#finding the right size is always a challenge but love gives lilac the strength to go on the perilous journey to find the perfect fits
naycelium · 8 months
Turns out, Lilac got a lil gift for Chamomile too! 🫏 🎁 🦘
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 11: “Truths Revealed”
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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Remus Lupin was a tad shocked to find a certain zany brunette sitting on his bed when he came back from the library.
Even more so, a rather pouty Sirius residing in his bunk.
"Er, hello Jessi." Remus said cautiously as he unceremoniously dumped his books at the end of his bunk and took a seat beside her.
"Hello, Friend." she grinned at him mischievously.
"Errr...." Remus began cautiously as she leaned back and crossed her legs in his lap. 
An impish grin on her face as she wiggled her toes in the rainbow colored toe socks. 
"She's thinks the two of you need to have a little date today." Sirius grumbled angrily from his bunk.
Defined arms crossed over his muscular chest.
He was the picture of anger in that moment.
"A date?!" Remus gasped. "But I thought you and - well, I mean- you and sirius are- padfoot, you can't be-"
Jess rolled her jade eyes dramatically, "It's not a 'date' per se. He's just being dramatic. Alls I want is to ask you if you want to go to a chocolate tasting with me. Sirius is more of a toffee guy. James is vanilla. And Peter -” 
"I am not!" James’ boisterous interrupted her from his bunk. "I just-"
"Oh shut it!" she chastised him. "I wasn't talking to you!"
She huffed angrily at the Quidditch captain before turning back to Remus, "AnyWAY, I know you really like chocolate and I really like chocolate so I thought it would be a fun little adventure between friends. What do ya say?"
"Oh, um- well, I- " Remus began to stutter before glancing at Sirius. "I mean, if Padfoot really isn't comfortable with it."
"Oh, come on!" she huffed. "He doesn't even care because he knows better. He's just mad at me because I won't snog his face off. But that's not important. What IS important is that there is chocolate to be had, Remus. Loads of chocolate. Hot chocolate. Chocolate syrup. Chocolate cupcakes. Chocolate with candy. Chocolate with filling. The possibilities are endless, Remus! And it's free! All it'll cost you is your honest opinions!"
"Well, I guess I could- ooomph!" he began only to be knocked backwards by the wild girl who tackled him on his bed.
"Yay!" she cheered. "Chocoholics forever!"
"Hey, hey, hey!" Sirius grumbled shooting out of bed and pulling his girlfriend off one of his best friends. "I am not cool with you pressing your little self all over Moony."
"Sirius." she asked in a sugary sweet tone.
"Yes, angel?" he smirked, immediately caving to her.
Like he always did. 
Sirius turned to goo for Jess within seconds.
Every time. 
She’d bat an eyelash at him and the poor boy was helpless. 
"If you don't behave then I'm withholding kisses for a week." she said in that same tone.
His smirk fell and he glowered at her, "You wouldn't."
"Try me." she challenged.
"Ok, firstly, you wouldn't do it anyway." he said and her eyes widened at the challenge.
"And secondly, you think I can't live without your kisses for a week?" he asked. "YOU try ME."
"It's ON!" she said jumping at him and shoving him backwards onto his bed.
"Starting right now, you are not my snookums!" she grumbled, her competitive nature flaring. "Remus is my snookums!"
"Hey, whoa, I was just in this for the chocolate..." he laughed nervously.
"Come on, snookums." Jess grumbled as she shoved her feet into the fuzzy purple boots before proceeding to grab Remus’ hand and burst from the dorm. "We've got chocolate to eat."
Sirius watched them go.
Jess's determined face and Remus' nervous one.
They'd been in somewhat of a funk all day long.
They kept arguing.
Every little thing turned into a fight.
It was really putting a damper on his mood.
He didn't know what the problem was and in reality...maybe he'd let things get a bit too far.
Perhaps, it was because Christmas was drawing nearer every day and it put him in a bad mood.
He wouldn't be going home this year, not that it was ever good anyway.
And he wouldn't be going to the Potters since they were going on a little vacation.
And he was fairly certain that Jess WAS going home.
He just....he felt confused and he was taking it out on her.
Though he'd probably eat his own tongue before he'd admit that.
Poor Remus on the other hand, was being dragged behind this girl with surprisingly considerable strength.
"Oi, slow down, Jess." he chuckled nervously. "Where the fire?"
