#fingers crossed for a museum or battlefield in a few years 🥲
strawberrywindow · 1 year
i'm not changing my major again, i need to stick with SOMETHING 💀, but i've been really feeling the pull towards mortuary science again. i couldn't stick with medical because its too much about business and not enough about providing care and i'm worried i'd wind up feeling the same way in the funeral industry and get burned out again 😪
BUT it is still something that will always fascinate me. i don't know. i'd still very much like to go to school for it and am heavily considering doing it one day, def not anytime soon tho. like who cares. i knew a guy that told me once that getting degrees in a bunch of different things isn't useful for getting good at one thing but uhhhhh i guess i don't really give a fuck about that. i just want to be happy. and getting a degree in mortuary science even if i never get fully licensed as a mortician is definitely something that would make me happy 😂
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