvet's secret.
Red Velvet: *eye twitch* That mother-
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saywha413 · 1 year
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Relationship charts I made for the sillies instead of doing hw <3
(notes and hc stuff under cut)
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darkwolf being crunchy’s dads is canon, i’m devsis
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queensharotto · 4 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 7: Spring 2024)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
�� is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs while ✨ will indicate someone’s interpretation of Y/N Cookie.
Additionally, many people proved art to showcase to Brittle, which will be indicated by this: 🖌️. I will also mention who provided the art.
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April 2024 ☔️
• “Meeting White Lily Cookie” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “The Sound of a Divorce” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Angry or Grateful”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “The Perfect Vessel Doesn’t Exi-”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Harbinger’s Bride” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Intolerance for Malevolence”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “A Brave Advice”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Legendary Group Chat”
Featuring: Legendary Cookies
• “Flirtatious Margarine”
Featuring: Royal Margarine Cookie
• “Frosty Affection”
Featuring: Frost Queen Cookie
• “Dessert Report” 🍪
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “New Lock”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
• “Hail Deity”
Featuring: The Weather Deities
• “Who Touched Y/N?!”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “I Know You”
Featuring: Stormbringer Cookie, Wildberry Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie
• “Goddess of Apathy”
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie
May 2024 💐
• “Remember Who?”
Featuring: Starch Noodle Cookie and Pitaya Dragon Cookie
• “A Date?”
Featuring: Crunchy Chip Cookie and Wildberry Cookie
• “Letters from the Three Houses”
Featuring: The Triple Cone Trio
• “Deliciously Evil Banquet”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, The Cookies of Darkness and Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “Under the Castle” ⭐️
Featuring: Dumpling Cookie, Blueberry Pie Cookie, Financier Cookie, White Lily Cookie, Moonlight Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “How NOT to charge your phone”
Featuring: Stormbringer Cookie
• “Gotta Go” 💗
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies, Black Raisin Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “The Wishful or the Regal”
Featuring: Lotus Dragon Cookie and Longan Dragon Cookie
• “Important Talks”
Featuring: Dark Fondue Cookie
• “Destined to be with You”
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Cocooned”
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Don’t Leave Me”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie
• “Late Arrival”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Browned Butter Cookie”
Featuring: Financier Cookie
• “Such Drama”
Featuring: Romance Cookie and the TBD
• “Return to Flour”
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “I thought we were friends”
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie and Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Longing Tide”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie
• “No Escape” 💗
Featuring: Mystic Flour Cookie
• “Disintegrate” 🖌️
Featuring: Dark Cacao Cookie
Art by sei-cookie
• “Plans of the Harbinger”
Featuring: Dark Enchantress Cookie
• “Uh Oh” 💗
Featuring: Longan Dragon Cookie, Pitaya Dragon and Starch Noodle Cookie
• “Bitter Enemies”
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie
• “The Lone Giant”
Featuring: St. Pastry Order
• “Broken” 😞
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Silent Salt Cookie
• “Living Legend”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Picked Up”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Sacrifice”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
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chaoticbardlady99 · 5 months
Darling, Never Stop Haunting Me (Spawn Astarion x F! Ghost Reader)
 Chapter Four: Regrets
Synopsis: You wake up in a place you've never seen before and shit hits the fan pretty quickly.
CW: Mentions of unwanted touch, gore, violence, mentions of child loss (Victoria)
Disclaimer- put together the picture for the banner, but I do not own any of the pictures. Birdie's 'image' is a stock image. I will not describe the readers body in detail- she is just merely on the banner for ✨drama✨. I believe the picture of Astarion is from @cheekylittlepupp . And then the symbol of Orcus in the back is a free image off the internet.
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all your support and love!
Chapter Three : Chapter Five: AO3
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 When you wake up again, your head is spinning and there is a man leaning over you with a smile on his face- he’s dressed head to toe in Paladin gear and there is a boot print with a compass insignia on his chest. The man is pretty, his skin has a slight bluish tint to it, but otherwise it’s more caramel colored, and he has a goofy, boyish grin. His hazel eyes bore into yours and his black messy hair frames his face. 
 Astarion would distrust him immediately.
 Your head is throbbing and your abdomen still feels the ghost of the arrow going through your much smaller form. Yet, all you can think about is getting back to Astarion as soon as possible. You will destroy the world if you have to if it means being by his side again. 
