#fine fine ill make a tag for the Thirst ummm
scare-ard--sleigh · 1 year
still thinking about this btw jfubjgkb
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fanfics4all · 5 years
The Only Way
Request: Yes / No  Ik request are closed but when u open them can u do a vampire KJ and human reader where KJ is hungry and reader is like drink mine but he drinks to much and she passes out when she waks up hes worried about her and how he thinks her heart stopped then a couple days she feels sick so they take her to the hospital to find out shes dying and they find out bc kj gave her some type of venom and only way she can live is to become one so ita takes some weeks as she slowly dies and he does it for her @loxbbg
Requests are open only if you have a cute thanksgiving/ fall activity request! ONLY OPEN FOR THIS FOR ANOTHER 7 DAYS! <3 Have a nice day/night
Vampire!KJ Apa x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1595
Warnings: dying
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I met KJ when we were working on a movie together. We fell for each other instantly, something just drew me to him. After the movie we went on a few dates and then made it official. A year after us dating something happened. KJ got attacked by a vampire and well they made him one. He hated it at first and tried to hide it from me, but I found out when I walked in on him downing a squirrel’s blood. I was shocked at first, but I loved him and I was gonna help him. Since then we’ve been working on how to deal with his thirst. He wouldn’t drink from me though, he made that very clear. His cast mates on Riverdale knew what happened and they didn’t look at him any different.  
Today KJ took me to the Riverdale set with him since I wasn’t working at the moment. My agent hasn’t found anything new for me to do yet and I didn’t mind since it meant I got to spend more time with KJ. He was working really hard and I saw he was getting hungry. I looked in my bag to grab the blood I brought for him, but it wasn't there. My eyes widened when I realized I left it in our fridge. There was no way I could get some animal blood now! I bit my lip and hit my head, how could I be so stupid! 
“Alright break time people!” Someone called and everyone started walking off. KJ walked over to me with a smile and gave me a kiss. 
“Let’s go back to my trailer ay?” He asked and I nodded. I made sure to keep the worry off my face, I didn’t want him to make a scene about my idea around everyone. We got to his trailer and he sat down.
“Babe, can I have some blood?” He asked and I bit my lip. 
“About that…” I started and he raised his brow.
“What?” He asked. 
“Um… I forgot it when we were rushing to leave…” I said and his eyes widened. 
“Ummm, okay, I can wait.” He said and I shook my head. 
“No you can't!” I said and he shook his head. 
“Yes I can Y/N.” He said. 
“No, you’re hungry, just drink some from me.” I said moving the hair from my neck. 
“No! Are you crazy? What if I kill you?” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“KJ, you won’t, I trust you. Now drink you’re hungry.” I said moving closer to him. 
“No! I can wait till we get home.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“KJ, I will not let you out of this trailer until you drink.” I said sitting on his lap. I sat him gulp and his fangs start to come out.
“No, no I can't!” He said. 
“Please baby, for me?” I asked with my best puppy dog eyes. 
“Fine.” He sighed and gently turned my head to the right angle. His fangs sunk into my skin and I felt the pain and pleasure. I bit my lip as a little whimper escaped my mouth. KJ held me close and he drank my blood. After a few minutes, he pulled away. I looked at him and my blood was on his mouth. 
“How was it?” I asked. 
“You taste really good babe.” He said and I giggled. 
“Well thank you.” I said and got off him. I wobbled a bit and almost fell, but KJ was quick to catch me. 
“Sorry, I must have taken too much…” He said, guilt clear in his voice. 
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.” I said and he sighed. He laid me on the couch and placed a blanket over me. 
“I’m gonna get you some food and juice okay?” He asked and I nodded.
“I’ll be right back.” He said and then left. I felt my eyes growing heavier and heavier, I couldn’t keep them open anymore. I closed them, a nap will do me good. 
I woke up and looked around, I wasn’t in KJ’s trailer. I was in our room, when did I get here? KJ walked in and his eyes widened when he saw me. 
“Y/N! You’re awake!” He said rushing over to me and hugging me. 
“When did we get home?” I asked. 
