#finnian de steel
crumbly-apple-pie · 2 years
i just finished aurora’s end and please tell me i’m not the only one who screamed out loud when zila first said “she’s not tall” 
like ma’am you have just murdered me
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spacedisaster312 · 4 years
Aurora rising RP
Hi, during this quarantine time, i was thinking of starting an Aurora rising RP group!
let me know if anyone is interested, or any questions
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ukiyo-24 · 4 years
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Squad 312 wip
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crumbly-apple-pie · 2 years
So... Hear me out... Zila and Nari just being two cuddle monsters in private... Because they deserve cuddles...
ok so firstly i'm so sorry it took me this long, but i finally found time to sit down and give this the story it deserves, so i hope you'll forgive me :)
also i'm gonna cross-post this to ao3 (and it'll be the first zila x nari fic on there, which is pretty cool. i mean, there is one other one but it's just a general aurora cycle fic and isn't really about them so it doesn't count lmao) i'll put the link here once it's up [https://archiveofourown.org/works/37031524]
anyways, here's our fave girls getting the cuddles and love they deserve
Zila knew it would be hard, staying back in 2177 without her squad. She knew there would be an almost impossible amount of work to be done, setting up everything so that in hundreds of years Squad 312 could save the galaxy, and not to mention the burden of founding the entire Aurora Academy. She knew all this, and of course it was work she wanted to do, but sometimes it felt endless, as if files would continue to fill up her computer system until she drowned in them.
She let out a sharp sigh and rubbed at her temples. Today had been one of the worst days so far.
She raised her hand to the palm-pad outside the door to Nari’s room. It blinked to life and the bar of light scrolled up the screen, scanning her handprint. It beeped, turning green. The door opened with a fwoosh.
The room really wasn’t much, just a standard suite that housed a bed, desk and small couch. The couch wasn’t a luxury offered to most people, but Nari was a lieutenant, and Zila didn’t have a room of her own, so the Higher-Ups had relented and let them have it, as long no damage came to it. Zila didn’t think it was possible for the couch to be damaged. The standard issue lump of fabric and steel barely even deserved the title of ‘couch.’
Nari looked up from where she was sprawled on the bed, smiling as Zila dumped her bag onto the floor.
“Hey,” she said by way of greeting, walking over to pull Zila into a hug. Zila relaxed into her arms, burying her face in Nari’s neck and breathing in the scent of her shampoo. Nari’s hands trailed lazily down her back and Zila felt some of the tension seep out of her shoulders.
“Hi,” she mumbled.
“Bad day huh?”
“I did not think it was possible to hate talking to people so much.”
Nari laughed, and Zila felt it reverberate through her body. It was nice, she thought, being this close to someone.
Nari moved her hands up to Zila’s shoulders, easing off her jacket for her and hanging it on a hook by the door. She manoeuvred them to the bed, pulling Zila into her as they both fell, exhausted, onto the sheets.
Nari shifted so that her body was pressed into Zila’s side, an arm around her waist and the other carding softly through her hair. ZIla let her eyes drop closed, content to let her girlfriend hold her.
“I love you,” Zila said, still hesitant to say it, still quiet and reserved. She was scared to let herself love again, after… everything. But then again, after everything, love was worth it.
“I love you too,” Nari murmured into the spot between her ear and her neck. Zila shivered as her hot breath washed over her skin.
Nari’s hand inched up under Zila’s shirt, tracing nonsensical patterns into her back.
“You know,” she said after a while, “I have a break coming up. I could take you to Terra. If you like. It’s just, I know you’ve never been and I thought it might be nice-”
Zila cut her off with a kiss, pressing their lips together gently. Warmth spread through her as Nari sighed slightly, hand moving from her hair to her jaw. Even something soft like this sent electricity shooting down her spine. When she pulled away she smiled and said, “Yes. I’d love to go to Terra with you.”
Nari grinned. “Alright then. Let’s do it. We can go wherever you like.”
“Yeah. As long as we make sure there’s a double bed.”