 “Welcome to the City of Manifest!” he yells with excitement. 
  The city of what now?
“Oh no- I need to g-“
  “Come on, get up, I have places to show you!” the man says, “my name is Brayden- a Wyst Paladin, most beautiful human you will ever meet, and,” he turns around with his arms wide, “certified tour guide for the newly dead!”
 Newly dead? You’ve been dead for a few centuries now. Wait, are you?
 “Dead!? Like gone gone?” you begin to panic, “no- I can’t! I- I have someone waiting for me to come back!”
   Your whole body begins to shut down- the air you don’t need being dragged into you in quick harsh gasps from panic. You can’t be gone. You can’t be! 
  You hope Astarion is okay- maybe you aren’t too far away from where you died? You did just kind of show up here- you thought you would have been dragged into the Ethereal Current.
  “Oh don’t fret! I’m sure they are on their way now- the City is not that far from wherever you died since you woke up here instead of in the good ole current,” the man continues to march towards the gates of the City, “people often come and live here with their passed loved ones or you can purchase a Manifesting Ring and be a solid humanoid outside of the City.”
“Solid?” you ask in confusion. 
“Notice how you can feel the breeze?”
  You pause and a small gust of wind kisses your face. Your hand goes hesitantly to your cheek- you actually felt the wind. Maybe you didn’t really notice because you were able to feel the wind as a cat anyhow so it wasn’t something you had to miss for too long.
“Wow,” you whisper.
 You slide off your shoes and put your feet in the freshly rained on grass- a laugh of delight escapes your lips. You are genuinely truly solid.
 Something sparks to life inside of you and all of the ‘What Ifs” begin to swirl around in your heart- making you positively giddy.
 This means that you have a chance- an honest to Gods chance- at being romantically involved with Astarion. You jump and shout- running across the grass with your shoes in hand and Brayden chasing after you. You don’t stop until you hit the gates- breathless, but with no use for air.
 It’s incredible. The ache in your legs, your lungs, and the cobblestone beneath your feet hurts, but in a way that is familiar and foreign all the same. You can feel frizzy flyaway hairs on your head and you can smell! 
  There must be a pastry shop somewhere and you are determined to find it, but first things first- you need to find Astarion. 
“Grief and a half woman,” Brayden comes to a halt in front of her, “I’m the one who’s supposed to be leading you!”
  You chuckle awkwardly, “Uh sorry- I guess I just got really excited.” 
  Brayden smiled understandingly. 
 “I was the same way when I arrived. I was also grateful to have another chance at life.”
 You hum in agreement and allow him to actually guide you this time. He shows you the Magic Swan Tavern- the most popular in town for it’s shenanigans. He takes you through the entirety of the Portal Ward District and you make note of the nice dagger that Deric’s Weapons is selling. 
 Maybe, if you can scrounge up some money, you can buy it for Astarion as a, “Sorry I keeled over. Again.” present. 
  After the Portal Ward District, you end up in the Market Ward with people shouting out their prices and discounts. Then you are off to Forestview and then back through the Portal Ward- The Leafy Branch tavern is far more quiet and calm than The Magic Swan Tavern, but you think you would prefer the noisiness and fun. You’ve missed out on that kind of environment for a very very long time. 
 There is so much to remember that your head feels like it’s swimming- there’s candle shops, pastry shops, live entertainment, loved ones reuniting, and people walking around with their neighbors or friends. 
 You are snapped out of your mystified reality when you arrive at The Tombyard district- the smell of rot and the feelings of despair make you feel colder than you already are.
 “This is the Tombyard- there is an eclectic group of individuals here,” Brayden says uneasily, “Necromancy and other magic that disturbs the peace of the dead are forbidden, but that doesn’t stop everyone.”
  There is a loud clattering from the alleyway and the Cleric steps in front of you protectively.      
 “Wait here,” he says sternly, “don’t go away with anyone who is not me or your friend, okay?)
  What in the hells is happening?
 10 minutes pass, then 20 before he reappears, except his eyes are different. Instead of being more brown, they are more red. His footsteps are way too soft compared to the clunking he was making earlier.
 “I really appreciate the tour and everything,” you say to Brayden, “but I need to go and find my friend-”
“Oh come on- just let me buy you one drink!” He grabs your arm, trying to drag you to the Tavern. 
 The man’s entire demeanor had changed. He was not puppy-like anymore- he was far too cool and collected. Horrifically pushy too. 
