everythingbygabby · 7 years
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11.06.17 A lot has been happening in my neck of the woods. My roommates and I got a puppy, his name is Charlie. He's adorable but not yet housetrained so that's annoying. I got a new job that's remote so I work from home now. This is exciting but I don't have any of my supplies yet so I've been mainly doing nothing. I am now dating one of my roommates, which is fun and new. We get along really well, he meal preps and forces me to go to the gym, and the sex is fire, so all in all its good. I weighed in at 222 this morning. I'm 22 pounds away from my 2017 goal and I can't believe it. I'm comfortably in a size XL, no more women's clothes for me!! All in all, the year is shaping up to end on a high note.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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I get so frustrated when the scale doesn't read what I want, but I see pictures like these and I become so proud of how far I've come.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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I did the thing. It was a good day for running. Still working on getting back on the keto wagon, discipline has been hard to lock down and motivation left a while ago, but we're getting there. One day at a time. Started an apple cider vinegar regimen, we'll see what that does for me. So far it just regulates bowels, but that's been a blessing too especially after reintroducing dairy.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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It's a lazy Sunday. I know I should make myself do something especially after doing nothing all day yesterday, but I'm finding my bed is calling to me. What are your plans for Sunday? Anything fun?
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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Hit the gym with my roomie. 2/4 for the week.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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Back at it and killing the game. The gym was a nice way to finish an otherwise terrible ass day. Excited to see my results at the end of this week. 220s, I’m coming for you!
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
Back on that keto train.
Alright, so it is 10.1.17 and I am back on that keto lifestyle.
So, for the last month and a half/two months, I’ve been following a (mostly) vegan, (more accurately) plant based diet. I made the switch because having a diet so heavy in meat and cheese was making me feel constantly full and kind of bogged down. I made the switch and felt immediately better, but haven’t been seeing the results that I wish to see, and so, I’m getting back on the keto train for the time being.
So, being as it’s been a while since I’ve been going hard on the keto train, I want to document that transition here, since I didn’t know enough my first go around to actually offer any advice.
First piece of advice: create a plan.
That’s what I’ve done. I’ve split up my transition into 4 phases, and think it will make the transition back to keto easier.
Phase 1: Reduce daily net carbs to below 20. 
I do this phase all at once, because cold turkey is the only way I’ve been successful. I am not one to lower my carb intake little by little, I have to be carb free, or carb heavy, there is no in between for me.
Phase 2: Sustain ketosis for 2 weeks. 
Historically, it has taken me 5-7 days to get into ketosis. I believe it takes me longer than most because my water intake is not as high as it should be, but I’m going to be working on that too. I won’t begin tracking this phase until 10/8, that gives me a week to complete phase 1. I am giving myself this 2 week chunk because that seems manageable, right now.
Phase 3: Intermittent fasting, goal of OMAD.
I want to get back to my one meal a day plan. It was convenient, cost effective, and did wonders for my waist line. This is actually one of the primary pushes for me to return to keto since fasting on a carb heavy diet has been impossible for me. 
Phase 4: Reevaluate on 11.1.17
I’ve included this as a step because all good plans need a period of reflection and reevaluation in order to be effective in the long run. By 11.7.17, I need to weigh 226.3 lbs in order to beat my diet bet. This will be the lowest weight I’ve been at since I was 15 or 16, so in addition to being excited, I’m hoping that return to low-carb life will help me lose the 14 lbs I’ll need to lose to meet that goal.
So, in preparation for my return to keto, I have my meal plan ready, my grocery list written, and a revitalized determination. I will see the 190s before the year is out.
Meal plan:
Zucchini and Egg Hash
Sausage Egg Roll in a Bowl
Maybe: Deconstructed BLT with Pork Belly? We’ll see if I can find Pork Belly.
Anyway, it feels good to be back, and I’ll talk to ya’ll soon.