“Nari!” Zila squeaked, batting harmlessly at her chest. Nari’s smirk just grew wider.
“What?” she laughed, her eyes twinkling.
Zila just smiled. “Okay then, we can go anywhere as long as there’s a double bed.”
Nari grinned. “Deal.”
She pressed a soft kiss to Zila’s temple and brushed her hair away from her eyes. “You should sleep.”
“So should you.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” She stood up and moved to where their clothes lay, piled next to each other in the tiny shelves. Zila’s pile was considerably neater than Nari’s. She pulled off her Lieutenant’s uniform and slipped on a large shirt in its place. Zila reluctantly got up from where she was lying and put on her own sleep clothes. She smiled as she felt Nari’s eyes on her, and her smile only grew as she felt arms wrap around her from behind and a voice whisper in her ear, “You’re beautiful.”
She let Nari pull her into bed and turn off the light, leaving them alone in semi-darkness, cosy under the sheets. Zila reached for Nari’s hand, intertwining their fingers and letting their palms rest in the space between them. Zila had never been very poetic, but there were certain things about Nari that couldn’t be thought about in simple terms. Like her eyes. Even in the darkness, they were pretty, endless pools of ink-dark love.
Nari pulled Zila closer to her, letting her hand rest on her lower back. She kissed her softly, slowly, smiling all the while, and when she pulled away she rested her head in the crook of her shoulder.
“I know it must be really hard, and I can’t even begin to imagine how insane all of this must be, but… I’m really glad you’re here. And you’re not alone,” Nari said.
“No, I’m not,” Zila agreed. “You’re right here with me.”
Her hawk smiled and snuggled closer to her. And as their breathing evened out and they drifted off to sleep, their hands stayed clasped together like a promise.
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crumbly-apple-pie · 2 years
So... I've read that you're in the mood for some Zila/Nari fic, so... What about Nari taking Zila to meet her massive family and giving her a Gyeongju tour?
Like, Zila's never been on earth, and, well, I give from the Kim family the "welcoming and warm himbo family" vibes.
I just think it would be neat to see
Okay, so. I've started on this fic, and it ended up being a lot longer than I expected, so here's the first part. I think there will probably be 2-3 parts in total, but I haven't written those yet so that's just a guess. I hope you like it, I love these girls so much and people need to make more fic for them //
Lieutenant Nari Kim’s ship is not a wonder of mechanical engineering. Especially not by Aurora Academy standards. This could be for two reasons. Firstly, the ship is a standard issue one-person vessel intended for short range missions around a highly classified, highly volatile space station. Also, it was made approximately 70 years before the Academy was even founded.
“Are you doing okay beck there?” Nari asks.
Zila stares at her, eyes wide. “I am sitting in the back of a ship made over 1000 years before I was born, in a cargo hold that is not meant for lifeforms to be occupying.”
Nari grins, but it’s hidden by her breather and helmet. “Exciting, isn’t it?”
“I do not think that exciting is quite the right word, Nari.”
But if Zila thinks about it, she knows that maybe exciting is the right word, because her heart is beating faster than it is supposed to and she’s never done this before.
“ETA, 10 minutes,” Nari says from the pilots seat, as if she’s the captain of a passenger vessel. She flicks a panel of switches that line the roof to ON and settles back in her chair. The small viewscreen at the front of the ship is dominated by a massive planet, green and blue with a few large continents and a number of small islands. It’s pretty standard stuff, but not to Nari.
“Welcome home,” she says quietly.
Zila looks at the planet for a moment. “It is alive.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your Terra is greener than anyone in my time ever saw it. I think that people forgot what was worth saving.”
Zila pushes herself up from where she has been sitting on the ground, stumbling on a crate marked LIEUTENANT KIM - BELONGINGS. She straightens up and joins Nari at the cockpit, one hand resting on the back of her chair. Nari turns to her and smiles and Zila can see it in the soft crinkle of her eyes.