“No- I really need to find Astarion.”
“Forget him,” the man rolls his eyes, “he hasn’t gotten here yet. He’s probably moved on.”
  What? This man was just telling you about all the places to show Astarion and now he is saying he isn’t coming? 
 You feel tears prick your eyes and your lower lip begins to tremble. That’s not possible- is it?
 The man looks forlorn when he realizes how upset he made you. He comes over and gently pats your shoulders before looking you dead in the eyes. Although his face shows empathy, his eyes are empty and devoid of emotion. 
 You just need to get back to Astarion, this man doesn’t matter.
“Hey, look,” he says with a sigh, “I know someone who can help us find hi-“
 “Where!?” You practically scream, “take me there right now!” 
  The man smiles at you and gestures for you to follow him back towards The Tombyard. Something inside of you screams to stop following him, but the dumb part of you, the worried part of you that needs Astarion NOW, is winning over common sense. 
  There are far more alleyways in the Tombyard than you realized (you weren’t really paying much attention anyway), but something about going through alleyways with a stranger screams, “Astarion is going to have a cow when he realizes you followed a stranger when he has to rescue you from said stranger.”  
  You stop, letting ‘Brayden’ go further ahead when your stomach turns even tighter. Something is wrong. Very very wrong. 
 It’s like being in the Catacombs again.
  The man stops when he realizes you aren’t following him anymore, both of you staring at each other and standing mere feet apart. 
 Whoever this is- this is not the tour guide you met mere hours ago. This person has ill intentions.
 “Who are you?” 
  The question hangs in the air like a threat. It wasn’t meant to be, but knowledge is power and that’s all you have right now. 
  His face contorts and the man snarls in frustration- revealing massive canines. Your eyes go wide as the entire illusion drops. 
 It’s Leon. Of course it’s fucking Leon. 
 “You and Astarion are an annoying fucking duo,” he says harshly, “between the two of you- I really don’t know who is worse, but I am certainly fed up.” 
  Oh that might be a threat. 
  You take off running- sliding around corners of alleyways with Leon hot on your heels through the back alley of The Tombyard. He was Cazador’s best hunter for a reason and he certainly isn’t losing your trail. 
 Oh to be a cat again- there are so many good hiding spots. Astarion is going to have to take you to Halsin immediately after this- you definitely need to add ‘Druid’ to your limited list of skills.
  Leon sends you flying with a thunder wave and you have officially decided flying isn’t for you. 
  The wall hurts as you crash into it- your nose makes a cracking noise and some kind of blue liquid is coming out. Your head is spinning- the world is spinning. Your pants are ripped at the knees from skidding and your hands are raw with ectoplasm.
  You’re going to die die (two times in a day? What the hell did you do to deserve this?)
  Leon comes into your vision and you try to push yourself away- absolutely desperate to get away. It’s no use- every attempt at kicking out at him or fighting him off has failed and now he’s force feeding you a paralytic as he grips your scalp painfully- slamming your head against the pavement until you stop fighting back.
 Tears slip down your face- you should have listened to your instincts. Now you’re never going to see Astarion again and it feels like a massive gut punch. You always waited too long and never took risks, but of course the one risk you take is going to be your last. 
 And it’s not the risk you wanted to take today.
 I am so so sorry, Star, you think remorsefully, and Gods do I wish I told you I love you. 
  The sound of Leon screaming and cursing in indignation is what snaps you back into the world. 
  He really fucking lost it after Cazador died, huh? Hopefully Victoria isn’t being subjected to this at home. If she is- you are going to need to locate the nearest looney bin for insane undead (it’s a literal bin, you and Astarion frequently joke about Gardening and used Cazador as fertilizer for really pretty pink flowers). 
  You are both in a cage (how fitting- a Birdie in a cage) and you think you may be in some kind of temple. It smells even worse than Szarr Palace and the individuals walking around are very obviously somewhere between a rotting zombie and an intelligent, humanoid. Astarion had described a man like this once- Balthazaar- and to your recollection, the man was a Necromancer. 
 So none of this really bodes well for either one of you right now. 
 “We had a deal!” Leon spits at the man looking at him in amusement from the other side, “a soul for a soul- I brought you someone else’s loved one and you owe me.”
 “Hm,” the man says, “even when immortal, humans are still the dullest humanoid.” 
 “Ha!” You snort, Leon glaring at you, “what? You deserved that one.” 