Keep making those dreams come true.
xx Gabby
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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Dat gym life.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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The past few days. Guys, if I can lose that arm fat and loose skin, I'm gonna have killer biceps. I don't love that picture, but I love my progress. Plus, peep my legs. Fuck yes.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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Guys, check me out. I'm at 232 as of this morning. In 12 pounds I will be the lowest I've been in 7 years, I can't fucking wait.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
Killing it!
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Same pants. Same weight. Different body composition.
Someone randomly found and reblogged the post I made back in April where I was talking about how excited I was that these size 12 dress pants finally fit me again…and I happened to be wearing those same pants today, so I decided to take another picture to compare.
My weight is in the mid-170s in all of these pictures, but I’m definitely leaner now!
Consistency pays off!
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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This angle though. Lol After a week off from being ill, I hit it hard on the tread. I weighed in at 235 today, and I can't fucking believe how close I am to 70 pounds lost. At 229, I will be 70 pounds down. Fuckkkk. I've been following a vegan diet for the last month now and have steadily lost about 3 pounds a week, which has been incredible. I feel good. I want to be under 200 pounds by 2018, we'll see if that happens, but I'm out here doing what I can to make that dream come true. I turn 25 in March and would like to do so at less than 180 pounds.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
Hey ya’ll!
So, it’s been a couple of weeks since I totally overhauled my diet and boy do I feel so much better.
As most of you know, I started this journey following the ketogenic (high fat, low carb) diet. I was able to lose the first 40 pounds or so by eating copious amounts of meat, cheese, butter, and green veg. 
Obviously, this way of eating was immediately appealing to someone like me, it allowed me to eat all of the best foods, I could have a 9 oz steak with some green beans and follow it with a ketofied cheesecake. Or, I could wake up and have an omelette and bacon, just hold the toast and hashbrowns. This felt like a compromise made just for me.
So, why the switch? Honestly it was sort of a spur of the moment change. I was listening to a podcast (You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes), he had a guest named Dr. Joel Fuhrman on, and as a loyal listener, I clicked the episode without knowing anything about Dr. Fuhrman. Within the first 10 minutes, I was hooked and I knew that I wanted to know more.
As is typical for me, I began researching immediately after. I watched all of Dr. Fuhrman’s live talks on Youtube, I watched his interviews, I read blogs, I checked his research, I found other peer reviewed documents that supported and denied his approach and weighed the pros and cons of both stances. By the end, I came away with this:
Give it a month, at the very least, you will up your vegetable intake... a lot. 
And so, as we go into week 3, that’s exactly what has happened.
I haven’t cheated once, and haven’t felt the need to. I’ve eaten tons of fruit, vegetables, rice and bread, and limited my intake of excess sodium, oils and sugar, and guess what? It’s working.
Who knew? Fruits, Veg and the Gym, the trio of results.
So, although I find myself occasionally craving a slice of pizza, or a burger, or wanting to indulge in some dank chicken pad thai, I just slice an apple, smear it in peanut butter, throw on some sliced dates and I wind up feeling just as satisfied.
Oh, and another benefit of this way of eating? I am never bogged down by food, I never feel too full, I never feel pounds of food sitting in the pit of my stomach, it’s been really great for keeping hte gym in my schedule and also for just feeling comfortable in pants again.
Oh, and! I’ve continued to lose weight, I weighed in at 242.5 this morning, I can feel the 230s right around the corner and I can’t wait.
I’m getting back in the Tumblr game, so I’ll be back with more info and possibly a branding overhaul, we’ll see, I’m still thinking I should wait until the end of the month to see if the nutritarian lifestyle is going to be my longterm choice.
Until next time,
xx Gabby
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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1/4 for the week. I'm still on that nutritarian kick, I swear I'll sit down and type that up soon, I'm at 242 lbs right now, feeling good.
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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1/4 done, getting ready to type up an update on my nutritarian lifestyle experiment. Here's a hint: it's going well!
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everythingbygabby · 7 years
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Guys. Guys. It happened. I am 50 pounds down from my highest weight as of this morning. Changing to a plant based, nutritarian lifestyle finally pushed me out of my plateau and I am so stoked.
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