"In my belly!" she grumbled. "Sirius is being impossible! He just...he just- well he burns my biscuits today!"
"Burns your biscuits?" Remus tried not to laugh.
"It's something Aunt Queenie used to say..." she waved him off.
"Well, what's wrong?" Remus asked.
"I don't know!" she moaned. "It started this morning when I asked him what his plans were for Christmas."
"Ah." Remus said knowingly.
"Ah?" Jess questioned. "Ah, what?"
"Better let him tell you." Remus said with a shrug.
"Aw, Remus!" she whined. "Don't do this to me!"
"It's not my secret to tell." Remus said with another shrug.
"And you'd know all about secrets." she said off handedly.
"What?" Remus came to a stop and looked at her.
She halted and lifted an eyebrow at him.
She walked forward and hugged him around the middle.
"Remus, I know about your little furball transformation once a month." she said into his chest and patted his back when she felt him tense. "And I don't care. I mean, I care about YOU but it doesn't change my perception of you. I just thought you should know that."
He stared at her disbelief.
"What do you- how did you-Did Lily tell-no,she wouldn't- how long?" he stammered.
"Since first year." she said with a shrug making the iridescent rainbow scale jumper slide off her shoulder. 
Remus' eyes bulged out of his head, "What do you mean since first year? Jess, we're in seventh year now! How could you have - ?!"
She stared at him oddly from his little outburst before lifting her eyebrow and plopping a hand on her hip.
"Honestly, Remus.  I'm obsessed with magical creatures. Did you honestly think in the seven years that we've known each other that I wouldn't have read about werewolves and picked up a few things?" she said in almost disbelief.
Poor Remus was flabbergasted.
He straightened and looked at her with a little twinkle in his eye.
"You are a lot more clever than people give you credit for." he said a smile tugging at his lips as he pulled her jumper back up on her shoulder for her. 
She smirked evilly and said, "And let's keep it that way."
"Why?" he questioned.
She lolled her head to the side, "It plays to my advantage, Dear Remus. If they think I'm stupid, they never see my calculations. I know most people think I've gone mad. In the same sense as Xeno. But we just see things differently than others. Now are we gonna stand her jabbering for the rest of the day or are we gonna dive face first into a chocolate fountain? Because I'm fully prepared to die that way!"
Remus took in the wide jade eyes, the messy brown hair and flushed cheeks....and fell in love.
Not romantically.
Not sexually.
But in that moment, Remus loved Jess and she changed for him.
She became more than just Sirius' girlfriend and Lily's friend.
She became family to him and the poor boy was overcome with it all.
He wound his arms around her and pulled her in for a tight hug.
One of his lanky arms wrapped around her soft middle and the other along her back and shoulders. 
His long fingers threaded into her messy brown hair. 
He didn't have to say anything for her to understand.
She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight and hard...like she was trying to convince him that she'd never leave him.
Eventually the two of them parted and she linked her arm with his before dragging him off towards the Hufflepuff common rooms.
However, neither of them noticed the Gryffindor hiding beneath James' invisibility cloak.
Sirius had long since slid down the wall watching one of his best friends and his girlfriend.
In that moment, Sirius realized something.
Jess was what he wanted in life.
Other things would come and go but she was his constant.
Everything else could be changed around as long as he had her.
He'd never realized just how pure of heart she was.
Sure she had her faults.
Everyone did.
Hell, he had plenty of them.
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 
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Hello my little chocolate chips and banana muffins! 
So we have some development! A wee bit of a lover’s quarrel and a deepening friendship with Jess and Remmypoo!
