#fine APPARENTLY tumblr doesn't want me to be able to reblog with a poll
thecrenellations · 10 months
At first, I was just going to include their four big arguments, but I’m curious about how the other scenes and conflicts compare…
Vote however you like! For your favorite, or the one that would win in a meta-fight somehow, or the most disastrous, or the most Them…
more context for options:
Hume - does Lymond setting Will up to get himself arrested at Hume and swooping in as Don Luis count as a fight? Will gets beaten up, for sure, by the English and then hit in the face by his rescuer. It’s a conflict, even if it’s a one-sided and planned one. It’s an iconic moment in literature!
Lymond picks a fight about Will’s shoddy morals, and Will gets mad at him about Christian! And then Lymond gives him George Douglas’s letter about the hostage exchange. And tucks him into bed. I have thoughts about this scene!
Will secretly meets up with his father and walks into Richard and Janet’s trap. Johnnie gets him out but immediately tells Lymond what happened, and wow they have an argument. Incredible quotes about intentions and warm niches and quince seeds in cups of lukewarm water therein.
Will Scott wants to go to bed in his own bed! The door is locked! There’s a sword. There’s a fight. There’s a chance to take over …. And you will Never guess who wins!
Yes, he’s also mad about his dad being in danger. Lymond and Gideon run into an indignant Scott on the way back from Herriot. Gnatlike mockery and acrobatics ensue. “Get down!” “Make me?” … Brief but hilarious and fascinating to spectators. But there’s so little trust between them after all this, and what’s next is ….
… Betrayal! Pain! Symbolism! He hid the gold in the convent! Andrew Hunter has so much nerve! Turkey Mat is about to die! The narration gives us the final “marigold” of the book! Homoerotic wrestling!
“There is nothing very jolly about being locked in a cellar with a man whom, in every possible sense, you have just stabbed in the back.” THERE IS FOR ME!
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