Nari turns away to focus on entering Terra’s atmosphere, gripping the steering tight to make sure the ship makes a clean entry. The ship rattles around them, seemingly threatening to tear itself apart. Zila holds Nari’s seat tighter in a desperate attempt to stay standing.
“I see why many of you are religious,” Zila remarks.
The ship touches down in one of Gyeongju’s ports, a floating multi-level platform full of ships of all shapes and sizes. The landing equipment connects to the dock with a loud CLANGG that echoes through the ship. Nari takes a deep breath and removes her helmet and breather, shaking out her long black hair. Zila finds the clip at the back of her helmet and places it down next to Nari’s on the ship console.
“You ready?” Nari asks.
Nari pauses, tugging at her sleeve slightly. Her gaze meets Zila’s and she whispers, “I’m really glad you’re here.”
ZIla ducks her head slightly, her hair falling over her face. “I’m glad you wanted to bring me here.”
Nari smirks. “Wait til you meet my cousins, they’ll be all over you.”
She smooths her hands down her flightsuit, pushing away the wrinkles and running a finger over the two diamonds at her collar. Zila is overtaken by a stupid urge to do it for her. Nari grins again, as if she knows exactly what she is thinking and Zila flushes.
She opens the door of the ship, jumping down onto the dock. “Welcome to Gyeongju.”
Zila steps out after her and is immediately struck by the beauty of the place. The city stretches out beneath them as far as the eye can see, bordered by large mountains to the West. There are old temples and houses that have been well-looked after in the years since they were built, standing next to brand new monorails and skyscrapers with screens promoting space programs and educational opportunities. The city glows golden in the afternoon sun and Nari glows with it. She is home.
The port around them is full of ships, most of them in a similar condition to Nari’s; old tech held together with spit and hope. A few of the larger ships, mostly pleasure cruisers and corporate sail barges look more advanced. The platform is swarming with people, some military types like Nari, plenty of tourists, stressed-looking mechanics rushing from ship to ship.
A hologram plays at the far end of the platform, showing a video of a woman that repeats over and over. Nari takes Zila’s hand in her own and starts towards the exit. As they get closer, Zila can hear what the hologram woman is saying.
Nari pulls Zila towards the elevator.
“I have to show you the gardens!” she shouts over the sound of the crowd and the hologram.
Zila let Nari pull her into the lift. The doors close with a ding and Nari turns to her. “Is it very different form your time?”
“Yes. We don’t have all the… glitchy holo displays. Our ports are bigger, too. Here they’re much smaller, just a place to park your ship.”
“What’s a port for in your time, then?” Nari asks.
“Well it’s not that we don’t have to small ports, but we have big ships that have space for smaller ships inside of them. The biggest one is Sempiternity; the world ship.”
“That sounds wonderful.”
Zila grimaces slightly. “There are… a lot of people.”
Nari laughs loudly, earning disapproving looks from the other people in the small space.
The elevator doors open on a small garden. A cherry blossom tree sits in the middle of a pond the spills over the edge of the platform.
“Where does all the water go?” Zila asks.
“It’s similar to an infinity pool,” Nari tells her. “All the water that spills over the side is caught at the bottom of the port and is pumped back into the lake.”
“That is a lot of effort for a lake.”
“But it’s beautiful, don’t you think?”
Zila nods in silent agreement and shyly slips her hand into Nari’s. The corner of Nari’s mouth curves up slightly, and she pulls Zila towards her by her waist.
“Hi,” Nari says quietly, and then she leans in and kisses Zila. Zila’s breath catches and she kisses back.
They break apart as a woman tries to push past them into the garden.
“Bloody military,” she mumbles. “Can’t keep their damn hands off each other.”
Zila laughs, leaning into Nari to stay standing up straight. Nari giggles too, and the woman rolls her eyes. // Thank you so much for reading! Hopefully I'll have the next part up soon, and in the meantime there might be some more anderperry mini-fics :) @iamheretodomythingrip @aurora-cycle-unofficial
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crumbly-apple-pie · 2 years
i’m in the mood to write a zila/nari fic so if anyone has any suggestions for what they want to see please send me an ask
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