How is everyone feeling about it so far?  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to comment, reblog with your thoughts and/or smash the ask box! Hearing from you makes my day!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
This felt appropriate 
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fxgacious-blog · 8 years
really  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.   RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !   TAGGED.  @vrepit-sa   TAGGING. @viridisleonis, @techspecialistofvoltron, @lothcir (won’t let me tag you but whatever, idgaf), and anyone else who wants to
FULL  NAME :   tixxis zharor NICKNAME :   tix AGE :  two hundred and sixty three BIRTHDAY :   never celebrated it and does not remember, was never raised to consider birthdays significant ETHNIC  GROUP :  kariian (go look at @vrepit-sa‘s kariio posts, they’re rad af and the source of this headcanon) NATIONALITY :   empire-galran, subrace-kariian LANGUAGE / S : primarily central galran & kariian, but has a familiar and more than working knowledge of many alien languages on a first-hand basis (without need for a translator and does not have one) for the sake of more accurate cryptography and encryption SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  grey aromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   single and wholly uninterested HOME  TOWN / AREA :  – CURRENT  HOME :   qewreka high-security apartments, aoria t-42 PROFESSION :  arms dealer
FUR: varying between violet and lavender, kit markings still noticeably prevalent (varied in color; mauve, plum, lilac, byzantium) EYES :   canary yellow FACE :  high cheekbones, facial symmetry, generally narrow, strong jaw LIPS :   full, cracked, and scarred in two places from being deeply split COMPLEXION :  heavily freckled under fur BLEMISHES :  n/a SCARS :  extensive scarring on right cheek in the form of claw marks, earned from continuous insubordination; deep and uneven keloid scarring along her throat, inflicted by another fighter in the arena as a result of lack of focus; many scars from various lacerations earned in the arena, training, and missions; several small facial scars as well as a crooked nose as a result of a break that did not heal properly TATTOOS :  n/a. HEIGHT :   6′0″ WEIGHT :   142lbs (has considerable muscle for her size, but is technically underweight and relatively small) BUILD :   athletic, lithe, lean FEATURES :   noticeably smaller than average, large ears ALLERGIES :   n/a. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  just a mess of poorly managed mane hair, kept relatively short as a result of scarring on left side preventing proper hair/fur growth USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   pissed keeps fur around face properly trimmed for the sake of personal comfort – letting it grow without care generally leaves it long enough to get in her way and make her uncomfortable USUAL  CLOTHING :   when out of her normal attire (pre-aoria, armor – aoria verse, bodysuit and eighty layers of jackets), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 are examples
FEARS :   being touched, small spaces, insignificance, irrelevance, being forgotten ASPIRATIONS :   to give herself a purpose, to be remembered (whether it be fondly or with anger), to better herself, to earn her own pride POSITIVE  TRAITS :   ambitious, innovative, confident, adaptable, methodical, analytical, cerebral, intelligent, imaginative, self-assured, exploratory, thorough, resilient, adventurous, athletic, brave, careful, charming, determined NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   aggressive, bossy, cynical, envious, greedy, impatient, manipulative, cruel, impulsive, insecure, possessive, sarcastic, selfish, unstable, lustful, vengeful, deceitful, suspicious, vindictive, callous, obstinate, fickle, hateful, egotistical, corrupt MBTI :   istj -- the examiner ZODIAC :   unknown TEMPERAMENT :   choleric SOUL  TYPES :    warrior, strategist, engineer ANIMALS :   snake VICE  HABITS :    drinking, lip biting, growling, foot tapping, cracking knuckles, jaw clenching, eye-rolling, head tilting, humming, promiscuity FAITH :  n/a GHOSTS ? :   n/a AFTERLIFE ? :   n/a REINCARNATION ? :   n/a ALIENS ? :   definitely not POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  aligns with jack shit, does not care EDUCATION  LEVEL :    extensive
FATHER :    kolir zharor (deceased) MOTHER :    aravra zharor (unknown) SIBLINGS :   n/a EXTENDED  FAMILY :   n/a NAME  MEANING / S :    n/a HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a
BOOK :  tixxis has read every book she has ever found, no exaggeration. as such, it’s hard to narrow down favorites; they generally include topics like psychology, sociology, tactical analysis, engineering, mathematics, history (mostly military), cryptography studies, criminal case studies (preferably unsolved), foreign languages, and technical/mechanical diagrams. while it’s seemingly unlike her, however, she also has a fondness for poetry -- especially in foreign languages, as she finds the cultural differences interesting. MOVIE :   n/a 5  SONGS :  n/a DEITY :   n/a HOLIDAY :   isn’t particularly interested in galra holidays, but likes researching the significance of foreign holidays MONTH :   n/a SEASON :   n/a PLACE :    her drawer-bed and ‘balcony’ (if you could call it that) on aoria t-42 WEATHER :    cold, not humid, still, quiet, calm SOUND :   welding torches, footsteps in snow, liquor poured over ice, clatter of coins and jewelry, beeping (in the ‘nothing is wrong and this is the noise my tech is supposed to make’ way, not the ‘help me everything is going wrong and these are your last warnings’ way) SCENTS :    hard liquor, blood TASTES :    see above FEELINGS :   silk, smooth metal, precious stones ANIMALS :    tixxis pretty much enjoys any animal, generally from a scientific and analytical perspective, but likes fish both for taste and hunting and appreciates the challenge of hunting larger prey (and the company of animals with similar temperaments to her own) NUMBER :  n/a. COLORS :   purple, black, red, navy blue, gold, silver