  He growls something unintelligible towards you before turning to speak to the Necromancer again, but he’s already gone.
“You dolt!” you exclaim, “look at what you’ve done! You bored the man with the keys away.” 
 “Don’t you mean scare?”
“I know what I said- dick cheese,” you scrunch up your nose, stick out your tongue, and flip him off. 
  “Gods,” Leon groans, “you are as bad as Astarion. Maybe I should have tried to kill him the first time I asked to take you and he said no. Or I could have been more aggressive in my hunts, but of course the fucker has developed some basic common sense and combat skills.”
  Your face must reveal some element of shock because Leon just snorts and shakes his head in disdain.
 “That son-of-bitch never talked to you about that, did he?” 
 “Obviously not,” you quip, “does this look like the face of a person who knows what you are talking about?” 
  Leon looks at the ground- his shoulders slumped in defeat.
 “Victoria died,” he says flatly, “Dalyria killed her before the ritual. I came here, hoping she was waiting for me, but she wasn’t able to get out of the Ethereal Current.
“I ran into that Necromancer,” he says with disgust, “and he told me that he could bring back Victoria, but he needed the soul of another person’s loved one. An eye for an eye- to complete the spell. I had already done the original groundwork- you were the missing piece.
“I asked Astarion to talk to you two days after you both left Baldur’s Gate, since we all knew he had some weird attachment to a cat, but obviously you didn’t get a say.” 
  You are floored. This definitely should have been a conversation for you two to have- a child literally died! You would have happily helped! You will definitely be having a conversation with Astarion about this. You at least deserve to have a say over your own life force.
 “Ha, I thought he’d leave his guard down, slip up, something,” Leon scoffs, “but no. Every trap, every location, and every attempt has been thwarted by Astarion. Hells- I even fucking killed you before you left that portal and it’s like he’s still keeping me away from my daughter because he taught you to be suspicious. 
“I wish Cazador had been able to torture that runt one last time or better ye-“ 
  Somehow- your hand ends up around Leon’s vocal chords. And not just in a normal way- oh no. Your hand is submerged in his skin and is practically translucent. If you weren’t so positively pissed- you would have probably taken the time to throw up. 
 “You will not talk about him that way,” you leer into the man’s face and he does actually look afraid, “You would be lucky to be half the man Astarion is and if you slander his name one more time, I’m going to possess you and make you lap up disgusting, congealed blood off the floor- capiche?” 
  Leon continues to just look back at you in shock and horror so you tighten your grip.
  Leon nods wordlessly and you let go of your chokehold on his vocal chords. You are also still in shock, but he doesn’t need to know that. He can’t know that you are very very new to this whole interactive ghost thing. 
 “What happens now?” You ask slowly, “do you know what is going to happen to us?” 
  Leon shrugs and just falls to the floor- sitting down against the cage in defeat.
“I don’t know, but I can’t imagine anything good.” 
 You frown, “what makes you say that?”
 “Because of us.”
 A chill runs up your spine and you begin to develop goose flesh along your arms. Slowly, you turn in the direction of Dalyria’s voice and what you see- you can hardly fathom. A blood curdling scream leaves your mouth. 
 Dalyria, Violet, Petras, Yousen, and Aurelia are all chopped up and sewn together at different places. One massive body with mismatched eyes adorning Dalyria’s head and the other eyes and mouths stitched shut. Dalyria has two tongues and drools pouring out of her mouth. They are all stitched onto Yousen’s torso but with Petras’ arms and legs. Every part is mutilated in some horrific way. 
  You put your face in your hands and sob so hard you begin to gag. 
 “Leon did this to us,” Dalyria slurs into the open, “we were the groundwork. Miss Incognito is still being worked on, but she’s gone too.” 
 No! You scream to yourself, no! They should all be happy- living their lives! Not- not this!
 You favored Astarion, but you did like the others and you liked Victoria too. You tried to help them too when you could and they are- were- genuinely good people who never deserved this.
   With shaking hands and chattering teeth- you feel something light up inside of you and a wave of red blurs your vision. 
 “You MONSTER!” You scream, getting up right, “you had no right!”
  You kick your foot and will it to become translucent and it does. Leon’s head goes flying backwards into the cage and you try not to think about the squishy contents on your shoes. 
 The rage, grief, and sadness in your body is all inflicted onto Leon in crazy, supernatural ways. You are blinded by powers you didn’t even know you had, you barely even remember what actions you took or spells you unintentionally cast. 
