catnipcoffee · 1 year
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That's my cat. He sleeps on my right side 90% of the time I'm in bed.
Caution trigger warning: needles injections shot needle bad poops
I went for my lidocaine injection, had instant relief for 2 hours of almost all my pain. But then it wears off. It is meant to focus on my trapped nerve pain and my goal was to calm that the hell down so my body could then calm the hell down.
My existence is uncomfortable. I am not in screaming pain anymore. I did have a bad poop though (loltmidontcare) but I think this is all related to swelling from the injection sites and stuff. This happened historically where I also could not feel my need to pee until I had like 30 seconds to hobble to the bathroom.
Anyways this is finally exhausting me so I'm cutting this off now and gonna try to sleep.
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finnannigans · 11 months
I’ve always been here
I’ve had this handle held over for ages, now it is time to shine! If you were following me on Twitter it’s the same old Finn shenanigans! Finnannigans!
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meeshel · 12 years
Who is your favorite adventure time character? Is it me?
Finn is one of my faves! But I really like lumpy space princess and marceline!
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logan-echolls- · 13 years
Youre blog is algebraic
Uh, ok? :/ I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Or how to answer to that.
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skippingropes · 13 years
Do you know what time it is?
It's just turned 9:26 in the evening for me :)
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thevolta · 13 years
Youre blog is algebraic
Thanks man.
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catnipcoffee · 1 year
I still exist. I've been not really wanting to Tumblr since I've been spending most of my day thinking hard at the PC trying to get a commission or two for money. This is not going so well, but I'm learning a lot. I also managed to hang out with friends in VRChat and that was a good time.
I also made myself an overlay using a julia winterpaws base. I do NOT fully understand how I did this or how it works, but it do.
Health wise
It's period time so everything sucks.
Was blackout pain earlier.
I'm tired and foggy and I've been in bed for three days.
Have a headache and slept like ass last night.
I did get a sweet new bodywash the other day so I'm probably going to go take the world's hottest shower.
The rooster hasn't returned to my yard and thus is no longer my problem.
I honestly don't have much to report otherwise in this journally thing. Stay safe out there.
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loulagman · 13 years
Hey! Its Finn the Human, do you like Adventure Time? Submit your favorite Adventure Time posts and I will publish them!
Oh how I love Adventure Time.
You're a human? Lame, unicorns are better (:
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alienyolk · 13 years
Hey! Its Finn the Human, do you like Adventure Time? Submit your favorite Adventure Time posts and I will publish them!
K Finn.
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catnipcoffee · 7 months
I'm here. That means I'm sick and can't sleep.
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littlemisssoup · 13 years
thanks for following, finnsblog! :)
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catnipcoffee · 7 months
I am gonna brush the dust off this chaotic application. I've been progressively getting worse through September but I've been stuck at home with a few trips out since October 6 or 7 or so.
My pain in my abdomen is back and it is causing the same old issues.
Can't sit upright
Can't ride in car
Can't stand for prolonged periods of time
Can't walk hard in my feet because vibration fucks me up
I get to lay down and ride out the pain until my doctor says it's cool to come back and get a shot that instantly fixes me.
My life has been unstimulated hell.
I got really into Formula 1 racing and furcadia, though, so that's pretty fun. Both hobbies at the same time allow for me to do things at my own pace, and I've been watching previous years.
Very little progress has been made on my studio. It's very discouraging.
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