TALENTS :  mechanics, engineering, cryptography, programming, scientific research and development, invention, long-range combat/sniping, infiltration, manipulation, tactical analysis, martial arts BAD  AT :  close combat, subordination/accepting authority, physically overpowering another with strength alone, handling anger TURN  ONS :   domination, submission (occ.) begging, biting, bloodplay, electrostim, humiliation, exhibitionism, choking, dirty talk, gagging, forced nudity, hair pulling, iceplay, bondage, titles (master, sir, etc.), knifeplay, marking, praise (receiving), scratching, spanking, teasing, stripping/putting on a show, whipping, blindfolds, collars, degradation, rape play, slapping, servitude, leather, lingerie, lace, orders, orgasm/pleasure control, punishment/reward, competition, fireplay, beating, objectification, someone stop her TURN  OFFS :   weakness, inexperience (although taking innocence is fun for her -- she just gets bored of it quickly), lack of confidence HOBBIES :    sparring, programming, engineering, crpytography and creating her own codes, learning languages, binge drinking, weapons development, sex, target practice, hunting TROPES :   arms dealer (former reds with rockets for sale/gangland gun runner), bad samaritan, the baroness, beta test baddie, black cloak, the chessmaster, chronic backstabbing disorder, combat sadomasochist, complete monster, the corrupter, even evil has standards, the gadfly, asshole victim, hope crusher, magnificent bastard, manipulative bastard, smug snake, you have outlived your usefulness QUOTES :     “ you know how wives, no matter how cleverly their unfaithful husbands lie, almost always see through them? why do you think that is? it’s because they make excuses, that’s why. humans are creatures that are extremely sensitive to artificiality. so if a husband who never talks about work suddenly starts complaining about staying late... that unnatural-ness makes the wife think there’s something more to it, and so on. it’s the out of place words uttered to hide the truth that actually expose the lies even more. so do you know how one can make someone think the truth is a lie? by boldly, unreservedly offering up the truth.  ” ---  “ sometimes, if he possessed the right information, he neither had to do the job himself nor pay to have it done. a lot of people lived with secrets that could destroy them, and if you knew their secrets, you could manipulate them to do things for you that reduced them to the condition of puppets. ” ---  “ please, don’t torture me with cliches. if you’re going to try to intimidate me, have the courtesy to go away for a while, acquire a better education, improve your vocabulary, and come back with some fresh metaphors. ” ---  “ most people tend to think the best of those who are blessed with beauty; we have difficulty imagining that physical perfection can conceal twisted emotions or a damaged mind. ” --  “ stop what? cheering you up? or is life supposed to stop because you did something horrible? i’ll tell you the real, horrible truth. no matter what you do or how bad you feel about it, life just goes on. life doesn’t give a fuck that you’re sorry or upset or deranged or tormented. life just goes on, and you gotta go with it, or sit in the middle of the road and feel sorry for yourself -- and i don’t see you doing that. ” --  “ when it comes down to it, i let them think what they want. if they care enough to bother with what i do, then i’m already better than them. ” ---  “ if loving someone is putting them in a strait jacket and kicking them down a flight of stairs, then yes, i have loved a few people. ” ---  “ if you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything without the fear of losing something. ”
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie,   what  would  it  be  called,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   it would be space alien catch me if you can.  Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   anger and unrepressed sexual tension. Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :   because i can’t watch something with aliens without making an alien.   Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   alien, asshole alien, pretty and strong asshole alien. nah, but developing her with the freedom to use the vastness of the vld universe was pretty much what attracted me the most.  Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   i would fucking hate tixxis in person. Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   lack of morals, sarcasm, we’re both fucking tired Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :    she’d probably both relate to me and want to kick my nose into my skull Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :    sendak and pidge are my faves so far. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :    music, quotes (as you can see from the eighty seen above), my own emotions, (re) watching vld, etc. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :    toof cuking long
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