  When Leon is finally lifeless and destroyed- you go to the other side of the cage and curl up in a ball in the corner. 
 You’ve never killed anyone and you are beginning to regret it now. Leon is unrecognizable and you struggle to look away.
 Did you really just condemn a man to death because he had tried to get his beloved daughter back?
 “What an impressive display of power!” 
  You look up and come eye to eye with a Lich of all the fucking things. Astarion is going to be so upset with you when he finds you. You can already hear him castigating you.
 Oh, you were just thinking that he may leave without you if he thought you fucked off and you love him too much to never see him again. 
 Just some silly little feelings is all. 
 For once, you are being the impulsive one. Hopefully Astarion is prepared to be the prepared one this time. 
 If he even comes for me, you think, I wouldn’t have gotten within 100 feet of this place if I had known there was a Lich here.
 “You know, Leon said there was something special about you,” he circles the cage, “I thought he was talking out of his ass.
“How wonderful of him to have brought me such an incredible gift before his untimely demise. I suppose he should consider himself lucky- at least this way he can see his daughter again.”
 The Lich chortles and a shiver goes up your spine as one of his lithe fingers reaches through the cage and strokes the side of your face. You feel your tears start up again in full force and then he cuts your cheek with his nail before lapping up the ectoplasm that flows through your veins through the cage. His breath is foul and rancid- his tongue feels like sandpaper on your skin.
 “Mmmmm delicious,” the Lich smiles, “it’s a shame you’ve found a way to be useful to me and my research. Hopefully I will be able to indulge in you later.” 
 No, no, no! This can’t be happening.
  “Pl-pleas-please don’t hurt me,” you say through sobs and tears, “I wo-won’t tell anyone what I saw- I will never come back here! Please!” 
 The Lich frowns and looks annoyed with you. 
“Orcus help me, I hate beggars and weaklings,” he scoffs, “I’ll keep you with me so when I have use for you again- I know you won’t be very far.” 
 A searing pain roars through your body and the world goes completely dark.
Author note: Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are always appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to be on the tag list! I am using the Ghostwalk campaign for NPCs, locations, etc. It is a 3e Campaign and doesn’t mirror 5e Ghosts. I have tweaked some of the ghost powers and such for the sake of the story, but if you would like more information on Ghostwalk and the City of Manifest, there is a PDF online that is free to download :)
Tag List: @n3rdybirdee @fandomarchiveilyd @dajeong @hotmesshobbit @godoffuckedupcats @bitchstarion @hereliesblackdragon @pebble-bb @preciouslittlebhaalbae @lavvyan @beepersteeper
Special thanks to @davenswitcher thank you for helping me brain storm 💜
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kumidark · 2 years
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carapastry my beloved <3
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cookierunevents · 1 year
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mid-fight-lover · 1 year
My list of cookie run ships (updated):
Gingerbrave x Strawberry cookie
Gingerbright x Skater cookie
Zombie cookie x Fairy cookie
Wizard cookie x Cream puff cookie
Princess cookie x Knight cookie
Chilli pepper cookie x Muscle cookie
Gumball cookie x Cherry cookie
Ninja cookie x Skating queen cookie
Angel cookie x Devil cookie
Adventurer cookie x blackberry cookie
Pancake cookie x onion cookie
Custard cookie lll x Strawberry creepe cookie
Carrot cookie x Potato cookie
Lemon cookie x Orange cookie
Soda cookie x Lime cookie
Mango cookie x Grapefruit cookie
Whipped cream cookie x Birthday cake cookie
Cream unicorn cookie x Banana cookie
Sparkling cookie x Cheesecake cookie
Herb cookie x Cherry blossom cookie
Red peeper cookie x Yoga cookie
Wild berry cookie x Raspberry cookie
Crunchy chip cookie x Tiger Lily cookie
Dark choco cookie x Caramel arrow cookie
Clotted cream cookie x Financier cookie
Captain caviar cookie x Oyster cookie
Black pearl cookie x Abyss monarch cookie
Werewolf cookie x Kumiho cookie
Wind archer x Sea fairy cookie
Moonlight cookie x Fire spirit cookie
