#find every little pathetic piece of ‘evidence’ to call other lesbians liars probs to overcompensate for ur own shit
menalez · 2 years
The things I have brought up to you are only a small portion of the other countless things you have said so you're wasting your time trying to explain it all. Once a "lesbian" has to explain herself on a numerous amount of things.... something isn't adding up. CSA doesn't make you gush and brag about being sexually attracted to men, and you'll call me crazy, but that's literally what you're implying. and of course you're admitting that a larger majority of people call real lesbians deranged. like fucking DUH. no one respects female homosexuality, no one. like no shit, and we know you're one of them 😂 "i'd just be a TRA if i were really bi🥺" GIRL WTAF😂😂 youre just saying anything at this point and everyone's eating it up. you might as well be a TRA because you fucking hate lesbians just like all of them do.
you brought up a small portion of things many of which were your own intentional misreadings and misrepresentations while others are you missing the obvious (like pretending to be interested in men online not being particularly surprising nor telling in the case of closeted 16 year old lesbians in an abusive het relationship they don’t want to be in lol?). lemme guess, your other amazing proof that i was totally a willing participant and was totally expressing my genuine attraction to men (which no lesbian can pretend to have even via text online as teenagers apparently) is that someone asked if their penis was too small so i quoted a jeffree star lyric regarding penis size, i made a 420 joke, i stated obvious exaggerations, pretended like i have extensive history with guys when i in fact did not bc again i was fucking 15, mentioned that i was confused & upset over losing a male friend, and what else.. oh yeah pretended to get “so much d” in response to being called a whore while openly having been in an abusive long distance “relationship” for a year at that point.
“omg if a lesbian’s story of rape, trauma, abuse, & her life isn’t easy and is complex then clearly sth isnt adding up!!!” is a very amazing and super intelligent point btw. as we all know, being abused and sexually assaulted repeatedly for years while being a teenager & learned helplessness are all v simple things that can be summarised simply for deranged online losers who think they can determine how true someone’s sexual abuse was based on old tumblr posts from when they were still enduring the abuse. “CSA doesn’t make you gush and brag about being sexually attracted to men” no that part is just being a closeted teenager and having a blog that an abusive guy who pushed u into a relationship with him frequents. but ofc no lesbian could ever pretend to be into men when she isn’t, which is why we are born out of the closet and never ever hide our SSA & lack of OSA nor overcompensate for it.
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