#finn aldebrandt
pinayelf · 2 months
finn aldebrandt in my canon is literally the reason why Kinloch doesn't get annulled
amihan was about to do it until she found him still alive and he said he loved her (platonically)
if that didn't happen....well....😔
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veshialles · 6 years
🖊kieshara and 🖊valyhra!
🖊 : Kieshara stays in touch with many of her friends and former companions over the years. She prefers to meet in person when she has that luxury, but otherwise she contacts them mainly via sending letters, which helps her to improve upon her spelling and handwriting. If available, she usually lets Leliana proof-read her writing, which has also been very helpful. Thanks to this practice, the letter that Kieshara sends back to Skyhold is perhaps some of her finest handiwork, if not for coming across with a much more formal tone than she originally intended.
She also sometimes sends gifts with her letters. For example, every year around Feastday, Kieshara sends a collection of baked goods to Seheron for a certain member of the Antaam. She’s always a bit worried that her gifts won’t make it to their destination, especially in 9:34 Dragon, when the usual response arrived later than usual and was signed by the Arishok. She assumed the worst had happened, until she noticed the words “kadan” and “basalit-an” were included in the letter’s familiar script.
As an added bonus, some of these connections later prove useful when Kieshara needed to call in a few favours while on her quest to find a cure for the Calling. According to rumours, in 9:41 Dragon, she is spotted travelling around the far north of Orlais and southern Anderfels, accompanied by a curious party of individuals; a former nobleman, a heavily-tattooed dwarf, two Dalish elves, a slightly out-of-shape apostate, and an elderly mabari hound, as well as an unfamiliar human mercenary.
(So basically, Kieshara sends cookies to Sten every Christmas. And during Inquisition, she’s travelling with most of the DLC companions, as well as the Dog, and one of my other OCs. “But Dan, dogs of that size only live for about 10 years” I hear you say, but according to official* lore, mabari can live as long as the plot requires!) 
*David Gaider made a joke at some point
🖊 : While there is some truth to the story that she was sent by Clan Lavellan’s Keeper to spy on the Conclave, the full truth is in fact somewhat more complicated…
Just over a year before the Divine Conclave would be held, Valyhra began to experience strange visions that seemed to center around an important event, a location maybe. The dreams were always vague and sometimes disturbing. She ignored these visions at first, as almost any mage would, suspecting that a demon was behind them, attempting to lure her to its side so that it could take possession of her body and mind.
Gradually, these visions became more vivid and intense until they were impossible to ignore. Finally, their purpose was made more clear by the appearance of an old woman who dressed in dark clothes and spoke in riddles. The woman’s presence seemed familiar to her somehow, so she trusted what the woman had to say. Although the specifics of what to expect were still largely unknown to her, Valyhra now knew for certain; historic events were set to unfold at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, and she needed to be there when it happened.
When she took this information to Keeper Deshanna and asked for permission to travel to Ferelden, the request was refused on the basis that Valyhra must have been swayed by the whispers of a demon trying to lead her astray. Even when she confessed that the woman in her vision had seemed familiar to her, and may even have been the goddess Mythal, that only seemed to make the Keeper more adamant that Valyhra should stay with her Clan, and not abandon her responsibilities as First To The Keeper. Dissatisfied with the outcome, Valyhra packed her essentials and planned to sneak away when the opportunity arose, but the next time her and the Keeper spoke, it seemed as though there had been a change of heart overnight. Rather than disappearing into the night, Valyhra went with the Clan’s blessings and just enough coin to book passage across the Waking Sea. 
When she arrived, nobody seemed to question her being there. Valyhra managed to blend in well with the other mages, as some of them also bore the Dalish vallaslin on their faces. Perhaps they had been abandoned by their clans, or were otherwise taken to the Circle of Magi before the Rebellion began. Either way, it made it easier for her to wander the halls of the Temple while she waited for the proceedings to get underway without raising much suspicion. 