Tea knight cookie x Frost queen cookie
Churro cookie x hydrangea cookie
Croissant cookie x string gummy cookie
Millennial tree cookie x Lotus dragon cookie
Pitaya dragon cookie x Mala sauce cookie (divorced)
Pitaya dragon cookie x Rambutan cookie
Ananas dragon cookie x Golden cheese cookie
Longan dragon cookie x Mystic flour cookie
Lychee dragon cookie x Shadow milk cookie
Affogato cookie x Snake fruit cookie
Madeline cookie x Mont Blanc cookie
Pastel meringue cookie x Chocolate bonbon cookie
Rockstar cookie x Currant cream cookie
Kiwi cookie x Street Urchin cookie
Dino sour cookie x Cotton candy cookie
Espresso cookie x Latte cookie
Eclair cookie x Blueberry pie cookie
Yogurt cream cookie x Centipede cookie (divorced)
Lilac cookie x Scorpion cookie
Amber sugar cookie x Sugar glass cookie
Licorice cookie x Pomegranate cookie
Astronaut cookie x Stardust cookie
Chestnut cookie x Pudding cookie
Sorbet shark cookie x Squid ink cookie
Peppermint cookie x Piñata cookie
Milk cookie x Parfait cookie
Prune juice cookie x Crowberry cookie
Capsaicin cookie x Kouing amann cookie
Snow sugar cookie x Pumpkin pie cookie
Purple yam cookie x Twizly gummy cookie
Red velvet cookie x Pastry cookie
Clover cookie x Bellflower cookie
Popping candy cookie x Shinning glitter cookie
Macaron cookie x Fig cookie
Marshmallow cookie x Host cookie
.........And the list would keep going...... Sorry for not including all of them, I mean, there are way too much ships and I could just not include them all,so here's all the ships I remember, and you can suggest me ships for my next generation of course! So well, that's all
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minxinq · 2 years
Hello again!! :] I just want to know what your other cookie run ships are, just curious ;v;
oh i have ALOT alot…. ive always been a huge multishipper and it carrys over to every fandom so 😭😭 ill try to list a few of my top favs:
moonlight x blueberry pie x sea fairy
timekeeper x black pearl
timekeeper x crowberry
black garlic x white ghost
blue lily x lily bell
chili pepper x rye
sour belt x choc bon bon
shining glitter x sour belt x choc bon bon
macaron x marshmallow
currant cream x cotton candy
white choco x cotton candy
white choco x any woman tbh
cheesecake x butter pretzel
moonlight x timekeeper
longan x timekeeper
frost queen x lotus
rambutan x raspberry
raspberry x any woman
rasp x parfait x pastry
latte x oyster
oyster x black pearl
hollyberry x pitaya
hollyberry x golden cheese
caramel arrow x rambutan
baguette x coffee candy
kumiho x any woman
ok thats all im gonna list :’) i have many many more but i dont want to make this post any longer
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My new ship is Caramel Arrow Cookie x Pastry Cookie. PastryArrow /srs
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List of popular ships
A list for what are considered popular ships! As well as ships that have a lot of art from multiple people (ships with only one or two people making content for it are not included in this list). Given that this is a blog to celebrate rarepairs, these ships (should content be made for them using the prompts) will NOT be reblogged here!
The list will be updated according to what I learn about the various ships. Send me an ask if you think a ship should/should not be on the list and why!
Special thanks to @sweetsuke for providing me a list to reference!
This list does not contain any ships that have been disclosed in the pinned post.
Almond x Latte
Almond x Roguefort
Any of the Juice Bar Regulars x Each Other
Beet x Carrot
Blackberry x Adventurer
Lobster x Mocha Ray
Abyss Monarch x Electric Eel
Blue Lily x Lilybell
Poly Champions (includes one x the other)
Chili Pepper x Rye
Clotted Cream x Financier
Cotton x Sherbet
Crunchy Chip x Wildberry
Eclair x Tea Knight
Hollyberry x Pitaya Dragon
Lilac x Yogurt Cream
Madeleine x Espresso
Milk x Dark Choco
Milk x Purple Yam
Milk x Purple Yam x Dark Choco
Mint Choco x Cocoa
Princess x Knight
Poly Ancients (does not include one x the other unless listed)
Pure Vanilla x Dark Cacao
Pure Vanilla x White Lily
Red Velvet x Pastry
Starfruit x Pomegranate
String Gummy x Croissant
Affogato x Caramel Arrow
Oyster x Captain Caviar
Captain Ice x Pirate
Licorice x Pomegranate
Licorice x Parfait
Aloe x Cyborg
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