#firan zalhonan
little-scholar · 4 years
Strazalin: Our Last Summer, The Ravenloft/ABBA Jukebox Musical
This started as a joke, but now I think it’s pretty great…So I curated a playlist of all ABBA songs which I felt really embodied the story told in I, Strahd: The War Against Azalin by P.J. Elrod. This turned into a pretty great jukebox musical for Ravenloft, and so I’ve written out this analysis. I think this is better than Mamma Mia, so take that as you will. There’s a way that ABBA speaks to Ravenloft like no other musical group will do. Most of this playlist are songs from Strahd’s perspective which is most of the novel too. So here are my ramblings, and there’s a link at the bottom to go follow the playlist on Spotify if interested. 
Act 1
1. Our Last Summer - Our story begins with Strahd von Zarovich reminiscing about the time he’s spent with Azalin over the past few summers (many years of summers in fact). There’s a montage of scenes as a preview to the rest of our story. Alternate: Our story begins with Strahd von Zarovich reminiscing about the time he’s spent with his lover, Alek Gwylim, and his obsession, Tatyana and her reincarnations. He is ultimately oblivious to the impending War about to be.
2. Watch Out  - Strahd meets the Zarovan tribe. In a meeting with Madam Eva, Strahd is warned to watch out for the Necromancer who he is destined to go to war with. (The Necromancer turns out to be Azal’lan.) 
3. Arrival - Firan Zal’honan arrives in Barovia from the Mists. Bagpipes are in the background - Strahd mentions bagpipes like once in this book, so it fits.
4. The Day Before You Came - Strahd reflects on his normal routine the day before Azalin came into his life stirring up all kinds of chaos.
5. I’ve Been Waiting for You - Strahd has been waiting for The Necromancer for a long time. Suddenly, he finds him. 
6. I Have a Dream - Both Strahd and Azalin join forces with the common goal, or dream, of breaking free of the Dark Powers control and out of the Mists back to the material plane.
7. I Let the Music Speak - More like, I let the magic speak. This song starts the tale of Azalin tutoring Strahd in magic. Side note but also Strahd keeps mentioning Azalin not being one for music. Strahd is a music man and plays the organ. This song slaps so gotta do it. 
8. When I Kissed the Teacher - So…Strahd is engaged with his tutor. 
9. Andante, Andante - See the above. Also, “please don’t let me down” is his way of saying don’t betray me even though it is inevitable. Just think about it.
10. Knowing Me, Knowing You - Inevitably, Strahd and Azalin split. Azalin moves to the tower renovated by Van Richten in 5e. They know each other well to know they can never really live without being in fear that one would destroy the other. 
11. Me and I - While trying to break free, Strahd’s personality splits apart in Mordent. His two personalities sing this one. 
12. Two For the Price of One - Again a play on Strahd’s two personalities. Azalin handles Strahd putting him back together again. 
13. When All is Said and Done - Strahd wakes up in Barovia a while later unaware of what happened and that his personalities split. In the crystal ball he finds Azalin in a domain of his own, Darkon. They have biting words. This tension marks the end of Act 1. 
[End of Act 1]
Act 2
14. The Name of the Game - Strahd wonders what the game with Azalin is all for. What is the name of the game? This opens Act 2. This tension is the key aspect of Act 2. 
15. I’m a Marionette - This song can be used in reference to many different apprentices of Azalin including my PC in CoS.  Since he cannot master new magic, he is forced to use others to master what he cannot. These apprentices are usually subject to Azalin’s mental games and manipulation making them a marionette. Strahd was also one as Azalin curse Strahd in order not to put the big picture/dots together. This is the name of the game. 
16. Rock Me - Azalin and Strahd chat escalating to Azalin challenging Strahd to a war between their domains.
17. Soldiers - It’s war. Soldiers sing the song that neither dark lord will knowing that neither can see battle due to being stuck in their own domains. 
18. The Winner Take It All - Strahd singing The Winner Takes it All is all I’ve ever wanted, but ultimately, Azalin is the better ruler and has a victory over Strahd in the sense that Strahd will always view Azalin with fear. 
19. One of Us - This song is sung by both Azalin and Strahd missing each other in their domains. The loneliness of being a Dark Lord I suppose. 
20. Move On - Eventually, Strahd and Azalin just move on from war. It’s just not worth it. Not until Strahd is more creative in his approach to battle with Azalin. 
21. So Long - I final fuck you to Strahd from Azalin.
22. As Good As New - Azalin and Strahd’s relationship has never been better than being out of war and being separated.
23. The Way Old Friends Do - Azalin and Strahd are old friends. “And after fights and words of violence, we make up with each other - the way old friends do.”
[End of Act 2]
And that’s the show! The War Against Azalin really slaps, so I would recommend also picking up the book for spicy content (and also listening to it with your Strahd cardboard cutout if you’re like me and @sapphogothicc. Here’s a link to the playlist:
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