“You’ve been out for a couple of days, I came back and you were passed out. I drank way too much from you, I’m sorry Y/N/N.” He said with a few tears falling from his eyes. 
“Hye, relax, I’m fine.” I said giving him a kiss. 
“This is why I didn’t want to drink from you. I can’t control myself still.” He said and I gave him a small smile. 
“It’s fine KJ, you’ll learn.” I said and he shook his head. 
“I’m never doing that again.” He said and I sighed. 
“Fine… well can we eat? I’m starving.” I said and he laughed. 
“Sure, whatever you want.” He said and kissed the side of my head. 
The next few days I wasn’t feeling well. I got sick and I felt really weak. I couldn’t really walk well so KJ helped me with pretty much everything. After the fifth day, KJ wanted to take me to the hospital. I didn’t want to go because I just thought it was the flu or something, but KJ insisted. We went to the hospital and they ran some tests. KJ was sitting next to me holding my hand while we waited for the results. 
“Miss, Y/L/N, it appears you have some venom in your blood that is making you ill. Have you been in contact with a vampire recently?” He asked and KJ’s eyes widened.
“I did this to her?” He asked and the doctor looked at him. 
“You’re a vampire?” He asked and KJ nodded his head. 
“He’s still getting used to things, he was attacked and turned two months ago.” I said and the doctor nodded. 
“Well, you must not know how to control your venom usage yet because you injected too much into her.” He said and KJ hung his head in shame. 
“So, we just get the venom out and I’ll be okay right?” I asked and the doctor shook his head. 
“Unforchunetly the venom has been in your system for too long, you aren’t going to make it.” He said and KJ’s eyes watered. 
“There has to be something you can do!” KJ cried. 
“Not us, but you can.” He said and we looked at him confused. 
“You can turn her, just before she dies and she’ll become a vampire.” The doctor said and KJ’s eyes widened. 
“No! There has to be another way!” He said. 
“I’m sorry, but either she dies or you turn her.” The doctor said and walked out. 
“KJ, do it.” I said and he looked at me shocked.
“No! I don’t want to put you through this!” He said and I sighed. 
“I love you KJ and I’m not ready to leave you, please.” I begged with tears falling from my eyes. He looked at me with sad eyes. 
“Please KJ, it’s the only way.” I said and he sighed. 
“Okay…” He said. We sat there waiting for my heart rate to get slower. One it did KJ bit his wrist and put it over my mouth. I drank with what little strength I had left and then my eyes shut. 
I woke back up moments later to the heart monitor still flatlining. I looked around and everything was so loud. I covered my ears and closed my eyes tightly, why was the room so bright? 
“Y/N/N, babe, it’s okay.” I heard KJ say. 
"Just keep your eyes closed and I'll get you home okay?" He said and I nodded. KJ left the room for a few minutes and then came back. 
"Okay baby, we're going home." He said and he picked me up. He carried me outside to our car and I hissed when the sunlight seeped through the cracks of my eyelids. 
"There's a blanket in the car, just go under it when I put you in the car okay?" He said and I nodded. He put me in and then quickly up the blanket over my head. The darkness came over me and I felt better. 
"Keep your eyes closed till we get home, your eyes are still too sensitive." He said.
"Okay." I said and I felt the car start to move. After a twenty minutes drive the car stopped. KJ took me out with the blanket still over my head. We got inside and KJ brought me to our room. He laid me down and I went to take the blanket off but he stopped me. 
"Just a little longer, let me shut the curtains and turn the light off." He said and I nodded. KJ came back a minute later and pulled off the blanket. 
"Okay, you can open your eyes now." He said and I did. Everything was super dark and my eyes didn't hurt too much anymore. 
"It'll take a day or two to get used to everything, but I'll help you." He said and I smiled. 
"Thank you baby, you saved me." I said and he smiled. 
"I couldn't just let you die because of me." He said returning the smile.
"I love you." I said and he kissed me.
"I love you too." He said when we pulled apart.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @xrosesareredx​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @alex--awesome--22​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @pharaoh-of-time-and-space​ @marveloverdcsstuff @lady-of-lies​ @simonsbluee​ @beginningstofandom
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