Well, at least until she heard what sounded like a cry for help coming from another room…
(Thanks to r/dragonage for the inspiration with this I guess? I saw a neato fan theory about Flemeth and that “appointment” she has to keep, and I really liked it, so I applied it to Valyhra’s backstory.)
Thanks for the asks!! :D
Drop a 🖊 in my inbox, with or without one of my OCs names, and I’ll give a brief (or not so brief) fun fact about them!
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freethemages · 4 years
Thought since I’ve never done so, I’d list all my favourite DA ships (though inevitably I’ll forget some). Multi shipper here ofc.
Mains are in bold
Featuring one of my OCs:
Tristan Amell x Alistair Theirin
Garrett Hawke x Anders (Handers)
Tristan Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford (Cullevelyan)
Mahanon Lavellan x Dorian Pavus (Pavellan)
Asharel Lavellan x The Iron Bull
Asharel Lavellan x Josephine Montilyet
Tristan Trevelyan x Dorian Pavus (Pavelyan)
Tristan Trevelyan x Alistair Theirin x Cullen Rutherford (Cullistairvelyan, OT3)
Tristan Amell x Zevran Arainai
Cullen Rutherford x Alistair Theirin (Cullistair)
Alistair Theirin x Zevran Arainai (Zevistair)
Cullen Rutherford x Dorian Pavus (Cullrian)
Anders x Nathaniel Howe (Nanders)
Anders x Karl Thekla (Kanders)
Carver Hawke x Isabela
Carver Hawke x Alistair Theirin (Carvistair)
Isabela x Merrill (Merribela)
Dorian Pavus x Anders (Dorianders)
Dorian Pavus x The Iron Bull (Adoribull)
Cassandra Pentaghast x Varric Tethras
Josephine Montilyet x Thom Rainier
Anders x Hawke x Nathaniel Howe
Anders x Alistair Theirin (Anderstair)
Honourable mentions:
Anders x Fenris (Fenders)- I don’t actually ship them, but a lot of the content is so damn good I love it anyway.
Garrett Hawke x Varric Tethras
Jowan x Anders
Jowan x Amell/Surana
Cullen Rutherford x Amell/Surana
Maric Theirin x Fiona
Sten x Shale
Single characters that I love and just want more stuff of in general:
Bann/Arl Teagan Guerrin
Warden Commander Duncan
Lace Harding
King Cailan Theirin
Finn Aldebrandt
Krem Aclassi
Professor Bram Kenric
Avvar mages!
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convenientcoma · 4 years
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Ariane Aldebrandt
Ariane is a gifted Dalish warrior, and her clan's best hunter. When an ancient artifact belonging to her clan’s Keeper was stolen, one with a history tied to the very roots of the elven people, Ariane was charged with the task of reclaiming it. She encountered the Hero of Ferelden and realizing that their interests aligned, began to travel with her, searching for the missing artifact, a book about eluvians.  While researching the book at the Circle of Magi in Ferelden, Ariane met Finn, who followed the two elven women on their quest.  While he initially had the blessing of the Circle to leave, with time, he fell in love with Ariane and never returned.  The two continued to travel together. They later returned to Finn’s parents' home in West Hill to explain. While visiting the Aldebrandts, Ariane managed to sample every item in the house pantry.
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pinayelf · 1 year
thinking about how this is the only basis of what amihan and finn have for pigs
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and they both refuse to believe morrigan that the pigs they come across at lothering are pigs because that's "not what it looks like in the book" lmaoo
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pinayelf · 11 months
so I decided in my Canon finn aldebrandt is going to become a warden alongside amihan, because one, I need her bestie to be there w her, and also I love exploring the idea of two silly sheltered mages having to essentially stop a giant demon dragon from destroying their country
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pinayelf · 2 years
I really want to make finn a warden alongside amihan in my canon lol
like when she was getting conscripted finn ran over and was sobbing screaming crying "CONSCRIPT ME TOO"
i want the besties to go on the Blight adventure together
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pinayelf · 2 years
nate and amihan: *making out at camp*
finn: so you know I support you in your romantic pursuits but according to the grey warden handbook on page 34 section b7, wardens are prohibited from fraternizing with each other during missions, especially missions that concern gr
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pinayelf · 1 year
we all have that obscure/small DA character we're super attached to and mine are rhys, Evangeline and finn aldebrandt
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pinayelf · 1 year
bioware can't end until I find out why finn aldebrandt wasn't in HoDA
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pinayelf · 2 years
Can I just say that I love your OCs very very much? Immy and Amihan (who i guess I know more about than any others) are so wonderful! Could you spare some headcanons for one of/both of them? 😍😍
omg thank you sm 🥺❤️
even tho amihan and immy are very different personality-wise I think they both are very similar in what they want and what they need
they're both neurodivergent (adhd) women who feel DEEPLY and WHOLLY. they both unconditional love and they're both very capable of giving it. they also want someone who's physically protective lol. they can take care of themselves but that's something they find attractive in a partner (all of immy's LIs were and are warriors lmao 💀)
the difference is immy was raised in an environment where her feelings were validated and where she was shown unconditional love by the people closest to her and she had a community. it was safe for immy to be more or less ~soft.
amihan did not - for all those years in the Circle she had one singular friend, finn aldebrandt, and it wasn't until the broken circle where finn tells her that he loves her (platonic) because the environment they grew up in discouraged openness and vulnerability. after all anyone could be transferred, made tranquil or whatever else.
I think if amihan was raised in a healthier environment though, she'd still be grouchy sometimes and a fuddy duddy lol, but not to the extent in canon where her years or repression made her emotionally volatile
for respective headcanons:
her magic manifested when she was six. it was a cold night and she went and snuggled up to her papae and he realized she was using warming magic
while immy grew up in a healthy environment, she did feel like the only thing she had to contribute to her clan was arcane knowledge. she's not particularly brave or ~strong. so she put all her worth into being first to keeper and when she was put into the situation of being the herald/inquisitor it was HARD
immy loves animals! she has a cat named andruil and a nug named pudgy during DAI
immy has a photographic memory
immy is 100% that person who loses motivation if she isn't immediately good at a new thing she tries lol
immy is overwhelmed easily - especially by crowds. josie started doing judgments without crowds cause immy hated being in front of people like that
immy feels emotions deeply. she always ends up crying after a battle, even if they won. it's her way of catharsis
immy is tone deaf lmao
amihan's magic manifested when she was 4 alongside her twin sister violetta. her mother, revka was deeply andrastian and she called the templars on both of them
amihan and Violetta were separated. amihan ended up in Kinloch and Violetta ended up in ostwick
revka told their father and the family that both girls died on the way to the Circles so no one would try to keep contact with them
amihan's main element is lightning - it matches the intensity of her emotions. she can also redirect lightning (like in AtLA/LoK)
amihan doesn't do blood magic unless she's in a stable headspace - she knows how she can be, and she doesn't want to risk it
amihan takes to painting and sketching. she discovered it when she traveled with zevran after the Blight
amihan is terrified of dogs, alistair got the mabari. she instead gets a cat named cheese during awakening
amihan loves sunshine, she rarely ever got to feel it in the Circle and it became her favorite thing in the outside world
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pinayelf · 3 years
I have some friendship feelings about Amihan and Finn Aldebrandt
So in my personal plot Amihan wasn't friends w Jowan, rather she was best friends with Finn Aldebrandt from Witch Hunt. They were both squares, the type to remind the teacher that there was homework last night lol. Neither of them deserved it, but the whole stick up the ass thing led to them getting bullied/teased. Especially Amihan because her temper's short.
At the beginning of DAO, Finn's been Harrowed and Amihan had been anxiously waiting her's. She was overjoyed when she passed cause she can go bunk with Finn again, she didn't have other friends. Then the whole thing with Jowan happened.
Finn found out secondhand that Amihan got conscripted. He was devastated and wrote to his parents and asked Irving if they could put word in for her so she could come back. There was nothing they could do. News about what happened at Ostagar came back and Finn thinks she's dead.
During Broken Circle Amihan also assumes Finn's dead the entire time. She was angry at everyone and everything there. It was early on and she was filled with so much rage and hurt that she agreed to have the Circle annulled. Until the very end. On the way down from the Harrowing chamber, the group hears knocking from a locked closet. They open it and Finn falls out and both he and Amihan are shocked to see each other.
Several minutes before Uldred attacked some mages played a prank on Finn and locked him in the closet. Obviously because of what was going on, no one came to get him out, but at the same time it saved him from a certain death.
Completely relieved and overjoyed, Finn hugs her, which is the first hug Amihan has had in probably a decade. He tells her he begged Irving to let his parents try to get her back to the Circle but he couldn't do anything. Amihan asks him why.
He says "Because you're my best friend and I love you."
Amihan breaks down into sobs and that small thing changed a lot. She goes against annulling the Circle and it was one of the first positive things to stick to her.
TL;DR Friendship is magic
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pinayelf · 3 years
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@wardenalissa I've had it in my head for a good few months now 😂
The change is Amihan tells Finn about the deal with Jowan and he joins and gets caught up in it
They're both such sheltered Circle mages that Duncan was genuinely surprised they survived the Joining 💀 Finn brings with him a book on wildlife from Kinloch and learns those drawings are like...COMPLETELY INACCURATE lol
They hit a few snags - Amihan keeps from Finn that she became a blood mage and in the end he says it hurt him more that Amihan thought he would stop being her friend because of it. Amihan finds out that Finn's parents said they could save him from conscription but he refused cause he wouldn't be with Amihan anymore.
At one point out of frustration they start blaming each other for what happened with Jowan. This ends in them both helping him escape when Arl Eamon decides to have him sent back to Kinloch.
I can't decide who deals the killing blow to the archdemon. Maybe they could both do it together and then they trip on the way lmao
But yes their friendship only gets stronger because I'm corny lol. I got very invested in building a friendship between Amihan and a minor character 😭
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pinayelf · 5 years
Dunno why I got super emotional thinking about when Finn leaves with Ariane and him feeling rain on his skin for the first time and him crying, from all the emotions regarding it
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pinayelf · 5 years
Just some Amihan and Finn friendship meta:
Amihan and Finn genuinely care about each other, but the environment they were raised in made them both apprehensive to tell each other that. Plus, Amihan is very very emotionally constipated. 
They may seem like surface level friends, but they understood each other very well. They can tell when the other is comfortable with a situation, they can tell when one needs to be left alone or when one needs someone. They always looked out for each other in small ways.
Finn often wrote to his parents about Amihan and they seemed to be fond of her because Finn had a friend. They once wrote a small letter to her thanking her for being a good friend to Finn, and Amihan cried over it. Mostly because she didn’t think she was a good friend.
When the whole shebang with Jowan happened, after Amihan left with Duncan, Finn attempted to convince Irving that maybe his parents could vouch for Amihan (since they were of high standing) so that she could come back. Of course, he was told this was impossible, but sent numerous letters to his parents telling them about the situation, but Greagoir intercepted them.
Finn couldn’t stand being alone and being without his best friend there and cried himself to sleep the week after she left.
After the events of DAO and all the way to DAI, Amihan and Finn keep regular contact as he travels with Ariane and Amihan goes to find the cure. 
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pinayelf · 6 years
Finn's attempt at leaving the Circle
Finn: Excuse me may I please go outside
Templar at the door: Sorry, outside machine broke
Finn: Understandable have a nice day
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